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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7511723 No.7511723 [Reply] [Original]

My two passions in life are alternative (chinese) medicine and animal welfare.
My mentor uses her knowledge every day to assuage pain and increase wellness but it often comes at the cost of endangered species :(
You want to know how I know there is no god?
What god would make it so the rarer the substance, the more healing the effect?

What would you guys do in my position?
This is coming to a crisis point for me.

>> No.7511731
File: 298 KB, 2271x2380, 1428830820143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alternative (chinese) medicine
pic related

Although I did study glyzerine as a noval anti-viral at one point, I think that's the only real good one.

>> No.7511738

Who says that the rarer the substance, the greater healing properties it has?

What are you even asking?

>> No.7511743

If "alternative medicine" was actually proven to work we would just call it "medicine". Why are you posting this quack bullshit on /sci/?

>> No.7511748

We are a bit off topic here but western medicine is pretty lacking and far more primitive than most people realize.
There are many answers they simply do not have.

>> No.7511752

>My two passions in life are alternative (chinese) medicine and animal welfare.
This has got to be a troll post

>What god would make it so the rarer the substance, the more healing the effect?
Lions and elephants and shit wouldn't be rare if the goddamn chinks could keep their hands off their livers

>> No.7511758

That has nothing to do with whether alternative medicine works, which it doesn't. Nice attempt to distract from the point though.

>> No.7511760

Unanswered questions exist in any field, but if you denounce Western medicine, you are just retarded. Everyone wants to use herbal, mystical healing methods until they've got cancer, a broken arm, a blood clot, heart attack... or literally anything else.

>i used to have migraines until i started using _______! all natural and makes me feel amazing!

>i've got ass cancer from this thread, and now my herbal medicine doctor is sprinting out of his teepee, what do i do?

>> No.7511773

Nice b8 m8

>> No.7511775

>far more primitive than most people realize
Couldn't be more wrong.
>My mentor uses her knowledge every day to assuage pain and increase wellness
No she doesn't. What do you even mean by "wellness"? I suppose placebos could increase wellness, but that's all you're doing.

>> No.7511777

Your question was just an insult based upon the use of semantics, I tried to deal with the root of your issue which was that based upon what you've learned under the guise of western medicine alternative Chinese remedies don't work even though they've been used for thousands of years.

>> No.7511789

It's not semantics. The difference between what we call medicine and "alternative medicine" is that one is scientifically proven to work while the other is scientifically proven to not work, or has neither evidence nor reasoning for us to think they would.

>I tried to deal with the root of your issue which was that based upon what you've learned under the guise of western medicine alternative Chinese remedies don't work even though they've been used for thousands of years.
Thousands of years ago we were much stupider than we were now. If I told you we have been sacrificing human children to the rain god for thousands of years, would you believe that it works? Would you do it?

And by the "guise of western medicine" do you mean scientific reasoning and evidence? Do you understand what that is? Because if not you should not be posting here.

>> No.7511792

>If I told you we have been sacrificing human children to the rain god for thousands of years, would you believe that it works? Would you do it?
There is some pretty compelling anecdotal evidence that this stuff works anon.
3000 years of ancient wisdom is pretty hard to refute.

>> No.7511798

Ugh, /sci/ has never been even tried chinese meds. they work miracles and only the most powerful use rare animals. they are never used first , only as last resort.

>> No.7511805

Repeating nonsense for 3000 years doesn't make it any less nonsense. This has to be one of the most retarded arguments for woo.

>Ugh, /sci/ has never been even tried chinese meds.
There are numerous scientific studies showing that these TCM works no better than placebo. Try again.

>they are never used first , only as last resort.
That's utter bullshit. You con artists will sell this shit to anyone for any reason. Not only are you conning people out of money, you are harming them by convincing them they don't need to seek real medicine.

>> No.7511806

Studies funded by who? Oh yeah, big Pharma.

Both horoscopes and herbal medicine have existed; albeit suppressed for a short time as long as the concept of a road.

Ancient people spend entire lifetimes without tv doing things that are proven to increase bloodflow to the brain. Using powerful brain tonics like Brahmi an Indian herb that can restore memory in Alzheimer's patients.

Big pharma has a place but herbs should totally be first on everyone minds. Gardens are great for the body and soul. They are educational and they relieve stress, they should be a human right everywhere. Gardens are life and that ounce of prevention that prevents the pounds of meth they want you to consume over your lifetime.

>> No.7511828

>Studies funded by who? Oh yeah, big Pharma.
The government, mostly.

>Both horoscopes and herbal medicine have existed; albeit suppressed for a short time as long as the concept of a road.
That has nothing to do with whether they work or not. Provide scientific evidence for your claims or get the fuck out.

>> No.7511835

>The government, mostly.
And who has the government in their pocket?

>That has nothing to do with whether they work or not. Provide scientific evidence for your claims or get the fuck out.
There's no getting through to you right-brain number junkies is there?

>> No.7511836
File: 247 KB, 1024x657, MR7A6175-PaulHilton-1024x657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My two passions in life are alternative (chinese) medicine and animal welfare.
no. just fuck you.

>> No.7511842

haha cool a bunch of dead animals, you sure showed me. This is why noone likes scientists

>> No.7511848

pangolin scales are used in chink medicine. i thought this was your passion?

>> No.7511850

If they're just being buried then it's evil. You use the animal, don't just kill it and dump dirt onto it.

>> No.7511851

But no actual benefit is coming from their deaths. They're not being used, they're being killed and flayed and then buried. They serve no purpose.

>> No.7511857

so you think law enforcement should just give it away? sell it themselves maybe? you don't see how this would lead to problems?

let's stop burning seized ivory too!

>> No.7511865

>And who has the government in their pocket?
Whoever you don't like. There is clearly no scientific merit to your bullshit "medicine". Conspiracy theories won't distract anyone from that fact.

>There's no getting through to you right-brain number junkies is there?

>comes into /sci/
>complains people are scientific

>> No.7511871

That's the issue though, you aren't scientific, you're just western. You all seem to forget how fucked up western medicine was with their leeches and draining and shit up until like the 40s

>> No.7511896

If China and India have all the answers, then why don't they even have clean water?

>> No.7511912

get out of that western mindset dude you're just western

>> No.7511917

Because they hold 90% of america's debt and could call it in whenever they want you fucking faggot

>> No.7511923

>Because they hold 90% of america's debt
u wot m8

Most of America's debt is to Americans, and America has effectively 0 debt anyway because there is no way to collect on it.

>> No.7511927

>Lions and elephants and shit wouldn't be rare if the goddamn chinks could keep their hands off their livers

>> No.7511929

You don't understand much about economics, do you?

>> No.7511934

I-it was a joke

>> No.7511935

>implying leeches aren't used today and aren't excellent treatment

>> No.7511942

I think this thread proves that /sci/ really is the easiest board to troll.

>> No.7511973
File: 178 KB, 500x281, JOJO_LAUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your medicine is barbaric, you used leeches and draining instead of dead snakes and stabbing the patient with many needles.