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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7457167 No.7457167 [Reply] [Original]

>using the word paradox when it does not apply to the situation whatsoever

If I hear this word again I think I'm going to jump off a fucking building

>> No.7457171

> going to jump off a building
> a building built by laymen
> the ultimate paradox

>> No.7457172


In what manner do they use it?

>> No.7457173

How do we know if Laymen really says this unless you have a survery to go and ask a great deal of people?

>> No.7457174


>> No.7457178

9/11 you successfully triggered me

>> No.7457180

Thank you I can live another day

>> No.7457181

i kek'd

>> No.7457186

How was that funny? You might as well played a laugh track simply because I typed this sentence.

>> No.7457191
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>prove [a negative assertion], anon

>> No.7457195

that's kek-worthy too.

but i will explain why it's funny: if we needed a sample of people to confirm the validity of points made anecdotally, then anecdotes wouldn't exist - because then we'd just base everything off of samples. The joke (and reason your sentence was funny) is that this is highly impractical, and things that are impractical are often amusing. Thus, laughter ensued.

The comment you're making now which I'm addressing is funny because it's meta. I like meta things.

Thanks again!

>> No.7457204
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>I hate that food today contains so many chemicals!

>> No.7457287

ITT: college freshmen complaining about "laymen"

>> No.7457481

I hate when people lie about things

>...im going to jump off a building

>> No.7457503

When people say "OMG SCIENCE IS EMIRICAL YOU THERFERO CANNOTBE 1000000% sure of anything" and have a fucking iphone built by science on their hand.

Also, le science is le dogma faec

>> No.7457508

iphones aren't "built by science" retard, they're built by engineering

>> No.7457509
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>It's spelled Gauss, not GauB!

>> No.7457518

You must feel a bit insecure anon, care to tell us your degree?

>> No.7457547

>not writing it Gauß

>> No.7457560

>X is exponentially greater than Y

>> No.7457619

Yes, if you own an iPhone then you surrender the right to acknowledge basic facts about the scientific method.

>> No.7457668
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There is a movie--starring Tiffany--in which the scientists are gathered in a lab, discussing the growth rate of some mutant fish. The conversation is as follows.
> "They're doubling in size every three days!"
> "No... it's even worse than that. They're growing... EXPONENTIALLY."

>> No.7457689

Top hue

>> No.7458268

"Evolution is just a theory"

>> No.7458286
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Whenever an event occurs each outcome branches out into another universe

>> No.7458288

Don't you know anything about time travel anon?

>> No.7458296

tbh exponential growth would be pretty cray

>> No.7458303

It is

>> No.7458305

please sit down and duct tape your mouth shut

>> No.7458306

he's implying they mean saying it's a theory somehow discredits it
it's like saying gravity is just a theory, not like a fact or anything

>> No.7458308

It's called connotation, shitter

>> No.7458311

It would be better if they mentioned by what power. "Its growing.... by a power of 2!"

>> No.7458314


>> No.7458338

>actually pronouncing it you-ler
fuck off

>> No.7458339


That's how you pronounce his name, anon.

>> No.7458353

Can the pun "Pair of Docks" be utilized here?

>> No.7458357

What mathematic framework can be used to maximize punnage?

>> No.7458380
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> You can't prove a negative!

>> No.7458482

No it is not.

>> No.7458488

How are people this butthurt about truth on a science board?

>> No.7458491

Nobody is saying it isn't a theory, the point is that people who aren't scientifically literate think "theory" means it is worthless

>> No.7458507
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People who tell you "AUTHORITY FALLACY" for stating a fact should be gassed.

>> No.7458514

you know what's worse than that shit? people who save and then post thumbnails

>> No.7458829

Because its not possible to be right for the wrong reasons?

>> No.7458905

What is that? A picture for ants? Fuck you.

>> No.7458910

I have this theory that OP is a fag

>> No.7458914

>When people say "OMG SCIENCE IS EMIRICAL YOU THERFERO CANNOTBE 1000000% sure of anything" and have a fucking iphone built by science on their hand.

Those don't really have anything to do with each other.

It'd be like me saying
>when people question taking the Axiom of Choice but they're standing in a building built with math

>> No.7458925

But that's true, anon :^)

>> No.7458959

There was some CEO of a big chem corp who said in a speech "chemicals are used in 95% of products".

>> No.7458962


>with quantum mechanics, literally anything is possible

>> No.7459033


Aside from the iphone remark, I don't actually see what the problem with this argument is depending on its context.

If you're discussing science in general, it doesn't seem like an unreasonable thing, for someone who's playing devil's advocate, to say.

The only reason you're so upset is because you can't successfully argue with those people.

>> No.7459048



>> No.7459203


what's the other 5% of products made of? Dark matter?

>> No.7459214

"It's just a theory"

>> No.7459218

Marketing Buzzwords Developed Strongly for the Purpose of securing the Future of Interest and Continued Support of the Investors and Afilliates

>> No.7459253

worse, >quantum physics

>> No.7459706

I can prove squirt 2 is not rational.

>> No.7459712

I said Oiler until I was 19. Nobody ever corrected me. How horrible.

Also how has nobody said 'theory' yet?
>XX is just a theory, Anon!

>> No.7459726

>I don't want a nuclear bomb built next to my house!

>I don't want to drink radioactive water!

>I don't want a direct connection to [insert local city] because it'll bring in homeless people!

>> No.7459727

Isn't that how it's said? Also, theories change.

>> No.7459734

When people say "built by science"
"How does it work?" "Science!" and so forth.

>> No.7459752

Maybe our understanding is enough to make phones but not enough to allow for some other technology that lies beyond our current understanding.

>> No.7459782


>> No.7459786


>> No.7460198
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>pronouncing euclid you-clid
>not \o.klid\

>> No.7460202


>> No.7460636
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That's right though.

>> No.7460647

>Not oyclid

>> No.7460652

But it's not it's eyeclid

>> No.7460866

they use it paradoxically

>> No.7460871
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>gravity is just a theory

>> No.7460873

"studying philosophy is a waste of time"

>> No.7460942

The idea is that people don't know what a scientific theory is and mistake it with hypothesis.

My personal favorite is when people genuinely have no idea what "the cloud" is, as if it's some impossible to understand concept after a quick Google search.

>> No.7460944

Gravity is based in the theory of relativity u dip

>> No.7461194

Maybe they know and they are trolling you?

>> No.7461212
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>pointing out fallacies as a form of argument

>> No.7461214
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>don't stand in front of the microwave you will get cancer

>> No.7461242
File: 1.10 MB, 999x4550, fallacy man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's called a Fallacy Fallacy.

>> No.7461275

No, the fallacy fallacy is the assumption that because an argument IS a fallacy, its conclusion is wrong. Example: there is a full moon tonight, therefore 2+2=4.
Someone would say that the conclusion doesn't follow from the premesis and point out this fallacy, which is true. However, despite this, the conclusion is true.

Pointing out the logical fallacy of an argument is a logically valid argument. There's no logical need to respond to a poorly formed or logically invalid argument as if it was valid. In order to debate, you attack the other guys argument - either by responding to their points with other logical arguments or saying their arguments are invalid in the first place.

>> No.7461291
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don't engineers build and design things according to scientific knowledge as well as mathematical methods ?
And who is this engineering ?

>> No.7461300

Ah thanks for clearing that up, mate.

>> No.7461806

Or maybe they're less dogmatic and less prone to spitting out gospel.