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7465938 No.7465938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can effort compensate for IQ?

>> No.7465942



>> No.7465952



>> No.7465953


>> No.7465956

putting in the effort can raise your IQ by a wide margin over time.

>> No.7465957


Great potential + no work = no results
Lesser potential + hard work = more results

>> No.7465960
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>> No.7465966

If you accept it and find ways to work around it, then you might actually end up coming off smarter than those with higher IQs than you.

That's how it is for me, at least. At work, a lot of my coworkers try to solve problems in the smartest way possible, while I just accept that I'm not smart enough to do things that way, find a different way to do them, and generally end up producing better work more quickly and consistently than the geniuses. They know I'm stupid. I know I'm stupid. But our bosses think I'm a fucking wizard.

>> No.7465995

honestly don't bother with science if you have an iq below 110, you'll end up struggling to do problems in 2 hours what most of your peers would be able to do in 2 minutes. My advice for low iq people is to pursue jobs in the service industry or arts fields. I find it really sad watching people struggle through hard science with low iq's thinking they have a chance. Just having passion for your subject isn't enough, and there's no way effort can compensate for intelligence.

>> No.7465998

What if you have an average IQ, but some subtest scores are several standard deviations above the mean, while others are in the retarded range?

Ex: Reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension, etc. are far above the mean, while processing speed etc. is far below.

>> No.7466001

Your brain is a miraculous machine, anon.

If you really give two shits about anything, it's amazing what can be accomplished if you practice.

Often times, the great equalizer between the smart and dumb is merely the effort one sees in the dumb that's lacking in the smart.

Patience, dedications and self-knowledge are golden tools to accomplish many things.

>> No.7466003

Yes, even if you have a high IQ score, you can still succeed in life if you work hard.

>> No.7466017

You could say effort is even more important than raw IQ.

>> No.7466037

A high IQ means nothing. People are good at the things they are interested because they practice and try hard to learn them. If I practice and do 1000 IQ tests then will I have a higher IQ score because I'm actually smarter or because I learnt to become better at answering the silly IQ test questions, who cares! Nobody is born with a high "IQ", everyone obtains one through hard work.

>> No.7466050
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>> No.7466056

some people are just incapable of doing well in science regardless of how hard they try. Most people are fucked at a young age if they have low intelligence

>> No.7466061

A lack of effort will fuck you up regardless of IQ.

Effort alone won't make you win any Fields medals.

>> No.7466063

>Nobody is born with a high "IQ"

>> No.7466069

This anon is on point. You can easily increase your IQ by studying common patterns in the raven matrices exams, increasing your memory muscles with digit and reverse digit spans, and so forth. You can study for these specific task that exams like WAIS are measuring for and increase your IQ score overall. Does that mean you got smarter? Who knows. But worrying about IQ is pretty stupid.

>> No.7466118

Isn't the method that produces better results in a shorter amount of time actually the smarter one?

>> No.7466136
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I met this guy once. He said that he wasn't naturally that smart, just loved his work. In his early 20s, he just started going into his lab every single day, worked 12 hours or more, and went home to think about what he'd worked on. Sometimes he'd work only 8 hours on the weekends. It was joked (I think?) that when he hit his 80s, he started taking days off.

Anyway, greatest spectroscopist of all time, Nobel Prize, etc.

>> No.7466257
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>"If I put in lots of effort, one day I will count past potato, like Einstime did"

>> No.7466270

Iq won't compensate for lack of effort, despite what you think of the "Muh skool sistum *ramble ramble* rote memorization, teaching for the test *ramble ramble* that's why I went to community college and work in fast pace and problem solving code monkey environment now even though I'm naturally smart."

>> No.7466277

most people who claim they're 'naturally smart' aren't. The fact that you went through community college rather than a real university proves that you're not

>> No.7466332

Not that person, but I went through my country's equivalent of a community college despite scoring the top grades on all high school finals/placement exams, having perfect GPA, etc. It came down to money. Even a full ride scholarship costs you something at a big school.

Later I did my PhD at a big name school, and taught there for a bit during that time and for a couple years once I was done. As an undergrad, there's actually very little difference in terms of the education you get. You cover all the same subjects in the same courses, do the same projects, and have professors with the same educations.

And in the USA (where I live now), as universities are cutting down on tenured positions, ever more high quality professors are heading to community colleges, where they can get some job security and basically the same pay.

For example, at UCSD, you'll probably make $60-70k for most of your career, and you'll never make it past the assistant professor position until near the end.
> https://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/_files/aps/compensation/Professor_AY.pdf
But at San Diego City College, if you're full time even as an adjunct, you'll make over $80k at the bottom end.
> http://hr.sdccd.edu/docs/employee%20relations/Salary%20Schedules/Adjunct%20College-Classroom%20and%20Non.pdf

>> No.7466372

without any doubt, all of human history and knowledge has gone to show that if you had to have one or the other, motivation and effort is the more important element.

if you aspire to be something like a theoretical quantum philycistopher, or a genius mathematician doing stuff on a chalkboard forever, you're actually already retarded and would probably be better served becoming a professional starcraft competitor. evidence for this? practically all chess grandmasters are complete idiots.

>> No.7466377

wait. What is this post trying to say? most chess grandmasters are geniuses in maths. And surely as your post claims, those that have the motivation and effort to become genius mathematicians doing stuff on chalkboards will succeed.

>> No.7466390

look up the personal lifes and character of chess grandmasters.

they're almost exclusively complete fucking idiots, except at chess.

>> No.7466404

>he did it again

>> No.7466405


seriously, fucking go LOOK at the stuff.

they're idiots outside of chess.

its not surprising since they're humans that devoted their lives to a fucking game.

>> No.7466409

>I find it really sad watching people struggle through hard science with low iq's thinking they have a chance.
Wow, that is not so sad. It is like you are lying like a retard

>> No.7466413

Shut up, annoying faggot

>> No.7466432
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That and a thesaurus, yes and pic related ;^)

>> No.7466454

why bother deluding yourself into thinking everyone will succeed? There is an obvious talent gap between the brightest and mere average students, and nowadays if you aren't bright there's no point in getting a degree in any science subject and simply wasting resources time and effort when they can be spent on exemplar students.

>> No.7466634


This just isn't true at all and you're trying too hard.

Emanuel Lasker has a PhD in Math
Bobby Fischer scored higher on his elementary school IQ tests than anyone in his classes (purported to be 180, but obviously that's just because of dubious accuracy as you trend towards either end of the curve).
Paul Morphy was a lawyer
Tal was a literature professor
and there are plenty more examples of chess world champions/masters with further successes....

>> No.7466643

none of those things mean a person ISN'T an idiot.

>> No.7466649

>high IQ scores
still an idiot
>PhD in STEM field
still an idiot

Okay. Please tell me what makes a person not an idiot.

>> No.7466655

I have autism, and I can do huge mental calculations, and memorize thousands of digits or other shit very fast, among other things (such as mastering various exploits and low-level and system programming at a young age). I have a shitty IQ by the way.

In some cases, IQ doesn't measure one's potential for achievement accurately.

>> No.7466657

There's an obvious 'gap' but that gap ain't anything to do with IQ

It's your nigger brain telling you that you and your peer group are special.

You ain't.

>> No.7466658

not being an idiot makes someone not an idiot.

for one thing, they're all manchildren who can't handle any sort of adversity or handle human interaction with grace. it doesn't matter if you have a phd. if you throw a tantrum when something doesn't go your way and you can't actually talk to people, you're a fucking idiot with a phd. as if it takes a genius to get one. as if these types who can score great on IQ tests looking at patterns of dots and boxes are able to recognize the patterns in their own life that led to them being miserable friviolous 50 year old children.

>> No.7466663

Why are you fucking replying to someone you were not talking to? And what a shit reply, fuck off

>> No.7466671

who the fuck tells your nigger brain that you know what an IQ is?

It's your nigger group of niggers, and you live down to the nigger group because that's what good niggers do.

Nigger, if I asked you to not be a nigger, you wouldn't, because you're surrounded by niggers, and you only know what niggers do, because lol, your peers are niggers to.

So clearly there's a nigger gap between you being a nigger and you not being a nigger, and that gap is merely because you think you're suppose to be a nigger because you're surrounded by niggers.

But if you got your nigger ass out of there, and we surrounded you with niggers with attitude, you'd get your ass an attitude, and you'd be a fucking nigger with attituded, and if we got you some attitude, perhaps your nigger ass would learn something.

But then there's the niggers that look down on a nigger for being a nigger not in the peer group of niggers who do anything and everything to prevent a nigger like you from being anything more than a nigger like the rest of those niggers and it's impossible for you to ignore how condescending that nigger is when all you want to do is learn things and being a nigger at the same time.

But no nigger can live in a world where these niggers succeed without serious dedication to something other than being a nigger.

Becuase you can still be a fucking nigger whose dedicated, except your self perception of being a nigger and the world's perception won't be in agreement, so nigger.

Nigger, I tell you, you need to make a choice, and it has nothing to do with your nigger IQ.

>> No.7466684
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>> No.7466685


>> No.7466695
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>> No.7466700


>> No.7466759
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>> No.7466829

>Bobby Fischer scored higher on his elementary school IQ tests
Anon did you really use this in an argument?
He was the smartest kid in elementary school! no way he could be a savant with good pattern recognition although elementary schools are exposed to way more pattern recognition than problem solving!

>> No.7466838

That was my point...

>> No.7466856
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>Hurr chess player are apeshit retarded
>Hurr did you just say school

>> No.7466863

Not who you were talking to but using elementary school IQ tests as proof of being intelligent is an awful argument.

>> No.7466865

yes, see azns who superstudy until they're competing with people a standard deviation higher

>> No.7466869

His point exactly. Those guys have a tradition of engaging in high-functioning autism since childhood. I'm talking literally 5 years-old kids having to learn entire book by heart so that they can argue with perfect confidence and knowledge of canonical material when they're in age of arguing (ie 8).

>> No.7466883
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>> No.7466884


Fuck, what now?

>> No.7466886

Yes, unless you're competing against a 135+ IQ.

>> No.7466915

Chess is fun if you play it like a hobby or to kill some time, but the problem is that playing chess at a professional level is stupid in itself.
Why not play football, baseball, tennis or another sport that could actually give you money, prestige and social status? Hell, even being a Pro at video games or the new so called "e-sports" give you more advantages in life that being a Pro in chess.

>> No.7466918

stop giving attention to that talantless hack

>> No.7466933

Yes. But that drive had better be stacked well in advance. You must both be very interested and motivated in order to make up for lack of easy grasp on complicated topics. All too many times have I seen average students fail solely because of their lack of effort.

>> No.7467366

Im have 134 IQ but i compete against a guy with 136 IQ Im FUCKED???

>> No.7467369

You are a retard.