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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 950x783, flat-earth-horizon-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7472720 No.7472720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, is the earth flat?

>> No.7472722

on a long enough time line, everything is flat.

>> No.7472725

also, if you don't know how camera optics work, you shouldn't be trying to do math.

>> No.7472727
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7472741

that's clearly just poorly constructed camera optics.

>> No.7472757

>fish eye lens

>> No.7472764

if the earth is flat, why the moon isn't ? or every other planet in the universe for that matter ?

>> No.7472769

nah man they're just flat disks facing towards us because we're the center

>> No.7472775

No, you're a fucking retard. Next question.

>> No.7472777

then howcome they rotate around like a sphere so we can see all the sides of them ?

>> No.7472782

>taking the bait

>> No.7472787

they dont

>> No.7472790

what bait ?

>> No.7472807

Of course the curve of the horizon is not seen in that image if there is clouds over it and atmospheric refraction.

>> No.7472814

>why can't i see the curve of the horizon when i look at the horizon at a relatively short distance away from the surface?????

>> No.7472830

you need glasses dum dum

>> No.7472833

Grab a flashlight and pass a white disk in front of it with a circular motion and you will see that doesnt happens in real life.

>> No.7472845


>> No.7472847


>> No.7472850


>> No.7472851

Not about the flat earth, but nevertheless an accurate depiction of the NASA hoax.

>> No.7472860

Why? do the experiment yourself and tell me the results.

>> No.7472861

Why should a video about the greates /sci/entific hoax in the history of man be on/x/?

>> No.7472864

Because this is science board, not a board for crackpots

>> No.7472871

> this irrelevant stupid experiment is a proof that earth is not flat
thats why its a 0/10

>> No.7472884


>> No.7472889

Ok you dont want to do it because it goes against your belief, I understand that.

Typical of FEs
>post yt vids as proof lalala

>> No.7472901

Take a Pendulum and go find it out: if the Earth is flat the pendulum's plane of oscillation will appear to rotate with a constant speed regardless of the latitude. However if the Earth is round its rotation speed will change with the latitude, being maximum at the poles and zero at the equator.

>> No.7472909

If the Earth is not flat than no amount of evidence in the form of pictures, videos, etc., besides actually going to space themselves, will not persuade a lot of those people that it isn't.
If the Earth is flat than no amount of evidence in the form of pictures, videos, etc., besides actually going to space themselves, will not persuade a lot of those people that it isn't.

It's about belief, on both sides of the argument, and perception standpoints.
It is highly disappointing that in 2015 flights in to space and orbit are not commercial, we could have had a very different future had we taken a different route after the 80's.

>> No.7472911
File: 179 KB, 400x400, flatearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7472912


>> No.7472915

That's not accurate.

>source: I live in seattle

>> No.7472934

> this guyy
hes like omg im using rulers to draw things im such a scientist

>> No.7472965

>20 miles high
nice bait. you can literally see the atmosphere curve in that image as well.

>> No.7472982
File: 164 KB, 950x783, 143985201853457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473012
File: 76 KB, 950x783, 1439845304976_bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473014

> photoshopped evidence

>> No.7473016

No, it isnt.
Go here
And convert your pic to black and white

>> No.7473062

This flat earth meme got revived when global warming really got revved up.
those stupid fucking conspiracy theorists are ALL retarded is what I'll logically conclude from this. they're all associative in this manner you know?

>> No.7473137

> go there and photoshop your pic
edited evidence is not evidence :^)

>> No.7473146


yeah, they keep posting this shit to /x/

>> No.7473154

If an opinion espouse is also supported by whale.to, you are almost certainly wrong in your belief.

>> No.7473155

*an opinion you espouse

>> No.7473180

Your logical argument is an ad-hominem? Flat Earth is a joke, but so is your ad-hominems. Nice science, bitch.

I do dislike that I've only ever seen CG pictures of Earth, other than quarter frame shots. Go ahead and Google Earth from space. Tell me that's not all artistic rendering.

>> No.7473187


The horizontal line is photoshopped in, you idiot.

>> No.7473202

> i photoshopped it
And now you just admitted to cheating evidence. How pathetic that you have to resort to fraud and forgery to assert your misinformation :^)

>> No.7473218

not everything is an argument you ad-homo

>> No.7473219

its totally fucking possible in my opinion.

>> No.7473247
File: 328 KB, 655x387, (3) _sci_ - So _sci_, is the earth flat_ - Science & Math - 4chan - Google Chrome 2015-08-17 21.00.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to call Alicia and tell her this man is crazy. or maybe just steal his copy of HIGH IMPACT eMAIL

>> No.7473255

The third picture actually shows the curvature. There is sky visible underneath the line at either end, but not in the centre.

>> No.7473327


Who the fuck are you even arguing with? I posted neither image.

>> No.7473361

I've literally seen the curvature of the earth myself. So bad attempt.
You can see it out on the ocean.

>> No.7473390


>> No.7473411

Everyone pack up! This anon has disproved the flat earthers. We will send him as our banner men in this war.

>> No.7473412

I understand the joy of constructing an argument and so forth, but do you realize where you are? It's kinda sad that you choose this place, where there's a ton of meaningful things you can spend your time on. Yet you waste it on this. I can only assume your mind works on an /x/ level, and you fail to recognize potentials.

>> No.7473420


i've flown in an airplane many times and never seen the earth curve.

>> No.7473424

I can't remember seeing it on a passenger airplane, the windows may be too small. Check it out on open sea with a 360 degree panoramic view if you get the chance.

>> No.7473425

If I look up the time of the sunrise in Seattle, it's at about 7:00 AM. If I look up the time of the sunrise in Paris, it's about 7:00 AM. If I look up the time of the sunrise in Tokyo, it's about 7:00 AM.

How can the sun be coming up at the same time all over the world if the world is round?

Proof of NASA's lies.

>> No.7473444

Hey shill.

>> No.7473809

> i don't even have evidence
thanks for letting us know

>> No.7473815


>> No.7473839

The Earth is actually flat. We know that the universe is flat and if the Earth is in the universe it must be flat as well. All these elliptical Earth theories are so dated.

>> No.7473953

If the earth is flat why can`t i see India from New York with a telescope and i know in cases with high gravity the light can sometimes bend arpund the object like a black hole.

>> No.7473965

We only see one face of the moon, nigguh
ergo, flat disc

...or tidal locking

>> No.7473993

i will believe in a round world as long as no one shows me evidence of the opposite.

evidence such as: a location i can stand on myself and see the edge of the world
or a simple real picture of the edge that is no CG or shop.

until then there is nothing to talk about

>> No.7473997

>Third picture
>middle of the line touches the water
>both ends don't touch
>literally a proof the earth is not flat

>> No.7473999
File: 321 KB, 160x160, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day lurking /sci/
>get tricked into thinking the world is fucking flat

is this board just as shit as the rest?

>> No.7474025

Why has nobody spoken of the tides yet? Only if the earth is round we could feel the pull from the moon and sun on the water of the oceans

>> No.7474026

There are tides in lakes too

>> No.7474029

Ok, but these tides too are made possible due to the gravitational force the moon has on the earth's water

>> No.7474030

And only in big lakes, not small ones.
They need to have certain mass

>> No.7474033
File: 69 KB, 600x466, 48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faggots in this thread

>> No.7474036
File: 15 KB, 783x350, lightraysyb6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7474052

I wasn't prepared for this proof.

>> No.7474083

>this actually would explain horizon

really good work

>> No.7474085

I'm just curious as to why people think NASA/the government/whoever else would lie to us about the earth being round. What exactly do they gain out of it?
underrated post

>> No.7474096
File: 13 KB, 414x199, massmagicgravity80yd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass magically causes gravity
This is what Round-Earthers actually believe!

>> No.7474120

millions of autists who believe the world is flat never left their hometown.

prove me wrong!

i have strong evidence that my theory is true:
1. nearly everyone on this world has a mobile phone with a camera or a camera of right now
2. traveling to the edge would be fucking inexpensive, a flight around the world costs approximately 2000 usd
3. there is no single picture of the edge of the world

>> No.7474136
File: 352 KB, 960x640, mcedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there

>> No.7474141

Of course it looks like this, how'd you imagine a disc would look like from above?

>> No.7474149

i can tell you: no you was not. that is just your computer being fucking slow and not able to generate new chunks.

the end of the minecraft world can not be reached because of number instabilities in the shit implementation

>> No.7474217

You had this same stupid thread on /pol/

What do you gain from this? You are clearly not looking for anything but a confirmation of your delusions.

>> No.7474371

>traveling to the edge would be fucking inexpensive
Correct but nobody ever returned from the Great Ice Wall as it is heavily guarded. Anyone who approaches the Ice Wall will be shot and incinerated on sight -- or work as a slave Ice Wall guard.

>> No.7474373
File: 26 KB, 492x365, guardb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7475041


>> No.7475052

reachable in 1.8, at coordinates 30 000 000

>> No.7475067

No, it's concave.

>> No.7475110

>no pictures of ice wall
flat earthers: -9001
sane people: +1000000

>> No.7475118
File: 119 KB, 846x960, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this shitty paint pic for my friend to show his FlAt Gaia Dad, I honestly dont really know much about General Relatively but yeah

His Dad dismissed it by saying he basically doesn't believe in science at all so

>> No.7475120
File: 24 KB, 600x400, guardtower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, recently, I was talking to my friend who apparently got an interning job at NASA engineering (I'm not sure what she does there, but it was a pretty low-down job). Basically, I was discussing the Flat Earth Theory with her, and she said she was pretty sure she heard something about it walking by this one office, but she didn't know for sure (she said she heard something about needing more guards because too much information is leaking). Well, she goes and talks to her boss, who ends up talking to his boss who was, I guess, one of the conspirators. He told my friend's boss that there was nothing the matter and he believed it, but she didn't. So, she goes and talks to the other guy, who basically breaks into a panic.
Nobody was supposed to hear that meeting and, while she didn't hear all that much, the guy apparently thought that she could've heard more than what she did here. So he offers her anything to get her to shut up. She asks to see the Ice Wall with her friend (me :D). Thing is, they didn't tell ME that I needed to shut up. So, here's my trip to the Ice Wall.

First, here is where I first snuck a picture. We first traveled in a jeep across Antarctica, but I couldn't snap any pictures, because we were in too close of quarters. Anyways, this is a gate down at the very edge of Antarctica. You could just barely make out the Ice Wall from the edge of this wall that went up some seven feet or so. The guards looked really stern, and well-disciplined.

Here is the tower that I had to sleep in before making the trek to and up the ice wall. It was surprisingly comfy, and had good heating.

>> No.7475123
File: 23 KB, 276x401, base (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is when we were walking up to the Ice Wall. Those are more guards down at the bottom. I quickly snuck my camera out of my coat to snap this one. Not sure if you can see them in this picture, but those guys had some nasty guns. Also, they had to deactivate some automatic turrets that would shoot people down if they got too close to the ice wall without proper clearance:

>> No.7475125

The USA is getting more and more retarded by the day. SJW, anti-gays, Christian fundis, flat earth cucks... just nuke yourself already.

>> No.7475127
File: 11 KB, 330x480, OnIceWall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the guys didn't come up with us. They thought we were nutballs for wanting to try climbing to the top. So, it gave me time to snap a picture while we were on the Ice Wall. It was getting really chilly at this point.

>> No.7475131
File: 30 KB, 480x360, lookingdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we got to the scariest part. Since all of you crazy Round Earthers keep asking to take a picture of 'space,' I was determined to take it upon myself to do so. There was no real flat surface on the top of the ice wall, so I told my friend to get the rope and lower me down a tiny bit so that I could snap a quick picture. She thought I was crazy, but she did it anyway. Here is what I got.
After that, we were instructed to come down, and she signed a contract saying that neither of us would talk about the Ice Wall. Luckily, I slipped away before I signed it, therefore nothing about it was legal. I've got all the proof I need right here, though. Completely undeniable. I've even got a shot of the space on the other side of the Ice Wall.
You whiny Round Earthers better shut up now. I've gone through a crapload of stuff to go through with this, even evading the law.
My friend told me that the governments haven't located this site or at least don't go to it regularly, so I figured it was safe to post it here. I'm going to try to find some other places where I can get this out without catching their attention (if they figure it out, I'll probably be killed...).

>> No.7475134

The Universal Acceleration model has been replaced by the modern rope model.

A long wire through the center of the flat disk earth. The Universe swings that around at the angular velocity that gives a centripetal acceleration of 1G

>> No.7475135

This made me laugh so hard I screen cap'd it. Thanks bro.

>> No.7475138

not enough matter for this to happen. It happens, but we can see the difference.

>> No.7475141
File: 73 KB, 618x618, 1439922235297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7475143


>> No.7475166

>Nazi infiltration of nasa

Stopped watching there

Jesus fucking christ, you dont take that seriously, do you?

>> No.7475178

You can't see the Dover cliffs from a beach in Calais, but you can see them from a hill. It's that easy guys.



>> No.7475188
File: 24 KB, 488x366, 488px-wernhervonbraun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7475190
File: 20 KB, 1284x417, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching some guys proof of flat Earth
>Camera on some tower pointing at some tall buildings in a city miles away
>Say that if the Earth was round the building should be like pic related
>You could only see the tops of the tall buildings instead of the entire city
>This was his proof

Flat Earth is by far my favourite conspiracy, pure gold

>> No.7475206

don't you dare associate nazi infiltration of nasa with flat earth you fag.

>> No.7475231


>> No.7475234

>Doesnt understand timezones

>> No.7475245

>scientists inventing "time zones" in order to fit their data.

>> No.7475251

It was an US operation, it wasnt issued by the nazi goverment

>> No.7475261

What? You know how timezones work? The sun rises at diferent times around the earth, thats why there is day in some places while in others its night

>> No.7475265

Btw you're a retard, im not biting anymore, i have better thing to do than to argue with a child

>> No.7475268
File: 66 KB, 500x375, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasnt issued by the nazi goverment
>The sun rises at diferent times around the earth,

>> No.7477039

>I told my friend to get the rope and lower me down a tiny bit so that I could snap a quick picture.

So the other side of the ice wall just falls off into space? That look incredibly dangerous.

Some flat-earthers say that the earth is an infinite plane, or at least that the disk extends well beyond the Antarctic wall.

>> No.7477045

That's mobile Minecraft. It has edges.

>> No.7477047
File: 65 KB, 544x517, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477073


> this image from a spacecraft shows the earth is flat!

> the images taken from spacecraft that show the earth is round don't count

>> No.7477094
File: 54 KB, 704x396, Not this shit again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit not this shit again!

>> No.7477200

I didn't know Athens was in Antarctica.

>> No.7477208

OP, no.

timecube.com <-- TRUTH

>> No.7477529

>atmospheric refraction.
>believes the atmosphere behaves like a mirror
>yet doesn't see that the earth has no curvature and can be proven.

>> No.7477535

wheres your proof that the earth is round? websites?

>> No.7477537


JIDF detected

>> No.7477549

you can prove that the earth has no curvature and does not spin with repeatable tests.

coppernican theory has holes with gravity as its center to make "it work", we are just taught that explaination with no mention of the alternatives that can explain it much better. coppernican theory also displaces a creator, thats why so many refute it, because they were brought into the christian faith that doesnt explain as much as the hindu faith where in their vedic texts, the earth is trillion years old. also there are fallacies in carbon dating.

>> No.7477565

come on /sci/. you can prove the earth is not a globe with math.

the earth is of course not completely flat since there is topography, but it is for sure not a globe.

>> No.7477569

there is a video of a 5 mile laser test on water level to prove that the earth has no curvature. albeit those people who performed the experiment think its concave.

btw water always finds a level point and never settles on a curve.

>> No.7477581
File: 146 KB, 496x496, 8c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

">Wheres your proof that the earth is round? Websites?" Anon asks to people who have an Astronomy degree

>> No.7477588

you do know that if nasa can get away with a lie that people landed on the moon they pretty much can brainwash people into thinking we are not a special case in creation despite all the clues pointing to it?

to "scientists", they believe there is life in the universe because copperinucan brainwashing tells them so yet there is no proof. they absloutely would rather believe there is life in the universe besides us but not believe in a creation or god having to do with our origin of existence. they think the laws of physics never existed until after the "big bang".

>> No.7477603

i believe the earth is not a globe, but i do not belive that the earth is accelerating upwards nor do i believe that light bends in ways to account for the reason why the horizon never leaves eye level. that general relativity is bullshit.

the earth is just stationary and a plane with topography with possibly a firnament past the karman line. colorado university discovered a glass like structure in the ionsphere.

>> No.7477615

sad thing is astronomers will google earth images.
you certainly cant find a real picture of the earth on google. its all artist renderings. even nasa admits it.
prove me wrong.

>> No.7477620

>but i do not belive that the earth is accelerating upwards nor do i believe that light bends in ways to account for the reason why the horizon never leaves eye level.

If that was what general relativity actually said, I'd probably think it was bullshit too.

However, since that's approximately as wrong as claiming that general relativity proves moral relativism, I am quite confident in what it actually claims.

>> No.7477638

general relativity says that the reason we see the moon at night is because light bends around the earth and reaches the lunar surface, yet we sometimes see the shadow on the moon as assume its the earths shadow. this is a contraction if some days we see a shadow and some days we dont see a shadow if light bends around the earth due to "gravity". thats a false science.

Since lunar eclipses occur always at Full Moon, it makes sense to ask why does the Full Moon lunar cycle last all night long, and an eclipse, only an hour? If the Moon is behind the earth and orbiting the ecliptic plane thereby shaded by the Umbral shadow blocking the "ray of sunshine" from reaching her resulting in what we see and call an eclipse, then, "why does the MOON remain on the ecliptic plane only an hour?"

And then how does the MOON mysteriously rise the 5° above the Earth and begin anew to receive the precious light to continue her cycle? When it takes "days" for the Moon to go from one position and phase onto another on her 29 day cycle.

>> No.7477661
File: 45 KB, 569x412, 1439472373173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't prove you wrong because all the evidence I will give you won't mean anything because you'll just say "Oh, that is fake/photoshopped." to every single one of them even though there is evidence for them being real, but you will deny so because it doesn't match up with your belief and conformation bias. You're basically someone who claims to be red-pilled, but in reality, is blue-pilled.

>> No.7477667

>general relativity says that the reason we see the moon at night is because light bends around the earth and reaches the lunar surface

No it doesn't. The relativistic effect of masses on light's path is almost unimaginably tiny. It takes very precise instruments (and a much larger mass, like the Sun) to detect it at all.

Like, Jesus, man. If you're going to claim bullshit, at least take more than fifteen seconds to learn about the physics you're claiming are nonsense.

>> No.7477678
File: 205 KB, 640x427, vanshing point sun moving away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people say that when boats go below the horizon that is proof the earth is round.
this is false and can be debunked.

the explanation is that the boat disappears because of two factors, the vanishing point and a type of mirage called fata Morgana which both factors only happen on a large flat surface.
proof is here:


the sun rise and set illusion can be explained as the sun moves away from an area. it is the vanishing point on a horizon. this also only happens when a light is closer to the surface than millions of miles away since the suns rays come at a single point through the clouds like a flashlight rather than from all angles. pic related.

>> No.7477683

i can prove the moon landing to be fake but you will still believe it.

>> No.7477685

>sun rises at 7 AM or so every day pretty much everywhere on earth
>different times

Sure pal

>> No.7477692

general relativity says gravity bends light. im not wrong. so going back to this >>7477638

>> No.7477693


Can confirm this, whenever I see the top of a ship over the horizon I just lie down flat on my stomach and then I can see the bottom, just like the guy in the pic would be able to see the guy on the ship if he went prone.

That's also actually why submarines were invented, because you can see enemy ships from farther away the deeper you go.

>> No.7477696

thats bullshit as debunked here >>7477678

>> No.7477698

You can't prove the moon landing to be fake. The reason why he didn't see any stars was because of the brightness of the sun, and you can interpret the body language to mean anything.

>> No.7477703
File: 6 KB, 338x212, Pictured- Not Relativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general relativity says gravity bends light

Yes. By an *incredibly small amount.* So much that it would be completely impossible to see.

The Earth does bend light around it, sure - because it has an atmosphere. This isn't relativity, this is classical optics. All materials bend light - you may have heard of "lenses" or "prisms" which exploit this effect by using highly refractive materials. But all materials refract the light passing through them - water, oil, glass, plastic, and yes, air.

Electromagnetic field theory states that moving magnetic fields create light. But if you were to argue that this means it must be false, because if you wave a magnet around you can't see it glowing, you'd be an idiot. Effects have sizes.

>> No.7477739


No, that's all just lies made up by the ancient reptillians that actually control the earth! In reality there are photons from billions of years ago in a stable orbit around earth, but if any human saw those he would see the past and with it the truth about the masters of this world!

That is why NASA is building so many satelites! The sonar panels are actually to catch the ancient photons so we will never learn the truth!

>> No.7477748



>> No.7477758

that was collins. hes the one who stayed on the craft and orbited the moon. no stars no mission. plus they used a sextant for navigation. no stars no mission. lie.

>> No.7477759

what's the reason for people to lie about the earth being round?

>> No.7477775

Locally, it is.

>> No.7477778

Because a flat Earth, hanging motionless in the center of a universe revolving around it, is an inarguable proof for God.

>> No.7477785

>what's the reason for people to lie about the earth being round?

Usually considered to be the most likely motive, this suggests that NASA is primarily an embezzlement front. The conspiracy spends millions of dollars in bribing astronauts, faking photographs, and other ways of faking space exploration, but NASA's budget is in the billions, so the conspirators still receive a large profit yearly.

'Not hiding anything at all'

It is also possible that NASA does not actually know that the earth is flat and since its inception has simply been faking the concept of space travel, never bothering (or unable) to go any farther than the edge of the atmosphere. The earth is portrayed as round in NASA media because the general public already believes that it is round.

NASA is mistaken about the earth's shape, just like many others are, and reflect that mistake when putting together its fake space missions.

'Military dominance'

The US Government and its European allies have a large interest in investing untold millions of dollars into hoaxing space travel because it gives a superior image to the rest of the world. Once a country has the technology to reach orbit it can also scare off aggressors and send ICBMs raining down on its enemies at the push of a button. Creating the illusion of space travel is critical to national security of a first-world nation, whether it is actually possible or not.

>> No.7477786

I round Earth could also be proof of God. He made the Earth perfectly round.

>> No.7477829

and so what? What difference does it make to you whether there is or is not God. How it is going to change you? Your brain constantly generates everything that is around you, you are in a sense a creator yourself. Or maybe not, i dont really care for the ''correct'' answer, because there can be 1 million meaning the same, so it is best looking ahead of the point of acknowledging a simple word with an abstract meaning. Ahead of ahead.

>> No.7477835

you dont understand the meaning of it. theres a reason why astronauts wont swear on the bible that they walked on the moon. a proven god means judgement and afterlife in a kingdom rather than eternity in a low level existence. it means repercussions for all the shit you've done to others.

>> No.7477847


Have you considered that ''competing'' nations spy on each other, blackmail each other too. Inarguable proof would be published that the opposite is faking, boosting up confidence into citizens - quite easily can be used for good, spying the truth. So far, nobody has shared any argument, video or photo, signed documents , nothing about it being fake by one or another nation.
It could only be possible if all the nations are united already, just playing tricks and creating illusions. Yes, then they can do whatever they fucking want.
Or maybe not.

>> No.7477854
File: 116 KB, 700x450, ice-cliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are photos of the ice wall

>> No.7477861


You sure love drama. Thats what people do these days, dramatize over the obvious beauty of existence itself. No wonder they have lost themselves completely, living up in all kinds of delusions. Experience - Learn - Grow. That simple. Be an open minded skeptic.

>> No.7477862
File: 65 KB, 1790x1192, ice shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477865
File: 114 KB, 600x336, the-Colony-under-the-Ice-shelf-cliffs-1-600x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists theorize that emperor penguins are actually genetically engineered ice wall guard slaves

>> No.7477868
File: 409 KB, 1788x1188, corp2623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7477874


Do you even comprehend the size of the earth? The curvature is going to be so minimal in such short length of your ice wall, it is obvious.

Notice a ship descending on the horizon. Slowly, beautiful.

>> No.7477875

>Notice a ship descending on the horizon. Slowly, beautiful.

>> No.7477879
File: 82 KB, 736x520, eda031f53a266b1dd46970cf0d44d3bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So far, nobody has shared any argument, video or photo, signed documents , nothing about it being fake by one or another nation.
>It could only be possible if all the nations are united already, just playing tricks and creating illusions. Yes, then they can do whatever they fucking want.

you were saying?


>> No.7478363


>> No.7478385


Maybe this board should have unique IDs like /pol/ to reduce samefagging.

>> No.7478466

maybe you should just continue keep your ass in the air and your head in the sand like all college students.

>> No.7478987
File: 30 KB, 320x173, special.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your education? Home-schooled, I presume?

>> No.7479222


sadly, yes

it's just /b/ but with pocket protectors

>> No.7479254

What's the evolutionary advantage of the Earth being flat?

>> No.7479359

>236 B.C. + 2251
>People still believe the Earth is NOT flat.

>> No.7479378

Yea, /sci/ is full of cancer. The gif threads can be fun though>>7465295