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File: 219 KB, 1280x853, Haruko_Obokata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7373230 No.7373230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.7373232

Her research was deliberately stomped out and any validity was destroyed in the public eye. Why she couldn't replicate her results, I do not know.

Then that guy killed himself. At this point it's done.

>> No.7373234

The same thing that went wrong with the global warming campaign. Some dumbfucks fucked up the data and made up a bunch of shit and published it and then it got torn apart by actual scientists.

>> No.7373236

A suicide in Japan is often just an unsolved murder.

>> No.7373238

That guy killed himself cause Japanese society is seriously fucked up. To be so ashamed of making a mistake you kill yourself says a lot about Japanese society.

>> No.7373469


>> No.7373495

Except that no one made up anything in global warming, and everyone who knows anything about it agrees on the fundamentals. The only serious disagreement has to do with the comparative merits of various models and data sources.

>> No.7373504

>got torn apart by actual scientists
oh, where to read more?

>> No.7373505

actually during the time Al Gore came out with "An Inconvenient Truth" much of the numbers were skewed to make it look like global warming was happening faster than it actually was. Not to say that it isnt happening, but they really fucked global warming for a while cause actual scientists ran the numbers and saw that they deliberately made false claims.

>> No.7373508

>letting women do science

that's what went wrong

>> No.7373529

no one cares about your hate towards women you fucking pleb
>buttmad fag in the friendzone detected

>> No.7373533

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7373535

I'm a guy, just not an insecure one.

>> No.7373541

For a guy you sure do get triggered easily

>> No.7373607

First, it's the government's, and the funding agencies', and the university administration's fault, because they reward Nature and Science papers over the other journals. This creates bias and pushes some careerist scientists to fake results and to become criminals. Nobody controls them anymore once they have grant money.
Also the peer review process of these scientific journals is often of very poor quality, so shit can get published once in a while.
Both things are interconnected, as shitty authors who did gonzo research only to get a Nature paper become shitty peer reviewers, for Nature. One could also blame the editors and the publishers for that. And also the shit-lazy last authors, who let overworked postdoc slaves do the reviewing, who then again are also only careerists without real talent or scientific impetus.
The whole science system in biomed's hot topics is going down the gutter.

>> No.7373608

coming from the guy who gets triggered by female scientists.

>> No.7373611 [DELETED] 

women cant into science

>> No.7373628

So? Tits or GTFO fatty

>> No.7373629
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>> No.7373633
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>I'm protecting women...from insecure men

>> No.7373636

not protecting women, if you look all i said was "i dont care about your hate towards women"

>> No.7373641
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It's not hate to speak up facts.

>> No.7373643
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>I'm responding to insecure men to prot-,er, because I feel like it

>> No.7373646

Biology isn't science, so it's ok.

>> No.7373647

statistics dont really mean shit. I mean for you to have a blanket statement like "women cant into science" is pretty retarded as I'm sure there are many women who are smarter and in more prospective fields than you.
Just cause the majority of women are retarded doesnt mean they all are.

>> No.7373650

stupid shit, you took a dumb joke / bait post and made it a 20 long shitstorm in the thread. you're at fault here, not that autist

>> No.7373651

The existence of outliers is always implied, my autistic white knight friend.
Blanket statements are about the majority ( the overwhelming one in this case ).

>> No.7373662

Faggot, I get that you like 4chan more than Reddit, but learn what bait is before you shitpost

>> No.7373668

> learn what bait is before you shitpost
you should go read the faq on shitposting again.
you can't unknowingly shitpost

>> No.7373675

Alright dumbass, I guess I'll allow myself to start being complicit with your shitposting.

You are shitposting because your post was meta crap about the thread.

Mine was not because it was about another faggots women protecting tendencies.


>> No.7373845
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>I'm a guy, just not an insecure one.
>just not an insecure one.

Then so you get so easily butthurt?

>> No.7373848

>then so

>> No.7373878

This was a year ago...

>> No.7373907

>a wild namefag appears!

>> No.7373914
File: 12 KB, 350x262, tin foil hat..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my blog where i expose the iluminati plan to mind controll you with chemtrails

>> No.7373915
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who are you quoting, dumb frog poster?

>> No.7373919

what the fuck

>> No.7373952
File: 31 KB, 258x375, 1426133397848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him, but I'm quoting you.

>> No.7373963

Hey FAGGOTS, can we get back on topic? Go shit up /v/ or something.

>> No.7374011

I agree. I have no information regarding the original post, just 14 year olds bitching as usual.

>> No.7374019

Get the fuck out

>> No.7374021


>> No.7374275

what happened here..

>> No.7374301

>can't unknowingly shit post

some of my best shitposts were unintentional

>> No.7374663


eyy, what did you just say?!
. stupid average woman who have no clues about anything.

>> No.7374693

Maybe you should take your shitposting back to facebook and 9gag.

>> No.7374715

>implying 4chan isnt for shitposting


>> No.7374725

Exaggerating claims in order to force political action is the oldest trick in science.

Silent Spring did the same thing, and that is how we stopped using DDT.

>> No.7374750

I think it's kinda hot how that one other jap killed himself.

>> No.7375673


It is so sad that the men in Japan are so insecure that they have to take away credit from a 'woman' so they, 'men' can claim credit later. She discovered this fact and you will NEVER be able to take that away from 'HER'. She is not a panda as you may wish to call women in your work place. This is a new age and you are just sad old men without the balls to admit it.

First of all she did discover this and it is FACT! The people who want her to retract her claim due to an 'example image' (often used to demonstrate facts); obviously want to either hide her findings or steal them. I for one will always remember the name of the 'WOMAN' who discovered that stem cells can be easily produced using a mild acid. But unfortunately the mega companies who are about to hide this fact so they can make massive amounts of money from making it seem more complex than it really is. Sad really that this kind of thing still happens in the 21st century. In the dark ages they would have killed her as a witch.

>> No.7375676

b8 or youre a fucking autistic retard

>> No.7375711



>> No.7375712
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>> No.7375731

She got lost in her lies.

>> No.7375733

Since nobody says anything about what TT is even about here's a excerpt from wiki article on girl in Op's image:

Haruko Obokata is a former stem-cell biologist and research unit leader at Japan's Laboratory for Cellular Reprogramming, Riken Center for Developmental Biology.
She claimed to have developed a radical and remarkably easy way to make Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency (STAP) cells that could be grown into tissue for use anywhere in the body.
Riken, however, launched an investigation in response to allegations of irregularities <regarding> the discovery of STAP cells.
The ensuing scandal over STAP cells has since become one of the world's most well-known scientific frauds.

On June 4, 2014, Obokata agreed to retract both the papers published in Nature in early 2014.
On August 5, 2014, Obokata's mentor and co-author Yoshiki Sasai committed suicide. (hung himself at his workplace)

>> No.7375739
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Japanese are fucking gay. They have this retarded social structure based on honor thats from some gay feudal era or some crap. It's not enough that you're wrong and apologize, but you have to feel ashamed and dishonored and then fucking hang yourself like a fuckface.

>> No.7375743

>statistics dont really mean shit.
damn you're fucking retarded

>> No.7375744

>He's never lived a life of passively looking for an excuse to die

>> No.7375745

>but you have to feel ashamed and dishonored and then fucking hang yourself like a fuckface.
it's to extremely discourage retardation and degenerate behavior.

>> No.7375746

He's left wife and kid for what? An error?
How's that honorable? Fucking retarded

>> No.7375747


>it's retarded because they have to feel contrition and remorse, they can't just pay lip-service like we do in the West

oh good point, they are so silly those japs!

>> No.7375757
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Encouraging suicide is absolutely fucking stupid

>> No.7375760

>statistics dont really mean shit
Fuck me how do you not forget how to breath

>> No.7375764

>Encouraging suicide is absolutely fucking stupid
encouraging suicide of retards like you is actually something we should be doing more

>> No.7375768
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Way of the Samurai is realised in the presence of death. In the case of having to choose between life and death you should choose death. There is no other reasoning. Move on with determination. When we calmly think of death morning and evening and are in despair, We are able to gain freedom in the way of the Samurai. Only then can we fulfil our duty without making mistakes in life.

>> No.7375770

I think you look past the point this anon is trying to make. I think anon means that it's favorable if people feel
such tremendous responsibility that they become deeply shameful if they wrong their peers.

I can feel the anons passion, while suicide is not something we should endorse the sentiments that may cause suicide is a great treasure to man.

>> No.7375776

I don't think you understand the type of stem cell she claimed to have created.

We can make pluripotent cells pretty easily.

Totipotent still for the most part alludes us other then obviously somewhere in the adult human body is the information to make a totipotent cell, at least a remnant of it.

I don't know that the RNA would be functioning once totipotent cells stop producing and branch to merely pluripotent.

>> No.7375778

I remember when her research got big and what she described was a totipotent cell like that present in the womb between the 1st to 4th/5th day of conception.

>> No.7375788

Honestly, I wonder if some of the "junk" DNA not located within the centromere or telomere has something do with it.

I know all mammals, insects, reptiles, fish, and birds contain large sections of DNA that have no RNA equivalent.

That might have something to do with it. Maybe. Where did the RNA go?

I assume stem cells like that would tap into RNA as a whole.

>> No.7375794

Eh, it must be of some reproductive benefit to a persons' genes otherwise the practice would have died out.

>> No.7375867
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>> No.7375891

I don't agree with his statement, but what's bait about that?

>> No.7376051

you redditors need to understand that 4chan is very different from the normalfag social life all of you seem to be fond of, and that your grey opinions don't have as much weight as your ego tells you it does

>> No.7376069

> unironically using terms like normalfag
I've been on /sci/ since it started.
When you grow up and aren't a dumb undergrad you'll understand what we're saying.

>> No.7376075

No it doesn't.

>> No.7376084

Good point.

>> No.7376087

I disagree with u, go back to /b/

>> No.7377202

kill yourself faggot

>> No.7377207

he's not being unironical, he's baiting. and hard. no one is this retarded.

>> No.7377985

> statistics don't mean shit
what the fuck are you on?