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7479632 No.7479632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are people in STEM generally smarter than non-STEM people?

>> No.7479633


>> No.7479637

They sure as hell think they are.

>> No.7479640

define "smarter"

>> No.7479642

Jesus fucking christ, that meme!

>> No.7479646


>> No.7479670

No, except for engineering and medicine. Physics is usually filled with popsci idiots who were too dumb for the school's engineering department and math is full autists who aren't very bright

>> No.7479683

>Jesus fucking christ, that meme!
nice meme

>> No.7479687

If they take the time to be well rounded, culturally speaking. Being an expert in one field doesn't really say much.

>> No.7479706

define "meme"

>> No.7479744
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq by gender studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because less females.

>> No.7479843

Depends on how you define smart.

I would at least say that STEM majors know how to google shit more than non-STEMs

>> No.7479852

who is this fluid druid?

>> No.7480223

They work harder

>> No.7481246

Yes. And not necessarily just because smarter people are attracted to STEM, but also because STEM makes you smarter.

>> No.7481353

Suck Titty Every Monday

>> No.7481357

I think so

>> No.7481360

comparing groups of the same academic level (undergrad, postgrad, postdoc) and controlling other relevant factors like socio-economic class of the institute being considered, yes, STEM students are less attractive than arts and humanities students.

especially when you focus just on physical sciences, engineering, maths and compsci

>> No.7481408

>40% girls


>> No.7481418

No, it's just what nerds tell themselves to feel better.

The average intelligence is about the same across the spectrum. All persons at a particular school need to meet the same entry requirements.

>> No.7481429

Math faculties have a girl majority in many European countries I know
Physics and engineering is still no-girls-allowed ubernerd country though

>> No.7481562

You have no evidence to support that assertion.

>> No.7481578

BWHAHAHAHAHA. You are kidding right? It's sickeningly common wherein an applicant for a school will apply for the arts college and then transfer to the more competitive departments like engineering.

>> No.7481580
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>> No.7481593

image source?

>> No.7481598
File: 53 KB, 640x438, 14210475755290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is smarter than engineers

>> No.7481629

well you're not getting much oxygen into your brain by sucking cocks all day tbh fam : ^ )

>> No.7481670

So basically, is someone who does a degree that lines them up for a decent job smarter that someone who does a degree fit for a barista?

Tough question right there OP.

>> No.7481690


>iq estimates by intended college major

that chart is the result of high school students picking a bubble at the end of a test

>> No.7481806

You ever talk to a good philsophy major?
I'm a physics major and they make me scared.
They seem to be able to think on a level that I just can't begin to comprehend.

>> No.7481809

I'd accuse you of being a philosopher, but you managed to get a point across in a concise and intelligible way.

>> No.7481848

if you're incapable of philosophy, you're incapable of science and engineering.

>> No.7481911

The person with the highest IQ is likely some illiterate nomad in the uncontacted jungles of the Amazon, who puts his superior intellect into developing algorithms to find berries.

>> No.7481916

If you're unable to understand the basic grammar rules, you're retarded.

>> No.7483044
File: 69 KB, 963x452, uncontrollably.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7483045

It's nice to know that I'm capable of philosophy. Thanks for making my day. It's like getting two degrees for the price and effort of one.

>> No.7483072

I would say typically. There are smart people who just go into what they enjoy even if it's not science related. I'm wondering, do STEM majors get larger pell grants because my pell grants are pretty nice?

>> No.7483559

>engineers are smarter than computer scientist
ok kid

>> No.7483570
File: 14 KB, 480x360, grammarnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you're unable to understand the basic grammar rules, THEN you're retarded.
Grammatically fixed.

>> No.7483573

They definitely are if you count the hordes of kids that go into CS and end up switching majors or dropping out.

>> No.7483577


also i agree that it shouldn't be like this , i can't help but notice around the people i know that it is true

>> No.7483664

Engineers have lots of people go into their majors who wind up dropping out or changing to something else.

>> No.7483698

please more of this cutie pie.
do want to have delicate and intense physical relations with

>> No.7483717

details? im curious

>> No.7483725

>lmao engineering is hard
>lmao I kno
>u get it bro. it's like, the hardest, objectively speaking
>lmao I know even tho its like, the most popular major of anyone ever
>lets crush some Mike's Hard

>> No.7483729

No. Look at the stats. Look how easy it is to get a top degree in maths in the UK ... and compare it to the amount of students that manage to get the top grade for history degrees (under 13% nationwide and less at the best universities).

Anyone can learn what needs to be learnt for STEM from books and teachers. It can be taught. Not everyone can grasp concepts and be a philosopher or write that outstanding history thesis.

>> No.7483741


>> No.7483756

No. Look at the stats. Look how easy it is to get a top degree in maths in the UK ... and compare it to the amount of students that manage to get the top grade for history degrees (under 13% nationwide and less at the best universities).

>> No.7484434
File: 56 KB, 722x349, 1440084544806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 110
>Going for maths

>> No.7484491

America is a weird country,philosophy and psychology majors in my country are borderline retarded, the first group being borderline retarded and criminal to boot, while people who study medicine are on the same level as engies and spergs.

>> No.7484496

Underrated post.

>> No.7484518

Dont underestimate it. It can be very very deep and complex/vague.

>> No.7484544

Who is this semen demon?