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File: 163 KB, 670x446, Kurzweil_Pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7350274 No.7350274 [Reply] [Original]

Does science support the use of any supplements, assuming one already has a somewhat good diet?

>> No.7350292

Folic acid supplements during pregnancy have greatly reduced the incidence of spina bifida

>> No.7350369

I'm given to understand that magnesium deficiency is very likely and difficult to test for or avoid without supplementation.

Suppositorily, fish oil is good for vascular health. No idea why.

>> No.7350382

Just take amphetamines.

>> No.7350689

From what I've looked up magnesium and fish oils seem to be the only two supplements worth it assuming you're not lacking in anything else like iron or such.

>> No.7350708

Iron is a cunt.

Honestly instead of scaring kids with overdose stories we should tell them about which nutrients their drug of choice tends to deplete and will need to be supplemented if using regularly, and/or which to avoid having an excess of.

>> No.7350710



>> No.7350717

creatine has been proven to slightly increase strength and performance in weightlifters.
it is also rumored to increase balding in men.

if you dont care for your hair, taking creatine will make you slightly stronger.

>> No.7350734

Don't know many "natural" diets that will give you the LSD you need to be a healthy human being.

>> No.7350739


heres what i take daily

Piracetam + Citicoline
2.4g / 250mg
for focus and concentration

for being calm / mindful (meditation like effect)

Magnesium + Tyrosine
80mg / 450mg
for stress reduction and vigilance / perception

Carnitine + DHA (fish oil)
585mg / 200mg
for memory and overall mood

>> No.7350757

Almost never. Most of the industry is a scam. Kurzweil is literally retarded.

>> No.7350925

Supplements are not needed if you have a good diet. If you follow a paleo style diet, and get a very diverse range of food, you won't need any supplements. Which surprises me because Kurzweil surely can afford to have a nearly perfect diet. All those extra pills just add detox stress, not to mention the dose dependent interactions between them.

>> No.7350961
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you follow a paleo style diet

>> No.7350963


>> No.7350973

Magnesium, fish oil regardless of diet and maybe zinc or calcium if diet is lacking.

Do not buy magnesium oxide; it's the most common form available but its bioavailability is very low. Instead buy chelated magnesium such as magnesium citrate and magnesium bisglycinate

>> No.7350981

anyone else taking a racetam?

i heard paricetam is really good for social anxiety

but tolerance builds really fast

>> No.7350991


the insulin spike from carbs and sugar nearly puts me to sleep. started when i turned 20.

i actually eat paleo style just to function normally

>> No.7350993

I agree that the science is indicating the supplements don't increase health and are a waste of money, but Kurzweil is clearly going above and beyond, and I admire that, because he is a pioneer and a true space monkey.

BTW I'm leaning toward zero supplements being optimal.

My theory is that limiting protein and nutrients is the way to go as this probably makes cells more efficient, upregulating things like autophagy and synthesis.

This means Kurzweil may be going the opposite direction- downregulating synthesis and autophagy. What this does to his DNA over the long term is the question. The findings on supplements suggest that negative outcomes from supplementation might have something to do with this oversupply of nutrients.

Think about it this way. Every cell culture responds to its environment, which the researcher controls. Too much nutrient and overgrowth occurs, too little and growth slows. It is not a perfect analogy, but accurate in the sense that your cells will seek a homeostasis with their environments. If this environment is low on some vitamin that is synthesizable, upregulation of systems which make most efficient use of those vitamins is likely. That means, in terms of cells, recycling, storage, and maintenance of enzymes for these processes. If there is an abundant supply, downregulation of these processes might be reasonably hypothesized, and upregulation of storage processes may be favored. Storage processes usually mean the creation of lyzosomal storage processes. These require complicated strategies of anabolic and catabolic metabolism in addition to potentially dangerous (to the cell) maintenance of segregated membrane-bound organelles with low pH environments and all the enzymes to deal with the process.

This is just my theory. I am a molecular biologist, I study fruit flies, and am looking, coincidentally, at the 27 genes involved in autophagy in the fruit fly model at the moment.

>> No.7351024

What's your alternative?

I use the word paleo because it easily connotes what I mean by a good diet. That is natural meats and vegetables. The memetic fad version of paleo we see with hipsters and bloggers is a different animal. I use the term merely out of convenience to mean a natural foods diet.

>> No.7351032

Eat only activated almonds and cultured vegetables.
Drink only alkalized water.

>> No.7351033

Ya, thats precisely what I'm not talking about

>> No.7351036

idk, but i take 10000ui of vitamin d everyday, feel good, bros.

>> No.7351063

>assuming one already has a somewhat good diet?
Then there's no real need to.
But it doesn't really matter as long as you stay below the ADI.

>> No.7351156

Kurzweil does things differently than your typical /fit/bro.

He has his blood drawn and analysed on a weekly basis and his supplement regimen is then prepared by a bio-magician.

His cock is rock hard 24/7 and tested on a sphinctometer.

>> No.7351163

Sure it does, sciencebro.

>That is natural meats and vegetables.
>natural foods
This IS the meme you dumbfuck.

>> No.7351165

thanks science brah

>> No.7351170
File: 424 KB, 960x1299, caveman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I understand why it's called Paleo now. It's because its adherents have the intellects of cavemen.

>> No.7351223

>assuming one already has a somewhat good diet
unwarranted assumption detected

>> No.7351258

I guess this is a big debate. There's a difference between a pill having a certain chemical composition and having those ingredients "bio-available", meaning that you can fully absorb their effects as you would eating normal food. I'm a chemist so this isn't exactly my branch but it is very simple to make pills that contain a shitload of vitamins, however, I would have no clue how to make those vitamins and minerals available to the body.

>> No.7351272

I use mega-doses of vitamin-C to combat symptoms whenever I get a cold. I've read it's supposedly bullshit, but seems to work just as advertised on me.

I also take D-vitamin supplements in the winter because we hardly get any sunlight over here.

>> No.7351909

Are you me?

Which nutrients can become excessive? That's not something that gets mentioned a lot.

>> No.7352151

>"bio-available", meaning that you can fully absorb their effects
No, that's not what it means, Mister Chemist.

>> No.7354105

There is no consensus as to weather multivitamin pills actually do anything.

If Kurtzweil wants to live to the singularity he should just take 150-500mg of testosterone E or C per week and 1-4 IUs of HGH.

>> No.7354114

Two choices :

1. Amphetamine

2. Placebo

Modafinal is just placebo-lite

>> No.7355681

>Does science support the use of any supplements, assuming one already has a somewhat good diet?

>implying science is about making normative judgements for lifestyle and habits

go back to philosophy fag

>> No.7355758

it would be funny if someone killed ray kurzweil for an epic troll

>> No.7355793

or better, what if he dies in some super mundane way. Like slipping getting out of the shower?

>> No.7355801

>paleo style diet
stopped reading right there

>What's your alternative?
low-carbohydrate diet.

Nobody was around to record the paleo-lithic diet, so we don't know much about what exactly was eaten. It would almost certainly leave you severely malnourished if you actually ate an authentic paleo-lithic diet anyway.
Maybe you should stop bathing and brushing your teeth, as early humans are not thought to have engaged in that behavior as well. The human body wasn't designed for it!!!

>> No.7355808

>Suppositorily, fish oil is good for vascular health. No idea why.

Lowers blood LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.
I eat very healthfully, but I still take daily multivitamin and fish oil pills, as well as Lysine and Arginine when I exercise.