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7375500 No.7375500 [Reply] [Original]

If the Galaxy is supposedly so full of Earth-like planets, why hasn't anybody visited us yet? Some of these worlds have a millions of years head start on us. So where the hell is everyone?

>> No.7375504

Because they're invisible

>> No.7375508

With a million or a billion years head start on technological development, do you think they're still corporeal beings? They're probably all around us right now watching us jerk off to tranny porn.

>> No.7375513


Just read this. http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html

It would be a miracle if anyone on /sci/ had a new, credible hypothesis for the Fermi Paradox.

>> No.7375571

We don't know you fucking faggot now stop shit posting. It's possible we're the only ones as of now but at this point all the other meme theories are also possible.

>> No.7375578

what the hell does memetic theory have to do with the fermi paradox?

>> No.7375580
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are you fucking kidding me? Where the hell is everyone? Do you know what a light year is? Do you know how far the closest star is? Do you know how long it would take for a starship to travel a lightyear? Jesus christ you must be from reddit.

>> No.7375582

It's the natural progression of a civilization to wipe itself out.

>> No.7375584

Obviously "where is everyone?" is referring to communications or just evidence of their existence in general, not actual presence

>> No.7375586

yes and communications would also take a long time you dumbfuck
the strongest communication signals take 1 year to go 1 lightyear. If someone tried to communicate with us within a 100 lightyears (thats not even likely at all) it would take a 100 years to get here.
jesus christ

>> No.7375588

also, everything we see is also lightyears away, so the "evidence" would really be evidence of a long ass time ago. No one far away would send us a message because we havent been a technological civilization for long enough for them to even notice.

>> No.7375600

>be ahead of human race
>no incentive to go to human race
>be behind human race
>no technology to visit human race

why dont you go visit the deserted amazonian tribes anon?

>> No.7375604

Signal strength becomes weaker as it spreads out. After a certain amount of light years, it becomes indistinguishable for normal cosmic background noise.

>> No.7375605

You don't think scientists across the world would shit their pants if they found a giraffe on the moon? they'd want to catch that fucker up and cut em open to find out what he's all about. I think Hawking is right

>> No.7375607

If humans had the ability to visit other star systems and we found evidence of very primitive civilizations on a planet I guarantee you we would attempt contact with them.

>> No.7375611

>i think hawking is right
if an alien civilization were to come into its own, do you really think they would need our resources? I mean, thats provided they could even survive in our atmosphere. Only earth life can survive in our atmosphere, another lifeform could have a completely different biology than us you fucking idiot
Also, if they could make it to earth to take our resources, you realize theres an abundance of everything all around the universe right? What exactly would they come here for that they couldnt synthesize themselves, provided they can travel to and from planetary systems?

>> No.7375614

yeah, and we did. When indians were first located in the new world, they were brought back to europe by columbo.

But then you see, we advanced past that.
We have television, the media, space to explore now. Why travel and look at some ape in the jungle personally when you can simply open up the internet, chat with strangers, play video games, and even learn university level courses and dream of space?

Any alien with advanced space travel would probably have been normalized to it by now. And if they are anything like the human general population, they would have found something greater to marvel at by now, as opposed to a child being exposed to the first time to some novel idea

>> No.7375615
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if hawking is so smart why does he look like he just saw the grudge?

>> No.7375616

Closest thing I can think of is fossil fuels, but I really doubt space-faring species would be using those.

>> No.7375617
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for the first few times sure.
is it a little arrogant to think we will be unique to the aliens? who have access to advanced space travel (which is required in the initial presumption) to only have found us and not others for millions of years?

>> No.7375618

>yea lets get coal and oil to power our intergalactic starship

>> No.7375619

No, I mean about the fact that we should approach extraterrestrials with caution because there's a good chance they would be relatively hostile IE wanting to study us in the way that we do lab rats.

But it's funny that you assume I'm an idiot just because I agree with a small part of something Hawking has said. Stay biased and closed minded, you'll never learn.

>> No.7375621
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>What exactly would they come here for that they couldnt synthesize themselves, provided they can travel to and from planetary systems?

Intergalactic big game hunters

They come here for the thrill of the hunt.

If they found out about the dinosaurs they'd want to make a Jurassic Park.

>> No.7375622

Why would they need to cut us open to study us? You realize humans die every day right? Like oh, lets just ignore the piles of perfectly dead humans to study, we need one that runs away from us so we kill him and THEN cut him up.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7375623

>have technology to interpret signals as of 50-100 years ago
>star systems can be hundred to thousands to millions of light years away
There's a good chance mankind is going to be in the dark in terms of alien civilizations for a very long time. And I mean more than thousands of years. We can leave the solar system and go to other star systems, but the actual distance between advanced civilizations is going to be ridiculously large

>> No.7375628

then why don't we just study dead rats instead of live ones?
top kek your level of autism is off the charts. You really don't belong here

>> No.7375629

>We should approach ET's with caution theres a good chance they would be relatively hostile
>IE wanting to study us the way that we do labrats
Yea they would definitely just ignore all the information we already have on the human species. We've mapped the genome, cured diseases, but they would ignore all that cause it would be fun to cut up some humans.

>> No.7375632

You need to lay off the crack pipe.

>> No.7375635

We study rats to get information on human medicine. Why would they study a human the same way we study rats? You realize we have a medical field and they could just get all their info from that, right?

>> No.7375639

not him, but
>why dont we study dead rats instead of live ones

>> No.7375640

We are like one of millions of insects in jungle to them. Why the fuck would they care about us?

And yes they have already visited us. If you stop being so narrow minded you will see countless evidences.

>> No.7375641

100 years is nothing at all, the issue is civilizations thousands or even millions of years ahead of us.

The idea is that they would have much more powerful broadcasts and that even if we couldn't read them in detail there would still be patterns indicating intelligent life because the sky would be "lit up" with all the communications if half the galaxy was inhabited by intelligent entities.

Please don't bother arguing against me as if I'm advocating for their being aliens out there because I'm not.
I'm just pointing out the flaws in your arguments just as I did with my last post.

Come on, you don't really think the "Fermi paradox" is as widespread as it is with nobody ever considering light travel time or radio wave attenuation do you?
Those were probably among the first things anyone would investigate

>> No.7375642

>thinks everyone else has autism
>doesnt know he has autism
you've been trying to prove a shitty point ever since you posted in this thread, m8

>> No.7375643

100 years was just a number i pulled out of my ass, as there are no civilizations within a 100 lightyears, or even 1000
or even probably a million
do you even understand the vastness of space, bro?

>> No.7375644
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>And yes they have already visited us. If you stop being so narrow minded you will see countless evidences.

>> No.7375645

fuck off to >>>/x/, faggot

>> No.7375648

yeah this exactly
>still less than 100 years from when we could even interpret extraterrestrial signals

then again, you could argue that alien species sent out signals to all earthlike planets millions and millions of years ago, and they could arrive any time now (as in the next 100,000-1,000,000 years)

>> No.7375649

It doesn't matter.

My point is talking about information travel time limited by lightspeed is the first thing anyone is going to investigate.

Therefore when talking about the Fermi paradox it is assumed that we are talking about information and evidence available to us from however long ago in the past is necessary.

If you're wondering about intelligent life more recently formed then we have an OBVIOUS explanation as to why we haven't seen any evidence right?
So obviously that's not what the fermi paradox is about

>> No.7375650

ow look it's dis tred 'gurn
protip: they're already here

>> No.7375657

you are the king of posting paragraphs and not making any valid points at the same time

>> No.7375658

do you have a reading disability?

>> No.7375660

no, but you have autism.

>> No.7375666

you both do

the fermi paradox is retarded and doesn't consider the vast nature of space. We're an extremely young species and it also doesn't consider that advanced civilizations may not have a desire or see any need to waste resources contacting and travelling to primitive civilizations. What value could we possibly offer them? What value could an ant climbing a tree in your backyard offer to you that you could get without spending the energy to walk out there?

>> No.7375671

>you both have reading disability
>is retarted
stopped reading there, fag

>> No.7375677

w/e u say you retarded faggot

>> No.7375680

i like that this guy totally got proven wrong and he hasnt been replying to anyone since.

>> No.7375681


Some really high level conversation going on here.

>> No.7375682

looks like you don't even know what that word means, so reading disability it is.

I never said it wasn't retarded, nor am I arguing in favor of it.

All I'm saying is that the Fermi paradox is literally about what we observe in the night sky.
Therefore if you're investigating radio waves as a possible source of evidence your conclusions do _not include_ any civilizations that may have arisen after the time it would have taken light to reach us from them.

If you observe nothing, it doesn't mean they aren't there. Nor does it mean they are.
That is simply not what the Fermi paradox is about.

The scope of possibilities addressed by what you're investigating depends on what sort of evidence you are looking for.

>> No.7375684

and you've just contributed so much.
except you havent, youve literally contributed 3 times over what they have
fuck off back to reddit

>> No.7375685

>If you observe nothing, it doesn't mean they aren't there. Nor does it mean they are.
nobody in this thread is saying that
you dont talk with people that think thats how it works

>> No.7375689

yep, and once again, you raise no valid points. youre literally just reiterating what has already been said throughout the thread.

>> No.7375690
File: 100 KB, 523x720, 1435281861845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ this guy
fucking faggot

>> No.7375691

Distance is not only a factor for time between emission and reception of a signal. Consider also that signal strength decreases with an inverse square law. Any non-directed communication from far away would be utterly indistuinguishable from background noise to us.

And all signs point to interstellar travel not only to be very uneconomical, but FTL to be impossible in practice. There could be a trillion civilizations, all stranded on their homeworlds like us.

>> No.7375699

Let me put it in simple words that you can understand then.

The information that you thought you were providing >>7375586
Is _the fucking starting point_ of the Fermi paradox.

>lol information can't reach us from civilizations beyond a certain point in a certain amount of time so it's wrong
Fermi paradox:
>If we are looking at radio waves then we ONLY CONSIDER civilizations that could have potentially sent signals that have reached us by now

If you still don't understand what I'm saying then you need to get your brain scanned.

>> No.7375700

yea dont bother with that do he will act like hes disagreeing with you but then say everything you're saying. i think hes autistic
thats the general consensus, anyway

>> No.7375702

Space is too hard.

>> No.7375704

yes you fucking idiot but that isnt the only information i provided it was in an ongoing arguement where i layed out and explained the rest of fermis paradox to some other retard, then you came in the middle and obviously didnt read my previous posts. Learn to lurk you fucking NEET

>> No.7375705

>Learn to lurk you fucking NEET
I know you're trying super hard to fit in, but you're doing it wrong

>> No.7375707


>> No.7375709

>trying to fit in
>no one knows me here

>> No.7375710

i feel bad for the poor retard that looks at that posts and sees all the (You)'s
hes all paranoid and shit like damn maybe i am autistic

>> No.7375714

"super hard"
wow you're a faggot

>> No.7375715
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, ufo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is ~14 billions years old.
The milky way is 100 000 light years across.
This means that if a species left their home planet 200 000 years before we developed the technology to do the same, assuming that they could only travel at half the speed of light, it would take them 0.0002 billion years (200 000 years) to travel the full length of the milky way galaxy and reach Earth.
Similarly, the nearest galaxy to us is 179000 light years away (small magellanic cloud). This would take ~ twice as long to reach us 0.0004 billion years (400 000 years, not accounting for red shift. Moving at half speed of light may have problems traveling between galaxies. Untested.)

Given that the future destiny of mankind, if uninterrupted, is to explore space and form new colonies where it is able to do so (as America is trying to do with Mars already), then it seems sensible that aliens would have reached a similar conclusion. If they are limited by the speed of light and haven't developed anti gravity tech (which they probably have- I postulate that their cloaking device is not only their method of travel, but their cloak and force field too) then I think we can all agree that 0.0002 billion years is a very small amount of time compared to 14.0 billion years (that's only 200 000 years compared to 14 000 000 000 years, a factor of 70 000!) It may be large timescale, but it is nothing on a grand cosmological scale.

>> No.7375716

4 of those are me, and why would I feel bad because someone wasn't intelligent enough to understand my posts.

I was right by the way >>7375704
this faggot is just samefagging and damage controlling so hard because he had a little misunderstanding.

>> No.7375719
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1) they haven't killed us
2) they are interested in preventing nuclear war
3) they have been present within our solar system for a very long time
4) they are bound by equal physical laws that we are
5) they have technology that appears magical to us
6) there are many different species
7) people are abducted and in most cases, returned unharmed with efforts taken to prevent memory of abduction
8) they do not make themselves known to the public in present age, although it is unknown if they ever did to our predecessors
9) there appears to be a growing public consciousness towards acceptance of an alien presence in popular media i.e movies, internet, news
10) we have seen their motherships orbiting Saturn, collecting energy from the sun, lunar bases on the backside of the moon 'Tower of Babel', now recent unidentified white spots on Ceres

I'll spell it out for you since nobody seems to understand the alien agenda: They are here to create hybrid races using life on earth as an incubation chamber for beneficial genetic mutations. When humanity goes extinct, they will repopulate the Earth with our 'descendants' who will be alien hybrids, possessing enhanced cognitive abilities, possible telepathy, technology, physical longevity and scientific benevolence.

Life exists to spread out and evolve. Humanity and hybrids of humanity may not be perfect, but we are good enough to survive. Space faring species are inherently benevolent to an extent, if not simply for the interest of self preservation and neutrality between neighbouring civilizations. We should be thankful that they haven't destroyed us so far. Although our species is very much doomed. Good luck swallowing this red pill. It's a tough one.

>> No.7375724

>why would i feel bad because someone wasnt intelligent enough to understand my posts
fucking top kek
kill yourself, anon

>> No.7375727

>thinks that if everyone says hes retarded, its actually just one person

>> No.7375736

most people just jump on the bandwagon.
Go ahead and point out a flaw in one of my posts if you think you can.

>> No.7375933
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>> No.7375963

The answer is mind-blowingly simple. It’s a single word.


>> No.7375978

The only other ones I can think of;

They left the universe already, to whatever higher realms or forms of existence beyond our universe may be. As we step of our planet, solar system, etc we make leaps and bounds, so a incredibly advanced intelligence might've probably dipped from her and settled in whatever is beyond this reality.

A simulation would explain the absence of alien life as we'd be nothing more than the grandest lab rats on a cosmic scale ever achieved so far to our knowledge. This would make the many worlds interpretation and quantum mechanics in general seem more purposeful and even very much intentional since life really is just a data processor and simulations when done on this scale would need all available information and outcomes of reactions being processed.

The last reason I could think of is maybe advanced life melding directly into energy fields to push processes or some design they would be driven to do as massively advanced entities. Controlling a web of how the universe may work is much more successful of a plan when it comes to survival over anything else. Advanced intelligence would inevitably see the eventual demise (heat death, big crunch etc) and use all available time and energy to prevent it as we would if we knew an asteroid was going to collide with us in the next hundred years.

These ideas always get overlooked and I genuinely believe they may be more probable and likely to be the answer to Fermi's paradox but no one has really touched into them and whether it's a possibility in reference to alien life and other intelligence.

Would love to hear /sci/'s opinion on these.

>> No.7375994
File: 45 KB, 754x734, xfiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's to say they havent visited us yet?
I'm convinced they have, and still do.

>> No.7376004

If aliens existed why are there no self-replicating robots mining planets and asteroids all over the place? huh???

>> No.7376080

I somehow really like your pic

>> No.7376095

fucking noob
what is your IQ
the answer to your question is so obvious I can't even bring myself down to your level

>> No.7376097

sums up the entire x-files pretty good

>> No.7376173

The Universe is relly big

>> No.7376199

Why would super intelligent beings care about an ant hill?

They're busy trying to break through the expanding wall at the edge of the universe.

>> No.7376201

How is this a paradox? There are almost infinite explanations as to how this could be true

No near light speed travel
Physically to far ie we're the most advanced in our galaxy and outside or galaxy is too far for the more advanced species
Maybe the lifeforms that have discovered us have also discovered countless other similar life ie we're not interesting or special yet to them
Maybe they know physics we don't
Maybe they know biology we don't

Maybe we're invisible. We've only broadcast our position about 100 lightyears or so ( consider the invention of radio waves) besides that, how else do you detect life?

It might just be them and not us

>> No.7376266

Based on the thumbnail, I thought that was Susskind

>> No.7377245
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>ctrl f
>no ayy lmao

ayy lmao

>> No.7377252

Does the Fermi Paradox imply that FTL travel is impossible?

>> No.7377271

I think time, not distance, is the reason why we haven't seen any sign of intelligent life in the universe. A few years back I recall someone made a pretty good analogy about how if the entire history of the universe was a timeline the height of the Empire State building, our solar system has only existed for the top 24 inches of the building. Humanity's time on earth accounts for the thickness of a penny on that scale, and our period within the last 100 years even less. For all we know, there may have been a plethora of alien civilizations that have come before us, but going with the Empire State building analogy, odds off their existence coinciding with ours are pretty slim. That or they've transcended the boundaries of this universe, and have no interest in lower beings as us.

>> No.7377283

We do things to mice and rats and monkeys that necessitate them being alive, then we kill them, then we analyse tissue to look for the effects of what we are studying.

Experiments don't work on dead animals, and you can't properly gross living tissue conveniently, or thoroughly.

For what it's worth, animal studies are the least favorite part of my job.

>> No.7377295


There are seven billion or so of those mining, self-replicating robots on planet Earth.

>> No.7377526
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>tfw no qt ayy lmao gf

>> No.7377574
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>> No.7377654

Bible says Satan is father of the lie
> Noone lied or disobeyed God before Satan

Bible says Satan and his Demons were cast down to the Earth, and that the heavens have be cleansed.

Why weren't they cast to another planet? Perhaps Earth is the only planet with life on it..

>> No.7379640

Physically visiting us at our current state of evolution would probably be pointless to them. It's not so much of a numbers game as much as it is logically thinking about WHY an alien would visit. And depending on their technology - it could be a bit "out of the way" for them to travel here.

Outside of direct physical contact, we've only had radio for about 100 years (or whatever). Maybe they are communicating all around us using a method of communication that we haven't even invented yet. Much like modern day radio signals are all around jungle tribes, and they haven't got any idea.

The Fermi Paradox in asking about where all the aliens are is a bit like jungle tribes asking where all the white people are. The only reason they know white people exist at all is because white people had no better method of learning about them and had to meet them/their tribes. I'm sure aliens could learn about us if they wanted to without direct contact.

>> No.7379694

even with our current tech, speed of travel and lets say making one colony ship per planet ever 10,000 years.. we would colonise the galixy in 100 million years.. milky way has beeen here for 7 billion and has planets around every star it seems

>> No.7379699

They would come for more room for more population, even a cluster of colonies around a couple of stars can be wiped out in one gamma ray burst

>> No.7379741
File: 111 KB, 800x600, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might be out but its fucking far to the next guy over. I'll use this Star Trek map. They had warp speed and worm holes and spacial anomalies and guess what, it was all in the Milky Way. As fast as they could go, as far as they could use wormholes as a shortcut, as much as Q fucked with them, it was in the same galaxy. And even then there were a good amount of neighbors because an old as fuck species basically ejaculated onto planets to get DNA spread to start things.

>> No.7379820

..really breaks it down..

>> No.7379833

Why would they specifically come to earth for their population? Why are you assuming they would be oxygen breathing and could survive normal earth temperature?

>> No.7379870

You miss understand me, i mean the entire system and the one next to it and so on, raw matter for more computations stars for energy,we don't have anything special,.they would logically and mathmatically spread everywhere across this entire galaxy ,, read the links in this thread

>> No.7380701

so dakka

>> No.7381224

Random thought: We're on the edge of our galaxy (I think) so perhaps there aren't any resources they need here? I thought of stargate universe here, where an alien ship is powered by stars. The middle of our galaxy is probably the resource zone where all the advanced aliens meet and trade.

Also maybe they are somewhere around our level of evolution and still haven't found a way to travel faster than light (if that's even possible, and I don't think it is), not only that but no one may know we exist due to the fact the light would take a very long time to get from our planet to another inhabited planet. I mean, probably the closest inhabited planet is still watching our planet form. There is no way anyone knows we're here, and no reason for anyone to come especially if it would take thousands of years.

>> No.7381642
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Complex life like we see on earth (big animals and shit, humans) are very rare. These planets which harbor complex organisms/civilizations are so rare and far spaced out that they usually die out long before they contact another civilization.

Simple life is common in the galaxy (bacteria, microbial life) They stay simple and thrive in their little hotspots on whatever world they inhabit. And every now and again due to collisions from impacts of comets and material being ejected into space, some of those lifeforms continue to live in space on whatever rock they inhabit. Sometimes those comets crash into other worlds and the lifeforms once again thrive on a new planet, and begin to evolve into other more complex things.

So in conclusion, many civilizations of beings have probably risen, evolved to a sophisticated degree, explored space and then eventually died out and went extinct millions and millions of years ago. It wouldn't surprise me that if humans ever get out there we will discover ruins of other civilizations long dead.

>> No.7381656

ayy lmao

>> No.7381658


>> No.7381947


Why do we do archaeology? Because it will help us learn something about the past, but also about how we are now.

We would be interesting to Aliums because they were presumably once like us. Unless there is just a plethora of intelligent life in the universe, it's reasonable to assume ANY intelligent life would be interesting even if you've progressed to the point of space Gods. The origins of things are always illuminating.

>> No.7381955


You've hit on one theory about why things are quiet out here. Perhaps it's true that relativistic travel is impossible and there's no good means of folding space to shorten distances. The place to find interstellar empires would then be the core, where distances between stars are smaller and there's a lot more of them around. Then things like generation ships become more feasible, and if you can get yourself up to even an appreciable fraction of C it's not too much to imagine civilizations spreading out a bit.

Way out here, though, it's a long way to anywhere so when intelligent life happens it doesn't get far from home, or at least not for a very, very long time, assuming it survives to that point.

Depressing thought, but then again it might be the only reason we don't have a Klingon boot on our neck already. Closer to the core, better chance at interstellar empire and also having to deal with the mess that would entail. Way out here, don't go far, but don't have to worry about conquering neighbors.

>> No.7381959

interstellar travel is infeasible.


>> No.7381999

The paradox isn't about an alien landing here, it's that there should be million and billion year old civ's everywhere.. even if they can't cross intersteller space, there should be dyson sphere's or altered systems somewhere in sight, We are extremely late to the party as a solar system let alone a species.. There should be half obscured stars or spots of only infrared radiation from waste heat..somewhere.. and that's with no intersteller travel

>> No.7382022

It's not a paradox if you consider all the filters intelligent life has to overcome to alter their solar systems. Maybe it just isn't possible to build a dyson sphere because all intelligent life kills itself out once it discovers nuclear power. Or maybe the materials necessary to build a dyson sphere of significant enough size to actually obscure stars doesn't exist in solar systems. Even if we used the entire asteroid belt worth of materials to build a dyson sphere it wouldn't even make a gravitational impact on the star (if its done correctly). The universe may be too young still, and extinction events are too common to allow species to prosper to that extent. Who knows, but the fact that there is nothing out there makes me worry our time is limited.

>> No.7382031

I think the best answer is why bother? At that stage we can just create our own utopia on our home planet and jerk off and write poetry for our eternal lives or something.

>> No.7382035

Maybe we haven't had contact because anybody out there doesn't fucking care about us and has their own problems.

>> No.7382068

because the universe is too big. Too big for you to even comprehend how fucking big it is.

>> No.7382076

Don't know what's scarier, that we're first and things are about to explode with sentient life, that we're rare and made it past the great filter(s) and the future of life in the universe relies on us or that we're fucked and some species killing wall is ahead of us

>> No.7382077
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We have only been capable of receiving extraterrestrial radio waves for 50 years.

What makes you think we haven't been contacted or even visted before? Also, ayy lmao.

>> No.7382088
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maybe their radio/ electromagnetic communications are too dim to read from earth, and we're way too confident that we can read them from that far away.

>> No.7382089

Maybe they do, maybe they are aliens disguised as humans, and there is a secret society that doesn't want regular humans to find out the truth.

>> No.7382117

Enormous Universe
Not necessarily living on the same plane of light wave.
Not necessarily interested in us.
May consider us to confrontational, our languages to advanced or too primitive to efficiently communicate with.
May have little to gain from us.

Or may already be communicating with some or all of our space faring governments.

>> No.7382151

I never understood the whole concept of "why would an alien go out and visit inferior beings murh murh murh heuh blah blah"

Do people think out of those billions of ayylmaos that likely exist, that every single god damn one of them has evolved the habit of doing things for shits and giggles?

>muh anthill
I stop and look at ants once in a while. There are entire science fields dedicated to insects, ants included. What's to stop aliens from doing the same?

>> No.7382175

Has anyone ever thought that true long distance space travel might be impossible and it's not that civilizations are destroying themselves?

>> No.7382216
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>> No.7382217
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>4 of those are me

>> No.7382220

Maybe they don't visit us because they use their telescopes, and they see dinosaurs.

>> No.7382224

They'd be smart enough to know the image they see is ancient.

Odds are if such long distance travel is possible most likely by bending space or connecting 2 points in space, they'll have "telescopes" that can bend space and show them more current images

>> No.7382231

>true long distance space travel might be impossible

Why? There is literally nothing stopping us except the limits of current technology.

>> No.7382232

Speed of light?

Acquisition of needed energy?

No firm idea if we can manipulate space to travel a light year in less than a year without bypassing the speed of light?

>> No.7382238
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ayy lmao silly humans limited by "laws of relativity"

>> No.7382249

Now hold on a second.
We don't know if any civilization out there is currently ahead of us OR NOT
That doesn't mean anything.

How do we know that they are better and stronger and anything else we can think of when not 1 single alien has come to earth in the millions of years we have had the earth around? Exactly. For all we know, there are planets with just creatures on it. For all we know there are planets with beings like us but aren't even close to the computing age of tech or there are.

Let's say there are beings like that. They are smarter, they could destroy us, they could fuck everything up. Exactly.
BUT heres the kicker, they don't want to because they see us as such. They don't want to help cause they know we are a shitty ass race and watching us kill ourselves off due to our retardation? I mean, look at america right now. We blew up because we don't want same sex marriage and yet people are happy cause they can do what they want. Who fucking cares?

They watch our planet, they see how fucking stupid we are and just waiting for us to evolve more. TBH, I'm waiting for WW3

>> No.7382267

I hope they won't oppose my apotheosis tbh
At least not before i can withstand their assault.

>> No.7382282

We are probably just far less interesting than we think we are.

>> No.7382303

I kekd at just the thought of advanced alien race crossing dozens of lightyears over thousands of years with inefficient as fuck coal powered generation starship hauling a several cubic kilometres of coal and liquid oxygen.

Yeah, not very likely.

>> No.7382316

>not putting people into hyper sleep
>not using their dreams to fuel the rocket
>Not "living on your dreams alone"
>you will never be in hyper sleep for 100 years and wake up feeling like it was 5 minutes.
>not living in the matrix
>not waking up and realizing that everything is a lie
>not waking up and finding out everything is matrix and you were in hypersleep and forgetting you're on a mission to another planet
>forgetting that you are in 2500 to start mission
>reporting back to America NASA
>finding out that everything you once new as earth is nothing but a vague memory
>everyone there is dead
>you're over 7 hundred years old.
>oldest known being currently
>having an anxiety atk over it
>realizing that you never had kids
>realizing tech is so much better over the years
>realizing you are on a planet
>Then you wake up in your bed after tripping on shrooms

>> No.7382384

"Human thought is so primitive it's looked upon as an infectious disease in some of the better galaxies." Agent Kay, Men in Black

>> No.7382420


Because we are "protected". There is a VERY aggressive species that claims this part of space that earth is in. They could care less about us, but are very protective of their space... therefore we get no contact with other species. We are like an ant colony on a gun nut redneck psycho's land. The psycho could care less about the ants on his land but will freak out and kill anyone who gets on his land.

>> No.7382443

>they could care less
Ah, so despite their agression they do value us.
Thank Xenu.

>> No.7382463
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>> No.7382469


a more likely and depressing reason is that interstellar travel is practically impossible.

>> No.7382485

link i case anyone doubted the png

>> No.7382506

Looks pretty fake to me, they way it moves totally unrelated to the camera shakines and how overlapped it look give it away pretty fast.

>> No.7382690

>Interstelar: original Script.pdf

>> No.7382732

> So where the hell is everyone?

Isn't it obvious? Look at Humanity. What do we spend our time doing? FUCKING EACH OTHER OVER FOR MONEY. That's no way to expand out into space, much less the galaxy.

Ultimately we'll fuck each other over for money so hard that Human civilization will falter and devolve into a pastoral existence, ruled over by warlords who will enjoy the best standard of living. That's IT for Humans.

>> No.7382737

> Has anyone ever thought that true long distance space travel might be impossible and it's not that civilizations are destroying themselves?

They don't have to destroy themselves. They merely have to submit to the biological imperative, gobbling up all the cheap energy sources, stranding themselves on their planetary surface, and then eventually falling into extinction. The average "lifetime" of a mammalian species on Earth is about 1 million years. Species come and go; it's the PHYLA that are biospherically long-lived. And then the biosphere perishes in line with the lifetime changes of the parent star.

>> No.7382805

>Has anyone ever thought that true long distance space travel might be impossible

It not impossible just impracticable. Most likely advanced species slowly go bionic then fully artificial. Each member of the species can live "forever" in a virtual reality that maximizes that member's happiness. The species never becomes a space faring species due to the extreme impracticality of space travel.

>> No.7382812

Wasn't there some study saying the laws of the universe are not constant/the same in all locations.

Wouldn't that make shit weird too?

>> No.7382825
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>no high def pictures now that everyone has camera phones

>> No.7382837
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ayy lmao

>> No.7382852

I'm guessing that nobody found a way to travel really fast because it's impossible and are stuck isolated on some edge of the universe.

>> No.7383537


>> No.7383548
File: 219 KB, 526x700, 1434243634532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let them find us.

>> No.7383615
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The milky way is supposedly 13.2 billion years old

I'm pretty sure in all that time at least a few civilizations have risen to very high levels of technology and traveled to different solar systems.

Maybe Aliens came here when earth was young, and they accidentally contaminated this world with foreign bacteria from their space ship and that's what started life originally.

>> No.7383652

Panspermia is abiogenesis in another world, fag.
There's no reason to assume panspermia over abiogenesis, doublefag.

>> No.7383667

we could find a way to access travel through more dimensions

>> No.7383675

Also, magic.

We just need sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic.

>> No.7383679


Physics forbids faster than light travel and effectively forbids travel at a high percentage of C.

>> No.7383683

Why do people assume there are advanced civilizations with insane head start on us as well as insane technological advantage if they came first? Why not consider that we are an early civilization. Why not consider that other species if they do exist and did come before us reached technological stagnation and aren't gonna leave their planet. Or they are still in their original star system. Why do people assume there are intergalactic interuniversal physical transcendent civilizations?

>> No.7383696


Panspermia vastly expands the possible abiogenesis scenarios, triplefag. It would not be limited to conditions present on Earth, or to Earth's timetable, or even, in fact to abiogenesis of the life we are descended from. It could be artificially made by other life! Not that there is any reason to suspect that in particular, it's just an example to illustrate your faggy lack of imagination.

>> No.7383700

Do any of those assumptions come before:

>Physics prevents interstellar travel at any sufficiently feasible time scale.

>> No.7383707

I can't tell if you're agreeing with him
Or disagreeing by saying something along same lines as him.

>> No.7385281

If aliens can tell the composition of a planet's atmosphere, they would have known about Earth's potential for life longer ago then that.

>> No.7385315

>Physics prevents interstellar travel at any sufficiently feasible time scale.
A sufficiently feasible time scale relative human life, nigga. We don't even know that much about human aging. There's organisms on this planet that are thousands of years old.

How can you assert that there are not species which live to be hundreds of thousands of earth years? Especially when we don't even know what planet they're from.

>> No.7385441


They are at war while we are a bunch of retard monkeys protected by the Emperor.

>> No.7386687

1. Timing is shit. If our planet didn't cool down early when the moon was formed, we wouldn't have had enough time to be come humans because our sun would have destroyed our planet before we evolved.

2. If early life did survive the very low chances of actually surviving, they are too far away on the outer edge of the universe; which is constantly getting further away from us, to be able to reach us.

>> No.7386699

What if an alien made of lava had sex with and alien made of ice

>> No.7386721

80% of those posts are you.

You're 80% pure, distilled autism, anon.

>> No.7386726

Where's the UFO?

All I'm seeing is two helicopters and what looks like a Frisbee.

>> No.7386733

Not that anon, but I'd like an answer (unless b8/joke).

>> No.7386737

Stopped reading.

>> No.7386749

What if an unstoppable lava ayy lmao met an unstoppable ice ayy lmao?

>> No.7386833

because any resources they would need they could fabricate by rearranging atomic structures

galactic mining federations and big evil empires are a thing of scifi. Especially if aliens were trying to keep a low profile. The only resource they couldn't fabricate in a lab is genetic variation brought about by natural selection.
The pixels on the UFO are non static. They change in relation to distance behind the cloud. The pixels are also non uniform throughout the object.

Most fake UFOs are obviously fake. This one has a rare attention to detail that it makes me wonder.

>> No.7387530

that's a good read.
thank you, anon

>> No.7387594

My response is and always will be.

Walk into any random building with a walky talky. now barely pay attention to said walky talky and any noise coming out of it. do you think anything of worth would be heard?

we are in the space boonies on a mudball in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere, Do you think anyone give two shits about what us ants are doing, let alone understand anything we say?

>> No.7387672

What reason would they have to visit earth? Seriously, give a reason.

>> No.7387689



Also, do we seriously want them to find us if they haven't yet? We would either be exterminated or turned into cattle.

Then again the thought of death rays burning this dirtball to the ground sounds somewhat intriguing.

We may be getting off the ride soon.

>> No.7387706

Maybe we're just unable to comprehend why? In the same way a dolphin or ape, though smart do not know they live on a planet in a solar system.

>> No.7387789

For the fuck of it m8. Because they can.

I seriously doubt every civilization has out-grown boredom.

>> No.7387818

>supposedly so full of Earth-like planets
That fact alone would make it unlikely that anyone would visit any one given planet

>> No.7387828

If aliens are so considerate about the future of the human race, why do they leave the ZOG running the show?

>> No.7387834
File: 48 KB, 360x400, backToXanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't some alien agenda anon, it's the main plot arc of 90's TV-show X-files.

>> No.7387853
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>They left the universe already, to whatever higher realms or forms of existence beyond
Stopped reading there

>> No.7387859

>genetic variation brought about by natural selection.
No. Recombination and mutation bring genetic variation. Natural selection is possible because of that genetic variation.

>because any resources they would need they could fabricate by rearranging atomic structures
That seems insanely resource and energy intensive, especially compared to self replicating robots you can just leave alone.
Also, there is only so much material on the home planet. If you're as advanced as a civilisation as we're talking about now, you need lots of material = venturing out into space.
Additionally, they may be NIMBY's.

>> No.7387868

>Implying xfiles wasn't directed by aliens.

>> No.7388511

Maybe at some point in galactic history, long time ago, an angry supercivilization killed practically every possible civilization and promising lifeform they could find. Then they vanished themselves.

Fast forward a couple of billion years, and then we evolved.

>> No.7388617

Too many assumptions about something we can´t explore. for now...

>> No.7388921

the most common sense aproach here would be to assume that we are looking for intelligent life the wrong way.

Currently the main method of searching for intelligence in space are listening for radio waves.
Now this only works if we have the tools sensitive enough to pick them up AND more importantly they must have used them in a time window that allows us even to pick them up.

To explain ... radio waves take time to travel ... for us to find a radio transmission it has to have been send long enough ago that it could pass the distance between it's origin and earth.

The only thing is that even we have already decreased our radio wave output considerably in quite a short period of time.

So assuming we aren't the odd ball out in that case, the window for us to actually find radio waves a civilisation might have used is incredibly short.

It's basically a shot in the dark.
And sadly we can only search for intelligent life under the assumption that they use similar technology as we do to communicate.

Given that any other civilisation could potentially have millions of years of a technological headstart on us it's very unlikley that radio waves are even(or were for the time frame we can even watch) in use by them.

>> No.7389128

what if they have, but we where too stupid and they lost interest?

>> No.7389213

It's a good thing nobody has visited us. We're better off alone than being visited by alien species who can potentially be imperalistic or simply hostile.

>> No.7389229

Instead of memeing the shit out of this thread, can someone just think of a way to create negative mass so we can use a fucking alcubierre drive?

>> No.7389245

Maybe they have already visited us and done what you are so worried about.

The pyramids represent the order of social power.

social degeneration,
no freedom,
biased brain washing media,

Why are so many rich doing pedophilia.
Its part of the satan worship.

We didnt liberate blacks from slavery, we joined them in a new form of slavery.

>> No.7389252
File: 1.94 MB, 2795x2795, radio_broadcasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how small we are. By the radio waves get anywhere they have been distorted by interstellar medium

>> No.7389255

A lot of energy and resources for almost no return.

>> No.7389261

Cause not every civilization progresses at the same rate?
You act like advanced space travel is an inevitability of sentient beings and time.
Perhaps there is other life, and it's still in a Triassic like period, despite having been around millions of years longer, maybe just because their planet didn't go thru the exact same geological progressions as ours has leading to the same evolutions.
Maybe they haven't found us yet. There are a shit ton of planets. Maybe they're not even looking because space is scary and they shouldn't be messing with God's domain.
Maybe your mom is just that fucking ugly.
Fuck dude, why are you asking us to explain the reasoning behind the decision of some other group of beings we haven't even heard of?

>> No.7389348

Think about it, we are fucking vile beings. Aliums don't wanna see that.

>> No.7389767

Homo sapiens and extrapolations of modern space technology (ex: massive ships reliant on fuel) are unreliable and likely don't belong above the atmosphere.

Apply this logic to any supposed extraterrestrial species and you're left with similar results. It hasn't even been 150 years since FLIGHT has been invented, and we're already quickly realizing spaceflight (at least in its current implementation) is impractical.

Now think AI. "The singularity". THAT'S where evolution and spaceflight will converge; it's an inevitability. Bloody sacks of meat, travelling through the universe in massive, expensive, impractical hunks of metal? Unrealistic. Tiny, invisible, super-intelligent droids, on the other hand...

This, for me, solves the Fermi Paradox. The aliens are here. We just can't see them.

>> No.7389804

The aliens are here, and lots of people have seen them?

You don't consider that a possibility? Fucking retard.

>> No.7389806

and what if they have played a role in deflecting asteroids, monitoring supervolcano levels, modifying human DNA to speed up evolution?

>> No.7389807


No, not really. Go back to your meme UFO/Conspiracy websites.

>> No.7389810

>shitposting to try and win an argument
None of you said is correct.

Are you aware that energy will not be a problem? They will be able to harness the energy of the sun at will. They will be able to produce exotic materials capable of storing vast amounts of energy for space travel.

>> No.7389814

They are considerate about the future of life evolving in the universe, not humanity per se. We aren't very efficient at surviving in space in our current iteration, and certainly not ready to join our space brethren. They just want to take what good humanity has and produce more intelligent, benevolent species to continue evolving to the next stage.

>> No.7389817
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>> No.7389819

>he believes in one conspiracy so he must believe in every conspiracy
This is why you are incapable of generating original thought.

>> No.7389821


My explanation for the Fermi Paradox is probably the best one fam

>> No.7389823


Fuck, that really puts it into perspective.

>> No.7389824

There are countless systems in our galaxy alone.

Countless stars, numbering in excess of the cotillions, float about in that massive spiral we humbly dub, "The Milky Way". Each one of them with multiple satellites, nigh uncountable.

Each one of these stars most definitely has a certain satellite, an orb that orbits but a certain distance away from its parent. A distance not too incomparable to that which we boast from our own yellow star. That orb is accompanied in nearly innumerable volume by similar bodies, each teeming with life, with that which breathes, with that which moves, with that which grows...

...with that which thinks, that speaks and makes conscious decision.

Yes, it is nigh certain that we are not alone. Planets without number float among those life-giving stars, planets which host great multitudes, multitudes not so unlike us. Entire societies and civilizations go about their day, blissfully unaware of our existence.

And certainly, among their enumeration, there is one. One who is alone, One who looks out and greets the setting of their sun, yearning for someone to hold them, to cherish them, to be close to them, who dreams of being loved by someone...

And you will never meet her.

>> No.7389826

What if quantum fluctuations were instantaneous communications?

We've been studying the intergalactic pornhub feed

>> No.7389827

In your opinion, which means fuck all I'm afraid.

>> No.7389828

Did you see a UFO anon?

>> No.7389834

I've seen 2 where I live.

They both looked like a pulsating diamond hovering in the clouds making no sound at all.

>> No.7389895

this "aliens are advanced so are not corporeal" bullshit seriously has to end.

>> No.7389910

The modern human has existed for roughly 160000 years, and of which, only roughly the last 1500 or so are recorded properly due to technology. We are also at a technological point that we can accidentally wipe ourselves out with a nuclear war, and not that far from interplanetary or interstellar spaceflight.

Even if there are a million other civilzations out there, the chances are very slim that they have come technologically far enough to visit us within those thousand years since we were cavemen. Also including the possibility they might have wiped themselves out, its not so strange we havent been visited in modern times yet. I dont think you realize that humans have only existed for ~0.005% of the earths life, and on top of that we only have recordings of the last ~1.3% of that again. They might have been here before, and they might come in the future, the chances that they might visit in this extremely small window of time is so low, no wonder we havent been visited.

The same goes for radio communication. We've had effective radio communication for about 100 years, thats 100 light years if you're lucky enough to even pick up those faint signals. If you didnt already know, the milky way is 1000 times as wide as that. Even if there are millions of civilizations in our galaxy, the distances are so long they havent even reached a small portion of the stars yet. You might look at it like standing on top of your house, shouting, in a big city and expecting everyone who lives there to know you're there.

>> No.7389931
File: 503 KB, 500x333, 1406992553604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are probably only 2 or 3 decades away from using quantum intrication in our daily life technology
>instant communication with no limit of distance
>still expect ayy lmaos to use radio or even bother listen to it
>or at least to be into the ~100 ly radius around us to detect it

>> No.7389934

there is a point here tho which is that skeptics flipflop between fermi paradox and drake equation depending on what you're trying to demonstrate

if a ufo is seen 'it could never traverse the distance'
if a ufo is not seen 'where are they?'

and ufos have been seen quite a lot (and caught on radar, photographed (badly obviously but you try taking picture of something moving that fast that far away on a phone camera))

obviously what we need is a crashed or landed ufo, 'a physical object you can display in the smithsonian'
but if a ufo were to be found crashed somewhere, what would happen?
best guess?
the country where it landed would stash it away and study it to gain an advantage

btw i'm not trying to prove anything either way but most skeptics can seem awfully sure of themselves re: ufos, and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

>> No.7389980

i blame the jews

>> No.7390003

no anon you ARE the self-replicating robots.
and then anon was a human

>> No.7390012



>> No.7390046

>If the Galaxy is supposedly so full of Earth-like planets, why hasn't anybody visited us yet?
I am sure there are many human-like people around me that came from across the galaxy.
They probably came to visit earth because "being the weird math teacher" or the "odd homeless guy" is their idea of holiday for a couple of decades.

>> No.7390073

>The answer is mind-blowingly simple. It’s a single word.

well it's a bit anthropomorphic to assume distance will be as much a barrier for extraterrestrials as it is for us

they might live for millions of years
or maybe they are robots
or probes (like von neumann probes)

obviously the least likely is that they use different physics, but that's in there as well

>> No.7390084 [DELETED] 

How has it gone historically on Earth?

>> No.7390174
File: 94 KB, 320x394, 1311382021277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see:
>there is life on Earth for almost 3.5 billion years
>the moment we turned from almost animals to humans was like 5000 years ago
>we can send and receive radio signals for like 100 years
I'm sorry. the dinosaurs derped around on earth for over 135'000'000 years and you are complaining that in those 100 years we weren0't visited yet? and we may only have one data point but human-like intelligence evolved only once(!) in over 3'500'000'000 years! what does this say about the likelihood of evolving such an intelligence?

>> No.7390234

maybe they are already trying to communicate with us but we lack the technology to receive the signals.

anyway, how would they even talk to us when they can't even speak american?

>> No.7390251

I actually have a hypothesis about this.

Maybe in order to achieve faster than light travel a species must make a leap from organic to synthetic. In the process losing the ability or desire to adequately communicate with organic species which they would see as incomprehensibly inferior in comparison.

Think about it, maybe to an interstellar species the universe looks more like the internet or Tron than Star Trek or Babylon 5. They don-t use spaceships, or terraforming, their bodies are nothing but synthetic constructs and their real world, their homes are just banks of computers in space or even less, it's just information floating in the vacuum because they themselves are no longer physical beings but instead electronic data.

>> No.7390254

>we can send and receive radio signals for like 100 years

After a couple of thousand light years would a general unfocused radio signal still be recognisable?

>> No.7390257

those tribes see contrails from our airplanes. they find our trash washing up on the shore etc.

your analogy is busted.

>> No.7390259

>find our trash washing up on the shore
>on the shore
>amazonian tribes

Not big on geography, eh anon?

>> No.7390260


impying we arent allready under their control.

>> No.7390264

>those tribes see contrails from our airplanes
>black knight satellites
>unexplained thingamabobs near our sun
>wow signal

We get "contrails" too we're just not stupid enough to say "we don't know what it is so aliens", we still see weird shit.

>> No.7390315

>human like
>your move

>> No.7390318

how should I know? do I look like alfred einstein to you?

>> No.7390319

I was just asking, stop yelling at me.

>> No.7390386

>i don't understand a word therefore i win the debate

>> No.7390400

Anthropomorphic means having anthropomorphism which is having human like characteristics. You should've used anthropocentric

>> No.7390407

>Anthropomorphism, or personification, is attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being. Examples include depicting deities with human form, creating fictional non-human animal characters with human physical traits, and ascribing human emotions or motives to forces of nature, such as hurricanes or tropical cyclones.

i mean we can debate the tits off this but i cba

that's what i meant

>> No.7390411

Jesus Christ, you fucking faggots who cares?

>> No.7390422

remember to use your big boy words on /sci/, fella.

>> No.7390440

Probably not, especially right next to our big honking star.

>> No.7392108
File: 210 KB, 790x1010, 1417629115924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

Metroid did it, Futurama did it, so many sci-fi stories do it. It's stupid as shit.

>> No.7392127

Even then unless they can achieve near relativistic speeds interstellar travel may still be impossible within a generation if they lived for 100-200 thousand years.

>> No.7392143
File: 236 KB, 449x499, 1418704066518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, they probly think im a fag by now

eduarda rodriguez is fucking hot. fuck you aliens

>> No.7392148

Compounded with the Birthday paradox, shouldn't a civilization be on Mars or something?

>> No.7392214

>this "aliens are advanced so are not corporeal" bullshit seriously has to end.

This is the only rational conclusion to draw. We can observe in the universe a trend to evolve from mechanical, unconscious action towards willful, conscious action. But what does this mean for human evolution? It can mean only one thing, the transition from material bodies and impulsive material consciousness towards immaterial bodies and immaterial, fully willful consciousness.

>> No.7392232

>immaterial, fully willful consciousness.
If such a thing is possible, and if these terms represent something that exists.

>> No.7392253

>aliens are advanced so are not corporeal, This is the only rational conclusion to draw
You know whats more rational than invisible aliens? no aliens at all.

>We can observe in the universe a trend to evolve from mechanical, unconscious action towards willful, conscious action
Which you can only actually observe on one planet, which happens to be the one we live on.

>the transition from material bodies and impulsive material consciousness towards immaterial bodies and immaterial, fully willful consciousness.
I think I saw that episode of Star Trek too.

>> No.7392861

This is what being OP for 12 years does to you.

>> No.7392982

The size of the universe never ceases to blow my mind

>> No.7393009

they might be able to see our nukes tho

>> No.7393027

galactus, duh.

>> No.7393049
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>> No.7393072

but how do you know that Earth is not one of these colonies? We know nothing of our place in the universe, and almost nothing of our origins.

>> No.7393099

Shit someone would hear me 100%

Maybe we are screaming things like "LOL EARTH" and they just look in our direction and go to work doing alien stuff like nothing happened.

Maybe if we blew our home up with gas leak, made a big bang in space with nukes, then someone would notice. Maybe he would come and say omg are you ok? Someone call alien firefighters!

>> No.7393145

Seriously, humanity needs to prepare our collective anus so we can at least be a bit of a challenge to whatever civ-killers are out there.

>> No.7393148

Good they'll die with us on this rock.

>> No.7393164

>If the Galaxy is supposedly so full of Earth-like planets, why hasn't anybody visited us yet?

1-they must develop a technology to visit us,
2-Space is super mega ultra hyper huge
3-Living beings can go extinct, also meteors and etc..

>> No.7393166

Once we start using quantum tech widely, I suspect there's some way for this interference to be measured by more advanced races. Then a relativistic object of aliens' choice will suddenly appear outside our solar system, on a collision course with our little blue ball of soon-to-be space debris.

>> No.7393170
File: 163 KB, 1276x658, Great-Filter-FUCKED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're most likely behind the great filter. Quite possibly no one in our galaxy made through it, or if they did they're not around anymore. Or maybe we're not even advanced enough to recognise if there's intelligent life out there in our galaxy or not.

>> No.7393219

Because long distance space travel (even between solar systems) is just not possible. Only explanation.

>> No.7393221

maybe all intelligent life is doomed to destroy itself before it develops interstellar travel technology

>> No.7393231

Why would it be impossible? It would just take a really, really long time.

>> No.7393233

This was meant for >>7393219

>> No.7393235

how can a meteor go extinct

>> No.7393241

well the space cops banned us from interacting with space races after we stole their space money.

>> No.7393242

Alright, so if theoretically something like one of the Voyagers probes would approach our solar system, would we have any way of capturing it?

>> No.7393259

First of all, we would have no way of detecting it unless it was pointing an antenna at us an screaming.
As for capturing it, you would need something with absolutely ridiculous delta-v, but I'm sure it could be done if NASA received more than half a percent of the national budget

>> No.7393269

As for answering OP, I agree with others that either everyone fucking kills themselves too quickly, or they are simply way ahead of us. However, we should see stuff like stars moving around and other cosmic engineering.

>> No.7393288


A lot of messed up things happen to you in just a few months of life in orbit of earth. Increased radiation exposure outside of their home planet's gravity field would just be an additional problem to overcome

>> No.7393296

Perhaps the technological progress of a species makes biological life obsolete before they could really go to space. Space is huge and intriguing but what if becoming trans-biological kills your curiosity and any motivation you had to go anywhere.

>> No.7393300

Not to mention progressive brain damage from particles moving near light speed ripping through your brain consistently, and radiation compromising your blood brain barrier thus letting albumin etc in unchecked.

Long term space travel requires force fields or materials we don't know about. There is no other way. Some models predict that in the time it would take to get to MArs, most of the people would be compromised enough that it isn't even certain they could land, much less build a viable colony.

>> No.7393308

>They aren't stuck in the dark ages and we were just lucky to overcome them.

>> No.7393319

>exploring the galaxy in our fragile human bodies
>not just uploading the consciousness and living in virtual reality

>> No.7393332


>meeting alien life
>you turn up as a TV screen they might not be able to interpret

>> No.7393333

What if they use human poop as a resource for something? Never thought about that huh?

>> No.7393339

FTL isn't possible.
That, or intelligence is just rare. It's unlikely that we're the only planet with life in the Milky Way, but since only one sapient species has emerged on Earth so far, I wouldn't be surprised if planets with intelligent races are galaxies apart.

>> No.7393343

>uploading the consciousness and living in virtual reality

Cartesian dualism is not scientific. Minds are not "brain software" compatible with computers.

>> No.7393345


They are either hiding from high speed rocks being fired left and right, or feminism destroys advanced civilizations before they may expand in space.

>> No.7393357

>interacting with life forms that aren't as intelligent as you

There's your problem.

Even if you found a planet where you have aliens who are using some kind of stone tools, you'd first try to learn more about them without interference.

>implying first true AI won't be based on similar mechanisms the way our brain works

It will be just a matter of time until they learn how to convert them. We've been copying nature for a long time.

>> No.7393368

This planet has been inhabited by dinosaurs for more than 200 million years. It's quite possible that other planets with similar conditions are populated by animals who aren't self-conscious.

It's also quite possible that this earth has been visited by a sentient alien race, but humans didn't exist back then. Modern humans that could appreciate alien technology exist only for a very, VERY short time. Considering the vast distances between those planets make it very unlikely for aliens to have visited us in just this time.

>> No.7393406

We're in trouble because of the greed of jews who ruin any technology which doesn't bring them money.

>> No.7393410

>jews goyim shut it down

nice meme!!!11

>> No.7393422

Yes, but we would need to spot it months or at least weeks in advance and there's bound to be a whole lot of deliberation as to whether or not it's actually an Alien Artifact and people are going to need to justify the money spent on a mission. They'll probably fail to capture it during the window even though technically it's within our technological capabilities, all things considered.

>> No.7393430

>However, we should see stuff like stars moving around and other cosmic engineering.
That kind of shit though is really only necessary according to our suppositions of energy requirements. These suppositions though are based on our current energy needs and our systems for feeding those needs. For all we know they're just buzzing energy through wormholes and the idea of "moving" or enclosing a star in a sphere is just really stupid to them.

>> No.7393440

>We're most likely behind the great filter.
I disagree, I think the great filter is actually AI and our reaction and interaction with it.

If we fuse with robotics and become something more than human, we'll survive and thrive. If we war or have conflict with the robots we'll perish.

Currently I think we're gearing up for an adversarial relationship with robots.

>> No.7393453

Ultimately we're all doomed because of the jews

>> No.7393455

>what if becoming trans-biological kills your curiosity and any motivation you had to go anywhere.
Or makes it unlikely or impossible to adequately communicate with purely biological beings. You're going to be processing the universe at a much faster and efficient rate than any biological organism.

Hell you might not even use radio waves to communicate having long since found a new much faster and efficient method. At that point you see a bunch of meat bags using radios and you decide it'd be better to not even bother with them.

>> No.7393456

doomed because of ourselves and each other.*

I'm not fond of Jews either, but don't blame a few pieces for the whole puzzle's pitiful inability to come together properly.

>> No.7393476

ok here's my take. I'm a chem major so I'm by no means an expert but whatever.
The things we see today are billions of years old. It's possible that most of the stars and stuff we see now have long since died. Remember these objects are billions of years old and that light we receive from them took maybe the entire lifetime of its source to get tk earth. It's possible that 1) we're seen planets before they've had intelligent life evolve (if a planet with life 120 million light years away could see the surface of earth, they'd see dinosaurs) but if we waited a few million years we'd get contact and boom all is good or 2) we're too late to the party. In the 10 billion years before us, all the previous life has since well... died. We're it. It's kinda sobering to think that in the vastness of space, the last vestige of life survives on a tiny, tiny rock, and that the things on it are still sending radio signals, to planets whose life has long since died.

>> No.7393500

Yeah a meme with thousands years of histrory. Nice try.

>> No.7393514

>If the Galaxy is supposedly so full of Earth-like planets

Yes, it's "full of them". As in there are a lot of them if you would try to count them on your hands. But compared to the rest of the universe or galaxy there's very few of them.

>> No.7393546

Good post. All these things can be verified by a careful observer and unbiased mind.

>> No.7393575

literally the plot of the X-Files

>> No.7393624
File: 85 KB, 425x303, CCChilbolton04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Fermi's paradox is based on discarding any indication that they are already in contact with us and that they have been since our ancestors created and placed us here.

What you describe is arguably what an advanced interstellar society would do. They would engage in the terraforming of whole sol-systems. One of the best ways such a civilization could ensure the survival and genetic diversity of their species would have multiple benefits, spreading their heritage between systems. Creating diverse and distinctive planetary cultures and genetic variation.

As well as creating populations in space that could be used to remedy genetic bottle-necks or disharmonious attributes that might arise in individual groups.

Thinking of ourselves as live-stock comes close in some ways but it doesn't encompass the full context of our interactions and how they must really regard us.

>> No.7393638

There's mountains of evidence of alien visitation.

Check out the disclosure project, with hundreds of government and military employees going on record before senate than alien visitation is real and there is a coverup. What more do you want?

>> No.7393646


You know, you can use these things called Dollars to make people say things. What do these washed up veterans and defense contractors have to lose by giving a bullshit testimony and taking a fat check from Johnny New Age?

>> No.7393653


>unbiased mind
>is literally so biased he would fall for a TV plot that confirms his preexisting beliefs

take the L anon you've embarassed yourself

>> No.7393659

How many signals did the dinosaurs send to outerspace? They where here way before us, they MUST have developed technologies to communicate with outsiders right?

>> No.7393664
File: 139 KB, 239x252, wialw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that name drop anon

>> No.7393671


Also, if their disclosures were worth a hot shit in a freezer they'd have all been found dead under shady circumstances. We saw this plainly with the Snowden manhunt and the assassination of journalists connected to Aaron Swartz

>> No.7393684
File: 999 KB, 1120x4048, highprofileconfirmation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, what purpose would they have for lying? Why is the reasoning for a cover-up sound but not so much so for why we would be lied to in such a consistent and honest fashion that Alien's exist: When the only benefit for those doing so would be a temporary and ineffective distraction?

Point being, it doesn't make a lot of sense for evidence for ET's and testimony confirming them to be a psy-op perpetrated by the government: When consistent indications are that the US government is hiding and withholding information pertaining to free-energy and their actions of cover-up: Why would they make things harder for themselves?

>> No.7393687


God your level of tinfoil is off the charts. When did I mention government psy-ops? I said new age hippies were paying the people giving these 'disclosures' so that their alien-centric interest groups/cults could gain momentum.

You can figure this out pretty quickly by the wildly varying testimonies of the aliens' appearance, crafts, and connection to the federal government.

>> No.7393691
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7393701


>michio kaku
>high profile

yeah, nah he's a pop-science asshole that writes clickbait articles and nothing more

also "I think UFOs exist" is not a disclosure but thanks for trying

>> No.7393704

There are millions of people who already believe in UFOs, so a few hundred of them are likely to be government/military employees. They have no verifiable evidence, so their testimony is irrelevant.

>> No.7393708

US is way too incompetent to ever keep information like that from public. Also, humans are too greedy and easily corruptible, someone would have leaked something by now.

>> No.7393712
File: 100 KB, 736x736, DanMorrisquote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, alien-centric cults have been bribing astronauts, military personal and other authority figures to come out with these kind of corroborating statements since at least the 1940's and on without getting caught.

Yet you refer to possibility that the US government has instead manipulated consensus on this information and kept things hidden to be "Off the charts tinfoil."

>> No.7393716

A good way to hide a truth is ridiculing everyone who expresses it. People might have been leaking stuff, but nobody believed them.
Just saying

>> No.7393720



except they don't corroborate? pretty much every 'alien encounter' that is shared is completely different from the last.

The US government doesn't manipulate consensus on aliens because it has no need to. If anything their hands would be in playing up the idea of aliens in popular media so that secret projects can be tested more openly and waved off as "lol aliens, i dunno"

>> No.7393725


>free energy again

"Hi I'm anon and I have absolutely no understanding of physics. Please fuck me in the mouth, it's all I'm good for til I go back to school."

>> No.7393743


This is just a drop in the ocean. It would literally have to be one of the best kept secrets in humanity's history.

>> No.7393745
File: 1.04 MB, 764x832, July17-1992-GEOS-8 - September 03, 1993-METEOSAT - November21-1999 - NOAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citation needed.

>>Seeing the words: "Free-energy" makes me angry! Very angry!

>> No.7393747
File: 63 KB, 640x640, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks anon

>> No.7393754


Yes, I'm angry because free energy is an impossible concept.

And before you hit me with some cute quip about how they told Newton gravity was impossible too, I don't mean that kind of impossible.

I mean that it does not work in the boundaries of our universe. Energy is lost in the form of heat and friction no matter what type of engine you design. Eventually the engine will need to be refueled and serviced no matter what.

>> No.7393765


>this aberration in a satellite image from an image processed in 1992 is definite proof of aliens

Tell me, if aliens are just fucking everywhere why is EVERY. SINGLE. PHOTO just blurry or vague enough to make out absolutely no details?

>> No.7393784
File: 3 KB, 250x156, Belgiantriangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess we better drop the topic for all time since you insist that It's an impossibility. That's scientific.

They are? Any citation for that claim?

>> No.7393785

Eventually the engine will need to be refueled and serviced no matter what.
Self healing.

>> No.7393789


We've literally been researching free energy since the Renaissance, big guy. It isn't happening.

>> No.7393792


>still no details visible other than four lights and a triangle

wow dude how did you steal this picture from the government???

>> No.7393818
File: 28 KB, 800x348, kingslynnufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks for reinforcing the point that there is a vested interest against free-energy concepts being explored.

It's interesting how the nay-sayers in this thread ignore it when they or proven wrong or it's pointed out that they've failed to provide citation for their claims. While continuing to try and force those claims.


>> No.7393830
File: 146 KB, 500x281, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, there's a vested interest by the Universe, because it's the one keeping us from free energy. Just like you can't stare at your hand and turn it into a fruit, you can't stare at a machine until it powers itself. Literally the entire Big Bang could not have happened under a new set of physical laws that allow for infinite energy. There is a set amount of energy in the universe and it can't be created or destroyed.


>> No.7393832


The only citations I've seen you give look like something straight off of Abovetopsecret or Godlike Productions.

>> No.7393839
File: 91 KB, 563x304, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ooooh spooky! two lights!

dude i could make this image in my garage with two light bulbs and a blurry lens

>> No.7393847


>> No.7393867
File: 57 KB, 400x584, perpetualmotionglyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you sure seem determined, why are you so invested in denying the possibility? What if conservation of energy cannot be worked around? What motivates you to demand that the concept be dropped with such vehemence?

Nice attack the source fallacy! Too bad It's in keeping with a suspiciously regular pattern:

>>No verifiable evidence.
Any evidence that does exist or has just been offered is inconclusive.
>>Any citation or source offered is then attacked.

Now go back to the claim that their is no evidence and you've just created a circular logic conga.

>> No.7393875


you're on the verge of throwing your hands up and calling me a shill so i'm gonna leave this thread

have fun collecting welfare i'm forced to make for you, luddite

>> No.7393884


Let's see what we have here in the way of sources I'm apparently 'attacking':

>some guy's youtube channel where he interprets vague and uninterpretable things he sees in ISS footage
>'disclosures' that are actually personal opinions on the existence of ETs by famous people
>senate hearings that have varying stories that don't match one another
>a series of blurry indeterminate UFO pics and a couple of crop circles

Boy, you've just got a practical encyclopedia don't you.

>> No.7393895


do you have a "Sekrit Alienz Club" guidebook that you and your forum buddies refer to to pick out shills?

I've got a newsflash for you, you see that pattern repeating because those are legitimate arguments. But they confuse and worry you so you choose to see it as the work of the evil shadow government so that life seems less boring to you.

>> No.7393910



everyone point and laugh at the third worlder

>> No.7393924
File: 1.50 MB, 3584x3936, disinfoinfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you just threw up your hands and called my objectivity into question to try and make yourself look like you are leaving on the high-road.

So, I'm the one who is paranoid even though you are so paranoid about "Sekrit Alien Clubs" that you believe you have seen me posting before?
Also ignoring the fact that there is plenty of legit information on online disinfo and examples of it in being perpetrated with recognizable regularity and intent.

>> No.7393937


>he took sekrit alienz club seriously

I'm going to spell this out because I apparently have to stop using any manners of speech to get across to you. I was using hyperbole. And yes, disinfo absolutely exists. I was hounded by the JIDF for a year and I'm not even a neonazi. The thing is, disinfo campaigns are used to suppress actual dangerous information, like diplomatic plans and explosives procurement. Not free energy machines and UFOs. Think about how freely you and everyone else in the UFO community is allowed to speak without the slightest intervention or even a good kidnapping. Meanwhile, homes are raided for weapons and drugs when someone so much as says they have them on Twitter. Why doesn't this happen if I were to say I had a live alien specimen kept in my home and I were preparing to release its existence publicly?

>> No.7393940

How am I to know what info is info and what info is disinfo
That info piucture you posted could be disinfo trying to lure me into believing that people who want to actually converse with me are actually disinfo agents for all I know

>> No.7393972
File: 732 KB, 1093x1074, magvortex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Free-energy technology wouldn't be targeted by those who are invested in the energy monopoly.

Use discernment, that's the last thing that disinfo wants you to authentically do and that's why they either pretend it doesn't exist. Or subvert by dismissing a concept out of hand. -such as free energy and those who have gained success with and advocate for it's potential- is in keeping with discernment.

>> No.7394000


>magnetic vortex

It's fucking hilarious how little you know about seemingly everything relating to perpetual motion.

>> No.7394010


So tell me why some schmuck isn't letting people charge their EVs for free out of the free energy device in his tool shed? If they're so possible to make with present day technology, I'm pretty sure business owners would have already put it in full production because of the massive profit gain they would see after cutting 100% of their energy costs.

But you didn't think about economics, you only thought about the boogeyman.

>> No.7394026


holy fuck, you must be right

maybe our poop is needed to power hyperdrives that can surpass the speed of light


>> No.7394042
File: 104 KB, 412x659, arecibo_reply2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more amused that you're implying that the poster knows nothing and calling it hilarious. Looks like you really care about this conversation. As if the rage against it didn't clue us in.

>> No.7394046


pro tip: literally every single reply to your bullshit has been me, one person, a 20 year old in portland oregon who is just as fucking bored as you are

>> No.7394132

careful who you're addressing, there are more than one UFO poster ITT

>> No.7394164
File: 41 KB, 763x561, Isensethatinthefuturewewillbepartofanabsurdmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Numerous claims are made without citation and requests for citation are ignored.
>>Uses attacking the source to detract from this and imply that other posters are at fault in spite of providing citation and material to back their claims.

Never seen that before.

>> No.7394204

it's such a socially toxic subject that even when people are anonymous they refuse to give it any serious consideration
the fear is too great

>> No.7394261

Alternatively what if we're early go party. The first intelligent species capable of space travel