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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7355057 No.7355057 [Reply] [Original]

>feh, an engineer? Do not disrespect lady science with such lowly affairs. Engineers cannot truly understand the majesty and wonder of pure science like I can. They do not possess the cranial capacity to do science. I am a second year physics major at UofPhoenix, I know what I'm talking about. Wanting to actually build practical things is a clear sign of a stunted intellect, which I am quite adept at spotting.

>> No.7355072
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fantastic post

>> No.7355099
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>Engineers do not care about doing science. They only care about money like the lowly plebeians they are. Unlike me, I enrolled in school to study science out of only the most pure motives to understand the world and seek truth like the noble human being that I am. I can't believe someone would have slightly different values than I. How vulgar.

>> No.7355103

when engineer built all of your photogates go home photofaggot

>> No.7355140
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>Math is obviously the most god-tier degree. I would know, because I'm naturally bad at math and therefore I judge difficulty based on the amount of math involved rather than course-load. My ability to understand Riemann manifolds means I can easily learn anything about any technical field. As a math major, I can easily do any other job because my quantitative skills are so rigorously developed. That's why you can get engineering accreditation with just a math BSc.

>> No.7355171
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>Computer Science? feh, don't make me laugh. That is such an easy non-rigorous degree. Anybody could learn the entirety of the field of CS in about one month. The discrete math is laughably trivial. If I really wanted to, I could easily become a great programmer and work in silicon valley. But I don't want to be such a lowly code monkey. I'd much rather seek to live the ascetic life in service of science.

>> No.7355184

everything except for the second sentence is true. you can't even come up with a good spoof for math? i guess it's just that based

>> No.7355187
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>>Biology? Hahahah! That is just mere stamp collecting, everybody knows it is not a real science. And don't get me started on the social sciences and philosophy. I love to rely on their research to justify my own prejudices, but any time I need to feel better about myself I just remind myself that I am pursuing a physics degree and therefore I am a better human being. An ubermensch, if you will.

>> No.7355204
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>my ability to prove 250-year-old number-theory lemmas over the integers automatically gives me extensive knowledge in physics, chemistry and engineering practices! I can do any job in any field with zero effort. Math master race!

>> No.7355208

>you can't even come up with a good spoof for math?

or maybe you're just such an idiot that you yourself are indistinguishable from parody

>> No.7355227

Oh /sci/.
I work with two guys who did physics for undergrad, they're extremely down to earth and helpful. What's with this constant shitting on physics majors?

>> No.7355233

Because we constantly shit on engineers, and they get very butthurt about it.

Well, actually they get very butthurt from taking cocks in their ass all the time, but they get metaphorically butthurt by the mockery. Can't handle criticism.

>> No.7355241
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>You're going into a trade? Pathetic. Distinguished intellectuals such as myself are above such primitive and unnecessary work. A true gentleman does not work with his hands, only with his mind. Enjoy life as a plumber making no money at all, you lower class simian.

>> No.7355248

protip: it's not an engineer who is making fun of you

>> No.7355276

It's just a bit of friendly 4chan banter m8, without the board would be too circlejerky and cringe to browse.