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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7474835 No.7474835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have engineers contributed to science?

>> No.7474863

To science? not much

>> No.7474870


What have scientists contributed to anything?

That answer is engineering.

>> No.7474875

Large Hadron Collider

>> No.7474878


that is true

I would consider things like the space shuttle as examples of scientists contributing to engineering

>> No.7474880

Stop making these threads already?

Your butthurt can't get any bigger if jesus morphed into godzilla and continuously raped your ass with his nuclear dick for the rest of eternity.

>> No.7474883

But engineers designed the space shuttles

>> No.7474886


> rocket science

>> No.7474893

>aerospace engineering

>> No.7474894

some bits

>> No.7474896

Andrew Grove, chemical engineer, ceo of intel made advancements in the field of semiconductors. What do you mean contributions to science? Do you mean advancing technologies or contributing to theory or what? Ultimately advancements in technology allow experiments to happen in the first place. That's an example of indirect contributions. We can talk about computing and molecular dynamics or even nanotechnology too.

>> No.7474906

>bestsuki poster
>this stupid
You don't deserve her

>> No.7474936

In just asking a question

>> No.7474946

Science is a rather large field. Engineers mostly contribute to their fields though engineering science, which unlike the other fields with science in their names, is actually a science.

If you mean what have engineers contributed to physics or chemistry?
James Watt
William Thompson (Lord Kelvin)

Notice anything about their names? ;^)

>> No.7474950

every single advancement after 1940

>> No.7474963

>is purposefully ignorant and posts a shit-tier flamebait
>gets called out on being stupid and ignorant

>> No.7474967

You misinterpreted

>> No.7474968
File: 2.85 MB, 3543x2362, JET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows this?

>> No.7474971

>James Watt
>not only has the unit SI unit of power named after him, but came up with the idea of horsepower
scientists cant keep up with this lowly engineer

>> No.7474981

what is that

>> No.7474988


>> No.7475024

Does it work xD?

>> No.7475027

define work

>> No.7475028

If there were no engineers, their'd be no mathematicians

this is a dirty joke.

>> No.7475050
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Physicist major = Mathematics major > Chemistry > Biology >> Chem E > Mech E > EE > Nuke E > Mechatronics E

Prove me wrong

>> No.7475053

nuke > all > math

>> No.7475057

if there were no engineers there would no houses for scientists to inhabit and fap to their dakimakuras in private

>> No.7475060

>EE that low

>> No.7475078

Scientists (and mathematicians) and engineers live in symbiosis: engineers existed way before science took its current form (just think about Roman aqueducts), and science doesn't necessarily follow the practical "short term" purposes of engineering, but they both benefit of each other.

>> No.7475080


lemme see how mad are you cucks lol

>> No.7475082

The ability for most scientists to conduct experiments.

>> No.7475087

>Scientists don't build their own experiences

Technicians on suicide watch

>> No.7475088

>implying scientists arent the ones getting cucked
>cant get no high paying jobs unless you stay in school forever
>engrs get that shit right out of a bs
>cant even design your own equipment to do your shit experiments
>suck the grant money tit until you die never having accomplished anything
>meanwhile engineers got stacks on stacks of patents and take your women and nobel prizes
we got nothing to be mad about m8

>> No.7475092
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>Prove me wrong
Esteemed colleague.

Herewith I present an inductively sound refutation of your argument:

Nuke E = Chem E > EE > Mech E > Physicist major = Mathematics major >> Memetronics E >>>>> Chemistry >> Biology

I mean obvs brah

>> No.7475099


tbh this is more rigorous

Mech E > Chem E > EE > Mechatronics E >> Nuke E

No nuke engineers can get into industry without experience these days and get outcucked by EEs. most get below 40k sallaries so you're a cuck smh tbh.

>> No.7475112

Biology is important because it leads to evidence based medicine. It should be higher

>> No.7475113

lmao that couldnt be further from the truth. i know two nukes that got hired without so much as an interview, just a call to a professor saying he needed two graduating seniors for immediate hire.

>> No.7475116

What does "outcucked" mean

>> No.7475121

Look at this fucking cuck. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.7475132
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>filling technician positions with nuke Es due to federal bureaucracy counts as doing nuclear engineering now

stay cucked

>> No.7475136
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ayy lmao

>> No.7475142
File: 238 KB, 1033x887, smZAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mom i posted the l33t meme i have saved on my pc again :^)

bury deeper my cucked friend i enjoy it

>> No.7475146
File: 48 KB, 1066x252, nuke vs phys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take an extra 6-8 years of school to make the same money and do the same shit

>> No.7475152

>he actually saves all the meme pictures and uses them as arguments


>> No.7475158

>get rekt
>muh pol

>> No.7475162

That's for people who actually get a job working in physics, most of them don't.

>> No.7475164

>still replying
>this mad

top cuck

>> No.7475169

same with nuke. lots end up working in materials science, aerospace, physics, etc

>> No.7475170

EE = Chem E = Nuke > Mech E = Aero E >> Civ E = physics >>> chemistry = biology > applied math + compsci >>>> pure math

>> No.7475176

Engineers don't really understand human interaction and rational discussion. You need to get your meme tables and use that to communicate your point to them.

>> No.7475180

>physics majors can't stop using memes like "cuck" and "pol" in their arguments
Proof physics is a popsci meme degree

>> No.7475193

Off to the reddit you go

>> No.7475194

almost as meme as a math degree

>> No.7475195

What have scienists and engineers contributed to Entrepreneurship?

>> No.7475196

>proof is based on anecdotal evidence
>engineers in charge of judgement

Is that the same amount of critical thinking and rigor you apply to your cable plugging, Anon?

>> No.7475200

well engineers start businesses all the time, and have shit tons of patents

>> No.7475409

Where do CompE and CS fit in?

>> No.7475434
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The bin.

>> No.7475448

CS is methematics too.

>> No.7475483

of course, who else would physicists turn to when they need approximation and number chugging?

>> No.7475488
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>> No.7475496


>does it for the money

why are you even on sci?

i know someone who only has a high school degree that ships oil and gets over 100k

>> No.7475506

cs is on par with ee if the school is good

id say compE is close to either

>> No.7475523

How's life in retail?

>> No.7475525

don't forget the need to read numbers off data tables.

>> No.7475538

How many people here are actually practicing scientists or mathematicians? Hell I'll even take PhDs and Post-docs.

At least we can be fairly certain that the engineers here are likely working engineers. the physics/math people are in undergrad, just admit it.

>> No.7475543

and yourself?

>> No.7475546

Thermodynamics was mostly formalized by Engineers, no?

and CERN was in part engineered by ... Engineers?

>> No.7475548

Thermo was superseded by Stat-mech tho.

>> No.7475558

>>does it for the money
>does it for the badass shit you do on top of the fact that you get more money than going a different route

>> No.7475567

>all these people bitter that their marks weren't high enough for engineering

>> No.7475627

>implying half of all engineering majors are not neckbeards who were lazy in highschool that think the engineer tag sounds cool

>> No.7475677


> neckbeards
> college

>> No.7475684

lel NEET detected

>> No.7475742 [DELETED] 

Very nice wageslave, i'm grateful.

>> No.7475747

Good goy.

>> No.7475775

That's effectively a false dichotomy fallacy. Engineers have contributed to society.

>> No.7475788

ChemE's do a lot of materials research, so I'd imagine that a large portion of the advances in that field were due directly or indirectly to the work done by an engineer.

>> No.7475791

I think he means inventing rockets themselves, engineers built it but they couldn't have done it without scientists like von braun

>> No.7475793

>that one defensive nuke\
Sorry bruh, you're still below ChemE and EE. Pure sciences are worthless until you get through grad school.

>> No.7475805

>be ChemE
>think about getting a job in industry
>go to job search website
>select chemical engineer in the dropdown menu
>get hired by three different companies at the same time for twice the advertised wages without even filling out an application
>two of those companies immediately terminated a nuke in the off chance that the ChemE accepts

Feels good to be masterrace.

>> No.7475809
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>> No.7475810
File: 11 KB, 727x69, muh chem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant even elevate themselves above the reputations of MEs and fucking industrialfags

>> No.7475812

What's worn with ME

>> No.7475817
File: 10 KB, 702x99, lel so exclusive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, inter-disciplinary jobs exist.

>> No.7475819

nothing, /sci/ just looks down on it for some reason (hint: autism)

>> No.7475820

Ohhh! Because the requirements for a certain arbitrary job is indicative of major's worth. I mean it can't possibly be that the particular skill set for this specific job has overlap with either ME, ChemE, and industrial engineering! That would be an outlandish and preposterous claim.

You are a fucking moron.

How about everyone here get their dicks out of their asses and realize these arbitrary rankings of engineering and hard sciences does nothing but inflate your ego which ultimately is stemmed from the deeply rooted insecurities and continuous questioning of your intellect.

But that's okay. I can be sure to tell you that you are, in fact, an idiot.

>> No.7475825

Except CivE's. Everyone can make fun of CivE's.

>> No.7475827

>cant handle the bantz
fuckin lel

>> No.7475835


Well, Isaac Newton, an engineer, basically invented calculus which is the basics of all advance math and science.

>> No.7476380

Purecucks get confused by the fact that because engineers can do science and math better than them. They always try to claim credit for developments by engineers, including these muh algorithm fuckwits who know so little about numerical analysis that they don't realize Runge, Kutta were the last mathematicians to make significant contributions to the field while mostly engineers developed modern numerical methods and built the FORTRAN libraries etc.