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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7473780 No.7473780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board is fucking shit. EASILY the worst board on 4chan. What I don't understand is if 4chan is full of nerds then why is the science board so terrible? Is it that most nerds aren't as smart as they think they are?
>Engineering vs pure science threads
>"How do we go faster than light" threads
>University dickwaving threads
>Rate muh IQ threads
I don't know about you but I don't want to hear about autist #1001 boasting about his grades in Harvard or whatever, I just want to discuss serious science.

>> No.7473783

Man I loved BTAS

>I just want to discuss serious science
What's stopping you?

>> No.7473791
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>bashes the board for not being up to his expectations
>implies his moronic self righteous attitude is somehow better

>> No.7473803

This is the science and maths board so one would expect that their thread about angular momentum not be ignored in favour of some thread about engineering being gay.
You post serious science questions you'll be lucky to get 10 replies. You post pop-sci questions, 150 replies.

>> No.7473859

You've answered yourself. 4chan is not full of nerds.

>> No.7474210


Science & Math is just a ruse, /sci/ is actually Autism General

>> No.7474265

Actually I'm not so sure anymore. I think r9k, mu, fa, lit and sci are all different manifestations of autism

>> No.7474268

So what do you want to ask about angular momentum?

>> No.7474270

>>Engineering vs pure science threads
>>"How do we go faster than light" threads
>>University dickwaving threads
>>Rate muh IQ threads
This. Literal cancer.

>> No.7474281

>Is it that most nerds aren't as smart as they think they are?

That's pretty much it, yeah. That, and this board doesn't really deal so much in hard science, more like reddit-tier pop-sci

>> No.7474282

>I just want to discuss serious science.
What's stopping you?

>> No.7474293

Every single board is a different manifestation of autism.

>> No.7474300

This. I lurk this board all day every day and don't shitpost a thing. I have not seen ANY threads on angular momentum recently. Unless yours was the thread about traveling without expelling mass, in which case your question was complete shit and I'm glad you're mad enough to make a new thread to complain about being ignored like a little bitch. The only thing that could make this attention whoring even remotely better was if you were actually a bitch willing to show us your tits. But you're not, you're just the most autistic one of us. Congratulations.

>> No.7474308

>Unless yours was the thread about traveling without expelling mass, in which case your question was complete shit and I'm glad you're mad enough to make a new thread to complain about being ignored like a little bitch.
Amen, and nice dubs

>> No.7474311
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go visit /tv/ for a while, then reexamine that opinion.
If you want good discussions about these topics I recently found a great site called quora, you should try it.
Also some subreddits can be informative.

>> No.7474312

what the fuck is up with her toe

>> No.7474314
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4chan in a nutshell
fooken 5 star post

>> No.7474325
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Nothing. She is simply curling her toes but since the sandal's sole is in the way, it's translated into pressure against it.

>> No.7474334
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>> No.7474335

worst feet confirmed

>> No.7474342

Actually, my middle toe is naturally curled and looks just like hers. It makes the toenail grow weird as fuck, and I've never seen anyone else with this condition, but hers looks exactly like mine do all the time.
thx bro :^)

>> No.7474381

I never made the thread because I figured it would be dead like all my other science threads. It was just a little question about quadcopter yaw. I found the answer elsewhere anyway.

Why would I make such a thread? That is exactly the type of thread I am campaigning against, the pop-sci how do we make a "meme drive" threads

>> No.7474541

I just came here from /r9k/. Trust me this isn't even half as bad.

>> No.7474559


The only actually smart people on this borad who know their shit around atleast something are the autists on /g/.
This here is failed undergrad central.

>> No.7474568

Like 6 month ago there were a lot of interesting math thread, but popsci killed them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7474579

People with genuine interest in science don't spend all their time on 4chan. A science board is destined to forever be filled with idiots who don't have the attention span or the dedication to study so they procrastinate on 4chan asking retarded questions about subjects they only took the time to scratch the surface of or discuss babby tier math problems they saw a 5 minute video about on numberphile.
Other boards on 4chan are better because they are already for discussing procrastinating subjects like videogames and anime

>> No.7474598

>smart people
>on consumer electronics - the board
Are you talking about the board that thinks fizz buzz is the pinnacle of computer science?

>> No.7474891

>what is /v/
>what is /r9k/
>what is /co/
>what is /tv/
>what is /pol/
>what is /mu/
>what is /x/
>what is fucking /b/
If this board is shit then you should leave pal. This is as good as it gets.

>> No.7474907


Because anonymity means there's no pressure to perform

I come here to relax and make jokes and complain about things, I dish out the occasional good advice or good answer when I feel like it

I plan to make a /WAYRT/ general for the board to discuss what papers they're reading today, but I fully expect it to turn into /complain about your field/, and I'm fine with that

>> No.7474917

>assuming /sci/ is for discussion of science

/sci/ is for shitposting about science

>> No.7474920

OP, i've doublechecked the value of steel versus carbide and and it's still 3.5

I appologize in advance that I didn't solve your science homework.

>> No.7474932

The general response to OP is: We all agree with you but we're still gonna be a dick to you anyway.

>> No.7474935

go on reddit.com/r/science. They actually have qualified people, discussing latest journal articles in science there.

>> No.7474999
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>> No.7475049

>going to leddit
your a faggit :^)

>> No.7475124

People actually discuss science there unlike sucking dick and having moronic discussions here. You're just a fucking moron.

>> No.7475145

I'm just here for the pure math. Everything else is shitposting central by design.

>> No.7475157

>This board is fucking shit. EASILY the worst board on 4chan

It's funny how every board I frequent has a post like this occasionally.

>> No.7475183

It's usually from an OP who demands attention to their own small micropenis problem.

>> No.7475185
File: 154 KB, 2048x2048, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF you want more high quality discussions on /sci/, start more high quality discussions on /sci/.

People discuss the kinds of threads you complain about because that's what gets posted. If you want people to talk about something else, than make a thread for it.

What have you accomplished here?
Did you start a thread for people to ask questions or post advice on getting into research? No.
Did you start a thread for discussing incoming data from New Horizons? No.
Did you start a thread where people could discuss the historical significance of their favorite physicists? No.

You started a thread for the sole purpose of bitching about what other people are talking about.

>> No.7475189

Waving the university dick is not that great but it would be good to see if some schools are actually better when considering faculty and the curriculum but the topic isn't necessarily appropriate for /sci/ (as stated in the pinned thread).

The rest of the list is complete garbage.

>> No.7475191


>> No.7475198

>IF you want more high quality discussions on /sci/, start more high quality discussions on /sci/.

I do that and no one responds because only meme spouting morons lurk 4chan anymore.

>> No.7475224

OR nobody responds to your threads because
1) They're not as high quality as you think they are and/or
2) They aren't interesting

>> No.7475246

okay, not OP, but let's face it. Quality isn't something anyone really cares about here.

>> No.7475256
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Organic Chem general has proved very helpful. Thank you /sci/.

>> No.7475269

Not OP. This is a thread that's making an observation. Granted it's not a very profound on and an extremely simplified one, but it's still an observation. The is a critique, simple as that. Thar doesn't necessarily require active attempt to reform.

>> No.7475273


Not that anon

Quality of a topic, and the quality of people drawn to that topic are not equivalent.

You'll realise that with time. Good topics that most reasonable scientists can discuss, such as evolution, draw knee-jerk responses from the "morons" on /sci/, which drown out legitimate posters.

Whereas niche discussions rarely have enough knowledgeable viewers to gain a "critical mass", and don't attract "morons".

Almost all threads are unable to attract a high proportion of knowledgeable posters AND a high number of posters

Really, /sci/ is only good for shitposting and getting a rare interesting discussion.

>> No.7475285
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>make thread
>it gets spammed to shit because it's not math/physics related

You literally cant post about engineering/biology/environmental science/ anything not pure math or physics.

>> No.7475330

There are rare times where the stars align and you get a god-tier /sci/ thread, especially when there's big missions or announcements involved.

I have a lot of fond memories of threads on /sci/

Staying up until 4 am to watch the livestream of the Higgs announcement.

Watching the Curiosity landing and the first images coming in together.

That 500 post thread where /sci/'s greatest minds tried to figure out whether you could cook a steak using orbital reentry.

We don't have as many epic threads as, say, /tv/ or /co/ or /pol/, but when we do they're no less epic.

>> No.7475336

>EASILY the worst board on 4chan.
Clearly you've never been to /pol/

>> No.7475356

All of this is true, this board is fucking stupid

>> No.7475379

I've been lurking here for a couple of years. This board got a lot worse when the "daily maths problems" threads started getting deleted by janitors for whatever reason.

>> No.7475478

Oh those were deleted ? I came back to 4chan last year and I was wondering where the olympiad threads had gone. That's disappointing

>> No.7475492

I don't have to excuse myself to you, but those were clearly homework threads.

>> No.7475530

Technically, those threads were probably more productive for /sci/ than shitty immortality threads.

>> No.7475554
File: 23 KB, 476x105, Moron - Superconductivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we constantly make fun of people with stupid opinions so that they get more educated or leave? :^)

Pic related

>> No.7475573

>I don't know about you but I don't want to hear about autist #1001 boasting about his grades in Harvard or whatever, I just want to discuss serious science.

Welcome to the anonymous side of the internet, where people can and will speak misinformation loudly for fun and profit.

>> No.7475577
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>> No.7475604

Define homework. Technically, any self study threads could also be considered homework.

>> No.7475612

>wow people prefer this thread about shitposting on an anonymous imageboard

who cares about angular momentum? thats been discussed to hell and back.

>> No.7475628

I'll have you know that I have an above average IQ, sir!

>> No.7475824

>Define homework. Technically, any self study threads could also be considered homework.

Define homework with rigorous mathematical proofs ;^)

>> No.7475832

>>Engineering vs pure science threads
>>"How do we go faster than light" threads
>>University dickwaving threads
>>Rate muh IQ threads

you have described perfectly this place.

>> No.7475854

>he hasn't been to /tv/

>> No.7476097

>EASILY the worst board on 4chan
The awfulness of boards are heavily positively correlated with how terrible the board is, and /sci/ is quite slow

>> No.7476125

So why don't you post an interesting article with preferably a journal reference so it can be discussed.
Everyone talks shit here when no one posts anything interesting.
In fact I rate you could construct a measure of how effective scientific journalism is by looking at the amount of shitposting here.

>> No.7476131

even scientists like attention. No one likes to be ignored.

I watch the threads that enjoy discussing topics get overrun by stupidity.

I don't mind the shit posting, if it remains confined to the shitposter threads.

But when i'm lurking some stupid fucking /sci/ thread with deeply involved nerdism going on and I don't feel involved...

>I keep my fuckin shitposting out of that thread.

but what it really comes down to is that the good threads are rare and require atleast 2-3 anons to actively engage in a topic, otherwise it just sinks due to inactivity.

I wish the mods did do a little bit more cleaning with the shitpost threads that do nothing much for the environment, as I'd prefer to hear anons talk about what they're ignorant of or what they're well versed about.

>> No.7476142

don't forget the omnipresent "what is the evolutionary advantage to (women liking black dick, women being retarded, insert your own)

>> No.7476324


>> No.7476332

That is pol or rk9 leaking

>> No.7476385

>anyone who disagrees with me has autism.
Plebeian generalizations are null and void.

>> No.7476409

What is the evolutionary advantage to posting about evolutionary advantage?

>> No.7476413

It's a board for jobless STEMs.

>> No.7476416

he's right, no one fives a fuck about your uni or you grades

discuss actual science. you fucking assholes

>> No.7476424

calm down lad, it's all just for show

>> No.7476436
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>wants to discuss serious science
>starts another shitthread instead

I fucking lost it at that pepe right ther

>> No.7476438
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