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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7397163 No.7397163 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we confess the pseudo intellectual things we do

When I take math notes I always use the most obscure greek letters and convoluted notation such as writing down commutative diagrams for trivial stuff like change of basis, all so that if someone sees my notes they'll think it's high level esoteric math

>> No.7397171

I'm in calc 3 and sometimes I'll take pics of my notes or hard problems with a lot of notation and send it to everyone on my snapchat(mostly girls) and say "Easy shit"

I am such a douchebag

>> No.7397175

sounds kinda pathetic

>> No.7397179

I like to use perfect grammar and spelling in chats.

>> No.7397181
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When I tie my shoes, I do the mathematically minimal version of the strong form of the knot.

>> No.7397185

Well, I've slept with 40 women so whatever im doing works

>> No.7397186

Nothing really, my notes make me look retarded assuming I actually take them. "This s hit needs to be integrated over that big thing you got from the other thingamagigger you did in blah blah" etc. I use consistent labeling in them though, so it reads fine to me.

This actually, minus end punctuation or initial capitalization if it's brief

>> No.7397192
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Oh no, what are you doing?! You are fueling my misogyny again

>> No.7397198

To be honest its quite disgusting and not worth it. it turns you into a sex addict. I can't go on a nice date with a girl without thinking and attempting to fuck. It is SO hard to get through the date. Don't be misogynist. All my friends think it's gross. You will be emotionally broken.

>> No.7397203

>obscure green letters

>> No.7397207

>Giant iron birds in the sky

>> No.7397211
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I write the letter a like this

>> No.7397212

lmfao jesus christ man

>> No.7397230

Muh Nigga

I do the same thing.

I enjoy answering questions in class as opposed to everyone else who thinks I'm some kind of genius for knowing shit we're supposed to know.

>> No.7397268

>calc 3
>hard problems
dem triple integrals be crazy nigga

>> No.7397423

I make extensive use of subscripts in my variables.

>> No.7397441

>keeping count

Hey guys, I found the insecure one!

>> No.7397842

I write equations on air

>> No.7397948

>ask questions I know the answer to, to reason people through why my idea isn't convoluted

>> No.7397970

So do I, but that's usually because it's easier to remember what each variable is that way.

>> No.7397986


i love people who do this then call something stupid or put a comma before their thoughs

>> No.7398043

>having a normal, human memory*
Fixed that for you. I've had sex with a few more than 20. I don't keep count. It's not like I can just forget though.

>> No.7398062

Man I love people like you. It's so easy to pick out the people who won't amass a thing in mathematics or any field. The kind who have no intelligence but always try to impress!

>> No.7398067

>lying about kill count on an anonymous image board
Kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin detected
Enjoy your 2.0 GPA (rounded off nicely with that C you got in labour studies)

>> No.7398077

>amass a thing in mathematics
>inappropriately using pretentious diction
>using exclamation points
I think we found another pompous pseud

>> No.7398109

i really like programming and im always trying to into programming but im actually crap at programming but it's fine cause i only have one friend that's good at it and he lives in spain so all my other friends think im mad smart.

also i like to buy philosophy books that are really fucking hard to read and leave them around in my room so i feel good about myself when i look at them.... but i actually haven't read most of them.

>> No.7398285

>I don't know what 'amass' means but it sure will make me look smart in front of the other kids

>> No.7398491

you're doing it wrong, try posting normal snaps of stuff around your desk with the hard shit in soft focus, rule of thirds

although based on what you just said im pretty sure you wouldn't be able to get away with anything other than pretending to be a little dumber than you are so people will like you again

>> No.7398492

the only reason you don't count is because 0 isn't a natural number faggot

>> No.7398495
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>> No.7398503

> 0 isn't a natural number
you trying to start a conventions fight?

>> No.7398519

I pretend know something about science even though I am a hopeless, drug-addicted, high school dropout.

>> No.7398946

Last year when I was taking that class my roommate who failed Calc 1 his sophomore year did that to my notes. It's incredible how stupid nonstem students can be, although you clearly aren't above that yourself.

>> No.7398961

I use Linux.

>> No.7398981

i paraphrase things that michio kaku or richard feynman has said in his online videos

>> No.7399004

How can you even write that.
nobody writes that way

>> No.7399024

My friends are all studying art and fashion so I take snapchats captioned RIP or party hard of my calc 3 problems to assert my superiority cognitively ( and aesthetically) and yet appear pseudo humble but calc 3 was actually easy

>> No.7399043

pls explain
i dont know knot theory but I'd like to optimise a daily task from 2 seconds down to 1.95

>> No.7399062

I used to do this more, but I memorize lists of information. For example I can still to the world geography quiz on sporcle.com.

>> No.7399078

If I'm in class, I'm just trying to use as much shorthand as possible. If I'm reading a textbook, I'm just scribbling down little justifications her and there. Who the fuck is going to look at your notebooks?

>> No.7399086

Knot theory is pretty easy and fun; I'd suggest just learning a little of it.

>> No.7399102

>Knot theory
any book?

>> No.7399161

I am an honest guy and I don't talk about anything unless I am familiar with the topic.

This sorta shit doesn't happen to me. I use nested parenthesis in text messages a bit too often but it's grammatically correct and not pseudointellectual

>> No.7399174

You wouldn't happen to have a lisp would you?

>> No.7399186

no but I do have a (minor) speech impedement

>> No.7399294

how much pussy do you get?

>> No.7399296

Yeah? I've slept with 41.

>> No.7399645

I come to /sci/

>> No.7400315


>richard feynman has said in his online videos
er what

>> No.7400331
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I have slept with 42

>> No.7400362

42 and a half reporting in

>> No.7400375
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>> No.7400384
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kek, virgin detected. nobody with a brain will believe you after that

>> No.7400542
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There's a small whiteboard outside the door to my lab where you're required to write out any unattended overnight reactions in case anything goes wrong so they know wtf they have to deal with.

People tend to abbreviate a lot of the unimportant details, they just make sure they mention the solvent system and any funky reagents.

I always go full autism, and draw out the entire reaction. This often involves very large biological molecules, and I've memorized their structures and stereochemistry for the sole purpose of being able to show off on the whiteboard.

>i am a gigantic faggot

>> No.7400827

>i am such a douchebag
sounds like you're just an autist

>> No.7400938

I always kept a copy of some papers that were WAY beyond what we were learning, back in college, on my desk for whenever my roommate would walk in.

Looking back, it was pretty cringe.
To be fair, it really did help me out though since I WOULD actually try to read them, taught myself a lot of shit that way.

>> No.7400952

I'm a hoarder with all of my papers.

I'm working on my masters, and I still have every single binder I used for every single undergrad class in a box. Not just my major classes, either. Every single godforsaken GE class is in there to.

I can't bring myself to throw it out.

>> No.7401620

bumping this, would also like a nice intro
preferably not popsci and something a third year math/phys undergrad could undersatnd

>> No.7401621

I work problems on a whiteboard because i feel smart/cool

>> No.7401629

I write. on windows

>> No.7403902
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>muh nigga
> Implying perfect grammar
I do this too, but I would've said "My nigger" since it is the proper spelling.

>> No.7403975

jacob get out of here