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7487116 No.7487116 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, virgin here who is about to get laid for sure tonight.

I've heard cumming inside without any condom does NOT guarantee pregnancy. Is that true? If it helps I'm 19 and she is 28.

First time on /sci/. I'm guessing there are people who have had sex before or at least know a thing or two about biology so I'm asking you guys instead of /b/

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7487122

>I'm 19 and she is 28
Mmmmm christmas cake

>> No.7487126

If you're 19 you should be too old to be so retarded that you don't use a condom. Use a condom, idiot. But no, of course it doesn't guarantee pregnancy.

>> No.7487188

Unless you want STDs as well, use a fucking condom.

>> No.7487225

28? Meh, only 17 years away from menopause, should be good.

>> No.7487244

Use a condom, dumbass. No surer way to fuck up your life than to get a girl pregnant.

>> No.7487247


Idk man I just want to really feel it for my first time


She's a vocal teacher and afaik only had two boyfriends in the last couple years. I doubt she has anything.

Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support? I'm going into STEM anyway for environemntal science so paying for a kid shouldn't be super hard

>> No.7487250


Then get some extra thin ones.

Have you asked her what she wants?

>> No.7487252

>I doubt she has anything.
Every man who got STD ever.

This, too.

>> No.7487253

>I'm going into STEM anyway for environemntal science so paying for a kid shouldn't be super hard
is this a fucking joke? damn OP i have literally never met anyone as clueless as you. you are one dense motherfucker.

>> No.7487259

Please use a condom OP passing on your genes would be a huge error

>> No.7487261

>Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support? I'm going into STEM anyway for environemntal science so paying for a kid shouldn't be super hard

this statement tells us that you're too dumb to make it into STEM
use condoms

>> No.7487264
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Somebody get this motherfucker out of the gene pool, NOW


>> No.7487265

my mom wants grandkids though.

>> No.7487281

Do you remember this guy from the pirate bay? His philosophy of life is that we're all slaves of the monetary system, i.e. no matter what you do you end up with debt. If you can convince yourself to believe this you should have no problem with paying for child support. With that problem out of the way, you are free to live like Gengis Khan.

>> No.7487299

>Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support?

>> No.7487310

sex wearing condom is about as fun as typing text wearing gloves. If that's what's on the menu I'd rather opt out of the sexy part and just hang out instead.
Ofcourse if she doesn't see it that way so you suit up out of obligation if she really wants to go, but it's always like a tedious chore humping the piece of shit rubber.

Especially if you notice she's getting all insecure and wonder why you won't cum, have had to fake orgasm on several occasions.
Only good part about the condom sex is getting to tell your friends afterwards how bad it sucks and entertain them by reenacting your sham cumface.

>> No.7487313

>OP will get an STD
>OP will get a girl pregnant
>OP will be a shitty father


>> No.7487318

Surely even Op knows you don't go bareback inside a girl unless she's on contraception.

>> No.7487323

menopause doesn't happen at 45

>> No.7487345
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Pic related

>> No.7487372

ITT: how to fuck up your life

>> No.7487421
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The women bleeds.
The builds up the nest.
From day 10 to 20 she can get preggers, the chance is about 25% for a women her age.
Then babyforming is initiated or otherwise shit gets ready to be flooded out again.

In any case, use a fucking condom.

>> No.7487425
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Here's the hormons which triger ovulation after around 2 weeks after bleeding began.
The Estrogen high are her horny days.

>> No.7487432
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>> No.7487596

Adding the percents in the "Fertility Window" gives 85% so is the other 15% outside (but near) that time?

>> No.7487608

Just use a condom, dummy
If you don't you'll get an STD and come in 20 seconds anyway
Can I ask how you know you're getting laid?

>> No.7487615

Is she on birth control?
If not, dump her

>> No.7487622

if she's willing to have sex with you, she's likely been some pretty gross places
better to be safe than sorry

>> No.7487672

You seem to... not get the joke.

>> No.7487709

You don't understand probabilities, do you?
There doesn't need to be positive probability that adds up to 100%.
There are couples that try to get a baby for a year, i.e. they don't get pregnant even though they fuck with purpose all the time.

>> No.7487722

>inb4 3 weeks later OP posts that this skank is pregnant
>inb4 this is the setup to the long-con shitpost

>> No.7487758

dub dubs confirms OP for lying dickhead

>> No.7487771
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>wouldn't she be paying me child support?

my sides

>> No.7487781

Underrated post

>> No.7487795

>Doesn't know if cumming inside causes instant pregnancy all the time

oh dear. Please read some books.

>> No.7487803

>Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support?
Fucking lol.

>> No.7487855

> From day 10 to 20 she can get preggers
The problem with facts like that is that sperm that make it to the cervical fluid can hang out there for a couple weeks. It's a hostile environment, but stragglers can survive (the pop-sci stat is up to 7 days, but that is not absolute), then creep their way in. And if you're trying to time things by period, but then she has an irregular period, or just has a shitty week and misses a bunch of sleep and throws it off....

> In any case, use a fucking condom.

>> No.7487865

I heard Adolf Hitler was a straggler.

>> No.7487882
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>> No.7487922

Wow a lot of responses!

I'm about to head off now guys. I'm going to ask when she had her last period. If it is in a bad time I guess I'll just pull out lol. wish me luck!

>> No.7487927

>I'm 19 and she is 28
Not only you are going to impregnate her, spawn another terrible single mother and get a fucking crazy stalker
You're also going to be infected by hundred or so STDs. She probably got the nigger dick if you are in the US.

>> No.7487944
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>afaik only had two boyfriends in the last couple years
>I doubt she has anything.
>if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support?
>I'm going into STEM anyway for environemntal science so paying for a kid shouldn't be super hard
This has to be a joke.

>> No.7487950

I've been with my gf for 5 years. Probably have cum in her around 1000 times. I've only gotten her pregnant once and that was quite recent.
Chances are you'll be fube.
The reason people are scared of unprotected sex is largely due to confirmation bias.
The probability of getting her pregnant is low.
The probability of a full term pregnancy is low.
The probability that a 28 year old modern girl keeping the baby of some kid she fucks as a fling is zero.
Think about it. If you were a girl and a guy fucked you once, would you want to keep his child?

>> No.7487954

My mom did that

>> No.7487965

I'm glad anti-depressants killed my sex drive. Men are fucking mindless sex animals. Fucking stop and think you retard. 5 minutes of a nice feeling for a lifetime of child support and maybe even AIDS is it fucking worth it. You are the cancer causing overpopulation and the spread of diseases.

>> No.7487973

>You are the cancer causing overpopulation and the spread of diseases.
Those are the Africans, I don't think they have internet over there

>> No.7487982

They actually do have internet. My dad went there and was actually able to email me. I was shocked.

>> No.7488139

What was he doing and in what part of Africa?

>> No.7488147

Africa doesn't even exist lol

>> No.7488151

I, for one, am proud of OP. He's going to become a father.

>> No.7489483

>Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support?
please go to a lecture on family law and ask that question, record it and put it online.

>> No.7489964

Okay guys here's an update. I met her at 8 last night and she wanted to fuck right away so I didnt have the time to ask her anything. She immediately was unbuttoning my pants so I was thinking 'okay i'll ask her later'

it was really fast and we were still partly naked when i came. i forgot to fap earlier too so it must have been why i came REALLY fast. I heard its easier to get pregnant if the guy faps beforehand so i guess that improves my odds lol?

She was also getting texts on her phone like even before she got up to clean herself. i asked jokingly if those were other guys and she said 'oh uhhh' and sounded nervous.

she told me I had to leave because she had to get busy after that day for work or something (can't remember lol she was rushing me). so I left. I'm kinda hungover right now cause I drank a bit this morning but I should be fine right right?

>> No.7490140
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>> No.7490193

gj op.

u came in that pussy din't you, yeah, you're a gooood boy, goood boy!

>> No.7490682

Someone screencap this genius.

>> No.7490692

>having a sperm so alpha that would hang to life for weeks inside a fucking jungle of blood and death just to get her preggers
would definetly have that baby

>> No.7490796


Serious question: suppose that 9 months from now you become a father. Was it worth it? I mean, you wanted to know what it felt like. Did it feel good? Trolling much.

>> No.7490798


>> No.7491003

>She's a vocal teacher and afaik only had two boyfriends in the last couple years. I doubt she has anything.
Unless you're her boyfriend then you know for sure this chick is down to fuck with guys she's not dating. You're far more likely to catch shit from random dudes than from her last boyfriends.

>> No.7491013

Jesus christ, scuttle off back to /b/ you absolute underdeveloped imbecile.

>> No.7491028

This answer pretty much. Pregnancy is a non-concern, people seem to be infertile as fuck nowadays. STDs aren't though. There are shitloads of STDs that will make your dick hurt and itch, and you won't be having sex for months.

Do what you like in the end.

>> No.7492267

>afaik only had two boyfriends in the last couple years. I doubt she has anything.

ROFL, she is conveniently forgetting to mention her one-night stands and short-term flings and being a booty call. Double or triple that number, at least, and now you're in range.

>Well if I'm younger wouldn't she be paying me child support? I'm going into STEM anyway for environemntal science so paying for a kid shouldn't be super hard

Holy shit, I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.7492522
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This has to be b8. Nobody is this stupid.

>> No.7492528
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>> No.7492563


It's only 95% as opposed to regular birth control which is 99%.