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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7345755 No.7345755 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me why this isn't ayy lmao

>> No.7345759

it is

>> No.7345760

Because it doesn't even resemble a structure of artificial origin, it's just some blob of something, probably ice.

>> No.7345762

Because the ayy lmaos have better hiding spots then on some random crater

>> No.7345769

Like where?

>> No.7345774


How can a person from a less-than Type 1 civilization profess to know what aliens would or wouldn't do?

>> No.7345814


>> No.7345824

Because NASA has intentionally overexposed and blurred the images.

>> No.7345901

this, youre all sheep.

>> No.7345909


So if they've hidden the evidence that it's aliens, then why do you think it's aliens? You can't have it both ways, dipshits.

>> No.7345913

The real question is why do you think it's not aliens.

>> No.7345921

>The real question is why do you think it's not aliens.

Most things are not aliens. Almost all things, actually, at a MINIMUM. The tree outside my window? Not aliens. The chair I'm sitting on? Not aliens. You get the idea.

>> No.7345923

Most things aren't part of your world.

Next argument?

>> No.7345933



>> No.7345936

Over 99.999% of things aren't on earth.

>> No.7345940


everything you can find in space can also be found on earth

>> No.7345942

Ha bullshit

>> No.7346008
File: 258 KB, 351x364, 1408114762614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except ayy lmaos and ancient ayy lmao artifacts

>> No.7346030

>this thread

when did /sci/ become so shit? it used to be my favourite board...

>> No.7346048

You just need to use science to disprove op.

If you can't, then your belief isn't scientific.

>> No.7346064

>white house