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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7448277 No.7448277 [Reply] [Original]

Science is irresponsible and needs to be stopped.

We need to return to the tested and proven ways of life.

Our bodies have been wrecked by followers of this cult of 'progress' who have forced their half-baked ideas on the rest of us for their own power and gratification.

A 'scientist' thinks he is admirable; even perhaps a 'god', because he invents a new kind of ultra-durable and cheap plastic, which he imagines will improve the lives of millions of people thus earning him their support and respect.

What such a fool fails to realize is that a million things could go terribly wrong, and he could spend his whole life devoted to testing, and still not discover every possibly ill-effect, let alone solve them. Hence, because of estrogenic chemicals found in plastics which we touch, eat, drink and even breath, we find our fertility is halved, our cancer rates doubled, our dicks shriveled, and our minds addled.

What is proper 'science'? Science is the process of making a testable hypothesis and testing it, repeatedly. What has been tested and refined with the most brutal of methods (natural selection) more than the diet and relationship to the environment that is now refered to as 'natural'?

Soon these imposters are going to move on from nuclear bombs and the poisoning of our food supply to autonomous machines and programmable matter

Aren't you just tingling at the thought?

Stop these bastards before it's too late

>> No.7448302
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Shit has ups and downs, yes.

Regarding your thread: You can't stop it.
That's really the end of the story.

Becoming vegan would be such an action but I feel dedicating your life to convincing other people and suffer from it. At the end, you get older from all the worrying.

>> No.7448304

>Science is irresponsible and needs to be stopped.
>Philosophy is irresponsible and needs to be stopped.


>> No.7448363
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People live a hell of a lot longer now than they used to. We can transplant a FUCKING HEART for gods sake. And...you're using the miracle we call The Internet to read this. I don't want to go back in time and die from a small infected cut, you're fucking crazy.

The quality of our food has gone down because supply and demand is a bitch to keep up with. If you don't like, shop at a farmers market or Whole Foods if that tickles your fancy.

In my opinion, the goal of mankind right now should be having all of us working together, not fighting to ensure that our species can survive the long-run. Going backwards will only ensure our demise. We'd be fighting over twigs and berries as a meteor hits and wipes us out.

>> No.7448371

>The quality of our food has gone down
[citation needed]
I suspect we eat far better than the royalty of old.

>> No.7448376

Fuck sake mcdonalds doesn't make people fat, eating fuckloads of it does. I know many people who lost weight eating mcdonalds because they were too depressed to cook and had one meal a day there.

>> No.7448383

Science is human nature. If it wasn't we wouldn't do it.

Stop denying human nature.

>> No.7448396

Apart from the fat issue (which I see as peoples individuals concern, at least they can change it) I was taken OP's concern e.g. to be the estrogen plastics that lower our testosterone etc.

The "going back" debate is strawmans from both sides. As I said in (>>7448302), there is no going back, what's done is done, and one we spell that out and agree upon it, we can leave it out of the discussions.

>> No.7448423

>I suspect we eat far better than the royalty of old.
Idk man they had many many talents of gold. It's not inconceivable that they ate better than your average McDonalds peasant today.

>> No.7449427

>eating fuckloads
... while sitting on one's ass, all day, every day.

>> No.7449461
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Hey, hey OP.


Hey OP.


>> No.7449465
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>A 'scientist' thinks he is admirable; even perhaps a 'god'
This shit just writes itself.

>> No.7449469

Nice thread, OP

>> No.7449488

This. Kaczynski was right.

>> No.7449489


>> No.7449490
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>> No.7449492

>our dicks shriveled

>> No.7449501

>We need to return to the tested and proven ways of life.

So you wanna return a time a time without modern medicine like antibiotics, penicillin, x-ray and MRI and useful technologies like cars, airplanes, guns - which will inevitably shorten many peoples lifespans to avoid 'dangerous plastics and chemicals' which shorten your lifespan?

You would prefer to die to a lion at the age of 30 instead of cancer at 50-60?

>> No.7449522

The scientific method lead to psychology which was utilized by advertising and the holders of production to create an economy centered on consumerism. This is really the issue, it's not the method per say, just the humans in control of it.

>> No.7449523

You should probably address the issue of climate change here, as none of it may mean a god damned thing if the world doesn't support human life. Thanks science.

>> No.7449728
File: 395 KB, 3264x2448, only_murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not Science !
This is 'MURICA !
Enjoy your McDonald !

>> No.7449738

you cant stop us,
if you turn violent, the followers of science will outgun you technologically wise and wipe your out

>> No.7449770
File: 73 KB, 418x467, i respect you very much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will become a planetoid made of computronium.
And i'll launch relativistic kill vehicles against Terra again and again until you and your kin cease to be.
This oath i give to you.

No offense.

>> No.7449771

Social justice is irresponsible and needs to be stopped.

We need to return to the tested and proven ways of life.

Our bodies have been wrecked by followers of this cult of 'progress' who have forced their half-baked ideas on the rest of us for their own power and gratification.

An 'SJW' thinks they are admirable; even perhaps a 'god', because they invent a new kind of ultra-durable and cheap ideology, which they imagine will improve the lives of millions of people thus earning them their support and respect.

What such a fool fails to realize is that a million things could go terribly wrong, and they could spend their whole life devoted to thinking, and still not discover every possibly ill-effect, let alone solve them. Hence, because of estrogenic influence found in modern thought which we see, hear, think and even feel, we find our fertility is halved, our cancer rates doubled, our dicks shriveled, and our minds addled.

What is proper 'sociology'? Sociology is the process of making an untestable hypothesis and proselytizing it, repeatedly. What has been tested and refined with the most brutal of methods (criticism) more than the status quo and relationship to society that is now refered to as 'natural'?

Soon these imposters are going to move on from Tim Hunt and sexist air conditioning to privilege police and white males becoming a minority.

Aren't you just tingling at the thought?

Stop these bastards before it's too late

>> No.7449873

Well McDonald's is pretty much bottom tier food in terms of quality, so yeah, royalty probably ate better than that, however if you go buy some food at a grocery store and cook up a meal on a gas stove, I bet that would be a lot better quality than the food they ate

>> No.7449893


>“People assume there are still vast herds of giraffes, but there aren’t anymore.”

>The same is true of some twenty-two thousand other species, Animal Welfare officials told me this week. “Between 1970 and 2010, populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish around the globe dropped 52 percent,” the World Wildlife Fund reported in December. “What’s not complicated are the clear trends we’re seeing—39 percent of terrestrial wildlife gone, 39 percent of marine wildlife gone, 76 percent of freshwater wildlife gone—all in the past forty years,”

We can dance around the idea that science is not the problem- or we can recognize that science had put the power to destroy the world into the hands of simple idiots and cult religious believers.

I'm a scientist. I think science is awesome. I'm also not stupid enough to think this won't end badly. I'm also not OP.

Its not science or scientists that are going to wreck this planet, but the many millions upon millions who are using the fruits of the method without understanding, without respect for it, in reckless, short-sighted, and selfish ways.

>> No.7449995

Who cares about heart disease and cancer when you can replace the heart and whatever organ has a tumor? Who cares about fertility rates when you have genetic engineering and artificial wombs?

The technology train is only accelerating. Fuck everything, full speed ahead.

>> No.7450017

Pretty much this. The scientific method could not be mastered in time to save us from destroying the fucking planet. But to be fair, a lot of the reason we are in this mess is because the people doing business refuse to listen to those doing good science. Cigarettes causing cancer was denied and believed by the public for 30 some odd years after the facts were laid bare by science. The same is true for diminishing biodiversity and global warming. The first big studies by NASA came out in 1988 about a global rise in temperature, and here we are in 2015 still thinking there is a debate, and doing absolutely nothing about it.