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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 538 KB, 1000x694, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7509428 No.7509428 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger memedegree than engineering?

I honestly don't know why someone would go into it rather than chemistry...

>> No.7509464

Comp sci, and most people I know go into business or economics. Then, the second largest group of people go into liberal arts or med. ering and comp sci sound oversaturated. In all honesty, I still believe comp sci. and engineering are both great degrees.

>> No.7509470


/sci/ makes comp sci and engineering sound oversaturated, but there are a fuck ton more degrees out there that have way more people in them. Example, Law*

>> No.7509471

Chemistry is still better pleb.

>> No.7509475
File: 21 KB, 450x299, 127095609349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god who talks about shit like this?

like i would never hang out with someone that talked about a major like it's a "meme" what in the fuck does that even mean you generic twat?

>Is there a bigger memedegree than engineering?
yeah m8 your moms fat fucking ass is a bigger memedegree

>I honestly don't know why someone would go into it rather than chemistry...
that's because you "honestly" have an IQ of 12 and post retarded threads like this

there. your amazingly thought-provoking questions are now answered.

So is everyone in engineering now supposed to go "oh this guy on the internet shilled how it's a "memedegree" so we shouldn't do it anymore because." and then we have a shortage of engineers sooner or later since it's such a "memedegree".

People go into electrical engineering(and make it to the end) because they're actually interested in electrical engineering and want to be involved in the field - like every other swinging dick in university that picks their major for the right reasons

holy shit people like you IRL are fucking retarded

Fuck you people.

>> No.7509480
File: 106 KB, 611x842, 1424644880432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this shit thread


>> No.7509483


>> No.7509484
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1368566484790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were no engineers then we wouldn't have any technology, infrastructure, transportation, etc.

It's obvious that most of /sci/ hates engineers because of the fact that the engineer can get a well paying job while the mathematicians/scientists will be future Subway managers. So everybody on here tries to justify their "important" major by bashing engineers.

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.7509502

Medicine isn't nearly as hyped up or popular as engineering. It's not meme, there's actually a shortage of doctors most places

>> No.7509510

I'm keking so hard right now.

>> No.7509519

ass. blasted.

>> No.7509531

*artificial shortage

>> No.7509561

oh please

>> No.7509566


>> No.7509574

You can't become a professional engineer without an engineering degree. It's like going to med school or law school. There's a whole, major category of work which is legally restricted to people with engineering degrees.

>> No.7509575


>implying it matters

>> No.7509632

>Is there a bigger memedegree than engineering?


>t. nanoscience minor

>> No.7509652

>work in a lab with chemists
Chemists below PhD are really dumb. Chemists with PhD are pointlessly arrogant.

Chemists are shit.

>> No.7509654

>do cool shit
>make big bucks
enjoy getting cucked by a required graduate degree while I'm out getting paper bitch

>> No.7509915

>I honestly don't know why someone would go into it rather than chemistry.
Chemists make dick compared to any branch of engineering, including chemical engineering.

>> No.7510705

on a scale of 10/10 how btfo are you?

>> No.7510710
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1413351332881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7510728

being premed is a fucking meme

prob less than 5% of "premeds" actually become doctors

>> No.7511487

>>make big bucks

Literally read "suck big dicks"

>> No.7511510

Mathematics is the memeist of memes
100k starting