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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7337852 No.7337852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we get /pol/ to leave?

They refuse to stay on their containment board. Why do they keep trying to turn every other board on 4chan into their white supremacy hugbox echo chamber?

>> No.7337854

Heil dem Führer

>> No.7337857

Go ask them

>> No.7337876


But while were on the topic they have become more annoying than sjws

>> No.7337907

/pol/ will never leave because /pol/ never invaded. There are people who post on multiple boards and carry memes from one board to another. There are also people who make /pol/ tier posts to get a reaction from people like you. Then there are the people with opinions you don't like who you just call /pol/, though they might not be /pol/.

>> No.7337912

Oh boy, here comes the /pol/tard "we guard you while you sleep. do not fuck with us xD epic memes" delusion.

>> No.7337917

Other guy here, you sound butthurt.

>> No.7337920

>implying people who post on /pol/ are capable of contributing to a science and math board.
lol'd pretty hard

>> No.7337938

We could make an app that let's us brand posts made by /pol/ users outside of their board. This way they're identified and ignored faster and easier. One could even make it so that such posts are autohidden.

>> No.7337942

There is a certain group of people that you hate and call /pol/. We hate them too, they're called stormfags. /pol/ only becomes a containment board when they raid. Otherwise, it's a general board for political discussion, humor, and shitposting, and I don't see any reason why posting on /pol/ shows scientific idiocy. If you actually went on /pol/ you'd quickly realize that most white supremacy and antisemitism is just joking, and that it isn't a "white supremacy hugbox echo chamber."

But you are right about one thing. /pol/ facilitates counterculture and opposition to contemporary society, and that is likely to offend some people. Other boards won't admit it, but they despise /pol/ because they love the values of our culture and cannot stand /pol/'s criticisms and attacks on our culture.

>> No.7337943


Send them to Stormfront

>> No.7337950


Uh huh. What about the five wall-of-text-long-post image floating around there about how the Jews have been kicked out of every civilization, or the slurs tossed around every time a black person gets shot by the cops? I see no one calling them stormfags or telling them to GTFO unless it's one of them pretending to be an SJW - or maybe an actual stray Tumblrina.

The thing about the jokes is eventually a majority starts taking them seriously. It's how /mlp/ started, after all. The racism and antisemitism is /pol/'s equivalent to pastel horse porn.

>> No.7337954

When we're they not

>> No.7337962

Tbh I dont think people hate "/pol/" its the retarded tin foil edgyness that leaks into every thread they go in. Its top tier autism. I couldnt care less if someone browsed /pol/ just leave that autistic edgy shit there. Its like if sjws leaked into every convo you had it would be fucking cancerous.

>> No.7337983

He said "most", not "all", didn't he?

>> No.7337987

WHO /pol/ HERE?

>> No.7338003

/pol/ is my home board but I post here all the time and I would argue that my posts have substance.

>> No.7338023

And it's not even that their edginess is offensive, it's just puerile. Stormfags seem to think they offend everybody's delicate sensibilities when they spout "nigger nigger nigger" over and over again, but this is 4chan, where gore, scat and dickgirls are literally 2 clicks away.

>> No.7338034

Fuck you /pol/. I sexually identify as a pseudo-Riemannian Manifold. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of having my own non-degenerate, smooth, symmetric metric. People say to me that a person being a pseudo-Riemannian Manifold is impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install tangent spaces, geodesic lines and vector fields on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “M” and respect my right to be defined purely from my intrinsic geometry. If you can’t accept me you’re a maniphobe and need to check your geometric privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

>> No.7338039

What is your degree in?

>> No.7338042

It's ok M. We're very progressive and understanding in this board. Personally, in all ways but physical, I am Calabi-Yau manifold

>> No.7338045

computer engineering

>> No.7338064

I post on /pol/, it's fun when you're capable of putting things into context and recognising irony

>> No.7338068

See, the thing about someone complaining about /pol/ being on /sci/ is that I don't know how broad their complaint actually is.

Is he complaining about the people who drag their issues with blacks and jews into every thread they visit (in which case most people will agree with him)?

Or is he talking about someone who called trannies mentally ill? Someone who questioned whether it's worthwhile to spend time and resources evening gender ratios in STEM?

There are people who would, in all seriousness, claim that the people in the latter two examples are /pol/.

>> No.7338091

/pol/ is <span class="math">the[/spoiler] containment board for Stormfront. The board used to be a news board called /new/ way back in the day but when /b/ had their Hal Turner raids it brought a bunch of retarded Stormfags onto the site who thought we were a leftist activist forum. They also thought the news board was serious business and since they believe in all sorts of dumb tinfoil hat shit about forum sliding and controlling the media then they immediately flocked to /new/. Moot then killed the board because it had become far too cancerous for its own good and the Stormfags dispersed to the rest of the site. Eventually Moot decided it was better to have a containment board for said Stormfags than to just have them dispersed throughout the site. That's what /pol/ is.

>> No.7338097

The issue isn't context or irony. It's that the site is full of arguments but everyone who posts there is dumb as shit and can't into science. All their posts are basically women studies tier.

>> No.7338103
File: 96 KB, 1833x400, pol is fur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See picture.

I hope you're not the cancerfag who keeps making all the
>computer engineering is the best major


>> No.7338116

>I hope you're not the cancerfag

I'm not.

>> No.7338117

>See picture.
That picture's from 2013. People have started yelling it at damned near anything they dislike since then.

>> No.7338120

Most people think /pol/ is just circle jerk where everyone shouts how much they hate the jews and niggers, but it's all ironic. I'd even go as far as to say that almost no one on /pol/ actually hates the jews, they're just making fun of themselves. And while not everything posted there is irony, the discussions are still fairly rational. If anything people who are against /pol/ are the irrational ones, most of the time someone says something politically incorrect they just shout >>>/pol/ without actually providing any counter arguments.

>> No.7338134

>If anything people who are against /pol/ are the irrational ones, most of the time someone says something politically incorrect they just shout >>>/pol/ without actually providing any counter arguments.
>most of the time someone says something politically incorrect
Here is the problem. People don't shout >>>/pol/ because you've offended them with your edginess. People shout >>>/pol/ because you're trying too hard to be edgy. Also because most of the time /pol/ users just spout retarded shit they read on pop-science "news" sites and random internet blogs. Which wouldn't be all that bad if it weren't obviously wrong from the perspective of people who are actually familiar with the field.

>> No.7338175
File: 20 KB, 372x465, i_want_b_to_lief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /pol/ the new /b/?

>> No.7338176

I think most people (read: straight white males) agree with /pol/'s ideas to some extent but are afraid to admit it. /pol/ is trying to do everyone a favor by getting these beliefs out into the open again, but it's debatable whether they're doing themselves more harm than good.

>> No.7338182

>Also because most of the time /pol/ users just spout retarded shit they read on pop-science "news" sites and random internet blogs. Which wouldn't be all that bad if it weren't obviously wrong from the perspective of people who are actually familiar with the field.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7338197


>> No.7338223

>most people

>> No.7338252

Are you illiterate, son?

/pol/ spouts a lot of obvious misconceptions that originated in bad pop-science news articles. It's often very obvious that they don't know what they're talking about and have never actually studied the field beyond a high school level.

I'd say about 80% of the times I see /pol/ being told to leave from /sci/ are because they've made a claim that's obviously incorrect and shows they don't know anything about the topic at hand.

>> No.7338323

People who call anything that reminds them of their own low social status "degenerate" are probably the worst /pol/-posters

I think it's hilarious the way they call casual sex degenerate and try to act as if their bitterness stems from anything but sour grapes.

>> No.7338329


4chan was alwasy racist


>> No.7338378

Can you give an example please

>> No.7338402

Not that guy, but all of the threads on /sci/ and /pol/ about male DNA in the brains of women.


Anyone in the field would know how unlikely it is for sperm to get to the brain, through any orifice, without being countered by the immune system. Except with the case of male stem cells from pregnancy with a boy, or if their mother or grandmother or great great grandmother (etc) had male cells from a male pregnancy, they could be passed on down the generations.

>> No.7338421

Besides, male sperm have very short lives, and they wouldn't even survive in the brain. The only reason that sperm can fuse with egg cells is because the egg cells express cell markers which allow sperm to enter.

If sperm could enter any cell type, then they would be unlikely to ever get to the single egg cell rather than all the other billions of cells.

And if sperm could survive for a long time then there wouldn't be a problem with women trying to get pregnant especially during ovulation

>> No.7338431

just remember that /pol/ leaked to another boards because moot fucked their board up

>> No.7338433

They were metastasising long before that

>> No.7338444
File: 189 KB, 717x880, FviuO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7338452



> le go back to reddit
> le I can't into science on the /sci/ence board


These are me


>> No.7338458

And since the number of posters didn't go up, I think you're one of the /pol/autists in denial since I gave an example of /pol/tardation

>> No.7338461


>> No.7338464
File: 997 KB, 500x270, 1415576954952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sjws I want you to understand why we hate you.
We don't hate you because what you say is "censoring". Remember where the fuck you are, we are about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks raping each other. And at one point this site had trigger warnings and safespaces. Oh my god you said CIS men! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasn't that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derison, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

SJWS are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesn't regularly have off topic derails about privilege and racism. Always with triggered.jpg and tumblr gifs. It doesn't matter how off topic it is, SJWS can't help but broadcast that they are SJWS.

What does the average privilege of whites have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the science? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread LOOK AT ME! I AM SO TOLERANT! YOU SOULD BE THE SAME!

TL ;DR SJWS are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "intolerance".




>> No.7338467

Maybe OP should head back to leddit,

>> No.7338469


Le ebin post friend :^)

Le maximum butt hurt maymay

Go back to le jewddit
Blakz and jooz KEK

>> No.7338470
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This is why everyone hates you
Why don't you stay on your containment board?

>> No.7338929

You can find lots of examples in race threads. The clustering arguments are hilarious given that none of them seem to know anything about machine learning or formal logic. Perhaps for a more benign example you could look at all the "estrogen is in our food" arguments (there's lots of types of estrogen that do all sorts of different things, only a few types are related to the sex of an individual and these are typically not the types that /pol/ goes apeshit over).

It's worse than that. The research only says that it's possible for some stray male cells (from previous mates) to float around inside the female body for years. It does not say that the female hybridizes with the male cell or that the male DNA is integrated into her own DNA or anything like that.

The purpose of the paper is to explore a hypothesis that said stray cells can reach sensitive areas of the body and possibly eventually lead to health problems for the female.

However, whenever /pol/ talks about said research they completely misinterpret it based on pop-sci articles that misinterpret it as well. /pol/ seems to think that the female is mutated by the DNA of her previous mates and that her children are then made up of her DNA and the DNA of all her previous mates.

>> No.7338931

If anything it seemed like the /pol/ leaking lowered during that period, or at least on /sci/ it did.

>> No.7338935

This would be funny but the only people who even use the word "trigger" like that are the reverse-SJW's from /pol/. I don't think 4chan even has any SJW's.

>> No.7338939

>listening to sellouts' opinions
Good one.

>> No.7338943

This is an extremely off-topic, non-scientific thread, OP.

Don't break board rules. Reported.

In the mean time, Let's have some scientific discussion.
Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ.

Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose associations with intelligence seem to be robust because they have been replicated in several independent studies were chosen as representative of intelligence increasing alleles.

The first is rs236330, located within gene FNBP1L, whose significant association with general intelligence has been reported in two separate studies (Davies et al, 2011; Benyamin et al, 2013). This gene is strongly expressed in neurons, including. hippocampal neurons and developing brains, where it regulates neuronal morphology (Davies et al, 2011).

The second SNP is rs324650. It was included because its association with IQ has been replicated in four association studies (Comings et al, 2003; Dick et al, 2007; Gosso et al, 2006, 2007). This SNP is located in the gene CHRM2 (cholinergic receptor, muscarinic #2), which is involved in neuronal excitability, synaptic plasticity and feedback regulation of acetylcholine release.

East Asian populations (Japanese, Chinese) have the highest average frequency of beneficial alleles (39%), followed by Europeans (35.5%) and sub-Saharan Africans (16.4%).


>> No.7338958

This. /pol/-fags are about as capable of discussing science as new-age quantum consciousness hippie faggots.

>> No.7338960

> Don't break board rules. Reported.
announcing your reports is against the site rules.

why not post your copypasta in the 10 race threads that you post daily instead of trying to derail this one?

>> No.7338967

I count at least one here.

>> No.7339015

For every SJW there's been at least three asspained /pol/posters

>> No.7339027

That's not true nigger!

>> No.7339032

YOU are a pain in the ass, you filthy jew!

>> No.7339035
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>> No.7339036

Be SJW somewhere else you fucking beaner!

>> No.7339395

We don't. They'll never leave.

>> No.7339427

Why don't you discuss science instead of trying to silence , bully and censor scientific discussion on the grounds of political bias?

I just posted a peer-reviewed study and you don't have a word to say about it, instead you just post off-topic shit.

>> No.7339438

>talking about IQ on /sci/

If you were actually from this board you'd know better

>> No.7339442


>> No.7339457

All that you're doing is showing that you have no faith in your stance that discussing race is inherently antiscientific.

You're basically reneging on your argument. Well done.

Can you justify that statement or are you just going to repeat platitudes and make appeals to authority?

IQ scores are a pretty good low-resolution test of the traits which we value as intelligence in our society (deductive logic, pattern-spotting, mental problem solving ability, ability to understand and manipulate abstract concepts).

2 alleles have been found to be significantly associated with IQ in several independent studies. It seems likely that other alleles will be found in the future as more and more work into genetics is done.

These alleles have been found to have significantly different frequencies between different racial groups.

Does that upset you ?

>> No.7339461

>These alleles have been found to have significantly different frequencies between different racial groups.

It would actually be interesting how they categorize these racial groups and see all the individual data points. Since Africa has the largest genetic diversity you'd expect to see the largest diversity of intelligence averages as well.

>> No.7339465

aaaaahahhaa fantastic

>> No.7339466

Seriously dude, go back to your >happening hugbox if you want to talk about MUH SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF RACE

Nobody cares here and everyone thinks you're a gigantic white trash nasal-voiced faggot with a bowl,cut.

>> No.7339469

>Since Africa has the largest genetic diversity you'd expect to see the largest diversity of intelligence averages as well.

what's the sub hundo club like?

>> No.7339473

...Do you think it's wrong?

Are you talking about something you don't actually know again?

>all systems show greater gene diversity in Africans than in either Europeans or Asians. Africans also have the largest total number of alleles, as well as the largest number of unique alleles, for most systems.
>Africa has higher GST values than does either Europe or Asia for all systems except the Y-chromosome STRs and Alus. All systems except the Y-chromosome STRs show less variation between populations within continents than between continents. These results are reassuring in their consistency and offer broad support for an African origin of modern human populations.

With this in mind it'd make sense for Africa to also have the largest diversity/range for (genetically backed) intelligence.

>> No.7339481

lol yet more anti-scientific, frustrated insulting because he knows that he has know logical argument.

They didn't actually test the IQ of different race groups in this experiment, they merely looked at the frequency of two alleles that had in previous studies been associated strongly to intelligence.

as for what they classified as racial groupings, they probably decided not to include anyone in the study who was a marginal case i.e. of uncertain ancestry or mixed race between the genetic groupings, and then just did it like they said: sub-Saharan Africans: family tree hails from sub-Saharan Africa, east Asian: from japan an china, Europeans: from a European country.

>> No.7339485

>they merely looked at the frequency of two alleles that had in previous studies been associated strongly to intelligence
And as I showed in this post >>7339473 Africans have the largest number and largest diversity of alleles, do it's be interesting to see how and where the two in question come up between individual populations.

>they probably decided not to include anyone in the study who was a marginal case i.e. of uncertain ancestry or mixed race between the genetic groupings
And you can see the problem here with how our culture defines race. Someone who appears and completely identifies as fully black may have a white grandfather or great-grandfather or so on, and vice versa for a white person. How do you define the genetic groupings themselves? Does a Kazakh person in the study get lumped in with Europeans or with East Asians? What about an Uigher?

>sub-Saharan Africans: family tree hails from sub-Saharan Africa,
All human family trees hail from sub-Saharan Africa, so you have to set an arbitrary point on when any one "family tree" has been outside of the continent for "long enough" to be considered separate.

>> No.7339498

Why don't you go to a relevant thread instead of derailing this one?
Or do you really think every thread has to be about how blacks have lower IQ?

>> No.7339506

>lol yet more anti-scientific, frustrated insulting because he knows that he has know logical argument.

Because /pol/ doesn't really give a damn about science, /pol/ only wants an ostentatiously-authoritative post-hoc rationalization for their own personal failings and problems with bigotry, no matter how unrigorous or pseudo-scientific it is.

You used the wrong "no", btw.

Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.7339509

politics is a famous enemy of science.
we share a website here though, the conflict is inevitable. this is probably the only place science can talk back to politics without consequences

>> No.7339514

>/pol/ is about politics in the same /sci/ is about /sci/

>> No.7339515

Because this is an off-topic thread to begin with which is agaist the rules, so I thought Iwould at least try to salvage it.

And yet those claims seem to apply more to you and your hatred of /pol/.

I've posted a scientific study for you to comment on and instead of commenting on it, or ignoring it and finding another thread on /sci/ that interests you, you persist in making insults and unsubstantiated emotional appeals.

Not a very good show.

>> No.7339519

I'm not going to comment on your cherry-picked study because /pol/tards don't debate in good faith.


Just leave.

>> No.7339523

You're not salvaging it at all though.
You're trying to bait another fucking scientific racism thread.

There's 3 other threads on the front page that you can post your studies in.

>> No.7339535

ok just as long as you know what the experiment actually did.

on your second point, well for any given geographic native population, you can always tell which populations it is more similar to and which populations it is less similar to. there are various notions of genetic difference that all give about the same result (which is usually exactly what you would expect from historical and linguistic and phenotypical insight).

So even though one might question "are kazakhs white" and that would be an arbitrary decision that largely comes down to the consensus of the English language rather than a scientific standard, that doesn't really matter since you can always formulate more precise questions like "Is this person more likely to be from this ethnic group or this ethnic group?".

However this study largely side-steps nearly all those confusions by looking at geographic regions with big seperations (not adjacent), and specifying those regions unambiguously, and presumeably sampling natives to that region rather than recent immigrants.

>All human family trees hail from sub-Saharan Africa, so you have to set an arbitrary point
yes, but 5000 or 10000 years easily suffices to cover the most significant part of human migration to the places where they ended up.

Also , you're right, in the future as more and more people become mixed race, this stuff will become more out of date and less -relevant, but for now it's still very relevant to a very large portion of humanity.
An it's very possible that in the future air travel and ship travel becomes much less common and populations become more separated like they used to be.

>> No.7339536

>says the person who has done nothing but cry and bitch

hahahahaha what an intellectual weakling.
lol coward. looking for any excuse to run away because he knows he can't debate anything scientific.

The fact that I've posted on-topic content in this thread that was previously ENTIRELYoff-topic means that categorically I've made it better than it was before.

I understand that you guys want to be left alone to circlejerk and shitpost and not have anyone challenge your close-minded worldview with empirical evidence, but that's not ok.

You should go to /b/ if you want to do that.

>> No.7339538

your content isn't on topic though.
And metathreads have always been allowed before.
While threads about scientific racism are usually banned.

>> No.7339544

but I don't like politics. I like science. don't see why I should go there at all.

>> No.7339582

This right here is the problem with /pol/, they are not bad but they have this weird idea that if you are a white male you agree with them and if you don't you are a sjw, a nigger or a woman.