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7518857 No.7518857 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, this can be a shitpost if you want it to be, but it also can be a decent thread.

Share with me your stories on how you graduated from university.

>the pain and the glory

>> No.7518860

I finished my courses, finished my thesis, got my degree.

>> No.7518862

Probably average 4hrs sleep the entire 4th year of my chem eng degree.
Best fucking feeling that first night after i graduated to just pass the fuck out.

Also it was worth it.

>> No.7518863

easy as that?

>> No.7518865

4hrs of sleep fuck that.

congratulation on degree

>> No.7518867

I've never been a great sleeper but yeah 4 hours was pretty intense.
That's what I get for signing up to the best Chem Eng university in my country, they work us like the dogs our predominantly asian student base eat at dinner.

>> No.7518868

>mfw be compsci major
>sleep only 2-4 hours a day

>self studying topology and group theory
>because I find it interesting

do something you love !

>> No.7518870

oh yeah that was what got me through it I guess, I loved Chem Eng so it was plenty of motivation to never sleep. The exhaustion dragging gets intense though.
When I was a pleb first year I actually missed my Linear Algebra exam because I am a shit sleeper.

>> No.7518871

i am doing something i love, civil engineering.

but the idea of having a deadline and multiple projects, exams left and rights is fucking annoying.

>> No.7518873


>> No.7518874

Ugh I had to take a civil unit in my first year that taught professionalism, the group assignments on shit I couldn't give a fuck about (no offence civil bro) was so tedious.

>> No.7518876

No. My country has no universities anywhere near as prestigious (not US/UK/Germany) but its still the best we have (for chem eng, its not great for pure science).

>> No.7518881
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sounds like core class for civil engineers
no offense taken

>> No.7518894

Yeah every engineering type has to do it now, since about 5 years ago. It is a pity too because they rotate the project type and the year before mine was Chem.

Being honest I don't mind Civil but I cant work up the effort to do assignments and work away at it.

>> No.7519030

2nd year process engineering here.. Awesome courses and all but mother of christ 9am to 6pm with labs and all is the lamest.

>> No.7519048

>start university, aerospace engineering
>go on almost flawlessly for almost a year and a half
>because things in my recent past, depression takes over
>lose one year before realizing I need help and seek it
>lose another year to start reacting
Now I've slowly started to pass exams again, but it's hard has fuck (and not because of the course of study).

>> No.7519055

sounds like korea, since you mention dogs

>> No.7519079

>Don't go to Imperial for financial reasons (qualified as overseas student, long story)
>Go to Lancaster Uni
>Surrounded by 'lads who just wanna have a good time and get it out of the system'
>Prepare only for the final 2-4 weeks of year 1
>Repeat for year 2
>Start playing Dota 2 to drown my sorrows, don't attend half of year 3 or any exams
>Get a job after this
>Pass exams the following year.
>Around 150-200 hours of studying time total
>Maths with Stats 2:2 degree
>Plan to get a master's to wipe off this Desmond

I don't even know what the fuck I was thinking, but I'm slowly getting my shit together. What are my chances at ICL/Warwick/Cass with a 2:2? Alternatively I might go to some EU University.

>> No.7519147

Im a freshman in Comp Sci.
Why the fuck are they making me take History classes. I wanted to take Web Design as an elective this semeser

>> No.7519181

>first second years people say are very hard in France
>go through them like a breeze
>two more years in engineering school
>double degree in university abroad
>get addicted to league so much I shift my sleeping time to match my friends who are on another continent and keep playing with them
>never go to morning classes, only wake up if I have to meet some supervisor or a friend who wants to have lunch together
>stay awake till 5-6am every day
>courses are quite easy but projects require lots of work... but I never had the will, I had to force myself and cut on the sleep regularily
>start drinking coffee and sugar free energy drinks every day
>my face is literally OP's pic
last semester now, my schedule is lighter because I overloaded it in previous ones.
I've grown tired of playing as much as I did so it should be fine

>> No.7519182

>go to class
>pay attention
>don't do drugs or drink
>don't need to work particularly hard because I paid attention in class and didn't do drugs or drink

>> No.7519184
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This fucking guy.

>> No.7519185


>> No.7519231

I wish I had motivation like yours.
Even though I really like what we're studying here as chem engineer students (I cannot really imagine myself learning anything else either) and I find science pretty interesting, I must admit I like sleeping and doing literally fucking nothing just a little more. I just hate to study, I think. Or maybe I'm a lazy fuckwit. Either way, I often find myself reading scientific articles during study-time that have absolutely no relation to the subject I am supposed to prepare for.

>> No.7519245

sounds like a pretty boring time, im really sorry

>> No.7519248

Kill yourself faggot, if the knowledge gained is not enough for you then you don't belong here

>> No.7519680

>graduated from university with safety-eng degree this year
> cant find job that not requires work experience

>> No.7519698

All I have to say is do not have a relationship, unless you want to delay the realization your ambitions.

>> No.7519743

Story of my life. I was too ambitious, I slept to little, depression, yadda yadda yadda.
I realized that doing anything above what you are required to do in college is like tying a rope around your neck.

>> No.7519752


Welcome to the job hunt. 2-5 yrs experience minimum or get paid terrible wage for bitch work.

>> No.7519754

>I realized that doing anything above what you are required to do in college is like tying a rope around your neck.
Yup. I put more effort into my volunteer work than into my degree (ME, state university), and just didn't get a good return on investment on my job search. Should've put that effort into more grad classes or something.

>> No.7519795

graduate with electrical engineering degree
6 months later still looking for work , can't even get an interview can't even get an internship
I am considering joining that mgtow group from /out/ where they go off the grid , so that I can offer to help build a self sustained power system or something ,or maybe just be a farmer, I suppose its better than living on the streets and begging for spare change which seems to be the direction im going to at this rate.

>> No.7519811

Oh man I feel for you. Im the Chem Eng guy but I know over heare EEng is the worst for grads, over here to get a job you basically need the Ugrad EEng and then you have to do a trade job for like 2 years as an electrician, which is shit because heaps of people become too comfy with their middle tier salary (not uncommon for Electricians to make 60k/year here) and don't want to go back to typical Ugrad 30k/year salary.

>> No.7519961

Why do engees always need to tell people how hard is engineering?

It shouldn't be a burden if you like the subject.

>> No.7519970

Nigga I fuck my bitch on the weekends, do my work on the weekdays. It works fine and I'm a straight A student.

>> No.7519979

we dont go into engineering because we like it

>> No.7519984

Then u r dumb

>> No.7519994

I'm a sophomore that transfered to a 4 year Uni from a CC and declared my major as Engineering.

I'm currently taking 2 liberal arts, an English, and Pre-cal. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.7519997
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kill yourself

>> No.7520014
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>straight A student
>dat meens I'm ambitious

>> No.7520024

>7 classes a semester
>pure math
>better social life than i ever had
>tons of meth and coke
>haha fuck sleep

>> No.7520033

>people pick grades over sleep
>wanting to be under 6'

>> No.7520038

>under 6'
I would have to shrink at least 3 inches for that to happen. I think I'm safe.

>> No.7520057

I'm >>7519048 and the only thing that stopped me from giving up on literally everything was the fact that I do care about achieving my AE degree, because I like it regardless of the difficulties. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.7520065

yeah you didn't take all the pre-reqs necessary.

>> No.7520085

how is studying kinesiology going?

>> No.7520089

Fuck, are you me?

>> No.7520092

i motivated myself to do hw and go to school by smoking weed when it was all done. now im an employed engineer and i cant get high =[

>> No.7520180


wrong faggot, my engineering course is fucking hard but i love it and i wouldnt do anything else

>> No.7520297

Yeah so next semester I'll take Calculus 1 and all the physics, chem, and engineering classes


>> No.7520334

Freshman MechE. Currently taking Calc 2, Gen Chem, Intro Bio, and a required seminar course from the department of Human Development and Family Studies. I claimed around 26 credits from AP tests so I should graduate a semester early without taking more than 16 hours a semester (and only averaging 15 per) and get an internship and chill before grad school. School is easy so far because lol gen chem/bio/lib arts. Calc 2 is kind of challenging, especially since I'm in the honors version of it. When should I expect things to get hard? Diffy Qs/Linear Algebra aren't on my degree plan but next semester I have advanced calculus for applications I.

UT Austin btw, if that indicates anything about the rigor or lack thereof.

>> No.7520387

To give you depth. Believe it or not it gives you a better, more well rounded education and outlook on life.

>> No.7520392

UT is pretty rigorous, a little less than A&M :)

>> No.7520393

Should have definitely taken all of that in CC. why didn't those transfer over?

>> No.7520396

Because when I was in the CC I declared a GIS major and took business math classes


I might as well be a freshman again tbh

>> No.7520410

good b8 m8
>pre calc
>2nd year engineer student


>> No.7520416

>2nd year engineer student

>> No.7520434

>2nd year

>> No.7520441

This is my first year as an engineering student. By credit hours I'm barely a sophomore, but this is my second year in college.

>> No.7520459

how did you get into this 4 year with not even pre-calc completed.
cc student here.
fuck you.

>> No.7520466

Idk. The only math I took was college algebra and business math. I made a 3.3 gpa my second semester so maybe that helped. The school is Texas a&m btw

>> No.7520469

UH ChemE here, hi Texas friends. I think here most mechanical people start complaining in sophomore year when they take Statics and then Dynamics, that's usually when all the dudebros who decided to major in MechE because they like cars realize that it's not actually about fixing cars or whatever.

Also if your degree plan is like ours then even though you don't have a class called DiffEq/Linear Algebra you will still definitely have a class on them, sounds like your advanced calculus applications class is going to be it. For us it's called either Engineering Math or Analytical Methods depending on your major.

>> No.7520477

Nah, a freshman would at least have calc 1 out of the way.

>> No.7520492

>be CompE major
>have to make a pipelined CPU in verilog for computer architecture class
>it worked fine without pipelining, but had weird problems once I added it in
>2 days until due date, no idea how to fix it
>can tell it's because instructions aren't being flushed properly after branch instructions but don't know exactly where it's fucking up
>put a shit load of nops after each branch in the test assembly code so following instructions don't get accidentally run
>it works
>show the TA it works on the due date
>get full marks for the project
>pass the class with a C even though I completely fucked up the final (as in I just wrote '0' as my answer for over half of it)

>> No.7520506

Not necessarily. You can take it in college

>> No.7520528

Idk about the math thing. For one, it's offered by the math department, which also offers a course called Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. Also, I tested out of Physics 1. What's easier for next semester, physics 2 plus lab or statics?

>> No.7520555

> took 4.5 years to get a dual BS in CmpE and EE
> don't know what to do in grad school
> pick a teaching-focused adviser with no funding
> chose a photodetector-based master's thesis while my adviser's strength is power systems
> work on it for 3 years and get shitty results (yes I know now results don't matter)
> do two internships during the summers
>dad gets sick and dies of the course of my 4th year
>think about quitting halfway my 5th year of getting nowhere
> get a call in Feb this year for a job based on my internships
> offered the job in march but its dependent on the masters degree
> spend 6 weeks reading, writing, and editing at least 10 hours a day
> 60 pages finished a week before the semester ends
> pass my defense 2 days before graduation
> now I work full-time on weapon systems

Don't give up and you'll succede eventually. Or you might get lucky.

>> No.7520598

Can we get some science students in this thread. I have no one to compare to

>> No.7520602

>What's easier for next semester, physics 2 plus lab or statics?
I miss the fun of planning out future semesters and deciding which classes to take

Stats is probs easier if you're good at math. Physics 2 is lots of formulas and intuition

>> No.7520609

that's awesome man

>> No.7520614

not everyone gets to spend 5 years of money and time in grad school

>> No.7520616

>I went to college for fun
I feel sorry for your parents, who spent all of that time and money just to watch their little autismo choose a life of mediocrity because he couldn't put off partying for 4 years.

>> No.7520622

>tfw becoming knowledgeable in many subjects
>tfw expanding your perception
>tfw still feeling like youve been huffing gasoline on most days

>> No.7520647

>start drinking coffee and sugar free energy drinks every day

Kek, that's me except for the coffee, I don't drink coffee oh and I'm addicted to caffeine.

400mg of caffeine + mad maths and shit a day


>> No.7520652

so you wasted 1 year? Congrats fam, learn from your mistakes and stay focused. 2 years to get the pre-reqs before you can start focusing completely on the engineering aspect. Maybe 1 1/2 if you take summer classes. I don't know how motivated you are though...

>> No.7520660

I'm still at a CC. I'm 23 and need at least one more year to get all my pre-reqs out of the way to start applying to different schools. I wasted 1 year working, then I got hit by a fucking car and the concussion messed me up psychology. Couldn't find any motivation to stay in school so I started working shit jobs again. Turned 22 and decided I wanted to be an engineer. 1 year later I'm in multi-variable calculus, but I still have 2 more math classes and 3 physics to go. I get depressed thinking about the lost time, but I'm staying focused.

Fucked my GPA real good during my first 2 years out of high school.

So yeh, stay in school kids. If you suffer a concussion seek help. You get depressed and get random mood swings all the fucking time and you just can't think straight. Took me about 2 years to regain focus and start thinking clearly. Sucks being poor.

>> No.7520717


Don't worry about things out of your control. I'm older than you and learning maths from scratch. I'm not even up to calculus yet. There's are plenty of people in a worse position than you. Ignore the neckbeards on here who expect everyone to have learned everything and graduated by 22.

>> No.7520735

kek, just what I expected, an entire topic of people patting themselves on the back for taking (but not always passing) calc 2 ("calcooloos toooo").

In universities where all students go in with equally perfect grades, engineering has zero reputation for difficulty. Maybe a bit more braindead busywork, but not more difficult

Also I want to say from the bottom of my heart: It's not "normal" for engineering students to take more than four years to get their bachelors in the USA. You just haven't realised what level of braindead trash, including maybe yourself, is allowed to go to university.

>> No.7520790


Nobody is saying that they are going to take more than 4 years to get their bachelors, once on the program. They first need to learn the math before applying, that is where the extra time will come from. That should be an easy distinction to understand for someone with a such a high opinion of himself.

>> No.7520824

>Be in ChemE.
>Spent most of my undergrad daydrinking with some of the smarter students in my class.
>Get an RAship from one of the prof. and got my name on a publication.
>Spend less than 6 hours per week studying.
>mfw I hear all these worthless faggots whining about how they're not getting sleep, studying 30+ hours per week and still failing.
>Graduate, now I'm teaching those people and they're still working their ass off and failing.

If undergrad wasn't a cakewalk for you then you don't belong in engineering, go study some easy mode lightweight degree like science or IT. Seriously I don't know why those people do that to themselves, your education shouldn't be stressful at all nevermind suicide inducing, go do something you're more suited to.

>> No.7520840


Lol, you didn't graduate university by 16 and you didn't earn a Phd by 21. Kill yourself, phaggot.

>> No.7520848


I mostly supported myself through grad school with assistantships and internships. An assistantship cut tuition by 80%. My parents helped me with things like insurance and gas money to visit them, but I could have taken a loan out if need be.

5 years is way too long for a 2 year degree, though.

>> No.7520856

It's such bullshit when people like you try to claim "Oh man I'm so fucked smart I don't even study and just get straight A's", like what? What kind of degree are you taking? You're imagining everyone in this thread is talking about studying as in *at their desk trying to grasp easy concepts*. It's not that at all, it's the sheer volume of work. And unless you go to literal shit tier university, they design courses to not be intuitive or easily manageable, learning all of the material given is not even the bare minimum, and there's perpetual assignments and such that take many many hours to complete irrespective of how smart you are.That said, I do Science and despite your idea it's easier, I honestly doubt Engineering is any different.

>> No.7520860

You just sound insecure about your intelligence, otherwise you would legitimately not post all of that

>> No.7520865

My Bachelor was easy as shit. Now doing my master thesis. Shit's pretty hard.

>> No.7520868

math master programmes in europe will basically accept anyone

>> No.7520889

>being this fuccboi

Dyel bruh?

>> No.7520893

>go to class
>pay attention
>never chat up the tight chicks I wank to at home
>never be invited or go to parties because I'm a autist, rather watch hentei
>see the people doing drugs and party having the same job as me
>regret everything
>kill myself

>> No.7520896

I'm not even the guy you replied to, but actually you're the autist here.

Mom and dad probably paid everything for you and literally wiped your ass for yourself.

Instead of wasting my parents money and time, I moved out, got a job on the side and still did my degree; maybe I needed a year or two longer, but I'm many friends, life experience and a stronger character richer than gay little faggots like you who are all entitled and shout "muh mediocrity" to everybody, only because they had a job in some 9 - to - 5 company.

I needed 5 years for my BA and I started to work at nvidia, did my MA on the side in about 3 years and make even better money now.

>> No.7520897

I'm 22 and in a similar position as you, even the concussion. lel

Just keep going. Nobody cares IRL, expect you, and what you care about and what you except from yourself is up to - right - yourself.

Just do whatever the fuck you want in the pace you want, just never give up and you'll make it brah.

>> No.7520899

Never said I was a genius, what I'm getting at is that it's pointless to suffer for years doing something you'll never be good, if you fail a bunch of modules you probably won't get a decent job. People would only be willing to hire you as a lab tech and such working for less than half of what good engineers earn.

People should stop forcing themselves to get through degrees they aren't suited to, it's senseless, unrewarded masochism.

Never said I got 4.0 on my degree, already had grad-school advisers organized for me that I met at conferences from my RA work, I got a few As but grades weren't important to me and getting a straight As has actually never been done in the history of my programme before.

>sheer volume of work.
My programme an average of 32 on-campus work required per semester (40 in the first year, only 6 in final semester with design project taking up more time) which includes lectures, labs, tutorial sessions etc. The people I'm talking about are those that need to study until 3 AM every night just to keep up with the coursework. Ex. we'll be given a problem that should you take you no more than 3 hours to solve, and they'll spend the entire weekend and never figure it out, which is why midway through the semester they drop half their courses to decrease the "volume of work". If you're that bad you should be doing something simpler.

>there's perpetual assignments and such that take many many hours to complete irrespective of how smart you are.
That's not true. Throughout my undergrad there was a clear disparity between who would spend 10 times longer on a projects and still get a poorer grade than people who were simply better at designing and could understand research papers quicker.

> I do Science
pfft. Your programmes are lightweight background garbage, you have no idea what work is and you don't know what kind of students I'm talking about because you're undoubtedly one of them.

>> No.7520900

You just sound insecure about your intelligence, otherwise you would legitimately not post all of that

Also I never said I was intelligent, I said other people weren't, stop projecting.

>> No.7520932

Well no that statement can't be reversed, what I said was a refutation, what you said was an assertion.

Whether you claimed you were intelligent or not is irrelevant, you sound insecure. And saying other people aren't is to insinuate you do not belong to this category and therefore, are, obviously.

>> No.7520946


You're worthless and will never achieve anything significant. You're teaching grad students, big deal, plenty of run of the mill academics do that. You'll probably write a few papers that nobody will read, if that. You'll probably get some projects, but nothing worthwhile. Why bother when you're just going to amount to an average run of the mill engineer? Kill yourself, loser.

>> No.7520952

>what you said was an assertion.
Except it wasn't and you made up an assertion that I never made in your head, hence you are insecure and hence you are projecting that insecurity.

>Whether you claimed you were intelligent or not is irrelevant, you sound insecure. And saying other people aren't is to insinuate you do not belong to this category and therefore, are, obviously.
>What you actually or not is irrelevant, what's important is what I feel you said.

See how easy that was? Hope you learned something about yourself today and strive to be less insufferable in the future.

>> No.7521038


Sup texas bros, Physics/Math major at UT almost finished with Physics Ph.D. at A&M.

Physics master race crashing this thread.

With no survivors.

>> No.7521043

>Y-You are insecure!!!
>N-N-No! Im not insecure...Y-You Are!
>N...No You! Stop projecting!
>I'm not projecting... You are! Stop projecting!
Now why don't you two face the facts that by arguing over this, you two are, in fact, retarded autistic fucks that are insecure?

>> No.7521049

oops typoed on that one, fact*
sorry for being an autistic fucktard, now would you guys stop harping

>> No.7521078

Why don't you all just learn to stop falling for obvious bait instead?

>> No.7521084

>lightweight background garbage

Here comes the engineer to tell everyone else they are garbage everyone. I honestly can't imagine the rigor of my course load is much different from yours. Different subjects sure, but to write paragraphs about how difficult your program is and proclaim yourself a genius at it (don't deny it, that's exactly the vibe you projected in your first post) just shows how over inflated you are. If you are mediocre at something but you enjoy it, I don't see the problem.

>> No.7521113

>Different subjects sure
Literally only for you.

>> No.7521246

>Underperform on A-levels, get ABB
>Go to Aston Uni for Chemical Engineering
>Get 2:1
>Did extracurricular shit
>Played rugby avec the LADS, learnt an instrument, language lessons etc.
>Dunno whether to pursue Masters or not

>> No.7521373

no I stopped lifting when I left my ex. I was genuinely doing it for her. Now it doesn't matter, I stopped caring.

>> No.7521576

Get a masters faggot

>> No.7521592

Really a lot of insecure engineering students in this thread.