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7436811 No.7436811 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consensus of this? Does race-mixing have health/IQ bolstering effects or does it lead to unhealthy dumbfuck children?

>> No.7436817

You should ask your parents about the latter.

>> No.7436819

Outbreeding has both positive and negative effects in animal species. Humanity is homogenous enough for it not to make much difference probably.

>> No.7436821

biodiversity prevents inbreading.

Just because >mah culture doesn't stop evolution and gene combination

>> No.7436823

There was a study I saw about mental health in half-asian half-white kids, it showed increased mental instability or something

>> No.7436826


They don't have any experience of race-mixing. Only dumbfuck but healthy children.

>> No.7436827

How the hell are you supposed to control for socioeconomic factors in a study like that?

>> No.7436831


But is there an 'upper limit' of biodiversity where offspring are actually less viable due to their vastly different parents? Most deleterious effects of inbreeding* can be avoided with as little as 160 different people.

>> No.7436838

By comparing half-asian asian-americans with full-asian asian americans, controlling for the typical factors?

Anyway, it was from the 116th APA annual convention, and showed that they're twice as likely to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.

Maybe Asian culture discourages getting treatment, and this culture is stronger in full asian-americans than hapa asian-americans, but a factor of two seems pretty high.

>> No.7436842

Sure, but humans are basically 99.9% the same.

So, uh, unless you're talking about doing monkies.

>> No.7436857


Idk. I think there's more to learn about genetic expression and epigenetics before we come to the conclusion that humans are 99.9% the same.

>> No.7436862

epigenetics is all environment, so that's a bullshit lead in to _mah race_

And the 99.9% is from DNA studies, so unless you're going to regale me with some kind of detailed mitochondrial DNA study, stfu.

>> No.7436868

Shut up. Just shut up, this is what happens when the entire boards tries to eject bio people. /pol/ comes in and tries to rationalize all sorts of dumb shit with regards to race.

>> No.7436874

outbreeding is as dangerous as inbreeding both increases the likeliness of birth defects.

>> No.7436880
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[citation needed]


>> No.7436882

>epigenetics is all environment
Epigenetics aren't as relevant as you might imply, simply because divergences in gene expression due environmental conditions are very limited.

>> No.7436884

It's basically ILLEGAL to point any negative thing on "race". Any study that does such a thing gets immediately attacked by the sjw in the soft sciences. And any threads about it get deleted on reddit (aka 4chan /sci/)

But anyway, mixed race asians have more mental problems than pure asians in america. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/

Mixed race kids are harder to find blood/organ/bone marrow donors for because of their unique genetics: http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html


Blacks/Native Maoris have high-expression rates of "violent gene" [A version of the monoamine oxidase-A gene has been linked to anti-social behavior]

Of course the PC media finds this study "DISGUSTING"


>> No.7436888

And the fact that we can live anywhere on the planet now means that you're just being stupid. Outbreeding only works if two populations are either, Tall and short making an medium size that is disfavored or it introduces a biochemical alteration that makes the organism inefficient in handling local nutrients and chemical effects. We have none of those problems as humans are all over the planet and do not have specialized eating habits or mating habits that result in a split bell curve.

You are also completely disregarding hybrid vigor you pleb.

>> No.7436889


alright anon, start your white power trip with awesome citations of how awful diversity is

/thread done, brace for >>>/pol/

>> No.7436893

He's right, you know

>> No.7436904


>State that more research needs to be done to be certain.
>Ejecting bio people.

The fuck are you on?

>> No.7436906

Just ignore /pol/posters mate, they know enough biology to support their ideology and no more.

>> No.7436924

Outbreeding/inbreeding depression in zebrafish populations
Tissue incompatibility in mixed-race human subjects
Health and Behavior Risks of Adolescents with Mixed-Race Identity
Mixed race black and white couples face higher odds of prematurity and low birth weight

>> No.7436925

Because saying that more research needs to be done on that fact is like saying there needs to be more research on the idea that water is ~12.5% hydrogen. You could do research on that and you would be tossing money into a hole. You can put money into understanding fundamental mechanisms but it won't change the composition of water.

>> No.7436931


So you think gene expression differences between races is all figured out? Through and through?

Alright pack it in guys! Science is finished!

>> No.7436937

That's not how outbreeding depression works.

>> No.7436943

Yes using appeal to association and disregarding argumentation is the way to go.

>> No.7436944

If you can tell me what complimentation is and why bacteria don't die of old age without checking wikipedia or google I'll try to explain. Otherwise this is an exercise in futility.

>> No.7436945


I don't give a fuck. I'm going to have me some pure white Aryan babies, with my tall, loyal, beautiful Aryan princess.

>> No.7436949
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Like this?

>> No.7436953
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lol it's pretty sad when your only accomplishment is that you had sex with a white girl.

Protip: that's not hard to do when they're all sluts according to your precious /pol/.

>> No.7436954


Yes. Like that. :)

>> No.7436959

>Protip: that's not hard to do when they're all sluts according to your precious /pol/.
I thought that 'bitches and whores' things started with /a/

>> No.7436961


I am white myself. It's not the sex. It's raising children to a high moral fiber.

That can be done best if they have the genetics for it, ie. me and her DNA.

Having a race-mixed baby will just result in damage control and backpedaling.

It'll be a step back.

>> No.7436964


I'm not interested in some pretentiousfags' opinion.

>> No.7436974

It's hilarious how much you /pol/tards focus on race. One's moral fiber is almost entirely due to how the parent's raise their children, and their social-financial class.

>> No.7436983

Then take a genetics course so you can actually have your own.

>> No.7436998


>University is the only way to learn.
>Muh certifications

You can't even have a discussion without resorting to ad hominems, in a science board of all places.

I would actually still like your explanation, without all the pretentious holier than thou bullshit.

>> No.7437003

>One's moral fiber is almost entirely due to how the parent's raise their children, and their social-financial class.
Actually we know that genetics is highly relevant for human behavior, so nature also plays distinct role in upbringing.

>> No.7437005

>One's moral fiber is almost entirely due to how the parent's raise their children, and their social-financial class.
Akshually, intelligence and to some extent personality are hereditary traits.

Social environment doesn't influence outcome that much.

>> No.7437007


Fucking BULLSHIT. Why must we continue to ignore genetics as an important factor of mental development? It's leftists like you that are censoring scientific inquiry and fucking it all up.

>Muh ism's.

There are differences you fool.

>> No.7437012


>> No.7437013

it brings the non-white part up and lowers the white part

>> No.7437014
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Then, explain why so many white people in the US are white trash - the overwhelming majority of them. They're obese, uneducated, religious yet don't follow their religious moral code, and are in general pieces of shit.

>> No.7437016

>Then, explain why so many white people in the US are white trash - the overwhelming majority of them
They aren't? Poverty and crime are found at far lower rates among whites than among niggers.

>> No.7437025
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Most white people are still total trash in the US.

Anyone obese = trash

Anyone who gets pregnant before 18 = trash

Anyone who believes in treating others like shit because they're different = trash

Anyone who kills, is a pedo, or commits some kind of terrible crime against humanity = trash

Anyone who doesn't go to college/trade school = trash

Well, that covers most white people, Surely, if their genetics are such a huge difference, they shouldn't experience these problems ever, right?

>> No.7437031


>> No.7437034

Define "most".

You seem to be unable to understand what "per capita" means. I've noticed from personal experience that the negro brain is often incapable of grasping elementary mathematical concepts such as ratios, which often explains why they resort to childish arguments such as "there are more white people than black people in prison!!" all the while ignoring that there are far more white people than black people in this country, and that "per capita" is the relevant metric.

Anyways, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're a nigger. You hate whitey and I don't blame you. If I was an ugly, subhuman congoïd like yourself I'd also have an inferiority complex.

>> No.7437040

I don't care about per capita when the differences don't really matter all that much. Niggers and wiggers are still caused by the same problems. Raise them both with a good education and a good family environment and they'll do well. It just so happens that Africa was so and is so ass backward, and they were slaves in the US, that their collective is still shit and will remain shit. I still believe it's more of an issue of culture and being poor than their race.

The genetic differences are so minute that environment totally trumps genetics here.

>> No.7437043
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Also, I'm as white as they cum. I just don't believe in your stormfront level shit, but don't misunderstand - I'd never marry a black woman over my white wife, and I'd never live in an African- American neighborhood. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7437044

Two different immune systems result in a strong immune system in the child.

One could argue different genes in general would result in "better" humans. Different races have more diverse genes.

>> No.7437047

We ignore the man on the soapbox because he doesn't have all his marbles and thus isn't worth our time; the same applies here.

>> No.7437052


How open-minded. You'll go far in science thinking like that...good luck getting past research assistant while thinking in boxes.

>> No.7437053

>inb4 /pol/ shit storm

>> No.7437055

>I don't care about per capita
The fuck?

Jesus, I'll never understand the negro brain. You don't care about relevant statistics? What do you care about, chucking and jiving, drinking malt liquor and blaming whitey for your ills?

>when the differences don't really matter all that much.
Excuse me??? There are huge differences in poverty and criminality between whites and niggers. Huge differences.

>Niggers and wiggers are still caused by the same problems.
Yes, low IQ. But the nigger IQ bell curve is much further to the left that while a minority of whites are trash the great majority of blacks are worthless niggers.

Of course who am I kidding? Your intelligence is so low you fail to grasp the meaning of "per capita", there's no way you have the intellectual power to visualize a bell curve, let alone two simultaneously.

> Raise them both with a good education and a good family environment and they'll do well.
Nope. Multiple studies show that to be false. Of course you don't care about studies, for the negro brain truth is what he "feels" is true, not what is actually true.

> It just so happens that Africa was so and is so ass backward, and they were slaves in the US, that their collective is still shit and will remain shit
Gee I wonder why everywhere north of the Sahara peoples developped advanced civilizations whereas niggers wallowed in their shit-laden mudhuts. Must have been whitey using his magical juju to oppress the poor nigs.

>I still believe it's more of an issue of culture and being poor than their race.
Of course you do. You disregard all facts. Do you also believe that the earth is flat?

>The genetic differences are so minute that environment totally trumps genetics here.
Obviously false, but no amount of studies would convince you otherwise. You've made up your mind.

>> No.7437059

>Also, I'm as white as they cum. I just don't believe in your stormfront level shit, but don't misunderstand - I'd never marry a black woman over my white wife, and I'd never live in an African- American neighborhood.
You might as well. Intellectually, you are on the same level as niggers.

>> No.7437061
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go back to /r/coontown

>> No.7437067
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>implying I go to plebbit

>> No.7437073

Open-mindedness doesn't necessitate listening to the layman's spiele on what are specialist fields of biology.

It's like a medical geneticist entertaining the idea that he should read Mein Kampf to realise he should maintain racial purity. Ideology has no place in rigorous science.

>> No.7437075
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>> No.7437076

>all his marbles and thus isn't worth our time
Congrats! very scientific of you for using the very same treatment that several high achieving scientists got in the past.

>> No.7437080
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I'm not mad, nigger. More like condescending disdain.

>> No.7437083

Except the scientists you speak of were constrained by Christian (or similar) dogma presented as prejudice. The tables are turned here - you're being led by your /pol/ dogma to falsify findings.

>> No.7437084
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>> No.7437088 [DELETED] 
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Nice comeback nigger. I thought niggers were supposed to be witty? Guess that's just a stereotype.

>> No.7437090
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>> No.7437091

After appeal to association you now used straw man

>> No.7437096

You have no argument to attack m8, and you don't listen to reason, what do you expect me to say?

>> No.7437099
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Now this is just getting embarassing for you tbh.

You should probably stop posting now and try to salvage what little dignity you have left.

>> No.7437102
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>> No.7437103

So, how does that compare to white rates of the same illness?

You can't just compare trends in one group and say "Ah ha!"

Anyway, if you take political agendas out of this, I'm quite sure the answer is that mixing is both good and bad.

Hybrid vigor is an observable in other mammals in terms of health and longevity. On the other hand, there are documented health problems with mixed ethnicity humans.

As a mixed person myself, I can at least say anecdotally that my immune system seems significantly stronger than average. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been six in the last decade and I've literally never had a bacterial infection of any sort to my knowledge. But, I also have fairly crippling depression. So, there's that.

>> No.7437109

Wow, epic memes bro. Did you get them from reddit?

As you niggers would say : smh fam kill urself tbh

>> No.7437112

Mixing with subhumans such as niggers would lead to a global lowering of the average IQ. I mean look at Brazil.

>> No.7437114

>Except the scientists you speak of were constrained by Christian (or similar) dogma presented as prejudice
Firstly Galileo is not the only scientist to be subject of mockery due claims that challenged previous existing dogmas and you are now using false analogy, I posted sound argument not backing it with any dogma but scientific evidence but the one that seems to be using something akin to dogma is you while spouting logical fallacies.

>> No.7437116
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>> No.7437117

It comes down to you not wanting to entertain different ideas. I don't see any explanation why these people are wrong, just a whole bunch of appeals to association and ad hominems.

It's a joke how partial you are to your own ideas and how you then proceed to say how ideologies have no place in science.

>> No.7437118

>You have no argument to attack m8, and you don't listen to reason
Now ad hominen, now you are just logical fallacy generator

>> No.7437120


Please reason with us. Even just a little bit.

>> No.7437123
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Scientists have shown ancient pre-modern humans mated with neandertals, desovians and possibly other ancient humans. Modern humans seemed to have turned out pretty well today.

So I think the consensus is yes, yes it does bolster at least positive health and maybe IQ effects for survival. Since you know we do the same fucking thing with our fucking farm food.

Unless now you're claiming pre-modern humans were smarter and more healthy than modern humans.

>> No.7437126 [DELETED] 

I can imagine your thought process.

My superior vocabulary must have confused your puny nigger brain. I'm sure I made you genuinely angry. Unable to muster up an intellectually convincing response due to your genetic inferiority, you resorted to posting memes you dowloaded from 9gag in an attempt to make me stop posting.

Won't work nigger. Spare me the trouble and hang yourself.

>> No.7437129
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>> No.7437134 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that you'll never be white and will always be an ugly, stupid nigger.

I'd rather be dead than be a nigger tbh

>> No.7437144
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>> No.7437145

Which is your post? There's a lot of /pol/tards here, I'm just assuming the worst, really.

>It's a joke how partial you are to your own ideas and how you then proceed to say how ideologies have no place in science.
I have little to no ideas on the subject because despite my uni level bio, I'm not qualified, most likely a lack of creditentials I share with the majority of the thread.

All I know is that as a general rule, the more inbreeding there is there is a higher chance for deficient mutations (eg. genetic islands like the Amish with 6 fingers and such), and that more genetically diverse offspring have a quantifiably (important factor) better immune system. A lot of the studies here point to mental health, something A LOT harder to link to genetics than our immunological response.

It is also somewhat telling that a lot of the results when you google 'Outbreeding depression in humans' are actually political forums and not scholarly sites, though. (Feel free to blame that on scientists who are 'afraid to speak out'.)

That's funny because I could easily mistake you for a shitposter, care to point me to your quality posts?

>> No.7437157

>I'd rather be dead than be a nigger tbh

And yet you probably also think that white people are oppressed.

>> No.7437170

>simply because divergences in gene expression due environmental conditions are very limited.

[citation needed]
Why can't you make these threads on /pol/?

>> No.7437181

Also, following on from the second point. Studies that use 'race' as a group are notorious for their ill-defined boundaries for determining what that actually is. It really is not a very scientific type of grouping.

>> No.7437186


My idea is that more research should be done in gene expression between races before we conclude that race-mixing is beneficial due to 'genetic diversity'.

Inbreeding can be avoided in very low populations. I'm questioning whether there is an 'upper limit' to biodiverse couples producing healthier children, where the negative outweigh the positives.

>Feel free to blame that on scientists who are 'afraid to speak out'

That's actually a significant concern. We are at a point where science is being curtailed to fit the narrative of leftist ideology. Papers get falsified no matter what I suppose, but it's scary nonetheless.

>> No.7437189


I think the real question is why can't we have this discussion without bringing up politics?

Race politics should have nothing to do with race research but if someone mentions that there may be difference between races, all of a sudden their branded as neo-nazis.

>> No.7437191

>That's funny because I could easily mistake you for a shitposter
Ok let me see your post
>It is also somewhat telling that a lot of the results when you google 'Outbreeding depression in humans' are actually political forums and not scholarly sites, though. (Feel free to blame that on scientists who are 'afraid to speak out'.)
You clearly don't know how google works and how find academic papers, also your *use of emoticon... clearly not a shitposter right?
>A LOT harder to link to genetics than our immunological response
Several studies confirm that mental health is strongly linked with genetics
My point stands

>> No.7437206

Meditation cures all illness


>> No.7437207

The simple existence of genetic traits with consistent high heritability even while accounting different environments is enough of proof that environment-related gene expression or suppression is limited.

>> No.7437214

I agree that more research should be done in theory. The problem comes to the point where you end up trying to define race (a somewhat antiquated term) in an objective scientific study, see >>7437181
>That's actually a significant concern.
Yes, I know. But to propose an argument from ignorance would be absurd, as I'm sure you know
>We are at a point where science is being curtailed to fit the narrative of leftist ideology.
I personally don't see this, but that's another topic.

>You clearly don't know how google works and how find academic papers, also your *use of emoticon... clearly not a shitposter right?
What are you even saying? I'm just noting that a lot of those people who are asking about 'outbreeding' are those that know little about the subject of genetics and asking for points of view to support their ALREADY FORMED opinion. Not scientific.
>Several studies confirm that mental health is strongly linked with genetics
I'm not saying genetic disorders don't have genetic links at all, I'm saying that those links are much harder to define than the contrasting immuno benefits. You can't just link one PubMed that supports your hypothesis (which is what by the way? You have not been clear at all) and say 'job done'.

Also, your link has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

>> No.7437217

>Meditation cures all illness
Very scientific of you like always

>> No.7437220



>> No.7437234


> My idea is that more research should be done in gene expression between races before we conclude that race-mixing is beneficial due to 'genetic diversity'.

We do it's called researching haplogroups/types, which is a more sufficient way of studying human population than categorizing by race.


>I think the real question is why can't we have this discussion without bringing up politics?

Because it will get too technical and pretty much cut the participant count in such threads by at least 2/3. Some posters basically use politics/nationality/race as a "foot in the door" to get into a discussion that technically there not really ready for.

>> No.7437237

>I'm saying that those links are much harder to define than the contrasting immuno benefits
What sort of immune benefits are you talking about?maybe about increased asthma and worse health?

>> No.7437243

> ... 'race' as a group are notorious for their ill-defined boundaries

That is a problem. Perhaps there's been too much interbreeding already. I truly believe that we should be grouped as different sub-species. But in the end, if interbreeding is inevitable, I suppose there's no point.

>But to propose an argument from ignorance would be absurd, as I'm sure you know

But the argument is that we are ignorant because research is not being done to look into these potential differences.

>I personally don't see this, but that's another topic.

It is off-topic, so I'll be short. Academia has become politicized. It's all liberalism. They make you go through this whole long indoctrination process while getting your certification in areas that don't even require you to go through that humanities nonsense. People other than scientists themselves are tasked with keeping things 'ethical' and they apply this twisted liberal logic to where grant money gets allocated.

>> No.7437251


>We do it's called researching haplogroups/types

I've been using race as a sort of shorthand for haplogroup. They're essentially the same, no?

> politics/nationality/race as a "foot in the door" to get into a discussion that technically there not really ready for.

Good point. That's a shame, people and their ignorance suck. They ruin it for the people who want to genuinely learn.

>> No.7437257


>They're essentially the same, no?

What I mean by this is, people of a certain haplogroup are going to be of a similar phenotype.

>> No.7437260

>still believing in race or subspecies
>all humans are still the same species
>not believing cultures has everything to do with why people are either really dumb or really smart
You people make me sad. Genetics plays such a negligible part in "intelligence". Different people in different locations have adapted to those locations throughout the years, like Nepal people in the higher elevations and the Africans and their dark skin and hair. Some groups of people are more susceptible to disease than others because of lack of "herd immunity". Dumbfuck children are produced because of bad parenting and environmental factors. You make a child, any fucking child doesn't matter the race, sit and learn from the day it talks and reasons till it's 18 and tell me it becomes a dumbfuck because it's black or mexican or something? No, it's going to know a lot of shit, whether he/she applies his/her knowledge is up to him/her and how he/her was raised. You people need to grow up
This excludes any genetic factors that makes a child develop autism, downs, or any of those other mental defects that have obviously been caused by genetic abnormalities.

>> No.7437262


> Academia has become politicized.

Anon academia has been politicized since it's inception. It's gone against the grain of entire national governments, found it self being funded by religious organizations and utilize to wage war or push for social agendas.

What's happening now is no different, in fact it's pretty much the norm at this point.

>> No.7437268


But those phenotypes are not limited to that specific group of people. This is where I think a lot of people are not understanding. Because these traits can be found, or can be carried on to different groups, in almost any group of people is why they're not a different "group" of humans, races are not subspecies of one group of homo-sapiens

>> No.7437272

So you're linking the same (one) study where a few kids self-reported their own "race", and saying this study deserves as much credit as the reams of studies (that instead use haplogroups, SNPs, etc.) supporting that diversity is healthy in organisms from zebra-fish to mouse to human?


>> No.7437273


Yes, haplogroups has contextually similar traits to race but with a bigger focuses more on geographic sub - divisions/trails and subtle molecular properties.

>> No.7437278


It's still not ideal for science, which requires as much impartialness as is possible.

This particular PC culture brewing in academia messes up a lot. You can't offend anyone with your results or there goes your funding.

>> No.7437281

Who do you think is mainly funding scientists and how do you think it's changed in the last 100 Years?

>> No.7437283


See I don't agree with that. Wouldn't the haplogroups themselves be sub-species? Is it ultimately just semantics?

I'd like to rephrase my initial question:

Is haplogroup-mixing beneficial for health and intelligence or does it carry risks?

>> No.7437284


But again this is nothing new.


>> No.7437288

PCness is overbearing but that's more down to social media than any agenda, and by is no means exclusive to academia. To think that any body could identify with the left leaves me with a sad smirk, speaking as a socialist.

>> No.7437290


I think it's changed in the last 50. Government grants, private companies, funding can come from many different places, all of whom are affected by the leftist ideologies being pushed on virtually everyone attending uni.

>> No.7437291


I'm not happy with the new Church of Seculuar Leftism.

>> No.7437296

Isolation increases biodiversity. Miscegenation decreases the total amount of different gene combinations.

>> No.7437297
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>Wouldn't the haplogroups themselves be sub-species?

>> No.7437299


Not that anon but all forms of genetic mixing carry a certain amount of risk due to the fact everyone is carrying some unspecific number of genes that is older than most human cultures.

The general idea is as long as the genes isn't actively hampering you at the moment they're okay. Yeah it's not a great thought process or method but considering we didn't have our current medical knowledge hundreds of thousands of years ago it's passable.

>> No.7437302

>Is haplogroup-mixing beneficial for health and intelligence or does it carry risks?
Both, but a net benefit.

>> No.7437305



You donut.

>> No.7437307

>It's still not ideal for science
Its the same as ideal human or ideal govrnment, it does not exist for real and will never be real.

>> No.7437309


How is that net benefit calculated and what are the pros/cons?

>> No.7437326

The term is "genetic population", a haplogroup only looks at a small percentage of the person in questions DNA (ie. a set of SNPS on Y-chromosome, 0.001% of total genome) , whereas a subspecies is defined by phenotypic effects expressed in a certain population. For example, a wild type e. coli can metabolise lactose, a lac- cannot.

>> No.7437333

>supporting that diversity is healthy in organisms
Scientists agree that diversity is healthily to a degree outbreeding depression exist for that same reason.

>> No.7437347

>So you're linking the same (one) study where a few kids self-reported their own "race", and saying this study deserves as much credit as the reams of studies (that instead use haplogroups, SNPs, etc.) supporting that diversity is healthy in organisms from zebra-fish to mouse to human?
You are missing the point, the optimal mating pastern is most likely the one that balances both out-breeding depression and inbreeding depression.

>> No.7437355


Alright. I understand it's not enough to differentiate haplogroups as distinct sub-species.

But seeing as Human DNA is supposedly 99+% similar across 'races', this brings me back to genetic expression and the lack of research on it.

>> No.7437356

Could you explain me,
lest say we have 100people from one country where avg IQ=110 and we have country where avg IQ = 70, if we mix them 1:1, what would be avg IQ those 100 offsprings?

>> No.7437361

Chimpanzee is 98% human and banana is 50% human.

>> No.7437363


Genetic inheritance doesn't work intuitively in regards to intelligence as much as I'd love to say the new groups' IQ would tend towards 90 the real answer is unknown as intelligence as a concept isn't perfectly quantifiable.

I'd love to test the shit out of mixed babies and their parents.

>> No.7437368

Ok, I realise this now. But the problems caused by inbreeding do seem to be more readily appparent. Anyway this is beginning to go round in circles so I'll sign off with a couple of links.


>> No.7437372

IQ from mixed race babies normally scores between parents average.

>> No.7437379



If so, in that example it would tend toward 90, but we cannot be certain, as there are way too many variables.

>> No.7437380

>But the problems caused by inbreeding do seem to be more readily apparent.
Probably but because inbreeding is more likely to kill the offspring its also less likely to decrease the fitness from gene pool.

>> No.7437397

It could also be that we simply have more cases of severe inbreeding than severe outbreeding.

Inbreeding has existed for a very long time, but mass miscegenation even being possible is a very new thing.

>> No.7437399

it depends . any change would be measured against 1 group at a time . for blacks its probably a godsend . they hope they can get smarter because they are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to standardized test scores

for asians and whites its a threat of dilution of superior genes .

>> No.7437406

Hey /sci/, if there's no significant biological or genetic difference between the races, why are white people so crazy?

>> No.7437413

Eyferth (1961) study of two groups of illegitimate children fathered by (mostly) American black and white servicemen and brought up by their (carefully matched) German mothers. Eyferth reported an average IQ of 96.5 for the mixed race children and of 97.2 for the whites. Lynn reduces the former number to 94 to compensate for use of an old test, and compares it, not with the score of the white sample, but with an average IQ of 100 for German children. He is thus able to conclude that the IQ of these mixed race children is half way between that of Americans and Africans. He derives the same conclusion from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) transracial adoption study since, at the 10-year follow-up, the mixed race children had an average IQ of 94, mid-way between the 102 of the white children and the 89 of the black children. He omits to mention one of the more salient features of this follow-up, namely, that there had been substantial attrition in the white sample—with a loss of those children with lower IQ scores, resulting in an overestimate of the white group's IQ by some 6 points.

>> No.7437416

>Inbreeding has existed for a very long time, but mass miscegenation even being possible is a very new thing.
You have a point, it might be true

>> No.7437418


Honestly better infrastructure for academics and health would be a much more significant godsend than genetics.

Because with blacks the problem isn't producing smart people, it's keeping them.

I mean it's pretty fucking hard to convince a smart black let alone a smart person of any race to stay in the ghettos of a city or country.

>> No.7437427

This is the worst thread I have ever seen holy fuck

>> No.7437432

While whites are more likely to have severe mental illness than Asians and Blacks no group is more mentally ill than american natives.

>> No.7437439

I know right

So many "genetics don't matter!" fags

>> No.7437445

By what magical mechanism has the brain been exempt from evolution?

>> No.7437461


Considering we have pretty much put them in neanderthal tier levels of referencing I don't blame them.

I mean when was the last time the media or any national/international community refer to native americans or their culture outside the past tense or for scientific/historical reasons.

At this point I think even australian aboriginals are more relevant today than native americans.

>> No.7437483

It isn't about a "magical mechanism", I'm not saying a brain is "exempt" from evolution, that isn't even how it works.
A person from Africa is just as capable of being knowledgeable as a person from European, just as a person from either can learn as much as a person from Asia, and vice-versa. "race" has no affect on the ability for a person to learn and apply the knowledge.

>> No.7437494

Genetics DOES effect the ability of a person to learn and apply knowledge.
This is reality.

>> No.7437520


That's interesting. Fits so perfectly with the IQ metrics.

>> No.7437523


Then how come, on average, they aren't?

Blame society all you want. There are genetic differences too.

Why are black countries lagging behind, despite owning a HUGE chunk of the world's resources and land?

>> No.7437532

All of the adoption studies and psychometric tests so far show the opposite is true, but feel free to keep spouting your liberal nonsense.

>> No.7437534

Intelligence is as heritable as height.

>> No.7437538

ITT: stormfront copypasta

>> No.7437553

Actually recent findings point that IQ is highly genetic and heritable unlike height while height is affected by genetic factors it does not plays major role.

>> No.7437555

I wonder how this works for individuals like Ben Carson, who claims to have 20% European and 80% African ancestry.

>> No.7437556

ITT:using adhominem and appeal to association after losing argumentation.

>> No.7437568

Members of all racial-ethnic groups can be found at every IQ level but frequencies of high IQ individuals among Sub-Saharan population is notably low if compared with Europeans and Asians.

>> No.7437574

> losing argumentation.
> this is what stormfront actually believes

>> No.7437580

>Avoids argumentation and spouts logical fallacies specially ad hominem and appeal to association
Far from polite right?

>> No.7437584


This is very true.

Their mean IQ is lower, so there are intelligent black people.

But I'm sure there's a huge brain drain as it is harder to find a comparably smart black partner than it is to find a smart partner of another race.

>> No.7437638


> Why are black countries lagging behind, despite owning a HUGE chunk of the world's resources and land?

Not him but we have been through this before the "land" Africa has is worthLESS than in other places because the quality of it is poor.

Look up arable land and soil quality for each country. The only sub-saharan african country that has been doing consistently decent throughout recorded history is Nigeria.


The majority of the brain drain comes from leaving their initial geographic home to a spot somewhere that discourages them from going back to it.

Also it's not just about trying to find another smart mate it's about avoiding having your lineage getting absorbed by a bigger population. Which is tough because intelligent couples regardless of race on average have less kids.

>> No.7437909

My evolutionary biology professor is actually one of the leading experts on the topic. Race mixing is great and leads to healthier, fitter people.
Race mixing --> heterozygosity --> better genes --> better adapted to any environment --> more symmetrical --> more attractive --> more fit

>> No.7437916
File: 90 KB, 1173x501, hybrid vig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does race-mixing have health/IQ bolstering effects or does it lead to unhealthy dumbfuck children?
Neither, depends solely on the parents.

Anyone saying otherwise is an idiot.

>> No.7437920

>Race mixing --> heterozygosity
Your prof is a retard.

>> No.7437927

I agree with

Also, I'm a completely fine with race mixing, I almost envision that in the far future way forward all human lineage will be mixed. The whole earth populated by homo-sapiens whose differences are purely characteristic, race is non-existent. We wouldn't need to deal with any SJW's bitching about privilege, no tension within countries, much more cooperation between regions, no bloody fascists, sounds like a scientific utopia to me.

>> No.7437939

Isn't it adorable that /pol/ uses the region with the longest and most intensive migration of people for genetical superiorty nonsense?

>> No.7437940

Nah man, if certain alleles are more common in one ethnic group, and other alleles are more common in another, and these people mate, those kids are going to have greater variation in alleles and genes. They'll have increased levels of heterozygosity

>> No.7437942

Until the industrial revolution Europe was the fuckbuddy of the known world. Africa, Asia even a bunch of neanderthals.

>> No.7437943

That there are consistent genetic differences coinciding with what we (coarsely) call race is undeniable fact. The most visible evidence would be variations in skin colour.

That there are genes which are associated with certain temperaments, or mental/psychological attributes I should think would be unquestionable also.
Whether these are all equally distributed across all the peoples' of Earth is debatable, but it does seem as though it would be unlikely.

Probability estimate that there is an element of truth to some 'racist' sentiments: >90%.

>> No.7437948

>Probability estimate that there is an element of truth to some 'racist' sentiments: >90%.


>> No.7437954

Ay it's just my estimate - I think there is very likely some gradual variation in psychological traits among people.

>> No.7437956

There is already heterozygosity in these populations. Someone could mate with someone in their population with the other allele and they could mate with someone with the same allele in the other population.

Also for relevant immunological genes there are countless alleles in each population above the upper limit of how many each person can have.

This prof sounds like a retarded zoologist who doesn't know what he's talking about. "expert" in racemixing. From /pol/ U, right? LOL

>> No.7437957

Europe is a prime example how cultural exchange can work like a catalysis and the mixing is just a byproduct.

Ethnic groups which are isolated are exactly the ones who get called underdeveloped and inferior. /pol/ just doesn't get it how flawed its logic is.

>> No.7437967

top kek mate, if anything it sounds like you belong on stormfront. Harvard and Yale University are where the dude got his advanced degrees. But yes, he is encouraging race mixing.


>> No.7437978

And yet he couldn't get his bullishit published in anything better than freerepublic. No surprise.

>> No.7437982

>implying race has anything to do with intelligence

>> No.7437988

that was the first thing I found lol forgive me

>> No.7437989


>> No.7438003

I wonder just how ugly they are without makeup.

>> No.7438004
File: 47 KB, 360x220, 9715926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7438005

She has makeup on in that picture.

>> No.7438006

Racemixing is a good thing, as it single out race traitors for an easy purging in the future.
After all, they can't unmongrel their bloodline once it's done.

>> No.7438018
File: 176 KB, 624x400, Spencer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, I find it odd that that pic is always tagged "this is what the average human/woman will look like in X years", when clearly this is a face on the very attactive edge of the mass.
Yes, if you average out 100 faces, you get a symmetrical good looking one, but the average face is quite far from that averaged out face.
The average woman will have these mixed features, and then 5 in 100 women will look as good, just as today the average person doesn't look hot.

Secondly, kek at this girl retreeting pepe. Shit really is mainstream isn't it..

>> No.7438019

In terms of attractiveness
Mixed people >>> single raced people

>> No.7438021

Only a mongrel would claim this.

>> No.7438023

It probably has to do with exoticism

>> No.7438024

there are beautiful and ugly people of all races, this includes the mixed race people. please don't be so stupid

>> No.7438028

A few thoughts
1) At some point, similarity obviously becomes bad. Hence you cannot bonk your hot sister in this cruel world
2) At some point, dissimilarity becomes bad. Hence a lion can mate with a tiger, but the offspring is not fit enough to survive
3) There was a study done about a year ago that found that our group of friends are, on average, as related to us as fourth cousins. This really struck me. I must find out how related a fourth cousin is, in terms of sharing DNA, compared to the rest of the population. It could be that a 4th cousin is essentially no different than a randomly selected person. But if not, i.e. if we do share considerable DNA with a 4th cousins, and we choose to form friendship groups with 4th cousins, and we tend to select our mate from those friendship groups (as I believe we do), then that might suggest that we have evolved to find a genetically similar mate.
4) A very simple argument against total race mixing is the existence of dog breeds. Tell a farmer that they need to mix all their highly intelligent border collies into mutts to make them more diverse and hence better. They'll tell you that a typical mutt cannot do the farming job of the collie, and hence "no."

>> No.7438029
File: 1.16 MB, 748x922, 62ea99a36aa33fa82769235a7ed0420c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they used a good looking young woman as cover girl because reasons.

But NG didn't do a bad job at picking average looking people for the story.

>> No.7438031


>> No.7438033
File: 1.42 MB, 1136x1572, Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd imagine exotics traits to be a preferable feature, but how to quantify this when individuals attractiveness is so wide varied?
Box the whole of girls of a race into 10 categories and then compare the bins? I guess you're saying that the 6/10 bin girls of the mixed race boxes top the ones of the single race ones?

>> No.7438034

>implying the races don't self-segregate
>implying after 200 years of cohabitation black and white admixture in the USA is any higher than like 3%

>> No.7438035

they look so futuristic

>> No.7438038

It's the eyes. Heavily edited photographs.

>> No.7438043

>mfw my specific ethnic group has the most attractive girl to me
I even look a lot like the guy lol. Well I guess I'm going back to the homeland to find le wife. No need to racemix, I'm already born into perfection. ;)

>> No.7438046
File: 163 KB, 287x434, down_syndrom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only the women, really.

And then, of those women, if you make the eyes less yellow, some will just look black.

>> No.7438050
File: 731 KB, 677x707, Bildschirmfoto 2015-08-02 um 13.36.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?
Sadly, I can't really find myself.

>> No.7438059

the eyes are hilarious.

in the vast majority of cases, mixed race people will have brown eyes, but they cherry pick and touch up the images to make it seem like a population of mixed race people will be full of turtle shell green eyes.

>> No.7438063

It's a quite popular effect in American magazines I don't get it though.

>> No.7438077

So the endgame is that we all look like Mexicans?

>> No.7438128


>> No.7438129

>asian features

>> No.7438137
File: 176 KB, 590x409, real-median-household-income-by-race-and-hispanic-origin-of-householder-1967-to-2011-USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White and Asians will mix the most the next decades.

Blacks will stay the most isolated group.

>> No.7438217

>link to a dozen studies showing negative effects on mixed-race children

Politically correct horseshit has no place in science.

>> No.7438221

no such thing as race.
what the fuck do you think has been going on for the nearly 2 million years of evolution. fucking idiots, what are you doing in the science section you fucking moron.

>> No.7438226

>genes are a social construct!

>> No.7438229

>>no such thing as race
>subspecies don't exist
>everyone is the same species and doesn't have major deviations
I'll take what are phenotypes for $100 trebeck

>> No.7438241

Nice greentext.

>> No.7438245

It does not directly but we also know that distinct racial traits and intelligence are mainly determined by genes, we also know that geographically isolated human populations with distinct ethnic traits are also very likely to share genes included the ones that contribute with behavior and intelligence, i.e. race is a relatively reliable predictor of intelligence, behavior and fitness.

>> No.7438246


>> No.7438282

If you're against the preservation of the white races native to Europe you are racist.

>> No.7438295
File: 20 KB, 500x436, IMG_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a surprise, 4chan /sci/ thread flooded with highschoolers who have clearly not studied anything above dipshit backdoor entry level biology. sad.

>> No.7438311


Fantastic argument, you certainly schooled those bigots with all that science in your post!

>> No.7438349

Does anybody else really REALLY REALLY want to see what would happen if someone tried fertilising a bonobo with human sperm or vice-versa?

>> No.7438506
File: 243 KB, 628x656, Brazilmotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7438986

Whats a bonobo?

>> No.7439138

Why is this stormfront shit still up?

>> No.7439475

Up to 60% humans in Brazil are infected with
Toxoplasma Gondii, just a google search would
send you to countless studies.
While in europe we talk about 9% -7% of general population.
In America i guess it's higher consider men go to south America for sex vacations.

>> No.7439482



>> No.7439521

tfw my half Jamaican friend recently died because cancer is so much harder to detect, yet more likely to happen to mixes

>> No.7439564

>Anyone who kills
are you 12

>> No.7439590

Why don't you try to debunk it, you little idiot?

Please take your bullshit elsewhere,not our fault you get offended by uncomfortable facts.

>> No.7439592

Because facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.7439595

ignorants don't either

>learn to proofs`

>> No.7439597

Why do niggers overuse that word.

>> No.7439628

becaise that's what racists call black people?


>> No.7439632

>becaise that's what racists call black people?
"Racists" call black people "ignorants"?

No, we call them niggers, jigaboos, pavement apes, coons, etc.

>> No.7439655

>the same as everyone else

>> No.7439667

Hey you can call yourself a racit as long as you want, again as long as you don't hurt anyone else no one gives a fuck the moment you kill another human being and because you're stupid you killed him for no other reason than his skin color you end up with the real "negros" in prison forever spreading your butthole to them, not before they smash your face into the wall leaving you in a perpetual state of braindead.

>> No.7439675

White people don't attack people based on their race. Only niggers do that.

>> No.7439679

>Sure, but humans are basically 99.9% the same.
Stop it with that bullshit already.

We are 98.5% genetically similar to chimpanzees. Nim Chimpsky's dna was only 1.24% different from ours.

Yes, 0.1% difference is huge, considering it is nearly one tenth of the difference between a man and an ape.

>> No.7439703

Well I don't know then the problem is greater than me and my opinion, for myself as I observed how things go around I'll stay away from poor black people that identify themselves as gangsters, I will avoid violence verbal and physical around towards other races, and protect my body and brain as much as I can until biological death finishes this experience for me all this while living non-violent.
But i kinda feel like shit for letting this go so easy, I just want to work out my brain to give the best solution for problems like this but i feel like I'm neither smart enough neither experienced enough. I just fee llike education is required on both sides, white and blacks to fix this racism and violence problem.

>> No.7439745

>, white and blacks to fix this racism and violence problem.
The only way to fix this violence problem would be eugenics

>> No.7439748

aka race mixing

glad you agree, inbreeding is bad for society.

>> No.7439750

>aka race mixing
No, aka sterilizing all niggers.

Look up the word "eugenics" you stupid nigger.

>> No.7439757

eugenics is the science of breeding the best humans.

This is race mixing.

congrats, you've found your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.7439758

Or you could stop the school to prison pipeline, racial targeting and profiling, and welfare encouraging a shitty culture.

>> No.7439763

more like this
^ this one is no-no.
this guy gets eugenics.

But again if we want to remain talking animals we will remain talking animals and another bigger smarter talking animal will destroy us.
I think we should evolve and learn to co-exist with other races because we can totally do that we just have to fix ourselves first then fix the society which is obviously the product of our inner world.

>> No.7439765

>eugenics is the science of breeding the best humans.

>This is race mixing.
No. It's making sure the bottom of the barrel of humanity doesn't reproduce. Who are the worst humans? The subspecies known as "niggers".

Do you have cuckold fantasies anon?

>Or you could stop the school to prison pipeline
Nobody is pushing niggers to be worthless criminals, it's their nature.

>racial targeting and profiling
This is incredibly stupid. Niggers commit the most street crime, it is logical for cops to be weary of them.

>and welfare encouraging a shitty culture.
I'm all for ending welfare.

>> No.7439768

>I think we should evolve and learn to co-exist with other races because we can totally do that we just have to fix ourselves first then fix the society which is obviously the product of our inner world.
Enough with this nonsense. Whites don't "hate" niggers for looking different. Whites (heck, not only whites, asians and hispanics too hate you stupid nigs) hate niggers because niggers are a nuisance. They have low intelligence, high aggressivity, can't control their lust, are rude, are prone to crime, and many other shitty behaviors.

The reason why racism exists is because niggers behave like subhuman savages.

>> No.7439769

you think, in your small, inbred mind that a monoculture is healthy, and despite any evidence, you think other races have no potential dNA that would benefit the future.

What you fail to understand is that biodiversity is about having a sufficient reservoir of DNA to adapt to the changing environments.

You're inadvertently forgetting in hubris that the world will remain static.

>> No.7439777

>you think, in your small, inbred mind that a monoculture is healthy
I don't "think", it's a simple fact. Homogeneous societies such as Japan or South Korea have low crime rates. "Diverse" societies such as Brazil are shitholes.

Of course, homogeneous african countries are also shitholes, because niggers can't into civilization, but that is besides the point.

>and despite any evidence, you think other races have no potential dNA that would benefit the future.
The only relevant genes are those who increase intelligence, which niggers lack.

>What you fail to understand is that biodiversity is about having a sufficient reservoir of DNA to adapt to the changing environments.
In case you hadn't noticed, humans have come up with this thing called "civilization" which makes environmental factors pretty much irrelevant.

>You're inadvertently forgetting in hubris that the world will remain static.
What a load of horseshit. An ethnically homogeneous europe created the modern world.

>> No.7439800

You're afraid that if we complete successful eugenics, you'll be castrated because you've inbred too much.

I understand this fear, but it's a weakness you see. Your weakness is what you fear.

It's ironic, don't you see?

>> No.7439801

Do you have multiple degrees from Oxford and Columbia university in Chemical Engineering and Economics? Then shut up, because I know several Black people who do.

>> No.7439804

Then my final question, because i completely refuse to act against violence with violence, and i refuse to think about anything so inhuman such as extermination.
What is to be done against all this? The bigger picture how can we co-exist peacefully, isn't our right as superior intellectual race to help the lesser ones?

>> No.7439812
File: 972 KB, 270x165, GauICPa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody is pushing niggers to be worthless criminals, it's their nature.

I mean, it's likely but there is a system setup to take advantage of it and make it even worse. We're not going anything to make it better, that's for sure. All we're doing is destroying the African-American family unit and encouraging less education and more bad behavior.

>This is incredibly stupid. Niggers commit the most street crime, it is logical for cops to be weary of them.

It does happen, it's proven, and even if they do commit more crime per capita without racial profiling, there is a lot that has to be done to stop encouraging the destruction of the african-american family unit.

>I'm all for ending welfare.

I'm not for ending it all entirely, but it's blatantly obvious it's being abused by she-boons with tons of kids, although that's fairly rare these days because abortions are encouraged in dindu areas.

>> No.7439820

Intellectually superior race? What are you talking about? The Arabs progressed human development while Europe was busy burning witches. It all comes and goes. Every human is so similar genetically, race alone is not a significant influence. Environment certainly does, and that explains why some places produce more than others, at different period of time. The Western Europeans just happened to be the ones to develop modern technology. It could just have easily been a different group.

>> No.7439827

>You're afraid that if we complete successful eugenics, you'll be castrated because you've inbred too much.
Nope, I'm not a nigger so I'm not at risk. You on the other hand...

I've gone to a better university than both of these.

Are you a convicted felon? Because I know many black people who are. 1/3 of black males, in fact.

> mean, it's likely but there is a system setup to take advantage of it and make it even worse
Nope, no system. Niggers are given free schooling but would rather act gangsta, then complain when they suffer the consequences.

>It does happen, it's proven, and even if they do commit more crime per capita without racial profiling, there is a lot that has to be done to stop encouraging the destruction of the african-american family unit.
The destruction of the black family unit has nothing to do with racial profiling. It has more to do with niggers being savage lustful beasts.

>What is to be done against all this? The bigger picture how can we co-exist peacefully, isn't our right as superior intellectual race to help the lesser ones?

>> No.7439833

Thank you for shading light upon my head,
I lost my ideas with trying to beat the racism out
most people head, but the problem is more sophisticated than that, we let our minds get deceived by others opinion.
My mother told me a story today about my best friend from childhood ( which i magically don't remember ), we were best friends until one day everyone laughed at him that he's fat and I got caught in the moment laughing as well and avoiding him.. I think that was the day I accepted society.

>> No.7439840

>Intellectually superior race? What are you talking about?
Take a good look around you.

Most of what you see was designed by white men. Thanks whitey!

>The Arabs progressed human development while Europe was busy burning witches
And what were niggers in that time? Living in their shit-huts, like they still do today.

>Every human is so similar genetically, race alone is not a significant influence.

>Environment certainly does, and that explains why some places produce more than others, at different period of time.
Environment certainly doesn't influence that much. Look at twin adoption studies.

>The Western Europeans just happened to be the ones to develop modern technology. It could just have easily been a different group.
The only other realistic contenders would have been the Chinese.

To believe that the cannibalistic pygmy tribes of the Congo rainforest could've developped modern technology is on a whole new level of pure retardation.

>> No.7439843
File: 23 KB, 480x360, bobby-the-inbred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develops logically inconsistent position regarding inbreeding in environment to counteract the feeling of weakness and sterility that comes from inbreeding

>doesn't realize it's ironic that an inbred would suggest against race mixing because he's too inbred to understand how his weakness makes humanity less fit

>> No.7439858

You will die one day, and you'll feel sad in that last moment.

>> No.7439883
File: 4 KB, 144x167, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh noes, appeal to god on /sci/

>>>/x/ or >>>/pol/ are for you

>> No.7439915

Your whole argument hinges on the fact that whites are more inbred than niggers.

That is not true. Niggers are way more inbred than whites.

>> No.7439918

[citation needed]

>> No.7439937

Have you not yet evolved the intelligence required to use google?

>> No.7439939

oh i'm sorry, was I suppose to spew my opinion without any facts?

>> No.7439944

>was I suppose to spew my opinion without any facts?
That's what you've been doing the entire thread you fucking nigger.

>> No.7439950

>the fact that whites are more inbred
>the fact

>> No.7439954

top kek
is >>>/pol/ in here

>> No.7439963


I'll never understand nigger babble.

>> No.7439995

Yeah, we get it, you're a retard that can't into language acquisition.

You realize, admitting your ignorance isn't proof of you being right or intelligent.

>> No.7440006

No, the problem here is that you're denying the fact that there are genetic differences among races. That races show certain psychological traits that differ on average, and that these traits are the result of genes. The idea of total racila equality is an absurd idea, and you should trying to act like its something real when nobody in this thread has done a good job defending it, except idiots like this >>7439801

who pretty much prove us right by resorting to anecdotal evidence.

Also, the fact that you're seriously arguing that whites are more inbred is so amazingly idiotic that its sounds like a tactic a Afrocentric would use.

>> No.7440014

[citation needed[

>> No.7440018


This meme really needs to die. There are no benefits to third world shitskins.

>> No.7440020

>Yeah, we get it, you're a retard that can't into language acquisition.
Protip : "lrn2fact" is not an argument you stupid nignog

>> No.7440023

You'd just discard it. What's the point?

>> No.7440025

[citation needed[

>> No.7440028

You do know that by being childish you're proving my point right? Nigs can't argue intelligenty

>> No.7440030

It's actually pretty horrifying that in 2015, people still deny that genes exist.

It's on the same level as believing stars are chinks in the floor of heaven. I can't even comprehend what its like to be as ignorant as a liberal.

>> No.7440032

>genes exist
>we should inbreed genes
>diversity is horrible

>> No.7440038

>genes exist
>we should reproduce with retarded turd world criminals

"Diversity" is, actually, horrible. It's not like you dumb cucks ever argue for letting doctors or scientists in, it's always criminal drug lord rapists you want to flood first world countries with.

>> No.7440041

>inbreed genes
What the fuck does "inbreed genes" mean?

You clearly have no knowledge of genetics

>> No.7440050
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>> No.7440054
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>> No.7440057

They were an isolated group of people, and they actually bred between five families.

Also, their families were large enough to out-breed their condition. There's only one left with the full trait, and I think he died recently.

>> No.7440058

I used to think mixed race people looked good, until I realized it's only the ones who are half-white. Look no further than Brazil for proof.

>> No.7440063
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>> No.7440070

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid

>> No.7440079
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>> No.7440085
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>> No.7440089
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>yfw inbreeding and poverty are correlated

>> No.7440090

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid

>> No.7440091
File: 94 KB, 728x546, 13-genetic-engineering-bw-5-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7440092

Yeah, those jews sure are poor

>> No.7440094

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid

>> No.7440098
File: 124 KB, 480x320, austin-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not a woman that's a manatee, baby!

>> No.7440101
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>> No.7440118

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid

Niggers are more inbred than whites

>> No.7440120
File: 94 KB, 632x512, Hybrid_vigor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7440125

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid.

Niggers are more inbred than whites

>> No.7440133
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>> No.7440136
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>> No.7440140
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>not inbred

>> No.7440143

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid.

Niggers are more inbred than whites

>> No.7440145
File: 145 KB, 809x427, google-chrome3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7440148

You're proving us right that niggers are stupid.

Niggers are more inbred than whites

>> No.7440150

Which proves that most of intelligence is genetic.

Go ruin your family line somewhere else, you dumb cuck. I hope your mudblood son shoots you.

>> No.7440153
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>> No.7440159

What's that graph, the annual consumption (in tons) of bolivian brocolli?

Anyways, you're proving us right that niggers are stupid, with your shitty unsourced graphs. It looks like you just google image'd "inbreeding" and started posting every picture you got.

Niggers are more inbred than whites

>> No.7440195

It's not god that was implied but rather your limitation in the social spectrum.
I'm not even tempted to insult you, it's subhuman reaction.

>> No.7440196


>tfw hispanic
>tfw just viewed as a mutt
>tfw no idea what i am

>> No.7440410
File: 227 KB, 984x661, ss (2015-08-03 at 05.52.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iirc they have the same number or very close to the same number of chromosomes. They're even closer to humans than other chimps.

>> No.7440428

>ITT: Conformation Bias galore

>> No.7440463

And this was such a great thread until the stormfags arrived. Post proof or shut up.

>> No.7440469

This is economic and bio geographic, not racial you fucking idiot. I'm sure most third world, tropical countries have higher rates of disease than extremely rich, temperate and near arctic countries.

>> No.7440474

But that's not true anon.

Your argument only grasps the relative numbers. In absolute numbers there are more whites in every crime category, especially pedophiles, rapists, incest and, such.

>> No.7440477

These don't demonstrate inbreeding, you moron. Just that the classification of European is more clustered to a point those classified as African Americans and Latinos encompass a larger cluster.

Why are the supposed anti-racists just as racist and dumb as the racists? Actually worse, at least racists admit to their bigotry.

>> No.7440483
File: 84 KB, 640x452, tumblr_mv6hq9zgl81rasnq9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global consanguinity.

>> No.7440485

The SJcucks are just as bad as the stormfags. They should both leave with their identity politics bullshit.


>> No.7440503

claiming something idiotic is a "fact" does not make it so, which you would know if you could Lrn2fact

>> No.7440548


> Nobody is pushing niggers to be worthless criminals, it's their nature.

Actually long term geographic population stratification (events that compartmentalize black populations to certain urban areas because of lack of job opportunities and/or past events that barred the rent and ownership) and economic feedback loops (Blacks who become successful financially or academically never return to their poor urban areas while blacks who are convicted and released do return to their poor urban areas) could explain the abnormal rate of crime.

>> No.7440603
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So saying that whites are inherently smarter, how did this happen? Considering they are descended from blacks. At what point did whites become smarter? Did the environment cause it? I would think so. Harsher living conditions created a more cerebral culture in order to ensure survival. We then can say that nurture influenced nature. Generations of whites teaching their offspring to be thinkers. If your saying whites are genetically smarter then can't we argue blacks will eventually become genetically smarter if inhabiting the right environment for centuries or more i.e. America?

>> No.7440626
File: 56 KB, 648x570, Gen X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism and being called sub human since you can remember doesn't influence these shitty, aggressive, stand-offish behaviors? That thrown in with being relegated to ghettos with sub par educational systems and lack of extracurricular activities doesn't play a part? There was a time when blacks who excelled were refused access to home ownership in white neighborhoods. thats not so much the case now but I really don't think you guys know how powerful poverty is and how hard it is to transcend it generationally.

>> No.7440633

Mudblood? Really?

>> No.7440999
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>> No.7441120

sorry if it piss you off liberal faggot

>> No.7442337


Exactly. This should be common knowledge. Intelligence is the product of the mechanism between genes and environment.

>can't we argue blacks will eventually become genetically smarter if inhabiting the right environment for centuries or more i.e. America?

They have. African-Americans have about 11 IQ point on their African counterparts. Though they're still way behind at ~89 IQ.

If we keep these social policies in place where they get to live for free off other people's tax money then they're not going to get smarter.