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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7538545 No.7538545 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?

Who are the smartest and hardest working?

Who are the most full of themselves?

all opinions welcome. no shit flinging in my thread

>inb4 we have a circlejerk of mad physics majors shitting on engineer majors and vice a versa
fuck right off

>> No.7538550

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Everyone else

>Who are the most full of themselves?
I dunno, I actually graduated years ago.

>> No.7538552

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
biofags, cs

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
smartest: math
hardest working: engineering, chemistry

>Who are the most full of themselves?

>> No.7538562

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
CS, engineering, geology and biology

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Physics and maths

>Who are the most full of themselves?
Physics and engineering

>> No.7538566

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
biology, CS, some of chemistry, some of the engineers in freshman year who end up quitting because of said stupidity

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
if i had to combine the two, then all of the engineers no doubt, especially nuclear, electrical and mechanical

if it wasn't about how hard they had to work, then probably physics and maths but it's more of a personality thing. naturally you get more dudebros in engineering because muh top salary. the smart engineer majors and the smart physics majors are the same guys, really.

>Who are the most full of themselves?
physics, maths, and engineering, sometimes biology majors because 90% of them are pre-med who end up dropping out

>> No.7538611

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Computer science majors. Fuck them right to hell.
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Math majors. Autism and everything
>Who are the most full of themselves?
Computer Science majors and physics majors

>> No.7538628

Biology and Psychology; the former is just the I-did-biomedical-engineering-then-dropped-it major and the later is I-don't-know-why-I'm-at-college

Math, Physics majors. Maybe our program is shit but I live with two engineers who do barely any work. I have a lot of respect for chemistry majors too.

Engineers and Premeds, also CS majors for some reason

>> No.7538642

Psychology isn't STEM.

>> No.7538649

>hard working
holy shit this delusion
math schedules are piss easy

>> No.7538654

They really are. Maths is the lazyman's STEM degree.

>> No.7538657


oh the hivemind

why don't you describe something as simple as cell respiration with all its steps, it's a bit more challenging than doing classical mechanics or calculating black body radiation, don't you think?

>> No.7538658

>inb4 we have a circlejerk of mad physics majors shitting on engineer majors and vice a versa

How the fuck can you have a thread like this and not let this happen? Alright I'll try to be honest.

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Psychology is technically a STEM major, so yeah. Followed closely by IT.
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
ChemE, physics is also sort of smart, but lazy.
>Who are the most full of themselves?

>> No.7538661

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Also the kids who think they're STEM but aren't, like sociology, psychology, etc.

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Mathematics are most autistic, but not necessarily smartest. They just abstract away the most.
There is no smartest, the spread is pretty much even. Even biology has their genuises (few though they are).
Although I would be biased and say mathematical physics are smartest because they're blending abstract intricate mathematics with the hardest physics its possible to do. I would say that though cos I tried and failed to get into that field.

>Who are the most full of themselves?
Engineers. "All the work of science, and more!". Lmao.

>> No.7538665

For every one good biologists there are ten thousand idiots that just wanted and easy major and/or females that are looking for a husband and thought biology was a more feminine major.

Just because something is abstract does not mean it is difficult. In any case math phys. might be smart, but the don't work that hard.

>> No.7538668


CS major here, I despise most of my fellow CS majors for being incompetent while being elitist against the informatics students because they're not doing calc 1 and 3 and physics.

Luckily I realized the incompetence and faggotry and applied myself, now Im doing embedded and cybernetics related work with a comp sci flavor, and having courses that are brutal is refreshing because now Im not gonna be some faggot lightweigth it consultant

>> No.7538669

Let's be honest now though. CS majors are objectively superior to info plebs in every

>> No.7538672
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>Physics and maths
>hard working
yeah because physics majors totally drop into engineering because physics was so much more demanding, amiright?

>> No.7538673

How indepth for cell respiration are you talking? Just the basic glycolysis -> krebs cycle -> chemiosmosis with transports and reactions highlighted?

>> No.7538677

>CS major here, I despise most of my fellow CS majors for being incompetent while being elitist

I think it's because it's the default interest for a lot of people.

It's like video games.

What do you do you if you're a boring autist slightly above average but with no real interests or hobbies?

You sit in your room and use your computer and play video games.

So most people who consider video games their primary hobby or computers are useless autistic losers.

It's sad because CS is a really deeply mathematical interesting field, but undergrad lectures are full of the fucking worst people ever.

I suspect they mostly drop out when they find out they're not as smart as they thought though.

>> No.7538679

My uni has like half a dozen campuses where the different majors get fairly split up. I've only really been around various science majors.

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Premed, I don't know how half these guys aiming for med expect to get into it.

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Probably the medicinal chemistry/biochemistry peeps, they topped my classes.

>Who are the most full of themselves?
Premed again

>> No.7538682
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>> No.7538706
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>saying anything other than pre-meds for being full of themselves

/sci/ faggotry aside, you anons that are saying physics/maths/engineering guys are full of themselves have no fucking idea how retarded and full of themselves the pre-meds are. they are pros at it.

>> No.7538709

Calm down, I'm not insulting biology. I'm just answering the question. Most of the biology students at my school aren't smart, only an extremely meager percent do well in their classes, not a slight at biology, just my particular school's biology majors.
Although I'd argue that Hamilton mechanics can quickly become more difficult than memorizing a particular process.

>in your university

Do you even read the OP you autist.
At my university pretty much every math major ends up taking grad classes in their junior year. Thus at my uni math majors are exceptionally hard working.

>> No.7538710

I imagine they must not have them in their classes/campuses or something.

I'm somewhat buddies with a premed and every test, EVERY test, he says "wow I can't believe X happened or I would've gotten full marks."

>> No.7538712

I don't consider premeds to be STEM.

In the first place, medicine is not officially classified as STEM by the US government. In the second place if they are so "pre" something then that means they are not it currently. Fuck those faggots.

>> No.7538717

>getting mad

>> No.7538727

Well pre-meds are usually just doing BMedSc which I think would fall under STEM.

>> No.7538732

premeds are usually just bio majors so they are STEM

>> No.7538734

I'm not super familiar with US terms, is junior year the second year? Sophomore is the first year right? And naturally senior would be final year?

>> No.7538736
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Non american medfag here.
What is a pre-med?

>> No.7538738

freshman is first
sophomore is second
junior is third
senior is fourth

but that's just for what year you're on. there are plenty of guys that go for a fifth year because it took them an extra semester here and there to finish their third year or whatever

it's just a track that kids who want to go to medical school in the USA go on. they have to complete certain classes for med schools to take them and so they're allowed to take the MCAT and such. like 95% of them are biology majors.

>> No.7538740

People who aren't doing an MBBS or anything but think they're going to get into the courses by doing an easier BSci undergrad. At least from what I understand.

>> No.7538742

biofags that are premeds. Actual biofags are okay.

Math, physics, engineers who understand the previous two but want to make money

>hardest working

>most full of themselves
all except geoscience

>> No.7538744

bio, psych

that isnt as easy to answer. I've been around some smart people as a chem major, and ive met very intelligent and interesting people that are math and physics, but one of my good friends here at school is chem like me, graduating suma cum laude majoring in chem, minor in bio and math. he has an interview at Yale for medical school in a couple weeks. It depends on the person. He's a hard guy to read, but it seems like he enjoys what he learns and isnt doing it for the medical school end goal alone. your major doesnt determine how smart you are (i think that rule only applies for those who have chosen the hard sciences already though)

>most full of themselves
bio majors no doubt. I go to a school where the ratio of bio/biochem/chem students is 1600/50/8. you are disposable as a bio major, yet all they can talk about is their med school dreams. ive never met a hard sciences student boast about their major choice (i go to a school without an engineering program LOL)
>"whats your major"
>"oh im premed"
>"....but what do you major in?"

it's a trap that way too many people are falling into.

>> No.7538745

Why are geo guys always so >rock< calm?

>> No.7538746


It literally is


>> No.7538747

Cheers, BSci undergrads are 3 year courses here (Australia). I guess maybe our honours are like your 4th year?

>> No.7538749

actually no it's not as challenging, it's purely memorization, with understanding of the in-between steps

>> No.7538753

i'm >>7538744

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. can't say chem majors on average are the smartest, but we do a shit ton of work. I have 6 hours of lab/week for 1 credit hour in quantitative analysis lab. not to mention analytical chemistry is not fun...

ive met actual biofags. they're alright, but from what ive seen pretentious. I think they get that partly from being smart enough to be aware that most people that choose their major are fucking retards, so they feel high and mighty compared to everyone else. Only really smart bio guy ive ever met was a fucking douchebag.

>> No.7538787
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>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Biology and its not even funny, just sad at times. They struggled so hard with Chemestry intro class, they even called that shit hard...

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
5%-10% of the Math students

Engineering would be here, but there are to many people who go to Engineering for muhney. And those fucks are keeping the hard working rates down as fuck.

>Who are the most full of themselves?
Engineering with out a doubt. I would also put Physics and Medicine, but the vast majority becomes humble really fast.
Watching the brightness in the eyes of the freshmen in Physics and Medicine go dim is amazing. Pic related to this.

>> No.7538797

>all these people thinking math majors work hard
Math major here and we're some of the laziest people you'll ever meet. Mathematicians for the most part are pretty lazy too.

Dumbest is bio without a doubt. I don't think it's a coincidence that of the few people I know that failed Calc I (and I knew a lot of people that took it), which is in my opinion the easiest math class you'll ever take because all it does is set the basis for the rest of the Calc series, they were all bio majors.

Smartest and hardest working probably goes to physics majors and some engineering majors. Personally I respect physics majors more than anyone else.

Engineers are far and away the most full of themselves though. Probably because the media is always going on and on about how we need more engineers and everyone's parents seem to want their kid to be an engineer these days.

>> No.7538806

Dumbest is cs or any engineering.

Smartest is math.

Hardest working is tossup between math and physics.

>> No.7538811

>Personally I respect physics majors more than anyone else

Thanks anon that actually made me feel good about myself for a second

>> No.7538815

>math majors being hard working
It's closest thing to a "smart but lazy" degree tbh.

>> No.7538819

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
bio, cs

Who are the smartest and hardest working?
physics, nuclear engineering, EE, chemE

>Who are the most full of themselves?
math (on /sci/), engineers (irl)

>> No.7538821 [DELETED] 

>be me
>"smart but lazy" throughout high school
>do best in maths and still get good enough marks in other subjects to go to uni
>interested in doing a maths major but because of the depression I don't end up going to uni for a couple years
>be me a couple years later
>older and more motivated but now dumber/slower in the head
>going into chem major
Maths doesn't interest me anymore and physics never did that much.

>> No.7538824

What the fuck all you people saying mathematicians are lazy.
Fuck you. I work with engineers, they do half the work I do with a quarter of the result. As goes for many of my classmates. Are you fucking people for real?!

>> No.7538830

Mathematicians? Talking about math majors here.

>> No.7538844

major/minor doesn't exists here.

>> No.7538856

Maybe it's just differing experiences
>only have to do well in maths to get in
>don't really need to know or learn shit about anything but mathematics even in applied and statistics courses
>decent hours >>>"lab" work

>> No.7538884

see >>7538672 but replace physics with maths

>> No.7538885
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Alright so this pre-med thing is not obligatory to enter a medschool? That's why is a trap?
As I understand it seems like some course/major that gets flooded by retards who want to get into medicine.

>> No.7538967

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Biology and CS majors
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Smartest are probably math or physics, hardest working are the engineers that get past freshman year
>Who are the most full of themselves?
Engineers and physics majors; physics majors also happen to be the laziest aside from some of the CS people I've seen
I say this as a junior CS & CE double major.

>> No.7538969


Food Science and Tech


>> No.7539030

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
I'm doing civil engineering but I took chem through 1 year of orgo for fun (shit is interesting) and the biology majors were the stupidest fucks I've ever seen.
2nd is CS.
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
I really think physics are the smartest at my school, although they aren't the hardest working. I think the engineers are the hardest working.
>Who are the most full of themselves?
honestly they're all the same. CS fags are probably the worst, followed by engineers

>> No.7539057

no, it is required.

>> No.7539092

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?


> Who are the smartest and hardest working?


> Who are the most full of themselves?


>> No.7539109

Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
>Dumbest: Civil Engineers

Who are the smartest and hardest working?
>Smartest: Aerospace Engineers
>Hardest Working: Aerospace Engineers

Who are the most full of themselves?

>> No.7539125

Nobody gets into math because they are lazy. Literally ever college major except maybe physics is easier (yes that includes engineering).

>> No.7539128

at the undergrad level aerospace and civil are literally only a few electives apart

>> No.7539140

if you are good at math then math is simple

>> No.7539141

maths isn't hard and never has been.

>> No.7539145

Neuro science girls hears someone speaking about military spending.

>'UK spends more on arms than it does on aid.'
>'What... Arms?' as the girl gestures to the limbs on her upper body.

>> No.7539246

I hope he wasn't implying that that is in any way a bad thing.

>> No.7539252

cs+math is god tier

>> No.7539310

These threads never achieve a general census. It is a stereotype that engineers are really full of themselves. I would agree with that majoring in Electrical Engineering myself.

>> No.7539371

"Premed" refers to a specific set of courses you take in preparation for med school acceptance and MCAT taking.

For some reason, 80% of premeds are biology majors, 10-15% are psych, and the other 5 are usually chemistry or maybe even physics. If you're doing fine as a chem/physics undergrad, you have a much greater chance of getting in. Med schools are tired of seeing bio major # 10057582976 send in an application. It's boring and a trap because there are overwhelming odds that you will get rejected if you are the average applicant. Then you are left with a degree that is useful to 0 employers.

>> No.7539378

i dunno man, everyone seems to agree that bio/premed students are the dumbest.

>> No.7539379

We don't have reasons to get angry. We're gneiss people.

>> No.7539411

>mfw i just started this course and am considering quitting CS once and for all

I like programming games for the logic, design and algorithms stuff, for real. I don't even play videogames that much anymore. But math and physics is something that i could never, ever get into, unless i need it for my games.

>> No.7539587

So you're content with never creating a game with a physics engine?

>> No.7539595

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Physics, then math
>Who are the most full of themselves?

>> No.7539598

>why don't you describe something as simple as cell respiration with all its steps

The OP was asking for dumbest STEM majors (students). He wasn't asking for the dumbest discipline.

>> No.7539599
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>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?

CS majors, EASILY. Half of them are inbred retards who are only there because they want to make video games.

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?

Engineers who take dual majors.

>Who are the most full of themselves?

Pure Math faggots.

>> No.7539604


>> No.7539611

>Pure Math fags full of themselves cosntantly and think they are superior

>Statistically the most likely to never make any worthwhile contribution to Math in their lives

Some fantastic cognitive dissonance here.

>> No.7539614

>im a mathematician and all other mathematicians act like me

Yeah no

>> No.7539621

But anyone who doesn't go into pure has zero chance of making any contribution to mathematics.
Some big-data mathematician/statistician will only ever make contributions to the field his data is from. Any theoretical work that an applied mathematician carries out could be carried out by a pure mathematician, and hence, while he is carrying out such work, he is, by any reasonable definition, a pure mathematician.
Thus, pure mathematicians have the highest chance of making any contribution to mathematics.

>> No.7539624

Meant for

>> No.7539628
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>tfw not everyone who majors in math is looking to make a contribution

There are people that want to do major in it because that's what they love. Simple.

>> No.7539629

Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
Fuck if i know, Computer Science?
I would say Biologist. Don't confuse them with bioengineers those who actually apply advanced chemistry on biology.

Who are the smartest and hardest working?
smartest i have no idea, all are smart here. But the physics students here are definately the hardest working, i spend my time a lot in uni after 5pm and i usually see the morning, and they still sit there after i have been at my seminars and classes; studying programming electronics, digital electronics, maths, mechanics you fucking name it. Seem like they are studying everything in every field at the same time.

Who are the most full of themselves?
*no fucking idea, every field has that arrogant motherfucker.

>> No.7539630


sorry I meant making a contribution to their field

aka an engineering major has a higher chance to make an engineering invention that impacts people or other labs

comparatively a math major will probably never really make a contribution to math at all, and will just autistic ally study 100 year old math in between meditation sessions

>> No.7539633

Oh, don't worry about that.
Actual Computer Scientists already made those for him.

All his work is literally #include "physicsnengine.h" and then he will be applauded by his other shit-CS peers.

>> No.7539634


then you have no right to be a fucking pompous faggot and think you are superior

>> No.7539636


>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?


>Who are the smartest and hardest working?


>Who are the most full of themselves?


Seriously, almost every engineer I've met had to take basic pre-calc before getting accepted into their faculty; and they still complain how hard basic trig is. Big fucking idiots, whata polluted field.

>> No.7539640

No shit not all are lazy but the majority are, not that it's even a bad thing. In fact it works more for them than against.

Also, I never called myself a mathematician, just a math major. Every mathematician I've talked to though has mentioned his/her laziness offhand.

>> No.7539642


I'm starting to think most of you go to absolute shit tier colleges.

Engineers that don't know high school math? Fat chance. Maybe 1st years.

Most Engineering majors here at UofT know Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus.

>> No.7539643

Was there any part of what i said that implied i was pompous asshole?

>> No.7539644
File: 3.93 MB, 2840x2628, you should be able to solve these its only engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally stereotypically autistic

but since you're so superior:

>> No.7539646


it's heavily implied for each math major by default lmao

>> No.7539650

>Most engineers here at UofT know Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus

I would fucking hope that they know those two concepts, ya know, being engineers and all.

>> No.7539653

I bet I could do this if I could take the very specific class that covered it.

t. physics major

>> No.7539656

Ok, if that helps you sleep at night (:

>> No.7539658

quant can suck a cock, that shit was torture

>> No.7539659

>heat transfer
you should be able to do several of them if you werent retarded

>> No.7539660

>I totally could, if only I could

>> No.7539818

>these people saying math majors are mostly autistic
My course is 80% normies, is that the exception?

And to back up what another mathfag was saying, I have a professor that likes to say that math consists mostly of finding ways to be as lazy as possible

>> No.7539837

Bless being a Chem major
>Not dumb/lazy like CS (sometimes Bio)
>Not autistic like mathematicians/Physicists
>Not full of selves like Engineers
>Dat feel when no future

>> No.7539846

dumbest: computer science or industrial engineering
hardest working: aero or electrical engineering
smartest: physics
most conceited: physics or "premed"

>> No.7539856

Not saying bio majors aren't stupid on average, but shit can be pretty hard when you don't get to build up a proper understanding of the things you're doing and instead have to apply 1000 formulas.

>> No.7539862

>Not dumb/lazy
>Dat feel when no future

If you weren't dumb and lazy, you would secure a future for yourself. Lazy idiot.

>> No.7539865

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?
CS, filled with gaymen and autists

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
Engineering majors

>Who are the most full of themselves?
CS and Engineering majors

>> No.7539866

>taking cs
>sophomore level
>haven't reached this stuff yet
Am I fucked?

>> No.7539868

unless you're plan on going into academia, you're not gonna need that shit at all. at most you might need to know dijkstra's algorithm and when to apply it, only to get past job interviews.

>> No.7539884

I'm doing incredibly well actually. I was referring to the quite limited career prospects for Chemistry. You've misunderstood the point.

>> No.7539891

OP shouldve asked for our own majors as well. Then we can run an association and see which majors are the most butthurt about everyone else.

>> No.7539906

enjoy earning the minimum wave, faggot. at my company we ask that kind of stuff during the interview, and we actually use it on our job, but yeah, if all you're gonna do with a "cs course" is to make a shitty website, spending most of the time choosing a feminine color combination (faggot) for your local kebab shop, of course you're not gonna need any of that.

>> No.7539927

Don't worry, you could always become a teacher.

>> No.7539936

Not the same guy but I was at sophomore level cs before I stopped due to money issues what can I do to prepare for those classes while I'm out of school I'm kinda of scared tbh

>> No.7539947

Georgia Tech or University of Florida?

>> No.7539948


>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?

Engineering majors

Who are the smartest and hardest working?


Who are the most full of themselves?


all opinions welcome. no shit flinging in my thread

>> No.7539964

Hey, can you look at my question?
The one he's responding to?

>> No.7539967


>> No.7539974


>> No.7539976

>Who are the dumbest STEM majors in university that you have seen?

Neuroscience. At my undergrad, neuro was the major for pre-meds who couldn't handle the intermediate coursework in the biology major (genetics, first-semester biochem).

I would say "pre-med" but that's not a major, technically. There were tons of pre-meds at my undergrad who ended up in pre-public health or psychology or other majors that were complete bullshit.

>Who are the smartest and hardest working?

The math majors were very impressive. Many doubled with physics or EE.

>Who are the most full of themselves?

I want to say "pre-meds", but the ones that completed STEM degrees (chemistry, biochemistry/molecular biology, BME) and ended up in med school were actually decent. It was the insecure ones knew they weren't going to make the cut, so they had to go around telling everyone how great they were and shitting on other people.

Some of the engineers were pretty rough to be around. EEs and BMEs were fine; MechEs and ChemEs were insufferable.

>> No.7539997

why these 2 in particular?

> inb4 you say something bad about GT, don't think I could handle being in CS aka the retard major AND a dumb school by /sci/ standards

>> No.7540049

aka you can't

>> No.7540063
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this isn't /r9k/ dumb fuck, most of us are normies.

>> No.7540133

Been in academia for a long time now, tutored/TAed many undergrads and spent a lot of time on campus. This is my perspective:

Biology then math (at undergrad level).
>Who are the smartest and hardest working?
All the engineering disciplines by orders except Civil and Industrial. If Medicine was classified as STEM they would also be right up here.
>Who are the most full of themselves?
Math and Physics.

Unlike /sci/ they are pretty humble irl, but it's still very annoying that they're taking half the course load of professional STEM majors, but still think they can talk as if they are on the same level. Also you have all those future high school teachers and house wives in math who think they are real mathematicians because they passed their intros.

Honestly, I wish they'd raise the minimum requirements in those degrees. It's kind of insulting when they try to talk to you as if they are on your level while trying to understand real world problems using the idealistic baby intro textbook problems in their head, they don't understand any advanced concepts at all. And then when you elaborate on why they are naive they will try to keep arguing with you (not even rationally, but emotionally, like people who argue about sport teams only more autistic) and it takes you hours to catch them up, or you ignore them and they actually think they said something intelligent. I usually just smile and do the latter, because I know they will probably not even work in STEM never mind being in charge of anything important (thank god) so I don't feel any need to chisel them like I would do to engineering undergrads.

It's like how MDs feel when when patients come in with their smug fucking faces and try to tell them their self-diagnoses based off what they read on wikipedia an hour ago.

You have no idea how insufferable that is.

>> No.7540145

>this level of projecting

seriously though there a lot of shit unis with people getting math degrees without even taking real analysis (wtf).

>> No.7540169

Oh yes I should add that many first year -soon to drop out- engineers are almost the same level of annoyance, but our university's engineering department is one of the few in the country that's refused to hop on board the grade inflation train, so our dropout rate is over 60% (most of those going to pure math/physics/chem to try and get back into the engineering school ironically enough)

The most insufferable is Physics. They know fuckall about classical sciences. Honestly I've gotten more intelligent conversations out of high-school kids; which is about the level of respect I hold for them (I mean, that's how society sees them too in fact, the pure fields are just backgrounds to actual fields, you can't even get a decent salary in a real STEM job with pure bachelor degrees, they are kids who deserve no respect).

Don't think for a second undergrads actually know anything about GR, QFT etc. or even QM really either, the undergrad courses are extremely simplified compared to graduate level. One of the Physics Profs here who's main research interests are in ergodic theory actually told me once that the courses have become so watered down over the years that he can't find any grad-students worth a damn. It takes him years to train them shit they should've learned in undergrad. It's pretty sad.

Math majors don't really try to argue with that much, but they still think they still think they are actual mathematicians which is annoying. Most of them are atrociously poor at applied math as well. Grad-school level are a lot better, I've enjoyed collaborated with a PhD who was pretty intelligent.

>real analysis
It's a core starting third semester here at least. I don't think any university should be handing out math degrees to people who didn't take at least real an. That's pretty ridiculous.