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[ERROR] No.7492756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is McMaster engineering a school for rejects

>> No.7492797

> 6th among Canadian universities and 113th in the world according to the 2014 QS World University Rankings.

Being 6th in Canada says enough.

>> No.7492801

Probably still better than your county college

>> No.7492803
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>bragging about schools and not your portfolio

>> No.7492805

So it is for rejects huh
I found out its impossible for me to transfer to UofT, McGill, UBC, or Waterloo. I'm at McMaster for Healty Sciences however studying Engineering, which is what I always wanted to do, here seems shit.

>> No.7492854


>> No.7492872

kill yourself

>> No.7493358

I want to

>> No.7493359 [DELETED] 
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>Have to wait an entire year before I can choose a major if I am a mature student
>Get pick any major immediately when I get in

Not even a contest for me. Fuck people restricting mature students. We aren't inferior to retarded 17/18 year olds.

>> No.7493363
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>Have to wait an entire year before I can choose a major if I am a mature student
>Get to pick any major immediately when I get in

Not even a contest for me. Fuck people restricting mature students. We aren't inferior to retarded 17/18 year olds.

>> No.7493573


>> No.7493585

>mature students
What does that even mean? Do you need to pass a maturity test like don't laugh at poop jokes for an hour or something?

>> No.7493604

Choosing a major means absolutely fuck all. So your transcript says math/physics/chemistry instead of general science or undecided in your freshman year, big fucking deal. At the end of 4 years, you'll have taken what you wanted to anyways. Are you seriously this autistic that you need to tell people from the get go that you're a physics major like Dr. Sheldon Cooper X.D.?

And I go to UofT, you DON'T get to choose your major immediately when you get in. Certain programs or POSts have limited spaces and you can apply to them only after taking certain first year prerequisites. Admission into the more competitive ones are not guaranteed.

Guess mature students are pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.7493610


a normal student is someone who completes high school then enters university next year

anyone else is a mature student


>> No.7493653

McMaster Engineering is a fucking meme. Everything is watered down to be easier and resembles more of an engineering technology program than an engineering program.

>no courses are transferable
>no statics or dynamics in first year
>no thermodynamics in first year
>teaches C# for engineers
>iclicker needed for every class
>grading done of 12 point system

Good luck doing any sort of postgrad with your watered down MEng. Should have gone to UofT, UBC, or Waterloo.

>> No.7493656

>We aren't inferior to retarded 17/18 year olds.
Yes you are, in every single aspect they are ahead of you in life considering you're trying to go down the same path that they are already comfortably on. You either failed something or you did retarded shit like taking gap years early in life. Most of those young people are on full or partial scholarships too so don't try to play the muh poorfag card, I guarantee you 50% of the people in your class have it worse than you.

I'm so sick of you fucktards who think you're more mature just because you're older. Every fucking year there's at least one asshole like you in my class who has to interject every lecture and share his irrelevant life experience to show everyone that you are, not a loser, but just -oh so fucking experienced- and somehow better than the young people next to you.

When your lecturer is younger than you and makes more money with one consultation fee than you make in a year that's when non-retards will finally opt for some humility, but no, you jackasses have to press how you're such a strong, independent oldfaggot because you think this is still high-school where people give a fuck.

At least you morons drop out early in the semester. Because you think discipline means being able to sit still and do something uncomfortable for an hour while the younger students are working 60+ hours a week as they did throughout high-school.

If you didn't get your undergrad at a minimum of 22 you should just fucking stay out of higher education or kill yourself.

>> No.7493674

Any programme that has 1st year thermo before 2 semester of physical chemistry will inevitably be a pointless meme module that does nothing more than basic bitch macro thermo with state variables in baby's energy and entropy balances.

Oh right, guess that suits you Mech and EE cucks perfectly.

>> No.7493773

I'm at Mac because my parents made me go to Health Sciences but I wanna switch to engineering at another school

>> No.7493781

The truth of the matter is that it is a fine school and you will learn as much there as an undergrad as you will at almost any other engineering school. Folks like to have dick measuring contests about their schools, but unless you are talking about, maybe, a top ten engineering school, you're going to learn the same basic engineering shit, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc..., that you are anywhere else. The cream only really starts to rise to the top when you get to grad school. Ask your department advisor where their B.S. students are getting accepted into grad schools. I think you'll find that the very best students are moving on to the very best grad schools and the mediocre students are getting into the mediocre grad schools. Getting into the best PhD programs is more about you and your undergrad performance and potential than which school you went to. I went to a small, relatively unknown school for undergrad because they gave me a free ride, killed it, scored 1520 on the GRE general, and did my mathematics PhD at Berkeley.

>> No.7493803
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Well, this was an encouraging post. Was going to go back to school but this post pretty much confirmed all those things I sorta knew but was in denial about.


>> No.7493820

Do they actually care about undergrad performance other than if you actually got a research publication or something? I mean some schools have really shitty standards where every moron gets 4.0s handed to them.

>> No.7493846

dont take anything on 4chan too seriously, we're all social outcasts to some degree if we're on the science board of an anime imageboard

>> No.7493860


I can't take this post seriously because of the sheer amount of asspain accompanying it.


Don't worry about it. Obviously ideally if that 18 year old has all the advantages he needs, he's clearly superior to the mature student, but that's rarely the case.

A chunk of 18 yo have no funding from parents. Another chunk are not very smart. Another chunk are morons who don't take education seriously and party all the time. Another chunk aren't resourceful enough, etc.

Plenty of factors to take in with this. If you're in your 20s still, just go in and put 100% effort in, as long as you aren't stupid, you'll graduate and turn out alright.

>> No.7493871


And probably this.

>> No.7493890

I don't think the grades are as important as some of the other factors. GRE scores are important to the top schools. Undergrad research projects can separate you from the crowd. Be an undergrad TA if your school allows it. I took most of the mathematics coursework required for a master's as an undergrad. I double majored in computer science. All of these things are probably more important than grades, but you probably won't get into a top tier grad school with a 3.0.

>> No.7493893

>took most of the mathematics coursework required for a master's as an undergrad

>> No.7493914

A few semesters with large course loads and the fact that I took most of the first two years of undergrad coursework at the local college while I was in high school.

>> No.7493915

Idk. I know someone that goes there and is doing an internship with IBM. I think it really all depends on the individual. Only thing is that a select few schools might be "better" for is dick-measuring contests (I would know, my school's top 10 in the U.S. for engineering).

>> No.7493963

I do think that going to a good school gives you a counterproductive crutch. I mean the
>I go to so-and-so and that makes me automatically better than you
Then there's no incentive to deck out your portfolio.
I go to a top 20 or something school so there's this weird mix of both, but inferiority makes me more productive.

>> No.7493973

>no courses are transferable

That should be enough to deter anyone from going

>> No.7494067

>transfer to waterloo
sure you need a high 80s average and you get to start over all in 1st year

>> No.7494265

will I get any transfer credits?

>> No.7494310

I wouldn't get a master's from there, unless I wanted it to be generic and unappetizing.

>> No.7494313

>a maturity test like don't laugh at poop jokes for an hour
That's crazy talk. Who could pass that?

>> No.7494317

its the PC way of saying old people.

>> No.7494327

I came here to post this so


>> No.7494351


Are you saying that people who are older than 18, but have a high school diploma, aren't considered mature students?

I'd really love to have this question answered.

>> No.7494368

I got accepted there, but i am going to UofT

>> No.7494375

you dont get to choose ur major in first year at uoft

>> No.7494381

I don't think so

>> No.7494382

I go to Mac and have friends who are engineers at Mac. The engineering program is fine. Unlike the USA, all schools in Canada are accredited by the same national body so all engineering programs follow the same standards. Mac is a great school. Not full of autistic Asians like Waterloo or U of T. Plenty of white girls to hookup with. Lots of great people. You'll love it here.

>> No.7494393

> Not full of autistic Asians like Waterloo or U of T. Plenty of white girls to hookup with.
yeah plenty of white girls in humanities and soc sci lmao. Engineering at mcmaster I would say is like 30% white 30% brown 30% asian 10% other

>> No.7494401


and why not?

>> No.7494404
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>did trades for 11 years
>got bored
>go back to get an engineering degree
>take my binder full of references, letters of recommendation, project photo's, and earnings reports to job fairs
>watch all these faggoty 4.0 (lol my gpa is only 3.2) students weep when i get offers on the spot

stay mad boy.

>> No.7494408

>what is ABET accreditation

>> No.7494414

>3. Was the program you graduated from accredited by ABET or Engineers Canada at the time of your graduation?
>or Engineers Canada

>> No.7494416

fuck off white trash pos

>> No.7494417

you got rejected from UofT or Waterloo admit it. I had the grades to go there but I ended up choosing Mac Health Sci

>> No.7494421

Nice, you're making the same salary as someone who is 11 years younger than you.

>> No.7494427

I applied to Mac because of its health science program and the art sci program. I chose this school because it was known for these programs, how difficult they are, and how prestigious they are.
I also applied to U of T (engineering science) and Waterloo (mechanical engineering) and got into both.
I also applied to Western business at Ivey and got in. I worked very hard on high school.

>> No.7494430
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>implying i'm getting offered entry level shit
>implying i wasn't making shitloads more
>implying its even about the money

>> No.7494447

That's not unlike the USA.

>> No.7494457

Alright, now I know you're full of shit. I've hired summer students and interns in the past. It doesn't matter what you did before your degree, if it wasn't engineering work, it's seen as irrelevant. Without engineering experience, you're not even licensed and without that license, entry level shit is all you can hope for.

Stop deluding yourself into thinking that doing manual labor for the last 11 years has or will make you a better engineer.

>> No.7494475

I knew a cocky guy in high school who went to Mac for engineering
he's literally the only person from my class who hasn't done anything noteworthy

that'll probably tell you a lot about the program

>> No.7494480
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>Stop deluding yourself into thinking that doing manual labor

are you really so dumb as to think i stayed an apprentice?

i was doing inventory control, project planning and management, bidding, and more importantly leading crews. i have certifications and still very relevant licenses.

its cute how people just see paco the roofer when they think trades.

>> No.7494482


You have to be an idiot to really believe this.

>> No.7494486

>one arrogant shitter went to this schools program
>wow guess everyone else is like that too!

>> No.7494489 [DELETED] 

I believe it because it actually happened
everyone I knew in my class has done something since graduation except him

>> No.7494521

oh I thought you were going there for engineering.
i'm going there for health sci but my parents made me, trying to see if I can get into uoft, waterloo, ubc, or mcgill engineering my the end of fall

>> No.7494523

>my the end of fall
meant to say by the end of next year

>> No.7494530

Are you Asian? I'm not but you sound it.

>> No.7494557

yeah I am
how do I sound it?

>> No.7494700

t. a 19 year old who hasn't been out in the world for one day in his life.

That you even wrote an unhinged, rambling essay about the life decisions of someone you never met shows me you're unstable. I'd give you 5 minutes in a private or public sector job that isn't in academia before you're crying your eyes out in the toilets.

>> No.7494824

If you go to this school do they teach you how to buy stuff from McMaster-Carr?

>> No.7494833

Made me kek. When I was working at a lab I saw a McMaster book, wondered if it was related to the uni.

>> No.7494882

Truth is all of the UofT and Loo rejects study engineering at McMaster. Source: All the indian kids that got rejected from UofT and Loo at my old high school.

>> No.7494912

So many delusional cunts in this thread. McMaster is literally meme tier.

>Mclean's Best University: Didn't make top 15 in Canada

>Mclean's Best Undergrad: Didn't make top 15 in Canada

>THE-WUR Best University: Didn't make top 100 in the World

>THE-WUR Best Engineering: Didn't make top 100 in the World

>QS Best University: Didn't make top 100 in the World

>AWRU Best Engineering: Didn't make top 200 in the World

>AWRU Best Math/Science: Didn't make top 150 in the World

>> No.7494946

>not even top 15 in canada for best/undergrad
>Beginning in September 2006, over 20 Canadian universities, including several of the most prestigious and largest universities such as the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, Concordia University, McMaster University and Dalhousie University, jointly refused to participate
gee i wonder why mcmaster uoft and UBC are not on that list :^)

>> No.7495050

Why would engineers need to study physical chemistry?
They don't need to know what vibrational modes are or the difference between Raman and infrared spectroscopy is or the physical basis of NMR or what a brillouin zone is or how to use symmetry groups in quantum mechanics .
So much of physical chemistry is irrelevant to all but very specialised engineers.
Engineers should just have their own thermodynamics courses, if you're making them pay to learn things totally fucking irrelevant to them then you're wasting their valuable time and money.