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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7436767 No.7436767 [Reply] [Original]

>Sister's bf is a huge druggie stoner
>Watches Science and History Channels
>Literally all of his "knowledge" about nature and math comes from documentaries

Here are some of his gems
>"You don't know anything. The universe is infinite. There could be another plane where our physics don't exist."
>"You can't break the laws of physics without consequences"
>"ISPs should be using entanglement."
>"We already know how to make lightsabers we just don't have enough energy to make them"

Anyone else got stories?

>> No.7436788

>I go to /sci/ to talk about science

>> No.7436792



>> No.7436797

>Thread about stoners saying stupid shit

>> No.7436803
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Normally I applaud non-STEM people for just being interested enough in science to at least try to learn about it even if it's misdirected popsci, but I draw the line when that shit enters the classroom:

>physics III course drawing to an end
>we're given the option to make a thorough presentation on any physics topic as long as it's approved
>most projects were great and informative (relativity paradoxes, crystallization in supercooling, etc)
>suddenly four students pull up their presentation on the screen
>"Quantum Teleportation"
>hooooo boy.tif
>one guy babbles a bit about how quantum entanglement will be used in the future to teleport information and -- gasp -- even people!

This is where it gets good
>they minimize their presentation and pull up youtube
>spend 3 minutes looking for a fucking video
>it's a popsci documentary with Memechio Kaku talking about quantum teleportation
>this drags on 15 minutes
>the entire time our prof's face got more and more irritated (unusual because she's a kindhearted babushka)

There was a lot of cringing during that video, but the best part of all was when it ended and our professor started angrily grilling them with questions they couldn't answer. It was a good day tbh.

>> No.7436809

>Memechio Kaku

>> No.7436812

tl;dr: circlejerk thread

>> No.7436854

Wait till this people try fucking psychedelics. Shit gets fucking mad.

>> No.7436858

>tfw when my sister's bf is an epistemologist
>confront him about having pre-marital sex with her (I take morals very seriously)
>'Did you have intercourse with my sister?'
>'Yeah, it was phenomenal'

*sigh* friendzoned again

>> No.7436891


>- if there was a big bang, and if it really was the beginning of space and time, how can such a thing happen from a state of absolute nothing?
>- alternatively, if space and time have always existed, how can that be?
>- is space infinitely big? If yes, how can that be? If not, what is outside it?
>- these questions boil down to the question wether infinity exists in reality or wether it's just a theoretical concept.
>- what is consciousness? Is it a result of biochemical processes? If so, how can that be? >Can we make an artificial consciousness?
>- is there a grand unifying theory explaining all of reality (even if we haven't found it yet)?
>- what does it mean to bend space and time
>- is there fundamental uncertainty in reality, or does every action have one possible outcome?
>- what does that mean for the concept of free will?
>- what is life? Is it just a complex biochemical process? If yes, how can that be?

>> No.7436899

buttmad stoner

>> No.7437006

Ok whats more pathetic:

The stoner guy who is enjoying his life, banging your sister and not giving a fuck


You the creepy brother who retreats to his PC late at night to complain about other people having fun

>> No.7437042

>(I take morals very seriously)
What the fuck is immoral about pre-marital sex?

>> No.7437049

I got real high and I realized that quantum entanglement is the future of internet.

>> No.7437056

>entire family believes climate change is a natural cycle

>> No.7437062

The guy spreading misinformation and acting like he knows what he's talking about because he saw some pretty CGI on History Chanel.

>> No.7437068


No, you go to sci to pretend to feel smart.

Just like the rest of us.

>> No.7437101

>be me
>come home for the summer from astrophysics I & II
>mom asks me about how stars work
>get out piece of paper and show her fusion and energy and such
>she constantly says "woah" "wow" "cool"
>after she goes to sleep I find marijuana in the bathroom
apparently she's been getting it from my grandmother, who uses it for medical purposes and she's "self medicating her depression"

>> No.7437130

He is right about number two though you fuckpig

>> No.7437140

Lol your mom sounds awesome

>> No.7437151

> shit stoners say

"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”

>> No.7437162

thats not a real fucking thing

>> No.7437175

How can you break the laws of physics?

>> No.7437194

> You can't break the laws of physics without consequences
Didn't you know? You can get sent to physics jail....

>> No.7437252


Speak for yourself faggot. I come here exclusively to shitpost.

>> No.7437259
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>he doesnt get high
>he will never have a wank on a good sativa
>he will never panic about his heartrate

Stick with alcohol if you cant handle the green banter

>> No.7437266

use older formulations that haven't been revised to better describe the universe yet.

>> No.7437279

Wouldn't that be more our understanding of reality not being entirely accurate instead of "breaking" the laws of physics?

>> No.7437338

Its called sarcasm you halfwit

>> No.7437340

I have autism.

>> No.7437345


>> No.7437369

This shit all boils down to "i don't like people asking questions or showing interest in things they don't have a degree in."

Sure,stoners can be fuckwits (knew a guy who said NASA should be defunded because there are poor people who need money) but questions about the universe by people who don't know very much shouldn't be denounced. If you know the answer, tell them and encourage an interest in studying the field.

>> No.7437376

Yes it is. I make a very comfortable living as an epistemologist

>> No.7437381

>people take drugs and enjoy maths and nature
>they don't understand it as well as a PhD or researcher, but they're into it
>this is a bad thing because i said so

Who cares? They're not actually doing work that people's lives depend on, so it doesn't matter if they don't grasp everything. Fact is they're going to be supporting science and research at a cultural level, which is a good thing.

He's fucking your sister and probably leaving his cum in numerous holes. No wonder you're salty.

>> No.7437404

No, it boils down to not accepting people spreading bullshit around as if it's true. Pop Science is cancer and people who think they're experts because they watched a lot of it are the corn on top of the shit pile. Plenty of people get into STEM fields from popsci shit, but the difference is they actually bothered to learn the math and the physics while people like in the OP probably couldn't care less.

>> No.7437412

>Plenty of people get into STEM fields from popsci shit, but the difference is they actually bothered to learn the math and the physics

If they actually went to university, then of course they learnt the nitty gritty. They had exams.

You are becoming hysterical.

>> No.7437419

AKA: The average atheist

>> No.7437421

I think she's autistic
no joke

>> No.7437539

shit fedora physicists say:

>everything can be explained
>my brain can comprehend god, of course lol
>believe me, existing math explains everything lol
>I am the pinnacle of evolution
>I created myself

>> No.7437577

>Oh you like history? You must watch the history channel then.

>> No.7437892

I'm not sure if that was intentional but I kekked

>> No.7437898

fuckin right in the feels

>> No.7437901

s-shut up

engineers r gey

>> No.7437904

But isn't it?

>> No.7438193

>just get done doing anal to OP's sister
>run into him in the living room playing his japanese anime dating sim on wiiu
>"uhh, hello little bro"
>not sure what to say
>remember that OP is a science nerd
>"uhm... So I just saw the latest michio caca documentary about like... Quantum shit"
>i can see OP become visibly agitated
>shit! He's about to have one of his sperg rage fits where he yells curses while hitting himself on the head
>bolt out of room

>> No.7438199

Normie detected

>> No.7438248
File: 63 KB, 700x473, 539px-Homo_floresiensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, climate change is not a natural cycle?
ice ages, major floods, impact horizons never happened?

>> No.7438300

>Epistemology is the study of knowledge, so an epistemologist is someone who studies how we know things.
My mind is full of fuck.

>> No.7438308

>acknowledge that climate change happens in a natural cycle
>acknowledge that humanity is speeding up the cycle to an unsustainable degree
>everybody misunderstands me and thinks I'm against whatever they believe
Nothing like being told you're wrong from every side except the dry papers I read.

>> No.7438414
File: 402 KB, 499x380, bong rip noises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.7439233

Stoner mathfag here. You wouldn't believe the shit stoners say to me when I say I did a physics minor in undergrad.

>consciousness is a ring where everything we know is the zero element

>> No.7439279

>it was phenomenal
Topkek. Based pun epistemologist.
Neil, I thought you knew by now that your family and friends were all druggies.
Kool Kek Klan.

>> No.7439284

Woah. That thing with the consciousness as a ring explains alot.

>> No.7439311

It gets better.

>the modules we use to describe consciousness just aren't big enough
>we need to be considering the set of all modules

Of course you can't explain to them that 'the set of all modules' is a paradox because they think that being a paradox makes it more realistic. I don't get why this is a thing; hell, I smoke weed and eat acid regularly, and I never said shit this stupid.

>> No.7439761

Wow sounds like your class is full of idiots. Sure it's theoretical physics but it's still interesting.

>> No.7439831

>implying these aren't questions worth answering

>> No.7439834

The best one is History Chanel no.5

>> No.7439842

very, very underrated

>> No.7439860

>>- is space infinitely big? If yes, how can that be? If not, what is outside it?
This is answered by a quick Google search.

>>- these questions boil down to the question wether infinity exists in reality or wether it's just a theoretical concept.
This is just showing ignorance of math.

>>- what does it mean to bend space and time
This could be answered by a Google search, but you'd probably need to know a bit if you want to really understand it.

>>- is there fundamental uncertainty in reality, or does every action have one possible outcome?
Answered again.

>>- what does that mean for the concept of free will?
Not science.

>>- what is life? Is it just a complex biochemical process? If yes, how can that be?
Shitty question that's mostly answered depending on how you read it.

>> No.7439874

why would innate matter begin to replicate itself in a super, super regular, consistent way? you realize the complexity of "signaling" a single cell to "synchonize" with the larger super structure? in the sense of, mitochondria having this operation in a given cell, which functions in this organ which functions in this body?

it is absolutely unanswered, for the "soup" to crawl out of itself because lightning struck a few amino acids that formed this chain and BZZZ there we have "purposeful" reactions outside of the chaotic planet that born it.

far from answered, far far from it.

>is space infinitely big
>this is answered by a quick google search

top fucking kek, apparently google KNOWS NO BOUNDS and is now spitting out incredible, absolutist facts about the nature of reality
top fucking kek

>> No.7439884

>why would innate matter begin to replicate itself in a super, super regular, consistent way? you realize the complexity of "signaling" a single cell to "synchonize" with the larger super structure? in the sense of, mitochondria having this operation in a given cell, which functions in this organ which functions in this body?
Which is why I said it's a shitty question. It's very ambiguous.

>top fucking kek, apparently google KNOWS NO BOUNDS and is now spitting out incredible, absolutist facts about the nature of reality
Yes. Google indexes many articles, papers, videos and other material from reputable sources, many of which are simple enough that even a layperson can understand the general idea.
One of the first results of "what is outside the universe"

>> No.7439909

plenty of speculation, plenty of theories. plenty of evidence that suggests this or that. nothing concrete...yet.

>> No.7439910

Also I missed i the first time
Fuck off. You're one of those faggots who probably go "We we don't know for SURE that you can't go faster than c". No shit, nothing in science is "absolutely" right, but unless there's very good evidence to the contrary it's usually not worth questioning, especially when actual physicists have probably asked whatever question you thought of.
Even for known unknowns you're still better off searching Google to learn what the most likely theories are.
tl;dr You're a fucking idiot and people much smarter than you have asked the questions you have.

>> No.7439938

I'm all for speculation, I just didn't like the absolutist sense it was answered.

"google it"

like you were brushing it off as common knowledge. like it weren't even worth asking

>> No.7439948


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.7439956

All of those questions have plenty of theories created by people who understand their fields very well. It's only worth asking to the point where you start to read the existing research, not taking LSD and thinking about them with probably zero education in physics or higher level math.

>> No.7439964
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>"Hey anon, I know you are working on AI right?"
>"Yeah, I do, machine learning mostly."
>"Why are you supporting the apocalypse?"
For the 1001 I repeated that the robots are still fucking dumb. They are just a bunch of matrices. Fuck you. Fuck everyone who thought deep dream has anything to do with "Machine consciousness".

>> No.7439965

inert, inanimate, innate?

no not innate. forget that one

>> No.7439973

yes LSD contains plenty of possible delusions, but I would lying if I claimed it had no value.

no one will believe someone who "claims" something based on experience alone...

the essence of science is "repeatable results"

>> No.7440067

>not worth questioning
non-scientist detected

>> No.7440076

Nice try, but I said "usually not worth questioning".
And no shit, how many people on /sci/ have a research career?

>> No.7440109

Lol from a buddy on LSD

>If we're in three dimensions it's like three points so a triangle. does that mean squares have to exist in four dimensional spacetime?

>> No.7440110

It undermines a traditional system through which each generation would manipulate the next.

>> No.7440114

I think you're thinking of ontologist with that one. But seriously, how can you really know someone is an epistemologist?

>> No.7440121

Stoners don't know what rings are.