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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7439257 No.7439257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post and discuss our fall schedules. Easy or tough semester? What class are you looking forward to (or dreading) most?

>ME650T/L: Manufacturing of Composites lecture and lab
>ME850Z: Molecular Dynamic Simulations

It'll be pretty tough if I manage to get a full-time job, but shouldn't be bad otherwise. Both classes seem great, but MDS will likely be cooler, but I don't know. Anyone know anything about it? What can I expect?

>> No.7439280

Fluid Mechanics
Electrical Power and Machinery
PLCs and Networks
Mechatronic System Design
Vector Analysis
FE Exam Preparation

It looks tough but it should be quite fun. This plus working in the engineering lab will make for a busy semester.

>> No.7439288

Graduate Algebra 1
Graduate Topology 1
Undergrad Measure Theory
Intro to Women's Studies

As long as I put in work a 4.0 should be possible

>> No.7439292

>FE Exam Preparation
Going by your other classes, you really don't need to.

>> No.7439295

>Intro to Women's Studies
I dunno man, this class might make a 4.0 pretty hard...

>> No.7439298

>women studies

Feminist, personal interest, or looking for easy A?

>> No.7439301

>Intro to geology
>shakespeare for nonmajors
>intro to major social theories
economics honors seminar
Mathematical statistics

>> No.7439309

At my school, we're required to take a certain number of classes satisfying a 'diversified education curriculum' before we graduate, basically to 'make you more well rounded'
I'm way behind because I've been taking basically only math classes so far, so I figured I'd get one out of the way, and I'd rather take a class exploring the recent wave of feminism than one of those awful Music 101 or other silly electives.

>> No.7439310

It's only one hour and the preparation will provide a good textbook for study. I look forward to it. Should I have taken differential equations two or numerical analysis instead of vector analysis as an engineer?

>> No.7439316

Really? I found my music 101 class to be fairly interesting. I enjoyed the music and still listen to some of it to this day.

I feel like women studies is going to be a SJW class, and if you're a cis white male I don't think you will be accepted.

>> No.7439320

US History to 1877
Eng Lit/Comp 1
Calculus 2
Intro to Object Oriented Programming
>>tfw GEs wasting most of my semester

>> No.7439327

I am taking Calculus 2 guys, I like math and received a B in calc 1. I don't want to fail out like a bunch of people have.

Any tips?

>> No.7439333

>Intro to Object Oriented Programming
this is fun and easy though

>> No.7439340

There was intro to classical, which was interesting, and then there was intro to rock music, which sounded rather awful. and intro to music theory but that was fool.

Yeah so either I read through all this theory and I'm converted or I read through all this theory, think it's a load of rubbish, and have the opportunity to debate them about it. What I'm hoping happens is that it's nothing like the crazed social justice warriors you find on the internet and turns out to be a reasonable brand of feminism that isn't associated with them.

Study, do exercises, go to office hours, repeat

>> No.7439341

Yea, his perfect valid opinions will be lambasted as privileged regardless of their academic context or content and any critiques of classmate discourse or literature will be viewed as an example of patriarchal kyriarchy. Heteronormativity will be discouraged as will the gender binary.

>> No.7439346

I'd think so. I haven't checked out the syllabus, but I think my class is in Java, and in that case it'll be a breeze since I got some exposure to it in high school.

>> No.7439355

Cost Accounting
Legal Aspects of Business Transactions
Seminar in Business Policy
Principles of Marketing

>> No.7439367

Depends on exactly what field you want to go into, really. Even then, the actual classes will cover the necessary math, in my experience.

>> No.7439377
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>on /sci/

>> No.7439380

Linear algebra
Physics (might take physics II 2nd semester)
Cell bio
Chem I and II
Calc I (would've taken II also but it conflicts w cell bio)
i forget which classes are this fall

>> No.7439384

gotta make money somehow :^)

>> No.7439390
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>> No.7439391

I've got Calc I, II, III, DiffyQ I, Linear Algebra, And Vector Analysis

>> No.7439396
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Graduate Reactor Analysis
Senior Design Proposal
Engineering of Nuclear Power Systems
Retaking Diff Eq for an A
Art Appreciation

Shouldn't be too bad

>> No.7439402

>retaking classes

>> No.7439406

core classes are gay as fuck
next semester will be something like
>time series
>geology part 2
>some econ class
>another math class
>and something else idk yet

>> No.7439413

i only need 3 classes to graduate, but senior design is 2 semesters so i have a full year so i might as well retake some classes to get a better grade. can you not retake courses?

>> No.7439425 [DELETED] 

"Advanced" algebra (Commutative algebra and Galois theory)
"Advanced" probability (Markov chains and martingales)
Differential geometry
Functional analysis

>> No.7439429

>to get a better grade.
What kind of shit school allows you to retake courses to improve your grade (short of failing the course originally).

>> No.7439432

Not that guy but at my uni you can't retake classes to replace your grade. They include the previous grade so you don't really benefit from taking a class twice

>> No.7439434

I'm at Purdue.
the old grade is still on your transcript, they just use the new grade instead of the old when calculating GPA

>> No.7439438

"Advanced" algebra (Commutative algebra and Galois theory)
"Advanced" probability (Markov chains and martingales)
Differential geometry
Functional analysis

It's supposed to be tough. I'm not looking forward to anything specifically (since it all seems great). I'm especially excited about winter semester (we will finally start specializing)

>> No.7439441

>algebraic number theory
>grad algebraic geometry
>numerical analysis

I'm looking to add a grad special topics course and I'm doing research.

>> No.7439444

I probably would lay off the math at this point, and just focus on engineering. You have everything you need until you get to a phd level. But, for this semester VA is good. More diff eq wouldn't hurt, either, if you're a big mathfag.

Why not take extra stem courses in or out of your major?

>> No.7439446

Grad school? Nice.

What do you want to specialize in?

>> No.7439454

i was gonna take fuel cell engineering, but i want to make sure i have plenty of time to dedicate to senior design and my other major courses. im plus the two classes i want to take arent offered this semester, only in the spring

>> No.7439457

It sounds really dumb to take a class you've already passed. Are you not interested in anything? Take a class for fun.

>> No.7439458

Yea I'll have a math minor and engineering major. This is my senior year, I've just got this semester and a few capstone courses in the spring.

>> No.7439472
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my nigga

i've got a fuckton more classes than you if you're doing thursday and friday off. looks like you're doing evening options man. rad.

being a technologist ain't easy

>> No.7439476

Yep ! I like algebra and topology so maybe something related to representation theory or geometry. I have actually just finished a small research internship for 6 weeks in valuation theory. It wasn't so much personal research of mine as it was trying to familiarize myself with the subject and then trying to understand a survey paper on the resolution of singularities, which was tough because I had very little knowledge of algebraic geometry beforehand. It was fun though, I'd be interested in working on something like that in the future.

>> No.7439486
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Try American Master's student and Structural Analysis Engineer (hopefully)

>> No.7439497

If you don't mind, what is algebraic geometry like?
I'm quite fond of differential geometry, but I'm only an undergrad so my experience with math in general is a bit limited.

>> No.7439508
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Do we go to the same school or does our schedule layout just look the same?

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Organic Chemistry Biological Emphasis
Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
Professional Development

>> No.7439513

They all look that way. Mine is the exact same.

>> No.7439516

Nah, I think a lot of schools have this format

Besides, mine doesn't even have ChemE. What's Professional Development?

>> No.7439519

Wtf? How are you taking Linear Algebra before even finishing calc 1? How are you taking 2 chem classes and a bio class along with physics? what kind of schedule is this

>> No.7439520
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You biochem?

I got:
>Foundations of Biochemistry
>Cell Bio
>Written comm. in the sciences
>Advanced organic synth.

Writing class may be stupid, but the ochem class'll be fun

>> No.7439524

Linear Algebra skills are independent of calculus skills.

>> No.7439536

The school I go to won't let you take linear algebra without calc 2 at least.

Also, if I had your schedule at my school, I would have 30ish units. And the cellular bio, chem I and II, along with physics all have a lab component in them so they're 5 unit classes that meet for 10 hours a week. how the fuck?

>> No.7439537

>Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Develop an understanding of engineering ethics, teamwork, leadership, and professional responsibility through the concepts of contemporary, social, and global issues. (F, Sp)

Just now read the description. Sounds like a bullshit course. 75% A's according to myedu.com

>> No.7439538

PBIO 501 Fundamentals of Human Physiology
PBIO 600 Survey of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
PBIO 525 introduction to Evidence - Based Medicine
PBIO 520 Mind-Body Skills
BCHB 501 Biochemistry and Cellular Sciences
PHAR 584 Introduction to Pharmacology
PBIO 703 Seminars in Physiology, Biophysics, and Integrative Medicine

>> No.7439540

This must be fake

>> No.7439541

My b

>> No.7439542

lol nopppee
its not.

>> No.7439543

im not that guy and my school requires Calc II perhaps due to linear algebras abstraction. However, it is perfectly doable with zero calculus skills.

>> No.7439546

Alternative medicines?

>> No.7439547

Reminds me of my Engineering Ethics course. Rarely showed up to class, missed all the quizzes, aced the final essay (written in like 2 or 3 days) and passed with a C. Basically there to meet ABET requirements and nothing else

>Survey of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
>Mind-Body Skills

>> No.7439550

or, as the cool kids are calling it, integrative medicine

>> No.7439570

lol true, especially if you're a dude
i majored in sociology during undergrad
walking into class was like automatic letter grade drop

>> No.7439666

Well from what I could piece together with what I've seen, it seems like a way of providing a geometric language to talk about algebraic problems (solutions of polynomial equations).
At first it felt really weird, almost creepy. My professor, the papers, everyone was talking about geometry but I just couldn't see anything geometric about it. It really felt like they had all agreed to give geometric names to objects related to rings to mess with my head. Then, of course, you begin to see some motivation for it. It starts off with the basic observation that if you consider a smooth real manifold, you can retrieve the manifold structure from the data of the real valued smooth functions on every open set. Therefore, you can characterize a manifold M by its underlying space and a correspondence F (called a sheaf) which, for each open set U gives the set F(U) of real-valued smooth functions on U.
Then you define a ringed space to be exactly a topological space equipped with a sheaf F which to every open set U associates a ring F(U) (which can be thought of as a ring of functions on U) in a way that mimics that of the case of the smooth manifold (ie. there is a "well-defined" restriction operation and, if you have an open cover (Ui) and "functions" (fi) on each open set of the cover that agree on the intersections, then you can construct a "function" on the whole space whose restriction to each Ui is fi)
Modern algebraic geometry concerns itself with specific cases of these ringed spaces called schemes. The great generality of the definition allows it to work in a great number of situations that do not have an obvious geometric origin but it is not so abstract that it has no mathematical content: You can define notions reminiscent of those of differential geometry (dimension, smoothness, tangent space, differential forms) and relate them to algebraic properties of your structure sheaf.

>> No.7439684

>Modern Algebra 1
>Probability and Statistics
>Real Analysis
>Linear Algebra 2
>Internet Tools

Most excited for Real Analysis, second most excited for Algebra 1, then Linear Algebra 2. Don't really give a shit about internet tools but I want a comp sci minor.

>> No.7439685

I did not go very deep into it so it seemed pretty artificial ("why give these different names if all the proofs are just going to be commutative algebra ?") but by the end it did seem to have some geometrical content. I probably should have worked with varieties (which are the object of study of classical algebraic geometry) at first instead of schemes because they seem to have a more obvious geometric content, whereas schemes provide a much more flexible framework to work on intersection problems and number theory themes (but that's not usually one's concern when they first get acquainted with the subject).

>> No.7439697

Ontario math education is different. Our final 12th grade math course is 6 weeks of vectors and 6 weeks of calculus, where we only learn differential calculus

>> No.7439700

I hope you go around telling people that you're taking algebra 1 next semester. I know I would

Thanks for reminding me why I don't study math

>> No.7439702

Also those are just all the classes in taking I forget which ones are specifically in fall. Will check later

>> No.7439707

I'm taking linear algebra 2nd semester after calc I but I did well in highschool vectors

>> No.7439807

Cal 2
Local government
Physics of something, probably very basic
Introduction to engineering =^)

>> No.7439923

Vector analysis was one of my favorite courses

>> No.7439931

Physics 2 (hopefully if I can get off the wait list)
Calculus 2
Intro to engineering
C programming

>> No.7439952

Structural Mechanics I
Soil Mechanics
Hydraulic Engineering
Intro to Microeconomics

>> No.7439985
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Nervous about OChem II and physics I. Not so much my writing class or the family economic issues.

>> No.7439998

Good luck with Cal 2, it's a bit difficult but not impossible, definitely schedule hours for tutoring.

>> No.7440004

Go to tutoring and get tutors that 100% know wtf they're talking about. My school had tutors that had no idea what the hell they were doing and partly because of that I failed the class the first time. Also like the other guy said, study and go to office hours, be acquainted with the math teacher. Cal 2 is hard, but not impossible.

>> No.7440016

Major? What can I expect. Honestly it looks like the back of my calc3 book

>> No.7440017

Geologic Applications of GIS
Discrete Math
Linear Algebra
Applied Ethics
Intro to Sci Fi [:^)]

kind of nervous because I'm stupid and lazy, and words of advice brehs?

>tfw geology student

>> No.7440019

graduate foundations of geometry
graduate differential geometry

anyone know what im in for?

>> No.7440021
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Introduction to Analysis
Numerical Analysis 1
Linear Algebra 2


>> No.7440026


i took geometry in 9th grade, you'll probably be fine

>> No.7440027
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tfw the Physics course is an hour away from my house.

>> No.7440029
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Got into a scholars program so a bunch of discussions for my Chem class have been put into my schedule .
>reading world literature
>dynamic genome project
More of a research opportunity than a class
>honors general chemistry
With labs and discussions all together, 13 units, so it's a pretty chill schedule.
>tfw when done with math classes

>> No.7440033

ya fuckin goy

>> No.7440043
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Meh. Probably gonna die.

>> No.7440046
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This is not including all the classes for my music major.

19 hours, bitches

>> No.7440048


>> No.7440049

General Chem II
General Chem Lab
Particle Mechanics I
Calculus II
Ancient Roman Civilization
Engineering Graphics for Mechanical Engineering

Mite b cool

>> No.7440051

Yup. MechE.
Taking Hald for 1b, heard he's good.

>> No.7440061

Charged Particle and Ion Sources
Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
Anatomy and Physiology

The last one is iffy although I am currently signed up for it. But I'll have to be a GSI this semester. My biology knowledge sucks, so it is not a class I am not really looking forward to.

>> No.7440066


>1 class on tuesday

>Lab lecture(?) on Friday after lunch
Hardest class to not want to ditch of your life.

>> No.7440071

Yeah but
>dat monday
Throw on a job and 2 hours of Cal Band practice a day and it becomes pretty fucking tough. I would ACTUALLY commit suicide if I didn't have that tuesday.

>> No.7440082

Adv. Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Instrumentation and Measurement

>> No.7440103

>usually take about 15-16 credits in a semester
>I'm pretty sure 16 is the most I've done
>now about to have a semester with 18.
>people keep telling me that 18 is *a lot* for one semester
>but it's only 2 more credits than I've done before.
I'm really not sure whether I should be worried or not.

>> No.7440126

took ochem2 last sem, got an A.
the class took a shit ton of time to study though, there is a lot of material each exam and the final is fucking brutal

>> No.7440130


I can't decide if I want to take aerospace engineering or EE courses, so I signed up for both and will need to drop one before school starts.

>> No.7440134
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mte is mechatronics engineering seminar
math115 is linear algebra
math116 is calc
gene121 is programming
che102 is chem

>> No.7440135

im registered for:
>Biochem 1
>Molecular Bio
>Physics II
>Advanced Organic Lab
>Physical Chemistry I

>> No.7440142

Calculus 2
Introduction to Operating Systems
Formal Language Theory of Computation
Biology (Still knocking out those General Studies)
Geography (Yep . . . them general studies)

>> No.7440144

Which uni

>> No.7440149

university of waterloo

>> No.7440155

how is first year?

>> No.7440160

sorry, starting in a few weeks
gonna get fuckin sloshed for frosh week
after that its 5 years of work lol

overall very happy i got in and my classmates are great

why do you ask

>> No.7440184

More like smegmatronics

>> No.7440188


>8 AM classes


>> No.7440193

Foundations to Higher Math
Numerical Linear Algebra
DIS in Differential Geometry

I think I am boned because I am actually doing shitty in physics 2 right now, might not be able to handle whats to come....

also sup geoscience pal

>> No.7440197

Yeah, that wasn't my original plan.
I wanted to have no classes before 10, but due to my orientation (and thus, first round of scheduling), being so late, I ended up having to just grab what I could get.

>> No.7440202

You effectively have Tuesday off, so you should be thankful for that.

>> No.7440204


You basically live in an around latimer for 3 hours. Take a break at Dwinelle, then come back to your latimer home.

I wouldn't have done that as a freshman but unlike many people, by my senior year I wanted to knock out all my classes before lunch if I could

>> No.7440205

That was my "damage control" plan. Thursday's first class is a P/F 1 unit class, so that's also going to be a decent day.

>> No.7440209

Yeah, I also got a spot in Tellefsen, so I live on northside. It works out pretty well, it just looks ugly at first glance.
It wasn't really my plan to have classes so close together (time wise and geographically), but that's what I got.

>> No.7440238
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On a scale of 1-10, how fucked am I? Also, can anyone give my any tips?

>> No.7440245

Seems like easy sophomore shit

>> No.7440248

>Phys For Comp Sci
What the hell are they planning to teach you?
And what kind of clusterfuck is happening on the bottom left.

>> No.7440251 [DELETED] 

Data Structures
Web Programming
Cognitive psychology
Social psychology
Applied Statistics

Yep, everything sci hates

>> No.7440254

It's basically calculus-based physics, it's retarded, and that shit on the left is the lab.

>> No.7440257
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>Calc 3
>Differential Equations
>Chem 2
>World Literature
>Federal Government

Already study up a bit on calc 3. Maybe i'm bullshitting myself. Oh well, we'll see :)

>> No.7440258

That, I absolutely will be telling people

>> No.7440260

>Introductory Analysis 1
>Mathematical Statistics 1
>Statistical Computing
>Intro to Programming
>Managerial Accounting

Wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't getting the coldest feet possible going into my 3rd year.
I should have done meteorology, man. Always loved that shit.

>> No.7440263

Calc 3 was easier than Calc 2 for me, though it may have been because the professor didn't make us trig-sub at all and the integrals were marginally easier.
Pretty much all you're doing is integrating the same equation multiple times with some linear algebra concepts thrown in there.

>> No.7440264
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>> No.7440266


>> No.7440269

Nah, mexico.

Starting at UNAM the 10.

>> No.7440272

That's what i figured, my previous professor in calc 2 was a hard ass on us, definitely for the better though i guess.

>> No.7440274

sickest kits