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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7536913 No.7536913 [Reply] [Original]

>"If what you're working on is not important, and it's not likely to lead to important things, why are you working on it?"
If you can't answer this within ten seconds, you shouldn't be working on whatever you're working on.

>> No.7536915

So I should just quit 4chan forever then.

>> No.7536919


>> No.7537111

If you respond we will be disappointed.

>> No.7537113


>> No.7537229

stay cucked

>> No.7537244

why are there two threads about this today?

>> No.7537253
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Why didn't I wear a condom so you wouldn't exist?

>> No.7537256

yes yes very funny, now answer the question pls tbh fam.

>> No.7537259

define "important"

>> No.7537261

Man, it sure is FUN pushing a huge rock up a steep hill!

>> No.7537265

being an important character in your field. contributing anything significant to your field during your career. ending up in a history/physics/engineering/whatever textbook citing something that you accomplished that is recognized as significant.

the fact that someone had to explain something so common sense is pathetic

>> No.7537333

You never know what's going to prove useful for the future. Some random doodle on a napkin can turn out to be the inspiration for a great innovative project. You just need to be passionate about it. But most people don't possess that vision and can't connect the dots, so they're stuck doing trivial drudgery for research.

>> No.7537336

if everyone could follow this sentence, 85% of the people would quit their job in an instant
>me included

>> No.7537339

if Richard Hamming said this to a group of chemists at Bell Labs, i think it's safe to assume that the average dick head at any company is in the same boat of doing work that isn't all that important.

>> No.7537344

Don't we all have definitions of important?
Seems pretty ambiguous to me

>> No.7537345

who here actually knows what the important problems in his field are?

>> No.7537348

I know my problem is objectively important because if I solve it, it would mean certain industries would make billions.

Of course, I won't be getting any of that money.

>> No.7537349

no. the important problems are the ones that affect society/your company the most. this isn't art class. there are clear problems that are to be solved in whatever field you're in.

>> No.7537352

which problem is that? and howd you come across it

if you say p?np ill hook u in the gabber m8

>> No.7537356

>Of course, I won't be getting any of that money.
and why in the fuck would you?

>> No.7537357

Why should it lead to anything important?
As long as it satisfy my curiousity regarding the thing I am working with. Searching for an answer, perhaps it does not lead to anything important but it may help me and many other to understand this specific questen and the answer to that certain question and thus, this kind of understanding may lead to something important.

Give me a reason to if Euklides fucking knew that proving that there are infinite amount of uneven numbers would lead to something important. I mean proving something that everyone takes as intuitively truth is kind of pointless until we came into more complex aspects of discrete mathematics.

>> No.7537360

A certain problem is phase equilibria.

>> No.7537365

If I was just slightly more on the practical side I could patent the method.

>> No.7537367
File: 18 KB, 233x300, i_am_disappointed_in_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should it lead to anything important?
Why in the fuck are you even here if you're not trying to do important work you total cuck beta faggot?

>> No.7537368

oh, applied sciences, damn. i was hoping for something theoretical, since i recently started a phd in tcs and realized i havent got a clue what problems actually need solving and look like they might be solvable.

>> No.7537371

>Why should it lead to anything important?
because then it won't be a waste of time.

are you even in high school yet? who asks retarded questions like this?

>> No.7537376

No one is going to post what they're actually working on the chans because they don't want to get scooped.

>> No.7537385

Because it may be something important for my understanding.

Into my second year in UNI.

>> No.7537389

So all you thrive for in your acadamic career is to be become famous or cited?

That is pretty depressing, if that is what you think about when doing your work; you'll end up killing yourself when you fail to be cited for something regarded as significant.

>> No.7537391
File: 298 KB, 300x199, 2525287-6389543662-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't even fucking applicable to you. the quote in the OP is for PhDs and shit in R&D departments

>> No.7537393

Somebody has to do it. How can somebody say if what he is doing will lead to important things, that is quite odd. For instance, somebody working on a factory doing a plain dull shop. Indeed he is not working on something important and making discoveries, but somebody has to do it, like a hive, one is part of society.

>> No.7537395

oh wow. i think id rather work with karl than ricky

>> No.7537400
File: 146 KB, 460x322, Simulation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... that explains.
I will just walk out of this thread with my tail between the legs.

>> No.7537401

Not having a say in this;
But.. I would rather work on my own project that nobody could profit from than being exploited by some dumbass company that consume me whole.

>> No.7537405
File: 21 KB, 450x299, 127095609349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>7537391

everyone ITT is sort of misunderstanding the OP because OP didn't really explain what that quote was from.

it's from Richard Hamming giving his famous talk on shit he wish he knew throughout his life, shit he observed while working at Bell Labs/Los Alamos National Lab, and his personal life experiences. He was like 80 years old or some shit and this was for post-graduate students and industry conferences. The actual quote is in reference to guys in the various departments at Bell Labs back in the 40's, 50's and 60's that weren't doing anything really too useful to the company and how you should strive to be a great person yadda yadda, how all of the best people would leave after getting awards and move onto greater things etc.. He was smart as fucking all hell.

>> No.7537408

define important

is art important? entertainment? food?

>> No.7537419
File: 21 KB, 651x166, stay-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to kindergarten

>> No.7537432

this is the scourge of online discussions, people thinking that smugly writing "define X" when its clearly understood from context makes them intellectually superior. i viscerally hate this willful inanity.

>> No.7537450

I am not the one you are quoting

"of great significance or value"
That is still very ambiguous
Of great value to what?
What I may see as great value may not be valuable to somebody else.

Go take a philosophy course or something before you as a STEM field scientist/engineer or whatever your English fags call it start getting into lingual bullshit studies.

>> No.7537454

so immigrant food pickers are more important than most, if not all, scientists

>> No.7537459

>I am not the one you are quoting
define "am"
define "one"
define "quoting"
define "ambiguous"
define "value"
define "what?"
define "may see"
define "valuable"
define "before"
define "lingual"
define "bullshit"

man you are being super vague i cant tell what youre saying oh wow this is completely impossible to understand.

>> No.7537465

gonna need you to define "important" champ

>> No.7537473

you already did with your dictionary screenshot, no reason to get butthurt because I rekt you m8 :)

>> No.7537486

Well going with that fucking picture of the lexicon i will say this.

My work is about the study of the velocity and volume of the semen flying out from the ejaculation. My work has found out that black men ejaculate a bigger volume semen at a higher velocity. This is ' important ' because the porn industry strive after men that ejaculate a high volume semen at a high velocity. To create an algorithm that find these men out of all men who applied for the job, information such as race and origins correlated with the requested property is essential for creating this algorithm.

That work is important.
My work IS OF GREAT VALUE(according to the lexicon) for the porn industry.

Now, we all have common sense and understand, what Richard Hamming actually meant with important is;

"Will your work, after you are done contribute anything to society; and with contribution I mean will your work facilitate the human use of transport, communication, medicine or in any way make a breakthrough in the academic world that will solve or make it possible to solve Physics/Biological/Chemistry/Maths related questions that has not yet be solved?"

In other words, important here means 'of great value to society'.

Man... I should go and jump over a bridge or something
Fuck my life

>> No.7537492

>butthurt because I rekt you m8 :)
>mentioning butthurt/rekt/emotes
and i won

2/10 try harder next time bye bye

>> No.7537528

why should i care what is and isn't important?

to have purpose?

tools have purposes.

i do not.

the only humans who have 'purposes' are slaves.

given the choice to cure cancer, and to tinker on old cars, i will tinker on old cars. why? because its more fun. because i wasn't put on this earth to cure cancer. i don't even HAVE cancer. lol

>> No.7537529

>so rekt he's throwing a public temper tantrum

>> No.7537558

this is an 18+ website.

>> No.7537567

>>le adulthood is sacrifice and drudgery meme

this is a non-communist website.

>> No.7537574

we cannot be honest about maturing. we can only be honest about dehumanizing.

>> No.7537619

Because I enjoy it.

>> No.7537631

you are useless.

>> No.7537643

Who gives a fuck
as long the uni pays for doing something I do
I can then smoke weed at home.


>> No.7537650

tools have uses. humans don't. why would you be proud of being 'useful'.

>> No.7537662

I think the point was that dragon dildo manufacturing might not be important to someone, faggot

i hope youre troll

>> No.7537664

i've had it with you. Yes, you. fuck you stop putting tbh at the end of every sentence, it doesn't even make sense any more.
>answer the question please to be honest fam
what are you doing? why do you do this?

>> No.7537669

for the same reason youre saying offensive things like >>7537253
except im being way less malicious. now answer the question, fam.

>> No.7537678

except that wasn't me that was my first post in this thread. how about you answer my questions "tbh fam"

>> No.7537683

i did answer your question. no need to contact mr. rustles.

>> No.7537787
File: 56 KB, 250x312, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7537807

I'm working on improving the baiting stance of my my shitposts on /sci/. It's likely to lead to great things

>> No.7537823

>the only humans who have 'purposes' are slaves.
>instead of coming up with interesting, innovative things i'll just do something robots can do today
>but i'm not a tool

>i wasn't put on this earth to cure cancer
>I need to be designed to do something in order to do it
>but I'm not a tool

nice one, kiddo