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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 350x236, 2015-04-19-005958-350x236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421272 No.7421272 [Reply] [Original]

EMDrive tested in hard vacuum.


Where is your god now?

>> No.7421281

OP, you should have mentioned that this was by a team in Germany, so it technically counts as independent replication.

Regardless, I'm getting impatient. Interstellar travel fucking when?

>> No.7421378
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so I guess the next step is to try the superconducting high-Q cavity that the inventor thinks will produce useful amounts of thrust.

I wonder if I could diy a (crappy, low-Q) emdrive. it's just a junk magnetron and some copper sheet right? why am I not flying through space RIGHT NOW?

>> No.7421379 [DELETED] 

fuck off with your faggot ass meme drive it doesn't fucking work you nigger FUCK OFF.

>> No.7421385

Good, good.

One requirement tentatively checked off of the to-do list that culminates in me being an immortal techno-lich and stealing Ganymede.

>> No.7421386
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Why are people like this? Look at yourself, how unsightly.

>> No.7421404

so should i get slightly more hype /sci/?

>> No.7421405



>> No.7421406

o-oh, but doesn't the test show it kinda still works?

>> No.7421451

proof that modern physics is dogmatic

embrace the fact that this is basically the same point of view as epicycles. it is possible that everything we thought we knew wasn't entirely right.

>> No.7421470

Modern more or less anything has become rooted in dogma, whether it be physics, biology, even electrical engineering. And honestly, I've gotten pretty goddamn sick of it.

These fucking people have taken the fruits of scientific endeavor, and science itself, and made it a religion. It's arguable if there remains any difference between the two, or if there ever was. I wish they'd learn to just shut their mouths while anyone who actually wants to understand how things work goes about their business. Some people should drop the idea that they deserve to feel they have an opinion, we'd all be a lot better off. They just muddle and confuse things at best, get in the way at worst.

>> No.7421482

not this shit again

>> No.7421508

START REKWHEN!?!?!?!!?!!!!!!M

>> No.7421520


Here's the entire document.

The guy is known for testing shit for bullshit and removing all possible interferences in his setups.

Not only did he measure thrust, but it was also thrust according to an actual theory.

Memedrive makes me giddy.

>> No.7421526

Science has always been dogmatic. It just so happens that it used to be much easier to get absolute proof to refute the nay-sayers.

If we get a flying memedrive, everyone will stop calling it bullshit.

Nothing changed. Humans always stay the same.

However, it's kind of sad that apparently the American education system doesn't teach what the scientific method is. There is no other explanation for the fedora revolution of quasi-scientific dogma and the science vs religion bullshit.

>> No.7421668

Science has always been dogmatic, but the ideas it yields have not. This has varied throughout history, and the degree of entrenchment and clinging the average person displays varies.

I've begun to wonder what the point of communication is. Either I'm stating something obvious people don't appear to understand on their own and meeting resistance, or I'm having someone speak my own words to me, and there's no functional difference. I used to think I was searching and there was something to find, but maybe it's better to just not bother. You're correct, humans don't meaningfully change, both individually and as a whole. Collective misery is all we're good at, and all we deserve.

>> No.7421690

So if it does work, what are the implications exactly?

How will it change spaceflight or other modes of transportation, precisely?

Cheap spaceflight? HOW cheap? How fast? Go where?

>> No.7421738

Look! Free energy generator!
The government does not want you to know about this.
This time for real!
It even works better if you wear a tinfoil hat.

>> No.7421764

> So if it does work, what are the implications exactly?

Ion thrusters are suddenly obsolete.

>> No.7421771

I am very new to the subject

Anyone can suggest a good article/paper/thing that explains what the emdrive actually is?

All I know is that people are mad about it

>> No.7421781


>proven by real world experiment
>can't be real because muh maths

Modern physics.

>> No.7421782

read the frontpage of reddit

should be enough

>> No.7421784


Maybe physicists would take it more seriously if instead of EM drive, it was called DARK ENERGY drive? :3c

>> No.7421785




>> No.7421786


One serious ramification is much of physics is BTFO.

>> No.7421793

Science has always had elements of dogmatism. Always. It's a natural consequence of science's inherent basis in induction and its reliance on human reasoning.

>> No.7421799

This is utter waste of money and time.
First get the theory going and then proceed with testing. Doing it the other way is ridiculous and anti-scientific.

>> No.7421800

There's a new paper coming out tomorrow that'll either make or break it. It's either being confirmed as a meme drive or a technological revolution.

And even if the thrust is too low to be used effectively but still exists it would show we still have a lot to learn about physics. That's not as incredible as interstellar travel, but it's still very exciting.

>> No.7421822


>don't do experiments

Modern physics.

>> No.7421831


Really how many man-hours have been wasted on worthless theories such as superstring? If this experiment is positive then it's clear that theories are broken, as if hamsterwheeling on incomplete theories for a century wasn't enough of a clue.

>> No.7421833

It's ridiculous to imply those two things need to be serial and linear.

>> No.7421836

pshew pew PIEWWWWW

Told you it'd work /sci/

Where's your Einstein now hahahaha?

>> No.7421838

Basically, no one knows how it works, but a few autists over at NASAspaceflightforums have figured out a mathematical model to predict thrust.
As it turns out, the paper has almost exactly the level of thrust that was expected for the specs of the test system.

Theories on its potential vary widely. On the extreme end, it might warp space, affect gravity or just produce thrust at a 4N/kW ratio.
Also, it may or may not work positioned on the inside of the object that you are trying to propel. We might not need designs with external thrusters anymore.

Anyway, the important aspect of it is that it works through pure electricity. It consumes absolutely no propellant, making it ideal for deep space exploration.

On the high end, it might make wheels obsolete and produce free energy by taking energy from virtual particles or something.

Even on the low end, it's flat-out insane from what we know.

>> No.7421840

See >>7421520
That's the paper.
What comes out tomorrow is the articles on the paper, as there was a press embargo.

>> No.7421841


>first get the theory going

Lel it would take far more time and money to get the "theory going" than it is going to take to just test it out.

>> No.7421844


Theoretical "science" that disagrees with empirical evidence is bogus.

>> No.7421846

>press embargo

What do you mean?

>> No.7421850

That's what I read, at least.

Press embargoes occasionally happen so that no one can write a shitty article to claim being the first to break the news.
Imagine what a quick and dirty article on this shit would be like. It would discredit everything via overhype.

>> No.7421856

Good I hope this slaps the shit out of physics. A pack of smug faglords riding on the coattails of genius, yet being able to barely scratch the surface of the world uncovered by that body of work. Do you think Einstein would have been talking shit about this experiment? Or do you think he may have thought "oh thank fuck now maybe I can lose that cosmological constant fuckup with some empirical evidence to light the way." Not today's physicists, they'll make cosmological constant canonical and call it magic.

>> No.7421860

>le free energy
pop/sci/ everyone

>> No.7421876

>what is the scientific method

>> No.7421879

Go on. If I'm retarded I'm sure you can easily explain proper.

>> No.7421886

DrBagelBites will be attending tomorrow's conference and will make live updated on /r/EmDrive


>> No.7421888

>god doesn't play dice
I guess he would.

>> No.7421889 [DELETED] 

Some things just can't be explained because you're just so fucking retarded.

>> No.7421897

You get a theory to explain an experiment/phenomena, then you use the theory to explain other experiments/phenomena, until some experiment breaks it, then you get a new theory.

And so on and so forth.

>> No.7421900


>> No.7421901
File: 109 KB, 209x193, [Honking intensifies].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I thought.

Yeah, I know it sucks for now. Keep at it and eventually you won't be a know nothin' kid forced to run off when even slightly pressed.

>> No.7421904

There's probably just an experimental error that wasn't accounted for. Can't trust experimentalists to do anything right.

>> No.7421907

>There's probably just an experimental error that wasn't accounted for
Yeah, the experimental error was that the theory was wrong.

>> No.7421909

>y-y-you obviously d-don't know anything because you aren't spoon feeding me
>y-yeah, t-take that!
>Choose File -> anime/gifs/weeaboo.gif
you sure showed me bud.

>> No.7421917

I will elaborate on what is meant, for I am strongly considering going to sleep soon.

There are multiple ways to progress and produce viable designs with which novel understanding can be harvested.

-The theory is generated from existing understandings using theoretical models. Experiments are designed around this theory, eventually, and theory is tweaked. Experimentation is limited and guided by theory.

-Repeated experimentation and extrapolation of results guides both future iterations, and development of theory. This sense of empiricism has a much more solid spectrum of error to control for, however if the broader abstract of the topic is ignored, blind spots aren't quickly identified and a sense of unity might arise where it doesn't truly exist. It as well is waiting to fall apart.

-Both occur simultaneously, and only loosely synchronized. This intertwined relationship is how it works anyway, but choosing to actually play on this nature affords different methods and results. I see it as the most efficient, and while I am the type to heavily think things out in advance to define and structure things, I see it as ideal. Theory is fine, but we're finite and very flawed beings. It might look beautiful, it might seem perfect. And it might also not work out. It must be tested each step of the way and verified empirically, if applicable. ie, it need not be a truly serial process between theory and experimentation. Arguably, this method is also more efficient as far as actual work required to get the same general results.

It feels absurd to actually need to say this like it's novel. People should know this on their own.

>> No.7421919

So when is this being tested by real physicists at a reputable university?

>> No.7421922
File: 2.21 MB, 2429x3213, scan06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redirect this to this.

>> No.7421927

never, it's a piece of shit that doesn't work at all.

>> No.7421931

Well, that's what I think too, so it should be tested by real physicists already so we can move on and forget about this shit.

>> No.7421934



Einstein was rustled by the implications of quantum mechanics, implications which are conveniently ignored by much of science today.

>> No.7421936

nasa already tested the damn thing and they said it doesn't work. random faggots have already tested it and found that whatever small thrust it was making came from the cavity heating the air. more faggots have tested it inside a vacuum to figure out that cavity was leaking microwaves and fucking with the sensors.

it's shit, it will always be shit, it was nothing more than a cash grab by the original inventor, you should have known it was shit when his retarded theory was disproven literally an hour after he released it.

>> No.7421938

>nasa already tested the damn thing and they said it doesn't work
Are you retarded or just pretending?


>> No.7421940
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>> No.7421942

>nasa already tested the damn thing and they said it doesn't work.
No, they tested two designs and found out that some faglors idea of "improvement" actually made jack shit of a difference. They got identical thrust on both.

>> No.7421943

I'm actually genuinely curious.

What implications are you talking about?

>> No.7421949

nice, every single one of those tests was not under hard vacuum and now we're waiting for these memedrive faggots to test under vacuum and realize it doesn't work which has already been done anyways so they're just wasting their time.

>> No.7421959

>which has already been done
Show me the paper where an RF resonant cavity device was tested under hard vacuum and partial vacuum and the thrust measure on the hard vacuum was zero and on the partial vacuum non-zero.

You can't? Then fuck off.
Nobody is saying the EmDrive works, we are saying that results as of today are inconclusive and its effectiveness still up to debate. More experiments have to be conducted.

>> No.7421966

The math actually says it can work. People just don't want to admit that the theory behind it might be right. It's easier to just deny the results of the experiment.

>> No.7421969

>Nobody is saying the EmDrive works
you are one cheeky fuck m8.

>> No.7421973
File: 8 KB, 300x187, 1355002714106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice, every single one of those tests was not under hard vacuum
Except for the one RIGHT IN THIS FUCKING THREAD you fucking mongoloid cocksucking troll whore.

>> No.7421974

I'm a different anon, but shut the fuck up. Why are you people on a science board with these kind of attitudes again?

We don't know yet. So we test until we believe the margin of error is low enough that we can say we properly understand what is occurring. That hasn't happened yet. Stop your prattling on and wait for further data, or go out and test yourself.

>> No.7421985

>We don't know yet.

fuck off retard

>> No.7421988


The mere possibility that the EM Drive isn't BS seems to be a very offensive notion to many on /sci/. I don't understand why that is.

>> No.7421994

Why do you seem so genuinely upset?

>> No.7421995

>>7421988 They read its cool to say that on a popsci fedora aytheyeest website called rationalwiki or some shit like that

>> No.7421996

>I don't understand why that is.
because it's been tested multiple times you nigger and it DOESNT FUCKING WORK LIKE THE NIGGER GARBAGE THAT IT IS.

>> No.7421998

Nor I. That's actually the sole reason I'm watching this thread.

>> No.7422005
File: 16 KB, 569x50, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read the OP?

>> No.7422009

Reminds me of that one time, years ago, when someone made a thread about aliens and some sperg just couldn't comprehend the notion that aliens might exist, even if we haven't yet seen any.

This might be one of the spergiest boards.

>> No.7422010

I'm not believe that shit until it's peer reviewed so fuck off with OP's garbage.

>> No.7422012

You mustn't gnobble so much cog, anon. It is bad for you.

>> No.7422016


>> No.7422018
File: 145 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot (54) - Kopie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.7422021


All the physics you learn there is wrong.

>> No.7422022

I see. But why are you so upset?

>> No.7422024
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You also learn about zones of taste on the human tongue in school. And Lemmings that jump off cliffs.

But seriously guys, why the fuck is anyone even responding to this troll? It's fucking obvious that he disregards all arguments and just latches on a new person when he is refuted.

>> No.7422027

>posts picture of the non vacuum experiment

>> No.7422029
File: 76 KB, 650x354, 8397-batthert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing will cause a massive, thermonuclear butthurt all over the "scientific community" if proven to be real.

>> No.7422031

>why the fuck is anyone even responding to this troll?
They must continue until self disgust and a glimmer of honesty overwhelms whatever internal justifications are causing the behavior. It is inherently playing on an internal need, it must run its course until this is out in the open.

>> No.7422033

noone will be butthurt if it's proven without a doubt
this just opens up new avenues

>> No.7422036

Humans will just forget in another 10-20 years. Cycle repeats.

>> No.7422038

nah, if it gets proven to be real (it wont) then we just move forward and figure out why it works and improve it.

it doesn't matter how much we shit post on sci, they're going to keep testing it for some reason only to figure out that it's garbage AGAIN.

>> No.7422042

Read the third paragraph of the conclusion.

You must be doing this on purpose.

>> No.7422045

>posting a non peer reviewed paper
faggot, are we just making shit up now or what?

>> No.7422047

But anon, every test shows that it works.

Why would it magically not work anymore?

>> No.7422051

So how many independent replications have there been, now?
NASA + Chinese + Germans?

>> No.7422053

>>7422047 Because you're a faggot.

>> No.7422056 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay XD

>> No.7422057


+ some diys

>> No.7422060

Know how I can tell which posts are yours?

They all have 'faggot' in them, and no real argument.

>> No.7422061 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive doesn't work maymay xD

>> No.7422065 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422066

I was thinking... how the hell did Shawyer invent it? His "theory" is garbage, who told him to strap a magnetron to a fucking piece of tin?

>> No.7422067

>le meme drive doesn't work maymay xxD

>> No.7422069

But >>7422056 doesn't use the word.

Cut him some slack. He knows meme arrow insults!

No one knows. The dude is shady as fuck, but somehow his system works and is deceptively simple.
We can only theorize. Maybe he went crazy and then tried random shit. But even then, the actual thrust can't be measured in a random setup, as the thing isn't very powerful unless you get it very right.
So yeah, it's completely batshit insane.

>> No.7422071

A failing satellite research company had to come up with something. He probably realized from his own shitty experiments that leaking microwaves all over the place could cause small errors in sensor readings.

>> No.7422073
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>free energy

>> No.7422074
File: 13 KB, 178x178, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7422066 Obviously, teh government knew and kept it secret until now. Someone decided it's time to "invent" (i.e. reveal to the public).

>> No.7422075 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422078

le monkeys on a typewriter

>> No.7422079 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive doesn't work maymay xDDD

>> No.7422080


Thing is plenty of people are getting atomic butthurt that folks are daring to try the experiment.

>> No.7422081 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422083

Yeah, just look at this very thread.

>> No.7422085
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like he stole an ayylien blueprint and came up with some bullshit theory to explain his "invention".

>> No.7422086

>le meme drive doesn't work maymay x̶̪̤̟̼̲̠ͬ̍͒ͬ̋̚̚Ḓ͖̣̫̃D͎̲̱̲͍ͤ͛̐͑͡D

>> No.7422087

It's already been tried faggot and it doesn't work. Why are you enabling con artists to scam millions of dollars from research groups by getting them to test garbage because of public opinion.

>> No.7422088 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422089
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 1393000830840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's already been tried faggot and it doesn't work.

>> No.7422093

>le meme drive d͇̭̩̘͖̱̺̈́ͮ̅̑͂̕o̡̤̹̫̯͙̞̓̏̄̐́̂̚͟͟ͅe̷̡̲̥̜̼̥̹̰̾͌ͦ̽͐̆̂̀s̡̛͉̊ͩn͔̭͔̗ͧͨ̓̃̿ͨͮ͝'̤̲̗̜̜͎͉͈ͨ̾̽͟ṯ̷̪͔̩̦̏̓ͥ̅̅̈́͡ ̨̨̝̦̱ͦ̉̇̊͠w̵̱̯͇̥͔͍̳ͤͯ̃ͮͮ̏͂͒͜o͓̼͒͊ͭ̑͒ͧr̸̴͔̬̻̬̳̼̐ͯ̒̓̕k͕̱͑ͅ ̤̄͂̋͂͑ͣ̑̌m̷͕̞͍̳ͣͥ̈́̇a̷ͫ̑͌̃̓̚͘҉̝͔ͅy̥͍͓̓ͦ͋͐̈́m̷̢̯͚̦ͦ̓́ͣ̓̎ͩ̾͞a̵̯̘̓ͣͦͭ͊ͪy̵̗͔̬̖͔͕̱̤̓͋̄͊ͯ̊ͦͭ͘͝ ̸̴̵͖̺̣ͬͦͬ̍̎̄̚x̷̢̳̜̞̫̜̺͖̀̍D̖̭͎̾̄͆̀̒̃́Ḑ̵̬̭̩͔̣̜̝ͮ̋ͨ͆ͯ͌͗̚͝D̨͔̳̯̘͐ͯ̐͗ͪ̏̀

>> No.7422094


>> No.7422095


>le faggot poster

>> No.7422097

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422099

Can someone explain me this shit?

Wikipedia says it works.

>> No.7422100

̵̢̬͈͉͙̠͙͎̲͈̜̺͔͓̬̓̄̓̈͗͟>̡̞̜̩͕͈̙̺̲̺̰͕͓͉̠ͪͫ̿̄̇ͫ̊ͧ͗ͮͪ͊̐ͮͨ͂̊̽͢ͅl̵̶̟͓̊͑͊ͪͦͣ̏̉̈́̎ͯ̍ͯ̉̌̅̚͞͠͝ͅͅḙ̸͈͍͈̳̪̙͖̩͍̎ͮ̅͂͂͐ͨ̔̐̂ͩ̕ ̨̄̊̅̑̒̓̏̂̌̊ͫ̇̚҉̦̙̞͈̹͎͖͕̰̼̫̻̼̮͚̩̟m̡͊̉ͯ̔̎̀͌̒ͤ̐̇̽̓͗̚͡҉̞̞͉̩̺̠͉̠̻̳̞͓̞̲̪͘e̤̲̟̭̻̩̘̙̼̞͕͍̩̞̩̼̽͆͊͑͗̈̈́͛̅̓͗̽̑̿ͩ̔͟͠͡ͅm̔ͧ͛̅̔͛̊̉̀̇ͣͧ̈́͏̴̺̱̻͔͓̗̀́e̶̴̸̢̺̦͔̫̥̯̘̯̼͓͙̎ͩ̎̅͛̈́̑͌ͦ͊ͧ ̸̱͇̟̜͍̠̭̰̳̥͖͉̘͈͈̺̖̟̼ͥ̂̅̓ͯ̓̄ͮ̀͘͢͢ḓ̶̴̦̹̳̰̪̭͍̺͚̤̮̞̭͚ͪͥ̊̀̚ͅr̸̯̱͚͚̯ͬ̌ͤ̃́į̼̙͙̳͓̖͖̱̻̦̑̒̇ͨ̍́̄ͬ̌̋͊ͩ̾̾͛̃̌ͣ́͠v͑͒ͯ̒͛ͪ҉̡̟̝̟̩͖̹̻̦̺̠̙̠̭͍͔̗̫̘e̷̸͎͔̝̻̱̠̜̫̞̟̥͆ͭ̽ͯ͗́ͨ̈́ͫ̓ͩͨ͑͆ͤ́̚̚͘ ̶̟̼̫̮̲̩̥̺͚̰̺̰̭͔ͯ̃̆̿ͣ̓ͦ̀ͨͮͯ̆ͮ̍̋̂͆̊͋͝͠ḑ̴̡͋̆̈̿͞͏͕̥̯̳̻͈o̸̤̰͖̯̯͇̲̦̜͖̱ͥ̉͋ͮ̔̎̿͑͂͌̇ͥͮ̃̂͟͠ë̶̸͙̳̪̥̟̹̖̥͔̭̪͇́́̄̐̐ͮͣͩ͑̋͐̾ͤ̓̎̐ͪ͘s̺̹̘͓̾͗̂͆̓͋̃̌̑̀̉̄̉ͨ̀͒̃̓̂͟͡͞͝n̶̨̢̢̗̪̟͈̏͊̀ͨ͑ͫͦ̑̋̃͜'̀̊͌͂ͯ͛ͯ̈͌̀͘̕҉̮͖̤̭͈͚̬̰͓͈͚̻̰̱̩͎̜̣ͅţ̶̴̵͔̰̖̥͔̬͔̤̯̦̬̓́̈́̋̿̾̍ͭ̂ͥͫ̔̔̚͡ ̷̸̗͓̪͛̃̐̋̅͗̆͛̒ͣͣͯ̾͗́̽̈̍ͪ͡w̶̡͔̗̫̝͓ͮ͆̂̿ͨ͊̅͗͜͡͞o̸̥̯̬͔̻̺̹̪͚̓ͦͬ̂́̀r̡̞̜̥̳̥ͯ̾ͫ̎̇͋͊̓̃̇̃͞k̵͔̼͕͖̞̫̈́͋̄ͥ̇͋̏͢ ̷̛̬̲͇̖̥̭̤̦̯̓̊̂ͪ́̀ͅm̶̴̸̦̰̻͓̻̯̙͚̜͛ͯ͑̏ͪͬ̒̀ͧ̊̊ͥ͋̅͂͒̈̕á̷̭̙̞̗͓̠͎̦̪̅ͣ̂̍̽́̏̃͂̑ͭ̏̋̇̀̚͟ÿ̷̞̪͓͉̘̯̹ͧ̇̓̊ͫͬͮ̈́ͬ̕ͅm̸̶̨͔̥͙̹̪̘̲̻̞̞̠̖͛̓͑ͥͫ̒̚͠͞ͅa̠̠̲̥̺̤̼͖̭̖̮̖̓̑̆̈̅ͯͦ̾ͩ̆̂̍ͯͦ̂͋͊́͝͝ÿ̬͖̼́̽ͦ̅ͧ͒͊ͦ͊̀͞ͅ ́͒̃̓ͪ͋̒̓̌͏̢̱̣̝̘̯̩̹͚̖̖̣̲̼̬̦̘̭̬́x̴͇͎̬̩̠̰̺̹́ͩ̃ͫͬ̎̄̌͐̂ͤ̀D̷̀͗͛̌̐̿̒̇ͣͮͥ̓͛̈́҉̠̱͖͖͎̖̱͘͜ͅD͙͈̹͎̲͔̳̼͙̥̩̳̻̖̩́̑͊͛̎ͬͪ͗ͮ̆̌́̌ͥ͛̓̐́̚̕͟͞D̔̐́̌̋̂̾͌̓ͣ͑̆̑̂̌͏͏̙̝̲̭̠͚̺̩̪͔͇̼̗̭̗̝ͅ

>> No.7422101

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422103

All the tests say it works.
/sci/ says it doesn't.

>> No.7422106

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422109


>> No.7422112 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD
>le shit posting maymay xD

>> No.7422113


>> No.7422114

It just DOESN'T werks.


Who do you think has the most time on their hands to win edit wars on wikipedia? Professional scientists, or NEET leftist jewrats?

>> No.7422115

>le shit posting maymay xD

>Who do you think has the most time on their hands to win edit wars on wikipedia? Professional scientists, or NEET leftist jewrats?

>> No.7422116

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.7422118
File: 7 KB, 211x176, 1294174936801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u.

Post studies proving it doesn't break thermodynamic laws or get the fuck out with your memedrive bullshit.

>> No.7422119 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 354x504, jewshown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oyy veyyyy, the goyim know! shut it down!

>> No.7422122


>> No.7422123

>le shit posting maymay xD

>> No.7422124

>6c 65 20 6d 65 6d 65 20 64 72 69 76 65 20 64 6f 65 73 6e 27 74 20 77 6f 72 6b 20 6d 61 79 6d 61 79 20 78 44 44 44

>> No.7422125

>I-it breaks the law guise!!!!!
>It can't do that ! It's against the law!

Get back on your knees where you belong.

>> No.7422126
File: 201 KB, 1024x682, 1420420573110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Department of Mechanical Engineering

>> No.7422129


>implying theories are immutable

Sure is dogma around here.

>> No.7422133
File: 220 KB, 500x735, 27980291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le hex meme

>> No.7422135


>> No.7422136

>33062440 33262555 31220144 34464566 31220144 33662563 33423564 10073557 34465440 33260571 33260571 10074104 210420

>> No.7422137

>le shit posting maymay xD

>> No.7422139


>> No.7422143
File: 50 KB, 311x311, 1308946564071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just because science fundamentally disproves it doesn't mean it's wrong.

Why are you even on this board if haven't even finished a single year of STEM university? GTFO. Don't come back.

>> No.7422144

The results say they don't.

So either your laws are wrong, or it actually is a magic snowflake drive.

>> No.7422146

> Post studies proving it doesn't break thermodynamic laws or get the fuck out with your memedrive bullshit

You do realise gas mantles break 2nd thermodynamic law, you fucking faggot?

>> No.7422147

>The results say they don't.
>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422148

He was dumb enough to try those troll science memes in real life and then somehow got actual results.

>> No.7422149

> A year of stem education gives me authority to dismiss experimental evidence

This is the state of modern science.

>> No.7422150

>108 101 32 109 101 109 101 32 100 114 105 118 101 32 100 111 101 115 110 39 116 32 119 111 114 107 32 109 97 121 109 97 121 32 120 68 68 68

>> No.7422152

>le shit posting maymay xD

>> No.7422157

>01101100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100100 01110010 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 01101101 01100001 01111001 00100000 01111000 01000100 01000100 01000100

>> No.7422159 [DELETED] 

>random person posts something on 4chan I don't like

>> No.7422162

>le shit posting maymay xD

>> No.7422167

No it does not you blatant pop-sci nigger.

>> No.7422168

Studies show you gnobble cog, and that long term chronic cog gnobblers are heavily predisposed to gnobblerism, a fatal disease that causes the individual to post nonsense to online imageboards.

There is is also a distinct linear correlation between frequency and extent of globberizing, with the progress of gnobblerism. At the condition's peak, an afflicted individual is gnobbling cog at almost all times. At this stage, the effects of the disease become irreversible.

The risks of treatment (inverse tripolar gnobblerism), outweigh any slight benefit you might receive at this point. We cannot recommend any manner of treatment for you. Maintenance or supportive care, such as direct intervention to prevent cog gnobbling, would cause gnob collapse. A typical case reaches full gnobblerism within a year. I'm sorry, nothing can be done.

>> No.7422169


>experiment disproves theory
>experiment is false

Why don't you shitpost the thread into oblivion? Oh wait, you already did that.

>> No.7422170

No it doesn't, calling retards out when they refuse to read any studies contradicting their dogma and clearly have no education is the state of modern science. As it should be.

>> No.7422172 [DELETED] 



>> No.7422174

>meme drivele meme work doesn't xDDD

>> No.7422175


>le capslock greentext


>> No.7422179

How about I embed magnetrons inside of your house walls and turn them on 24 hours a day to see if your house flies up and off this planet.

>> No.7422184

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422185 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 640x433, 1294211378162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a poor experiment or a misinterpretation of noise and error bars, the problem is all of science is wrong!


>> No.7422190

Anon, listen. This might boggle your mind here.
You see, we didn't discover Physical Laws, and I doubt we ever will.
We instead have models that predict things. It's not that physical laws were wrong, it's that the models were wrong. Simple as that.

>> No.7422192

Not all of it, just maybe parts of GR.

>> No.7422198 [DELETED] 

Why would we believe random faggots over Einstein whose theories have been thoroughly tested for almost a century.

>> No.7422200


>> No.7422202

Because the experimental evidence clearly shows that something is wrong with our understanding of physics?

>> No.7422203

Because we never found the hidden variable.

>> No.7422205

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422206


If GR is so good why did he go to his grave still butthurt about the cosmological constant?

>> No.7422207

Do you have any idea just how fucking fundamental GR is? And no it violates thermo too as the paper posted earlier proves.

>> No.7422211

Why not call it dark butthurt?

>> No.7422212

and which evidence would that be?

>> No.7422213

>Everything is layered on top of and reliant on each other
>All built to work and describe observed phenomena
Gosh golly, I wonder why fundamental flaws would be relevant to multiple things. How shocking. Wish we were equipped to handle this.

>> No.7422218

>the paper posted earlier proves

The paper posted earlier doesn't address any of the possible explanations of the drive. All it says is:
'This is impossible because muh first law of thermodynamics, therefore this is impossible.'

The one where at least 3 different research groups have all gotten positive results?

>> No.7422219

>le meme maymay xDDD work doesn't drive

>> No.7422222 [DELETED] 

>The one where at least 3 different research groups have all gotten positive results?
>he thinks the meme drive actually works
>he thinks it's not just microwaves interacting with the sensors
I bet you thought faster than light neutrinos was real too huh faggot?

>> No.7422223



>> No.7422225

Nice quints faggot-chan

>> No.7422226

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422227 [DELETED] 


You are literally saying millions of experimental results throughout the centuries are incorrect and this microwave somehow proves all scientists who ever lived had it all wrong.

>> No.7422228

>You are literally saying millions of experimental results throughout the centuries are incorrect

>implying it is impossible for there to be a theory that reconciles the old results with the new

>> No.7422230

Quints of truth. Fuck you niggers.

>> No.7422234

>le drive doesn't xDDD maymay meme work

>> No.7422235

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422236

>I-It's seemed right n' i-it's looked and seemed right before, like, lots'a times! N' THEREFORE, IT MUST BE RIGHT. It must be microwaves, the theory is rock solid, it is written.

>> No.7422238

prove it wrong lmao

>> No.7422239

>le doesn't maymay xDDD work drive meme

>> No.7422242

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422243

>le work maymay meme xDDD doesn't drive

>> No.7422244

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422247

>workle meme xDDD maymay drive doesn't

>> No.7422248

Wow talk about atomic butthurt.

>> No.7422252

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422253

After all of this is over the only thing we will have learned is that if you want to fuck with extremely sensitive force sensors all you have to do is spew microwaves all over the place.

>> No.7422255

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You can't do a couple of experiments and say you've overturned all of physics, when there is a mountain of evidence that suggests the results are due to experimental error.

>> No.7422256


>> No.7422257

There are some proper fucking HS dropout niggers ITT, this breed of anti-intellectual retard needs to die.

>> No.7422258

>doesn't drive maymay meme xDDD work le

>> No.7422259

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422261

This is like an eternal ouroborus of shitposting. In its own way, it's kinda impressive.

>> No.7422263

Belief also need not be binary. Anyone making a claim in either direction is delusional, and should be put in front a firing squad.

>> No.7422265 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 231x246, Learning curves are for pussies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've already learned this lesson in our freshman lab classes.

The people supporting memedrive are uneducated layman who won't learn a goddamn thing and will lash on to the next popular meme idea to come along.

>> No.7422267


My guess is he was a con man. It just so happened that his trick device actually.. wasn't a trick at all.

>> No.7422271
File: 23 KB, 500x350, 1411055467177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Hoyle-Narlikar was right

>> No.7422275

>le xDDD doesn't drive maymay work meme

>> No.7422282 [DELETED] 


Physical laws are absolute.
Go back to church to worship your skydaddy is the best advice I can give you. At least you won't waste the world's time with the flavor of the month pseudoscience maymay scam.

>> No.7422284 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422286

I always suspected /sci/ was full of shitposters who think taking a few math and science classes makes them some intellectual heavyweight, and this thread proves it.

>> No.7422289

the chance of it is so high, you should have been almost certain even without proof

>> No.7422290

>xDDD drive doesn't work meme maymay le

>> No.7422300 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422302 [DELETED] 


>> No.7422305

I'm a layman, so take my opinion for what it is worth, but if he deviously devised a device that when tested is designed to cause errors in the sensors doing the testing then that certainly seems like something a clever con-man would do.

Mind you, scientists have been duped by slight of hand by a magician before. In the lab.

>> No.7422310

>experiment results disagree with my long held beliefs
>experimental error is the only explanation I will accept

>> No.7422311 [DELETED] 

It's not belief, it's a scientific law.

>> No.7422316

It was once "scientific law" that the sun orbited the Earth.

>> No.7422318

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422320


>> No.7422322

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422324

>'kim meeeydta edrlDrn xwD s oyevam oDm

>> No.7422330 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422332 [DELETED] 

>t'iD exDyanwe rmmkmoeDry dsead m love

>> No.7422333 [DELETED] 

>le meme drive works maymay xD

>> No.7422338

Hello, I'd like to return my /sci/.
It saw a rather odd article this afternoon and seems to have broken.
It keeps saying something like "the meme drive works and doesn't work" over and over again.

>> No.7422372

I'm a layman and I don't know what I'm talking about but I think information being sent faster than light. Look up bells inequality and the EPR paradox

>> No.7422396

The EMDrive fucked up everything and now we have reached shitposting singularity

>> No.7422400


And the cosmos is reborn.

>> No.7422457

Imagine the buttdevastation if the memedrive really works

>> No.7422506

/sci/ would be aflame.

The whole world would change.

Ion drives would be outdated, despite still being "near future" tech in sci-fi works where the makers haven't realized that we've been using that shit for ages by now.

>> No.7422563
File: 16 KB, 428x428, 19f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422569

You realize that if memedrive is real you can make a free energy generator a fraction of the size, cost and complexity of the LHC right?

>> No.7422572
File: 18 KB, 353x334, 1415988411364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free energy

>> No.7422573

Well, at least until we find out where the energy comes from.

And considering how we handle global warming...

It could be the great filter.

>> No.7422580

assuming memedrive works, which it doesn't.

As long as it works as advertised, it doesn't really matter where the energy comes from. Kinetic energy from constant acceleration will overcome the energy input at subluminal speeds, creating free energy.

>> No.7422585

How does meme drive imply free energy?

>> No.7422593

>̵̢̬͈͉͙̠͙͎̲͈̜̺͔͓̬̓̄̓̈͗͟>̡̞̜̩͕͈̙̺̲̺̰͕͓͉̠ͪͫ̿̄̇ͫ̊ͧ͗ͮͪ͊̐ͮͨ͂̊̽͢ͅl̵̶̟͓̊͑͊ͪͦͣ̏̉̈́̎ͯ̍ͯ̉̌̅̚͞͠͝ͅͅḙ̸͈͍͈̳̪̙͖̩͍̎ͮ̅͂͂͐ͨ̔̐̂ͩ̕ ̨̄̊̅̑̒̓̏̂̌̊ͫ̇̚҉̦̙̞͈̹͎͖͕̰̼̫̻̼̮͚̩̟m̡͊̉ͯ̔̎̀͌̒ͤ̐̇̽̓͗̚͡҉̞̞͉̩̺̠͉̠̻̳̞͓̞̲̪͘e̤̲̟̭̻̩̘̙̼̞͕͍̩̞̩̼̽͆͊͑͗̈̈́͛̅̓͗̽̑̿ͩ̔͟͠͡ͅm̔ͧ͛̅̔͛̊̉̀̇ͣͧ̈́͏̴̺̱̻͔͓̗̀́e̶̴̸̢̺̦͔̫̥̯̘̯̼͓͙̎ͩ̎̅͛̈́̑͌ͦ͊ͧ ̸̱͇̟̜͍̠̭̰̳̥͖͉̘͈͈̺̖̟̼ͥ̂̅̓ͯ̓̄ͮ̀͘͢͢ḓ̶̴̦̹̳̰̪̭͍̺͚̤̮̞̭͚ͪͥ̊̀̚ͅr̸̯̱͚͚̯ͬ̌ͤ̃́į̼̙͙̳͓̖͖̱̻̦̑̒̇ͨ̍́̄ͬ̌̋͊ͩ̾̾͛̃̌ͣ́͠v͑͒ͯ̒͛ͪ҉̡̟̝̟̩͖̹̻̦̺̠̙̠̭͍͔̗̫̘e̷̸͎͔̝̻̱̠̜̫̞̟̥͆ͭ̽ͯ͗́ͨ̈́ͫ̓ͩͨ͑͆ͤ́̚̚͘ ̶̟̼̫̮̲̩̥̺͚̰̺̰̭͔ͯ̃̆̿ͣ̓ͦ̀ͨͮͯ̆ͮ̍̋̂͆̊͋͝͠ḑ̴̡͋̆̈̿͞͏͕̥̯̳̻͈o̸̤̰͖̯̯͇̲̦̜͖̱ͥ̉͋ͮ̔̎̿͑͂͌̇ͥͮ̃̂͟͠ë̶̸͙̳̪̥̟̹̖̥͔̭̪͇́́̄̐̐ͮͣͩ͑̋͐̾ͤ̓̎̐ͪ͘s̺̹̘͓̾͗̂͆̓͋̃̌̑̀̉̄̉ͨ̀͒̃̓̂͟͡͞͝n̶̨̢̢̗̪̟͈̏͊̀ͨ͑ͫͦ̑̋̃͜'̀̊͌͂ͯ͛ͯ̈͌̀͘̕҉̮͖̤̭͈͚̬̰͓͈͚̻̰̱̩͎̜̣ͅţ̶̴̵͔̰̖̥͔̬͔̤̯̦̬̓́̈́̋̿̾̍ͭ̂ͥͫ̔̔̚͡ ̷̸̗͓̪͛̃̐̋̅͗̆͛̒ͣͣͯ̾͗́̽̈̍ͪ͡w̶̡͔̗̫̝͓ͮ͆̂̿ͨ͊̅͗͜͡͞o̸̥̯̬͔̻̺̹̪͚̓ͦͬ̂́̀r̡̞̜̥̳̥ͯ̾ͫ̎̇͋͊̓̃̇̃͞k̵͔̼͕͖̞̫̈́͋̄ͥ̇͋̏͢ ̷̛̬̲͇̖̥̭̤̦̯̓̊̂ͪ́̀ͅm̶̴̸̦̰̻͓̻̯̙͚̜͛ͯ͑̏ͪͬ̒̀ͧ̊̊ͥ͋̅͂͒̈̕á̷̭̙̞̗͓̠͎̦̪̅ͣ̂̍̽́̏̃͂̑ͭ̏̋̇̀̚͟ÿ̷̞̪͓͉̘̯̹ͧ̇̓̊ͫͬͮ̈́ͬ̕ͅm̸̶̨͔̥͙̹̪̘̲̻̞̞̠̖͛̓͑ͥͫ̒̚͠͞ͅa̠̠̲̥̺̤̼͖̭̖̮̖̓̑̆̈̅ͯͦ̾ͩ̆̂̍ͯͦ̂͋͊́͝͝ÿ̬͖̼́̽ͦ̅ͧ͒͊ͦ͊̀͞ͅ ́͒̃̓ͪ͋̒̓̌͏̢̱̣̝̘̯̩̹͚̖̖̣̲̼̬̦̘̭̬́x̴͇͎̬̩̠̰̺̹́ͩ̃ͫͬ̎̄̌͐̂ͤ̀D̷̀͗͛̌̐̿̒̇ͣͮͥ̓͛̈́҉̠̱͖͖͎̖̱͘͜ͅD͙͈̹͎̲͔̳̼͙̥̩̳̻̖̩́̑͊͛̎ͬͪ͗ͮ̆̌́̌ͥ͛̓̐́̚̕͟͞D̔̐́̌̋̂̾͌̓ͣ͑̆̑̂̌͏͏̙̝̲̭̠͚̺̩̪͔͇̼̗̭̗̝ͅ
How do you type like that?

>> No.7422594

>implying conservation of energy is real

>> No.7422595

>As long as it works as advertised, it doesn't really matter where the energy comes from. Kinetic energy from constant acceleration will overcome the energy input at subluminal speeds, creating free energy.
Yes, but maybe the entire thing works by taking energy out of the eleventh dimension or some shit like that.
It's a funky device. It could do funky things.

4N/kW ratio is a proposed number.

>> No.7422596

I just explained how. If you have constant acceleration, your kinetic energy is increasing with the square of time. But your energy input is increasing only linearly with time. This is not a problem with photon drives because the acceleration is so low that you would need to reach lightspeed to reach a kinetic energy that matches your input energy (due to relativistic effects). But memedrive as advertised produces much more thrust than the photon drive and would overtake its energy input long before relativistic effects are significant. So for example you could simply hook up a memedrive to a track, let it speed up past 5000 m/s and then absorb the energy from the brakes to get free energy.

>> No.7422599

Not really. This is still compatible with relativity from what I've heard.

>> No.7422603

No it's not. Relativistic effects are negligible at the speed it would need to reach to break conservation of energy.

>> No.7422605

So should I invest in this technology once it is confirmed to work?

>> No.7422609

Even if the author's initial theory was shit, it's largely beside the point. The fact remains that we have no fucking clue why the thrust is being produced. Good theory will follow additional experiments.

This isn't theoretical physics, it's experimental physics. We have a real-world example and we're trying to figure out how it works. An experiment can't be wrong unless there's some kind of systematic error, and there are a lot of EM drive attempts that have all tried to mitigate various sources of error. At this point, it's beginning to seem like the phenomenon is a real one.

>> No.7422612
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Retard here.
Please spoonfeed to me in a short sentence what this is and what it entails.

>> No.7422618
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>> No.7422627

>everyone doing the same thing and ignoring the same error means the error doesn't exist.

>> No.7422630

> conduction experiments and observations is unscientific

>> No.7422632

Quoting Martin Tajmar and Georg Fiedler from their paper released today:

> Additional tests need to be carried out to study the magnetic interaction of the power feeding lines used for the liquid metal contacts. Our test campaign can not confirm or refute the claims of the EMDrive

Now everybody shut the fuck up, the EmDrive isn't confirmed to work or confirmed to not work, more experiments have to be done to be sure.
If you little freshman faggot at a second-class university think you know more than Tajmar and Fiedler, keep your epic opinions to yourself, don't shit up /sci/.

tl;dr: study is still inconclusive as of right now


> Additional tests need to be carried out to study the magnetic interaction of the power feeding lines used for the liquid metal contacts. Our test campaign can not confirm or refute the claims of the EMDrive


>> No.7422640

I acknowledged this.
>An experiment can't be wrong unless there's some kind of systematic error

Regardless, the best thing to is keep trying to eliminate error until you can be absolutely certain that the results are real. I'm not saying that anything's been proven to exist, but there have been a lot of different experiments that have tried to eliminate errors in various ways. If there's a systematic error, it's well hidden.

>> No.7422646

>Rossi e-cat

>> No.7422651

Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?

>> No.7422666


In order for it to not violate conservation of energy this way, the thrust efficiency would have to be velocity dependent, decreasing as velocity increases.

Unfortunately, this analysis requires a favored external reference frame, which gets relativity fags upset because all reference frames are supposed to be equally valid.

>> No.7422667

What, Zalgo? It's just a shitton of combining characters overlaid on regular text. There's a generator somewhere online, just look it up.

>> No.7422669

>ZPM module

damn, the prop looks like shit up close.

>> No.7422671
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holy shit /sci/
why aren't we doing this

>> No.7422675

Because they'd probably kill you?

>> No.7422680

>Unfortunately, this analysis requires a favored external reference frame, which gets relativity fags upset because all reference frames are supposed to be equally valid.
that is only true in special relativity, and special relativity is only an approximation given no near mass

>> No.7422689

>then absorb the energy from the brakes to get free energy
Guys this is it, memedrives can reverse entropy and keep the universe from ending.

All of humanity, ultimately revolving around an enormous pulsating memedrive.

>> No.7422698

It's the solution to fusion power.

Instead of building small reactors, we store energy and then build an entire sun by leaving our memedrive running for a few million decades.

>> No.7422702

Hoverboards when?

>> No.7422723

When was Back to the Future II supposed to take place, again?

>> No.7422724


No, seriously, it was 2015

>> No.7422730

Yeah, I know. I was thinking about the exact month.

Until when do we have time to develop a memedrive hoverboard?

>> No.7422850
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>Who do you think has the most time on their hands to win edit wars on wikipedia? Professional scientists, or NEET leftist jewrats?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the post of the day.

>> No.7422872

>I've begun to wonder what the point of communication is. Either I'm stating something obvious people don't appear to understand on their own and meeting resistance, or I'm having someone speak my own words to me, and there's no functional difference.
sorround yourself with people on your level or above you might have to work hard and go way out of your comfort to zone to accomplish that

>> No.7422874
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phds blown the fuck out. /sci/ in tears.

>> No.7422878

This is really fucking big, if this actually works the implications will be massive.

>> No.7422884
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this thread is truly /sci/ greatest hour

>> No.7422887

It won't work, want proof? I'll bet anyone in sci who thinks the meme drive will work up to $1000 paypal (we will be using a paypal middleman paid by me on a trusted website) that it does NOT work within the next 12 months. I guarantee nobody will take me up on that offer because everyone here is just trolling hard.

>> No.7422892

Okay lets do it

>> No.7422898

So, whats next for memedrive?

Scale it up and test it with more power?

>> No.7422900

Someone published results from a new experiment on the Memedrive, results inconclusive so far.

>> No.7422906

my email: unigdoe@yandex.com

we will discuss terms there.

>> No.7422908

Hope you enjoy not receiving money.

>> No.7422920

Scam more people for testing money. When it doesn't work, claim that the oil companies or illuminati are "onto us" and are suppressing the research.

>> No.7422931

>when it doesn't work
IF* it doesn't work.

>> No.7422933

It's a free energy device that depends on the notion that nobody's done research on microwaves at any time in the past century. Obviously it's never going to work. All we can hope for is that nobody wastes enough money to get this thing into space.

>> No.7422934

I love how /sci/'s brilliant minds have already concluded "the meme drive doesn't work"

Sometimes you guys shitpost so hard you make reddit look good

>> No.7422942

Can someone explain this to me?

>make thing
>it works
>it doesn't remain in the boundaries of theory
>"no, thing actually doesn't work. Stop wasting our time"

Is there skepticism as to HOW the EMDrive works exactly? Like the inventor didn't take something into account? I don't understand why experimental evidence isn't dictating theory, rather the other way around.

>> No.7422945

>if it doesn't work
WHEN* it doesn't work.

>> No.7422949

Maybe it's a free energy device because you don't fucking understand how it works.

Or maybe those retarded laws of physics like the first law of thermodynamics are going to be finally proven wrong.

If it doesn't work.
It probably will, considering that most of physics up to now is completely retarded and can't make sense with itself anymore.

>> No.7422962

The morons here don't realize that that's exactly how religion works: If it doesn't abide by existing theory, it's false, period.

>> No.7422965

It's the inverse of that.

If the theory doesn't abide by experiments, then the theory is wrong.
So fat, we're heading towards the theory being wrong.

>> No.7422966

Yeah that was my point, science shouldn't behave like religion

>> No.7422967

Anyone else looking forward to the new careers this technology will create? I mean, this seems to solve all of our problems aside from food. Let's assume that we have unlimited non biological resources to use, how do we go about getting more energy(nuclear) and create more food. Would removing everybody from earth and converting into a huge farm work?

>> No.7422975
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This is the human technology peak.

>> No.7422981

I want to believe, but let's wait for NASA to test it in high orbit before we start skeeting ourselves.

>> No.7422985

What was the error supposed to be again?

>> No.7423017

Even if the thrust is incredibly weak, it'd still be very valuable for space flight.

Think of ion thrusters, but even more efficient.

If the thrust is too low for actual maneuvers, it'd still be valuable for stationkeeping. Imagine it, limitless stationkeeping for no reaction mass.

>> No.7423022
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>> No.7423024

To be fair, conservation of momentum has had a pretty good run. There have been dozens, probably hundreds of scammers who claimed to have violated it, but were later proven wrong.

>> No.7423040

More like:

>make thing
>its supposed operation is unexplained by any theory that is consistent with how the rest of the observable universe operates
>if it works then all of thermodynamics is wrong
>tests are inconclusive at best
>conspiracy nuts and other low-quality /pol/ types whine about how their miracle tech is being suppressed

>> No.7423046

Indeed, it's so efficient that you could hook it up to a turbine and get more energy than what you put in. Forget stationkeeping or space travel - we could just put a powerplant up there and have infinite free energy forever.

>> No.7423048

>thing doesn't make sense
>discard it instead of disproving it or finding consistent explanation

babby's first shitpost

>> No.7423054

>"uhh.... MUH MOMENTUM

just get over it already. we're winning.

>> No.7423057

Uh yes, exactly. All these stupid scams need to be rejected rather than allowed to become a money pit. I get that stupid people think that inventions like car engines that run on water actually work, but science is done by smart people for a reason. Nobody cares about your silly pseudoscience.

>> No.7423063

Uhh... but they do?

There's a car in production that runs on water.
You can buy it already.

>> No.7423068

>However, this vertical test intended to be the experimental control showed an anomalous thrust of hundreds of micronewtons that could be caused by a magnetic interaction with the power feeding lines going to and from liquid metal contacts in the setup
Fuck I wish there were more people testing this technology. Right now it doesn't seem to be all that promising.

>> No.7423073


there are people who don't realize this is bait

>> No.7423074

>emdrive can't give a solid theoretical backing

really that's the main issue here

they engineer fucked up too he should have patented this shit and licensed it out

>> No.7423077


>> No.7423081

>multiple experiments result in something that shouldn't be happening
>i-it's probably wrong, just leave it alone!

This is why mathematicians will always be superior to physicists

>> No.7423083

No, there isn't. Stop getting your information from sources that are intending to deceive you. All this shit you read on NaturalNews and RT is making you believe nonsense and turning you into a stupider person than you already are.

>> No.7423085

If it actually worked, it wouldn't matter. The theory will have to follow the experimental results, and the entire field of physics would be very interested in a device that produces an unexplainable effect.

The problem is that nothing is happening other than scam artists claiming that measurement error is revolutionary.

>> No.7423086

I'm convinced that those shitposters are just trying to fool themselves into thinking that they aren't excited in order to not be embarrassed or disappointed if it fails.
Source? Are you sure that you aren't getting confused by a hydrogen fuel cell?

>> No.7423094


They say it uses a saltwater flow cell system, so I don't think that's a hydrogen fuel cell.

>> No.7423096

>STEM university
Come to STEM university! We offer such benefits as:
>league of legends
>more asians than you knew existed
>badly cooked eggs
>no girls!

>> No.7423098

Mostly because up until that point there was a general consensus that things were determinant, and Quantum Mechanics is inherently random and kinda fucking strange. So much so, that most physicists that work seriously with it tell everyone that if they think they "understand it" then they don't.

Einstein still worked in conjunction with many physicists to lay the Groundwork of QM, but had a hard time reconciling what he learned about it.

>> No.7423112

You know they're just using the saltwater as part of a battery, right?

>> No.7423115

Just launch it in space. Just fucking do it already. Enough of this retarded baiting, just launch it you fucks.

>> No.7423116

Some one mentioned above that there would be some articles or something released tomorrow, in response to their report - Does any one know where those will be at or how to find out about them when they come out?

>> No.7423120

They didn't say anything about having to plug it into a wall, so whatever they choose to get power to the electric motors doesn't matter to me.

>> No.7423121

Right now the emdrive will have a higher shot at getting there if someone tosses it

>> No.7423125

Reasons why the MemeDrive doesn't work.

1. It's been around for well over FOURTEEN years and it still isn't being used to keep satellites in orbit.

2. After 14 years of research by the original inventor, he still hasn't done a hard vacuum test for some reason.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RF_resonant_cavity_thruster

>> No.7423129

It's expensive to get things into space. Therefore, we tend to only put useful things up there. It's cheaper to just do vacuum chamber tests in order to demonstrate that it doesn't work.

>> No.7423130
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>typical pop-sci fan

>> No.7423133

The Daily Mail didn't explicitly say that the battery has to be recharged. It therefore follows that saltwater has previously unobserved free energy properties that allow it to power a car forever.

(this is not a sillier proposition than putting a copper ice cream cone next to a microwave oven and claiming that it produces thrust)

>> No.7423142


All said was that if the only thing I have to do is put water into it for it to work then I don't really care if they use a battery to help, since I don't have to plug it in.
Heck, maybe the battery is just for starting the car, and they keep it charged with the salt water while the car runs.

>pop-sci fan
I am a physics student in my third year.
But I won't pretend to know anything about engineering.

>> No.7423143

>It works like a hydrogen fuel cell, however, the liquid used for storing energy is salt water
>electrolyte flow cell power system
It uses electrolyte in what is a basic fuel cell. Have you studied basic chemistry before?
>Two 200-litre water tanks can provide a range of 373 miles (600km)
If it has 'free energy properties' which allow it to run 'forever', than why does that sensationalist article itself state that it has a maximum range?

>> No.7423147


>wasn't tested in a hard vacuum

They just did a hard vacuum and it still had thrust. The results are inconclusive and they're testing it again to account for other areas of potential issue/concern. It says that in he article, you DID read the article, right?

>> No.7423149

>Just launch it in space. Just fucking do it already. Enough of this retarded baiting, just launch it you fucks.
Not to agree with the rampant anti-testing crowd here but I wouldn't condone a launch just yet. Launches are expensive, this needs a lot more testing before we drop tens of millions on a launch vehicle.

>> No.7423156

You mean that article that cites a non-peer reviewed paper? Yes I read that garbage.

>> No.7423158
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Is it that hard to have a chill, inquisitive, realistic (meaning, judging purely by the data with no predertermined bias) viewpoint on this thing?

Also bump >>7423116

>> No.7423162

was meant for >>7423149

>> No.7423170
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Just found the post also, I was referencing >>7421800

>> No.7423171

here? never
This is a place where people argue about majors

>> No.7423181

Are you the same guy who was shitposting on this very thread earlier today?

>> No.7423189

>can't refute my argument
>h-he must be a shit poster!

>> No.7423196

Your argument is "the paper is shit because it's non peer reviewed".
Since that is pretty retarded, considering that people that wrote it have good reputations, I simply concluded you're beyond salvation.

It's like the EMDrive killed your family or something.

>> No.7423209

>Your argument is "the paper is shit because it's non peer reviewed".
>Since that is pretty retarded
holy shit you are fucking retarded.

>considering that people that wrote it have good reputations
>bunch of randoms wrote it
>good reputations
dear god please never post on sci again you are so incredibly stupid.

>> No.7423214

>All said was that if the only thing I have to do is put water into it for it to work then I don't really care if they use a battery to help, since I don't have to plug it in.

That's not all you have to do. You have to recharge the battery, with electricity. It doesn't run on water. You can't just refill it with water and expect it to work.

>But I won't pretend to know anything about engineering.

You don't know anything about anything. Hopefully you don't have any money to waste on this, but if you do please buy memecoins instead.

>> No.7423216

>bunch of randoms wrote it
>since I don't know something then it must be bad
Like I said.
Beyond salvation.

You need a psychologist to treat those anger issues.

>> No.7423218

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good
kill yourself

>> No.7423220

Tajmar has a terrible reputation. His whole schtick is to come up with fantasy technologies that work on unknown principles and then beg for funding from futurists and other stupid people.

>> No.7423222

You seriously need to calm down, step away from the computer, take a shower/bath, then go to sleep.

And only after all that consider coming back to /sci/.

>> No.7423225

when we have warp drives. So roughly 200 years if NASA are to be believed but less if that guy who used to work for NASA is right

>> No.7423235

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423238

>That's not all you have to do. You have to recharge the battery, with electricity. It doesn't run on water. You can't just refill it with water and expect it to work.
That's good to know, because I didn't see that back when it was announced.

>You don't know anything about anything. Hopefully you don't have any money to waste on this, but if you do please buy memecoins instead.
I don't know anything about engineering or chemistry. As I said I am a physics student.

>> No.7423244

They're more believable than you at the very least.

>> No.7423254

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423259

They aren't.

But they're better than you.

>> No.7423262

Get a room already

>> No.7423264

If a paper can't even be peer reviewed then it's basically guaranteed to be shit.

>> No.7423268

That puts your believability at a very point.

>> No.7423273

low point*

>> No.7423278

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423284

I'd rather trust in people with actual qualifications than some angry anon on /sci/.

>> No.7423287

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423291

I'm not saying they're good.

I'm saying they're better than you.

>> No.7423300

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423304

That posts resumes to
"the paper is more believable than you".

>> No.7423317

>Your argument is "the paper is shit because it's non peer reviewed".
>Since that is pretty retarded
>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423327

Why are you so angry with the EMDrive?

>> No.7423329

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423331


>> No.7423343

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423346

Are you seriously going to repeat this thread again?

Wasn't getting your posts deleted once enough?

>> No.7423349

/sci/ everybody, take a good look

>> No.7423355

>trying to argue that non-peer reviewed papers are good

>> No.7423365

They can be good.

>> No.7423393

If something appears to be too good to be true, it probably is

>> No.7423394

its like roger shawyer killed his family, jesus

>> No.7423433

ITT: /sci/ proves they don't know how to deal with trolls.

>in b 4 "the existence of trolls has not been peer reviewed"

>> No.7423438
File: 19 KB, 350x214, 429961main_cubesat_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is cheaper to launch a memedrive cubesat than continuing dabbling with it in a lab at this point. Whatever the fuck you do, there is still uncertainty, so just launch it and see if it works.

>> No.7423451

If confirmed, this discovery will surely flim-flam some jim-jams.

>> No.7423485
File: 80 KB, 1140x969, Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I like about the memedrive is that it will cause an equal amount of nuked buttholes regardless of whether it is proven to work or proven not to work.

>> No.7423503

So, it's interesting that this zero-point energy stuff might not be bullshit after all. Maybe a bit tinfoil but what if this is just a surreptitious way to leak it after having it parked for years, as suggested by many "conspiracy theories" over the years?

>> No.7423516
File: 32 KB, 985x479, blub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a bad idea, up 20% this month.

>> No.7423639

I don't know why conspiracy nuts are unwilling to believe that humans are able to invent things.

>> No.7423669

Funny /sci/ says this now but when I posted my HyLo Drive on here it got ripped to shreds. I made no wack claims only that I could lift 15 lbs with a 8" thruster using the Lorentz force and it was "hurr that's impossible durr". At least wait for the experimental results and then decide. Anyway if anyone cares I've gone way overbudget and first youtube video will probably not happen for 3 months. I got the iron for the magnets though.

>> No.7423687
File: 14 KB, 262x337, 1307922622001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thrust even when switched off

>> No.7423693

If it was a scam then Shawyer wouldn't have released it for testing. This is rule number one of the book of invention scams, you don't give your bullshit to fucking NASA of all people.

>> No.7423696

I am actually working on a propeller hoverboard to mark the occasion. I'll paint it in 80s colours and fly across a fountain till my batteries run out and blame it on the water.

>> No.7423700

Bruv if I had 10 mil I'd actually pay for it to be launched no joke. Put this to bed once and for all.

>> No.7423704

All I see is a guy that actually tries to come up with new shit to get us to the stars. At least he's putting ideas out there, I don't see why this is so frowned upon in science. Modern science is really narrow minded.

>> No.7423770

The author of this paper is a fucking crank.



> The conclusion about tests in air is that they produce thermal effects so large, even when measures are taken to minimize them, that doing such tests is useless (at least when using a setup similar to theirs). This is evidenced by the fact that the thrust remained once the magnetron was shut off and when it was turned horizontally so it should not have produced any thrust.
> Tests in vacuum also had similar problems. The thrust was greatly decreased, also lingered once the magnetron was turned off and aso produced thrust when the resonant cavity pointed at direction where it shouldn't produce any. He theorizes that's because of magnetic interactions.

>> No.7423781

> Does the article mention the measurement error?
> It gives lip service but quantifies or measures nothing. For someone claiming to be a professional scientist, this isn't very good.
> All EmDrive papers are like this. I'm pretty let down by this new publication. Not surprising considering Tajmar's track record (re antigravity), but still a let down from a senior researcher working at a reputable university.

>> No.7423794

EmDrive tests so far:

1. "NASA" Eagleworks run by Sonny the crackpot.
2. Some chinese shithole noone trusts
3. Tajmar the crackpot

>> No.7423800

This dogmatic attitude is why space travel will go nowhere. Anyone who dares to so much as give an exotic propulsion system the time of day is immediately labeled a crank.

>> No.7423860

Do it on longbets.org/, it's public, but you can use a pseudonym.


>> No.7423863

Yeah, we also have thermodynamics and GR, something the people ITT are in desperate need of.

>> No.7423918


>theory is immutable

>> No.7423965

Inertia would be my guess.

>> No.7424032


“There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein

>> No.7424065

Attend college first so you actually understand what you're critiquing you fucking autistic nigger.

>> No.7424088

It is ironic that these people act like the very religious zealots they themselves probably bitch about and make fun of.

>> No.7424113


I bet people thought classical mechanics were immutable laws as well, until special relativaty and quantum mechanics came along anyway.

>> No.7424178

It wouldn't fit in a cubesat.

It needs at least 700w of power, which is more than a cubesat can provide, not to mention cooling.
The paper mentioned that the ememdrive got pretty hot, so radiators may be needed to keep it cool in space

>> No.7424182

That's because you gave us jack shit for information on how it works.

We were doubtful of this, but now 4 independant studies have been unable to prove the ememdrive to be fake.

>> No.7424441

All these cranks who are distracting us from real solutions to problems are also holding space travel back.

>> No.7425039

Nah man, Shawyer says that it can potentially (give money plox) generate 30N/W of THRUST :^)

>> No.7425248

>scientific method
>step one is to make a theory

who's retarded?