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7421706 No.7421706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss our daily routine.

Also, can anyone explain the US dorm culture? How's a dorm?

>> No.7421713

I wake up between 12pm and 3pm
Sit on my pc until 8pm
Eat the first and only meal of the day
Drink a shitton of water
Go back to my computer for another 5 to 6 hours, watch anime and read manga
Go to bed when I'm tired

>> No.7421715

Are you my brother?

>> No.7421746

How long have you been doing this? No uni?

>> No.7421752

Are you my brother?

>> No.7421753
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Is that quote related to that anime? If so what anime is it?

>> No.7421759

Don't know. Downloaded that from a thread some days back.

>> No.7421761

Wake up 1,5 hours before first lecture
Go to uni, stay there for 4-6 hours
Go home, go to gym
Eat whenever

>> No.7421762
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I backtraced it and holy shit.


Hachiman Hikigaya is an antisocial high school student with no friends or girlfriend and as a result has a distorted view on life. When he sees his classmates talking excitedly about their adolescent lives, he mutters, “They’re a bunch of liars.” When he is asked about his future dreams, he responds, “Not working.” A teacher gets Hachiman to join the volunteer “service club,” which happens to have the school’s prettiest girl, Yukino Yukinoshita

>> No.7421765

Ya, this quote is actually from the first episode. Pretty entertaining show.

>> No.7421774
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>US dorm culture


>roommates, 2-4 per room depending if you have a bunk bed or not
>have to live in basically public housing, but shittier because nobody listens to students
>most dorm residents are literal manchildren too simpleminded to get an apartment and a job
>room checks by your student union's student deans
>room checks by the campus police
>no right to privacy while on campus, no free speech either outside of approved demonstrations
>school can tell you when you have to sleep, can cut off wifi access
>have to share a kitchen and bathroom
>at least at my school, the parking lot was locked at sunset so you couldn't drive around. Buses stopped at 8pm
>professors can demand to speak to you at any hour
>no drinking, period. Even if you're an adult.
>all medications must be approved by the student union, no "medical" marijuana
>campus has mandatory "fun nights" you must attend where you do arts and crafts so you can "develop authentic relationships"
>nothing to do on campus usually, except a handful of clubs. Again at least in my area, the school was also 4-5 miles from any sort of commercial store and was surrounded by tract housing. Want to go to a bar? Better have $250 for cab fare there and back
>campus police do patrols up and down halls at night, can search you for any reason. Out at 2am? That's "not normal" and you get a pat-down
>if you act like a cunt other residents can get butthurt and have you expelled from school. A normal landlord would, at best, only be able to evict you
>most of the time, costs more than an apartment with roommates

The core issue is that colleges are heavily isolated from the real world so it's a shit place to live, it's just not a place where you can find any sort of mental stimulation outside of your classes. Which is good, because a focused campus knows it's role in then world, but I would never want to spend all my time there. But it's great if you're asian and have no life outside of school.

>> No.7421777


>except a handful of clubs

by the way, but this I mean clubs as in "vegetarian club" or "hiking club" or "art club", not a dance club

>> No.7421779


don't forget:

>have to eat campus food, basically prison food with no choices
>maybe a single bookstore on campus selling things at four or five times their regular value
>can't wear clothes out of dress code or you get fined
>school has the right to seize/confiscate personal property on their property if they're using it in an academic honesty investigation, or else you get expelled

>> No.7421783

Where the hell do you go to school anon?

I've only experienced:
>have to share a kitchen and bathroom
>most of the time, costs more than an apartment with roommates
of the things you listed.

>> No.7421788


A state school out in CA back in the mid-00s.

Really, dorms are just glorified prisons. I'm not joking, the goal is to create a "productive academic environment" aka life's going to be shit unless you really enjoy academic life.

Of course, things are different at the larger UC I'm now employed at. But I still would never put up with all the inane rules they still have. It's just silly to completely lock yourself up inside a classroom for 4-5 hours a day then lock yourself in your room for the other 20. There's no room to actually grow, just to study. People leave dorms and expect reality to be just like their isolated community.

>> No.7421792
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This is what my schedule looks like "in theory".

Reasoning is:
>More people like to handle admin / research group meetings in the morning so I keep that open as work (ie just be in my office nearby).
>Office hours based on the actual gaps students in the normal year group have instead of during their bloody lectures (damn I'm considerate!).
>Keep "lunch" hour open for meetings with industry people or professors since students are not important enough to slot in elsewhere, plus they like the cafes we have on campus.
>Gym/cardio(rowing machine) in the early morning when you have the most willpower/energy.
>Study hours when I still have some energy, but am less likely to be interrupted.
>Also less people book lab equipment in the afternoon so I work those hours when I need to.
>Programming is relatively mindless so do that at home/night while browsing 4chan.
>FUCK working on Thursday afternoons.
>7 hours of sleep is enough, though I aim to finish 23:30 for 7.5.

Of course how it actually "works" in practice:
>Can't solve a model/program/lab problem so end up getting obsessed and working through the night; everything goes to shit once the routine is broken.
>Tell undergrads to fuck off and read the textbook unless they have -really- good/relevant conception questions/problems.
>Show up at all meetings looking like a drug addict while struggling like hell to take relevant notes.
>"Walked across campus today, should be enough cardio."
>Have sporadic periods of productivity.
>Followed by celebratory daydrinking / binge watching entertainment / microsleeps
>Wait, I had schedule?

I swear to god, this time...THIS semester it's going to be different. I swear.

>> No.7421802


Thanks for the info.

I was actually forced to stay in a dorm like residential building when I joined university. I refused. I believe it is one of the best life decisions I have ever made.

The only downside is I have to spend nearly 12 hours daily for lectures, labs and commute to uni.

I have learned to be a better cook, manage my time better, eat healthy, adjust my sleep schedules and a lot more.

>> No.7421804

What the fuck, this is like our high-school hostel.

Why would 18+ y/o burgercunts willingly submit themselves to this humiliation? Guess college really is the new high-school.

>> No.7421807

Which country?

>> No.7421810

South Africa, but might as well be Australia or any other ex-commonwealth country that adopted the British empire model.

Not all schools of course.

>> No.7421811

Sounds like my case except for the academia/work. I aim to work myself at least 3 hours a day cause uni a shit. But petty stuff like making food, being tired after spending 10 hours on uni, other chores and all get in my way and ruin my schedule.

>> No.7421814

How are the universities there? What about hostels? Do you live alone?

>> No.7421815



Also, I'm not butthurt over it either as I was lucky to avoid it by going to a JC for my lower division stuff. But I do see all this happen every day when I'm at work.


Some schools force freshmen under 21 to stay a year on campus. Of course they'll charge them and make lots of money off it. For others, it's just a matter of being able to move out of their parents' house without moving out of their comfort zone and facing reality. They don't care until they get arrested for having alcohol in their rooms. Others don't care period because they're always studying. And for a select, unfortunate few they're foreign students who are often forced to take room on campus. But this varies by college.

What most freshmen don't get is that when you're on a campus, you have no rights. Colleges get significantly more power over their residents than regular landlords.

>> No.7421823

in my country we have hostels. usually the food is pretty bad. poor infrastructure. the only thing you can do is study. oh forgot. no internet neither. the libraries get closed pretty soon you gotta study with what you have.

>> No.7421827


That's because your country, SA, went to shit after DeKlerk and will be shit until the ANC gets put back in the fields where they belong. You're literally an African country.

>> No.7421837

>wake up
>apply to jobs
>nobody calls me for interviews
>play vidya
>go to sleep

>> No.7421855

>How are the universities there?
Pretty decent in terms of actual education, my degree's accredited internationally and the curriculum is much the same as the US and uses the same textbooks etc. Quite a few of my profs are from top 5 universities from the US/UK. Some of them focus more on teaching than their research which we appreciate.

Our rating is mostly shit because the government demands a shitton of places for students (more than 50% of the drops out before the first semester exam in my undergrad programme) so that fucks up the student/faculty ratio and research output is also mediocre (it's fairly good and productive, but never nobel or fields medal or other international awards worthy tier). I think we're rated in the 400-500 region internationally and UCT is around 250-300 which is 3rd and 1st on the continent respectively.

As for "campus life" etc. there's always retards trying to imitate the US, but it's generally peaceful if overly liberal, there's always some faggot protest going on etc. like that shit with the Rhodes statue in UCT (literally).

>What about hostels?
Most students live in 1-2 room apartments close by not owned by the university, but then again my uni is only about 10 city blocks from the CBD, so housing isn't a issue here. The apartment blocks tailored to students are 1-2 bedrooms with a small kitchen, bathroom and living room. Usually also have undercover parking etc. included in costs. I've slept in a few before they are pretty nice.


>> No.7421857

Life must be harsh in North Korea.

>> No.7421858

There are hostels, but they aren't nearly as bad as people have described ITT. I think they used to have bullshit initiation, forced events and other crap for freshman, but it was student organizations doing and the university banned it in 2010. According to the girls in my class it's pretty much like renting an apartment now (which they somehow saw as a bad thing).

It has less of a forced "party/binge drinking" culture here nowadays and more of a "mind your own business, study, do what you want and only go to events/bars/parties that interest you". Basically "be an adult".

University bought out some famous nightclubs near campus (to build more hostels on it I believe), though not much of value was lost as it pretty shitty and overpriced, there are far better bars/clubs 5-10ks out (not a problem since everyone owns cars here because public transport is non-existent)

Oh right with respect to drinking, the min age is 18 here, so bars sell alcohol on campus which is nice.

>Do you live alone?
Yes, renting a suburbial house nearby, intending to buy it from the owner soon who is a family member of a friend. Though I lived with my parents throughout most of my undergrad to save costs as they are only 8 km from the main campus.

>> No.7421862
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>Some schools force freshmen under 21 to stay a year on campus.
What the fuck, I would just refuse to the point of attending a different uni.

> get arrested for having alcohol in their rooms.
As in campus security seriously tries to arrest you? Holy fuck, pic related. I thought they would confiscate it at most and even then I'd be pretty pissed off.

>What most freshmen don't get is that when you're on a campus, you have no rights. Colleges get significantly more power over their residents than regular landlords.
What about professors living on campus housing? Are they harassed at all?

>> No.7421871


>As in campus security seriously tries to arrest you? Holy fuck, pic related. I thought they would confiscate it at most and even then I'd be pretty pissed off.

It's illegal for minors to posses alcohol in California.

>What about professors living on campus housing? Are they harassed at all?

Professors, on the virtue of making higher than average wages, have their own homes and commute in. There's no reason for them to basically rent a below-average apartment when they can almost always afford a home to park their equity.

>> No.7421884


>As in campus security seriously tries to arrest you?

campus "security" nowadays are sworn police officers with jurisdiction over state owned property, namely a college campus

my school even had it's own jail cell

>> No.7421885

>It's illegal for minors to posses alcohol in California.
Yeah but, can you really throw a minor in a cell? Why not just confiscate and write a ticket? It seems like a much less harmful offense than speeding or parking in front of a fire hydrant.

>Professors, on the virtue of making higher than average wages, have their own homes and commute in. There's no reason for them to basically rent a below-average apartment when they can almost always afford a home to park their equity.
I meant like proper housing, like big 2 story, 4 bedroom tier suburban style houses complete with lawns and everything. Don't you have those on campuses in the states?

>> No.7421890

Huh, that's interesting.

It's weird, here police officers aren't allowed into public uni labs/departments without a warrant. We only have private security guards who help newfags with their student card access at the main gates and patrol on-campus protests etc.

>> No.7421896


>can you really throw a minor in a cell?

why can't you? You're an adult, but legally not able to posses alcohol. That's jailable if you give the officer any shit or if you refuse them entry and they have to use their key. I've seen it happen to ten different people by now.

>I meant like proper housing, like big 2 story, 4 bedroom tier suburban style houses complete with lawns and everything. Don't you have those on campuses in the states?

Of course not, again why would professors, especially tenured ones, actually want to reside in shitty apartments where they have no freedom? They're adults, often with families and lots of money. They buy homes like all other middle/upper class adults do.

But the option is usually there, it's just a matter of desire. And so far, nobody sane desires to reside in state run public housing.

>> No.7421905

>They're adults, often with families and lots of money

Yeah their families live on campus with, I don't think I'm communicating well just how big these houses are. Most of them as nice or nicer than houses in middle/upper class neighborhoods. Most campus houses are pretty middle class tough. It looks like Dr. Pierce's house in Perception.

My high-school actually has a few teachers living in houses with their families on school grounds as well.

I think it's a tax evasion thing here though I'm not sure, they don't get harnessed by anyone so they pretty much just get free security too (something everyone has to pay for in SA since the police are so shit / don't care).

>> No.7421912


>Most of them as nice or nicer than houses in middle/upper class neighborhoods.

no, lol

Again, it's a state owned campus with state owned apartments in them. As a result, they're built to a pretty low quality (even when compared to suburban tract homes). If a professor wants a mansion the school obviously is never going to cough up the cash for him. Why would they? Non-dorm housing is expensive to build and takes up lots of space that can be used for other things. Professors also don't want to have to deal with campus politics in every aspect of their life.

I'm talking about the US here, in case that isn't obvious. Here, it's a much better idea to just buy your own home especially if you're a government employee that can never ever get fired (ie, a tenured professor).

>> No.7422345

No one interested in sharing their daily routine?

>> No.7422365

>Wake up at 5-6 am
>Work out
>go to class ( taking calc 3 for the summer)
>Sometimes I skip class so I spend that time studying by myself
>Study till noon
>chill on the web/nap till 6
>Learn python/procrastinate till 9
>Go to work from 9 to 1
>Eat dinner,shower then bed.

>> No.7422369

Pretty good, if you're actually sticking to that routine I'm impressed.

Nice to see an undergrad taking the initiative to learn programming too. Way too many assholes blame the lecturers for failing upper level modules because they're spending more time learning how to program than studying.

>Go to work from 9 to 1
Wait what. Are you only sleeping 4 hours night?

>> No.7422371

how the fuck is this science or math retard, take it to r9k

>> No.7422379

It's related to efficiency in studying science and math.

Which in itself is a science.

>> No.7422384

6am Wake up, take heartburn medication, go back to sleep
6:30am wake up again, eat breakfast
7am Exercise
10am Practice cello and pipe and tabor
12pm lunch
1pm study math and shitpost on /sci/ intermittently
4pm Play some vidya/watch tv/read
6pm dinner
7:30 Do whatever for the rest of the day
9:45pm Bed

I just finished an REU and I'm living the do-nothing summer life right now.

>Dorm culture
I had a lot of fun in dorms. It was a lot of late-night movies and board games, fucking other peoples' girlfriends and drinking coke bottles mostly full of rum. As I understand, I'm pretty lucky in that the dorm I was in had a lot of people I got along with quickly, and then we just elected to live together the next year. I was worn out after 2 years of it (my university required 2 years on campus), though. Glad to live on my own now.

>> No.7422390

>implying it doesn't depend on the uni
I go to new college of florida and it sounds way more casual and a better time than your shit

>> No.7422392

>I'm living the do-nothing summer life
Cosy as fuck. Been living it too since my adviser left the country. Dream is ending this week though.

>> No.7422402

And washing petri dishes is related to biology, which itself is a science. Doesn't belong on this board, though.

>inb4 biology is not a science
Then take test tubes and chemistry instead.

>> No.7422410

Biology is most definitely not a science and chemistry just barely passes the bar.

>> No.7422414

so if all this is true how am i going to keep my dangerous and fire hazardous lab equipment in my room?! do not tell me they can do random room checks! T_T

>> No.7422428

>Biology is most definitely not a science
I bet the same people who say this are the first to defend evolution and the scientific method in the same breath/sentence whenever one of "those" kinds of threads pops up.

>> No.7422429
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>8AM - 10AM Wake up
>11AM - 2PM Gym
>3PM - 8 PM Study Math
>9PM - 11PM Vidya or reading
>12AM - 1AM Shitposting on 4chan
>2AM Sleep

Hopefully get into an REU next summer.

>> No.7422430


I go to a shitty Canadian uni. Only rich internationals live in Residence.

>> No.7422438
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>there are people who go to this shit school on /sci/

>> No.7422439

What I mean is "people who studied biology at an undergrad level are not scientists".

>> No.7422444

why is it specific to biology

>> No.7422447

Biology at the undergraduate level is more memorization than it is science, as opposed to the other STEM fields.

>> No.7422450

that's fucking bullshit and you know it
nobody who has only studied STEM on the undergrad level is a scientist
that shit is mostly memorization as well

>> No.7422451

Because they're fucking idiots. Nice get.

>> No.7422452

I've been going to UF
What the fuck is new college of florida?

>> No.7422461
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I'm not the same guy. That's my lifestyle in holidays.

>> No.7422469

Lol no undergad can call themselves a scientist, period. Maybe when you're ABD.

>> No.7422473

lol speak for yourself

what do scientsits do? they obersve things in the lab, make hypothesis, verify them

in my freshman lab we verified the law of gravity by observing the various distances and velocities of a ball dropped in freefall, how is that not science you idiot

>> No.7422492


Nah, you're all retarded. I interned at a R&D lab as a ChemE and the chemist PhD in charge of the project let me lead most of the meetings as I was doing the modeling and simulation work for him so got to dictate the experiments to get the data I needed, experiments done by professional scientists and lab techs more senior than me, especially analysis of our samples.

When you're working on equal footing with people who's job titles are literally "scientist", "lead scientist" etc. then only a bitter autist would say you're not a scientist. So considering I'm on /sci/ let me finish with an inb4.

>> No.7422493

*interned as an undergrad I mean

>> No.7422498

>campus police do patrols up and down halls at night, can search you for any reason. Out at 2am? That's "not normal" and you get a pat-down

Am I being detained
Am I being detained
No officer you can't see my passport
Then can I leave now

What is this nazi Germany college for the JIDF

>> No.7422512

What do you have degree in anon

>> No.7422516

Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule

9:00 - Wake up, woops, first class started at 8:30 but I need to eat breakfast. SKIP (40% of the time).
9:45 - Back in dorm after eating breakfast. Now shitposting on 4chan, browsing reddit for dank memes, and getting last minute homework done for other two classes.
12:00 - Lunch.
12:30 - class, then go back to room to shitpost a little more
3:00 - last class of the day
5:30 - dinner, then I try to do homework the rest of the day but I usually end up shitposting on 4chan.
3:00AM - Sleep.

Tuesday/Thursday are my lab days, I only take 3 classes since trimesters. No roommate, lived in a single dorm room every year including freshman year. Cited mental health and anxiety as bullshit excuse to get a single as a frosh. Really psyched to no longer have 8 AM classes.

>> No.7422547

Might be a bit late now, but here's your reply anyway
In french unis the summer break lasts all the way from early june to early september, so no right now I don't attend uni nor work (since I don't have a job). I've been doing this for pretty much 2 months now. I'm mostly doing fine but sometimes I have horrible headaches.

>> No.7422548

>anecdotal story
>therefore undergrads are scientists

>> No.7422551

>>professors can demand to speak to you at any hour
like grad school :-DD

>> No.7422556
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, psion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my uni doesn't care
>mfw i drink with my professors
>mfw professors attend parties where students do drugs and don't give a fuck

>> No.7422568

Where in the fuck do you go to school? Why would ever pay money to go to a place like that.

My campus safety weren't even cops and they couldn't chase you of you ran away. Plus we got nice as fuck housing on campus.

>> No.7422710

How the fuck is this science and math

>> No.7423182

Well the naps that i take during the day kinda make up of it, they are usually 3-4 hours. So i am getting 7-8 hours of sleep a day.

>> No.7423248

Is university of South Africa good for distance maths?

>> No.7423884

UNISA is really good for distance anything.

It's rated as one of the best online universities in the world and it has examination centers all over the planet.

Obviously don't do your primary bachelors or grad-school there though, do it at a proper uni. UNISA is best for getting extra bachelors for either personal interest or to boost your CV. I'd basically only recommend it to people who are good at self-learning and have already done a lot of work in a field and just needs to degree to prove it.

>> No.7423935

Wake up
Work on dead BAC Strikemasters
Study for my EE part time degree

Livin the dream

>> No.7423939

Damn son, sounds like a bunch of professors I'd like to be around. But how their CV like mate?

>> No.7423959

Honestly rethinking about exhange year in Muricas

>> No.7423968

A lot of his complaints aren't at every school, and most are easy to get around.

And you wouldn't be a freshman so you probably wouldn't be required to live in a dorm anyway.

>> No.7423972

True dat. Just got to wait until 21.

A year without legal alcohol would be hell.

>> No.7423981

If you try hard enough you won't have a problem finding a place to drink underage.

>> No.7424172

Is there a bigger version of OP's pic that can be used as a Wall Paper? 1360x768