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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7530549 No.7530549 [Reply] [Original]

>multiplication isn't repeated addition

>> No.7530551

You have to be 18+ to be on 4chan

>> No.7530553

Are we talking group theory here?

>> No.7531978

Thats how I understood multiplication when I was 7

>> No.7531986

What is 2.3 * 1.4 supposed to mean?

>> No.7532007

you can take it as real fractions and then see both parts as row of additions

>> No.7532008

convert to fractions

>> No.7532018

What about e*pi?

>> No.7532020
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>> No.7532021

use infinite sums

>> No.7532026

Multiplication is inherent to humans, addition is not.

>> No.7532046
File: 156 KB, 549x349, MathematiciansHateHim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving a thumbnail of my meme
Here, retard.

>> No.7532048
File: 51 KB, 678x486, 1442359277512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Division isn't repeated subtraction
This is more common to hear, tbh

>> No.7532050
File: 34 KB, 200x279, berger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiplication is just repeated addition of multisets.


>> No.7532087

lol wut

>> No.7532093

This is undefined

>> No.7532117

You know, there were times when they killed for saying things like that

>> No.7532120

a philosophical statement.

>> No.7532123
File: 93 KB, 2000x2000, Pent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hint: pentagram was their symbol, yet they weren't devil worshipers.

>> No.7532124

(e^(pi * i)) + 1 = 0

>> No.7532145

Nothing but the successor function actually exists.

>> No.7532151

Wouldn't it just be represented as epi?

>> No.7532194

>not pie

>> No.7532220


we're all devil worshippers

the freemasons have infiltrated every major religious organization in the world with the goal of iindoctrinating all the sheep to the will of Lucifer

>> No.7532231

That's what calculus was made for.

>> No.7532291

Real Answer:

Multiplication is the comparison of ratios.

The ratio of 2 to 1 is that 2 is twice the value of 1. The ratio of 3 to 1 is that 3 is triple the value of 1. The ratio of 6 to 3 is that 6 is twice (2) the value of 3.

Why is it important to think of multiplication this way? Vectors, and vector multiplication. A vector can be described as a magnitude and a phase. Vector multiplication is the process of adding the phases and magnitudes in such a way as to perserve the ratio to the unit vector, and this process satisfies all the rules of normal number multiplication, though it should be thought of the other way around, as numbers are scalars which are vectors with only a magnitude and no phase. Complex number multiplication also satisfies this idea of vector multiplication.

>> No.7532296

>implying division exists
You're multiplying by a fraction don't you forget it

>> No.7532364

>le asains are smart meme

fuck off reddit chinks stink and can't into english

>> No.7532373

Yes, which is then divided


>> No.7532409

Yeah. Just look at all those brilliant white english and gender studies majors!

>> No.7532413

You should not forget to mention that this is not for just any vector space; it's for normed on a vector space that respects a total order on the field it is over.

>> No.7532797

They weren't the freemasons. It was a much, much older organization. But you're right - their indoctrination reached almost every person in the world.
Heck, they even indoctrinated the freemasons.

>> No.7532812

Not that guy but are you trolling about Euclidean stuff? idk

>> No.7532841

how does the successor function "exist"?

>> No.7532962

Very close

>> No.7533127

>implying subtraction isn't addition
>implying division isn't repeated addition
>implying division isn't multiplication

>> No.7533827


>> No.7533878


>> No.7533911


>> No.7533916
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1442354177688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math isn't just le thinky thinky think think with numbers

>> No.7533925

I feel like you're talking about greek mystery religions, but my occult and esoteric knowledge isn't what it used to be.

>> No.7534026

What I think you're asking is the closest measurable rational approximation of e added to itself 3 times, then for some rational approximation of pi-3, you would add e to itself some integer numerator amount of times, then subtract e from itself some integer denominator minus one times.

More clearly:
Let e be a rational approximation of euler's constant to the most significant digit allowed by geometric analysis. Let m/n be a rational approximation of pi -3 where m and n are both integers. Then e*pi = e+e+e+e*m - e*(n-1)

>> No.7534034

I have no idea why you're on this board but I like you

>> No.7534063

that's not equality. unless you use actual real numbers (read: cuts or sequences) you aren't getting equality but shitty approximations

>> No.7534163

e as a Taylor series, and pi as arccos(-1)

Also, you need pi to calculate it :^)