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7457091 No.7457091 [Reply] [Original]

Are we all gonna die before we get the chance to leave this rock?

>> No.7457099

this is home.
our evolved forms will leave but we wont.


>> No.7457102

Better question: How much longer until we die out?

>> No.7457120

A lot will depend on whether we manage to create a superior artificial intelligence and safely use it for our own good. However, the creation of such a powerful tool will be the most riskiest thing the mankind has ever done, especially if we are still divided to multiple countries and alliances.

I'm trying to remain optimistic about the future though! Much more fun that way.

>> No.7457123

space travel isn't possible at all, we can't actually escape the ionsphere without being blown to bits. the fact that people actually believe this is mind-blowing - look at the facts.

>> No.7457418

yes, but at least virtual reality will be a thing in the future, and you can spend time at the virtual citadel with your virtual blue girlfriend

>> No.7457435
File: 47 KB, 600x689, tumblr_nhw7hhV80A1u5firdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people study STEM thinking that will get them off this rock
>mfw all they are doing is busting their ass 10 hours a day to enable Stacey in the year 2300 to go to Jupiter for £50 return to suck off her space boyfriend and be back to earth for tea with her other boyfriend.
>mfw the only way off this rock right now is to get rich as fuck doing some jewish bullshit unrelated to STEM and paying Russians.

>> No.7457438

Are you dumb?

>> No.7457474
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>> No.7457479
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>> No.7457483

we are all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7457493


>> No.7457497

We're all going to make it brahs.

>> No.7457506

Anyone doing aerospace now is a fucking cuck. The days of instant results are long gone, it will probably be 30 years before anyone bothers to fund your new spacecraft design to Mars.

>> No.7457837

This "rock" is our home planet, dipshit. We should try to save it instead of leaving it.

>> No.7457952

I don't think the Earth needs saving. It will be here for a couple billion more years.

>> No.7457953

We will most likely die before it is feasible. I do not see the future of humanity as hopeful as others. I see a force that has worked against us every step of the way.
This next decade or two will really determine if we can finally overcome that force forever.

>> No.7457973

Im pretty sure he was talking about the ecosystem that is keeping us alive by a thread, not the physical rock.

>> No.7458005

yeah that force would be stupidity, greed, and politics

>> No.7458022

Humans as they are will never disperse; we are intrinisically linked to the biota of Earth. We can no further sustain ourselves outside of Earth than a cell can survive outside of an organism. We can take a petri-dish to sustain us, but that replication of biota is incredibly expensive and wasteful. Much better to engineer something new such as AI or mind uploads, to be resistant to:

>temperature extremes
>high acceleration

All of these are deadly to humans, yet the norm for space travel.

>> No.7458052

People, we are in a race against time. Human population is growing at an alarming rate. How many years will our resources last us? 200? 300?

Humankind is fuck out of luck if this is one of those great "filters" mentioned in the fermi paradox.

And all we do is develop the newest entertainment and health systems while our time is running out. Just how lucky will humans be, to be able to discover time/space travel in the next 50 years, when resources undergo the depletion process?

>> No.7458062

ITT Pleb Philosophy 101

>> No.7458084


The human population has doubled in the past 40 years. There's going to be a big crash within a couple of decades.

>> No.7458104

Species need pressure to adapt to hostile enviroments, such as climate change, predators, etc
We are maybe approaching to a time where something catastrophic may happen, and that will be the moment when we either die because of it or survive it.

>> No.7458159
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I heard the same lamentation 20 years ago.

In the end it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure everything that was lost with humans will be discovered again with another species.

I'd say after us the cockroaches should have a run. They seem to be able to adapt to hostile environments better than us.
Or the waterbears they could probably launch themselves into space without suits.

>> No.7458173

We're not going to die out due to overpopulation or climate change. However they most likely will fuck society as we currently know it, maybe beyond repair.

Humans don't respond well to threats that arn't immediate. There's the whole prisoners dilema, as in no one wants to cut back because no one else is.

Our genes program us to have offspring.

The reason we won't go extinct is due to our vast population, and intelligence. Some people will always survive, it's just basic statistics.

>> No.7458270

Made my day anon.

>> No.7458550


It has been clear for at least 40 years that human civilization is driving at full-force towards a cliff. The average person is uneasy but hopeful about the future, but the reality is there's going to be some serious disruption.

I'm of the opinion that human society is an evolved phenotype, and that the meta-organism's evolutionary strategy which enabled humans to become so successful is hardwired in all of us.

No matter what we say or do, we just contribute to part of the feedback system of the meta-organism, which has possibly been coopted by the parasitic sociopath mutation. Bread and circuses followed by collapse has been repeated for millennia.

>> No.7458558

We're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7458570

>if we are still divided to multiple countries and alliances.
religious fanatics cant into other peoples way of life / insist on living in a society that was thought off 500-2000years ago


>> No.7458588

that's a very small part of the problem, as today politics is considered a greater power than religion. try convincing russia to join the eu for example, let alone give up its status as a nation.

we've started making progress but i think this problem will be with humanity for a long time.

>> No.7458629

12 minutes. Enjoy it.

>> No.7458653


>> No.7458678

There are many aspects of organized religion alive and well today. Concepts of dogmatism, heresy, monopoly of information and censorship of communication.

200 years ago if someone asked a priest a question, he might well have gotten "Here, let me check that for you in the Book" back. There was one book, one source, one truth.

>> No.7458689

The members of the EU are nations. The EU is not as tightly tied union as the USA is.

>> No.7458698

Our shitty meat bodies weren't designed for space travel. Of course humans won't admit it so soon, but eventually if they're able to populate the Solar system, and even start planning travelling to other stars, they'll realize that becoming part of the machines is a lot more efficient.

>> No.7458703
File: 350 KB, 250x188, inconsistencies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and even start planning travelling to other stars

traveling to the nearest star from earth would take you roughly 4 years (travelling WITH speed of light). Considering the fastest rockets are way slower than that, I'd say getting to the next star would take a minimum of ... idk .. maybe 40000 years? Have fun with that, anon.

>> No.7458705

If you're willing to think ahead, you need to also assume that everything more or less improves, and that includes propulsion engines.

>> No.7458724
File: 109 KB, 500x579, 484795_298165326977185_1953133074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think that one day humanity will be able to travel with 99% of light. Ok maybe, I don't mind. But remember the distances in space. Even going with 99% speed of light (which I think seems very unlikely) is 'very slow' considering the huge distances.

>> No.7458732


Quality response friend. Well memed.

>> No.7458734


Also a species that can abandon "meat" would be immortal and could hibernate at will.

>> No.7458737
File: 67 KB, 680x449, what a shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh time
Brain computerisation.
Literally not one fuck given about the time required to travel, better propulsion system or not, when you're an immortal in a blissful virtual reality with your cartoon horse.

>> No.7458738

with 99% the speed of light you can travel to something 100 light years away while only aging 28 years, so no, 99 the speed of light is not slow

>> No.7458741

I'm not being that ambitious, it will be done in small steps. First they'll get to 1%, maybe later to 3 and 4. Something like 10% would be reasonably bearable. However I don't think humans will be able to coexist in unison when they spread out to multiple star systems. They'll be able to exchange information but it will be outdated. If we can't become one with machine, they'll still have to work on some sort of cryosleep. Some imagine huge ships where people live, age and reproduce on the ship while they travel to another star but I personally think it's a huge waste of resources.

Imagine though if you're on a ship that travels at 10% and by the time you get there you're not the first one to arrive because they developed even better engines. I always found that horribly depressing to think of.

Sadly I think most people are too sentimental. Maybe the age of VR will change our culture though and simulated lives will be acceptable at some point.

>> No.7458744

I think you are wrong there. Traveling a distance of 100 light years with 99% the speed of light will make you age nearly 100 years. The effect you are talking about refers to reference systems travelling relativly to each other. Then the clock of System A goes different from the clock of System B, but you will age 100 years, if you travel 100 lightyears with 99% the speed of light.

>> No.7458747

>imagine huge ships where people live, age and reproduce on the ship while they travel to another star

This seems very difficult to me, I mean socially.
I ask myself it is really necessary to survive (as a species) at all costs, u know?

>> No.7458755

brah we're all gonna make it

>> No.7458756

It is the acceleration which does the magic. A satellite moving in an ellipse around the earth being equipped with a clock. The clock on the satellite slows down compared to clocks on the earth due to the acceleration required to keep in orbit. According to wikipedia the effect can in practice be time moving some tens of microseconds slower per day.

>> No.7458758
File: 42 KB, 457x480, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK very interesting. Got link to article pls??

>> No.7458760

It's called relativity.

>> No.7458777
File: 27 KB, 600x451, 29-eagle-perfect-timing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, sorry my english is not perfect. I read the sentence again and I now get what you mean.
But I still think that does not mean you can travel 100 Lightyears with 99% the speed of light and only age 28 years. People staying on earth would see you age slower, thats right, and when you come back you would be younger than the people on earth. But traveling 100ly of distance would still make you age 100 years (considering you are going 99% the speed of light). As I said; the effect is relativ. See ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation

>> No.7458778

Actually I think this is the only reasonable outcome. Given that humanity is spared long enough from apocalyptical events, it will eventually get to the technological singularity. At first there might be some regulations to keep the AI submissive to the humans. But everything that can happen, eventually will happen and these regulations will be bypassed by some human or maybe even the AI itself. This will be the end of humanity.

>> No.7458785

The funny thing is, when you travel 100Ly in the frame of the earth, you do not travel 100Ly in your own frame do to Lorentz contraction ( actually in your own frame you don't travel at all but the destination gets to you, but still the distance is contracted) . Therefore theoretically you could do it within 28 years. Practically however, accelerating to the speed of light would already cost you about 30 years because the human body can only bear about 1 g on the long term.

>> No.7458809

which is why fluid suspended stasis would be necessary for harder acceleration

>> No.7458816

I think you still cannot get much higher than a few g, can you?

>> No.7458836

I doubt it, probably 10G absolute maximum and more likely a 4-6G prolonged accel

>> No.7458879

>Human population is growing at an alarming rate.
>human population has doubled in the past 40 years

Population growth, by percentage, has been in decline since the early 60's, and growth by raw numbers has been in decline since the 90's.

If this trend continues _indefinitely_, we'll be wiped out due to lack of reproduction.

>> No.7458882

Leave this rock? Sure. The solar system? No.

I've long said that if we get visited by aliens they won't be organic.

>> No.7458892

you mean to say they will be more than meets the eye?!?!

>> No.7458896

Couldn't they just produce some organic bodies on the go and make it more relatable for us to interact with them?

>> No.7458908

Guys, this can happen. We use our power and influence to ensure the Green Fascist Front can take control of the UN, destroy capitalism worldwide, provide free birth control to all women, and reduce human habitat to clustered cities and a few sparse rural villages while the wild is allowed to reclaim 90% of what it lost over the last few thousand years. Then, we can extend our lives without overpopulating the planet, and with a healthy world wide ecology, develop a space-age civilization at our leisure. Sound good!? make it so.

>> No.7458909

Population is growing all the time though. They estimate that population will grow by2.6billion in next 45 years. Also even if population would decline to critically low it would be pretty easy to just tell everyone to start fucking and put some system in place where everyone has to/gets to fuck random people so women would get pregnant(silly idea but just an example). over population is much harder issue since you would have to deny people of fucking without pills or condoms and maybe start killing some people off.

>> No.7458928

not to mention the whole F=ma thing means if your space ship hauling at .99c hits a fleck of dust it's sayonara muchachos.

no, I think we'll just have get cozie and slow ride to the NHP (next/nearest habitable planet)

>> No.7458932

you make it sound like sluts aren't a thing in the future :( Guys, I don't waht future with no sluts

>> No.7458966

I finally feel at home ITT

>> No.7459043

Old white men don't get rich this way so no.

>> No.7459256

We've already left Earth; but to actually leave Earth no we will all cease to be before that

>> No.7459282

>it would be pretty easy to just tell everyone to start fucking
I can tell you've never met a woman.

>> No.7459338

I have a dream that this will happen and I want to contribute but i dont know how. I want to study biotechnology so i can gain influence and try to make this happen.

>> No.7459611

only for future chads though see >>7457435 and >>7457493

>> No.7459617

we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7459668
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>on 4chan
>saying the word "white" and expecting to be taken seriously
>mfw the "UR AN SJW SHILL" tards are coming

>> No.7459873

>I think most people are too sentimental

Perhaps, but the reality is that space travel is a much more feasible concept once you take the fragile human body and their biota requirements away. I posit that if you said to the average person that they could be immortal, feel no physical pain and could travel anywhere in the universe, they'd dump that meatbag like it was nothing.

>> No.7459938

It would take a very large number of years --more years than mammals have been around--to try to artificially colonize the whole planet with plants, water, and an atmosphere. We would need centuries of building to get something the size of NYC going. (Think of how much NYC would cost in today's dollars, but make it 50X more expensive because it's "space-stuff")

We could build a bunch of rockets, but with our current technology, the project would almost bankrupt the U.S. as much as the Iraq war. We'd basically need a small society of people living in space to really plant the seed, and that would take a lot of rockets and sci-power.

If we were to build, let's say, 100 years worth of "Bio Dome" on the surface of another planet the size of San Fransisco. If something like the San Fransisco fire happened there, there goes the entire project.

I think war and our artificial system might and could wipe us out before then.

>> No.7459945

>limits acceleration to pedestrian levels
>requires an ecosystem to deal with food/shits/air/water
>requires space for exercise
>susceptible to radiation

>> No.7459953

Proof nigga?

>> No.7459958

I'm sure the chinese, japanese, mexican and saudi billionares may have something to say about that my "took liberal arts and actually believed it " friend

>> No.7459966

Hopefully. If capitalism doesn't reform or change we'll never leave this solar system before the sun dies.

>> No.7460040

We'll never be allowed to leave until we stop being space-niggers.

>> No.7461169

Dr. Neville Jones + Van Allen Belt Radiation

>> No.7461176

we are all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7461188 [DELETED] 

Fun fact: Supposing that all humans are born in a random order, chances are that any one human is born roughly in the middle. This would suggest that not too many times as many humans will be born as have been born. On the other hand, the lower number of future births might have a happy story associated with it rather than an unhappy one.

>> No.7461191

(Un)Fun fact: Supposing that all humans are born in a random order, chances are that any one human is born roughly in the middle. This would suggest that not too many times as many humans will be born than have been born. On the other hand, the lowish number of future births might have a happy story associated with it rather than an unhappy one.

>> No.7461220

uh, physics needs to change before we can leave the solar system.

>> No.7461226

I think we can leave the solar system with our current technology, its just that our survival chance will be so low that it is pretty much pointless.

>> No.7461251

we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7461317

we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7461418

fuck i can't wait till social cleansing occurs, shits going to get intense!

>> No.7461696

Yes. Leaving Sol is a pipe dream at best.

>> No.7462060


Allowed??? By whom?

>> No.7463554


>> No.7463564

There's nowhere to go.

We might survive long enough to colonize nearby planets, but there's no way we ever leave the solar system and settle somewhere else. I doubt we'll ever terraform anything either.

FTL will never happen and faster propulsion will never transport human beings across interstellar distances in a timely manner. We're stuck.

>> No.7463677

we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7463957 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded? Inertia (which is the reason high acceleration is an issue btw so you kinda said the same thing twice) is directly related to and only a problem in gravity. This may be news to you but the amount of gravity experienced by a human out of atmosphere is negligible.