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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 203 KB, 1164x824, this is you brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7503283 No.7503283 [Reply] [Original]

well, /sci/, what exactly is it?

>> No.7503284

stupid fucking thread

>> No.7503296

This is one of the most interesting questions in science. Off to plebbit with you you fucking baka.

>> No.7503298

That is a picture.

>> No.7503303

not you

>> No.7503310

Op kill yourself

>> No.7503311

This is something with the capability to collapse wave functions.

>> No.7503312

>what is intelligence
>what is consciousness
>is x deterministic

these are the questions that are killing /sci/

>> No.7503314

Retards like you post your dumbfuck weeb shit on /jp/ all day then come here to pose ridiculous questions like "what is intelligence" or "what is consciousness" or crap about free will. Your community college psychology 101 class is no doubt exciting, but it is you who needs to fuck off.

>> No.7503315

Consciousness can't be quantified and no one can even define it. Intelligence is different. You can tell when something's intelligent.

>> No.7503318
File: 96 KB, 500x1200, anime haters are retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes on an anime site
>complains about anime posters
you're clearly not intelligent. gtfo!

>> No.7503321


Yeah like we've never heard that old tired rhetoric at least 50 times a day

>> No.7503322

Well to have intelligence, you need to be able to learn. To be able to learn you need the ability to detect patterns.

>> No.7503327

Interesting. So you think intelligence is learning? So can some learn better than others?

>> No.7503334

Intelligence is an entire spectrum consisting of many varying cognitive functions

>> No.7503344

I'm not sure why all these plebs are giving you heat for this question OP. It doesn't get annoyingly often and it is a legitimate question. I consider intelligence to be an individuals minds abilities in spatial reasoning, logical inference, short-term memory, numerical and visual pattern recognition and verbal comprehension. However, how to quantify and measure these accurately is whole different question that I'm unsure of.

>> No.7503346

The ability to learn and use information. That's it.

>> No.7503372

your PC can learn information. yet it's not intelligent.

>> No.7503437


Keyword use, bud.

Your computer needs an input to create an output, quite like our brain. Biological creatures are unique in the sense that we are birthed, we receive stimuli, and that initial stimuli creates thought patterns and from the stream of these thought patterns, what we know as consciousness is born.

Note how we are not conscious of anything until we are coded (conditioned) to experience life as a stream of conscious thought.

If we removed all external stimuli, we would still be able to be conscious because our minds are able to evaluate our thoughts and relate it to past experiences from external stimuli.

It's almost as if what we call "the spark of life" is merely the chain reaction of one thought giving rise to the other. It is for this reason, I believe, that Buddhists meditate. To rid yourself of thought is to become one with unconscious universe.

>> No.7503444

I reeeeeeeaaallly hate consciousness threads

>> No.7503501
File: 98 KB, 912x864, Intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speculation is fun.

>> No.7503511
File: 870 KB, 245x245, bale lel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 4chan
> anime site

>> No.7503512

Ability to solve problems quickly. That's all.

>> No.7503519

> Ability to solve problems quickly. That's all.
You know that thing in OPs pic is the main tool we used to go to space right ?

>> No.7503537


I didn't know that was a picture of a Saturn V rocket

>> No.7503540

It's not. It's a byproduct of brain.

>> No.7503541
File: 919 KB, 2136x3216, Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem. Everyone knows the main tool we use to go to space is the R7 rocket?

>> No.7503545

Ability to make sense of stuff which most people consider difficult.

>> No.7503564

The ability to solve problems

>> No.7504699

>The ability to solve problems
what does that even mean?

>> No.7504706

The ability to approximate solutions to problems for which there is no general algorithm.

>> No.7504999

A thread with people trying to define a word, how scientifically interesting... Can you guys let this job for linguists?

>> No.7505013

Intelligence is your capacity to use man made tools efficiently ( because in potential you could've made any ) and also succeed with their purpose.
For example you failed with internet, you have this great tool at your hand and you waste potential asking a question you should've researched the first minutes after you closed that cat video.

>> No.7505082

>A thread with people trying to define a word, how scientifically interesting... Can you guys let this job for linguists?
people are trying to define a concept, not a fucking word.

>> No.7505139

>What is artificial intelligence

>> No.7505223


Wow, nice pic.

>> No.7505225

>An ability of agent to achieve goals in a wide set of environments

>> No.7505269

that's kind of a bullshit statement. what the separates birds from humans?

>> No.7505303

>The ability to solve problems
Slime Mold can solve mazes. Is Slime Mold intelligent?

>> No.7505321

this isn't even meant to be physically feasible

it's purely philosophical

>> No.7505323

And by solve mazes you mean?

>> No.7505334


I'd say intelligence is the ability to recognize patterns and understand new material. Whether you understand new material faster or slower will determine how 'intelligent' you are. Not only that, but what you do with this and how good you are at applying things.

>> No.7505357
File: 13 KB, 277x277, 57C5B5FF-146B-4635-AA7F0180F5C7305B_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How Brainless Slime Molds Redefine Intelligence [Video]
>Single-celled amoebae can remember, make decisions and anticipate change, urging scientists to rethink intelligent behavior


So they can find shortest path. Isn't that intelligence????

>> No.7505360

Then yes, they clearly have some intelligence, or something else is going on, I'll bet once you get past the dolphin civilization you hit the slime civilization

>> No.7505431

>or something else is going on,
it's that. slime mold is not intelligent.

>> No.7505548
File: 85 KB, 817x509, rigid-rod-decision-making.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rigid bars might be intelligent enough to solve simple reinforcement learning problems:

>> No.7505553


Awww, did you fail the AP Psych test?

>> No.7505633

intelligence is rather obvious to recognize, but how we choose to define intelligence is problematic

>> No.7505960

that's fucking weird!

>> No.7506059

There are three components to intelligence, which are all physical aspects of the brain and genetic.

1) Memory - the ability to store and recall data points. The physical size of the brain, the number of neurons determines this.

2) Creativity - the ability to connect data points into new information. The affects not only "creative types" but also influences problem solving skills and coming up with new ideas. Physically this is represented by the number of connections between neurons.

3) Processing - the ability to take in information. This influences both physical memory (twitch nerves and muscle memory in athletes) as well as computational skill (speed at learning, and doing math problems etc) Physically it is the rate at which mental connections are formed and the rate at which neural impulses travel.

All three vary from person to person, some people may have very high amounts of memory but low creativity (someone who can do math problems but couldn't come up with a new equation(engineers)), or high processing speed but low memory (an athlete whose twitch reactions and muscle memory are quick, but is stymied by logic).

Combine all three in high amounts for real genius.

>> No.7506077

Intelligence is the ability to efficiently use an internal model of a problem space in order to find a maximum for a desired cost function.

Example: I want to decrease my time to go to work. Finding the shortest route would be one option, increasing the velocity of my car would be another.

Since I have a partial model of how the universe works, I can predict that buying a car with more power will yield a better result. If I were an unintelligent system with absolutely no knowledge of how a car works, I would have to try out every single car until I find one that makes my trip a bit shorter.

This is what is meant by intelligent systems, systems that don't just "brute force" their way to solving a problem.

>> No.7506083

What the fuck is your problem m8? I'll punch you in the face.

>> No.7506470
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>> No.7506581

ability to reverse entropy

>> No.7506602
File: 94 KB, 433x507, 1441240534796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how exactly do humans reverse entropy?

>> No.7506611

processing power/learning ability

>> No.7506649

insufficient data for a meaningful answer