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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 429 KB, 853x452, advanced faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7449317 No.7449317 [Reply] [Original]


>I didn't learn how to balance a checkbook or how to boil water in school, fuck the system it's broken

People who don't know how to do adult things are stupid and lazy. They don't actually care that they didn't continue their education after school and learn basic shit like opening a checking account, they simply use it as an excuse for being dumb fucks.

The reason we learn the quadratic equation in high school rather than how to cut our toenails is because:

1.) Math requires and teaches abstract reasoning, which is useful in real life.
2.) You actually need someone to teach you in a classroom something abstract like the quadratic formula. Doing adult shit like filing taxes or buying a home can be learned by asking an accountant or realtor or your parents or Google.

Anyone else hate the excuses these lazy fucks use to justify their helpless trainwreck lives?

>> No.7449331

This dude is a retard. He basically wanted somebody to teach him everything without having to think.

>"I'll tell everyone my childhood was wasted"
Nuh-uh, nobody prevented him from reading, asking and learning by himself. He is the one that wasted his childhood.

School is here to learn how to think, the purpose is way more vast than just know how to follow instructions, the ultimate goal is to know how to handle any situation because you have your mind ready and prepared for the unknown. It is naive to think that school can teach you everything like a user guide.

Some people will never be happy anyway, if they did what he wants he would still have found more crap to complain about. It's not being lazy, just being plain stupid. Worse is that they are people agreeing with him.

>> No.7449337

This shit is blowing up on social media. Every cookie cutter instagram girl is posting how they "never learned things to do in real life".

School teaches thinking, not time relative skills that could very well be obsolete in 20 years. It's supposed to give you the foundation to think for yourself and make decisions.

One day, balancing a checkbook will be not needed and the hours they spent in a publicly funded classroom learning it will be wasted. But knowing how to solve for x (as trivial as that might seem to math majors) teaches critical thought, and that never becomes obsolete.

>> No.7449341
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>mfw I just spent the entire day trying to solve a problem that I only just realized was impossible
thinking be hard and tiring

>> No.7449346

Post problem pls

>> No.7449351


It seems like there's an awful lot of people who hate the idea of being asked to think. It doesn't matter whether it's politics, math, work... they want convenience, and the minute that it's not fed to them, they shut down.

For example, people can memorize equations to pass algebra 2, but figuring out what "x" is and how you go about solving for it is getting into the realm of critical thinking. Anything above arithmetic does indeed seem very impractical for the average person... until you realize that it can be used to differentiate a bad deal from a good one, teach you that gambling is retarded, and generally foresee and solve all kinds of problems before they become problems.

Is this a social issue of schools being structured around studying for the test, or a problem with the average person's potential? It's hard to tell sometimes.

>> No.7449355
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>> No.7449361

Probably our results-focused culture. Not a marxist, but late-stage capitalism encourages shortcuts and selective laziness.

I hate to be fedora though. I don't consider myself a genius because I passed calculus classes. I just wish people realized the role of schooling.

Maybe we should give people the option to choose between standard education and vocational training. It would widen the gap between the rich and poor because everyone with a lack of foresight will be learning how to balance a checkbook instead of think around corners and see through rhetoric, but maybe that's for the best.

>> No.7449367
File: 974 KB, 320x179, itisnotthisday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day, balancing a checkbook will be not needed
... but it is not this day. This day, we BALANCE OUR CHECKBOOK!!

>> No.7449373
File: 78 KB, 721x480, If only you had listened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those youtube comments
The USA is


>> No.7449391

>2.) You actually need someone to teach you in a classroom something abstract like the quadratic formula.

>> No.7449398


Thing is, it's not really as "this generation" as you seem to believe. Every time period of every civilization ever has always been a handful of intelligent people and hordes of stupid sheep who just repeat what they're told. You hope that the shepherds are among the smart ones, that the shepherds are not greedy sociopaths, and that the ideas of the smart people aren't being shunned by the glorified parrots.

Of course, that doesn't mean that it can't be engineered out of us, or that it's productive to just leave things off at this "intelligent shepherds, stupid sheep" status quo. Which is why if the current methodology isn't fixing it, we should probably experiment with our education system a bit more.

>> No.7449401

This dude is a form of cancer. I'm all for liberalism and freedom of speech/thought, but his whole mantra of "Don't stay in school" because, as he claims, the curriculum he learned didn't cover the variety of topics, which you can actually study in higher education, that he feels he needed to be more developed as a human being. You know what sucks more? Meeting people who dropped out and became complacent because they never attempted to succeed to their fullest potential for academics, and actually know very little for what's possible and never learned to form a cohesive, coherent argument.


>> No.7449443

He makes a good point.
People should know the laws they abide by.

>> No.7449450


The joy of free thinking is that you're free to confront his argument.

Free thinking != something automatically becomes correct when it opposes the status quo

I find that people who use the "free thinking" argument to try to shield their ideas from criticism actually tend to be surprisingly open to considering an opposing viewpoint, so long as you remind them that their basis for claiming to be correct is free thought, and that attempting to paint your viewpoint as being above scrutiny and dismiss all opposing arguments because your ideas are "free thinking" is the opposite of pro-free thought behavior.

>> No.7449453

After exploring his channel, he's not so imbecilic as his song sounds.
I agree with you 100%. The same issues we encounter today have always existed in prior societies. There is no utopia in nature.

>> No.7449457

is this for real? at first i thought it was a joke or something, but the channel is full of this kind of shit, wtf

>> No.7449464

The most important aspect of discussion is remembering that it is not the person, but the idea that is being represented. To attack someone's ideas are different than physically assaulting that person. But, a lot of people take it as if you are destroying their character by confronting or questioning some assertion of theirs. The ability to respond rationally to confrontation and debate is not a skill-set really utilized in our current schooling structure. Only in varied subjects will you find it developed.

>> No.7449509
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"Attacking a person's argument" and "attacking a person's intelligence" aren't disconnected, though. It's often impossible to debunk their stupid ideas without also debunking the stupid thought process that they used to get there. That's inherently personal.

For example, you can't confront fat acceptance without basically telling its practitioners that they're self-centered, willingly ignorant fuckheads who dismiss science because they don't like what it has to say, and hold a strong double standard for consideration of others (the core of their argument), mostly viewing it as a tool to turn the world into their own personal hugbox at everyone else's expense. No matter how friendly your wording might be, underneath all of the sugar coating, this is what you're saying.

The real question is: How you handle having your intelligence insulted? Do you adapt and grow, or do you stubbornly hole up?

I also think that a lot of these people know that their arguments are founded in flimsy reasoning to begin with. This puts them on the defensive, and causes them to be prone to switching from trying to be the most reasonable voice in the room to trying to be the loudest, most righteous voice in the room as soon as their argument comes under any kind of substantial attack.

>> No.7449511

I don't see the connection between critical thought and solving for x. Solving an equation requires you to be systematic, but I really don't see how it teaches critical thinking

>> No.7449529


True, in math classes, you're generally given an equation, and then you solve for it using a formula. It can be a lesson in sheer memorization and recalling information, with no real critical thinking.

However, in the real world, and in some classroom scenarios, step one is to identify the problem, and step two is to construct the equation that will result in your functional solution. Both of these require critical thinking.

I'd also say that the people who treat math like something to be memorized rather than something to be understood tend to be the ones who can't get much further than algebra 2. That anon belongs to the "understanding" party, which is why he treats it as a lesson in critical thinking.

>> No.7449550

It's kinda sad really, he's clearly pretty intelligent and I actually like a lot of his stuff but this video is so fucking stupid.

>> No.7449568

Seriously. People think that learning isn't a useful skill. Even if the stuff you learn doesn't prove important, the more subtle things you gain in the process are. Abstract reasoning, learning on the fly, and thinking in general are really good things to practice.
It isn't necessarily true, but for the vast majority of people, it is a hell of a lot easier. Sure, I can teach myself something like that, but having somebody to explain it, keep me focused, and bounce questions off of is hella useful.

>> No.7449627 [DELETED] 

I smell a meme coming on ;)


Kill me please.

>> No.7449670

I agree with him in the sense that its more beneficial for people to learn basic life skills, especially financial stuff vs. something like calculus or discrete math or linear algebra.

They should prioritize teaching things like basic accounting, interest, mortgages, etc before going ham on math courses.

The necessary math skills are taught along the way (ie, you need math to balance books, to calculate interest and so on)

And people who want to take math for higher education can always do so. But teaching pure math courses in high school is honestly just as useless as forcing people to read shakespeare and write essays on his works.

Teach that shit in university. God knows they charge you enough to teach that shit anyway. I mean for me, my first year engineering courses were pretty much a repeat of grade 12 math, chem and physics curriculum. Yeah, its great I knew the shit but at the same time it was a complete waste of money for an entire semester.

>> No.7449730

The average age of buying a house is 36 (UK, MoneySuperMarket 2013-14) yet you think that it's more prudent to spend several hours on how to choose a mortgage which, let's be honest, they'll forget by the time they buy a house to a 15 year old kid who can barely tally the number of fingers on his hand?

Interest rates are taught in mathematics already, balancing books even inside accountancy A-levels is literally just adding and subtracting numbers which is obscenely easy.

How do you think you got onto that engineering course? By showing your basic understanding of financial markets or by your grades in mathematics?

Also, since when was "basic life skills" a necessary course that school should teach? If you can't cook pasta and think the quadratic formula is oppressing your potential that sounds like your own malfunction.

People need to stop externalising their own incompetence by building an inferiority complex and deflecting it on "the system", "society" or "the government".

>> No.7449735

He is right though, How can you not teach kids the law, taxes and how to deal with debt?

>> No.7449737

Most 20 somethings don't know shit about pensions when they should be starting one at that age. I think that knowledge is a little more important than the quadratic equation. /sci/ will never understand the youtube commenters because you all presumably love science and maths here but most people really don't give a shit about algebra and never ever use it in their life. Not to say it shouldn't be taught, it's an essential core skill should you wish to be a professional later in life but to prioritize it over stuff like pensions and taxes and the law is just plain wrong.

>> No.7449741

I actually wish I had someone to teach me how to do taxes because that shit is a bit confusing but I figured it out eventually anyway.

>> No.7449767

I think you have unfair and unrealistic expectations about school system. The school system might have been built using the greek model, but the encroachment of modern legal society has diluted teaching of knowledge with the training of bodies how to tolerate sitting in rooms with florescent lights for 8 hours a day while their youthful passions and bodies decay beyond the point where they can effectively challenge the power structures of elite society. Don't think of school as a learning institution, it's a 'preemptive jail', a military recruiting office, or a crime syndicalist breeding reactor. Learning the quadratic equation doesn't require a school at all either. OP, the things you mentioned are all cultural affectations. Opening a checking account isn't an 'adult' thing to do, it's a 'western capitalist society' thing to do. you can't cutting toenails or boil water? What are you, some amish imbred retard baby? You learn from your culture, and if your parents only know how to watch TV all day you probably had no real exposure to culture. I'm sorry you feel violated by the lies of the legal society but don't call someone dumb fucks for not wanting to participate in that society by opening a checking account. Some of us devote our lives to finding alternatives and It's our lives to trainwreck. Maybe you can quit passing judgments on people who want to lead simple lives long enough for us to teach you how to cut your toenails with a bowie knife, boil water with a campfire, slit the throat of a cop, and trainhop with 30lbs of pot from California to new york. You know, real adult activities. Checking account!!?!?! you Neanderthal!

>> No.7449773
File: 334 KB, 551x550, 1327330863527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked your account, but saw no dubs, sonny boy.

>> No.7449775

people like this are awesome.

They keep the saturation of STEM and higher level degrees lower so that I'll still have job in 30 years.

>> No.7449783

maybe you should do something actually useful instead of jerking off over circuits with your mates

>> No.7449784

cus all I gots are bucks, grandaddy

>> No.7449789

Paul Graham says schools are basically just prisons to keep children under supervision while the adults go about their day. American schools, that is.

>> No.7449792
File: 128 KB, 793x776, Whatuwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you even watching his video?
Not once did he say that there should be certain things taught in school rather that there should be a priority of things. He's advocating kids should be able to choose the subjects they take (Basically everything in his world is an elective).

So Tom, riddle me this; If kids could choose what they wanted to do would they choose 7 years of financial management?

Just admit it, he's bitching. He comes from the UK and he got to choose 67% of his GCSEs 100% of his A-levels and again 100% of his degree which he basically got all for free.

"My childhood was wasted!"

Really? Fucking really?

>> No.7449830

> I was never taught how to vote
Great, cause if you don't know how to vote you probably shouldn't.

>> No.7449835

You know what he means. Obviously he knows how to literally vote, just not the issues he's voting on.

I think he makes some good points, just not in the most productive way. There's no reason we shouldn't educate kids on the basis of their political system (and maybe tell them that there's more than two parties in America, by the way) along with things like the quadratic equation. The problem with American schooling isn't that they're teaching the wrong things per se, it's more that they're teaching for the lowest common denominator. They're teaching the things that are meant for rote memorization because those are the easiest things to teach. This is in turn because if kids are failing, nobody wants to blame the kids. First it's the teachers, then it's the schools, so teachers will get fired or schools will lose their funding (meaning executives and other faculty will lose their jobs, which they desperately want to avoid). I'm not saying that I have the solution to the problems but denying that there are problems or belittling what he has to say doesn't help anyone.

>> No.7449840


>Maybe we should give the option between standard education and vocational training.

This is how the German education system works. After elementary school, students are funneled into three types of secondary schools:

For the lowest-scoring students in elementary school, grades 5-9 are vocational-focused with apprenticeship training and slower-paced academic courses.

In-between with faster-paced academic courses and the option to either do vocational training or switch to 'Gymnasium' with talent.

University prep or dual academic/vocational diploma. I'd guess it would be most like high schools in North America.

>> No.7449847

He's right you faggots, civil education should be a thing.

>> No.7449864

despite him being a massive faggot, yeah, they could detect a course in high school to learning basic shit.

>> No.7449878

I do think Economics and Personal Finance classes should be mandatory. Otherwise this guy seems like an idiot.

>> No.7449883

That is what you have parents, libraries and the internet for.

>> No.7449892

He's right that american social studies classes are shit which don't actually explain current laws

Pretty much everything else is just him complaining that he wasn't taught how to be mediocre, which is funny since he's doing a pretty good job at it.

>> No.7449895

this is good post

>> No.7449897

I seriously hope this is an ironic copypasta of a YouTube comment

>> No.7449912

>Paul Graham says schools are basically just prisons to keep children under supervision while the adults go about their day. American schools, that is.
This tbh

>> No.7449919

This faggot needs to cut its hair.

>> No.7449935

no one should be forced to have their loves decided for them by the age of 12.

>> No.7449938


>> No.7449946

>no one should be forced to have their loves decided for them by the age of 12.
>tfw I'm still in love with my 5th grade crush

But really, aren't they already in the American system? Between your genes and your parent's finances, your future is basically set.

>> No.7449948

Not german, but from what I know students are able to change their training if they take an exam.

>> No.7449951

I don't want education where people are forced to learn how to survive in the real world. How to cook both pasta (and the books) can be learned through necessity, a book, a parent, the internet or some other source of information. The quadratic formula is knowledge most will not learn unless forced likewise Shakespeare, important in their subjects producing more rounded and maybe interesting individuals who are able to relate to subjects they do not study.

This guy doesn't see how subjects relate, how they stimulate the brain and how you can apply knowledge and abstract skills to all situations.

What a cunt.

>> No.7449958

they do though
take a course on accounting, economics, etc.
unless your highschool didnt offer that

>> No.7449968

Well I hate to admit it but he is right; any institution or system which produced this fucker deserves to be torn down and rebuilt.

>> No.7449987

I own a house, car, have a kid, and married... And I don't even own a check book or what its used for... I do everything online.

>> No.7450012

except the problems that:
1. Someone who went to Hauptschule is only going to get the lowest menial tasks (construction worker, plumber, ...)
2. That all the parents want to send their children to Gymnasium, whether they are capable enough or not, which leads to overfilled Gymnasiums and high dropout rate

>> No.7450020

Sucks balls for the late bloomers.

>> No.7450114

Few ever change schools and when they do they get bullied

>> No.7450193

I think the problem here is the way the education system is structured. Memorization and results are placed over actual understanding. I have a friend who got nothing but mid 90's in high school and even he admits he just gamed the system and now 5 years later he can't tell you shit about what he learned, he was just really fucking good at memorization and cramming for tests. Meanwhile kids fail a biology test because they forget the name of an organ. Sure they can tell you where the organ is, what it does and everything about it, but they forgot the name and the multiple choice machine doesn't give a fuck about the rest.

>> No.7450334

That's not the fault of the system in my view. If you choose to cut corners throughout school and end up not learning anything, that's your own fault, not the system.

>> No.7450509

Well you could argue that the reliance on multiple choice questions that can easily be graded-by-machine as it were because that's cheaper have less room for showing depth of understanding - here a cost saving measure influences the kinds of things that are graded and thus the kinds of preparation methods that would be used to ensure a good grade.

>> No.7452680

Most teenagers don't quite realize how cutting corners is going to screw them over though, and they've never been taught what the value of proper education is, all they've had drilled into them over and over is "grades" not learning and understanding.

Unless you are one of those oh so enlightened teenagers who had his life figure out by age 15. In which case you probably either had amazing parents or great teachers. Not everyone has that. I for one was an idiot when I was a teenager. I had great grades in the wrong subjects and was lead to believe by my teachers mentors and parents that all that mattered was that I get into university, subject didn't really matter, university was just the key. So I went for history.

Now after wasting 2 years in a useless program and working a few more to recoup my losses, I finally have enough life experience, and have spent enough time actually searching to know what I want to do and what is worthwhile doing and will go back for a proper BA.

Point being, its easy when you're 17 to not understand how the world works when the people you trust don't know how it works either.

>> No.7452684

Most kids don't even learn the basic math that they're supposed to learn in high school. Source: tutored precalculus and calculus at a university for a while, was amazed by how many kids came in and couldn't do basic arithmetic or algebra

>> No.7452730
File: 52 KB, 552x496, finn conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really though, high school is a fucking waste of time for high IQ kids unless you're attending an Groton Exeter caliber school or at least a magnet school or something.

Personally, I attended a public high school that's generally regarded as above average and didn't learn shit, never studied at home because the material was too simple and watered down for that to be needed, and wasted years of my life on intellectually useless busywork. Eventually I got kicked out for skipping class too much despite making As/Bs anyway.

>> No.7452740

Shitty parents expect a shitty school system to do their parenting for them, and people wrongly blame their shitty schooling rather than their shitty parents.

>> No.7452742

School in its current state is bullshit, but it requires reform. Many of the things you learn are actually necessary, but this is about the level of intelligence I have learned to expect from "artists."

>> No.7452757

>Doing adult shit like filing taxes or buying a home can be learned by asking an accountant or realtor or your parents or Google.
He also put forward a pretty nice question about what you just said:

>why the fuck are we expected to know by heart abstract shit like quadratic formula and use google on the things we need in our daily lives and not the other way around? You'd think that's the way to go.

Not a direct quote, but he does have a point.

>Anyone else hate the excuses these lazy fucks use to justify their helpless trainwreck lives?
He makes tons from just his Patreon. Hardly a trainwreck.

>the ultimate goal is to know how to handle any situation because you have your mind ready and prepared for the unknown
Have you never been to a school? That is not what it does holy shit lmao. Abstract art, music notation or quadratic formula are the last thing you need on your mind when you're faced with the unexpected and unknown. Literally what the shit.

>until you realize that it can be used to differentiate a bad deal from a good one, teach you that gambling is retarded, and generally foresee and solve all kinds of problems before they become problems.
Yeah because the school does a wonderful job of making that clear to people, right? Boy I remember when my dad told me about that one night he felt like gambling, but then was out of nowhere reminded of the quadratic formula and after some quick calculations figured that it wasn't a wise idea. Instead he took his sudden found math enthusiasm into trying to figure out the markets and made millions.

Oh wait, that shit never happens, because the school neither teaches the practical stuff nor accomplishes making students comprehend its curriculum. Yeah what a lovely system. 10/10 to you.

>> No.7452769

Everyone should first watch his other video before posting ITT because it seems a lot of you misunderstood him.

>> No.7452773

Forgot link.


>> No.7452782

This is what happens when unappreciative peasants are forced into schools. Just let them fling shit and work the fields or do some dances if this means they will finally SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THINGS THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Fucking proles.

>> No.7452860

School & parents didn't teach me shit

>don't know how to cook
Buy a fucking cookbook or watch youtube. Do some trial and fucking error

>don't know how to file taxes
Read the "how-to-file-4-retards" FAQ on the government website or pay H&R block $50 to do it for you

>don't know how to eat healthy
Seriously? School teaches the food pyramid and healthy portions

>don't know the stock market
Is this actually necessary? I don't know rocket science

>don't understand a mortgage
Only 50,000 videos on youtube explaining it

>don't know how to get a job
You weren't going to get one with that shitty haircut

>don't know how to vote
Thank fucking god.

>> No.7452872

Question is why do we have to waste 12 years studying useless shit if we end up googling what we actually need? Maybe then discard the whole system?

>> No.7452876

>don't know how to vote
>Thank fucking god.
He didn't mean he doesn't know how to tick a box on a ballot. He meant that if he's uninformed he'll make an uninformed decision, which is bad for everyone.

>> No.7452877

Its pain purpose is literally a form of babysitting, opening others up to be productive.

>> No.7452878

Then why not spend that time productively seeing as the resources are already poured into it?

>> No.7452902

Yeah, learning how to write and read and do elementary math + basic societal values is totally useless shit.
I'd agree with you if you said that some of bullshit could be trimmed away to make room for more practical stuff, but plz nigger, school actually contains a lot of important stuff.

>> No.7452916

Solving the problems in education is really fucking hard. Everyone agrees there's a problem, no-one agrees on how to fix it.

And it's political, which makes it an clusterfuck.

And a lot of the biggest problems are almost completely ameliorated by competent parents, so the privileged fucks in charge don't see a lot of the problems.

>> No.7452920

Obviously I didn't mean everything that is being taught in schools.

I was responding to the
mentality. Because why spend hundreds of hours learning something that you most probably will never use and then be okay with spending your free time on searching and learning the stuff you will actually need in your day to day life?

Literally why would anyone be okay with it?

>> No.7452932

You can't google years of experience in problem solving. That's why. You can google a recipe and probably do it first try without fucking up. That's the difference. Same with taxes. Same with how to wipe your ass.

>> No.7452936

I've posted several quite constructive criticisms, but hey fuck me right? Dick.

>> No.7452948

It's because everyone's used to the status quo. They don't know how to fill the time if most of the unnecessary stuff is removed from the curriculum. It just seems so natural and right to have students be bored to death in a math class. They can suck it up and pass the test, but all that info will be lost on them anyway.

I could try and come up with ideas how to fix the system on the spot but there's probably someone who has figured those ideas out better than me already.

I'm not even sure why it's so hard to implement a change.

>You can't google years of experience in problem solving
What kind of problem solving are we talking about?

Because the general level of critical thinking sucks ass.

Plus not every lively matter that isn't being taught in schools is a matter of merely "how to". A lot of it has to do with problem solving that ISN'T being taught, such as; financial, psychological, interpersonal and probably more.

Whatever criticism you have is responded to in that video.

>> No.7452971

>It's because everyone's used to the status quo.

Yes, to a large extent. If you think about it, everyone knows it's fucking stupid having someone at the front of a class dictating to 20+ kids with a blackboard in 2015, even though it's gone on that way for centuries.

I mean, if you think about it, why not create a video, test it to ensure it's explained in the best way? And instead let teachers provide personalised help to those who need it with problems.

>> No.7453007

>He didn't mean he doesn't know how to tick a box on a ballot. He meant that if he's uninformed he'll make an uninformed decision, which is bad for everyone.
He can read, can't he? Read the political agenda's, educate yourself. All this babby crying to be spoonfed, damn.

>> No.7453008

The strangest thing is that this guy isn't anti-education. He did a song about the LHC and physics along with Vi Hart that I liked a lot. I think he just is aware that most people will not care about science and will not be able to understand it due to a lack of brain power.

I don't think that fewer people will become mathematicians or that fewer people will go into technical fields just because they aren't mandatory. I also don't think fewer people will become artists.

Personally I really like Germany's system.

>> No.7453036

Alright if you're against spoonfeeding then why are you not against abandoning the whole schooling system? Or are you okay with it just as long as useless shit is being taught and you can go on saying
>lol just google it if you need something xD

>> No.7453045

I don't think actively being engaged with mathematics and science during your high school career is spoonfeeding, but being told by some smuck what two parties' agenda's are is. Besides, do you really want the government to tell you who to vote on?

>> No.7453053

This is the same type of retard that will complain about having to learn science and math and then later in life complain that he can't get a high paying STEM job.

This is why I vote republican. No handouts for these delinquents.

>> No.7453091

schools used to teach adult shit before. like cooking, car mechanics, etc

just hope you got a good parent that'll teach you those things.

>> No.7453186

Not that anon but mine didn't. I had no idea what a mortgage was until I graduated.

>> No.7453198

They do. You just have to elect to take those classes.
The "engineering elect", so to speak, don't take them though. Those guys are fast-tracked as soon as they go into high school to take higher math classes, computer programming, introduction to engineering, etc. Everyone here probably remembers that shit.

>> No.7453225
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Instead of being angey, let's talk about stuff we should know but don't.
I don't know how to post stuff, like how many stamps to I piput on a package, what about shipping internationally?
Though that's probably more a generational problem.

>> No.7453231

>I don't know how to post stuff, like how many stamps to I piput on a package, what about shipping internationally?
People never knew this from school and still got to post shit. You know why? Well you see, the post office has these little flyers on their counters stating exactly how the fuck to do shit like this. They even have something called a 'website' nowadays. Why teach this in school? Are you an imbecile?

>> No.7453323

>go to the post office
>surrounded by esoteric forms that all seem to refer to doing the exact same thing
Sure, dude.
Maybe if sending mail was less shit people would be able to do this crap on the first try without having to step up to the window and asking how to do it.

>> No.7453332

Okay so it costs 400$ to ship to Burkina Faso next day.
Do I have to glue 400 stamps or what?

>> No.7453340

If you're an illiterate nigger you can also just ask the nice lady behind the counter. Or are you too scared for that?

>> No.7453348
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>just talk to her dude, it works for me

>> No.7453372
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>being afraid of women

>> No.7453457
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This pretty much sums it up.

>> No.7453507

Would you rather be confronted by an army of homeless holding cardboard signs on every street corner, or would you rather spend 0.00001 cents out of your paycheck to never see another homeless person again?

Vote socialist.

>> No.7453523

>implying that socialist policies can just get rid of homelessness and poverty
The point of socialism is to prevent corporations from abusing monopolistic holds on public goods and services, not to end poverty

>> No.7453587

>without having to step up to the window and asking how to do it
A non-shit system would have people immediately understanding how mailing packages worked and not have to wait in the fuckin' line just to ask.
Or are you too dumb to think of a system like that?

>> No.7453628
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I literally learned everything he mentioned in one form or another in school, fucker must be missing half his hippocampus.

>> No.7453943

Impressed to see Mr. Taleb here.

>> No.7453955
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No surprise this faggot is a redditor


>> No.7453965

Socialism is childish and naive anyway.

>> No.7453969
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I can't fucking stand these people, I don't know how other Americans live around them.

(It's not quite as bad in the UK)

>> No.7453972

>I expect people to magically know all shipping costs and know the exact steps and precautions to take when shipping packages
This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.7453976

Of course not, have you been living in exile until now?

>> No.7453981

While I agree with you, I think there are many things that are not taught in school (or at least to a decent enough extent) that should be: cooking, social compassion, farming and survivalism for example.

>> No.7453987

Yeah because survival is so hard in the concrete jungle of america. If you were an Aussie I'd agree with you. The other shit is autism tier, most people figure that out on their own just fine.

>> No.7453989
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>1.) Math requires and teaches abstract reasoning, which is useful in real life.
lol fuck no. I'm guessing you'r not U.S.?

Math class teaches you to blindly memorize formulas without understand what they do. If you have any doubt just look at PEMDAS.

The teachers don't even understand what they are teaching half the time. My highschool math teacher was also my P.E. coach, and coach of the football team.

>> No.7453993

Once, I spent two days trying to get an exact solution I could express in basic high-school math for an integral that defined a new transcendental function.

I didn't even know then that this was possible, and I had taken a couple of years of university calculus.

It's amazing what basic stuff you can manage to not pick up.

>> No.7453995

>My highschool math teacher was also my P.E. coach, and coach of the football team.
Here (Holland) our teachers are required to have a masters degree in maths before they can teach it

>> No.7453999

In the states teaching positions are basically a government mandated jobs program for useless individuals.

>> No.7454001

Here in the U.K. I think the requirement is the same (if not then just a standard degree in the subject) plus a teacher-specific course.

Bear in mind also that the guy who made the video is from the U.K.

>> No.7454002
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>Buy a fucking cookbook or watch youtube. Do some trial and fucking error
Confirmed for a bad cook. Trial and error takes time. Learning to cook spaghetti does not help you cook rice, or prepare good sauces, or make frosting, exc.

>School teaches the food pyramid and healthy portions
Correct, schools teach the food pyramid. Created by the office of the Secretary of Agriculture in 1992 to support the annual 5 billion dollar farm subsidies spent on the wheat and corn industries.
>12 servings of pasta/bread
>Protein makes you fat, so only eat carbs fruits and instead.
>Also milk is now a food group because dairy farmer lobbyists. Got Milk?

>> No.7454005

>Confirmed for a bad cook. Trial and error takes time. Learning to cook spaghetti does not help you cook rice, or prepare good sauces, or make frosting, exc.

So google it...

>> No.7454007

>I expect people to accept truly incompetent systems design because I cannot deliver any better
This is how pleb you sound

>> No.7454011

You can watch someone cook a turkey all day but it won't help you if you have never used an oven before. You might be able to make a sub par meal just by watching and repeating, but becoming good at cooking takes practice.

>> No.7454028

Don't many schools already employ people to provide school lunches anyway? Why not just get kids to learn by doing that.

>> No.7454080
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>> No.7454091
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>Personally I really like Germany's system.
You like getting your life decided by the age of 10?
I rediscovered some calculus concepts when I was 14 and probably won't be able to study it because I was shitty at literature classes in 4th grade. You call that a good system?
Do you also think Numerus Clausus is a good system? A guy with C in math and A in literature has better chances to study math than a guy with A+ in math and D in literature.
Even the US has a better education system than Germany.

>> No.7454116
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>> No.7454117
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>A guy with C in math and A in literature has better chances to study math than a guy with A+ in math and D in literature.

>> No.7454121
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Most universities look at nothing else but your average score. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7454124

I failed mathematics in high school but got awesome grades in literature and history. Eventually ended up being a mathematics major.

>> No.7454134

>Prove me wrong.
Most universities in Germany do not have a numerus clausus for math to begin with, so your average grade is literally irrelevant in those cases.

>> No.7454141

My point applies to all majors with more applicants than free places. Math just happens to have a NC of 4,0.
Just switch "math" and "literature/Germanistik" in my original post and it still applies.

>> No.7454144

>My point applies to all majors with more applicants than free places.
So it doesn't include math.

Anyway, that other poster was just giving you a 0/10 because you chose an example where the argument fails, nothing else to see here.

>> No.7454148
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>> No.7454614

Holy cockshit what the fuck?
I didn't really expect people to support this kind of a video in any way but really 170 657 votes which from most are likes?

Jesus fucking christ I didn't know people can be this blind.

>> No.7454632

b-but anon, shcool is dum and borign.

I know at least one millionere that didin't went to shcool

>> No.7454643

>but Steve Jobs was a dropout, school is waste of my lyf i cud be milinare lik him

>> No.7454651

everybody is an genious, they just have 2 drop out of shcool. who will ever use algebra and multiplication anyways lol xD

>> No.7454660

Most people who stay in school never achieve anything noteworthy :(

>> No.7454664

Most people who are alive won't accomplish anything. Why even live?

>> No.7454665

well, the same thing applies to people who drop out of school, except they won't get any job that isn't in a fast food joint

>> No.7454705

Could take up a trade; in my country they pay very well since the potential takers are almost exclusively male.

>> No.7454723
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>Nuh-uh, nobody prevented him from reading, asking and learning by himself.
>School is here to learn how to think, the purpose is way more vast than just know how to follow instructions

1-2 hours of homework per class.
Extra curricular activities.
Sports and clubs.
Any and all rebuking or questioning of teachers or faculty members results in punishment until obedience is set.
US Education system has never been more of a joke.

>But knowing how to solve for x (as trivial as that might seem to math majors) teaches critical thought, and that never becomes obsolete.
Who needs critical thought when you can just make ten with 9 and 5, by taking five from nine and adding it to make 10? Don't be racist anon.

>> No.7454734

I can empathize. Went to a big uni for a lib art degree, came out with math with healthy dosages of comp sci and stats

>> No.7454754

What's wrong with PEMDAS, exactly? It's just a mnemonic to help kids learn how to interpret mathematical statements, a strictly mechanical process.

>> No.7454756

>>7454754 was meant for >>7453989

>> No.7454760

Not him, but it's a bit arbitrary isn't it?

>> No.7454764

>1-2 hours of homework per class(wrong)
>extra currics(which you choose to do and instead of learning on your own you choose to shit around)
>sports and clubs(not every day)
Holy shit
how did you manage to find the one thing that doesn't make the education system look shit
you being irresponsible with your time is not grounds for blaming the education system

>> No.7454795

>mfw my school teaches personal finance as an optional course

This guy's retarded.

>> No.7454796

Yeah, because kids are well known for being super-responsible and making good decisions, especially when they have shitty unsupportive, uninvolved parents.

>> No.7454799

What even is "balancing a checkbook"?

I'm 21 and I've never had to do this. If all it means is "make sure you aren't spending more than you have so your check doesn't bounce" then seriously, you need to wake the fuck up if you can't do that.

>> No.7455008

but ever since they flooded the hauptschule with tons of shitty turks everybody else is hell-bent on avoiding it
nowadays it's mostly a containment school to keep the scum away from normal kids

sadly, leftists are constantly pushing on destroying the system and replace it by a generic one-size-fits-all school to stop german shitlords from escaping the cultural enrichment
future is looking grim

>> No.7455017

A relic of the 90s / early 2000s

you just check your phone now

>> No.7455291

>1-2 hours of homework per class
American schools set homework? Maybe it's just america, but I thought that everyone just studied independently at home without having set 'problems' to do?
Is everyone just too lazy to do any study so they set it as homework?

>> No.7455324

There are zillions of websites on math and science, too. By your reasoning there's no point in teaching those either.

>> No.7455339

>Is everyone just too lazy to do any study so they set it as homework?
IMO it stems from a much broader, more general problem with American attitudes towards education.
>Standardized testing is eeeevilllllll
>It doesn't matter if you actually understand the topic, just as long as you tried
>No child left behind hurrdurr

>> No.7455373

Have you ever tried to work with some of the fuckheads out there? When faced with a problem they just randomly try thing with no real system behind it. Systematic problem solving is severely lacking these days, at least in my limited experience.

>> No.7455381

I'm not from the US and I basically didn't study except for the homework and exam prep. But my parents were pretty pleb and just wanted me to do my homework and get good grades - they figured I was intelligent so that's all that really mattered.

>> No.7455431

I actually did learn all of those things BOTH in school and at home.
We had a subject dedicated to that and all my other teachers also gave life pro tips.

I honestly though these was a meme from my friends. I guess this is kinda of big

>> No.7455435

>School is here to learn how to think


this is what academiafags actually believe

>> No.7455468

>67% of his GCSEs
Dependant on school.

> 100% of his A-levels
Only if he had the opportunity to pick his school, even then some have mandatory general studies and critical thinking.

>100% of his degree which he basically got all for free.
Degrees are nowhere near free.

>> No.7455493

Don't be the idiots that just write this guy off.

Consider some of the points that he brings up.
They seem like reasonable things.
>Current events (not how to see them but know what they are)

What stops kids from learning these things on their own?
School itself, it puts education in a bad light and gives learning a bad taste.
People that want to learn soon realize that they take backseat the retard who wants attention.

Public Education is extremely flawed, so I would say that its a fair criticism to say that
"School is stoopid"

>> No.7455499

>School teaches thinking

Memorizing answers and regurgitating them is now thinking?

You are simply defending school because its the trendy thing in this thread.
You saying things that are blatant lies.

>> No.7455511

This is a bad post here's why:

I don't see why your first contention doesn't commit the genetic fallacy.
Not to mention the blind assertions such as
>fat acceptance (as described not defined) is a movement that should be confronted and opposed
You're assuming that fat acceptance also means they themselves do no seek change.

Attacking an argument doesn't really attack someone's intelligence. You are more so attacking their articulation, their rhetoric and their persuasion rather than the mind behind them.
It is simply an untrue statement.

The next part I slightly agree in that it is the question of what will you do?

>arguments founded in flimsy reasoning
Now I am attacking you.
check yourself m9.

Assuming that the defense instinctively takes the moral highground and the "I am loud so I am right" stance.

Give your response,
and remember read your post before answering because I suspect you to be guilty of not practicing what you preach.
Or you just contradict yourself.
Give the answer and I shall explain.

>> No.7455517

Not entirely true.
Have you ever taken a physics class?
It is what you just described and no amount of critical thinking will get you anywhere.
You MUST memorize the formulae and figure in a way that is akin to a puzzle that you need to memorize.

Yes you need to think but reading an essay and deducing information is more critical thinking.
Literature studies are the culmination of critical thinking.

>> No.7455525

You're wrong. Most people who don't know how to wipe their own asses had overgrown children for parents.

That said, you can't manufacture adult parents for every child who doesn't have them.

Problem with no solution.

Next problem.

>> No.7456363

>School teaches thinking
Do they really? Schools don't teach philosophy.

You see a lot of people make moral arguments that make no sense.

>> No.7456379

>parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.

Meaning you always multiply before dividing and always add before subtracting.

5/5 * 2 = 0.5

>> No.7456426

yep he is right

also nice song i like the rhyme

school is pretty much unnecessary waste of time to raise sheeps with makin them do things they dont even care.

schools shoudlnt be mandtory. they shud be places that only ones that wanna learn can go. and learn whatever they want to. it shud be a knowledge center for the benefit of everyone, where everyone have the joy of sharing information of what they like to do.

well whole system is shit and meant to make retarded people with negative lifes so whatya expect. its just puttin people in unnecssary piss contest like in all other things in world.

>> No.7456443

I'm so sorry anon. We should have diagnosed you with retardation years ago so you could get proper help and support. Looks like we can't do anything about it now anymore... we're going to have to put you out of you misery.

>> No.7456455


>> No.7456457

like you're even geared to decide what's 'constructive' or not

after all, you got school-ed into being a 'sheep', right?

>> No.7456463

that reply doesnt have anything to do with my point

>> No.7456468

your point was garbage to begin with

"durr school makes us sheep. whole system sucks and wants everyone to be retarded. it shud be a knowledge center! gimme a sec i need to think of more useless platitudes!"

>> No.7456471

then why did you reply to it if you will not make constructive criticizm and just belittle

>> No.7456473

You know how everyone claps at the end of a child's piano recital, even if they play like absolute shit and stop halfway into Beethoven's Fur Elise?

It's like that, but I'm shitting on you instead of clapping.

>> No.7456474

okay buddy u are the man

>> No.7456485

You bet I am.

>> No.7456560

>Spend (waste) time in class learning how to send things by mail
>Government slightly changes postage costs etc.
>All your schooling is now useless

>learn how to read and use critical thinking
>utilize these versatile skills to learn and adapt to whatever the current rules are

>> No.7456728
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post the prob.

Just watched this video and have a feeling a bunch of high school students will drop out...

>> I always assumed most of this shit you either looked up on your own or asked friends and parents...

>> No.7456733
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>Free thinking != something automatically becomes correct when it opposes the status quo

Americas problem in a grammarly retarded sentence.
> No jk, good job anon

>> No.7456793

In my country afte middle school you have a lot of choices:

electrical: for people going to be electricians or something like that.
mechanical: motors and anything like that
social: anything like worikng in old people homes or with children.
media: photo stuff, writing, working in any kind of media.
food: food
university prep: anything to do with higher education

and more depending on what school you go to.

>> No.7456832


I love this man so much

>> No.7456845

Yeah that's never not confusing

You should do it like this


>> No.7458471
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Why don't they just experience real life to know how to act in real life? School isn't all day or every day.

>> No.7458501

Because letting your kids roam outside is considered child abuse in the developed world.
Which funnily enough stunts them emotionally and physically.

>> No.7458538

That's not what pemdas teaches, or your teachers were shit.

Parenthesis, then Exponents, and then you do Multiplication/Division, whichever comes first. Same with Addition/Subtraction.

So, when 5/5 *2, you do the 5/5 before multiplying. Because the division comes first.

So, if I had 3-8+4/2, the sequence would go 3-8+2, then -5+2, then -3.

>> No.7458546

It's pretty arbitrary and is better handled by clear setting out.

>> No.7459014

I think I had a pretty good education at school (Germany). "Life stuff" wasn't part of the curriculum. I guess phys ed is the most applicable thing I learned in school, along with basic math and being able to read and write. I am now a statistics major.

I am now in my late twenties and thinking back I really wish that finance education would have been an obligatory subject. From age 11 onward, it should be taught. At first relating it to everyday experiences with pocket money and then later incorporating how to balance a bank account and how to do your taxes etc. Maybe also have a mandatory course about applications, how to start a firm, what are the risks about that etc..

That is the only thing I would add as an obligatory component to the system here.

>> No.7459026

Nobody ever taught me a thing about money, it seems pretty intuitive: Know what your expenses are, pay your bills, don't buy too much extraneous shit. Bam, you're managing money well. Apparently plenty of people can't do that, but it seems pretty straightforward.

>> No.7459035


"Don't stay in school" is obviously not a literal advice. It's supposed to have shock value and to get you hooked for his actual argument. Which is basically "all subjects should be taught, but instead of abstract stuff like (higher) maths, only finance education, health education and all subjects relevant to keeping the base requirements of modern life should be obligatory. Everything else should be an elective course." I think that is a pretty reasonable argument.

The presentation is garbage, because 95% of the people will think he's literally advocating "Don't stay in school", but the actual argument is reasonable.

>> No.7459041


>TAXES: what is the option to study Home Economics/Business

>> No.7459054

Nobody wants to hear from a whiny, effeminate, white, british rapper of questionable gender/sexuality. Literally NO ONE.

>> No.7459059

If you honestly think all of the school years are good education, you are deluded. This shit starts in elementary and it's worse with the new generations.

The world will go to shit when these little shits grow up.

>> No.7459063


It should not be an option, it should be mandatory.

>> No.7459083

The subjects are secondary.

School's primary purpose, in its current semi-archaic state, is to impose certain values and behavioral models on children. Submitting to authority, adapting to scheduled work routine, being able to form and work in independent groups, measuring one's worth through performance evaluations, respecting established institutions, etc.

I mean, people are bound to learn SOMETHING because they are forced to attend school but that isn't really proof that it's a good system. It does its job of indoctrinating people into capitalist wage labor society but maybe that's not actually a good thing.

>> No.7459087

Students don't even study when problems ARE set as homework. In Geometry I was a freshman in a class with seniors in it. Some of the seniors were getting F's because they didn't turn in any homework. This was all while I as a freshman (and other freshman were close) was floating around 106-8%. Kids just really don't give a shit in the US.

>> No.7459155


All people including "shepards" lean toward having a sheep-like mentality.

>> No.7459215

>Every time period of every civilization ever has always been a handful of intelligent people and hordes of stupid sheep
Wouldn't it be more honest to admit that the aristocracy doesn't want people to be smart? The 'shepherds' are a bunch of lucky shits who grabbed power during a period of confusion and immediatly place barriers and distractions to keep competitors from emerging from the 'sheep'.