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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7413461 No.7413461 [Reply] [Original]

Any engineer that went to do great things in maths or physics? . Anybody got any example? . I feel like quitting this repetitive rinse + repeat job to pursue something more meaningful ... Before you ask me to fuck off to /adv/, do you think the course content in engineering even allow greatness ?

>> No.7413500

Josiah Willard Gibbs
Oliver Heaviside
Konrad Zuse
Linus Pauling

Contrary to popular belief you don't need to study a poorfag meme degree which just limits your options and forces you to be a productive academia monkeyslave for the rest of your life.

>> No.7413537

Come on now let's not get rude.

Absolutely OP, I'm a Chem major, and Pauling as this anon stated was a great Chemical Engineer who went on to do some phenomenal research in Chemistry in Physics. I'm sure you could definitely do interesting research into the more pure subjects with your knowledge from engineering. However you might need to read up a little more; I know all of my EE friends have never seen or at least used a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian and maybe you would like to get used to Calculus of Variations if that's what you would like to get into.

I think it all boils down to what you wish to do research in, just so long as you know and you put in some effort into learning the prerequisite material you should do ok.

Just out of curiosity what was your major/is your job now?

>> No.7413558

>Come on now let's not get rude.
I'm not rude I'm perpetually mad. I don't like how universities are pushing the pure degrees by implying they'd have the same opportunities as professional degrees just so they can have the tuition fees of droves of graduates who are disappointed that their real options are limited to more academia, crappy tech. jobs or teaching. It's killed the private scientist research career by oversaturation because industry research is the only moderately interesting thing you can do other than being impoverished for half your adult life in academia.

The departmental brochure should be more honest: if you're one of the smartest people in the field you might get a decent academic job by the time your 40, until then enjoy earning less than technicians/secretaries/some dumbass with certs. as a grad student/post doc. Also if you're not smart enjoy your shitty QA job or teaching high-school. Not all this bullshit claiming careers in every single thing were utilizing science in the slightest sense despite the fact that you aren't getting the credentials for any of it.

>> No.7413585

Gibbs is so fucking based. That nigga laid the foundation for modern mechanics and field physics

>> No.7413601

Gibbs is indeed fucking based. One of the last proper intellectuals of the classical sciences.

>> No.7413603
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Forgot pic.