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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 630x630, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7367810 No.7367810 [Reply] [Original]

12 days to go!


>Each of the spots is about 300 miles in diameter, with a surface area that's roughly the size of the state of Missouri.
>Scientists have yet to see anything quite like the dark spots
> their presence has piqued the interest of the New Horizons science team, due to the remarkable consistency in their spacing and size

Civilization on Pluto confirmed. Where will you be when New Horizons invades the colony?

>> No.7367825
File: 57 KB, 700x525, Alium Spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where will you be when New Horizons invades the colony?

In a pantry with some of this stuff.

>> No.7368390

It's anti-light.

>> No.7368395

There is something pretty sinister about this planet.

You just know its going to be horribly disfigured and scarred from colliding with charon.

Also its so far out, dark, cold and isolated.

If anything is lurking in our solar system that would want to kill us it will be hiding on Pluto.

>> No.7368408

>Scientists have yet to see anything quite like the dark spots

you mean asteroid craters? we've seen plenty of those

>> No.7368424

>Dark matter entities civilization on Pluto
>Missile launch facilities on Ceres


Or maybe not, but would certainly be much more interesting than some ice formations

>> No.7368430

A chain of relatively uniform craters?The also appear pretty large in comparison to Pluto. Additionally there should be an explanation why
you don't see other features as dark.

At least we only have to wait a few more days for further news, unlike Ceres where Dawn is taking its time.

>> No.7368440

Is there any place in this slat system that does not have confirmed alien civilizations? Seems like they are literally everywhere we look.

>> No.7368449

Mars is confirmed to not harbor life so everyone is taking huge efforts to search there.

>> No.7368480

fuck off with that bullshit

>> No.7368504
File: 60 KB, 1797x413, 1287881652226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7368533

WTF am I looking at?

>> No.7368542


I'm seein' a face guys

It might be a giant skull

>> No.7368562


An accurate prediction that in November 2011 the initial step of the official contact would take place. At this time patterns of UFOs usually in a Pythagorean triangle configuration appeared over many major cities during the same few days.

Apparently they are doing this to prevent our nuclear annihilation which they said would occur soon starting with the actions of North Korea.

Full contact was prophesied as November 2015.

>> No.7368568

Full contact? Are we going to get a landing like in mars attack?

>> No.7368570


oh yeah and the shelling of that South Korean island by North Korea happened at pretty much the same time. It was 2010 not 2011, my mistake.


>> No.7368571

>read the replies in this thread
>I'm not on /x/

>> No.7368593


I don't know. I'd guess it means we'll be coerced by some galactic governing body for our own good. Like those UN bases in Africa that try and stop the Nigger tribes from genociding eachother.

>> No.7368600


I'm kind of optimistic about this. You know how you automatically suck your gut in and sit up straight when in the presence of those with more power and influence? Imagine a species-wide realization of "oh shit, we need to act more cool and chill otherwise the aliens will think we're retards".

>> No.7368603

Looks comfy. :3c

>> No.7368605


As if they haven't been watching everything we've done for decades or millennia, we can't fake shit. They're probably watching this conversation.

>> No.7368612


Yeah, but they'll be expecting us to shape up and stop being dumb regardless. Every new civilization is expected to prove they're able to change into a functioning member of adult interstellar society. If you don't, you end up living in the celestial equivalent of your mum's basement.

>> No.7368613
File: 56 KB, 250x250, moonmajora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368615


What if it's our nature to be a NEET species?

>> No.7368620


Our race was already child-molested by those Grey Aliens so if we apply to the right Galactic Welfare we can get some NEET benefits.

>> No.7368631


Ha if only you knew that humans were space NIGGERS!

>> No.7368633

This. Nuts please leave, your irrational ramblings don't belong here.

>> No.7368714
File: 1.76 MB, 2750x1995, EightTNOs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Horizons won't make a 30 years long detour to Eris

why live

>> No.7368726

>New Horizons cost over 15 years: $650 million
>F-35 unit cost (full production): $85 million
For the cost of eight F-35s we could send another one of these probes out. Our priorities as a society sure are set straight.

>> No.7368851

Don't forget it's literally named after a god of the underworld.

>> No.7368865

This little guy deserves his name

>> No.7368896


>> No.7368899

And the F-35 also sucks monkey balls

>> No.7368916

None of those triangles are Pythagorean. Any three stars will make a triangle. You're an idiot.

>> No.7368917
File: 41 KB, 550x413, dont-panic-hitchhikers-guide-to-the-galaxy-ifc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>probe approaches Pluto
>something is carved into its surface.
>Begin to panic

>> No.7368924

I think we should concentrate on closer and more long term exploration like an orbiter.
Until we have new RTG we're restricted to Saturn's orbit for solar power. The worst is that there's a planet right next to us and the only probes going there are a crippled Japanese one and possibly a cheapass Indian.

>> No.7368952

>There is something pretty sinister about this planet.
Pluto's a Mickey-Mouse planet.

>> No.7369228
File: 261 KB, 600x609, ganymede-crater-chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chain of craters exists for example on Ganymede. If we have a body recently broken into several similar pieces by tidal forces and it's on collision course we get a chain of craters.

>> No.7369247

I'm aware of those but they are tiny compared to the whole moon.
Would something that can create such large craters really be broken up that way?

>> No.7369248

i really, really like this image.

>> No.7369251

thanks LORRI

>> No.7369751


The difference being that Ganymede is right next to Jupiter which rips shit up with its gravity.

>> No.7369764

The Pluto-Charon system arguably has some pretty wonky tidal forces. It doesn't matter how large something is, theres always going to be a point where an object will rip apart from tidal forces and become a ring.

>> No.7369816


Are you actually implying that the Pluto system has comparable gravity to Jupiter?

>> No.7370046

No, I'm just saying the tidal forces are strong enough to "rip shit up" especially with Charon there. Anything in-between the two are gonna experience more tidal forces than normal. I'm not suggesting this is the cause of the dark spots on Pluto, that probably happened much earlier in its formation. Pluto isn't a perfect sphere, so these dark depressions could be a lack of material "filling it in" because Charon's gravity pulls them away from this particular area.

>> No.7370061

holy shit hes right. we're about to detect the first anti-photon.

>> No.7370064

nice bait retard, the F-35's cost way more in terms of research and development. We could pump out new horizon probes for way less than 10 million a pop now that the technology is developed.

>> No.7370076

I remember saying that I'd shitpost about aliens if there was anything even remotely strange found on Pluto.

I guess the party is going to start sooner than I expected.

>> No.7370077
File: 3 KB, 304x304, pluto-charon-2015-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, look at that beauty!

>> No.7370085
File: 61 KB, 468x317, yotsuba cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're leg holes!

>> No.7370091

This is so damn exciting. I mean just from the pictures, you can already tell it's not going to just be another gray mass. You can even see it's moon up there for comparison. It's colors are more reminiscent of Mars to me. I think that's exciting. I can't wait a couple weeks, it's just gonna get way better from here on out. It's just going to be lots of craters most likely, but still. To finally get a real look at this baby, and not all of these artist's cg renditions and whatnot, is going to be awesome.

>> No.7370093


I don't believe you. In fact I know that you're just making shit up.

>> No.7370098
File: 74 KB, 539x946, 1364175444967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, plus Pluto has a thin to negligible atmosphere, so solar winds regularly cause the solid surface of Pluto to evaporate (probably using the wrong term for this) so it's possible those surface marks are part of a buried body from the collision event, uncovered by solar erosion if you will

>> No.7370109


That's not really how it works there's no mass production for probes. Each probe requires its own research and development phase which costs hundreds of millions.

>> No.7370117

you're obviously retarded so let me explain it another way. we could make and launch 100 new horizons for 10 million each and it still wouldnt amount to the total cost of the F-35. however we don't do that because it would be fucking stupid as we only need one of the probes and its already going to give us valuable information about the edge of our solar system.

>> No.7370141

>limited choice of KBOs to investigate after Pluto due to insufficient fuel
>will run out of power before getting to investigate more KBOs because not enough plutonium-238 in the RTG to power communications
>literally hundreds of other KBOs to be investigated
>"we only need one!!!"

>> No.7370147

It's really not as bad as people make it out to be, it's just turning out to be a budget sink thanks to the military industrial complex of the USA.

The US is also planning to purchase 2,457 of those bastards, which will cost around $200 billion.

>> No.7370150

>implying it's not dark-light

>> No.7370161

So close, yet so far.

>> No.7370162

the military budget literally funds every rocket launch

without the military industrial complex, we wouldn't have the technology we have today

so maybe go burn your bra over at /pol/

>> No.7370189



I have a feeling we should enjoy it while we can. The images in the next two weeks will be a lot more clear. I have to admit I am getting a little bit of Pluto wood. It's all going to be revealed so fast.

>> No.7370235

Did you not read the wikipedia link?
>The Roche limit is the minimum distance to which a large satellite can approach its primary body without being torn apart by tidal forces. If satellite and primary are of similar composition, the theoretical limit is about 2 1/2 times the radius of the larger body.
It is not a matter of how much gravity a body has, just the ratio of the densities.

The formula for the Roche limit is d=1.26R(M/m)^1/3. Let's take a asteroid radius of 150 miles (241 km), the size of the dark spots. The mass of an asteroid of this size is approximately 2.14*10^20 kg (Taken from this fact sheet >http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/asteroidfact.html).). Pluto is approximately 1.3*10^22 kg. So:
and d~55 km.
However, the radius of pluto itself is over 1000 km, so the Roche limit is inside the body and it would collide before breaking apart. For the Roche limit to be outside of the planet, it would need a density less than 4 g/cm^3.

>> No.7370295


Therefore the original premise was incorrect QED.

>> No.7370320
File: 16 KB, 409x404, aliums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's this light circle patch? Collision from Charon in the past?

>> No.7370391


polar ice cap probably?

>> No.7370426

No, it's near the equator.

>> No.7370457

where are the poles on this picture anyway, what's the orientation ?

>> No.7370461
File: 189 KB, 1024x630, Pluto_encounter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok, if this what I'm posting is correct I was right the first time and this patch seems to be near the south pole. So i'd say a polar cap seems likely.

>> No.7370508

Axis of rotation is missing.

>> No.7370519

you idgits who cry aliums at every new thing found in space are worse or on par with those idgits who go to old abandoned buildings for muh ghosts

>> No.7370529

Out of curiosity, if the remote, improbable chance that the smudges on Pluto are alien structures or something similarly artificial, how will humanity take it?

Will the US and the UN immediately drop everything and set out to loot them for technology or would everyone just try and rationalize not going there?

>> No.7370537


>> No.7370538

100% is actually mass relay.

>> No.7370545


>Will the US and the UN immediately drop everything and set out to loot them for technology

Yes, they have my vote.

>would everyone just try and rationalize not going there?

I won't, so no.

>> No.7370596

Holy shit, that fucking satellite is going fast as fuck. It will barely take any images of Pluto.

>> No.7370600


im sure that were gonna be able to take high def pics of pluto like 4 days before it passes by pluto.

im super excited for seeing the other satellites too. theyre probably tso tiny and deformed.

>> No.7370607
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 7-1-15_Pluto_Charon_color_hemispheres_annotated_JHUAPL_NASA_SWRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The probe is aproaching Pluto towards it's northern hemisphere, hence the regions in the bottom part of the planet are actually equatorial and not polar.

>> No.7370650

They look like teeth to me, what if Pluto is skull shaped?

>> No.7370659

Why do we need more F-35?

>> No.7370660

I don't like it it's creepy, not aliums or anything it just looks spooky.

>> No.7370664
File: 349 KB, 300x200, Ceres 1430179454453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there will be more from Ceres...

>> No.7370666

We should pretend we never saw anything.

>> No.7370777
File: 542 KB, 2750x1995, Trans_Neptunians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370892

Do you mean Mars? Because we have already sent a bunch of stuff to mars.

>> No.7370897

Venus. Mars gets too much attention in comparison.

>> No.7370903

no, thats supposed to be Charon

>> No.7370905

The reason we don't send much stuff to Venus is because it would all melt. Orbiters cant see much through the atmosphere and the ones that can see through it in radar and infrared have already pretty much mapped the whole thing.

>> No.7370949

>tfw Lovecraft was right and Pluto = Yuggoth
>tfw it's teeming with all sorts of monstrosities from Mi-Gos to Shoggoths

>> No.7371477

Exploration is about seeing new places not visiting the same old places.

>> No.7371485

Does this mean we won't get a closer look at the spots?

>> No.7371498

fucking potent weed mini atmosphere in Amsterdam left a pretty big contact high on that top one it seems

>> No.7371570

>2007.. or 10 I can't really remember when we found it whatever

>> No.7371711 [DELETED] 

That would such a fucking bummer, I really want to see what those spots look like.

>> No.7371807
File: 101 KB, 599x637, 1434048041494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fug Pluto only rotates once every 6 days and we're viewing it from an elevated angle. We might only get a good look at 2/3 of the surface.

>> No.7371820
File: 75 KB, 544x368, 1378861093238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that if those spots are anything haram the images will just be edited and we'll never know.

I'm guessing Charon "skipped" across the surface at some point and took out regularly spaced gouges.

>> No.7371855

>spend $700 million on probe to explore far planets
>get shitty pixellated gifs in return

Good to know the money was invested well.

>> No.7371871

>You know that if those spots are anything haram the images will just be edited and we'll never know.

No way, the geeks will leak that shit like dysentry.

>> No.7371882

Mass relay

>> No.7371894


>> No.7371896

Be ready to hear "omg you dont know pluto isnt a planet!?!?!?!" all day long.

Fucking normies

>> No.7371924


thank you internets

>> No.7371970


>implying that they organized a mission to Pluto and won't get comprehensive data

>> No.7371972
File: 27 KB, 742x442, mfw we found mass relays on pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbh

>> No.7372005
File: 177 KB, 1199x667, yuggoth_watchtower_by_caberwood-d6tm8se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuggoth... is a strange dark orb at the very rim of our solar system... There are mighty cities on Yuggoth—great tiers of terraced towers built of black stone... The sun shines there no brighter than a star, but the beings need no light. They have other subtler senses, and put no windows in their great houses and temples... The black rivers of pitch that flow under those mysterious cyclopean bridges—things built by some elder race extinct and forgotten before the beings came to Yuggoth from the ultimate voids—ought to be enough to make any man a Dante or Poe if he can keep sane long enough to tell what he has seen...
—H. P. Lovecraft, "The Whisperer in Darkness"

>> No.7372032

The New Horizons probe would also make a better fighter aircraft than the F-35, too.

>> No.7372043

open the image in full size. The distance is not identical, the shape is not identical, and probably even the depth is not the same. There just happens to be 3 fucking craters next to each other because pluto is so small craters have to be next to each other anyway.

>> No.7372051

3spooky 5 me

its like doom 3 all over again sheeeet

>> No.7372066

ayyyyy lmao

>> No.7372192


damn that's a cool ass name

>> No.7372223

It was the only suggestion that connected to the Etruscan deity Orcus.

>> No.7372279

Underrated post

>> No.7372292

you guys know that if there were alien life:

1) NASA/ESA already know
2) why the fuck would they tell us

>> No.7372294

Because it would massively raise their budgets.

>> No.7372297

>2) why the fuck would they tell us
No, you know what, let's turn this around. Why wouldn't they tell us?

Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly certain it would be kept a secret, I just don't understand why. Is there a substantial reason, is it just part of our own nature as humans? Why is this the case? Do they fear losing control when people realize just how small Earth really is?

>> No.7372300


>Do they fear losing control when people realize just how small Earth really is?

I don't think it's "losing control", but imagine the widespread panic that would realistically happen. Also, I'd imagine the government could also tell them to keep it under wraps or else _lose_ their budget.

>> No.7372305

People wouldn't panic if alien intelligence is discovered. They might panic if an alien invasion is discovered.

>> No.7372322


I remember when Clinton announced the fossils in Mars meteorite ALH84001. People LOST THEIR SHIT and the press quickly smoothed it over by implying a retraction, even though there was no such retraction; the researchers were sure.

>> No.7372330

I think government would hide the info if it was aliens visiting/contacting or just general evidence like a crashed alien vehicle or something, something like that could be concealed with relative ease to prevent panic while still reaping some benefits

But if it was alien ruins or something like that, which requires us to be active they would reveal it.
Something like a manned mission to Pluto is simply just too big to hide.
Requires way too much money to simply sink in military mystery files.

Maybe if there was sudden maintenance to Hubble announced as soon as images get better from Pluto would be a sign of government hiding some info while they try to get some confirmation using the telescope.

>> No.7372337

They've spend a lot of time observing Pluto with Hubble in preparation for the flyby.
Maintenance on Hubble seems extremely questionable since there is launch vehicle for that after the shuttles were retired.
Why would there even be alien ruins in Pluto? The whole idea seems unlikely even if aliens existed in our neighborhood.

>> No.7372340

No comment on why and the hubble images of pluto are really shit because it's not designed to observe that type of objects.
Maintenance in next month would be suspicious because they could make secret adjustments on the equipment

>> No.7372345

Conspiritards >>>/x/pol/

>> No.7372349
File: 46 KB, 760x427, pluto is not a planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me ams play god!

>> No.7372352

my point is that NASA doesn't have to show us every photo or piece of data they find

>> No.7372387

Holy fuck /x/ leave us alone

>> No.7372540


>> No.7372612



There's no fucking aliens in our solar system.

>> No.7372618


>ITT: /x/ trying to do math to prove their bullshit

>> No.7372632

>Pythagorean triangle conformation

Good one mate

>> No.7372649

>Holy fuck /x/ leave us alone

I think at this point pretending everything is aliens is more of a /sci/ meme than anything.

>> No.7372720
File: 82 KB, 479x720, 183tMVgwzAqjQgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no aliens in our solar system
>I am euphoric enough to know what exists in billions of square miles of uncharted space.

>> No.7372723

No it's not, retard.

>> No.7372728

If there were aliens they'd be on the 8 planets or maybe on Ceres not on some random KBO that was only considered special because it was discovered 60 years before the rest.

>> No.7372734
File: 61 KB, 285x191, yotsuba reaction 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this moment when that "planet" sprouts legs out of those holes and starts making its way to Earth!

>> No.7372737
File: 10 KB, 630x630, pluto-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372741

I'm always hoping we'll find some cool aliens but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

>> No.7372743

>Biggest object in the Kuiper belt
>Atmosphere + organic chemical surface
>Not special

>> No.7372750


>> No.7372758

i do believe this is one of the major concerns with the JPL team.
unknown debris field due to the Charon/Pluto orbit fucking shit up.

>> No.7372761
File: 11 KB, 630x630, 11665597_586994218069766_2929187758440105566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7372767

most of the NH probe was built with "off the shelf" stuff. very little new research went into it.

the launch vehicle is what the bulk of the budget cost came from. something like 35%(maybe a litle more?) of the total $700,000,000 budget.

no one would approve a Pluto mission if they wanted 3 billion to make all new shit.

>> No.7372779

we will still get plenty of data, but i think the main reasoning for choosing such a fast as fuck encounter was the need to just get the fucker there as soon as possible to make the mission palatable.

>want to insert probe into Pluto/Charon orbit
>will take 23 years
>need to double the weight of fuel for the required delta-v budget
>will need additional money

this was designed from the start as a quick and dirty mission to maybe determine if Pluto is worthy of further study.

>> No.7372782

>I just don't understand why

>> No.7372790

Largest known.
There's dozens if not hundreds if not thousand trans Neptunian dwarf planets.

>> No.7372798

E-Earth-kun, I'll be embarrassed if you t-take pictures like this...!

>> No.7372820

Cant wait for Space Engine to update Pluto and Ceres with the latest finds.

>> No.7372836
File: 24 KB, 630x630, pluto-chan hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7372843


>Oh goodness, I wasn't expecting someone to come visit me out here! Hold on just one moment, I'll put the tea on and....wait, where are you going? Come back! Hey! P-please don't go! Don't leave me alone!

>> No.7372846


>> No.7372858
File: 26 KB, 630x630, pluto-chan come back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't leave Horizon

>> No.7372861
File: 54 KB, 462x299, 1430666480767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The signal is clear. This is now a Chen thread.

>> No.7372891


>> No.7372934
File: 3 KB, 356x356, pluto-charon-2015-07-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New picture m8s.

>> No.7372939
File: 159 KB, 630x631, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372940

I thought pluto was blue or grey. Turns out it's beige.
hum hum

>> No.7372947

That a big crater.

>> No.7372949
File: 85 KB, 640x360, shep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to believe

>> No.7372960

For you.

>> No.7372964

Advanced Radar Satellite in position.
Enemy Commander detected.
Celestial movement detected.

>> No.7372967


That's retarded. Why would the residents of a sunless, bullshit wasteland be at all advanced? I'd be amazed if there were evidence of even single-cell organisms.

Even allowing it the possibility of being a base for some other planet, the things stationed there would be the equivalent of lighthouse keepers, i.e., inbred, retarded, and driven mad by loneliness.

I would read that book.

>> No.7372986
File: 18 KB, 640x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372991
File: 48 KB, 900x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372994
File: 47 KB, 640x392, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372996

fuck off to reddit you piece of garbage

>> No.7373005
File: 37 KB, 800x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7373009

Why is that image square? LORRI has a resultion of 1600x1200 and I assume that's a crop so why keep the empty space above Pluto and below Charon?

>> No.7373012

>hurrr durr missles
giant robots are much cooler than trucks and silos you nerds the aliens are going to laugh at us

>> No.7373014

so if it WAS aliens, what would we do?
watch them from here or try to actually communicate?

>> No.7373020


>> No.7373024


we couldn't do shit about it, next probe would take another 15 years to get to pluto

>> No.7373086

I think we could make it faster by removing efficiency. Accelerate up to Uranus and then decelerate for orbital insertion.

>> No.7373091

Because it looks better.


>> No.7373194
File: 59 KB, 614x525, LORRI_wrapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LORRI has a resultion of 1600x1200
has a what?

field of view 0.29°
resolution 4.95 µrad/pixel
image format 0 1024x1024 pixels
image format 1 256x256 pixels

>> No.7373200

Is it possible I mixed it up with Curiosity?
1600x1200 would have been space age technology during the time New Horizons was designed.

>> No.7373209

Will New Horizons do a flyby or orbit Pluto?

>> No.7373218

It will perform a crash landing.

>> No.7373259

Only flyby unfortunately.

>> No.7373266

>I'm guessing Charon "skipped" across the surface at some point and took out regularly spaced gouges.

And the award for dumbest comment goes to this dude.

>> No.7373362
File: 59 KB, 500x722, curiosity_cams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixed it up with Curiosity?
Yes, sort of.

Curiosity has many cameras, among them 1600x1200 (2MP) Mastcams, but the output image is cropped to 1200x1200 to remove the pincushion effect (pic).

Dawn's Framing Camera has the same 1024x1024 image format as LORRI but a resolution of 93.7 µrad/px while Rosetta's OSIRIS has 2048x2048 px at 18.6 µrad/px.

The angular resolution allows you to estimate the object resolution (m/px) if you know the distance.

>> No.7373374


I can beat that!

We should make Pluto a "real" planet again. If we got rid of every other Kuiper Belt object, Pluto's orbit would be clear and it would fit every criteria needed to be a planet.

>> No.7373404

Dawn is traveling so fast that it'll cross Pluto's diameter in approximately 3 minutes. A lot of fuel would be needed to make it decelerate, which would mean more weight and, consequently, a longer journey.

>> No.7373417

>2) why the fuck would they tell us

They have thousands of employees. Somebody would sell the story to the press or leak it out of some ideological reason.

>> No.7373427

NASA has more than once jumped the gun announcing they've found life, like that Mars meteorite fiasco.

>> No.7373452

>implying they aren't the same thing

>> No.7373455

New Horizons, not Dawn, sorry...

>> No.7373563



>> No.7373577

I'm honestly more interested in Ceres, I just need to know what those fucking spots are. Someone posted here they were pretty much confirmed to be ice, but I can't find anything to back that up.

Oh, I almost forgot: ayy lmao

>> No.7373593


Whoever posted that Ceres' spots were confirmed ice is a liar.

>> No.7373634


not hard to think yourself that ice would evaporate instantly when exposed to vacuum of space
so yeah, that someone is a liar

>> No.7373635

I hate people

>> No.7373669


I was thinking they could be some sort of cryovolcanism maybe.

>> No.7373697

What could the spots be? What would be the most ridiculous idea of what the spots can be?

>> No.7373723

ayy lmao

>> No.7373763

Uhhhm maybe (in crazyness order):
>some kind of faliure of the camera/wrong angle
>shadows (idk of what)
>actual edifications

And about Ceres (in crazyness order too):
>something that reflects light strangely
>solar panels (???)
>more ayyyylmao kinda crap

>> No.7373768


How does cryovulcanism explain anything? What's the energy source? Why doesn't the ice just sublimate? Where's the vapour plume? Saying it's a volcano or ice is just handwaving.

>> No.7373779


I'm not up to date, are the Ceres lights coming and going or just constant?

If they're constant then why can't they just be ice?

>> No.7373788

What happened to this thread in the last 24 hours? Is the reddit shitposting real?

>> No.7373801

Yeah i know but what else can it be that is not too tin foil hat-worthy?
Judging by >>7370664 I assume those are just reflections of sunlight. Some say it cannot be ice because it would evaporate quickly

>> No.7373828


There's no point decrying something as tinfoil with explanations which are even more preposterous. FWIW being dismissive of anything isn't very scientific and saying that it can't be artificial because that's impossible is just being an idiot.

>> No.7373830


>> No.7373847

>safe mode

Rip new horizons

>> No.7373849

>The New Horizons spacecraft experienced an anomaly this afternoon that led to a loss of communication with Earth. Communication has since been reestablished and the spacecraft is healthy.

>The mission operations center at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, lost contact with the unmanned spacecraft -- now 10 days from arrival at Pluto -- at 1:54 p.m. EDT, and regained communications with New Horizons at 3:15 p.m. EDT, through NASA’s Deep Space Network.

>During that time the autonomous autopilot on board the spacecraft recognized a problem and – as it’s programmed to do in such a situation – switched from the main to the backup computer. The autopilot placed the spacecraft in “safe mode,” and commanded the backup computer to reinitiate communication with Earth. New Horizons then began to transmit telemetry to help engineers diagnose the problem.

>A New Horizons Anomaly Review Board was convened at 4 p.m. EDT to gather information on the problem and initiate a recovery plan. The team is now working to return New Horizons to its original flight plan. Due to the 9-hour, round trip communication delay that results from operating a spacecraft almost 3 billion miles (4.9 billion kilometers) from Earth, full recovery is expected to take from one to several days; New Horizons will be temporarily unable to collect science data during that time.

Plutonians fired a warning shot

>> No.7373853




please don't fuck up on my little robot man


>> No.7373854


>> No.7373889
File: 177 KB, 1440x1080, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you really think that your gubment was going to let you see high rez photos of Pluto?

>> No.7373892
File: 15 KB, 199x183, 1321857981625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7373898
File: 21 KB, 259x189, 1290578025063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story so far: Ceres has a launch facility and the Plutonians are taking pot shots. We sent a probe running windows which now has rebooted in safe mode. Turns out we're running windows 8 on a 386 sx with 8mb ram because the total reboot will take a couple of days.Meanwhile we've got Lizard People running our governments (According to Professor Emeritus David Ike) and we want to reverse engineer chickens into dinosaurs. To top it off we still don't know whether microwaves have thrust.
Armageddon is Nigh and I'm standing by!

>> No.7373908
File: 666 KB, 881x580, red6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good job Red 6. This is what happens to space fattys.

>> No.7373912
File: 85 KB, 700x393, Alien Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold Two: The guns - they've stopped!
Gold Five: Stabilize your rear deflectors... Watch for enemy fighters.
Gold Leader: They're coming in! Three marks at 2-10!
Gold Leader: It's no good, I can't maneuver!
Gold Five: Stay on target.
Gold Leader: We're too close!
Gold Five: Stay on target!
Gold Leader: Loosen up!
Gold Five: Gold Five to Red leader, lost Tiree, lost Dutch.
Red Leader: I copy, Gold Leader.
Gold Five: They came from... behind!
Red 2: Look at the SIZE of that thing!
Red Leader: Cut the chatter, Red 2. Accelerate to attack speed.

>> No.7373922
File: 215 KB, 715x295, hai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>attack speed

This has always bothered me, even more than the Kessel Run thing. I admit that I have never piloted an armed spacecraft, but my gut tells me that you attack your enemy at whatever speed seems most appropriate for the situation.

>> No.7373929
File: 216 KB, 1247x816, 1358355045592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps he had to say it because they were in a loose formation. Or it sounded cool :)

>> No.7373942

If you are using kinetic weapons then I suppose moving faster (relative to the target) before firing would increase the impact force. Maybe there is a certain speed required to punch through whatever armor/shielding the target has.

It's not completely baseless.

>> No.7373949


That and you're harder to hit when you're faster.

>> No.7373951
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, luke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie would have been much more realistic if Luke (after destroying the Deathstar) and been jailed and eventually executed for turning off his targeting computer without written permission.

>> No.7373960



Warning shot across the bow with a high energy lightning cannon. Fizzled the CPU a little.

Expect it to go dead for good soon.

>> No.7373968

Realistic? Useful people get away with shit all the time just because they're useful to their employer.

>> No.7373974


This is it it guys, if we don't ever end up seeing close ups of pluto I think we can confirm that AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.7373977

wait, so the main cpu is in safe mode now.
what does that signify? can new hprizon still use its scanners and take photos? and will the nasa engineers actually be able to do anything about it? what if its a hardware problem...
i just want my high res wallpaper pluto shots

>> No.7373978

We never got any whiff of him being portrayed as the interplanetary terrorist the Empire must have made him out to be. He destroyed a space station that probably had like a million people on it at least

>> No.7373985

If we don't find alyums...

>> No.7373988

Karma is a bitch.

>> No.7373993

what is so interesting about a stupid cartoon dog

i prefer uranus

>> No.7374040

Some sort of fault with the primary computer system. It switched to the backup systems, and the spacecraft is confirmed to be healthy and operational by the New Horizons team lead.

>> No.7374054

>fault with the primary computer
>confirmed to be healthy
what is doublethink

>> No.7374060

They have to reboot but after that everything should be fine.

>> No.7374068
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 2442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're angry because we don't consider pluto a planet anymore.

>> No.7374070

>what is doublethink

What is redundancy, fault tolerance, and a problem that can be fixed with a software reset.

>> No.7374071



Imagine if they can't fix it in time.

>> No.7374097

Yea the idea of "combat speed" is very sound

This applies to all sorts of things from foot soldiers and tank to fighter planes and warships.
General idea is to move at slower but more efficient speeds while out of combat and then use maximum speed while in combat to increase performance in one way or another.

>> No.7374105

Can we expect amazing close-up pictures like we have on the other planets or OP's pic is pretty much the best we can expect ?

>> No.7374113


New Horizons got some fantastic, detailed pics of Jupiter when it went past, so I'm assuming it'll get some good ones.

>> No.7374165

Well... this is it. this is the last "first look" at something in space we're going to get for a VERY long time. All future probes are planned for objects where we already have reasonably high resolution images. It could be we have to wait over a decade until the ATLAS-Telescope is launched

>> No.7374170


fuck that shit.

>> No.7374171

How convenient

>> No.7374172

>uses "EPIC" in headline
>100% second/third hand source
step yo information game up nigga.

>> No.7374173

This is fake, fuck off

>> No.7374174

There's a bunch of asteroid missions but it's all near Earth stuff so there should be no big surprises.
We have visited all known planets and put had orbiters for all up to Saturn so there isn't really much left to explore in that regard. Travel time and lack of solar power is a crippling factor for the ice giants and other Plutinos right now.

I think one of the most interesting targets in feasible range would be the Jupiter Trojans.

>> No.7374176



Eat shit and die, retards.

>> No.7374177

I didn't say it was fake, I said you have very shitty means of getting information. Like keeping up on greece by reading tabloids/twitter

>> No.7374193

>and we still don't know if microwaves have thrust

holy shit lol

speaking of the mEMeDrive, why hasn't there been any more threads :(

I want more videos of the random slavic dude making microwave thrust

if it gets any that is ;_;>>7374071

>> No.7374194

"Don't you die on me dammit!"

>> No.7374195
File: 150 KB, 2700x3600, newhorizonjupio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This pic was worth the time and money!

>> No.7374197

>shitty means of getting information
um, JPL is THE ORIGINATING source for such information.

>> No.7374199

yeah he was complaining about the space.com

>> No.7374223
File: 949 KB, 400x242, waiting for happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to believe

I wated years ever since 2011 alien sigthings but no shit has happened, feels like im wating life

>> No.7374231
File: 234 KB, 600x609, 1435870675916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7374234


>> No.7374260

No, they're tifs made from PWM images that for some reason have 8x8 quantization artifacts.

>> No.7374267


>> No.7374276
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, 2001-a-space-odyssey-original_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~~~~ BREAKING NEWS ~~~~~~~


>The New Horizons spacecraft experienced an anomaly the afternoon of July 4 that led to a loss of communication with Earth.

>Due to the 9-hour, round trip communication delay that results from operating a spacecraft almost 3 billion miles (4.9 billion kilometers) from Earth, full recovery is expected to take from one to several days; New Horizons will be temporarily unable to collect science data during that time.

>Status updates will be issued as new information is available.


~~~~ BREAKING NEWS ~~~~~~~

>> No.7374279



We've literally had that posted three times already hours ago, read the fucking thread shit-for-brains.

>> No.7374281
File: 302 KB, 566x193, 3fb01bad0d3cf9935c388d01ffcf6b9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7374294

Meanwhile, in Pluto:


>> No.7374342

different anon, yeah it kind of is.

This is a shitposting thread.

>> No.7374355


"But they could be peaceful creatures!"
"Look lady, I'm a scientist. All of our observations show the inner solar system to be a hellish place. If on the very small chance life evolved in that nightmarish zone, it'd definitely not be something we'd want to trifle with."

>> No.7374443
File: 60 KB, 802x830, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they are aliens they should know its satilite

I mean they have their own satelit in our orbit called ther black knight

>> No.7374476
File: 13 KB, 250x194, 73804581[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leds mix Greco-Roman names wid Hawaiian names :DDDDD

>> No.7374483
File: 60 KB, 219x198, fitayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans think they can send a probe to our planet

ayy lmao

>> No.7374490
File: 16 KB, 508x284, navi_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7374494

At some point they started to run out of ideas for Roman names so they became more liberal on names, particularly for unimportant bodies.
Dwarf planets aside from Pluto and Ceres will normally be named after gods of creation or gods of the underworld.

>> No.7374518

I don't really know, but I'm pretty sure sure the first thing we would do is freaking the fuck out.

>> No.7374546

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.7374557
File: 7 KB, 275x369, piramide_orion2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it point to a place on sky slightly below Orion's Belt?

>> No.7374573

Its just a coverup!
They already found something interesting and they will just tell the public the prove couldn't collect any date on the pluto flyby.

>> No.7374601
File: 115 KB, 464x663, Migo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7374606

Nice CGI. Did you make it yourself?

>> No.7374626
File: 85 KB, 800x547, 800px-ALH84001_structures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7374733

The serious news is that there have been at least 3 comm cycles (4 hours each way) since the anomaly without a peep out of the NH team. Dread intensifies.

>> No.7374785


Alan Stern, the lead investigator for New Horizons said:

>Such rumors are untrue. The bird is communicating nominally.


>> No.7374788


>> No.7374790

even discounting >>7374785 it's still well within the "one to several days" they predicted it would take to fix it.

>> No.7374796


I'm glad to be wrong. I'll keep a closer eye on the sources. I really hope the fix gets it back on schedule.

>> No.7374814

I can't stop thinking that the funniest thing this decade would be if pluto had some mundane message on it's surface.
"Bob's speaker service & repair 1-800-554-LOUD"

>> No.7374818

Hey that's mars

>> No.7374832


something _slightly_ quirky and stupid would be even better in my mind.

Like, not full on 4chan autist status, but like, maybe...

>Illuminatty secret base DO NOT ENTER (srs)

>> No.7374846

A frenetically flashing light is observed near rocks laid out on the ground spelling

>> No.7374862

> weywot m8?

>> No.7374863
File: 48 KB, 743x600, 743px-Pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7374864

Fucking Voyager had a problem with its tape drive OS a few years back and they fixed it fine.

>> No.7374867

It's weird seeing the absolute forefront of human exploration and "tape drive OS" in the same sentence

>> No.7374887

It's just lucky it wasn't punch cards. I bet they are a real pain in 0-G.

>> No.7375040

>NASA's New Horizons mission is returning to normal science operations after a July 4 anomaly and remains on track for its July 14 flyby of Pluto.

>The investigation into the anomaly that caused New Horizons to enter "safe mode" on July 4 has concluded that no hardware or software fault occurred on the spacecraft. The underlying cause of the incident was a hard-to-detect timing flaw in the spacecraft command sequence that occurred during an operation to prepare for the close flyby. No similar operations are planned for the remainder of the Pluto encounter.

>"I'm pleased that our mission team quickly identified the problem and assured the health of the spacecraft," said Jim Green, NASA's Director of Planetary Science. "Now - with Pluto in our sights - we're on the verge of returning to normal operations and going for the gold."

>Preparations are ongoing to resume the originally planned science operations on July 7 and to conduct the entire close flyby sequence as planned. The mission science team and principal investigator have concluded that the science observations lost during the anomaly recovery do not affect any primary objectives of the mission, with a minimal effect on lesser objectives. "In terms of science, it won't change an A-plus even into an A," said New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder.

We're back to normal, folks!

>> No.7375064

thank god

>> No.7375076

exhale. If Stern's happy, I'm happy.

>> No.7375077
File: 47 KB, 560x420, June-Bug-Phyllophaga-crinita-grubworm-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First we called it Pluto. Then I'm sure you'll all call it a monster, but finally, you'll learn to call it LORD GOD.

>> No.7375081

Looks like a grub to me.

>> No.7375125
File: 75 KB, 504x288, Outer God grub confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I didn't notice the similarity.

>> No.7375141
File: 37 KB, 483x213, Spathi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7375157


>> No.7375165

Woah, this is a blast from the past. I first heard about New Horizons when I was 10 years old. The general mystery around Pluto fascinated me. I told myself I'd eagerly await the day it reached it. I'm kind of embarrassed with myself for having forgotten about it. Well, needless to say, I'm very excited about this.

>> No.7375193

i'm in the exact same boat friend.

my dick is diamonds for pluto rn

>> No.7375198

that is simply beautiful and overwhelming
that's the only way I can describe it

>> No.7375216 [DELETED] 

Copy-pasted from NASA. Skipping Greentext because :effort:.


NASA’s New Horizons mission is returning to normal science operations after a July 4 anomaly and remains on track for its July 14 flyby of Pluto.

The investigation into the anomaly that caused New Horizons to enter “safe mode” on July 4 has concluded that no hardware or software fault occurred on the spacecraft. The underlying cause of the incident was a hard-to-detect timing flaw in the spacecraft command sequence that occurred during an operation to prepare for the close flyby. No similar operations are planned for the remainder of the Pluto encounter.

“I’m pleased that our mission team quickly identified the problem and assured the health of the spacecraft,” said Jim Green, NASA’s Director of Planetary Science. “Now – with Pluto in our sights – we’re on the verge of returning to normal operations and going for the gold.”

Preparations are ongoing to resume the originally planned science operations on July 7 and to conduct the entire close flyby sequence as planned. The mission science team and principal investigator have concluded that the science observations lost during the anomaly recovery do not affect any primary objectives of the mission, with a minimal effect on lesser objectives. “In terms of science, it won’t change an A-plus even into an A,” said New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder.

Adding to the challenge of recovery is the spacecraft’s extreme distance from Earth. New Horizons is almost 3 billion miles away, where radio signals, even traveling at light speed, need 4.5 hours to reach home. Two-way communication between the spacecraft and its operators requires a nine-hour round trip.

Status updates will be issued as new information is available.

Last Updated: July 5, 2015
Editor: Lillian Gipson

>> No.7375219


Holy shit retard go up ten posts.

>> No.7375229

guys guys prepare for #shortgate

>> No.7375231

The blue shit is aurora borealis right I'm a scrub

>> No.7375235
File: 1.35 MB, 2700x3600, deus pater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a version where I matched the background colors to remove the grey box around Jupiter

It's gasses being ejected from that volcano I think.

>> No.7375242



>> No.7375254
File: 138 KB, 1834x806, 9pDjvMn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google didnt immediately tell me so i'll ask you guys

at what distance from pluto will new horizon's closest approach be?

it is going faster than the voyagers were going at that distance from Sol?

is anybody else butthurt they pissed away all that money on fucking pluto when they couldve sent something out to the jovian moons for fuck sake

>> No.7375264
File: 2.99 MB, 6000x2700, 20150310_voyager_simulations_nep_data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7375273


We've seen the moons, I want to see Pluto!

>> No.7375274

They just had to do something about Pluto back when it was still considered a planet.

Now that it's over with they can focus on actually relevant locations like Europa and Titan

>> No.7375275


The insect wars will soon begin.

>> No.7375283

no, no wars. only obedience.

>> No.7375287

Was this a big factor behind the drive to bother have it declassified as a planet?

>> No.7375301


They declassified it because they started finding way more rocks like it and correctly reasoned there could be hundreds of thousands of Plutos out in the edge of the system.

Naming all those niggas and calling them planets would be a pain in the ass. Better to just sacrifice Pluto.

>> No.7375407

Closest approach will be 12,500 km (7,800 mi). It is already going faster than anything else launched from Earth. And nope, do not share your butthurt.

>> No.7375408 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1008x768, plizzle_to_the_chizzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's over 300 posts.

New thread

>> No.7375426
File: 122 KB, 1008x768, plizzle_to_the_chizzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread

>> No.7375433

It could store 64 MB, that's a lot for 1977.

>> No.7375627

>Missile launch facilities on Ceres

contact George W Bush, he'll know what to do

>> No.7375631

>North Korea.


>> No.7376413

And progression means exploiting the places you explore.

>> No.7376996

Now add the MEWWS formula to that.