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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7475929 No.7475929 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of biology or evolution, why are men attracted to women? What qualities do they posses better than men?

Women have lower bone-density, weak musculature, short limbs, thin hides, high-pitched voices, high body-fat, they are fragile, they make terrible hunters or soldiers, etc.

What makes men want to mate with them and be close to them and hold them? Aren't they just a liability? Something you have to protect?

>> No.7475931


>> No.7475940


Did you not read this part:
>Women have lower bone-density, weak musculature, short limbs, thin hides, high-pitched voices, high body-fat, they are fragile, they make terrible hunters or soldiers, etc.

>> No.7475946

This is why the Engineer master race has turned gay, obviously.

>> No.7475947

I did. TPASB outweighs those cons

>> No.7475948


>> No.7475951

Reproduction bro. All animals are biologically programmed to want to make babies. To do that they must seek out, secure, and protect a mate.

>> No.7475952

women are also more agile than men, people always forget that

>> No.7475953

ITT: OP wants people to justify the fact he is a complete faggot.

>> No.7475954

Beauty, like a ´´fragile´´ ´60s jaguar vs a ´´strong´´ f150

>> No.7475961
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>women are also more agile than men, people always forget that

name an agility competition where women dominate men

>> No.7475981

gymnastics, figure skating

>> No.7475982

muh dick

>> No.7475988

if a male were to be isolated from other people from birth, when he sees a female for the first time, would he be attracted to the female?

>> No.7475992


What does that have to do with attraction you imbecile? Are you attracted to people with those qualities?

>> No.7475994

is he an engineer?

>> No.7475995

xD heres your upboat

>> No.7475996

It's simple biology. Your tarnished/degenerate homosexual mind will not be able to comprehend this.

>> No.7476014

Most men are attracted to women because they are equipped with the means to let us reproduce, it's the basic natural form of sexual attraction.
In terms of biology men once choose the strongest females and females choose the strongest males because that would give their heirs the best chance of survival.
Now survival is not our priority anymore and we know that a potential heir would be more succesful if our partner is smart, or "beautiful" for society standards, so we unconscously get attracted to what we would want in a potential heir.
An extra role was added by conscience, since we are thinking animals and the need to reproduce can get ignored or be completely absent we focus on sexual pleasure, it's a very intense feeling and everyone's brain matures differently developing different kinks or preferences, we could choose a mate that is not even equipped for reporduction but meets all the criterias to maximize our sexual pleasure.

>> No.7476025
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he would be instantly attracted to the girl even if she was really tall

>> No.7476028
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so you choose mates based on agility?

>> No.7476033 [DELETED] 


>> No.7476053

If I ain't there to protect them, they should be able to ninja themselves out of danger.

>also, dat sex

>> No.7476061

Did you forget the part where they have fucking wombs? As in, they are the only biological organism we can mate with and keep our species flourishing?

>> No.7476085

Careful guys, it's a big one.

>> No.7476099

It's just a lifestyle choice like being gay.

>> No.7476104

>What qualities do they posses better than men?
The machinery necessary to produce babies

>> No.7476114

ITT: OP shows off the fact he never learned about evolution in elementary science

>> No.7476115

10/10, and I am an engineer :P

>> No.7476124

>Did you forget the part where they have fucking wombs? As in, they are the only biological organism we can mate with and keep our species flourishing?
Exactly. why are you such a fag op?

>> No.7476130


wombs aren't that attractive. tbh

condom sales and birth control pill popularity support this

>> No.7476135

Yes, women are physically inferior to men - it's an objective fact.

However, the conception of evolution as "survival of the strongest" is incorrect. All that matters is REPRODUCTION.

>> No.7476180

Women don't compete against men in those sports, and the men do things that women just can't.

>> No.7476184

>and the men do things that women just can't.

what can a man do in figure skating that women can't?

>> No.7476187

they make babies

>> No.7476204
File: 307 KB, 690x413, 1420103266236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In terms of biology or evolution, why are men attracted to women?
hedonism and their orgasms:

What remains is pleasures throughout the sex and women are the best hedonist creatures on earth.

because their pleasure is for them AND the men, especially for the betas:

betas feel fulfilled when they give women orgasms, whenthey see how the women shake when the betas give them their seizures, they see how powerful they can be on a female

the orgasm of women is nothing but enticing for men to feel alive, to continue to exist after sex.

so this is how it goes:

men feel alive, relevant, and powerful when they give pleasure to a woman. the more miserable and pitiful the men are, the more they live through women.

this gift is addictive, men want more [and women want more since they are all about pleasures]

the woman has then plenty of providers now

the woman chooses the men from which she expects the most pleasures

the competition of men increases

men still think they are relevant, especially betas

thanks to women, betas no longer want to commit suicide and, once they have finished with the woman , before coming back to them for a quick fix of course, they go in society under the guidance of the alphas.

>> No.7476207

tits, pussy, ass

>> No.7477251

>basing your sexual attraction on body build

>> No.7477260


>my god dude check out the bone density on that chick
>did you see that? she can't even spear a buffalo to death, I just went flaccid

What universe are you from OP?

>> No.7477267


>> No.7477323

>high body-fat

It's about the location of that body fat you raving queer. What the fuck do you think gives women dat ass or doz tities?

>> No.7477352

His muscles are stronger compared to his total weight. He can jump much higher and have a better balance while doing it. He is also much faster.

>> No.7477355

Do you even /fit/, women on average have 10% more bodyfat. And even though they have 25% bodyfat, it looks like only 14% does on a guy.

>> No.7477376

and they need fat for hormones and secondary sexual characteristics (curves). They can have abs at more BF%. do you even sexual dimorphism?

>> No.7477396

they have more holes and soft parts to cushion humping impact shock.

>> No.7477541
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>> No.7477545

If you weren't gay you would know the answer to this question.

>> No.7477600

>biologically programmed

>> No.7477681


>> No.7477962


whats wrong?

>> No.7478032

>betas feel fulfilled when they give women orgasms, whenthey see how the women shake when the betas give them their seizures, they see how powerful they can be on a female

superficiality and orgasm fakers tbh

>> No.7478057

... another evo-vantage thread

>> No.7478146


what is your point?

>> No.7478163

>Giving some what well thought out argument
>thinks "beta" has anything to do with paleolithic human society

You're smart but read a fucking book.

>> No.7478172


>> No.7478833
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>>thinks "beta" has anything to do with paleolithic human society
what do you mean ?

betas are just men pas or present that live through women

>> No.7478843

i can cum raw inside a woman and produce a member of our species that will help me ensure that any power or resources i have consolidated within my lifetime will be strictly used by people having the same bloodline as me

what can fags like OP do? fuck another dude in the ass, get poz'd up and die.

Pretty easy choice.

>> No.7478849

Females are mothers, higher empathy, body designed to make baby.
I have other to shit to do.

>> No.7478875

>Batshit retarded non-sci bait pasta.
>People replying and getting mad over it.

Never change /sci/

>> No.7478887


>can't refute OP's point

not surprised

>> No.7478891

>In terms of biology or evolution, why are men attracted to women? What qualities do they posses better than men?
they can have children

>> No.7478925

Weaker women seem like they need a man to depend on. The weaker and nore helpless the woman it the more likely she'll stay with you.

>> No.7478926

what is sexual dimorphism

>> No.7478928

>what is sexual dimorphism

well what is it?!

>> No.7478942

I just don't get it.
So if I like to make my woman cum, because that's hot and I like it I am a beta male?
Do anyone of you newfags actually KNOW what alphas and betas are or just shout like idiots?

>> No.7478944

Have you ever touched a woman?

>> No.7478988


>> No.7478999
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>/fit/ OP posted a day later

Wow so we were just the testing ground

>> No.7479002

top kek
>currently fapping to an x-ray scan

>> No.7479017
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>Have you ever touched a woman?

plz don't bully

>> No.7479030

I know its worthless bait but..

Women could be parapalegic monogoloid retards with one eyebrow, but as long as they were the only path towards reproduction available for males, then males would find those traits attractive.

Of course, evolutionary pressures would also work to produce fitter females over time..

>> No.7479090
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beta detected

>> No.7479103
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10/10 beta banter

>> No.7479114

Somebody tell OP about the birds and the bees.

>> No.7479356


> Aren't they just a liability? Something you have to protect?

that is such androcentric thinking. Women are the center or reproduction, they are more important.

>> No.7479863


>> No.7479870

you should probably practice more meditation.

>> No.7479921

You forgot to mention that woman is your sister, fucking inbreed faggot.

>> No.7479925

atleast he'll be part of the master race

>> No.7479933

>he doesn't keep the bloodline pure

>> No.7479934

Nigga you gay.

>> No.7479938

Men can actually reproduce by binary fission but this only occurs in a favourable environment where adaptation isn't as important as producing more men.

>> No.7479954

Womyn are parasitic primates that evolved parallel to humans (men). They have tricked us into believing that we need them to reproduce and they evolved to have sexy feet and asses to lure males. In reality, men can reproduce independently of womyn. Male lactation is proof of this.

Notice how the developing fetus starts off as female by default. This is because male-womyn reproduction is unnatural.

>> No.7479956


>women are more agile
Love that source.


He also lifts his partner over his head.

>> No.7479981
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>lower bone density

Not enough for it to matter, and not really until old age.

> weak musculature

You do know that males overpowering females is how a lot of mammals mate, right?

>short limbs
Doesn't impact their ability to survive, as evidenced by the 8 billion humans alive right now.

> thin hides

You're a moron.

>high-pitched voices


>high body-fat

Perfect for making babies, moron

>they are fragile

They can take more pain than you can, asshole.

> they make terrible hunters or soldiers

Debatable, but gender roles exist for a reason.

>> No.7479983

that looks shoopped

>> No.7480000

>They can take more pain than you can, asshole.

Hurr-durrr pregnancy is so painful it would cause a man to pass out. It can be compared to dipping testicles in acid for 10000 hours, etc etc etc

You're counter points were mediocre til you shat that out

>> No.7480001

It probably hurts a lot dude. Imagine passing a log so big it splits your pelvis.

>> No.7480012
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?never seen a fit girl before?

>> No.7480032
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What is it like to be a complete moron? Your lack of biological knowledge is pathetic, and frankly, embarrassing for you.

>> No.7480048

>Women have lower bone-density, weak musculature, short limbs, thin hides, high-pitched voices, high body-fat, they are fragile, they make terrible hunters or soldiers, etc.
Yeah but they can give you offspring. In a tribe of just one gender your fitness is going to be zero simply due to lack of propagation of the species.

>> No.7480060

OP sounds like he has a bright career in Engineering ahead of him.

>> No.7480061

Really, faggot, really? You make a thread about like this? You really did it this time.

>> No.7480085

>Beauty, like a ´´fragile´´ ´60s jaguar vs a ´´strong´´ f150
60's Jags were pure shit.

Opie, it's because ALL women are virtually guaranteed to reproduce, while men must compete for the privilege.

We're lucky (?) they're as competent/strong/ etc as they are, and not just a bag of skin and protoplasm.

>> No.7480095

>Hurr-durrr pregnancy is so painful it would cause a man to pass out.
Hurr-Durr indeed.
Most women endure the pain of childbirth because they must.
Give ANY woman the option of drugs to kill the pain, they ALL take the drugs.

>> No.7480118

So are you basically coming out of the closet right now?

Women have attributes which make them suitable for raising offspring (believe it or not, you need woman to make babby) thus making them attractive to the opposite sex who does not possess such traits.

>> No.7480144


so why are men attracted to infertile women? check mate

>> No.7480166

Who cares, post more of that girl and get over it.

>> No.7480222

I know. People are idiots. I strongly suggest that enlightened individuals such as you and I don't reproduce. Ever. Let's keep our top tier genetics to ourselves

>> No.7480282

Why is the assumption that it is the woman who is designed improperly and not the man? For a species that doesn't HAVE to hunt or fight anymore, isn't it the man that is inefficiently designed? Isn't civilization hampered by an aggressive, testosterone driven, irrational beast, and better served by smaller, more efficient body?
Maybe the future belongs to the one who works better with others, can handle the social living, and has the greater fine motor skills to operate tools better. and the big hulking sweating dick machine, whose swagger is always fucking things up is the one who is undesirable.

>> No.7480292
File: 54 KB, 500x329, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f shitpost
>0 result

this is a sad board

>> No.7480320

So is no one going to point out the obvious here?

All human children are born and fed by their mothers. There's a good chance a ones natural affinity (the caring kind, not the fucking kind) to women comes from that.

>> No.7480333

>smaller, more efficient body
I wish... a large portion of the basis of civilization rests on manual labor by men. Manual labor which most women are physically incapable of doing, no matter how hard they exercise. We can't even open jars for fuck's sake.

>> No.7480337

each of her thighs is bigger than her belly

>> No.7480357
File: 106 KB, 1914x932, thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so what? legs grow when they get muscular.

also that's not true.

>> No.7480376
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your measurements are flawed
pick the real most narrow position

>> No.7480415 [DELETED] 
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>equipped with the means to let us reproduce
>they have fucking wombs
>machinery necessary to produce babies
>All that matters is REPRODUCTION
>they make babies
>cum raw inside a woman and produce a member of our species
>body designed to make baby
>they can have children
>the only path towards reproduction
>center or reproduction
>we need them to reproduce
>they can give you offspring
>you need woman to make babby

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.7480419
File: 68 KB, 789x789, 1439174317602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do pregnant women give off pheromones or something?

>> No.7480426

they give off stressful food restrictions

>> No.7480429
File: 63 KB, 552x640, 39wks4days012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pheromones or something?

>> No.7480430

I do not see your point. Yes, some mothers are shitty. Evolutionary, men find women attractive, but we are different that other species of animals as we are able to choose whether or not we should reproduce.

>> No.7480431
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>> No.7480434

Okay what the fuck did this thread become a pregnancy fetish thread

>> No.7480438
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>I do not see your point.
My point is that "women are attractive because can make babies" is a oversimplified generalization.

Ok, ok... the truth is I'm a little drunk and saw that pic in a thread on /b/ and thought of this thread.

>> No.7480440

>oversimplified generalization

>> No.7480446

Well, I'm starting to sober up, so no guarantees...

You always hear that women are in the majority, but that's only because they live farther int o their 80's and 90's.

At birth, males outnumber females about 21 to 20.
Thus, there 's an "economy" to mass attraction.
Women are rarer, and therefore more valuable.

That doesn't really elaborate on my prior point, but you get the idea.

Either way, OP is pushing the idea that women in general are attractive with his question, and nobody's stopping to point out that lots of women AREN'T particularly attractive.

>> No.7480452
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>women aren't actually attractive

>> No.7480461

Lots of them aren't particularly attractive, what's your point?

>> No.7480466

Yes and lots of males aren't particularly attractive. Sexual selection is competitive, so whatever is the average/majority in terms of appearance immediately becomes not that great in our minds. 2000 years ago their idea of supreme beauty would be what we consider a 2/10, because people were less attractive in general. It used to mean only the genetically superior would reproduce, now everyone just bangs and can find they're equal. But if you are a heterosexual male, by definition women are attractive to you, not all, but many should be, otherwise I have sad news.

>> No.7480582
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>At birth, males outnumber females about 21 to 20.
ratios matter when absolute numbers are not high. now that we have billions of whores, each man can take a few women.

being in billions, women have no values, even more so once they become liberated again [as they always were] so that the market is really wide. Even average guy finds his way into a few pussies

all of this does not say why men are attracted to women.

men love women because women manage to make them believe that men interested in women matter

>> No.7480588
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>because people were less attractive in general back in time

Calling bullshit on this.
if old art is any indicator, they were more beautiful back then

>> No.7480607

It could've been an exaggeration of beauty.

>> No.7480626


implying humans evolved/de-evolved in the last 1000 years

>> No.7480636

For most people it's like a drug. The brain rewards you with nice drugs for finding a woman and having sex with her. Even just talking to women is a drug to most guys.

You probably have some deviation in your brain which renders the most lawful and socially accepted drug ineffective. Tough luck, mate. But I guess that's life.

>> No.7480645

>What qualities do they posses better than men?
they can has baby.

>> No.7480673

can someone answer this >>7475988 ??

>> No.7480683


>> No.7480688


"Das niedrig gewachsene, schmalschultrige, breithüftige und kurzbeinige Geschlecht das schöne nennen konnte nur der vom Geschlechtstrieb umnebelte männliche Intellekt: in diesem Triebe nämlich steckt seine ganze Schönheit. Mit mehr Fug, als das schöne, könnte man das weibliche Geschlecht das unästhetische nennen."

Parerga and Paralipomena, A. Schopenhauer

too lazy to translate, I deem this board 'intelgint' enough to figure out the english translation.
Philosophy agrees with you OP.

>> No.7480693

>The low grown, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex could call it beautiful just the clouded by sexual desire male intellect: this drives namely puts all its beauty. With more Fug than the beautiful, one could call it the female sex unaesthetic.

>> No.7480754


Except for Schopenhauer being a misogynist.

>> No.7480768

Because man will be scared of strong woman who able to kill and eat him.

>> No.7480780

I'm not going to bother reading the whole thread but the mere fact that this wasn't the first reply makes me disappointed in /sci/.

Men prefer such females literally because this has been the most effective for reproduction.

Simple as that.

The only discussion this thread should entail would be about the HOW's eg HOW was it beneficial for women to be as they are.

>> No.7480782

Not true, me mam didn't

>> No.7481104

There is something called "sexual imprinting"
Just search for it in PubMed

it is all instinct m8


>> No.7481105

>Gotta go fast

>> No.7481110


>> No.7481145

>ratios matter when absolute numbers are not high. now that we have billions of whores, each man can take a few women.
Do you even math?

>> No.7481161

You made it too obvious you like dicks OP.

Men typically become aggressive/on guard towards something that is threatening, but opposite when something is less threatening i.e women.

>> No.7481179

absolute values are just as important as the ratios

ratios only matters when absolute values are not too high

>> No.7481187

>ratios only matters when absolute values are not too high
But that's wrong.
Assuming a similar number of gay men and lesbians, the ratio will still leave far more single men than single women, no matter how many "billions of whores" there are.

>> No.7481258

Why is this even a question when biology books exist? Did you ever have evolution 101 OP?

A species reproduces through intercourse, which has both partners being inclined to said intercourse as a condition.
Females are physically inferior in terms of functionality, because their body is adjusted to bringing out a child and attracting a male, they develop secondary traits like big breasts and a nice round ass, because they outbreed the ones who do not have those by choice of the attracted males. On the other side the males genetically predisposed to be attracted to those traits outbreed the males who are not attracted to them.
After a huge number of cycles the species develops to one which has highly specialized genders through obvious elimination and mutation.

You do not want to fuck them because you objectively think you are destined to stand by their side as a worthy companion, you want to fuck them because your brain makes blood flow into your dick upon seeing a female with sexually desirable traits. Objectively tits and ass are just useless flabs of flesh, but to you they are inherently attractive without you being able to explain why it is so.
Sorry my fault, they are attractive to non-faggots, so you are excluded from this generalization.

>> No.7481264

Women how are beatiful and have a good ratio of fat to muscle and symmetry imply health

Health implies strong offspring

Also implies good in bed and because nature allows for orgasm we who are more animalistic cannot resist and those that are less find it hard to xp

>> No.7481271

nature is cruel

>> No.7481273

Men are superior to women. We do all the hard work both physically and intellectually while women reap most of the rewards.

>> No.7482177

Who is this butterface ubermensch barbiedoll cum slut?

>> No.7482200
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>> No.7482203

B.. Because we need them to repro... This has to be bait

>> No.7482213

Implying the oven is the cake

My nut butter made that baby, not the oven it was baked in

>> No.7482225


Recall that women also contribute the eggs which are also necessary. Semen doesn't sit in the uterus by itself and become babby. But either way, both sexes are needed to reproduce, clearly.

>> No.7482226

you tell me

>> No.7482244

It's the nose dubsbrah

>> No.7482261

>They can take more pain than you can, asshole.
love this meme

>> No.7482269

>They can take more pain than you can, asshole.
actually they can't

>> No.7482278

men are attracted to women because its the mechanism which men reproduce


>> No.7482291
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>do pregnant women give off pheromones or something?
Yes. They make you beta as fuck.

Normal woman give off pheromones too, which make you feel good and attracted to them. During ovulation their sweat is especially rich in different copuline derivatives which somehow seem to override a man's capability to negatively judge a woman's attractiveness.

>> No.7482594


Most of that manual labor will be automated within 50 years or so. Even if male engineers refused to design the machines to do the automating, women engineers would still design them, so we'd still have them eventually.

Men's manual labor was necessary at one time, but in terms of the *future*, that necessity is rapidly going away. The future belongs to above-average-intelligence folks of either gender who are easy to get along with and non-violent.

>> No.7482616

In general Sexes are genetically programmed to be attracted to each other, this is to insure reproduction, with is literally the point of having sexes in the first fucking places.

It's all about reproduction.

>> No.7482619


>> No.7482620

the point of sexes appears to be to improve diversity of genes.

There are asexual reproduction strategies.

>> No.7482691

>if a male were to be isolated from other people from birth, when he sees a female for the first time, would he be attracted to the female?

sex works through the reward system and since you do not connect your pleasures with women, they will not be spontaneously attractive


if a male were to be isolated from other people from birth, AKA WILD CHILDREN, just wank off and make odd sounds

>> No.7482709

In terms of biology or evolution, men who were attracted to women had a tendency to pass those genes on to their offspring. Men who weren't attracted to females, like yourself, didn't get to pass on their traits to the next generation.

>> No.7482747

It's simple.
The men who aren't attracted to woman don't produce offspring

>> No.7482771


as if being attracted to women is genetics

>> No.7482773
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what is it? a social construct or epigenetic?

>> No.7482792

Pretty much in the same way that we like sugar.


>> No.7482797

Men are attracted to women because nature needs to fascilitate reproduction.

We have sexes to begin with to shuffle our genes around and not get fucked over by viruses.

>> No.7483022

ahhhh Instincts?

Also you sound like a homo in training, just go get fucked by kimbo slice already.

>> No.7483023
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>> No.7483027
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What about Serena Wiiliams?

>> No.7483126
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That picture doesn't really have anything to do with biology, but rather of society, and even more so online dating culture.
There's a study somewhere where they took a speed dating seminar, and had the men switch tables and the women would evaluate the men.
The statistics looked similar to that chart.
But they reversed the roles. Once it was the women who had to seek out a mate, and the males were the ones who got to pick and choose, the statistics changed drastically.
Women were rating men who weren't getting that high of ratings far higher when they were the ones being put on the spot with more risk and more to lose.
It's a psychological issue, and it's cause is due to cultural propogation that the male has to court the female, and the female is the gate keeper.
Change the society, change the power dynamic in the sexual sphere.

>> No.7483136

She used steroids. There was a time when the drug tests knocked on her front door to a random drug test. She went into her panic room to avoid them. That's 100% proof that she uses it. She is not the usual female.

>> No.7483171

They have vaginas that we enter our penises into for reproduction and survival of our species and genes (we our a bit selfish). Why do we enjoy it unlike most species? We have actual an actual conscious and the pleasure developed overtime. It makes reproduction more enjoyable. I know some here don't believe in consciousness. Why do we have sex just for pleasure? Well, because the same reason we find anything pleasurable. Why do we find certain aspects of the female body? It's cultural and not biological.

>> No.7483172

female body attractive*

>> No.7483183

>Change the society, change the power dynamic in the sexual sphere.
yes, but betas will always praise women

I reject your claim that there would be some pure biology determining attraction towards beauty regardless of the cultures

>> No.7484110

I think it has allot to do with learned behavior.

think about it.
All people are born and therefore have parrents.
babies learn from their parrents by imitating.
you can only speak if you have observed what speaking is.etc.

so its pretty regular for people who have parents that are together to also want to get together.

>> No.7485325
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>fragile´´ ´60s jaguar vs a ´´strong´´ f150

They are superior at cunning and scheming; the basis of modern international relations and politics.

Women are responsible for conflict and wars; all the wonderful adversity that propels out species forwards.

>> No.7485348

American ninja warrior

>> No.7485357

Why are the first three pictures cw and the other ones in ccw?

>> No.7485385

I skimmed through half the thread but didn't notice anyone picking up on it but wasn't the point OP was trying to make that females are generally frail and stand less of a chance against predators and various disasters so why would the male be programmed to seek a frail body to procreate with?

>> No.7485392


OP is trying to justify his virgin faggotry through misinterpretations of evolution.

>> No.7485398
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because yall frailbitches to begin with.

Ragozina <3

>> No.7485485

underrated post

>> No.7485491
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>ITT retarded people who dont get the point of OP
what he is saying is why are woman weaker in the first place. Why not just men with pussy and men with pennis

>> No.7485531

>what he is saying is why are woman weaker in the first place

I covered that here:

>Opie, it's because ALL women are virtually guaranteed to reproduce, while men must compete for the privilege.
>We're lucky (?) they're as competent/strong/ etc as they are, and not just a bag of skin and protoplasm.

>> No.7485564

death by snu snu

>> No.7485571
File: 33 KB, 500x375, loldogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women engineers

>> No.7485835

>Comparing people in love with mentally ill homeless prison-faring druggies.

Wow, are you always this romantic ? ;o)

>> No.7485845

Men are scared of strong women. Just look at women who make their own choices in life and embrace their sexuality and act aggressively to get what they want.

How are they treated by men?

Pff, that was not supposed to be a monster girl, it was supposed to be a nasty Zerg. :P

>> No.7485855

If the oven is malfunctioning, then the baby could become broken. Therefore you should invest in a high quality oven (tm)!

>> No.7485862


I don't know man.
What I do know is that I would fuck pic related silly.

>> No.7485887

OK, but who is going to build those automatic machines? Who will repair them? Not to mention women will still have difficult with commonplace tasks like repairing vehicles, carrying their luggage and furniture, etc.

The weakness of females is not practical or efficient no matter how you look at it.

>> No.7485967

Cars can drive by themselves already. Trucks also. Transportation of both people and stuff is likely technically possible to automate before I retire. Probably we will be seeing automation of medicine also at some point. What would be left for people to work with would be arts and engineering and crafts. That is until computer learning and intelligence becomes good enough to outsmart engineers and scientists and to out-creative artists. Which maybe also could happen within my lifetime.

We would better have developed a set of morals and ethics by then which does not tie human or monetary or societal value or pride to one's job as then most people would be worth less than a computer.

>> No.7485971

> Techo utopia where machines do all work. People can do what they want.

Then we would finally have time for each other again! That is... if we even remember how to socialize and empathize by then :'(

>> No.7486090

Esteemed gentlemen, let me take a few minutes of your time.

Let us ponder where we are in terms of our progress and humanity.

500 years ago, we were barbaric and refused to give women rights. All the years before those were ridden with wars and fighting, which made men stronger.

As women slowly gained authority in the modern society, we have seen the dynamics irrefutably altered in favour of women.

Fighting and violence was deemed manly before. But now, since women have taken over, they have cultivated a culture of shaming violent and adrenaline fuelled men. Anything aggressive is deemed "weird" or "abnormal" and in some cases punished. Now, we have repressed men acting out their frustrations with sadistic sexual behaviours and gorging themselves to obesity.

I say, violence is good. Violence provides men incentives to be respectful. Sometimes, you have to let small fires burn to prevent a forest fire.

Women are the sole reason for the degradation of society and their power and influence should be seized.