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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7420134 No.7420134 [Reply] [Original]

Are you actually smart?

>> No.7420138

I guess. They gave me a degree and stuff. Also my parents told me so.

>> No.7420145
File: 158 KB, 566x973, 1431398554211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart enough to know I'm stupid

>> No.7420152

No, I am extremely stupid. I dropped out of high school, did lots of drugs, and didn't do grade 12 math or sciences.

>> No.7420167

No, I am extremely stupid. I did not dropp out of high school, did not do a lot of drugs, and i did do grade 12 math or sciences, i just remember almost nothing of it

>> No.7420183

Smart enough to understand Basic Quantum equations.

>> No.7420198

>Inb4 raging IQ debate

>> No.7420209

same here

>> No.7420211


this is the new "yes I'm smart"

>> No.7420216

smarter than average. still retarded, but it seems like there's way too much shit to learn to ever be able to consider myself smart. also i know that's what smart people say so maybe i'm only saying it to seem smart. it's also what people who are only saying it to seem smart would say, maybe i actually am smart. i don't fucking know, i don't think it's possible to know if you're smart or not, that's so esoteric STOP CONFUSING ME OP!

>> No.7420221

I don't think so, but people tell me that I am. Since this includes people I think are smart, then I guess I might be.

Of course if these people aren't smart at all, then I am not too smart either. But that's ok I guess.

>> No.7420224

>smarter than average

Average human thinks the same shit.

>> No.7420226
File: 75 KB, 700x700, socrates-philosopher-i-know-nothing-except-the-fact-of-my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like the old "yes I'm smart"

>> No.7420740

Not smart enough to understand math, smart enough to want to understand math. So no

>> No.7420744

Yes and no.

>> No.7420746

That picture always cracks me up every time.

>> No.7420749

It's theorized socrates wan't even a real person.

>> No.7420751

I'm now hypothesizing one of us isn't even a real person, because I was just barely thinking that same thing. "What is Socrates was created, a character, and inserted into history."

>> No.7420753

Seriously? Like, plato just made him up?

>> No.7420754
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that's the worst kind of "smart"

>> No.7420761

u dont understand math, u get used to it

>> No.7420765

This. Mathematics is garbage and should feel bad about itself, like any clunky and ugly language.

>> No.7420779

No I just know how to work hard. Even when I do well I still feel fucking retarded.

>> No.7420800

smart enough to convince other people I am, whether I am or not

>> No.7420801

You must be around a lot of foolish people.

>> No.7420819

>i have glasses
>people assume i'm smart
>tfw i dropped out of high school and haven't read a book since

>> No.7420850

I used to act and say that I wasn't, but I've spent enough time with enough people to know I am.

>> No.7420865
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I let my results speak for themselves.

So I'm fair smart but no genius.

>> No.7420871

A few years ago I would have said yes, but now I feel less intelligent every time I learn something.

>> No.7420891

Classic growing up. As a teen one makes these sweeping statements of fact with grand certainty in ones statements.
But the more you learn the less you know, since you gain awareness of the complexity of the problems you just used to breeze past.

>> No.7420901

maybe he has proofs.

>> No.7420902

>has glasses

who still believes this meme?

>> No.7420931

>tested and a member of mensa
>134 IQ

I consider myself smart.

but i do not consider myself wise.

everybody knows what they know. but a wise man knows what he does not know.

but to know what one does not know, in itself requires knowing that one does not know that he knows what he does not know. therefore to know what one does not know stems ultimately from what one knows.

therefore in essence, to know what one does not know requires a different perspective of what one knows, or exposure to what he does not know. but perception is not easy to change, and exposure relies on opportunity.

i often ask myself if i am wise enough to do either of those things. but i do not know.

>> No.7420934

Pol Pot believed enough to have every Cambodian who wore glasses killed for being an "intellectual."

>> No.7420950


> being this pissed off about nerds & weeaboos

>> No.7420953

you're just edgy, good at taking tests, and somewhat smarter than your average retard
don't let it go to your head (as you clearly have)

>> No.7420957

I'm just smart enough to know that I'm not smart

>> No.7420961

I like to think I'm a good learner, but I have no specific plans for college. I just can't decide what to major in, at all.

>> No.7420969
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>Going to college

>Not knowing exactly how your life is going to play out by age 18

>> No.7421249

Well the rate at how stuff changes in todays society it would be foolish to think we can say anything for certain more than a few years ahead. More strange things have happened the last 40 years than ever before. Before the last 40 year period, we hardly had any microcomputers. If you would rewind the world 40 years and present a bunch of scenarios including ours, I wonder how many pro mille of the population would guess right.

>> No.7421364
File: 414 KB, 400x451, rare-pepe_pepe_388_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really... I mean
>3.0 college GPA
>CS major
>have dropped out of Cal 1 two times (first time I took it got a D) - will be taking it for the 4th time this semester

>> No.7421387

keked a bit too hard

>> No.7421395

I'm a dunce and probably semi retarded.
Normal people around me think I'm smart, even the people I work with think I'm smart.
It's all in the way you talk, calm, clear, relaxed, based.
The jig is up as soon as I'm around people who are actually educated in something worthwhile

>> No.7421397

study harder nerd

>> No.7421398
File: 8 KB, 300x154, This+came+to+mind+_a7f79a4efe81ed7ef770be6170f89dd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly. Great minds think alike...or maybe we're both just idiots, who knows.

>> No.7421409

You just described me so perfectly I'm honestly not sure if we aren't the same person. Tyler Durden status.

>> No.7421671

I wouldn't say I'm smart. I'm just good at certain things and bad at other things.

People in highschool used to bully me for being retarded (which I am in certain regards) while professors have told me I'm a extremely smart (which I am in certain other regards).

I might be projecting, but I feel like many people on /sci/ are insecure about their intelligence. My advice to those people would be: don't. It's really not that important. Just try to find enjoyment in what you do.

>> No.7421674

May I ask why you are on /sci/ then? (not meant as an insult)