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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 670 KB, 781x499, 1442922951580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544457 No.7544457 [Reply] [Original]

"Sallam alaikum. Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm in my laboratory inventing things six hours a day. What are you on?"
~Achmed Mohammed

>> No.7544470

I can't believe the deluge of praise he's getting for taking apart a clock and shoving it into a pencil box.

I used to be sympathetic towards him but now I can't stand the little fucker. Although I suspect his mudslime activist father is the one behind the whole story.

>> No.7544475

Life is easy when you're rich and privileged.

>> No.7544481
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>took apart a clock and put it in a box
my god just fuck this planet. i did cooler shit at his age and nobody gave a fuck, as i'm sure with many kids. the USA is just the dumbest country, fuck. it's such a joke at this point.

>> No.7544485

Muh minorities

>> No.7544495
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>> No.7544505

>Getting emotionally involved in some media theatre.

Don't give them that power over you, mate.

>> No.7544506

Worst part is zero tolerance laws have fucked over way more kids then him

But instead of, say, using this to draw attention to zero tollerance, they use this to elevate a stupid ass cunt and be all racist, fawning over the poor minority who's soo oppressed!

it sickens me. I hope his father gets jfk'd

>> No.7544508

New thing mates, switch number and dollar sign should make him pissed ;)

>> No.7544511

>Don't give them that power over you, mate.
>believing that ignoring a problem will make it go away.

Anon, the problem is that Achmed DOES have power over people because he's coned enough people to gain political "high-ground", even over non-believers.

>> No.7544517

Only if they choose to pay attention to it and don't disregard it as theatre.

>> No.7544521

Sure, but this appears to be the majority of voters.

>> No.7544523

I read an article, all I could find is this but he desn't seem to be as cool as I though:
He seems really braggy about it too...

>> No.7544525

Yes. I agree. If it didn't work we likely would not be having democracy.

>> No.7544549

Damn that kid looks like a smartmouthed jackass, I get he went around joking that it was a bomb and then was like "what are you talking about its a clock"

>> No.7544593

Taking a clock apart and putting it in a case at 14 is more than you're going to get out of 90% of the population, so of course it's going to impress 90% of the population.
Why are you so detached from reality /sci/?

>> No.7544601

That's not even slightly true, half the kids in my school built radios before they were 10.

This was at sports focused school.

People aren't that retarded. Everyone did some hobby project or another when they were a kid.

>> No.7544604
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>muslim kid brings a ticking briefcase to school
tbh i would have ran home fam
i run home every time there is a fire drill

>> No.7545448


>> No.7545455

yeah but you are like 30+

>> No.7545458
File: 2.19 MB, 480x360, How to get invited to the White House in 12 seconds if you're not White.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hourly reminder.

>> No.7545463

Holy shit, this guy deserves a nobel prize !
Oh wait, he's not brown. He's not privileged,fuck him.

>> No.7545466

>i did cooler shit at his age and nobody gave a fuck
This is exactly the reason why /sci/ is getting so mad about this. You slave away for hours in the library to top your school in SAT or A level scores, you get a place at MIT or Imperial College, but nobody outside of your family gives a shit. All this rage at a 14 year old getting a pat on the back is simply bitterness and frustration at being a nobody despite your belief that you're a genius. Grow up guys.

>> No.7545467

He's probably fucking sooooooo many bitches right now fam.

>> No.7545474
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>> No.7545476

okay i wasn't giving a shit about this, but god look at that pic. fuck this country seriously

>> No.7545480


>> No.7545487

You know it's true.

>> No.7545489

> a 14 year old unscrewing a clock is enough reason to get him to white house and to get him featured on google science fair
> Although it doesn't apply to any of you for reasons I will avoid answering

Well, you wasted a post there you discriminating piece of shit.

>> No.7545495
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I just don't think some nigger who got called out on jamming a chinese clock in a box deserves all the cool shit he gets, while actual motivated kids work their asses off to get where they are and get jack shit.

But that's none of my business.

>> No.7545497

That you're a cuck? Yes.

If he got a "pat on the back" (and since when is getting thousands of dollars in free shit and offers for internships at huge tech companies just "a pat on the back?") for doing something impressive nobody would care. The problem is by calling him some kind of prodigy you're stepping on the real achievements of other kids his age that really are doing shit. He literally dindu nuffin but put a clock in another case.

And no, I'm not just bitter about how I didn't get free shit for no reason at 14 years old. I wasn't doing anything impressive at 14 either, but that's not the point. I'm sure there are plenty of kids his age that are doing something actually impressive that will never get any of the help he's getting just because some dumb rednecks got nervous about a muslim with what certainly looks like a suitcase bomb to someone who's never seen one.

>> No.7545502

He's muslim tho.


>> No.7545511

You go to school and get high test scores because that is what's expected of you. He didn't have to take apart the clock but he did because he was curious. This is why academically achieving kids are ignored and tinkerers are praised; the former is just another sheep going with the flow.

>> No.7545517

Nah mate, the former is a future nobel prize winner, the latter is the next free energy lunatic.

>> No.7545521

He's not being praised because he tinkered, he's being praised because of the school's racist reaction. If no one called the police no one would know or give a shit about this kid.

>> No.7545522

Inventing fucking what?
Do the definition of invention changed overnight? Even if he legit made the clock, its just a fucking clock!

Dios pinche mio.

>> No.7545529

By some of you niggas logic I should be able to get put a potatoe battery project inside a box and get a scholarship to harvard and mit because im a tinkerer and I am nlt a sheep.

should i say im a muslim when i go to the mall and tell people I have a bomb in my little case? or should i wait until i get caught and tell them kts just a potatoe and theyre discriminating me because im a muslim.

you guys think obama will extend an invitation to the white house lads? sure hope i get to go to googles science fair thingy.

>> No.7545533

lol, because you know what I did outside of school of my own volition, right faggot? I did plenty of projects outside of school that were way more complicated than shit I had to do in class. Nothing earth-shattering, but nothing as ridiculously easy and gay as moving parts from one box to another and calling it something new of my own design.

Also, this >>7545521

Is it comfortable in your cuck shed or do you get off on it being uncomfortable?

>> No.7545534

>no entiende el sarcasmo


>> No.7545552

>I did complicated projects
>too scared to actually say because he know we will laugh at it

>> No.7545556

This lil' terrorist. He builds a fake suitcase bomb to scare people. Now his as famous as Albert Einstein and has earned over 20k in just weeks.

I don't blame Ahmed. I blame USA. You are so damn stupid that you vote a muslim as POTUS to compensate the fact that you voted many british neocons as presidents that killed many muslims.

>> No.7545561

What would be the point? If I tell you about the circuits and machines I built, your next posts will be

>too scared to show pictures
>too scared to show his photo ID to prove it's him in said pictures

Just go take in a migrant already.

>> No.7545568

Blame the U.S. for it's kids having low standards and actually not valuing the education system. If a kid in Africa who lives in a very low income village can build wind mills to power his house, just by self education himself, the children of America should be doing some insane shit. But they lack the will and ambition someone like that has.

>> No.7545604

Western kids "lack the will" because they lack the motivation of having to choose between making a windmill or not having power in their house.

Give those African kids comfortable suburban lives from birth and see how many of them keep doing that shit, it will be exactly the same as the number of American/Yuro kids already doing it. It's the same story every fucking time. First wave of immigrants/people given opportunity work hard because they appreciate it. Second generation has people that give a shit because they hear from their parents how bad it was in the old country. But by the time the 3rd or 4th generation comes around, they're just like everyone else.

>> No.7545624

what a fucking joke. just because he's brown and everyone sees fucking racism in everything.

well fuck you all. if i have to see this kind of shit because some of the more extreme political assholes want us to be more tolerant i will go out of my way to be 10x more racist than the average /pol/ poster.

>> No.7545626

one does not simply be more racist than /pol/

>> No.7545627

Immigrant people that come to the US also make a living out of necessity and end up shooting higher than the average american. This is why a lot of foreigners own businesses and stuff because they lived like shit and had enough motivation to keep pushing.

The sad part is, their offspring doesn't share the same ideals when raised in the US. why? they don't have to because they don't have the necessity to better themselves if their dad did all the work already.

>> No.7545629

>if i have to see this kind of shit because some of the more extreme political assholes want us to be more tolerant i will go out of my way to be 10x more racist than the average /pol/ poster.

But you're on the internet....no one will give a shit.

That's beings reactive, not proactive.

>> No.7545634

> one does not simply be more racist than /pol/
How so ?

>> No.7545647

>one does not simply be more racist than /pol/

I can certainly try.

>you're on the internet

for now.

>> No.7545660

have you ever been on /pol/?

>> No.7545666

Yeah. It's true if you're if you're comparing it to the other boards within 4chan. But definitely not other forums around.

>> No.7545670

S'not like anyone is going to give a fuck if some peasant is racist or not. Most people won't bat an eye.

>> No.7547067

when i was his age i mixed gasoline and styrofoam to make napalm
also made a smoke bomb from potassium nitrate and sugar

maybe i should have brought that shit to school to make a scene?

>> No.7547095

>Worst part is zero tolerance laws have fucked over way more kids then him
zero tolerance is the best option when you consider the fact that teachers are fucking dumb.

the real problem was his sister and liberal faggot friends that alerted the media the moment this happened.

>> No.7547097

nice one.

>> No.7547098

>Do the definition of invention changed overnight? Even if he legit made the clock, its just a fucking clock!
He did technically invent something even if it's fucking retarded.

Putting two existent products together into a completely new but completely retarded product does count as an invention.

>> No.7547103

I'm personally upset because the little shit is milking this story for all its worth. He held a fucking press conference to announce he was switching schools.

>> No.7547223
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>le persecuted minorities maymay
Jebus fucking Christ, you faggots still fall for this shit? Stop being stuck in the 1800s.

>> No.7547408 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 752x950, 1441004080569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahmed is the manifestation of the 'I fucking love science' facebook page. He's poser beloved by posers who care about insofar as they get to label themselves and pictures of the space shuttles with De Grasse quotes on them. Of course people here are going to find it annoying that people, who should know better, give this kid free stuff and suck him off round the clock.


>you're just jeluz and resentful

Great analysis kid. Go get yourself a psychology degree. They could use more original thinkers like yourself.

>> No.7547415
File: 484 KB, 752x950, 1441004080569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahmed is the ultimate manifestation of the 'I fucking love science' facebook page. He's a poser beloved by posers who care about science insofar as they get to label themselves and jerk off over pictures of the space shuttles with De Grasse quotes on them. Of course /sci/ going to find it annoying that people, who should know better, give this kid free stuff and suck him off round the clock.
The little fucker is being forced down throats.

>>7545466 #

>you're just jeluz and resentful

Great analysis. Go get yourself a psychology degree. They could use more original thinkers like yourself.

>> No.7547418

Ahmed Mohamed on comedy central
>How long did it take to build that?
>Umm, 10 minutes
>Was it hard? I don't know how to build a clock
>Well umm, umm the parts were scrap, so umm, it was like easier
>What do you want to build next?
>Umm, like a hover board, that like, kinda umm moves side to side

Hover boards fucking move side to side, you just have to lean to the side and it turns and goes that way

what a fucking asshole

>> No.7548362

>my next project is a hoverboard
holy fuck i don't even

>> No.7548727


Why is it that these make me laugh so hard?

>> No.7548730


Yeah, it isn't stormfront or whatever the fuck white sups post on nowadays. But they do definitely spend a lot of time talking about niggers and joos.

>> No.7548745

Mainstream is picking up the fraud thing now. There is talk of a lawsuit against him.

>> No.7548749
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This picture actually irritated me.

>> No.7548753
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And by this picture, I mean OP's.

>> No.7548760
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>Soldering a CPU

Also my ass he made a CPU. How do people eat this shit up?

>> No.7548786

Source, nigger

>> No.7548817

This was a set-up. Obviously he didn't "make" the clock, but just took it out of its case and put it in a suitcase. He also went around several classes and showed the clock to the teachers but "refused to answer questions about it". When some reporter spoke to him on the phone, he said his sister fed him the answers.

IMHO this is an engineered political incident. His father is literally a political activist who ran for president of Sudan twice, he sure is connected well in US politics. This is furthering someone's political agenda high up in the US.

>> No.7548836

Are you fucking kidding me

At 10 I was repairing my pc with my dad and was fairly OK at it

At 16 (fine not fucking 14 so what) I made a clock with seven segment leds, drivers and counters on a breadboard. He's literally taking a clock apart and making it his, how would you expect him to get the circuit board? If there's proof he fuckin printed it on his own then I will admit he's some smartass but now he's just a retard who just got swept up in the fucking far right say no to racist wave of other retards. And I'm not even bragging or anything, its not even hard to do, you can buy everything off amazon or sparkfun, and the chips all have datasheets online that are pretty much a step by step guide on what to plug where.

If in your area 90% of the kids can use a screwdriver and some glue and scissors and shit fucking migrate because your country will collapse soon.

>> No.7548840

Or the kid is just an autistic liar. Not everything needs an elaborate conspiracy.

>> No.7548843

My privilege is higher than you sandnigger
I have nothing against Islam usually but this idiot kid goes ahead and uses this shit to try to advance some fucking cause of his like its the goddamed crusades
It's like fucking Jehovah's witnesses hardcore media edition

>> No.7548857

> dat counter-bait

>> No.7548861

both of you are right. It wasnt set up, the kid is just a retard but it blew out of proportion because his father started utilizing it for his own political carreer.

>> No.7548867

I genuinely hope he starts uni in a rigorous school just so he can fail out and lose his scholarships, the goddamn little con-artist. Too bad nobody would notice.

>> No.7548868

His arrest could have discouraged him from continuing his "scientific" studies. Every corporation is cashing out on him to demonstrate how empathetic and human they are. It's not about him anymore.

>> No.7548902
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"Sim sim salabim I like cum. Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm in my laboratory cooking and tasting bomb ass meth six hours a day. What are you on?" ~Ahchoo Mohummus

>> No.7549197

>is a conspiracy!

why do people keep bringing this up? It's not like the cops were arresting him for future-crime, it dosent justify anything.

>> No.7549219

>It wasnt set up
How can you be sure about that?

We know that the "clock" didn't have a battery. This means that the kid PLUGGED IT IN a socket during his english class, when it set off.

He also deliberately ignored the instructions from his engineering teacher NOT to show his "clock" to other teachers.

Finally, he was apparently very aggressive towards the law enforcement who were called to the scene, which is why he was cuffed. He wasn't cuffed for no reason : he refused to explain what his clock was.

Finally, it's been found out that his elder sister, three years ago, was ALSO suspended from school for threatening to bomb it!

>> No.7549220

Why do you think it's a conspiracy ? Are you mental or something ?

>> No.7549224
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> salabim I like cum

>> No.7549263

you know what greentext is, right? I'm not the poster below me.

>> No.7549269

Why is this place so full of bitter autists? When I was 14 I made my own guitar pedal from scratch (ordering parts online, making my own layout following scheme, etching the PCB at home, drilling the metal casing, soldering, painting...) and I couldn't care less even if they made this kid a project manager in Microsoft R&D. Stop being so full of yourself, nobody cares if you passed your freshman year at a no name college.

>> No.7549270

I would have loved had anyone ever tried to clarify the term "build" before asking such questions. Most people seem to think that he made the whole thing part by part, silicon and wiring and all, instead of just putting a functional device into a box.

>> No.7549272

I wish even my family gave a shit.

>> No.7549273

>We know that the "clock" didn't have a battery. This means that the kid PLUGGED IT IN a socket during his english class, when it set off.

How does this justify arrest?

>He also deliberately ignored the instructions from his engineering teacher NOT to show his "clock" to other teachers.

How does this justify arrest?

>he refused to explain what his clock was.
He directly stated it was a clock, and since the majority of it looks like it's made out of salvaged parts, he probably didn't have much to explain. If I were getting arrested for something that dumb, you bet your ass I'd be getting ready to milk it.

> it's been found out that his elder sister, three years ago, was ALSO suspended from school for threatening to bomb it!
Why would he be held responsible for that?

>using the word "finally" twice

That's not really his fault though, even if he is kinda banking off of it. It's not popsci's fault there are dumb people, it's dumb people's fault there's popsci.

>> No.7549371

So if a family wants a legacy of greatness, the key is to keep immigrating every three generations?

>> No.7549404

See, you gotta take that shit with a grain of salt. You browse this site, so you should know there's going to be posts you're going to have to read with some sense of irony (just look at all the trolling answers to questions on /sci/ that try to pass themselves off as legitimate). Not saying everyone who posts doesn't sincerely hold those views, but that's a tradeoff of the nature of being less restrictive in speech.
>pretending to be stupid attracts stupid people, etc. etc.

>> No.7549415

The way this little faggot is milking this.
The smile says he knows it too.

>> No.7549447

Do you blame him? I'm liking the "little kid milks the system with fake bomb" stories a lot more than the "little kid shot for having fake gun" stories.

>> No.7549465

i keeked

>> No.7549532
File: 41 KB, 619x386, tmp_14248-1442889386604-212228234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it ever confirmed that he did just >open a box
>whip out a clock
>put a clock in a box
>it's a clock in a box!

Or did he actually go out and get a Pi or a kit or something that involves some small degree of effort to turn into a clock?

>> No.7549540


This is literally what he did.

>> No.7549542

if you look at the several webms made of people making fun of it, you can see that it's literally one cheap desk clock from a dollar store. he broke it open and put the components into a pencil box. it looks exactly the same.

>> No.7549545

Not by the televised media

But yes, we even know the year and make of the clock. It's the exact board, exact configuration, and has every exact feature of the original clock, including the 9-volt alternate power source and the same display

the only thing he actually did was mount the display on one side of the pencil case and place the other shit on the other side of the case

>> No.7549554


/thread of all /threads

>> No.7549571

He has both a plug and a battery contact, so he probably was doing more than just busting a clock open as I'm pretty sure none of my wired clocks batteries. At the same time, it also kinda suggests he didn't know what he was doing.

>> No.7549575

>as I'm pretty sure none of my wired clocks batteries
as I'm pretty sure none of my wired clocks hold batteries*

>> No.7549582

most desk clocks have that, genius.

>> No.7549857

Hey, I don't make clocks for a living.

Why though?

>> No.7549862

So you still have a clock when the power goes out. How stupid are you?

>> No.7549877

So yeah, it's an extra factor. My clock goes dead if I unplug it. Maybe its old, fuck if I know, but in terms of nessecity you only need one or the other. Sorry if you're triggered m8.

>> No.7549944

Can anyone post info on the clock for use in future arguments?

>> No.7549957

>How does this justify arrest?

It doesn't when you know it's a clock.
It justifies arrest if you believe it's a bomb.

His behaviour hinted at the latter.

Americans are so fucking retarded. They make a discussion when a kid gets arrested for 2 hours, but when millions of innocents get murdered in Iraq by US army nobody even cares.

>> No.7550128

Literal rape of the little boy

>> No.7550406

>millions of innocents get murdered in Iraq by US army

>> No.7550434


I do not think that zero tolerance applies in this case. Also, it bothers me that people can look at an overt advantage enjoyed by brown people and then clamor about how the people fawning over them are the "real racists" and that brown people are somehow "victims" of this "racism" against them, even though it's an obvious advantage which is spawned by a ridiculous propensity to be more anti-racist than thou. The advantages enjoyed by brown people who are fawned over by "anti-racist" signalling whites are taken to be evidence that brown people are somehow the victims again.

>> No.7550435

>putting a cable on the outside to make it look less suspicious

>> No.7550445

The school wasn't evacuated; noone thought it was a bomb. It's been said a million times, don't gloss over the point.

If noone thought it was a bomb, what justified arrest?

>Americans are so fucking retarded. They make a discussion when a kid gets arrested for 2 hours, but when millions of innocents get murdered in Iraq by US army nobody even cares.

>4chan posters are so fucking retarded. They post on internet boards for hours, when millions of homeless need someone to feed them soup and nobody cares.

>> No.7550448


Referencing this so that people will watch it.

>> No.7550452

Probably easier to just go for this:

>> No.7550477

People care what media tells them to about.

>> No.7550491

congratulations, here's your nobel prize

The next prize goes to whoever can explain why they would arrest someone who they knew

A) had no threatening device
B) was potentially trying to get arrested to scam money

either they just don't like the kid, or they were in on getting him money, the latter of which is unlikely, the former of which is likely resultant of racism

>> No.7550496


Whether the device was actually threatening is irrelevant. He was arrested under a bomb hoax provision.

>likely resultant of racism

Prove it. I thought the action taken was reasonable.

Also, if #2 were true, they probably wouldn't have been exposed to such arguments and couldn't have acted on them anyways.

>> No.7550502

he is brown muslim they are cis white males, therefore racism qed

>> No.7550504

He never said it was a bomb, and did infact tell his teacher it was a clock. He wasn't arrested for a hoax threat.

>>likely resultant of racism

>Prove it.

It's evident as it's the only motive left, given that all others don't work. If they had no just cause to do so, they had an unjust one. The fact is they just didn't like the kid. Technically speaking they could have decided to dislike him for any number of reasons other than race or religion, but common sense puts those one at the top.

>> No.7550505

He was never booked and charged. Therefore, he was never arrested.

>> No.7550509

Fine; substitute "arrest" with "to handcuff someone and take them to a cell."

>> No.7550511
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, check-your-privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the only motive left
And not the justice of incarcerating someone who terrorizes people with hoax bombs? SJW, take off those fake glasses they are making you blind.

>> No.7550512

> had no threatening device
Doesn't matter if it was threatening or not, it looked threatening. If it was an actual threatening thing, he would be locked up already.

> was potentially trying to get arrested to scam money
His dad brilliant plan of gaining popularity by playing the racism card by screaming "look everyone my son is a victim of discrimination !!!"

It would be racist, if they arrested an asian or a hispanic by trying to undermine their innocence with an excuse like a bomb threat. It's precaution and preventing further deaths if your race has a rap sheet of blowing things up because you hate america.

>> No.7550514

>tfw you're not sure if someones' ironically falseflagging the opposition or genuinely disagreeing with you

>> No.7550518

>tfw sjws reach new heights of mental gymnastics to keep their persecuted minorities maymay safe from scrutiny

>> No.7550519

>Doesn't matter if it was threatening or not, it looked threatening.
Your mom looks threatening, let's take her to jail.

>if your race has a rap sheet of blowing things up because you hate america.
Race's don't have rap sheets, because races don't make decisions. Individuals make decisions and each have their own individual reputation.

>> No.7550523
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your mom looks threatening
LOL, the lengths you go to push this crumbling narrative is hilarious.

>> No.7550530

>tfw you can't do mental gymnastics

Does the fact that "it looks scary" justify calling the cops though? Or are you going to push your crumbling narrative with an image macro instead of a rebuttal again?

>> No.7550534

>Does the fact that "it looks scary" justify calling the cops though?
If it's reasonable like in this case, most people don't understand electronics and it looks like those bombs you'd find in any shitty hollywood movie.

>> No.7550536

He directly told them it was a clock, and noone making a bomb would make it look like a hollywood bomb.

>> No.7550538

He gave them attitude. And we don't know how he said it.
>it's just a clock
>ok why did you make it?
>its just a clock
>son can you expalin yourself
>it's just a clock

Yeah any good cop should feel as something was up.

>and noone making a bomb would make it look like a hollywood bomb.
Unless they were trying to terrorize someone who didn't know better.

Honestly you're going through a lot of trouble to defend this fraud.

>> No.7550541

> My strawmans are arguments

>> No.7550547

a SIDE hoverboard. it's different

>> No.7550549

Doesn't even matter if its attitude or not. Do you think in an airport, they would just run this thing through the security without examining him ? Anything that resembles a bomb needs to be investigated.

>> No.7550552

>>it's just a clock
>>ok why did you make it?
>>its just a clock
>>son can you expalin yourself
>>it's just a clock

>Yeah any good cop should feel as something was up.

Any 14 year old would respond like that.

>Unless they were trying to terrorize someone who didn't know better.

To my knowledge the vast majority of terrorist bombings are pretty concealed. Saying "hey look, a bomb!" is going to make it significantly harder to actually finish your objective.

It's not strawmanning in the least. The fact is you can't say "I'm scared, so arrest this person," especially not when they've clearly stated they aren't a threat.

By that reasoning anything could be a bomb. The kid's underwear could be a bomb, we've definitely had that pulled before. That doesn't mean you strip anyone down out of possibility. Airports are entirely different scenarios.

>> No.7550555

> unpack lexus hoverboard
> i invented hoverboard guize !!
he is a genius inventor after all

>> No.7550559

>Any 14 year old would respond like that.
That's not true. I got into a lot of shit when I was younger with cops and I was always extra nice to them so I could weasel myself out of it. The only reason you'd stir shit with cops is if you're looking for trouble or to a PR stunt.

>To my knowledge the vast majority of terrorist bombings are pretty concealed. Saying "hey look, a bomb!" is going to make it significantly harder to actually finish your objective.
Unless your objective was a PR stunt to "raise awareness for 'Islamophobia'".

>By that reasoning anything could be a bomb.
No, you idiot. This looks like a bomb. Not everything looks like a bomb. The TSA has a set of schemas that are used to narrow suspicious devices and this fits the description.

>> No.7550560
File: 366 KB, 563x763, Ahmed Bomb Clock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Any 14 year old would respond like that.
> I know every 14 year old
Kids with manners and some sense explain themselves in a polite fashion. So not any kid you know probably.

> "I'm scared, so arrest this person,"
Yeah, islamic bombings and 9/11 attacks might get people a little icky. Don't know why it surprises you.

> By that reasoning anything could be a bomb. The kid's underwear could be a bomb.
I mean I saw worse trolling attempts but still. What's the resemblance between an underwear and this ?

>> No.7550561

I always thought popularity was such a negative thing. I don't mean being popular in 4 out of your 6 classes for high-school. People who reach 1% of popularity are likely to be bullied by people worse than the most unpopular people at school. He reached a high status at school even though it was undeserved. It is likely that he'll get bullied by his peers for his status.


>> No.7550562

my last invention was clock in a box
my new invention is hoverboard OUT of box!

lexus' invention was to put a hoverboard in the box, mine is totally different
because i'm a genius 14 years old inventor who loves to think OUTSIDE THE BOX :)

what good is a hoverboard inside a box anyway? stupid lexus should have just hired me instead

>> No.7550565
File: 33 KB, 449x360, watch-bomb-airport-geoff-mcgann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, police operate on the principle of "better safe than sorry".

>Here's A Picture Of The Bomb-Like Watch That Got An Ad Exec Arrested At The Airport

>> No.7550569

>Kids with manners and some sense explain themselves in a polite fashion. So not any kid you know probably.
Sure, not absolutely-every, but they're going to have a harder time dealing with a cop than a grown adult, and you're still ignoring that there was no need to call the cops at all.

>Yeah, islamic bombings and 9/11 attacks might get people a little icky.
So you're saying that it is infact okay to discriminate against people because of their religion?

>What's the resemblance between an underwear and this ?
the fact that they're based off of vague possibility

>> No.7550571

> advertising creative Geoffrey McGann was arrested at Oakland airport
Damn, won't work for muh narrative.

>> No.7550577

1. Ahmed acknowledged that concerns of it looking suspicious were present in his mind during the assembly of the object.
2. He was asked not to show it to other school faculty after he showed it to the first teacher.
3. He showed other teachers anyway, and refused to answer some of the questions they had regarding the object.
4. He plugged it in and set the alarm to go off during class to bring extra attention to it.
5. His family had previous disputes with the school and the sister had made a bomb threat to the school previously.

There is literally every reason to be suspicious in the teachers' positions. They knew he was probably bullshitting for attention and being intentionally vague to make people uneasy. Reasonable suspicion for a bomb hoax was made, so he was detained and questioned.

There are a lot of students that are detained and questioned for suspicions of having a gun or drugs when they're being intentionally vague and provocative.

>> No.7550581

>Ahmed acknowledged that concerns of it looking suspicious were present in his mind during the assembly of the object.
Which may suggest it was a hoax, but it being a hoax does not justify arrest.

>He was asked not to show it to other school faculty after he showed it to the first teacher.
Same as the previous.

>He showed other teachers anyway, and refused to answer some of the questions they had regarding the object.
Same as the previous.

>He plugged it in and set the alarm to go off during class to bring extra attention to it.
Same as the previous.

>His family had previous disputes with the school and the sister had made a bomb threat to the school previously.
He isn't "his family," you've got no point.

>> No.7550583

> and you're still ignoring that there was no need to call the cops at all.
You need an expert to identify the thing, and you need cops incase if it turns out to be a bomb. Calling the cops accomplishes both.

> So you're saying that it is infact okay to discriminate against people because of their religion?
So you're saying it's okay for people to bomb if they are islamic ? You're starting to sound like a sharia screaming Achmed with each post.

> the fact that they're based off of vague possibility
Thanks for letting us know that you can't find a single resemblance between an underwear and ahmeds device and just shitposting since you can't use sensible arguments. Keep avoiding questions though, they seem to work out for you better than you trying to answer them.

>> No.7550584

>So you're saying that it is infact okay to discriminate against people because of their religion?
Not him but yes we should tolerate religion like we tolerate racism or sexism.

>> No.7550585

Wouldn't have happened if he was white.

Racial profiling IS equal to racism. There is no excusing racism under the false pretense of saving lives.

>> No.7550586

>but it being a hoax does not justify arrest.
Yes it fucking does, it's against the law. So you think me putting a real looking fake gun to your head doesn't justify arrest?

>> No.7550589

Being a hoax justifies being detained and questioned.
Ahmed was not arrested.

>> No.7550591
File: 27 KB, 434x334, geoffrey_mcgann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't have happened if he was white.
He's whitter than me.

>> No.7550593

> wouldn't have arrested if he was white
> he got arrested
Are you mentally challenged or something ?

> Racial profiling IS equal to racism. There is no excusing racism under the false pretense of saving lives.
Yes you are.

>> No.7550594

This is what I'm fucking talking about. You're only looking at his fucking skin color, you don't know what ethnicity he actually just because he's white. There are Arabs with white skin color, but they're not caucasians.

Literal racism.

>> No.7550597

>but it being a hoax does not justify arrest
by which I mean a hoax for money, not a hoax-explosive


>So you're saying it's okay for people to bomb if they are islamic?
No, I'm saying it's okay for islamics to bring clocks to school, even if someone gets made "icky."

>post a resembelance
>Thanks for letting us know that you can't find a single resemblance
The scenarios are comparable. You can't arrest on "ickyness" that easily; the only thing that looks icky is that it's a money ploy.

I was getting to that, see the top of this

Honestly? Not a bad point, but I don't think strapping bombs to your chest is an islamic teaching.

>> No.7550598

Yeah sure is an Arab. Btw my grandmother's name was Fatima.

>> No.7550599

Arabs are Caucasian you fucking retard.

>> No.7550605

> but I don't think strapping bombs to your chest is an islamic teaching.
But killing infidels is.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

>> No.7550612
File: 154 KB, 900x599, burnt-egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your brain on political correctness

>> No.7550615
File: 53 KB, 634x470, article-2317792-0316D5F10000044D-55_634x470[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Islamic bombings that result in a few thousand death tolls is better than racial profiling.
It might be the case in Iraq, but not here Achmed. In here, we don't tolerate terrorism.

> the only thing that looks icky is that it's a money ploy.
Oh it IS a money ploy alright. I don't think anyones disagreeing with that.

>> No.7550616

>And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)

That one is pretty sketchy, but it's not definitely a common practice which is actually taught in any US mosque.

>As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.

That one sounds more like karma and hell

>> No.7550618

Sensible people will always choose political incorrectness rather than logical incorrectness.

>> No.7550620 [DELETED] 

>That one is pretty sketchy, but it's not definitely a common practice which is actually taught in any US mosque.
UK is close enough.


>> No.7550621

Second one isn't me

The scenario from authority's perspective points towards it looking like a cash grab, but not like a bomb or fear-inciting object.

>> No.7550623

Considering the situations at the time, I don't think anyone would have had any inclination to believe it was a hoax for money-- any details suggesting that didn't really come about until the family had a chance to respond through social media.

There are many reasons faculty believe he might want to do a hoax bomb. Maybe he was being picked on and wanted to scare people. Maybe he wanted to skip school that day because he didn't want to participate in an exam, or things were bad at home, or he had chemical imbalances in his brain, or he got it off some guy on the street and wanted to bring it to school and say he made it, or so many things.

If warning flags were being triggered in multiple people then it's probably wise to make the safe decision. And, frankly, avoiding potentially offending someone though potential microaggressions is not the safe decision.

And if microaggressions were present, they may not have been racially profiled. They might have been profiled because the faculty that knew him thought "Hey, that kid really doesn't have too many friends around here, right?" or "He's kind of nerdy, right?" or "I remember him getting a little TOO excited with the bunsen burners in chemistry lab..."

There's been enough school violence from any race that profiling for something like that can not convincingly be racial profiling. If ahmed's family try to follow with that lawsuit, they're going to have to prove that it was ahmed's ethnicity and not behavior that led to the school's concern and his detainment.

>> No.7550624

Yeah, sadly most people are cowards.

>> No.7550625

It's cash grabbing from playing victim card. It's becoming a common practice in US.

>> No.7550626

it took me a minute to realize those were eggs
from the thumbnail it looks like two bald guys in business suits grabbing each other's face like they're about to bash their skulls together violently

>> No.7550631

>That one is pretty sketchy, but it's not definitely a common practice which is actually taught in any US mosque.
Oh you'd be surprised what they actually teach.


>> No.7550632

>There are many reasons faculty believe he might want to do a hoax bomb

>such as this, this this, etc

>the safe decision

See, this is where I'm really not following. If you're saying there's reason to believe it's a scare-tactic rather than a threat, why are you jumping to the word "safe"?

>there are lots of little details, therefore
>may not have been racially profiled

which is why I don't expect him to win any lawsuit, but that doesn't mean I'm going to claim the reaction to his was reasonable in the slightest.

Cash grabbing isn't something which warrants this response. If the people in charge knew he was doing a cash grab, they're only helping him by throwing him in a cop car anyway.

>> No.7550633
File: 37 KB, 348x342, 1441613909410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7550634

>but that doesn't mean I'm going to claim the reaction to his
reaction to this*
or I might have meant "reaction to his clock"

I'll take a gander, but in advance, that's cherry picked to a degree.

>> No.7550637

wrong vid for response but I'll post it again, sorry:


>> No.7550638

Wait, what? Norway?

No idea why that was deleted. I didn't watch the video, but Charlie is a good example.

>> No.7550639

>wrong vid for response

>> No.7550644

Anyone know whats going on with ceres ? :o

>> No.7550648


>"I will arbitrarily take a normative stance that Ahmed was in the right concerning every detail of the matter, no matter what that detail is, because Ahmed is a brown person."

No need to respond to this guy anymore, move along!

>> No.7550649

They actually arrested him for sexual harassment, not for the bomb hoax.

Several students audibly heard him saying to female students and teachers, "I want to show you my cock."

When he was arrested, he simply stated that he said "clock" and not "cock."

The money-hoax and the bomb-hoaxes were both just buffer shields to avoid getting charged with sexual harassment.

>> No.7550652

Ahmed was likely grabbing cash, and in that sense he was in the wrong.

That doesn't mean anyone arresting him was in the right by default or anything, and the actions taken against him were wrong.

top kek
>cool cock ahmed

>> No.7550656
File: 102 KB, 600x400, muslim_protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you think the police response was wrong and we don't.

Welcome to freedom of thought.

>> No.7550661

>Ok you think the police response was wrong and we don't.

it's not a matter of what I "think"

>> No.7550663

Beheading and bombing innocent civilians is just an islamic practise. Arresting these people just because they are muslim is discrimination and racism.
We have no right to oppress their freedom. Anyone who does is a racist.

>> No.7550665

That sentence sounds a lot less reasonable when your replace "Beheading and bombing innocent civilians" with "bringing clocks to school" though.

>> No.7550666

Except this is boils down to a morality, what we think is all there is. Oh but you probably think morals are given by some skywizard so hate to break it to you but that's bullshit.

>> No.7550668

Muslims aren't a race, you idiot. And yeah we should discriminate against religious people the same way we discriminate against sexists and racists.

>> No.7550669

>insults the skywizard


But no, on a more serious note, when I say "wrong" I mean "objectively fallacious"

>> No.7550671

> That sentence sounds a lot more reasonable when your replace "bringing clocks to school" with "bringing bomb-like clocks to school" though.

>> No.7550673
File: 75 KB, 730x487, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"objectively fallacious"
That'd be the persecuted minority maymay. Sure is persecuted.

>> No.7550677

No, it's not. I'd already gone over that if it were a scam, arresting him would be the worst choice, and that it clearly wasn't a threat or a hoax bomb as he stated it was a clock and noone was moved out of harms way, meaning that there was no perceived protective need to call the police. That's just reasoning.

>> No.7550679

>That sentence sounds a lot more reasonable when your replace "bringing clocks to school" with "bringing bomb-like clocks to school" while knowing it looks suspicious though

>> No.7550680

> Muslims aren't a race, you idiot
> You're a racist for prejudging Achmed for his religion.
You're yelling at the wrong person.

>> No.7550683

All that says is that they knew he was a dumb kid trying to pull a bomb hoax and they weren't buying into it. The best thing would've been throwing this little shit disturber in the slammer for trying to pull this shit.

Sorry but your narrative is so desperate at this point and I say this as someone with an Islamic background.

>> No.7550687

>he was a dumb kid trying to pull a bomb hoax
If he was trying to pull a bomb hoax, why would he tell people it wasn't a bomb?

>> No.7550691

>wanna bring it to the white house?
holy fuck i wanna make a soundclip of obama saying this now

>> No.7550692

He knew that would've been crossing the line and wouldn't get uppity sjws tripping over themselves for his defense. He or his dad more likely wanted this to be in a grey zone so to push this PR stunt.

>> No.7550693

> ISIS music in background

>> No.7550695

Right, in regards to the money hoax that makes sense.

In regards to the teachers thinking he was trying to scare them, it makes zero sense. They have zero reason to believe he was trying to cause mass panic.

>> No.7550697

because by being vague he can weasel his way into innocence, whereas by straightout saying "hey it's a bomb" is gonna definitively end up with some charges slammed on him

i can shamelessly say that if i want people to think I'm doing something illegal, i'm probably just gonna act suspicious but never say i'm doing anything illegal because that actually would be illegal

>> No.7550698

It's not a money hoax, it's another tryhard attempt by Muslims to push the Islamophobia narrative.

>> No.7550700

The money hoax isn't the only reason he would want to maintain deniability though

fear, among other reasons, would keep him from doing a full-commitment bomb hoax where he actually says "ITS A BOMB I HAVE A BOMB ahahaha no not really it's just a clock, boy i had you guys spooked"

i mean, if you wanted to scare people but didn't want to get in trouble for it, what would you do

>> No.7550701

>image of ISIS in front of the white house with brazzers logo

>> No.7550703


He was shitting on zero-tolerance laws. Learn to read.

>> No.7550704

Then replace "money hoax" with "narrative hoax," it doesn't really change what I'm getting at. If teachers picked up on that, they definitely wouldn't have arrested him, as it only furthens the hoax.

That's too subjective though, you can't count on the fact that he was saying it wasn't a bomb for the sake of revere-psycologying people into thinking it was one and panicking. He could just have easily been telling people to quit freaking out over it given that he didn't directly state it was a bomb.

>> No.7550711

>Then replace "money hoax" with "narrative hoax," it doesn't really change what I'm getting at. If teachers picked up on that, they definitely wouldn't have arrested him, as it only furthens the hoax.
They played right into it. If that's what you were getting at I have nothing to argue.

>> No.7550712

Well they didn't arrest him. They detained him and questioned him.

They only had handcuffs on him because he was being uncooperative with the police. They actually took the cuffs back off of him and shit, but the dad asked them to put the cuffs back on so he could take a picture.

not making this shit up

>> No.7550720

>the dad asked them to put the cuffs back on so he could take a picture
lel Source?

>> No.7550721

Right, but they wouldn't deliberately play into it, which leaves the question "what was their motive for taking action?"

Yeah, I keep using the word arrested like that, I shouldn't. Regardless, the police shouldn't have been there.

>cuffs on and off

as much as I believe it I wouldn't mind a source

>> No.7550722

>takes a clock off its case and puts it inside something else
>invited to the big bang theory
>white house
>who the fuck knows where else
>a pat on the back

lol you're delusional

>> No.7550733

>but they wouldn't deliberately play into it
They couldn't have possibly foresaw where this was going. Most people don't think they're being tricked. We can't blame them based on our knowledge when they didn't have all this available to them at the time. Also not to be elitist but they're highschool teachers, not the quickest thinkers mankind has known.

>> No.7550736
File: 41 KB, 599x750, le neck man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no nihilist mastermind dad to get you guaranteed MIT admission, prestigious internship offers, and future positions on government science & research boards with no effort required on your own part

>> No.7550747

>They couldn't have possibly foresaw where this was going.
Exactly, that's why it doesn't matter if it was a hoax in regards to calling the police. The question remains; what was the motive?

They knew it wasn't a bomb as noone was moved out of harms way, and he'd said himself it wasn't a bomb. If someone showed you an object you knew wasn't a bomb, while they simultaneously told you it wasn't a bomb, would it really make sense to arrest them for inciting mass panic through use of a fake bomb?

>> No.7550749

There is also the thing where suppose one teacher was "what if this is all a Islamic PR stunt, guise?" He or she would've been drowned out by shouts of Islamophobia. No way people consider every option with these things anymore, it's just not allowed.

>> No.7550752

He was taken in for questioning.

>> No.7550755

>They knew it wasn't a bomb as noone was moved out of harms way, and he'd said himself it wasn't a bomb. If someone showed you an object you knew wasn't a bomb, while they simultaneously told you it wasn't a bomb, would it really make sense to take them into questioning for inciting mass panic through use of a fake bomb?

If they saw it as a stunt, they wouldn't have done him this huge ass favor.

>> No.7550767

Bringing an object to school that looks like it was made to resemble a bomb is worthy of arrest. He didn't expressly state it was a bomb to stay in that grey zone where he can plead innocence. Confirming it wasn't a bomb was why they didn't panic. But he should be in the slammer for trying to pull this shit.

>> No.7550772

>They knew it wasn't a bomb as noone was moved out of harms way, and he'd said himself it wasn't a bomb. If someone showed you an object you knew wasn't a bomb, while they simultaneously told you it wasn't a bomb, would it really make sense to take them into questioning for inciting mass panic through use of a fake bomb?

>> No.7550776

>what is police procedure

>> No.7550777

>If someone showed you an object you knew wasn't a bomb, while they simultaneously told you it wasn't a bomb, would it really make sense to take them into questioning for inciting mass panic through use of a fake bomb?
>you knew wasn't a bomb
As opposed to knowing it was a bomb and questioning him about a bomb hoax? lel
>while they simultaneously told you it wasn't a bomb
Why wouldn't you say it isn't a bomb?
>would it really make sense to take them into questioning
Yes. He was uncooperative and intentionally making a nuisance of himself with a clock that looked like a bomb after being told not to even show anyone it. And he fucking knew it was suspicious when bringing it to school.

Really, just watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzUtR5TvuzQ&feature=youtu.be

>> No.7550784
File: 42 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lfhw73exgc1qgot3zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahmed’s Parents Still Won’t Sign Waiver Allowing School to Share Their Side of Story

If this kid is so innocent why can't we hear the school's side of the story?

>> No.7550785

Ayy lamo wrong button

meant to go to >>7550704
>That's too subjective though, you can't count on the fact that he was saying it wasn't a bomb for the sake of revere-psycologying people into thinking it was one and panicking. He could just have easily been telling people to quit freaking out over it given that he didn't directly state it was a bomb.

>before calling police

>you knew wasn't a bomb
Noone was moved out of harms way. They had no fear that it was a bomb.

So again, someone has something you identify as a non-bomb. He tells you it is infact a non-bomb. Do you call the cops?

>> No.7550790 [DELETED] 

>So again, someone has something you identify as a non-bomb. He tells you it is infact a non-bomb. Do you call the cops?
Does it look like it was made to resemble a bomb? And do I know them? If both yes then no. If both no then yes.

>> No.7550791

>Noone was moved out of harms way.
I know. I just didn't see why you mentioned it before bringing up the "brought into questioning for a bomb hoax" thing. Obviously you would know it isn't real, or it wouldn't be questioning about a /hoax/.

>> No.7550795

>So again, someone has something you identify as a non-bomb. He tells you it is infact a non-bomb. Do you call the cops?
Does it look like it was made to resemble a bomb? And do I know them? If they made it to resemble a bomb and I didn't know them then yes I would call the cops. If it didn't then wouldn't matter. If I knew them then I'd advise them not to show it to people they don't know.

>> No.7550796

Did you post twice? it looked like you got one of your yes/no's backwards in the first one

I'm pretty sure his teachers know him, see below anyway

How can it be a fear-hoax if noone was afraid of it being a bomb?

That's like walking up to someone on their phone and saying "I know your phone isn't a bomb, and I know you're saying it isn't a bomb, but I THINK it was made to trick me into thinking it was a bomb, so I'm calling the police."

>> No.7550802

>How can it be a fear-hoax if noone was afraid of it being a bomb?
It's a poor attempt at fear mongering, still an attempt at fear mongering and should be prosecuted.

>> No.7550806

but if it was a poor attempt you wouldn't know it's fear mongering. Can I say your cellphone is just a "poor attempt at fear mongering which gives me 0% fear, but is clearly fear mongering nonetheless" ?

>> No.7550808

>but if it was a poor attempt you wouldn't know it's fear mongering.
Wrong, that's like saying if that was a poor attempt at passing the math test you wouldn't know it was an attempt at passing the math test.

>Can I say your cellphone is just a "poor attempt at fear mongering which gives me 0% fear, but is clearly fear mongering nonetheless" ?
Except my cellphone wasn't gutted and put into a briefcase to resemble a bomb from a Hollywood flick.

Look so you got sucked by standing with this fraud, just retract your tweet and move on with your life. We all make mistakes.

>> No.7550810

Just on the math test note, clearly attempted to answer all the questions.

>> No.7550849

There are cases where real guns have been modified to look like toy guns (colorful, plastic-looking, with the orange tip at the end) and then were used as real guns to commit real armed robberies.

The possessor of the alleged-hoax-bomb's statement on whether the item is or is not a bomb, is or is not a hoax-bomb, or anything else is not credible in crisis aversion.

He states in the interview that he was asked not to show it to others because it looked like a bomb. He continued to show it to them, having been alerted to the fact that it resembles a bomb. Even if he's not acting with malice for a bomb-hoax, he's acting with negligence.

The school has not released their side of the story. They legally are not allowed to until the parents sign a waiver about the situation, which they aren't going to do, so I can't really say whether they overreacted or not. I think that an overreaction (with consequences and ramifications for their actions, if applicable) is a more reasonable response than underreaction, provided the event (the hoaxing or potentially a real bomb) were real.

>> No.7550854

>having been alerted to the fact that it resembles a bomb
He already knew it looked suspicious before he was told not to show it to anyone.

>> No.7550856

That too, but that's retrograde information. He says that he thought about making it look less suspicious -after- it all happened, and memory isn't quite reliable.

His teacher saying, "Don't show that to anyone else", and because "it resembles a bomb" is a lot more meaningful evidence, both in media and in the legal system.

>> No.7550860

> I think that an overreaction (with consequences and ramifications for their actions, if applicable) is a more reasonable response than underreaction, provided the event (the hoaxing or potentially a real bomb) were real.

>arresting for potentially being hoax

Is that possible? Is the hoax a hoax-hoax?

>> No.7550861

ITT: grown men get butthurt and talk shit about a 14 year old boy

>> No.7550865

People don't enjoy injustice.

>> No.7550869

Questioning, at least.

It's suspicious enough to merit questioning if you have reason to believe someone's trying to pull a bomb-hoax. A bomb-hoax is not a trivial thing. It still is meant to terrify people and that is terrorism.
It's worth questioning the boy to see whether he had intentions of causing panic (and failed-- there was no evac) or if he's just so stupid he doesn't realize it's a stupid idea and legally ambiguous.

>> No.7550889

>Implying my 18th birthday wasn't an hour ago

>> No.7551534

I'm from Finland. We have mandatory woodwork at school starting at elementary school. Through ages 12-15/16 we soldered electronic circuits, built clocks, wooden cabinets with electrical locks, obviously the mandatory wooden cars that had a small electrical engine. Some even went as far as to attempt to build guitars (but due to the lack of time it was never finished), welding "complex" metallic parts (parts for their motorcycles etc), repairing their motorcycles during the class.

But of course, things might be a wee bit different in amuricu.

>> No.7551546

14 year old is an adult in arabic standards. He is full grown terrorist.

>Nice clock Ahmed.
Nice religion Baraka Osama Hussein terrorist muslim 'president'

>> No.7551585

>be principal of junior high school
>several teachers contact me about some kid hauling around his "home-made clock" which looks suspiciously like a bomb
>kid wont answer questions about it
>the little shit is probably gonna pull a bomb hoax
>ask local PD to come in, scare him, and teach him a lesson
>principal of the year award
>police show up and arrest kid
>oh fuck, he's brown
>kid's father shows up
>oh fuck he's a political activist
>time to an hero

>> No.7551587


I'm on ritalin working 12 hours a day seven days a week. Worst thing is Im making a glorified clock

>> No.7552494

It sickens me to see such blatant racists like you walk and talk freely in this day and age.