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File: 998 KB, 1236x1242, why_engineering_is_harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7550147 No.7550147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this, /sci/?

>> No.7550150


>> No.7550154

at my university, physics labs weren't part of the tallied total class hours.

So my 5 credit hour physics course was 5 hours of physics lecture per week, and one two hour lab per week.

the biology and chemistry labs both counted towards credit hours, though, so there was confusion when the chem students who had 23 credit hours were like, "what, you're only taking 18 and you still don't have free time?"

i dunno how many other schools are like this though

>> No.7550155
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You sound mad that OP is true. Is something wrong?

>> No.7550157

reported for shitposting

>> No.7550159

>theoretical mechanics
>third year

>> No.7550161
File: 7 KB, 168x300, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those experimental classes are just the labs of the chem classes and they are 1 credit each
>getting this mad

>> No.7550162

third year of physics is for Sakurai QM, Cosmology 1, topology 1 and canonic ensembles

>> No.7550165


>How accurate is this, /sci/?

Not much. I have to take 180 credits in three years and also your courses seem like a joke.

>> No.7550166

so this is a murikan physics and engineering degree? You pay 100k for 133 credits? and they consist of those baby tier courses? even the course naming is awkward and misleading

>> No.7550172

obviously your credit system is different (and babby tier) and you get like 5 credits for 3 credit classes

>> No.7550178

Good universities have you spending 40 hours on campus per week.

But then again both MechE and Physics are lightweight in compared to Nuke/ChemE and EE on at most unis, so this seems about right.

>> No.7550180

>180 credits in three years
>paying 100K
I paid 20K for my US degree and so did almost everyone in my uni. 100k meme is just a meme.

as >>7550172 is saying. you have different credit systems.

we do spend 40 hours a week on campus. literally all engineer majors do.

>> No.7550182

Wait, how the fuck did you build those screencaps so quickly? You didn't even post the MechE curriculum in the previous thread yet,


>> No.7550185

>Good universities have you spending 40 hours on campus per week.
that has nothing to do with the the courses' credit hours. that's basically decided by the amount of class hours per week.

>> No.7550190

what the fuck? you spend 40 hours a week on campus? i only go there if the lecture's any good, else i just turn in coursework and take exams, leaves time for drinking and part time job

>> No.7550192

community college fag please go

>> No.7550194

im in sweden and my flat is far from the uni, if the lecturer isn't absolutely brilliant i never bother to go to campus

>> No.7550195

My school is similar, although I am interested in a different set. CS and Mathematcs.

A math major needs <51 major credits.

A CS major needs 100. Also, some of the courses are restricted to certain semesters with prereqs. So if you fall behind just 1 course (or join a semester late/transfer from cc), you will be staying another year or 2.

I chose math.

>> No.7550197

Uhm, you are required to at most non-shitty universities. Those are 40 hours of mandatory labs, tutorials with class tests and lectures etc.

Stop attending daycare meme universities, you wont get a job with a degree from a shitty cornfield flyover uni.

>> No.7550198

im not in murika, why would you vouch for a system that is so controlling? spend X hours on campus, etc. as if that had any bearing on learning

>> No.7550202

Ive heard stories of people graduating with a bachelors in A, and a masters in B in the same amount of time other students get a bachelors in B.

Although, some would argue that a BS in engi is more important than a MS in engi, considering ABET only accredits BS.

>> No.7550204
File: 13 KB, 182x171, yess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'm an engineer.

>> No.7550209

I agree
But your gonna get a bunch of guys quoting their Dads saying hard, mindless, deadline-driven, compliant, high-suicide work built this nation.

>> No.7550217

It seems like engineering is a technical degree and, as such, uses coursework almost as accreditations. In physics, ignoring the lack of course knowledge demonstrated in the picture, courses aren't necessarily all you're expected to know. A great deal of the undergraduate physics experience should be trying out research for the first time as early as possible. Additionally, you don't want to do a 'standard' track. You want to tailor your undergraduate education--inside and outside of the classroom--to your goals. This will include graduate courses if you're looking to graduate school, independent study in areas of research interest, and you should be striving to participate in research during the summers as well through some program.
From the format, it looks like there's a requirement for what engineers have to be exposed to/certified for. With physics, you're meant to carve your own educational experience, but you need these essential courses (the ones listed) for us to certify you have a base understanding of the standard physical theory.

>> No.7550219

>trying out research
but engineer students do research and work in the engineering before they finish their undergrad

>> No.7550222

>spend X hours on campus
the program doesnt demand that, thats just the avg amount of time you need to put in to be averagely successful

>> No.7550229

your post makes it sound like physics is for lazy engineers, tbh. makes sense, really. physics just isn't a professional degree.

>> No.7550231


University is not for professions, go to a trade school

>> No.7550239
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>what is law, medicine, engineering, any academia, literally any job that requires more than an associates degree
kek you're literally retarded

>> No.7550260

Don't even bother

Physics cucks will continue to defend their waste of a degree because >muh rigour
>muh purity while clamoring for the opportunity to get tenure (because that's the only way you're getting a job) in order to teach a bunch of snot-nosed kids at a community college Calc I and make 30k a year

It's kind of pathetic

>> No.7550467

>Good universities have you spending 40 hours on campus per week.
If you are talking about lecture hours
What silly ass dean would sign off on this shit?
180/9=14 + 23 + 23 is what I'm assuming you mean which makes more sense

>> No.7550527

I am noticing a complete lack of computational work on the physics side. Is this supposed to be from the '50s or something?

As for which is more difficult, it is hard to say. Counting credit hours is meaningless since you can find some bullshit "easy" program that has more required credit hours than either, so the metric used in the pic is useless.

We could go with the amount of work assigned in classes. How you would assess this would be probably be a survey of how much time students spend doing work. This runs into the problem that engineering programs tend to have far more students than physics programs and we would thus expect to have to do some controls based upon the population differences and so a straight up survey won't be all that useful.

>> No.7550532

>you can find some bullshit "easy" program that has more required credit hours than either, so the metric used in the pic is useless.
No, you can't. The majors have specific classes that you can take and they must be certain credit hours.

>> No.7550533

Dual major here, graduated ME and was one class short of a Physics degree.

Only took one computational class in Physics. I would say that the actual physics classes were much more difficult that engineering classes (for me) while the labs were piss easy.

I think it just depends. If you're more mathematically oriented (unlike me), physics is going to be easier, while if you're more intuitive, engineering is generally easier.

>> No.7550537

lmao rekt

>> No.7550546
File: 61 KB, 523x512, 1443186685435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physics is applied math
>engineering is applied math just with an actual, central goal in sight

no wonder they hate us

>> No.7550548
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>I think it just depends. If you're more mathematically oriented (unlike me), physics is going to be easier, while if you're more intuitive, engineering is generally easier.
>If you're actually smart, engineering is easier, while if you're autistic, physics is going to be easier

>> No.7550550

This is literally the truth. It's too bad that they're so buttmad that they'll deny it all day long.

>> No.7550558
File: 25 KB, 596x512, sleepies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good to actually have goals.

>> No.7550575

Stay comfy in the clouds pupper.

>> No.7550596
File: 968 KB, 499x374, 1442935776332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish you the most restful and coziest sleepies, engineer-pupper

>> No.7551138

Alright I admit I laughed.

>> No.7551143

Lecture hours labs and tutorial sessions.

At a decent university a typical freshman's week would look like this:

Calc/math lectures: 4 hours lectures per week
Calc/math tut: 3 hours "
Physics lectures: 4 hours "
Physics tuts: 3 hours "
Physics labs: 3 hours "
Chem lectures: 4 hours "
Chem tuts: 3 hours "
Chem labs: 3 hours (6+ hours if you're doing chem/cheme)
Material science/mmath lectures: 4 hours "
Material science/mmath tutorials: 3 hours "
Major specific intro classes or lib arts electives lectures: 4 hours "
Major specific intro classes or lib arts electives tutorials: 3 hours "

Swap classes around a bit for the different majors.

>> No.7551173
File: 73 KB, 286x219, Hit smirking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else had goals?

<span class="math">._{HITLER}[/spoiler]

>> No.7551179

Hitler was black

>> No.7551224

You should learn what the word technical means before you actually use.

You basically just implied physics isn't a STEM degree.

>> No.7551228

>Counting credit hours is meaningless since you can find some bullshit "easy" program that has more required credit hours than either, so the metric used in the pic is useless.
Yeah, but look at the programmes more closely, specifically in the first year they share a lot of courses and then the meche programme just has more classes on top of that.

Obviously both will talk about how their upper levels were so much harder, so the only measurable metric we have is the objectively more difficult 1st and 2nd years.

>> No.7551409
File: 26 KB, 353x341, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he got shit done, even if terrible.

the uni in the OP is top 10 in the world. coursework doesn't show tutoring hours and shit. that's on the syllabi for the classes, genius.

Stay mad.

>> No.7551419

The ONLY reason that engineering has a reputation for difficulty is because dumb normie tards take it and then fail Calc 2 or linear algebra. And the people who take physics are more likely to be autists who enjoy academic things. At Oxford, Cambridge, etc., where ALL students go in with equally good grades, engineering has zero reputation for being particularly difficult. At Ohio State / any large university, where 10s of thousands go in, and the economics business majors are fratbros, the maths / physics majors are autist nerds and asians, and the engineering students are blundering normies, of course you'll hear tonnes of shit about engineering being supposedly "omg so hard".

>> No.7551422

Hey assclown I was obviously addressing the guy that thought it weird to spend 40 hours on campus per week.

You already established that your programme is 40 hours per week earlier ITT in case you forget.

Hitler didn't get shit done, he created a clusterfuck of bureaucracy preventing the good generals from being able to properly do their jobs just because they didn't want to suck his dick 24/7 like the rest of his Nazi buttbuddy sycophants.

It's almost certainly the primary factor that cost Germany the war, mostly because of that fucktarded Fall Blau drive not capturing Baki because muh Stalingrad.

>> No.7551433

There are far, far more normies in general science m8. Especially physics because it's the closest related degree when trying to transfer into whatever engineering school you didn't get into.

This isn't at top-tier unis of course, but there goes your normie hypothesis since most normies go through general science first -which is in fact way easier and lighter.

Good students don't think any undergrad programme is difficult, whether you're doing math at Cambridge or engineering in bumbfuck Ohio it's easy if you have even marginal academic talent.

>> No.7551468

Is that why physics majors are dropped engineer majors and never the other way around? aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha

>> No.7551469

>Good students don't think any undergrad programme is difficult, whether you're doing math at Cambridge or engineering in bumbfuck Ohio it's easy if you have even marginal academic talent.
Nice bullshit, anon!

>> No.7551471

Let me guess, you wish the axis won.

kek, these non-engineering majors are so dumb.

>> No.7551481
File: 226 KB, 2200x1662, 1441552462180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any other engineers here honestly feel really bad that the physics majors are all so poor?

like do you physics-anons need help or anything? From what I've read, most of your are unemployed and it's making me sad. You're all totally pleb-tier and lick out engineering boots for sustenance, but I'm still sad about it.

>> No.7551483

If you aren't a TR, Byzantine, HRE and Roman -boo you don't know anything about history and you should fucking kills yourself.

>> No.7551527

Physics graduate degrees appear to be at less than 1% unemployment. Engineering graduate degrees seems to be >3% unemployment. If we stick with just undergraduate, both appear to have about the same unemployment rate (~5%), with mild variation dependent on the engineering field.

>> No.7551530
File: 7 KB, 209x200, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw engineer undergrads make more than physics phds

>> No.7551532


i dont give a shit aboout podunk state

>> No.7551541

Why do murricans spend 4 years at University doing the same stuff every other country does in 3?

>> No.7551551
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out of the top 20 universities in the world, 11 are in the USA. Take notes.

>> No.7551552
File: 108 KB, 996x610, PhysicsCucks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Physics graduates are retarded enough to take shitty jobs completely unrelated to STEM, IT, high-school teaching and technician jobs. Read this AIP publication, everything they list under "Engineering" is non-professional technologist work. Job titles include "Engineering technician", "Manufacturing technician", "Process Technician", "Field "Engineer"", "Technical Services "Engineer"", "Test "Engineer"", ie. an engineering >bachelors< graduate will be >your boss< one day.

They have a really fucktarded of what they think engineering is, they imply the jobs you can get with technologist diploma is the same as professional engineering. Though of course they are trying to sell the degree so they won't mention the fact that by law you can never become a real engineer, but instead they will sell the 40k per year technician jobs you can get as engineering.

The "Research & Technical" job titles for Physicist all have "assistant" and "technician" in the name, the only moderately cool job listed was "accelerator operator".

I don't care what you do for the rest of your life or what grad-school you go to, but you have to be utterly retarded to get this kiddies degree instead of an engineering bachelors for your undergrad. A BEng just holds so much more respect and worth. Even after you finish your Physics PhD a BEng will still be orders more valuable on your CV than a BSc whether your in academia or private sector.

t. Self hating Physics BSc graduate.

>> No.7551555
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>> No.7551559

Commonwealth countries have 3 year BSc degrees which are utter shit compared to American degrees. They will do EM and QM second year, then statistical physics third year and then they graduate.

In the UK BSc degrees are good, but it's because people start uni a year later than US and they have their A-level things filling the intro year instead.

>> No.7551563
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We have feelings too my friend.

>> No.7551565

>every other country
literally every other country besides the USA, Switzerland, Singapore and the UK have 90% shit universities that don't compete in the top 20, which still over half are US universities. stay mad.
see >>7551481

>> No.7551577

I'm a britfag.

>> No.7551579

You do realize that university rankings have virtually nothing to do with the undergrad programme right?

US undergrad programmes are generally recognized as the worst in the world, mostly because your shitty lib arts "take whatever courses you FEEL like taking :) " model results in utter trash graduates.

Your graduate schools are filled with foreign students coming from superior programmes for that very reason. They publish and the rankings stay high.

Seriously there are barely any Americans in American graduate schools, especially in STEM, you need to get your ass in gear and do more than your shitty watered down curriculum if you want to compete on day.

>> No.7551589
File: 46 KB, 841x725, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> generally recognized as the worst in the world
i actually laughed out loud. You're not allowed to take whatever you like for any major. As explained ITT, you are allowed to pick between very particular extracurriculars that the university deems relevant to what you're learning. You're not allowed to take ass hair weaving as an liberal arts class requirement to your engineering degree. It will be something like an economics class related to engineering or a foreign language for engineering minor if you really want to do that etc etc..

Once again, you don't know what you're even going on about.

>> No.7551594

Are we still talking about BSc degrees? Your engineering degrees like everywhere else on earth because it needs to fit the standard to be accredited. Your science degrees are watered down lib arts nonsense with a few intro cores.

>> No.7551596

>tfw aimless
I mill through the coursework hoping something will motivate me

>> No.7551599


>11 in the top 20 for physics/astronomy are US universities

I couldn't hear you over the facts.

>> No.7551605
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I'm a mechanical engineer major at PSU (apparently #13 in the US and #38 in the world, so woopy)

as pleb-tier as the physics majors are, I will still defend my US physics anons as they are still related to us more than probably any non-engineer major.

>> No.7551615
File: 48 KB, 1066x252, nuke vs phys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you need to see if you're arguing engr vs phys

>4 year degree
>4 year degree + PhD
>same salary
>can get into research with either

>> No.7551631

That's terribly misleading.

Those are salaries for people who are actually working un Physics; the most over saturated ad competitive profession on the planet. Most physics PhDs will never break 60k in their entire career.

>> No.7551642

> Effective Speech
> Rhetoric and Composition
Sounds pretty fucking Mickey Mouse to me

> physics only has 2 courses in last semester
Nice strawman, fuckwad.

>> No.7551644
File: 31 KB, 1271x387, largest failure on sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder phys is a shit route

>> No.7551667

It's kind of funny how delusional they are.

>"n-no I chose to drop engineering for superior physics, promise!"
>Works in a shitty non-STEM wage slave job
>"I didn't want to be pigeon holed into a cookie cutter business environment, who wants to travel the world using science to build cool things? Not this guy I can tell you that hehe, I want to workout in some company's ass end basement as a code monkey"
>Slowly realizing that engineering degree holders are considered superior to him in every capacity.
>"Your tears are delicious to me! Physics master race! Look at how much more academic my degree is it got me a job in IT!"

That poster honestly made me lose the last bit of respect I had for Physics majors. At least they are usually somewhat humble, but behind closed doors they are extremely delusional.

>> No.7551668

Also use the tomorrow theme you fucking cuck.

>> No.7551669

>mfw my cousing just started uni this fall
>asked what he was planning on majoring in
>you should think about engineering
>basically phys but you can get a job, or research experience if thats what you want
>doesnt listen
i know he won't end up a dead end programmer, but he chose wrong

>> No.7551670

>use the black theme

>> No.7551673

<span class="math">
t^{o^{p^{k^{e^{k}}}} }

>> No.7551687

Same thing in my family. We were the first generation to go into STEM our parents are all farmers, small business owners, priests and lawyers.

>6 years ago when I was a final year Chemical Engineering I visited my cousin's household because I was working an internship in their city.
>Autistic cousin (literally diagnosed with aspergers) tells me he wants to do a double major in Physics and Chemistry.
>Know from friends and experience they end up on QC duty at best and generally don't have many options.
>Tell him it's a bad idea, he should consider engineering if he wants to work in STEM.
>He doesn't listen.
>Talk to his parents about it
>He doesn't listen to his parents
>Now working at a national research lab making raking in cash while finishing my PhD.
>Brother went into medicine making shittons.
>Cousin physics grad-school for a while, but dropped out because he didn't like his research project.
>Has been unemployed and living with his parents for 18 months.
>Rest of the family went into law and are doing fine.

There's always that one fucktard in every family that has to fall for the pure meme.

>> No.7551693


Nuclear is a worse choice than physics. I think I will try a math PhD but if I drop out I will go back for EE.

Engineering is literally the fallback option for higher tier majors.

>> No.7551697

I wonder who's cousin this is.

>> No.7551699

>Nuclear is a worse choice than physics
>can get ME, chemE, nuke, phys, research, etc jobs
>can get PE license
>Engineering is literally the fallback option for higher tier majors
this is just patently false, as demonstrated by the rampant dropout rate. not to mention the fact that the entrance requirements for engineering are more stringent

>> No.7551700

The calculus examn you take in a physics course is very different from the one you take in an engineering course. The lectures are different, the material is different and the path is different. Which one is harder is not set in stone and only undergrad freshman care about it.

>> No.7551702

>The calculus examn you take in a physics course is very different from the one you take in an engineering course

>> No.7551705

Same course code, same lecturer same exam verbatim at my (top 30) uni.

>> No.7551709


You're not a mechE, don't try to say you are. Your focus is highly specialised and not widely used.

The dropout rate for engineering doesn't imply difficulty more than a difference in the commitment of those who enter.

I was reviewing some senior EE class tests out of curiosity and they were a joke compared to math and physics. Not that this is bad, it's just dishonest to claim it's equal in demands.

>> No.7551714

>You're not a mechE, don't try to say you are
i never once did. i can get an ME job tho because theres a lot of overlap in coursework, namely thermo, heat transfer, statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, etc.
>I was reviewing some senior EE class tests out of curiosity and they were a joke compared to math and physics
lel whatever you say, even tho most upper level engr courses are just math and systems design

>> No.7551721


If those 4 classes let you doan meche job, then surely physicist who have taken them would be equally qualified.

It's ttue that higher classes use math, the difference is your tests test what you have learned. If you understand the material you will pass as it is applying exactly what you learned.

In the case of math at least this is not true. You can learn everything in a textbook and still fail miserably.

>> No.7551727

>if you learn the material, you'll be able to apply what you've learned
what a shocking revelation. and it's not like ME is a super specialized degree. i couldnt say i could do a EE job because i dont know enough about that shit or the industry. the first third of nuke is basically ME, so its not difficult to pick up specific stuff on the job, since all the basic knowledge is there

>> No.7551731

Physicists don't do heat transfer or mechanics of materials, they do a watered down version of thermo and dynamics (no transfer function analysis in the latter, no in depth classical thermo in the former). And those are only fundamentals, you need to have passed a design based course actually using those concepts to solve open problems before you are allowed to design so much as a bolt sleeve.

>You can learn everything in a textbook and still fail miserably.
In engineering you always have full access to your textbooks and even the internet. You're still solving closed textbook type problems in math, it's easy.

>> No.7551740

>In engineering you always have full access to your textbooks and even the internet
i've actually never had internet access, and most exams are closed book. most our exam problems are derivations, and big multistep problems, but theyre all typically symbolic solutions, no numerical answers. but we have design projects in almost every 300+ level course too so that's probably why we dont have exams like that

>> No.7551747


I pointed out a physicist could take those 4 courses. Also the statics and dynamics and thermo class are all the same between engineering and physics where I am.

Engineering is easy because you re taught how to solve the problems you are asked.

>> No.7551748

You can have derivations with open book of the professor is not retarded and understands the math well enough to find challenging derivations.

Though anything you can calculate analytically is baby tier linear PDAE systems, then again you nukeEs always had it easy compared to the more difficult engineering majors.

But if the most difficult part of the question is dicking around with math in the first place, then it's not really an engineering question.

>> No.7551752

>Engineering is easy because you re taught how to solve the problems you are asked.
That's not even slightly true at any marginally good university.

> Also the statics and dynamics and thermo class are all the same between engineering and physics where I am.
Maybe the baby intro courses, engineering majors do more advanced topics in their upper levels. Strength of materials for example can be considered advanced statics.

>> No.7551755

>Engineering is easy because you re taught how to solve the problems you are asked.
no, you're taught phys and math and how to solve problems in general. then you solve the problems asked of you. then you have senior design and have to solve some problem of your own interest, make a novel thing/concept, and publish your shit.

>> No.7551760

>then again you nukeEs always had it easy compared to the more difficult engineering majors
lel you've obviously never taken a reactor analysis or plasma phys course

>> No.7551765

This is the most autistic thread I have seen in all my days. Emgineers are massive douchebags who love ego-jerking. You are better than no one. Literally any smart-ish person could earn an engy degree if they wanted.

>> No.7551766

Mech eng is the easiest engineering, fuck I think I'd rather do physics than mechanical.

>t. Chemical engineering master race.

>> No.7551767

>Mech eng is the easiest engineering
industrial is if you even count that, then civil

>> No.7551775

No, I took control analysis, reaction engineering and process synthesis instead.

Because, you know, some of us have to solve the difficult problems in the world while your dicking around with cyclotrons.

>> No.7551776

>industrial is if you even count that

No body does that anon.

>> No.7551778

That's a top 10 uni. stay mad, though. the lib arts requirements are left out of both majors.

>> No.7551781

I have to agree. MechE is more difficult than Civil and all the meme majors that aren't really engineering like environ and nano etc.

>> No.7551782

>some of us have to solve the difficult problems in the world
>what is fusion power, the most difficult and impressive feat in engineering
>coming soon to a power station near you

>> No.7551784


do most people really have additional tutorial classes? do i go to a mega shit uni since i dont?

>> No.7551786


Meanwhile we've given you integrated circuits, cheap meds, cheap space age nano materials and the list keeps growing.

>> No.7551788

babby tier shit, fusions gonna have that based direct conversion

>> No.7551789

Nearly all universities that I'm aware of, tut classes are usually 3 hours and generally have a closed book class test at the end. I don't know how you can have a course without this, you need to have that contact time with the lecturer and TAs to sort out any problems you have with the material.

>> No.7551793

>fusions gonna have that based direct conversion
That's pretty cool tbh fam.

>> No.7551795

how mad are you right now?
Industrial/Civil is.
it's called europe, anon. they can't actually learn anything without spoonfeeding, which is why they're all worse than the USA.

>> No.7551796

Stop this. You are acting like children. Engineering majors are the most insufferable of any major.

>> No.7551798

Not mad, just confused. I do not understand why you guys have to be such egomaniacs. It's ridiculous tbh.

>> No.7551799

Stop taking banter seriously you moronic buzzkill.

>> No.7551800

>piggybacking on the achievements of your betters and claiming it as a personal strength
these threads are pathetic tbh.

>> No.7551802

This is obviously the guy we made fun of earlier ITT, only he can be this autistic.

>> No.7551803

Shut the fuck up you total weenie. Go cry to your mum about it. We don't give a fuck.

>> No.7551804

Get off your high horse, Im not the one behaving like a moron here.

>> No.7551805

>getting butthurt over banter
dat autism

>> No.7551808

That is exactly the response I would expect a child to make.

>> No.7551810
File: 116 KB, 627x476, fucking_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mad

>not mad, just confused
You're autistic.

>> No.7551812

Yes you absolutely are.

You're like that autist at a party that tries to jump into an innuendo conversation by taking everything literally and then trying to start an argument no one else wants.

Village idiot who only got invited because you have a family member at the party and your mother wanted you out of the basement for the night to fuck your father.

>> No.7551813

No Im butthurt over your superiority complex, you massive knob.

>> No.7551814

as already said, go cry about it. nobody cares because you're autistic.

>> No.7551815

> top 10 uni
> only requires four 4th year courses
Bullshit. You're either dishonestly leaving out required elective hours, or you're a flat out liar.

>> No.7551816

FACT:Aerospace engineering is the best engineering. Mechanical are literally Aerospace dropouts and Civl engineering may as well be a two year degree.

>> No.7551819

>superiority complex
no complex, just superiority

>> No.7551820

holy fuck it was said like three times ITT that OP left out the required electives because it would be irrelevant since all majors take them you fucking retard. READ THE THREAD

>> No.7551825


>> No.7551829

Are you actually that much of a fag irl or just on the internet?

>> No.7551830

This seriously, it's superior by every objective, quantifiable measure.

If you really can't deal with the fact that some people are just simply better than you then you shouldn't be in STEM.

>> No.7551838

But really, anyone could earn an engineering degree, you guys aren't that special. Only reason I didnt chose the engineering route is because I hate dealing with people like you.

>> No.7551839

How could you be this mad over knowingly picking a shit major?

>> No.7551840

>implying this is even close to the average shitposting on /sci/
do you even lurk m8

>> No.7551844


yeah i looked it up apparently it's a british thing

>> No.7551846
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>only reason
We're so sure.

>> No.7551848

Yeah, but this particular thead really gooses my gander.

>> No.7551850

Math and Comp Sci are not shit majors, buddy.

>> No.7551854

math is THE shit major. it's literally the biggest meme on /sci/
just let that sink in

>> No.7551856

Something to consider: I have talked to engineers who were forced to become programmers because of no jobs. There really isn't a guarantee anymore that you can stay in your major or do interesting work. Ex, you may end up designing cabinets in solid works or something similar.

>> No.7551859

>memes are implicitly bad
Im sorry you cant into mathematical theory

>> No.7551862

Yeah sure. Let's ignore all the objective measurements like the fact that it has the highest entrance requirements and the highest dropout rate of any major.

Obviously your feelings on the matter is more important.

>> No.7551863


Please, math is by far the most difficult if you take the graduate school route.

>> No.7551868


>> No.7551869

>once again comparing grad school to undergrad
ayy lmao sure is retarded in here
math is what basic white girls do to teach middle school

>> No.7551874

kill yoself my man ;)

>> No.7551875

>y-yeah, but my gradschool is more difficult than your undergrad!
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.7551877

Im willing to bet that quite a few engineer undergrads would fail an intro to abstract algebra undergrad course.

>> No.7551879


Math is what you take if you want to develop understanding instead of rote application of formulas and theory developed by your intellectual superiors. IE, engineers couldn't cut it.

>> No.7551881

>My end goal in terms of education requires less schooling
So when did you decide to be an idiot?

>> No.7551882

Dude, you're doing a housewife and a code monkey degree. If you were in law or medicine I'd take you seriously, but you're ridiculously naive and obviously living in an eco chamber bubble if you think those degrees are even slightly difficult in comparison to professional degrees.

>> No.7551884

nice buzzword
>muh formulas
>muh plug n chug
nice memes m8
sorry you couldnt get into engr but dont be so bitter

>> No.7551889


My general observation of engineers is that they are mathematically incompetent and have no idea what they are talking about. Their immediate response when this is pointed out is

>muh salary.

>> No.7551893

We're comparing undergrads, and even at grad level, the engineer will do more than any fucking maths grad lmao you're a twat.

stay mad that compsci majors actually do shit with what you retards learn.

>> No.7551895
File: 3.93 MB, 2840x2628, you should be able to solve these its only engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know i've gotta post it

>> No.7551898


Do more in what way? They certainly won't be proving anything or developing theory as that is outside the scope or capabilities of engineering.

>> No.7551901

I know comp sci is not difficult, but I'll be able to be creative with that, and if you think math is easy, I challenge you to do some self learning of theoretic and proof based math.

>> No.7551902

>They certainly won't be proving anything or developing theory as that is outside the scope or capabilities of engineering
top meme
physicists cant even win their own nobel prizes anymore m8

>> No.7551906
File: 47 KB, 383x504, pffftftfftt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving anything
Ironic considering you're having such a hard time proving that maths isn't shit-tier.

>> No.7551915

Well it's because you enginerds are assuming that you are some sort of elite tier of intellectuals. You reject any argument that damages this notion.

>> No.7551923

Nobody said that we were intellectuals, autist. stop projecting your faggotry.

>> No.7551938

You are the ones claiming superiority over everyone. Maybe intellectual was the wrong word. *You are assuming you are an elite tier of people

>> No.7551943

engineers are scientific professionals. they are elite tbh
its a highly respected professional degree

>> No.7551946

When you say math, you do not actually mean pure math. You are not doing any sort of mathematical theory. actually doing mathematical theory is much more difficult than implementing it's results.

>> No.7551948

In terms of actual use of our degree, yes we are absolutely superior. in terms of what we earn, yes we are absolutely superior. Any engineer could go into physics or maths(except the super shite ones) but realized that it's just a dumb idea.

>> No.7551953


Bullshit, the only thing that sets engineering apart is barrier to entry. The vast majority of things most engineers work on require a two year degree or less.

>> No.7551955

These threads always make me regret doing pure Physics, but at least I find it interesting. Planning on sitting the actuary exams after I finish my BSc

>> No.7551960

No better than a Mathemetician, however. You are heavily implying that engineering is best without any doubt. You basically have a confirmation bias towards your own major, and human biases get in the way of rational thought.

>> No.7551973

I'll concede to physics because it is so similar to engy, but pure math looks like a completely different world when compared to engineering. A much more thoretic proof based world, which many engineers would not even be able to recognize let alone operate in. Maths are much more abstract and thus require more abstract thought instead of the practical thoughts of the engineer. It's a matter of abstract v. practical thought and I perfer the abstract, so Im majoring in math.

>> No.7551974

Dont regret your major, these threads are just circle jerks for engineering majors. They need them because they are very insecure.

>> No.7551988

>You are assuming you are an elite tier of people
>Implying assuming

>> No.7551992

The only thing more egotistical than engineering majors are math majors who think just because their degree is abstract means it's difficult and therefore not accessible to most people.

As with any other field most people can get a math degree if they put effort into it.

>> No.7551994
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which is why you're failing to show that engineering isn't superior?

>> No.7551997

>The vast majority of things most engineers work on require a two year degree or less

>> No.7552009

>The vast majority of things most engineers work on require a two year degree or less.
and the vast majority of things most physics and maths majors work on require one semester at a community/technical college, so your point doesn't hold any weight, sadly.

>> No.7552081


If one wants an industry job, Pure Mathematics is pretty shitty. The spots are pretty limited for Pure Mathematicians and the industry only want the ones who went to the top schools such as Harvard, Berkeley, etc. One can get a job with an applied degree if they pair it up with a useful degree like Engineering/Business.

>> No.7552083

>if they pair it up with a useful degree like Engineering/Business
but you dont even need to pair anything with an engr degree

>> No.7552085


Why bother going full major on Math if one can just get that Engineering or business degree and just minor in Math? I'd rather go that route.

>> No.7552099
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>If you graduate with a Physics degree, you can do ANYTHING

Including flipping burgers!

>> No.7552112
File: 64 KB, 535x462, 1439435606916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>engineers are massive douchebags because they think they are better than others
>btw I or any other STEM person could TOTALLY do your shitty degree!

Are people retarded? Do they honestly not see the hypocrisy?

>> No.7552290


A math minor wont come close to what is covered in a good math degree. In fact to do a good math degree would require an additional two years ontop of a standard engineering degree.

>> No.7552309


How much of that Math degree is actually worth anything in the industry? Minor in Math is just to tell employers, "Hey, I'm a pretty good critical thinker" and that's all.

>> No.7552497

It also includes fucking your mom. That's quite impressive considering her huge inertia.

>> No.7552576

Can you find similar data for engineering (I am having trouble finding something similar)? If we go with the whole "74% of STEM degree holders don't work in STEM" thing, a lot of them have to be engineers simply because engineering is a larger pool of people.

As for the overall tone of your post, you present having a BSc in physics is terrible because you can't be a physicist. Given that a physics BSc does not nor is it intended to prepare you to conduct research, this is unsurprising. As for your ranting against the positions included under "engineering," you conveniently ignore that a large number of them are also straight-up engineering fields. It would be nice, however, if they included some figures here, but oh well.

>> No.7552586

You seem upset.

>> No.7552846

I have a bachelor of "science" in accounting :^)

>> No.7552859

Portuguese physics student here.

We have 3 programming classes here.

One for general programming in C, the second for numerical methods (using matlab) the third is now optional and is full on Computational Physics.

>> No.7552879

You mean according to some chink ranking that was first designed to tell chink student which US uni they should go to in order to look cool when talking to their chink grandparents ? Sure.

>> No.7552938

This is a pretty good summary
I would add that engineering also takes the logic of economics into account.

As someone who started in pure research then switched to engineering, having a clearly defined end goal makes you assertive and confident as you have more control over your achievements. Pure science research feels like wading through a quagmire.