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7438872 No.7438872 [Reply] [Original]

mfw my mother is a homeopath

>> No.7438884

She's a what?

>> No.7438888


>> No.7438891
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Kill her

>> No.7438895

b-but she helps people with hte placebo sometimes

>> No.7438898

she hears gay people, telepathically

>> No.7438899

homeopathy works.

but if homeopaths knew why, it'd stop working.

>> No.7438907

le quads

>> No.7439696


this tbh

>> No.7439733

goddamn that movie was like soooooooooooooooooooooooooo far ago bro

let's like move on bro......cmon get with the times muthafucka

>> No.7439867

Not true, there are placebos that act even with direct knowledge of it occurring.

>> No.7439940



doesn't that mean it isn't a placebo at that point?

>> No.7439947
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>> No.7439983

Lrn2cult-classic, fgt pls

>> No.7440003

the placebo effect is a placebo effect, yes.

sometimes i wonder if everything isn't a placebo.

>> No.7440007

You tell her that you're proud of who you are and that you don't care that you will burn in hell because all the spine-tingling buggery you're up to is worth it. Shut up mother. Shut up mother. Shut up motherrrrrrrr.

>> No.7440010

I can top that

my mothers a psychic

>> No.7440024

>mother is doctor
>starts developing schizoid paranoia
>thinks her hospital was conspiring against her
>makes her children question her
>has martyr complex in general
>refuses to see a doctor because of conspiracy thoughts

people are fragile anon, regardless of intelligence.

>> No.7441250
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I work for an old lady that thinks she can talk to god and sees ghosts
>"I had a little chat with god this morning and he said he is not going to make it rain today, you are safe to continue painting the roof today"
>mfw the forecast said it's going to rain and I'm just going to find something else to do

>> No.7441265

But American Sniper was my favorite movie! I loved it when he sings "It's hip to be square" to the terrorists.

>> No.7441622

the worst part is that she uses the word 'skeptic' as an insult with a negative connotation

lol mine has a 1st in a soft science degree too, i guess people can just go astray (OP here)

>> No.7441660

It is very mentally taxing being a doctor. They see some sad and disturbing shit through their career.

>> No.7441677

>doubting god
smh just smh

>> No.7441682

a fraud.

>> No.7441701

Someone who believes in the potential medical effects of medicine which hasn't passed through the peer-review process.

>> No.7441756

She's Jesus Christ.

>> No.7441789
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>tfw when my Grandpa's nurse says that chiropracty can cure macular degeneration

>> No.7442362

>They see some sad and disturbing shit through their career.