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7424483 No.7424483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your MBTI personality

>> No.7424499


>> No.7424501

Gender fluid

>> No.7424508


Jet fuel that can melt steel beams.

>> No.7424515

I got INJT

does it mean anything?

>> No.7424534

Sorry, INTJ*

>> No.7424546
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I have the worst personality type that a person can have. I can't say it because I am so ashamed of it.

>> No.7424548


>> No.7424566

I'm the same as you. The description for me was spot on but that's all I know.

>> No.7424575


>> No.7424593

it means you are a shitposter

>> No.7424598


I rarely post, mostly browse.

>> No.7424728

You asked you to give your own assessment of yourself and returned that as the result. Not very surprising.

>> No.7424762

Autists have a better type than I do.

>> No.7424896
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Master race

>> No.7424901 [DELETED] 

ENTJ is indeed the master race. Smart, but not a beta pussy like INTJ cucks.

>> No.7425015

how does it feel to be Exxx

>> No.7425036
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More like ISxx.

>> No.7425054


>> No.7425072


>> No.7425101

>having to interact with other people
>"master race"
Good joke.

>> No.7425107

ISTJ, hahahahahahahahah

>> No.7425124


>> No.7425136

Fuck you, is there anything I can do?

>> No.7425142


is that good?

>> No.7425162

Start by not being yourself.

>> No.7425169

>that motivator


>> No.7425187
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intp master race

>> No.7425196

>im better than all of you because of these 4 letters assigned to me by a computer that has to take my word to know anything about me

i cant remember why i come here anymore.

>> No.7425202


>every human being is equal

>> No.7425261

INTP mustard race.
but seriously, what does this imply, that I'm half autistic?

>> No.7425265

istj the perfect wage slave :^)

>> No.7425266



>> No.7425274


>> No.7425276

myers-briggs is pseudoscience

>> No.7425303

Just took the test and got ENFP. I can see it.

>> No.7425308

apparently INTP is like 3% of the population and like 90% of us are INTP. just goes to show how autistic you have to be to go to 4chan

>> No.7425314

funny thing is that if you ask /b/, almost everybody is INTJ. which is pretty much just the edgelord version of INTP (and supposedly just as rare)

>> No.7425322


are INTJs those cocky and edgy metal fans that bully you in school?

>> No.7425325


I've been professionally tested.

>> No.7425326

>implying the metal fans aren't the INTJs being bullied

>> No.7425437
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>pic related

>> No.7425440

thats right

>> No.7425444

INTP, hate this dumb test though. Soft-minded people will just fall in line with their horoscopes.

>> No.7425450

Realistically, yes.

>> No.7425597

entj but it feels wrong

>> No.7425604


I don't mind being a wage slave. I don't know anything anymore. I'm so depressed..

>> No.7425619

lol who the fuck gets bullied by metal fans?
>says an INTJ metal fan

seriously though, I've never really known metal fans to be the bullying type. I'm sure there are some, but I've found most metal fans to be pretty accepting of other kinds of people.

>> No.7425982

IxTP,took the test loads of times I still call bullshit

>> No.7426003
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>> No.7426159
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Pic related

>> No.7426174

I used to be INTJ but since taking the test again more recently I'm ENFP. I don't know when or how the transition happened, maybe when I stopped being so edgy

>> No.7426189

The MBTI paints a very positive picture of every type and none of the 16 is named selfish asshole. So I advice you to:
1. go to 16personalities.com
2. take the test or look up your type
3. go to the strengths & weaknesses part
4. read weaknesses
5. contemplate

>> No.7426193

INTP , the best one obviously

>> No.7426205
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>believing this bullshit

>> No.7426369

Believing in what, different personality types?

>> No.7426374

>discussing pseudoscience on /sci/

>> No.7426389


>> No.7426429

used to be INTJ

but got diagnosed with ADHD. dexamphetamine is a hell of a drug.

now idk what i am anymore

>> No.7426466

got intp/j at different occasions at tests when I was a kid, but as I grew older I realize that humans aren't so easily categorized.

>> No.7426467

*TIps fedora so hard hard it falls off.

>> No.7426470

>Interacting with lesser beings and thinking you are superior for doing so.

>> No.7426472

It is ok. We won't judge you. We all need motivators to work hard and excel, seems you have found yours. It's probably better than being INTJ cynic with almost no social drive to show off or lead others whatsoever.

>> No.7426475


This is just sad. Please, Let It Go.

>> No.7426481

I have diagnosed you. You have:

DNPS: Desperate Need of Pussy Syndrome

Please go get some before you turn into a depressed oldfag or end up a violent political radical.

>> No.7426492

thank god i've grown out of my autism

>> No.7426604

Okay, you're right. Wtf an I doing moping around.

>> No.7426607



>> No.7426612

Fuck off and have a little change from the same type of threads every 20 minutes for once you dyke.

>> No.7426631

this is the classic case of
>complete 5 min online quiz
>get a 4 letter result back
>"hey ma! it says all these cool scientists/famous people have been CDDB like myself! i must be smart!"
>compile a folder of said results motivationals you find from google

>> No.7426633

Used to be INTP. I was a standard autistic nerd, math major, social anxiety, had no friends except a few other nerds, never came within an inch of a pussy, didn't do much but go to class and play vidya and go on 4chan.

Then I finally got my shit together. I started taking acid and going to music festivals, met some girls, worked through my problems and really turned my life around. Now I'm ENFP. I have lost my ability to focus on advanced math but I'm so much better at dealing with people it doesn't even matter.

>> No.7426659

how do you know einstein was "intp"

>> No.7426662

I'm a INTJ, but when I'm being social I'm more of a ESFP.

Could be similar for you.

>> No.7426691

If a passion for mathematics never burned in your breast, then you really were not going anywhere in the field to begin with.

>> No.7426765

We have had this thread countless of times. Mostly everyone got INTP or INTJ. A few people were ENTJ and ENTP. Gee, maybe extrovert aren't interested in message boards? There were also a few INFP,INFJ, and ENFP from what I remembered. The rest of the types were not common for the most part.

>> No.7427305

My science horoscope is INTJ.

>> No.7427412


its really only a belief thing the same way that going by the 12 month system or the metric system is a belief thing. like yeah its not tangible, but it rings true and you can use it, so why not?

>> No.7427429

well it could be that but it could also be that 4chan is the kind of place that certain types dont find any enjoyment in, and certain types find alot of enjoyment in. for example, subjectivity and feelings don't translate as well as logic does here, so types that rely more on the former would find this place to be "too cold hearted" or whatever. intp is argueably the most logic driven type, so its only natural that you would find quite a few of them here

>> No.7427440


oooor you were always an enfp but a really unhealthy one. maybe your an entp and you needed life expirience to figure your shit out. this is why fucked up people tend to mistype themselves more often, because they don't understand themselves as well

>> No.7427444


it's just an educated guess, which is pretty much all you can do with mbti. it doesnt have the capacity to be an exact science

>> No.7427468


actually, the quiz is just a start, its not really whats meant to cement which type you are. nothing is, really. i found out my type by using the quiz and then checking out the functions to see what checked out and what didn't. of course, the quiz MIGHT be more objective then doing what i did if your not as honest with youself as you could be, but generally the quiz follows suit in that it gets your type less right the more dishonest you are with yourself

>> No.7427475

INTP or INTJ, depending.

Like many tests it comes down to choosing what is least wrong and thus incurs the least error. It's neat, but not ultimately deeply meaningful. Truth and self definition can only come from oneself, the external is just a proxy.

>> No.7427535

That's not how MBTI works dude. I didn't "mistype" myself.

It is not some innate quantitative measurement that is fixed through a person's entire life. It is merely a qualitative descriptor of their personality traits.

I took a lot of acid and did a lot of thinking and made a lot of changes in my life. This caused my personality to change and so my MBTI changed as a reflection of that.

Yes, if people have serious issues that is likely to affect their personality in ways such as making them more introverted and less emotionally sensitive, which would change their MBTI. And maybe in a sense you could say deep down there is a more extroverted person waiting to come out, but to then view the test result as "mistyping" is to fundamentally miss the point of it.

>> No.7427544

INFJ Master race reporting in.

>> No.7427569


so what your saying is there's no such thing as mistyping yourself? thats the only way you could "know" that you didn't. personality can change without type changing. mbti describes how you percieve and take in the information around you. just because im an intp doesnt mean i place little to no value on feelings. it just means that the way i think is prone to neglecting feelings and subjectivity. i can't "become" a feeling type, i can only try to better understand the importance of emotions

>> No.7427589


plus none of this takes mental illness into account. you could be an infp with assburgers and mistype yourself as intp because of it. then maybe your assburgers becomes less pronounced and you see that your an infp. it doesnt mean you changed your type over time.

>> No.7427606

Why are you so keen to feel something else can define you? You must realize everything you're saying is built on existing assumptions other people might not hold.

For example, does a true self exist? Is there such a thing that can be resolved, is it truly fixed and unchanging? Personally, I don't think parts of us ever truly change, but this MBTI is a far cry from highlighting such a thing.

>> No.7427632


is this good?

>> No.7427643
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that feels like a loaded question. My type doesn't define me because i don't know my type for sure. im simply trying to elaborate on my understanding of mbti by using that whole intp statement as an example.

also, existing assumptions are everything. pic related.

>> No.7427656

It was a loaded question. You responded correctly.

Your "type" very likely transcends MBTI and possibly can't be truly communicated, only understood by yourself and iterated on over time. That's the only point to be made.

>> No.7427687
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>> No.7427695
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everything makes it out to look like i'm a perfect person but i feel like a cunt

>> No.7427722


in what way? are you deppressed? do you fuck people over? antisocial?

>> No.7427726

Pro tip, we are best NT

>> No.7427735

it just makes it out as if im the ultimate carer although i can think of numerous cases in years past where i've made people feel like shit about it.

i dont know if its something wrong with me but i feel like i've changed a lot over the last few years from someone who was malicious and tried to get reactions from people to someone who tried to be nice and help people. i cant decide whether its genuine or if im only being nice to satisfy my own ego or something and give myself a pat on the back for being a good person

>> No.7427737

made people feel like shit by insulting them*

although i was a teenager so i dont know if thats a factor

>> No.7427756

also on occassion i get really bad guilt and anxiety thinking back to a moment when i was really drunk a few years ago and sort of attempted to force a girl to give me a blowjob, because of that guilt whenever im at parties i dont feel like i should get particularly drunk in case i do something as bad as that again. in my mind i think of myself as a rapist because of that and it makes me hate myself

the fact i did that sort of makes me think i'm a fucking psycho and its disgusting

>> No.7427790


well the "ultimate carer" is someone who's got years of expirience under there belt. you'll find that alot of the "caring farther" esfj used to be blockheaded jerk jocks in highschool. you do sound like you're becoming more in tune with peoples feelings, which is generally how esfj who start out as asses mature: they act like fuckheads in highschool because it doesnt effect theyre popularity, then they grow up and realize that being popular out in the real world usually involves not being a douche. said realization either leads to understanding that you should be a better person, or understanding that you can still be popular and give the illusion of conventional righteousness while still being a douche. you are right to question your ego like you say you do if you are this type

>> No.7427811


ok so i wrote this before seeing >>7427756, and what >>7427756 tells me is that you'll have to elaborate on what "sort of" means and what you're motivations were. these matters can be very telling based on the why and how.

>> No.7427816


its ridiculous how true this is tbh
i probs need a psychiatrist but thanks a lot

"sort of" I think it was just a result of me being inexperienced in terms of actually going on to the next level with a girl so I thought that in order to do so I would have to take the initiative and in doing so I did that, basically I think I was just a kid who didn't know what he was doing but it still makes me feel weird. Like I had spoke to the girl for a while beforehand and we kissed etc. all the bullshit

>> No.7427818

Tested INTJ like usual, but the test/types are still bullshit.

>> No.7427825

and she was the one who led us to the bathroom alone in the first place so i suppose thats another factor

>> No.7427831 [DELETED] 

actually now i think about it i didn't really force her at all I just sort of suggested that she did it and i think she just said no do im talking complete shit

>> No.7427835

intp reporting in

>> No.7427838
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The one and only master race.

>> No.7427843


yeah it really just sounds like you were just being a dumb kid who did'nt know what the proper procedure was. when i look at these things i try to focus on the intent, and because in your case you were just trying to get your rocks off without fucking anyone up i wouldnt worry about it too much. you'd be suprised how often shit like this happens in youth.

>> No.7427853


intp have alot of intellectual potential and wasting said potential is one of their favourite activities, so just be weary of that.

>> No.7427869

Depending on the phase of the moon, I'm either ENTJ or INTJ. One has to be aware that pretty much everything concerning psyche is dynamic.

>> No.7427877


maybe you're ambiverted

>> No.7427879

it's not a particularly helpful measure

>> No.7427881

unless you define type as developmental order of the functions

>> No.7427890
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>> No.7427896


I didn't know about this concept, thank you. Indeed it seems to be the case as my flaky emotional level had to be controlled first.


Might be true. I want to read Jung for more about this.

>> No.7427916


a science that isn't exact is a science nontheless

>> No.7427922


im fascinated to learn what you mean by "emotional level" and "controlled" if you would elaborate

>> No.7427935


English is my third language, sorry if the words are silly. With that I mean reaching a level of skill where your temperament doesn't get the better of you, where you don't act as if you were histrionic etc. I think this is the most important immediate goal for anyone of this type. Learn to control your emotions. Philosophy, meditation, ascetic practices - these help in achieving that. I must admit that I would not make it in EE without having purged those flaws beforehand.

>> No.7427944
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>being and xxFx subhuman

>> No.7427950


i see. thank you for that.

>> No.7427968

the thing about intp is that, when they grasp a difficult concept, they tend to believe that it was not truly difficult because of how easily it came to them. in this way they can both misjudge their own intellectual worth and that of the people who do experience said difficulty, making them come off as arrogant. this is why knowing their intrinsic value is important for any intp trying to curb any possible condescension

>> No.7428051

INTJ / 5w6-3w4-1w9 / RCOEI master race

>> No.7428054

Well I got ENTJ but barely. I'm more middle ground than this horoscope suggests. I've come out of introversion in the past few years.

still a naughty horoscope you fuckers get me to take every time i see one of these threads.

>> No.7428093

I got MILF

>> No.7428149


>> No.7428154

MBTI is more accurate when you focus on specific functions rather than stereotypes associated with the types. INTP (Ti/Ne/Si/Fe) and INTJ (Ni/Te/Fi/Se) are total opposites as far as functions are concerned, but are similar with the stereotypes treated like horoscopes.

>> No.7428160

I don't understand why we are considered wage slaves.

>> No.7428163

[citation needed]

>> No.7428166

Because the spirits demand it.

>> No.7428169
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Which part? MBTI is still not entirely accurate and shouldn't be treated as an absolute, but more as a guide to understanding your strengths and weaknesses more.

>> No.7428181

Any part.

>> No.7428194

>scam site
Did they even take the test?

>> No.7428198

The masterrace is INTP/J confirmed.

>> No.7428211

Nice meme.

>> No.7428212

Look up cognitive functions. Socionics is closer to Jung's original theory of personality types than MBTI, but neither is exact


the tests aren't very helpful since they too much on stereotypes rather than reasons why.

>> No.7428223
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ayy lmao

>> No.7428257

ISIS master race reporting in

>> No.7428271


>> No.7428276


No good, the INTP weaknesses are literally what INTPs love the most about themselves. I imagine it might be the same for others, too.

>> No.7428309

INFJ for the majority of tests I've taken with some INTJ being the result maybe 1/3rd the time

>> No.7428406

Jacob Barnett

>> No.7428634

I did the test once. INTJ. Didn't pay much attention, what does it mean?

>> No.7428648

Shit I took this one, and it gave me the result I normally get but the description of the general childhood and behaviour was chillingly accurate.
But is there any science behind this?