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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7534938 No.7534938 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

What's the most challenging major between Computer Science and Physics?

>> No.7534940

Women's Studies

>> No.7534951


>> No.7534953

>What's the most challenging major between Computer Science and Physics?

All STEM studies should fall between them.
I know that's not very helpful information, but you didn't give a very concise question.

>> No.7534954

U for real here?

>> No.7534957
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physics is the top

engineering is very close behind depending on what you're doing

computer science is dead last behind everything except for maybe biology

>> No.7535002

>physics is the top
how hard is it to memorise a few concepts and equations?

>> No.7535005

Harder than my cock in your moms asshole, and that tells something.

>> No.7535006

thank you for perpetuating the memeness of this shitboard

>> No.7535008

So not very hard, eh?

>> No.7535027

I am a computer science major and was great in ever physics class i've ever taken but that's just because i was mathematically competent. If you actually strive to learn the concepts in physics and how they relate/apply to reality rather than memorizing the equations and plug-and-chugging for answers i would say physics is a much harder major, that is if you measure the challenge on conceptual difficulty. On the same scale, computer science can be easy if you just get through theory classes/anything moderately math related. Then you're just left with memorization of coding basics, and practicing to write good code

>> No.7535032


You think CS is easy? Why don't you go prove P=NP and show the world just how easy it is?

>> No.7535107

I have a MSc in theoretical physics, now working on PHd in chemistry (switched to computational chemistry, so am doing mostly quantum stuff).

A decent Physics degree is going to be more challenging than most Computer Science ones by far.

I wouldn't advise to go for "the hardest there is". The "hardest" parts of physics are usually just the really boring ones, so go for whatever seems more interested, you'll be able to find challenge anywhere.

>> No.7535108


>> No.7535110

That is a math problem, not CS. Sorry.

>> No.7535114
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>> No.7535148

>Then you're just left with memorization of coding basics, and practicing to write good code
>write good code
>computer science

>> No.7535160
File: 2.42 MB, 320x240, CompSci a shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CompSci is literally the garbage can of academia.

>> No.7535377

>Le biology is easy cause no use of math meme
Physics graduate student here, i wouldn´t make it in biology because of all shit you have to memorize. Try now using all that shit to do some genetic engineering. Plus all the fine hand work and intuition you need for getting the experiments allright and repeteable.
>Sucking your own dick putting more value in the aptitudes you already have.
Grow up

>> No.7535380

I wanted to reply to this

>> No.7535393
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>> No.7535437
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>> No.7535460

Both are pretty easy tbh, as long as you work hard, you don't even need to be a genius

>> No.7536633



Do you actually study CS, or Physics? I mean, you do realize that Physics is almost ENTIRELY Computer Science nowadays, right? That most problems are limited by the code we use?

Or are you just talking about the major? Because my 400 CS classes were wayyy harder than my 400 Physics classes.

>> No.7536646

It's both actually

>> No.7536651


CS is a fucking joke. I've met women's studies majors better at math than CS majors.

>> No.7536652

r u guys trolling or what

My CS major legit makes me eligible for an an applied math masters. In fact, I only need a couple classes off the beaten path- and take about as much math as your average eng student.

>> No.7536654
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>> No.7536656

Besides getting fucktons of money after graduating :^)

>> No.7536677

>Not CS
For some reason software engineering and IT is labelled as CS in some countries. I can see how this may cause some confusion.

>> No.7537341

>50k starting

you tried

>> No.7537366

CS with applied Computer ,AI &Software Engineering here,

Definitely Physics lol