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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7507251 No.7507251 [Reply] [Original]

What is time and how is time travel is possible?
time is just a movement related to another movement for us to have some value so we can classify stuff (this happened after that), by that definition, the only way to do time travel it to fake it by reorganizing every single atom in the universe to the way it was at a certain moment (you have to know the position of each one to begin with), thinking that time travel is possible is either implies having some kind of universal registry that keeps track of everything and save it, or that the universe is just a collection of states (images) that jumps from one to another (like playing a movie).
I always hear how you can see the old events if you travel faster than the speed of light, but that's it, "see", you'll just be outrunning the light then catch it so you'll be seeing old events, the earth itself will keep moving towards in time as you are.
am i missing something?

>> No.7507262

>What is time
Abstract human concept used to describe movement.
>how is time travel is possible
To future: suspend life until arrival.
To past: impossible.

>> No.7507266
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>am i missing something?

not anymore my friend

>> No.7507267

what wizardry is this?
i think you can only slow time at best (stopping it is impossible)
i don't understand how time is affected by speed and gravity since gravity isn't explained that well to begin with

>> No.7507277

>i don't understand how time is affected by speed and gravity
Time is a quantification of relative motion, and things that move are affected by speed and gravity. It's as simple as that. A six year old should be able to understand it.

>> No.7507284

what i meant was relativity, i need a physical experiment to see why would a human moving in high speed/close to a high gravitational field would age slower than others in normal condition, or in other words, if a computer would perform slower when moving at high speed

>> No.7507288

>A six year old should be able to understand it.
I love you /sci/

>> No.7507298
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up and up travel
up is just a movement related to another movement for us to have some value so we can classify stuff (this happened after that), by that definition, the only way to do up travel it to fake it by reorganizing every single atom in the universe to the way it was at a certain moment (you have to know the position of each one to begin with), thinking that up travel is possible is either implies having some kind of universal registry that keeps track of everything and save it, or that the universe is just a collection of states (images) that jumps from one to another (like playing a movie).
I always hear how you can see the old events if you travel faster than the speed of light, but that's it, "see", you'll just be outrunning the light then catch it so you'll be seeing old events, the earth itself will keep moving towards in up as you are.
am i missing something?

>> No.7507318


>> No.7507323
File: 43 KB, 650x500, explane time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to travel in time is like wanting to travel up, it is a direction.

>> No.7507330

i'm not talking about time travel alone, but the concept of time and relativity, a lot of scientists (or at least the ones in famous documentaries) treats time like it's a film that you can rewind and manipulate however you want (especially when talking about wormholes and black holes)

>> No.7507349
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s because they work exclusively with abstracted mathematical formula.

>> No.7507359

and they say science is better than magic when they teach you your whole life how x^2 is always positive then throw at you i^2 = -1 that is pure magic.
but it's funny how we got so far without having a clear understanding of what is time, light, gravity and even a "thought", those are what interest me the most

>> No.7507657


>> No.7507682

time is not a direction

>> No.7507755

coffee reaction images are truly the worst.

>> No.7507778

>they teach you your whole life how x^2
They teach you that for about 2 years
After Algebra 2 (so like a year or 2 after algebra) you should be aware of imaginary numbers

>> No.7507808

nope, we learn that a negative*negative always equals a positive since elementary (last half of it) the imaginary numbers only pop up in last couple if not last year before college, having the "there is no sqrt(i) but you should accept that it equals -1 anyways" description doesn't really help, you just have to play along which i hate in learning

>> No.7507901

There are lots of different ways of defining time and the difference between the past and the future.

>> No.7507917

This is the best explanation of relativity that I've seen. Hopefully it helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev9zrt__lec

>> No.7507964

the whole thing is based on the fact that the light is traveling at the same speed, but why? and did they test it? logically, if you fire a laser out of a moving object, the speeds should add up, there isn't a speed cap when you move in space, so if the light is moving faster, the whole thing about how the clock slows down is false,anybody can explain?

>> No.7507993

what i understand is that relativity is based on perception and observers, of course observers will see different clocks depending where they are, but that's just an illusion because light takes time to travel from the observed object to the observant's eye, but that doesn't eliminate that at the same exact moment, the clock will point at the same time.

>> No.7508913
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The real question is:
Does a human being have ever travelled back in time ?

If time-travel is real, then you can be sure that it will be possible in the future.
Then if its possible, a human-being should have already travelled back in time.

And because he is a human-being and not as perfect as a god, he should have done some serious fucked-up like some tourists can do now in a foreign country.

>> No.7508944

the "if time travel is possible we would've been seeing tourists from the future" is pretty stupid, that implies that everything already happened for humans to discover time travel then go back, either we are the first one to get there, or we just can't