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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 360x400, 5f13f_ORIG-village_people_construction_worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7385035 No.7385035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General Engineering thread

Why/why isn't a degree in engineering today worth it?
Best field of Engineering? Worst?

Personal stories from school/work experience appreciated

pic related

>> No.7385055

Just learn a trade like carpentry, welding, construction or farming. That will be useful after the technology apocalypse

>> No.7385084

Construction seems interesting, although I think it's the family bias that's makes me say that >>7385055
(Many are carpenters and others do cement work)

>> No.7385154

This guys your idea of an Engineer?

>> No.7385155

Are you trying to tell me be isn't yours

>> No.7385169

I like this more than the stock photos people post of scientists

>> No.7385179
File: 587 KB, 600x521, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a carpenter for a few years, decided to go into civil engineering because it looks like I'll have a wide selection of cozy ass jobs for a pretty decent paycheck.
>mfw that being that guy that shows up at the construction site with a cigar to make sure everything is up to par
>"yep, seems like you guys got this shit on lock. got some coffee for me?"

>> No.7385183

daily reminder that nuclear engineering is the true master race

>> No.7385184

From what I've seen, people in that line of work spend most their time telling highschool dropouts that they built the fucking house wrong.

>> No.7385188
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This year I'm starting a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
I'm fucked aren't I.
Seems like a dead end.

>> No.7385203
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>> No.7385204

Bro gtfo that major, bme<<<<<<<<<<<ie<<<ce<<<<<<<<any other engineering degree

>> No.7385208

what does a bme do? I studied EE and I there were classes on medical imaging (CT MRI Xray) and other medical shit. Is BME basically that sort of thing?

If so, I don't see any reasons to regret it. Medical (as far as what Ive seen in EE goes) is a perfectly good field.

>> No.7385210

not him but at least at my school BME is part of the ECE department. so it seems like its just EE but specialized for medical technology

>> No.7385211
File: 25 KB, 235x235, ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guaranteed Job 4Lyfe Tier

1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Mining Engineering
3. Chemical Engineering
4. Metallurgical Engineering
5. Civil Engineering

Sketchy Tier

6. Electrical Engineering
7. Structural Engineering
8. Aerospace Engineering
9. Materials Engineering (chips)

Likely To End Up Living Under Bridge Tier

10. Biomedical engineering
11. Optical engineering
12. Industrial Engineering
13. Materials Engineering (Ceramics)
14. Geological Engineering
15. Hydrogeological Engineering

I'm sure I missed one or two.

>> No.7385212

no. it's biomedical. its basically ME

>> No.7385216
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>> No.7385217

>nuclear not listed as Elder God Tier
it's the penultimate engineering degree

>> No.7385222

Hey, let's circlejerk each other and talk about our shitty engineering degrees!

>> No.7385229

>mfw not a single person on /sci/ has been able to solve the exam problems i've posted from my engr courses
stay jelly of our superior education

>> No.7385232
File: 497 KB, 1280x856, nuclear_engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks badass.

>> No.7385235

I'm Logistic Engineer and Master engineer of environment (chemistry + green energy + building engineering)

with no job...

>> No.7385236
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> there is such a thing as nuclear engineering

You are either a nuclear physicist, or you are in some lame subset of mechanical or electrical that is focused on nuclear power.

>> No.7385239

Lol @ anyone who thinks anything other then chem/mech as god tier

>> No.7385240

or you can work with thermal hydraulics, materials science, plasma physics, control theory, radiation detection/measurement/safety, or any number of other areas. but you with no knowledge of the industry or the educational program is surely correct

>> No.7385245

Optics (lasers mostly) Engineer reporting in. Optics and photonics are undergoing a boom of science and application right now, and I'd recommend looking into it if you're interested in lasers, fiber optics, telescopes, and/or the future of computing.

>I'm Logistic Engineer and Master engineer of environment (chemistry + green energy + building engineering)
Awesome, the engineering world needs more of your kind

>with no job...
Is it a competitive field?

>> No.7385251

How good is mechatronics?

>> No.7385256

>Is it a competitive field?
-I worked year in TESCO on rtv deparment(my first job),
-2 months (trainee) in logistic department in factory who's producing parts and elements of turboJet engines for israel rockets and fighters. (but trainees are just a free workers for this company...)
-8months i worked as teacher of logistic and IT, but they closing this class... (no students, they will probably close whole school)
-I can't find job now... even like a warehouseman in market...

>> No.7385257

At my university the bachelor programme is a mix of ME, EE, ChemE and MaterialE with only a few courses specifically about biomedical applications. When starting the master programme you can choose what you want to specialise in (Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics, Cellular Bioengineering, Biosignals&Bioimages) and it's mostly made of electives.

>> No.7385270

Are you an Israelbro? Where did you study?

>> No.7385288

That factory producing parts and selling to israel army (generaly engines to rockets), to NASA satelites parts , and some parts to kanada, brazil and japan. But mostly high tech stuff( civil and military) to USA and kanada.

>> No.7385290

Do you enjoy it? How competitive? I'm looking more towards Civil right now. I want something where I play some part in construction (I especially dig big-scale, most likely government or such), while not having to deal with the hassle of being a CM/Superintendent.

OP btw

>> No.7385296
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Literally all of those (except maybe plasma physics) can be done by a mechanical engineer.

But let's be real, a bachelor's in nearly any engineering field is gonna teach you the same shit; it's not until you have a few years of work experience or a master's that you really start to see a difference.

>> No.7385297

The engineering field that even engineers make fun of

But, hey, people are always gonna want new buildings and shit

>> No.7385300

What's wrong with civil? Not a question out of anger, just curious

>> No.7385301

Does Poland not have many efforts pushing for green energy, leading to the difficulty of finding a job? Or is it some other factor?

>> No.7385306

I'm still just studying, but everyone seems really chill and willing to help each other out, pretty much zero "competition"
elitism. civil is arguably one of the easier brances of

>> No.7385310

"of engineering"
was what I was going to type

>> No.7385311

It's among the easiest engineering fields, above industrial/manufacturing engineers, but below everyone else. Think about it: designing a building is basically just a statics problem, except when it comes to earthquake protection. Not only that, but building code means that problems are even simpler, since by meeting code you usually come up with a stable structure, as well.

That said, I've worked with some good civil engineers in the past, and aside from being bros, they work on some bigger, more difficult designs (big airports, state-of-the-art buildings, etc). Like any other field, if you're good at it, you can work on the cool stuff.

I wanted to go civil, back in high school, but once I learned more about it, I went mechanical. Just graduated in May, and I've accepted an offer as a structural analysis engineer in the aerospace field.

>> No.7385312

Post them p

>> No.7385313

We dont have industries who producing solar panels or wind turbines, we buying all f rom Germany or china... Its cheaper, they offering better prices (mass production)... Here we Just build That turbines from ready kits.

I though about own company(buying from china, rebuild and selling "made in Poland " but it need a lot of cash at start

>> No.7385321

tfw math/physics major but have been developing an interest for engineering lately

>> No.7385326

Just condition yourself so that you feel ill whenever you use more than three sig figs and you're basically an engineer

>> No.7385332

No, that's Industrial.

>> No.7385333
File: 267 KB, 1804x570, question bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the one i post most often

>> No.7385337
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and this one

>> No.7385340
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and this ones a bit easier but on the exam we dont get numbers its all analytical solutions

>> No.7385346
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and some homework problems

>> No.7385347
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>Design of heat exchangers
Things I don't miss. It sucked being an ME with no interest in thermo

This just sucks. Never had anything like this in engineering courses I took, closest would be my physics courses

Have fun with that stuff, man

>> No.7385349

>It sucked being an ME with no interest in thermo
i switched out of ME because the thought of thermo/heat transfer possibly being the majority of my coursework sounded dreadful

>> No.7385371
File: 370 KB, 1000x967, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have a long weekend, decide to go on a camping trip
>don't wanna miss watching American women compete with Japanese women at ball-kicking though
>no problem, I'll just bring my portable tv
>pack my stuff and go
>get there, have tent set up, fish cooking on the campfire
>pull out tv
>pull out power supply tank for tv
>pull out radiator for power supply tank for tv
>fill the tank with reactant
>pull out catal- wait
>where's the catalyst
>don't tell me I forgot the goddamn catalyst
>I forgot the damned catalyst

>> No.7385373

lel. but by radiator they just mean the size the cold side of the unit needs to be in order to dump sufficient waste heat via radiation to maintain the cold side at the appropriate temperature so as to not lose efficiency.

>> No.7385380

Best of luck to you, who knows, maybe you'll pioneer the Polish green energy trade

>> No.7385382

True, that radiator would be pretty small. But still, I get the feeling that this author doesn't work in the consumer electronics field...

>> No.7385385

probably not. the book was from '82 i think

>> No.7385396


Hey anon, can you make this gear give off .09% less heat? Thanks.

>> No.7385408

This is basically all engineering fields unless you get a master's, tho

Ok, that makes sense

I didn't buy most of my textbooks, but I'm pretty sure that none of them were anywhere near that old. Which sucks, since most undergrad engineering hasn't changed in decades.

It's pretty cool that you guys use such an old book

>> No.7385415
File: 316 KB, 388x544, DEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a good book, and older boooks, at least the ones you can find, are pretty cheap.

>> No.7385417

>shows up at the construction site with a cigar to make sure everything is up to par
yeah nah this doesn't happen

>got some coffee for me?
you would get nowhere if you were a massive dick on site.

this is true - but depends on their experience n shit, some of them are lazy some of them are fantastic.

>they work on some bigger, more difficult designs (big airports, state-of-the-art buildings, etc)
with my company right now we work on pretty high end residential stuff and surprisingly those are the more 'difficult' ones

the structural analysis part is easy, its the application of how to construct everything to meet architectural demands that make it hard

also adhering to certain conditions to building codes can introduce clusterfuck solutions

>> No.7385420

Do you enjoy it? Also what's pay like?

>> No.7385433

Is doing a Math Engineering degree worth it? (no idea it existed before today but I think I might follow this idea)

>> No.7385434

never heard of it and it sounds retarded. youll learn all the math you need to in an actual engr program and much more. and you wont sound like a weird faggot

>> No.7385437

what school offers it

>> No.7385439

Just get a real engineering degree and take math electives, man

>> No.7385478

Can you get me a polish gf

>> No.7385493

X and Centrale/Supelec in Paris. Two best engineering schools in France.

>> No.7385497

Is uni free in Paris?

>> No.7385503

No, but it's 2200€ per year.

>> No.7385518
File: 221 KB, 500x372, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Best engineering schools in France

Might as well go to the best culinary school in England

>> No.7385523
File: 12 KB, 748x78, Dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if going to the 35rd uni worldwide is not enough for you, what can I do?

>> No.7385526

>implying engineering is physics

>> No.7385528

You could, I dunno, go to a country that isn't internationally known for having a substandard engineering industry?

>> No.7385530

none of those are from physics courses. all of those are from engineering courses

>> No.7385532

What school/major

>> No.7385538

purdue, nuclear engineering. engr isnt all plug and chug like /sci/ likes to drone on about

>> No.7385549
File: 157 KB, 1742x1297, Solar-Nuclear_graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear engineering
I hope you like submarines

>> No.7385554

>implying power generation isnt my plan E

>> No.7385560
File: 2.28 MB, 10000x9441, chaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you wanna do, anon?

>> No.7385568

research into fusion plasma physics
research into materials in extreme environments/plasma facing materials
r&d in industry
materials science in industry
power plant/core design

>> No.7385571

actually add in novel detection methods for special nuclear materials for homeland security/nonproliferation before working in a plant as well

>> No.7385575

Purdue nuclear engineering is the best program in the nation. Congrats

>> No.7385579

it's not but i think its still top 10

>> No.7385580

So PhD stuff? That's pretty cool tbh, I don't think I'll go beyond master's, and even that will be part time.

I was about to say that you might as well have just gone the physics route, but then I remembered that anything less than a PhD in physics is basically worthless.

>> No.7385584

Anyway, I was asking opinions for a particular degree, not about France. It's definitely better than my current country so I won't be so picky.

>> No.7385585

What can you do with a physics PhD?

>> No.7385592

>So PhD stuff?
maybe idk. gonna try research to see how i like it then decide if i want to pursue the big guy

>> No.7385595

Basically the same stuff as any engineering PhD, depending on what their specific field is.

At that level, it has a lot more to do with your research than with what classes or school you go to

>> No.7385596

25K a year
any post-doc I want

>> No.7385600

Engineers are cock sucking plug and chuggers

>> No.7385602

Where are you from?

>> No.7385611

Shkoupistan a.k.a. Algeria.

>> No.7385613

Sandnigger shitskin get off of my board

>> No.7385620

>Just graduated in May, and I've accepted an offer as a structural analysis engineer in the aerospace field.

What are your duties as structural analyst? Are you making meshes, thermal or regular stress analysis, structural dynamics, fatigue, buckling? What software does your company use?

>> No.7385625


>> No.7385641

'Accepted' is the key word here, hasn't actually started. In fact, the project doesn't exist yet. The company is expecting to win the government bid on this project and hired me in expectation of that. It could still all fall apart though, which sucks.

So who knows what I'll be doing and what software I'll use (they can't tell me), but based on their history, I'll probably be using Nastran, and it's likely that buckling, dynamics, and fatigue analysis will be important for the project, but I'm at the bottom of the ladder, so I imagine I'll get more of the glorified data entry type stuff.

>> No.7385680

How did this "engineering is gay" meme start? Isn't Engineering the most masculine of subjects? It's not exactly cookery.

>> No.7385686

It started so that everyone taking 8-10 years of college courses to make 50k doing a post-doc can feel better about themselves

>> No.7385695


>> No.7385707

A mathematician, a physicist, an engineer and a biologist walk into a bar. They all order a beer, then the engineer starts drinking. His mates look at his glass:

The biologist says: "Your glass is half empty."

The physicist replies: "It's rather 60% empty..."

The mathematician says: "Well all we can say is that it's not completely empty and not completely full."

The engineer says: "I love cocks" then proceeds to pull out his dick and stick it up the biologist's ass. The biologist, startled, unzips his pants and punches the mathematician in the face. The mathematician falls over and the physicist profits from it, unzipping his pants too and sucking the mathematician's cock. The bartender's like: "What the fuck" but then the engineer grabs his pants too and puts his left hand on the bartender's crotch while his right hand fondles the biologist's balls. The biologist starts moaning while being fucked in the ass. Meanwhile, the mathematician regains consciousness and looks at the physicist busy sucking his rock hard dick. Since it feels good, he shouts "EJACULATIONS!" in a very high pitched voice. Meanwhile, the bartender is being aroused by the engineer's hand and pulls out his massive cock. The engineer then gives him a glorious handjob. Then everybody comes at the same time, the biologist cries: "I'm your bitch, fuck me, fuck me!" The physicist is being annoyed by all this noise and starts biting the mathematician dick and shaking his mouth. Eventually the severed part sails off in an arc. The engineering promptly cums, then looks at the mathematician and says: "What a shame. You'll never be an engineer".

>> No.7385739

The Universe has led up to this post's creation on this board. The horror and the majesty of such a sequence of events.

>> No.7385752

It's at least like four years old.

>> No.7385828

Geo eng is pretty similar to minning eng to be honest I think you need like 2-3 courses more in undergrad level

>> No.7385864

but who says BAZINGA

>> No.7385943
