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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 451x267, engineering-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7526185 No.7526185 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys working on in your job or on the side?

>> No.7526193

liberal arts master race
fuck you

>> No.7526197
File: 11 KB, 200x189, 1430683360882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a long-ass form I need to fill out to get a security clearance, so I can start working in the aerospace defense industry

>Provide three people who know you well and who preferably live in the U.S. They should be friends, peers, colleagues, college roommates, associates, etc., who are collectively aware of your activities outside of your workplace, school, or neighborhood, and whose combined association with you covers at least the last seven (7) years. Do not list your spouse, former spouse(s), other relatives, or anyone listed elsewhere on this form.

Engineering is a normies-only club, apparently

>> No.7526202

>tfw chemical engineering Junior
I love math, physics, chemistry, and math, but it turns out I don't like engineering.

Right now I am working on modeling a pipe that will help bring water to a Rwanda village for Engineers without Borders.

Does anyone know why Bernoulli's equation would predict the flow rate to be many times higher than it actually is? The calculated is about 50x times higher than the actual.

>> No.7526210

It doesn't account for impurities.

>> No.7526212

What do you mean by this?

Like non smooth walls that increase friction?

>> No.7526240

Water w/ amoebas and other goop in it

>> No.7526242

>Engineers without Borders
Ayyyyy I used to volunteer with one of their chapter. Good choice!

>> No.7526243
File: 46 KB, 841x725, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...do you seriously not know three people from the entire 4-5 years of university that you're good friends with?

>> No.7526247

>engineers without borders
fucking nERRDS

MGS nerds

>> No.7526252

Robotics engineer, MIT.

My fucking lab mate dicked the programming on our current project. He had one goddamn job and he fucked it up so now my side job is carrying this dickless wonder.

It would take forever to go into details but I'm about two breaths away from murdrring this fucking sperglord

>> No.7526255

Can't you report him for fucking shit up and doing nothing useful?

>> No.7526263
File: 115 KB, 1440x810, 1438727663063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Bernoulli's irl
pls no

I hate everyone, mostly because of >>7526252

Not that I'm very likable myself

>> No.7526264

I voiced my concern but the powers that be insist it's a group project and if I don't want to take a ding I have to step up and take control. I was told "if you know what's wrong then fix it, quit your bitching, and don't work with him again." My weekend is shot. Goddamn it

>> No.7526268

>pls no
I keep telling them the numbers are shit. I have even shown them step by step. I didn't expect it to work but I thought it would at least be within a factor of 10.

There is an empirical equation I was given that works really well, but I can't find a source/derivation for it.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

>> No.7526271

>I was told "if you know what's wrong then fix it, quit your bitching, and don't work with him again." My weekend is shot. Goddamn it
Welcome to the rest of your life

>> No.7526281

Yeah, I don't remember what it is you need, but it'll definitely involve the surface friction of the pipe, turbulent vs laminar flow, and some other shit. Good luck!

>> No.7526295

Did you pick partners?

You have to put in a little effort to find other competent people in your major and then take classes with them if you know the classes require group projects.

I usually just do the whole project myself, because it feels easier (even though it takes longer).

>> No.7526300


I work in ballistic missile defense at Raytheon.


Yeah, the SF86/EQIP is a pain in the ass. Trust me though, it's worth it to put in the time to fill it out properly and fully. It makes your clearance processing go much faster. You'll get your interim pretty quickly if you don't have too many foreign contacts or international travel.



It doesn't factor in friction, turbulence, or other effects. Pipe friction can be substantial over a long distance, especially if the roughness is high.

>> No.7526304
File: 3 KB, 125x91, 1441589955713s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in engineering
>doesn't like people

Do you not realize that you work with people all day as an engineer?

>> No.7526312

>You'll get your interim pretty quickly if you don't have too many foreign contacts or international travel.
>tfw half of my family is mexican
>tfw I'm >>7526242 and have been in 5 different countries in the last 7 years

Engineers are people. Engineering students are not people.

>> No.7526314

Wait, I made that sound weird. Basically, engineering students are insufferable, but I've liked all the actual engineers I've worked with.

>> No.7526316
File: 33 KB, 577x423, you_fucked_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a retarded excuse. How ironic to say such a thing being that you are probably as insufferable and therefore have no friends to reference.

>> No.7526324

There is an upside though. I can't go into details but I can say that there's a teenager here from bumfuck Kentucky who has a full ride and a full lab to himself because he's working on some project for the uni. His roommate says he's running Turing tests on a P vs NP project. There's two reps from DARPA here too. Exciting stuff. The best part is the kids a fucking goth who drives a flgoddamn hearse. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.7526326

>It doesn't factor in friction, turbulence, or other effects. Pipe friction can be substantial over a long distance, especially if the roughness is high.
Sorry I used the wrong name.

It is pretty much Bernoulli's equation, but it also has a head loss term.

>> No.7526334

Never said I wasn't a terrible person. People don't leave me alone, though, so I guess my mad skillz make up for it

Man, sometimes I wish I didn't go to a state school. Have fun!

>> No.7526339

I'm jealous Anon

I am studying Chemical Engineering with a Paper science minor at a ABET credited (but still kinda shitty) state school.

I did it for the scholarship money and high future salary. Now I wanna kill myself. I wish I could study something cool like robots :(

>> No.7526347


Lol you'll be fine. Getting a secret is cake. Even a TS isn't too bad. It just might take a while to get the full clearance.


>state school

Bro, going to a state school is fine. Stop listening to elitists on /sci/. I went to a state school and I work at Raytheon now. It's entirely possible to get really good jobs coming from a state school.

>> No.7526353

It's fun and games until you flop the switch and nothing happens. That shit will make your blood run cold

>> No.7526356
File: 27 KB, 324x278, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to PSU
>#7 undergrad in the country for my program
>#30-something in the world
>b-but muh state schools

>> No.7526359

>going to a state school is fine
It depends on what state school.

Paper is never fun and games. Just pulp, water, and additives.

>> No.7526366

My state school is top 150. I promise I'm smart. I wasn't planning on doing engineering.

Pls kill me.

>> No.7526402

muh nigga

I'm in Physics at PSU

>> No.7526556
File: 39 KB, 309x480, I_know_you_can_make_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god-tier major for god-tier anons

>> No.7527186

>everybody has friends
kill yourself faggot

>> No.7527628
File: 101 KB, 1317x685, New Bitmap Image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a software engineer C/C++ anJava. On the side, I'm currently working on developing my own SLAM robot. See picture. Doing the electronics and programming m ^_^