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File: 33 KB, 215x332, ChildhoodsEnd1stEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7419307 No.7419307 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to the conclusion that vintage sci fi is better than modern sci fi..

I think its because the old stuff was all premise driven while the new stuff is all action and tech.

What do you think?

>> No.7419315

Agreed. It seems that there was more imagination to what science/the future could hold, and a bit more exaggeration to what we don't know. I think it's because we found our focus in science which is technology and computers, which ends up proving to work faster and better than mechanical techniques. I find that vintage sci-fi is more interested in mixed sciences, like biotechnology.
One more point, is its writing style, adds a nice tinge to it.

>> No.7419815
File: 43 KB, 300x508, asimov_isaac_foundation_av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing style
Those old guys sure did know how to write.
Can we compile a quick list?
What is the next logical book in the following series ?
Childhoods end
The Foundation series
Brave New World

>> No.7419841

>I think its because the old stuff was all premise driven while the new stuff is all action and tech.
Most of the old stuff was also action and tech rather than premise driven, and most of the old stuff was also crap. You get a distorted view because you're comparing the best vintage scifi (namely, the old works that people still read and praise, as opposed to all the old pieces of shit that have been forgotten) to the average works of today. If you compare the best of today to the best of 50 years ago, you'll find them comparable.

>> No.7419847

>The Foundation series
Speaking of action and tech...

I love Greg Egan, very smart hard physics-driven stories. He's not very old tho.

>> No.7419858
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I agree

>> No.7420488
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Any Sci fi movie recommendations?
I have not seen anything in a few years.

>> No.7420491

>those old guys sure did know how to write stylistically
>posts a picture of asimov
Oh please don't do it again my sides hurt so bad.

>> No.7420494


>> No.7420496

Writing style=/= stylistic writing

>> No.7420508

>I think its because the old stuff was all premise driven while the new stuff is all action and tech.
You see almost all of the "new stuff". Unless you go out of your way to dig forgotten stuff up, you only see the bits of the "old stuff" that stayed appealing.

>> No.7420596


>> No.7420647

In chronological order:
>Forbidden Planet
>THX 1138
>Fantastic Planet
>The man who fell to earth
>Logan's Run
>Saturn 3
>Time Masters
>Twelve Monkeys
>World on a Wire
>Dark City
>The Congress

>> No.7420650

I fucking love Ringworld

Anything Niven touches is gold.

>> No.7420847
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Yeah, if you try to read a sampling of sf from bygone decades you quickly realize how much of it was utter crap. We just only kept the good stuff.

you have obviously not read Ringworld Throne or anything he wrote more recently than that. you are a lucky person, anon. I envy your innocent unspoiled joy.

>> No.7421058

Thats fair. The stuff I like ranges from 40 to 100 years old.That is 60 years to cherry pick from.

>> No.7421108

Thanks anon :)

>> No.7421221

I don't know, "The Killing Star", "Flying to Valhalla", and "Blindsight" are all pretty good.

"Rendezvous with Rama" is still my favorite though

And yes, "Childhood's End" is great

>> No.7421339
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Bruuuh I'm on rama2 now

>> No.7421796

>"Rendezvous with Rama"
Any know a good audiobook version of this?

>> No.7421801

>I have come to the conclusion that vintage sci fi is better than modern sci fi..

Nah, it just seems that way because only the best stuff gets remembered.

The vast majority of "vintage sci fi" was actually trash. Generic rayguns and technobabble shit, churned out in mass quantities.

>> No.7422191

Rama 2 was... well written fan-fiction. However 75% of the novel is about petty drama between greedy crew members. The last 25% of the novel is better and somewhat captures the sense of mystery and discovery of the first book, but that's it.

I'm not going to bother with the other books in the series.

>> No.7422494

Any culture book.

>> No.7422550

I love Greg Egan more than vintage scifi too.
His stories are much more deep (logically/philosophically deep if you wish) than old handwavy scifi stories about 60s humans with ftl drives and stuff.

>> No.7422645

>old handwavy scifi stories about 60s humans with ftl drives and stuff.

If we were in the same room I would pop you in the mouth for that snarky comment.

>> No.7424297

Are there any sci Fi novels about black people in space?

>> No.7424315

>metro 2033

>> No.7424403

>metro 2033
google says thats a vidya game

>> No.7424419

All this instantaneous gratifaction around has forced entertainment to up and up its interest value. The effect has been that it's lost all of it.

>> No.7424420


I assume all characters in books are black unless specifically stated otherwise.

>> No.7424527

Wha...even the ETs??

>> No.7424821

that makes me sad. Dude, the sense of awe and wonder in rama I was so incredible.

>> No.7424888

Idk, Coroy Doctorow's stuff (e.g. "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom") seems to be very old-school sci-fi style, but I still didn't find it spectacular.

>> No.7424897

>What do you think?


>> No.7424898

What have you found spectacular?

>> No.7424915

Out of recent stuff? Diamond Age would probably be the closest to "spectacular" I could think of, which is kind of sad now that I think about it.

>> No.7425033
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Old sci fi was sett during the era of the moon landing and Kennedy and people though anything was possible, like flying cars and living on mars.
Modern scifi like the cyberpunk genre is slightly more realistic in fact, i feel its too realistic, the times we live in could be a cyberpunk novel, hackers battling the government (assange, snowden. anonymous), giant robotic birds called drones patrol the skies looking for terrorists, the governments are just puppets of large monopolistic corporations.
The only thing missing are sex robots, for the love of god someone make a replicant already so i can fuck it!

The one thing i feel the cyberpunk writers did get wrong was the banality of people in the future, like social networks and shit like that.

>> No.7426512

How did Lennon ever manage to find the ugliest Asian is history?

>> No.7426673

>The only thing missing are sex robots, for the love of god someone make a replicant already so i can fuck it!

Join the 100,000,000 other guys in line.

>> No.7426850

Lets get a kickstarter going!!!1!!11!!!!

>> No.7426867

Good scifi has always prioritised storytelling over plausibility of the events depicted. It's very much contemplative rather than a detailed account of the rules and workings of an alternative reality.

In a way 'science fiction' is an unfortunate label because the ideas expressed more universal, the scientific or technological aspect exists primarily because it resonates with the industrialised world more.

>> No.7426960
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Trust me...big money is being spent in robotics.. BIG MONEY... google bought a shit ton of robotic companies and is working like crazy on some "secret" projects. There is a rather large sex doll industry and they too are working on creating a sexbot. Money is not the problem... just time and tech is the problem... just hold your Johnson and wait for 5 to 10 more years.

>> No.7427005
File: 19 KB, 329x357, happy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just sex dolls, m8. Imagine how we can become immortal once the neuroscientists and compsci dudes get consciousness sorted out. Combined with good robotic bodies, damn. Feels good to be born now mane.

>> No.7427014
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Also: Chappie


>> No.7427118
File: 50 KB, 960x515, yolandi_cookie_thumper_by_lichbeoulve-d7dtowv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yolandi 5000 sexbot is all I want out of life.

>> No.7427387

>What is the next logical book in the following series ?
2001: A Space Odyssey.

>> No.7428505

that movie sucked

>> No.7429288

I want to see that but I dont want to sit in the theater for 90 minutes with a boner :(

>> No.7429307

m8 it's on bluray, just download it and cherish your boner.

>> No.7429310

sometimes it's scary how much like a cult religion transhumanism has become/is becoming

>> No.7429316

I recently finished blindsight. One of the books sci-fi books I've ever read, it really got into my head.

>> No.7429319

>that makes me sad. Dude, the sense of awe and wonder in rama I was so incredible.

Agreed. The whole puck was kind of a puzzle. Each chapter revealed something new about Rama and you when you read it you are always trying to figure out what Rama is and what it does, to anticipate the next chapter's revelation.

It's one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.7429327

>I recently finished blindsight. One of the books sci-fi books I've ever read, it really got into my head.

Yeah, it's a very interesting novel. I may read it again soon, actually.

I think the author has finished a sequel, too.

>> No.7429373

1984? The Forever War? Anyone?

>> No.7429494

>One of the books sci-fi books I've ever read

What the WTF am I reading?

>> No.7429509

It seems that way to be as well, modern sci-fi seems to be 90% space opera, and is more about "universe-building" than exploring concepts.

>> No.7429512
File: 2.26 MB, 2200x5000, Scifilit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic from /lit/ fellas; should help you out.

>> No.7429517

Star Maker

That book is insane, telling the entire history of intelligent life in the universe, and then going onto different universes and realities that we can't even get our heads around.

>> No.7429551


Asimov's Robots series, and really everything else he wrote.
Rendevous with Rama is Arthur C Clarke's best, the sequels are less good but also decent.
Poul Anderson, everything he wrote was gold.

>> No.7429557


They wouldn't know good sci-fi if it raped them.
>several in cyrillic

Literal meme choices.

>> No.7429565
File: 16 KB, 210x251, 1295428103177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought Brave New World, Foundation Tril. and Dune tril. before seeing this image

>> No.7429586

Old sf was hopeful. New sf is dystopian and heartless.

>> No.7429600

Nice cherry picking you walking meme

>> No.7429605
File: 60 KB, 421x434, NEW MOTIVE POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>> No.7429795

>Dune tril.
There are six Dune books.
They're organized in pairs.

>> No.7429807

Oh kek I only have the first one then I think haven't started it though.

>> No.7429810

Dumbledore dies

>> No.7429824

John Wyndham though

Day Of The Triffids is his most famous work but I enjoyed The Trouble With Lichen, Chocky and The Midwich Cuckoos more. I may not have been paying full attention when I read Triffids though tbf.

>> No.7429829

It was life changing for me.

>> No.7429878


Only the ones by Herbert count, the ones his son wrote are terribad.

And really only the first one is seminal, the rest are simply good.

>> No.7430484

I am physically unable to buy the books his son wrote. I can just sense that they must.

>> No.7431448

Herbert wrote six books, phaggot.

>> No.7431786
File: 54 KB, 408x446, c2a15557f1fed66dce36a63f218b4606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey why did I get double stuffed?

>> No.7431878

ever heard the phrase "speculative fiction"?

Sci fi, fantasy, spec fic, all three a little different

Has anyone else read the MaddAddam trilogy?

>> No.7431892

Along with anti-transhumanism and anti-robotics.

>> No.7431952

das raciss

>> No.7432869

It's based on a book.

>> No.7433266
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>> No.7434264
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>> No.7434293


To a certain extent yes.

Back before the 70s (re: Watergate, Chenobyl, 9/11) people were optimistic about the future and the ways tech would change life.

After, now people are afraid of rapid technological change and fear it. So you get more cynical stories about it.

That being said my favorite scifi is Farenheight 451, which is pessimistic but I think it's message is particularly relevent nowadays.

>> No.7434312

Matter by Ian M. Banks

>> No.7434378

For the friends that liked Rama, Greg Bear's Eon is pretty similar in premise. The book gets wonky with the second half, but the first half is great with the mysterious space object stuff.

Blindsight was pretty great but it had some dumb shit too that detracted from the cool aliens, like the vampire captain

>> No.7435303

will check this one out