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7547134 No.7547134 [Reply] [Original]

There are studies that drinking a beer or whatever while studying makes you study better and remember shit easily and that it's super noticeable. What is /sci/'s experience?

>> No.7547136

Really? I try to stick with water but now I want to crack a beer while I study.

>> No.7547144

apparently it's something about making you more interested in whatever you're studying and having just enough alcohol makes you peak. if you drink too much though, you just go back to not retaining it.

>> No.7547145

Oh yea I could definitely see the problem if you drink too much though. Interesting to say the least

>> No.7547153


Engineers and CS guys do this shit all of the time. anyone that does anything that matters is usually a drinker.

>> No.7547155


Uh, link studies? You can't reference studies and then not actually show them to us.

>> No.7547158

What if I study in my school's library? lol

>> No.7547160
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it's called the ballmer effect and has to do with state-dependent memory. It's real. deal with it.

>> No.7547166


Holy shit. This just changed my entire life. I used study while sober, out of fear that drinking would fuck me up. So now I can have about 2 drinks and still study effectively?


Does anyone have anecdotes or studies on the effects of weed while studying?

>> No.7547173

Weed impairs short term memory and all that jazz. So stick to beer while cramming for your exam the next day, son.

>> No.7547197

Define a "drink"

Like oz, abv and stuff

>> No.7547199

Works great unless you go 0 to 10 around any alcohol what-so-ever

>> No.7547201

just one or two beers, anon. that's it. more and it fucks up, basically.

>> No.7547319

Then you're fucked

>> No.7547328

I didn't know what it was called. But I swear anytime I would drink and get buzzed I would either waste time shitposting or study. For some reason I feel my brain working and I comprehend the material more than I would sober.

I think getting a light buzz is the real aim here tbh. Get drunk off of whine lad, so you can brag to your friends about your refined taste. Kek

>> No.7548077

My friend took a quiz while tripping on a few tabs and got an A

>> No.7548329

I like to drink while studying. Obviously not a lot but it helps take the edge off.

>> No.7548336

I hate drinking, but I guess if it'll make me smarter...

>> No.7548347

It's not true. Drinking makes you dumber if anything,and it ruins your sleep quality which makes you dumb too.

>> No.7548412

this is what flasks are for anon

>> No.7548562

bump for beer

>> No.7548576

Beer gives estrogen-like effects though. Red wine (or if that's too nasty for you, a store-bought pitcher of margarita or something) is better for something as habitual as studying. Seriously, two beers three times per week will turn you into a woman.

>> No.7548621

alright lads., I will be putting this theory to the these as I have a test today. It is now 4 and I've been sipping on some hennessey mixed with some coke. I'm almost tipsy lads. So I'm gonna stop drinking and start studying and see how it goes. My test is at 7pm (night class kek).

I will be reporting back after the test and see how I feel then.

If this thread is still alive on tuesday, I will update it with my test results kek.

wish me luck lads.

>> No.7548761

my dad argues that getting the just right amount of pissed makes his darts game amazing.

>> No.7548772

Well there is one study that says you should take the test the same conditioned when you studied for it. So if you drank while studying drink while taking the test since the same condition your brain should remember the stuff you studied for.

>> No.7548800

Good luck brother

>> No.7548815

drinking just makes me really tired and kills my motivation

>> No.7548845

Must have something to do with the dopamine that gets released, I guess you have to drink only those 2 beers at maximum.
I never drink myself so I wouldn't know :).

>> No.7549048

Alright lads, I'm this guy.

So, I studied tipsy for a good minute and felt I had everything down.

I went to school tipsy and I started to socialize. Seems I started to sober up before the test started. I was pumping out the problems while I was still tipsy and felt good. However, I didn't finish the test under the influence so by the time I got to the last set of problems I couldn't really work out how to do them and I couldn't remember wtf the definition was for one of them so I just bs'ed it.

so idk if this came into play >>7548772 as I sobered up during the test. I couldn't help but tell myself that I should have drank a bit because I think I sobered up in an hour so it didn't help I left home an hour before class started.

Like I said, if this thread still exists by tuesday I'll update the test results. I think it's out of 50 or a 100 points.

I didn't feel good about it when I left tbh :(

>> No.7549058
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>> No.7549443

"studies". There are studies that show that GMO is less healthy than non GMO, yet we all know those aren't true.

>> No.7549573

Pour it in a thermos. Everyone will think you're just a good student drinking water.

>> No.7549726

I used to write all my papers over a couple beers. I know it's not studying but it definitely makes shit more interesting to you.