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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7341422 No.7341422 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates your pursuit of knowledge, /sci/?

>> No.7341430
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>What motivates you

mai waifu

>> No.7341439

It's fun and I can get paid for doing it.

>> No.7341446


>> No.7341450

I want to know more about the universe. I'm very curious. I hate when I have questions that I don't know the answers to.

>> No.7341452

you mean like some epistemology or ontology or w/e philosophical bullshit, or knowledge regarding science and mathematics?

>> No.7341471

hate. I hate how the world fucking sucks.

>> No.7341488

Dopamine release upon successfully recognized patterns.

>> No.7341490

I want to blow up the sun.

>> No.7341498


Proverbs 4:6-7
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

Proverbs 3:13
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding,

I Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things: hold fast that which is good.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Proverbs 17:27
Those who spare their words are truly knowledgeable, and those who are discreet are intelligent.

>> No.7341501

This. Puzzles are fun, finding patterns is fun, I struggle to give a shit about much in life but having an interesting question to research always motivates me.

>> No.7341527


>> No.7341552

TRuth has been spoken
> that feel though muh goshhhh

>> No.7341556

B4 I die I want to help advance humanity, even though it's by the smallest bit and when I lose hope motivations all videos online support me

>> No.7341573

Succeeding where my Lord and Savior, the Wolf of the Humble Hut, has failed in his struggle against lies, stupidity, and cowardice.

>> No.7341700

Sparse doses of LSD coupled with daily amphetamine use.

>> No.7341709

The desire for money to buy weebshit, plus the enjoyment of solving difficult questions

>> No.7341722

There's an inherent beauty to the mechanics of the universe and I can't help but try to find as much of this beauty as I can.

>> No.7341748

Jealous of other people who are knowlegeable

>> No.7341908

At this point it's probably mostly my fear of failure, I like to think I enjoy it though

>> No.7341929

Wisdom is defined as the Fear of God not knowledge. And Ecclesiastes actively discourages the pursuit of knowledge:

>For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
>Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh

>> No.7341944

Art pour l'art.

>> No.7341963
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>> No.7341987

>he takes pleasure because men are beautiful
holy shit, I didn't realize that engineers being gay is so fucking old

>> No.7343550

these verses do not discourae the pursuit of knowledge anymore than saying math is hard / college is difficult discourages the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.7343554
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I want people to acknowledge that I'm smart.

>> No.7343566

ayy lmao

>> No.7343571
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Everyone wants to be a good boy.

>> No.7343580

Power. Because knowledge is power. So increasing my knowledge increases my power.

>> No.7343620

I just enjoy making collections and I have an obsession to become self sufficient in everything in electronics and solid state physics. Although I don't think I'm going to contribute significantly to human knowledge. I'm more like doing "truth mining" as in Diaspora, results are insignificant, self actualization is the objective.

>> No.7343621
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Also, my waifu contributes a lot to my cause too.

>> No.7343641

I enjoy learning everything I can, in order to better myself and the world around me. So the more I learn, the more I can improve this world.

>> No.7343643

Fedora tippers

>> No.7343671

reaching alien status

>> No.7343763

>Wisdom is defined as the Fear of God not knowledge

>Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Sounds like knowledge to me.

>> No.7343792

the undying hate for creationists.

>> No.7345072
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boredom. games are no longer that interesting. fapping is stupid. talking to people is agonizing. and i need something to do between new anime releases.

>> No.7345126

mathematics is fitting for me because infinity-categories are almost as useless as me

>> No.7345130
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>fiction of any kind
I confess, I am reading The Martian, but we all should bin fiction.

>> No.7345149

living the dream

>> No.7345233
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>fiction of any kind
i don't discredit ideas because they happen to be labelled fiction. i evaluate them like any other idea, and i much enjoy seeing where someone's creativity leads them. sometimes you learn a new approach to solving some problem in an entirely unrelated area.

>> No.7345298

I want to be better than I am

so deep insecurity is probably the honest answer

>> No.7345405

>these verses do not discourae the pursuit of knowledge
Yes they do. It actively says "increasing knowledge, increases sorrow" and " much study is a weariness of the flesh". Another part of The Bible says "knowledge puffeth up" which takes you away from God and further into your own ego.
Yes because understanding is Fear of God. You don't get to make up the definitions, you adhere to the definitions they're using.

>> No.7345434
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In the vain hopes of keeping as far a distance from intellectual mediocrity.
The more knowledgeable you are the less retarded your perspective of the world is

> at home doing Ricci flow topology for fun like I always do
>literally pre cumming from the excitement
>all of a sudden my daily blissful Odessy is interrupted by a text..
>...could it be grisha???
>disappointingly it's my "average" IQ brute freinds
>they want me to go to the club with them since it's my birthday and that there is a girl who wants to meet me
>do they not understand I am above human sexual desires? I have obligation to the world to fulfill, not to fill some stinky pink hole full with my penile instrument.
>they insist and break into my house to kidnap me. I cry as I know I will not be able to reach the 12 hour mark of math doings for today
>at club
>calculating the photoelectric effect of the lights reflecting off the sweaty tits of dancers to make this less miserable.
>freinds introduce said girl
>i interrupt her greeting pleasantries to ask her a very simple question about partial difference equations to test her worth
>she stand silent with an odd expression
>I deduce she is of the inferior "average IQ" type and ignore her incompetence
>I go to the club bathroom and re-check perelmanns poincare conjecture proof (I do this every Saturday) on toilet paper
>all of a sudden a large human brute bust through the door and sees me
>he starts laughing loudly as would a chimp and speaks in some strange obnoxious Ebonic that not even the greatest of mathematicians could decipher.
>I just leave as I have no time to put up with these "AVERAGE IQ" inferior beings
>I geuss my birthday wish would be for everyone to just not be a fucking Mong

>> No.7345496

Because I have a god complex and feel like if I learn enough about how the world works I'll eventually be able to take it apart and manipulate it at will.

>> No.7345516

memes, I wish to know all dank memes

>> No.7345530

>wanting to contribute to society is fedora tipping.
this meme is getting stale and meaningless

>> No.7345532

compensation for being involuntarily celibate with a small peen.

>> No.7345535

the pursuit of knowledge is the pursuit of virtue

>> No.7345536

Is this copypasta? If not, I'm saving it.

>> No.7345724



>> No.7345742

it's how you present yourselves

>> No.7345782

>what is context

You'd have to be pretty insecure to perceive those kind of replies as "fedora pipping".

The question was literally "What motivates your pursuit of knowledge?". What kind of replies did you fucking expect?

>> No.7346268


I like solving puzzles. Or at least I like trying to.

It was the pursuit of truth in my first semesters, but as there are only sufficient approximations to truth, I stopped caring about objective knowledge.

I use the formal scientific method to solve puzzles. That's fun, stimulating and I earn money doing it.

>> No.7346329

all the pussy i'll get at the end

>> No.7346340


To improve society and discredit unscientific/interpretivist explanations of society

>tfw sociologist
>tfw 60% marxist or feminist
>tfw 45% polarised opinions for political and carrer gain
>tfw studying society using scientific methods and reasoning is considered inferior to coming up with original sounding stuff, following bandwagons (postmodernism), politically correct theories and shaping evidence/results to achieve a cause
>tfw as soon as I call myself a social scientist/sociologist people assume I'm a retard on crack

>> No.7346342


>Enjoying science
>Fedora tipping...

>> No.7346348 [DELETED] 
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>feel nothing when I solve a problem
>it's just one of many to come and it's a problem that has been solved many times before
>it will take me years of exhaustive daily studying until I am knowledgable enough to do some real scientific work
>even then I am of pretty average intelligence and one of many researchers

It's hard to motivate myself.

>> No.7346362

I want to make a atomic bomb i need to setup a nuclear reactor for this i need a ton of petchblende , lot of chemical for extract the uranium and make uranium metal the create uranium hexafluorine and then i need to make some centrifugeuse for this i need jet reactor some teflon and a heater and few pipes and then i can make the reactir with all of this and radium berrilyum neutron source deuterium oxide moderator and bore controls rods and after few time chemicali separate plutonium over and over again for finally melt it with gallium and create two hemisphere of 4.5 kg approximately each and a hole at the centre and un put in it polonium made with bismuth 209 on neutron flux from the reactor gold and berrillyum and finally maje comp-b and the other high explosive and detonator this is what motivate me

>> No.7346375


I like you

>> No.7346391
File: 47 KB, 359x481, Simpson ignorance is bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Because you see how foolish people can be. History and Environmental Science is full of regrets.

>> No.7346400

It is, but it's old enough that no one would remember it and still amazing.

>> No.7346401


They really are the most depressing field.

>> No.7346426


Morality is a gap filler for situations we don't understand; if everyone understood everything, no one would do anything "bad". Not to imply it's a linear path from A to B or even possible to know everything.

>> No.7346430

>social science
It's adorable when sociologists think they're scientists

>> No.7346557


Yknow that greasy, long haired atheist kid with with a fedora who idolized engineers, Tesla, was a Steampunk, and devoured pop science after pop science book? That was me, and I thought I understood everything.

I figure I might as well try to know what I once pretended to know, but my delusions were pretty hilarious.

>hurr, algebra sucks and is useless, math isn't important and real engineers work from feeling and eyeballing it

>> No.7347055

I don't know anymore; I'm starting to regret it.

>> No.7347064

All my heroes have been intellectual.

>> No.7348306


>> No.7348331

I used to think I could discover some master equation of the universe that would allow me to manipulate reality at will

needless to say I've lost a lot of my motivation

>> No.7348356
File: 305 KB, 640x974, 1434080394260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>look for $10 book
>book is now $50
>keep searching, no better prices
>find this https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html

Did I just find this book for free? Is this as good as the paper back?

>> No.7348401

Self-improvement. Hedonism.

>> No.7348407

Ask /g/. This is their meme book. Ours is Rudin.

shit picture is shit.

>> No.7348409

Finally someone whom boredom isn't wasted on.
Why was boredom created by evolution? To get a bunch of annoying idiots who only complains that they are bored? No.
This is why.

>> No.7348510

I want to be an intelligent person and be seen as such. The second part is probably because of insecurities.

Another thing is that I want to become as knowledgeable as possible. I know that I can never know everything and it may be quite ironic, but this keeps me motivated because I don't see it as an impossible goal, but as something to strive for.

>> No.7348513

im socially retarded and think that being well-rounded and knowledgeable will help me in conversation