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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7528282 No.7528282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What school are you currently going to or went to? Rate? Major?

Also on a personal note, what are the best schools out there right now for research (mainly in biotech or related fields) in the US?

>> No.7528293

I start at Penn State University Park on the 9th of January and I'm probably 75% sure about Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.7528296

i went to uc davis, hated every second of it, and majored in physics

things could be worse

>> No.7528301

Alfred University
it's okay if you get used to it I guess
Mechanical Engineering

Dead silent and empty at night so I walk around and look for unlocked buildings and offices. It's how I've been getting free water since I got here.

>> No.7528305

Colorado School of Medicine, MD program

One of the best in the country (for primary care). Class size is gigantic (160+), but the people are pretty cool (sorta clique-y, but otherwise fine).

best way to go nowadays for graduate programs is the MD/PhD program, you don't pay a thing and you end up with a retards lucrative degree. They also give you a pretty good stipend during your tenure.

>only an MD
>goodbye .5 million dollars
>hello white coat.
>get to laugh at all anything not MD or higher

CHEng majors have a higher ROI on their degree, but I get more respect, so I guess thats a worthwhile tradeoff.

>> No.7528309


how do I get into anywhere anon

Physics Major

>> No.7528314
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>going into Physics just to get into medical school because you know it looks more impressive

>> No.7528315


that's not why I went into physics at all
why the fuck would I put myself through this if I didn't give a shit

>> No.7528318
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>> No.7528324
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>lying in front of us all

>> No.7528329

Just started my PhD at MIT, getting paid about 30k per year to exist and learn. Not telling you what department to presence anonymity, the cohort is not that big.

>> No.7528333

Sounds just about not true

Or your phd is in some faggot field and it literally wouldn't matter if you were sixteen and doing a phd at mit in it, I still wouldn't give you the time of day

>> No.7528334
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>> No.7528337
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math is easy as dicks here but its good for grad at least

>> No.7528338
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IU sucks

>> No.7528343

hello nuclear anon

any advice for a freshman?

>> No.7528345

OK, I acknowledge your right to have an opinion of me.

>> No.7528346

the school of hard knokz, major thug life, minor radio astronomy

>> No.7528347

i'm really not
i just wanted some advice from that anon

>> No.7528350

>took a picture of the Purdue nuclear engineering water bottle the school gave all of them

daily reminder

>> No.7528353

California State University, Fullerton

Yeah that's right be jealous

Chemistry major
I want to teach highschool

>> No.7528358
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>I want to teach highschool
>Chemistry major

yeah that's about all you'll be doing

>> No.7528362


Do well on MCAT, have great extracurriculars and a long track record of public service, and a lot of time spend shadowing docs or working in medicine (the latter being more impressive).

For me it was peace corps and a shit ton of clinical research and scoring in the 95th percentile on the MCAT that did it.

Average age of first year med students in the country right now is 27, so unless you are insanely competitive, chances are you will have to work for a few years before getting into med school.

A lot of our classmates are already married and have kids. Oddly they are some of the best students.

Don't worry about it, a lot of our students came from hard science backgrounds. You won't be alone. Just be ready to have med school not be as "thinky" as you might imagine.

>> No.7528363

how did I know this post was coming

>> No.7528367

that isn't really much of a burn you know

>> No.7528369

>posts his course flowchart in every schedule thread, every engineering vs. thread and even outside of /sci/ (I've seen it on college major threads on /biz/)
This guy is without a doubt the most insecure person on /sci/.

>> No.7528371

Do you ever leave 4chan?

>> No.7528372

Did you not take chemistry, biology physics, or a math class in high school you faggot?

That is where people decide what they want to do with their life

My teaching will affect the future

I will be the reason your son picks the useful major he picks instead of some shit lib arts degree

faggot get fucked

>> No.7528376

>college graduate
>salary caps out at $50k
>needs to join a union to get that $50k
>spends most of his time babysitting kids
Yes it is.

>> No.7528377

I can guarantee you don't have a high GPA, nuke faggot. Who in the fuck goes into nuclear now? It's literally the smallest engineering major because there are no NE jobs you dumb fuck.

>> No.7528379


but he's willingly do it you moron
that's what he wanted to do

>> No.7528381
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lmao stay mad

>> No.7528382

Do you have a script that shitposts in every college thread on every board?

>> No.7528383

......someone please answer the question in OP

>> No.7528388


Oh and get ready for med school to literally consume your life. I spent the better part of 14 hours a day (including class time) studying for the last unit test and barely passed. They weren't kidding when they said expect med school to be 10x harder than anything you experienced in undergrad (and this is to a class that is like 90% biochemistry majors).

No offense, but high school science classes are so fucking watered down nowadays that they could literally not exist and little change would be made. I am not saying they shouldn't, but it would be nice to have those classes actually be even a modicum of the rigor needed to understand the subjects. The most I got out of my HS bio class was "cells have stuff inside them", Chem was "things are made of things", and physics was "stuff happens, and we tried to make the math as simple as possible but that didn't work so lets just talk about it philosophically because you fucking retards can't write a fucking equation"

If you do become a HS science teacher, you will either a) actually present the material appropriately and be fired because you didn't pander to the kiddos that can't fucking read and don't belong in school, or b) pander to the kiddos and hate yourself but keep your job.

The only teachers in HS that seemed to actually like coming to work were the social sciences teachers because it allowed them to be "the cool teacher" who sits on his desk and has "real talks" with the kids about "injustice" and other sjw shit.

>> No.7528393

>inb4 $80/hr job posting
I should leave /sci/ once in a while. I'm able to anticipate this guy's responses now.

>> No.7528394

How do you guys know it is a specific person? IU-anon here, Im both happy and curious as to why you are shitting on this guy that hard.

Also, IU is getting engineering this semester(kek_) but just wait twenty years, you purdue faggots will be obsolete

>> No.7528396

Jesus, just now getting engineering?

>> No.7528400

We know because as I said
>posts his course flowchart in every schedule thread, every engineering vs. thread and even outside of /sci/ (I've seen it on college major threads on /biz/)
He's almost big enough of a /sci/ meme that "purdue nuke major" could very well be a player in the next 4chan cup.

>> No.7528401

We've held off because purdue does it

>> No.7528402

this is incorrect
the best teachers were the science ones, they had the most freedom
i learnt a shit ton in my chem class
still use that HS chem notebook to this day

>> No.7528405

>implying purdue nuke faggot isn't fapping over us talking about him
you'll be fapping in your moms basement when you don't get a job you dumb faggot

>> No.7528408

Wait IUanon is me and I actually don't get this meme

enlighten me

>> No.7528409

Honestly depends on the difficulty and level of your class. I took full on AP classes and learned quite a lot in my science classes. So in the end I guess it depends on if the poster wants to teach harder level courses in High School or simply wants to teach normal chem (which would then fit your description)

>> No.7528415

>if 4 waves pass a point in 2 minutes what is the wave period

>> No.7528418

there is this faggot that goes to purdue for nuclear engineering and posts in like every single thread 24/7 on every board with a thread about universities shilling how NE is god-tier and dumb shit like that. he posts the same shit over and over again so it's very easy to spot him.

>> No.7528427

He also shills for Purdue and says it's comparable to MIT. If I went to Purdue, which I don't because I actually tried hard in high school, I would be very embarrassed about the way he's representing the school.

>> No.7528434


imho, this is either an indicator of the fact that you have only taken survey science classes in college, or you are going to a generally shit college. AP classes at most teach you about 70% of what "should" be covered in the basic "chem, bio, physics 1/2" classes, but as soon as you hit literally anything beyond babbies first science class, you should have left those notebooks long behind.

AP classes are good, and its an opportunity to teach kids who will likely do well in college, but if you can, I have no idea why you wouldn't teach college in lieu of HS. Better pay, hours, and general respect.

Dont get me wrong, HS teachers are super important, and I really appreciate engaged people jumping on that grenade, but it's hard not to think the HS science teachers are kinda getting a raw deal.

>> No.7528436

lol I go to purdue but I don't say so because I don't want to be mistaken for that douche

>> No.7528440

Maybe in a gen Ed class

AP classes will go into much more detail

Gen ed doesn't need that much detail

There's no reason the dude destined to be an arc welder and is taking a chemistry class because he has to needs to know exactly why anti bonding orbitals can make certain structures unstable

He just needs to know what an atom is so he's not completely clueless about science

>> No.7528447

UBC. Third year currently.

>> No.7528462

Got accepted as a transfer student (junior) into Georgia Tech for 30k a year and into UF (full ride) I really don't know which one to choose. EE major

>> No.7528464

sorry but i went to a good high school

>> No.7528467

I study engineering at the top UK autist hub.

>> No.7528468

The thing about IU is that the grad is so based compared to the under

The professors are all gods but the students are all shitters and it makes the profs really cynical

>> No.7528470


>> No.7528492
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>full ride
>30K a year
gee i don't know m8

>check ratings on qs for electrical engineering
>UF is 101-150
>GT is 13

o i c

>> No.7528493

Stanford is the best school for all tech research, one epsilon better than mit/cal/caltech/harvahd/cornell/uchicago at tech research

>> No.7528502

really? it was one of my first choices for uni. I was generally just having difficulty choosing between it and pretty much all the ones you posted.
Does it have a good biotech department though?
And thank you for the help.

>> No.7528507

I guess it gets down to whether you think the better school background will guarantee you a job with which you can pay off your debts. You can always try applying for grants and aid though, maybe it will help.

>> No.7528508


So did I. Graduate from babbies first degree and tell me how much your HS education actually matters

>things you learned in high school still relevant
>went to a decent college

pick one.

>> No.7528510

Carnegie Mellon Uni, Comp Sci
I'm enjoying it, but it's hard to make friends who just want to chill

>> No.7528513

the things I learned in HS serve as the foundation for my field and for my self as a person.
It was an interesting time and I would never give it up.
Sorry that you're so cynical.

>> No.7528521


if it's literally 30k in loans you'll be taking out, then you really have no choice but to pick UF. if you don't have the dosh, you don't have it, and being yet another retard that goes 120K+ in debt for ANY degree is just stupid. Even with an EE degree, it would take you over a decade to pay off just from all of the interest. I would be happy that I was given a full ride ANYWHERE.

Seriously, I'm going to PSU and even in-state I have to pay 30K, but my grandma is basically biting the bullet and paying for most of it, so that's really the ONLY reason I'm able to go.

>> No.7528526

UC Berkeley.
Loving every second.
MechE, but it feels like half of my time is taken by Cal Band.

>> No.7528528


Still waiting on you to admit you haven't finished undergrad yet and have literally no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

>you peaked in high school
>you think I am cynical
>you should say the same thing about kindergarten because learning to read "provided a good foundation"
>actually being this deluded

wait a few years and get a decent program or two under your belt before you act like you know your ass from a hole in the ground.

>> No.7528531


>you peaked in highschool
You need to grow up anon, being this cynical is just unhealthy.
>getting this ornery over nothing

>> No.7528534

Currently at USC for a PhD in pharmaceutical science, did a BS in chemistry/biochemistry from Kansas State University.

Biotech is tricky, if you want to go into industry go pharm sci, UCSF is #1 and constantly churns out leaders/innovators. USC supposedly is going to big in the next 10 years, as they've invested billions into the life sciences. We even have a lawsuit for poaching a scientist from UCSD lol

>> No.7528538

>tfw this buttmad idiot wont just accept there are people smarter than him

im failing calculus anon
i just want to die

>> No.7528547


>has no response to arguments
>can't prove education
>better insult him
>ha I win the argument.

Show me a high school that provides education that is even close to relevant when being compared to an even half-decent college and I will show you a preparatory school that costs as much if not more than a half decent college.

But yes, HS does provide a foundation, that is quickly left behind, much like learning your ABCs is necessary to read shakespeare, but shiggy diggy if you still bring your elementary school notebook around to push through Hamlet.

>> No.7528552

anon stop being an asshole i wasnt even insulting you
i just feel so depressed
i dont know where im going anymore

>> No.7528558

Second year at Cal Poly Pomona for Biotechnology

The campus isn't so bad, it's pretty but there's nothing to do around it at all

I get to start some 400 classes whenever they're scheduled. I'm excited

>> No.7528561

My AP Chem class in HS was pretty much identical to my undergrad Gen Chem class, but with fewer labs.

>> No.7528564

I dropped out of Uni a long time ago, went into a startup which recently got bought out. I now have a decent amount of money (good but not enough to retire on). I'm thinking of going back as a mature student as I kind of like the idea of finally getting a Masters or PhD without having to worry about funding. Good idea or not?

>> No.7528568
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Anyone know the best University in GTA (Ontario) to go to for Mechatronics Engineering?

>> No.7528572

If you're really interested in getting more studies done over whatever subject you're interested in then yeah go ahead. You would also get better job opportunities from it so take that into account.

>> No.7528589

I don't have to worry about job opportunities as my work experience (CV) is now so good I never have to worry about that ever again. Sure I get a good standard of living but it bores me now. So it's that or downgrade my lifestyle but study something interesting.

>> No.7528591

I totally agree with this high school classes can't hold a candle to a good college taught course in college. I'm at UC Berkeley and there were people who took AP Calculus BC who got 5's on the exam and were placed in Calculus 3 I don't think many will pass or if they do they probably won't get an A.

>> No.7528594

well then it comes down to what you want to do really. im sure a downgrade of lifestyle probably wouldn't be terrible, so it really comes to whether youre bored enough (or interested enough) to go study more.
if i were in your place i would go ahead and do it. it sounds like you're in a generally stable place in life and have enough freetime to do something like this, or else you wouldn't be considering it at all.
I would recommend thinking about it a bit more and really laying down what you would gain and lose from this and then decide from there. I say this only since your gains and losses would really be completely personal and depend on your mindset. Good luck with whatever you choose though.

>> No.7528595

Do masters or phd computer science. If you are a creative person you should be able to get high level jobs in that field.

>> No.7528610

I'm already at that high level in CS, as I said it's not something I need to worry about, ever.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking atm.

>> No.7528613

Alright, quick question from the OP. I am going off to college soon and m looking at Unis to go to. I am heavily interested in a Biotechnology career, and am well-skilled at most sciences and advanced mathematics. I can easily get into even the most prestigious universities, and money probably won't be a problem due to financial aid and the like.
So, where should I go? I've been looking at schools like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, JHU, and Berkeley recently but I'm still rather undecided on where I want to go.

>> No.7528620

What year, faggot?

>> No.7528622

>small and I can keep to myself in most classes
>math major, cs minor
>I don't really have an interest in higher math though, so stopping there

>> No.7528627

http://strawpoll.me/5483637 Answer plz

>> No.7528631

what the hell fuck off

>> No.7528647

Why not just CS then?

>> No.7528649

2019, I'm new here

>> No.7528652
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>mfw OP keeps shilling his dumb question

>> No.7528658


>> No.7528661

Takes too long, with how the core classes are spread out through certain terms.
Plus I figure a math major would set me apart from all the indian/weebs applying for the same positions.

>> No.7528672

I did the same.
Math is forever, CS practices change (too an extent)

>> No.7528676

Enjoy your first year while it lasts.You'll be living from assignment-to-assignment before you know it

>> No.7528682

newfag pls go

>> No.7528691

At UW Milwaukee for Physics with an astronomy emphasis right now.

Question though, I've been worried lately that even though the program for physics here is great, there is not enough name recognition. I could transfer to UW Madison or University of Chicago easily enough, but that would add thousands to my expenses. I really don't know how important the name recognition of colleges is in terms of getting into masters and Ph.D. programs. Is it worth considering to transfer or is it more or less irrelevant? Thanks everyone.

>> No.7528697

Math major at Stony Brook University. I know their math department is pretty good, but I think their graduate program is much better than their undergraduate program, honestly.

>> No.7528706

LSC Kingwood
Associates of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering
3 semesters done already

It's cheap, somewhat easy, I dislike my 62 year old calculus professor only focusing on proofs, only teaches fucking proofs all throughout the class, for a math major he would be good but for what i'm aiming for i don't need proofs.

>> No.7528715

>ctrl+f "geology"

fug u guys

who here loves rocks


>> No.7528717

Who UCF here

>> No.7528718

this is an engineer thread pls go plebeian

>> No.7528719

I'd like to do geology since it was my 2nd choice, if shit goes bad after grad party ima try and get a master in it, otherwise just save up enough money and work with rocks, fuck i love rockd, roock are the shit

>> No.7528723

Civil Engineer major. Am I fucking up?

>> No.7528729

Your good, jealousy for how ez your job soon to be is and for making big bucks ez, work a little to make alot, i think that's why some anons shit on CE.

>> No.7528731

CE goes through ups and downs in terms of job market and a lot of it is paper pushing because of permits and regulations.

>> No.7528733

Fuck yeah. Plus it's extremely related to environmental engineering (true passion but too niche for jobs). Thinking of getting my PE and then doing my masters in environmental engineering.

What do you study?

>> No.7528734

ayyy lmao I also go to UNC

I'm biochemistry and dramatic art tho

how are the upper level geology classes?

>> No.7528735

Damn, but I love the outside and working on developments. What do

>> No.7528747
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going to ABAC right now and planning to major in mathematics :-) fuckin nerd ass nerds caring about where they go. learning is easy af

>> No.7528749

future ditch digger

>> No.7528752

but also abac campus looks pretty damn nice they definitely put in effort to make sure it looks 10/10 for a small ass school

>> No.7528763

nah I really like math and am actually planning on getting phd eventually but my grades in hs were just really bad cause of add/exec function disorder and abac is pretty cheap. I got a 29 on the act without studying or caring about it but I still had to do an appeal to get into a shitty junior college lmaooo

>> No.7528789


>> No.7528793


Depends on what you're taking. Most of them are pretty easy, but the more mathy or theoretical ones (geophys, seis, seq/strat) are probably about as hard as intro-low level chem/physics classes

>> No.7528794

>who here loves rocks

cavemen do

>> No.7528800


just to clarify what I meant here—we are retards and our classes are easy. Come join us!

>> No.7528896
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Math major here. There were actually a few geology majors in my scientific computing class, but I think the proofs on the first homework assignment scared them off.

>> No.7528982

Is it possible to get into a PhD program without having a Master's or a Bachalor's degree?

>> No.7528986
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>> No.7528989

Colorado master race here too. Anschutz?

>> No.7528990
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Sophomore Computer Engineering

>> No.7528995

Rutgers. 6.5/10. Psych.

>> No.7529001

What did you not like?

>> No.7529005

respect tbh

>> No.7529019

Oxford chemistry, going into 3rd year. 8/10, course content is decently challenging but I was hoping for more tutorials. Labs a shit, but I guess it's necessary.

>> No.7529022

just because I feel I need to clarify this,
I'm not the type of person that just thinks "hurr I have da 140 iq I am smart even tho fuck school" I honestly don't even think 29 is a really high score I've just been told it's decently above average. I legitimately try to do well in school but my earlier statement was just that I am unaware of any benefits the "top schools" give education-wise I could be pretty wrong but it just seemed like a logically sound idea to go to some shitty small college for my first 2 years and not try to get into some prestigious school if I feel that I can get the same level of learning from not that

>> No.7529027

5/10 I guess. I have taken a class at a local college and that is my only reference point.

>> No.7529030

whoa what the fuck dude
what's so bad about uf

>> No.7529050

WOOOO penn state

I'm a junior in CH E

just don't waste time, start on your work early, and make sure you grasp concepts well before moving on from them and it'll be a cake walk