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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, Ellen-Page-Beautiful-Hollywood-Actress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7532768 No.7532768 [Reply] [Original]

Is it scientifically proven that woment are inferior ?

>> No.7532771

Define inferior

>> No.7532772

>I am inferior, so women must be too
Nice projecting, OP.

>> No.7532780
File: 105 KB, 739x742, 1421585763014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Girls who couldn't resit biting stunningly obvious bait.

Report and hide you fucking idiots.


>> No.7532786

It's obvious isn't it? Why do we need to prove that 2+2=4?

>> No.7532809

Relative to what.

>> No.7532817

Physically, yeah.

Mentally, nah.

>> No.7532897

Women are good at innovation and inventing things rite guise
Pls notice me wimin

>> No.7532902

>Is it scientifically proven that woment are inferior?

In what connotation? I'm sure woment can spell "women" correctly, as you cannot.

>> No.7532913

Women are inferior. They are here for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.7532914

there's no way to prove that 2+2=4 from first principles. you have to construct a number system first, which involves just making shit up

>> No.7532918

Depends on your definitions. If we go by giving birth then women are physically superior. If we go by throwing spears then they aren't.

Define your terms, OP.

>> No.7532923

>you have to construct a number system first, which involves just making shit up

That wouldn't be just making shit up though. Mathematics are simply our thesaurus for the basic laws of adding and subtracting.

I do agree that calling women inferior is a lot more complex than 2+2=4 though. Women are the spine of any civilization. Can't have one without them.

>> No.7532935

can't you

>> No.7532970
File: 66 KB, 741x643, IQ_by_gender_ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On average: no
On top 10% average: probably yes

>> No.7532971
File: 81 KB, 880x570, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture

>> No.7532973

My MGTOW videos said they where and are responsible for the coming fall of civilization

>> No.7532977

>there's no way to provenientes that 2+2=4.
Stop reading right there

>> No.7532987

you are retarded

>> No.7533053

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7533073


>> No.7533090

>11 year old IQ
I bet a woman did this idiotic study.

>> No.7533093



>> No.7533119

>11 year olds
Sampling bias
Sampling bias
Sampling bias

So if you are implying this is relevant to anyone except 11 year olds from Scotland in 1932 then you are retarded or can't read

>> No.7533290

Well they choose the partners to reproduce with, so if there are some physical/mental issues in today population, is actually their fault

>> No.7533305


Time to stop with that.

>> No.7533306

> i don't like stats
go back to /b/

>> No.7533321

I love statistics. That's why I think IQ tests are retarded. Of course someone in STEM educated background is going to score higher. The questions are similar.

>> No.7533326


Nice stats you got there.

>> No.7533330

Stop push polling please.

>> No.7533906

Gpd E;;em {age os sp hot. Too bad she's gay.

>> No.7533910

Mostly their purpose is looking pretty and get fucked.

>> No.7533934

Jesus Christ, that's what I get when I try to type while I'm talking with someone on the phone.

>God Ellen Page is so, so hot. Too bad she's gay

>> No.7534081
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, shiggy diggy doo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are smarter than men

>> No.7534210
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1413577814759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned to do full drive posting with clover but I really should just do it on the lappy.

I've even got my desktop images on the phone.

>> No.7534214

>Gpd E;;em {age os sp hot.
Actually you'd be surprised how many piglets actually develop bowel movement in their mothers womb. That is no reason to state that they're wolf-like in birthing though.

>> No.7534281

people are a product of their environment more than most things. if it becomes socially encouraged for women to get educated, then they will be, the only difference between men and women is genitals and emotional reactivity.

>> No.7534433

>Math IQ lower than Physics and Astronomy

>> No.7534539

Definitely seems all they want to do is have an extravagant wedding,get pregnant and cuddle…not in that particular order. That or get abused sexually on camera.

>> No.7534545

I feel they're wiring is so intense that it fucks them up.Like the desire to get fucked, that closely correlates with being abused. Some would argue that having a dick rammed in and out of you is abuse in of itself. Hence they are programmed to want abuse.

>> No.7534547


>> No.7534561


>> No.7534566

not until we have artificial wombs/cloning

>> No.7535072

>Not inferior = superior
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean women are

>> No.7535074

The only thing women have going for them is the fact that men are so desperate to get laid.

>> No.7535115
File: 23 KB, 225x350, 107609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7535119

I haven't gotten laid in 18 years and it's really starting to build up

>> No.7535142

Therefore women are stupid.

>> No.7535172

Sadly, this is true.