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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 148 KB, 900x595, tim_hunt_5b794652af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7332257 No.7332257 [Reply] [Original]

>be Nobel laureate
>make a joke about strong womyn
>“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls … three things happen when they are in the lab … You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry.”
>get sacked the next day from everything
so, even in science merits don't matter anymore if gender and social justice warrior get offended. brave new world /sci/

>> No.7332261

It is even worse when they apologize for it.

>> No.7332262

The whole situation is fucking sad.
Tell one joke and the whole goes fucking mad.

>> No.7332268

Did he mean it as a joke? If so the rage does seem unjustified

>> No.7332270

And then pol justice warriors cry about it even though they never gave a shit about science or this guy's work until now. No one actually cares.

>> No.7332278

I don't get the joke though.

>> No.7332280

From what I've read and seen it doesn't look like it was meant to be a joke.

>> No.7332285

It was meant as a self deprecatory analogue to his own misadventures.

Obviously he was going to be quoted out of context if he's on record with fucking female journos who know that lying through their teeth is going to get more reader attention.

Talk in a PC tone when you are on record. Don't be stupid, Hunt probably thought he was untouchable and should've paid more attention to what happened to Watson.

>> No.7332303

Also male journalists. Nobody in that profession has even a shred of integrity left.

>> No.7332329

True. But the fact that the table was all females should make it obvious they're the type that masturbate to getting a slip up like this every day.

Most of them probably don't believe the neo feminism bullshit they're selling, but it does sell.

>> No.7332343

if it wasn't a joke it's maybe tasteless, but that's it. 10 years ago this wouldn't have happened and it is getting worse and worse.

>> No.7332346

all this faux-outrage from GG retards like >>7332303 is more irritating than the event itself

i'm sure there will be plenty more threads made about this by people with only a very tangential interest in actual science and math

>> No.7332351

even more irritating are people like you downplaying or even defending modern clickbait journalism, professional victims with monetary interest in being outraged and feminism / social justice in general. the world is changing around you, faggot and you act as nothing even happens.

>> No.7332356

seriously though, are you actually studying a stem subject or do you just come here to make threads about walter lewin and that guy with the shirt? just fuck off jesus christ

you people are more annoying than the sjws

>> No.7332359

A Nobel laureate lost his tenure. It's a big deal.

Also GG faggots don't even post on this site anymore, don't be one of those retards that needs to bundle everything into stereotypes.

>> No.7332360

cry more. sjws are getting a foothold in stem soon enough and then you will be the one crying. you claim ignorance because it doesn't really affect you (yet). I hope you enjoy your mandatory racial sensitivity, anti-rape and consent seminars.

and fyi: /sci != stem

>> No.7332362

that's a big fat "no" to my question then. go be an angry virgin somewhere else.

>> No.7332364


Both of you should leave, 4chan is an 18+ site.

>> No.7332365

sorry kiddo, but that's a big fat "no". maybe it's time for you to leave. for good.

then why are you here?

>> No.7332370

there is no way someone older than fifteen wrote this post

>> No.7332371

this is /sci/ after all, so please present your evidence for your claim.

>> No.7332411

I feel the outrage was a little uncalled for as he was quite obviously referring to his misadventures as a professor grading his student's work.

I would much rather this stereotype not exist but I cannot deny that stereotypes exist for a reason.

I don't know why he quit. I'll take a mean joke if it meant him not quitting his job. That's extreme.

I'm actually more curious if it was faculty or students he was bagging.

>> No.7332426

Does shitting on a field of sensationalist idiots make me a GG type of guy? I didn't know. I thought you could hate journalists without being called names on anonymous imageboards.

>> No.7332438

Well, I'm convinced.
I'm going to make my life's duty now to become the world's greatest mathematician. I'm going to tackle the world's greatest problems, and then, once I'm old and victorious, I'll make slightly negative comments about SJWs thus convulsing academia.
I'll miss my anime, but this world has yet to see the profundity of my autism.

>> No.7332440

/pol/ cares more about science than /sci/ does.

/sci/ puts its hands up to its ears whenever the topics of racial and sexual genetics comes up.

>> No.7332442

no one cares about memescience.

>> No.7332452

There's just one autist posting here who acts like this SJW bullshit is great, and he probably isn't even in a STEM field. The rest of us just don't really care since it's not like one of us, a scrawny white guy with an engineering degree, is going to shift the tide of identity politics in the world or even academia.

>> No.7332453

It's progressive :^)

>> No.7332484

Hermes' speed, autismborn.

>> No.7332489

>you now realize criminal justice is a STEM major

>> No.7332553

he seemed like he didn't seriously want to refer to girls in general, but the sex-separate labs he was legitimately promoting

>faux outrage
>we're talking about journalists who get mad at shirts and jokes about romantic inclination
>we're the ones with faux outrage

Tone the autism down, everyone knows GG is retarded. Anyone who needs to see a scandal in order to realize kotaku's been putting out garbage is a moron.

That doesn't make a difference though; if your automatic response to being told to stop being retarded is "oh yeah? well my retardation makes you mad, so I WIN!" you'll be retarded all your life. Telling people to stop with the whole being-triggered charade doesn't mean anyone here is mad.

/pol/ dosen't even hail jews as the "scientifically-proven" master race even though you can compare jews to whites just like you can compare whites to blacks in your sociology-pseudoscience stats. Convenient science isn't science. If you're say you're going to "just give the hard truth" but instead give a truth that's hard for everyone but you due to misrepresentation, you're not actually giving a hard truth, you're just being dishonest. If you're against equal treatment, you're against creating an environment where each group can be observed on equal terms, which makes you blatantly unscientific.

Nazis got whooped fair and square in spite of their "superior genetics," move the fuck on already. There've been who knows how many threads about genetic modification in the past week, so how is promoting racism relevant in the slightest? Just modify people if they're born mentally handicapped. There's literally nothing to be gained from systemic racism even if you can scientifically back it, it's a completely moot point. The reason why people cover their ears is because noone cares.

>> No.7332672

>got sacked

didn't he quit, actually?

anyway: it's not acceptable to wear a shirt of sexy anime women at a press conference, and it's not acceptable to make sexist jokes.

glad he's facing the consequences of his inflated ego.

>> No.7332696


to clarify: I think he thought he could get away with being an edgy little shit because he's a Nobel laureate.

>waah waah
>i should be allowed to say i think women are dumb
>but i'm a nobel laureate!!!!!!!

being a nobel laureate doesn't suddenly make him untouchable.

no sympathy. it's not that fucking difficult to avoid saying something sexist in an interview

>> No.7332702

>/sci, not science

There must be some misunderstanding here...

>> No.7332708

>being a nobel laureate doesn't suddenly make him untouchable.

If you were talking about someone who killed his wife or got caught fucking a twelve-year-old prostitute, your argument would make sense.

Since his "crime" was making a sexist comment, it's just retarded.

>> No.7332713

Am I supposed to feel sad? There's a code of behavior people follow between their friends or family and in public. If this guy openly jokes about this stuff you can bet it's affecting his evaluation of female coworkers or students. Overall, I'm tired of seemingly untouchable people in academia getting away with all sorts of shit. They're fucking parasites.

>> No.7332714

In his own words, he was forced to resign.

The guy was trying to promote his friends business, he was helping a woman who sold shirts, and it wasn't saying anything negative in regards to women at all.

>anyone who says things I disprove of has an ego
Actually that means you have an ego.

Daily reminder that if you reach the moon it's still not as important as dressing to meet others standards. Congratulations feminism, you did it.

>> No.7332721
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>can't spell "disapprove" properly
>thinks i give a shit about feminism


>> No.7332726

>can't spell "disapprove" properly
clearly I have never ever spelled this word correctly in my life

>unironically using a fedora meme when talking about other people's ego


>> No.7332731

stfu before i rape you

>> No.7332732

>Daily reminder that if you reach the moon it's still not as important as dressing to meet others standards.

This is face-value good advice. Reaching the moon is useless if nobody cares and everyone thinks you're a retard. This is not feminism, this is how all known societies have worked for as long as we have records of them.

>> No.7332734
File: 6 KB, 254x198, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need one of these

>> No.7332739

but he already lives with his mom

>> No.7332743

Or maybe you don't do things just for other people?

>> No.7332748


basically, yes.

I love it when "but that Shouldn't Matter!!!" autists get BTFO for failing to comply with basic social norms and thinking that the value they provide society will somehow trump the fact that they refuse to shut up about tfw no gf/wear an appropriate shirt

>> No.7332751

Anyone have a picture of the shirt?

>> No.7332760

I love it when "muh feelings" autists get BTFO when they're stuck with a desk job after pursuing gender studies.

>> No.7332761

You always do things, if not for others people, at least for meeting the standards or hopes that others people have taught you. Unless you're some very strong übermensch-like person, you will get stuck with a version of another of those standards. In the very unlikely case of getting an ambition that's not valued by society, expect people to not care about you or even ostracize you. Only very, very few people can both conceive such an ambition, carry on with it, and deal with the resulting indifference or backlash. Most geniuses still worked in areas that were considered interesting in their time, indeed that why they're ocnsidered genius and not madmen.

>> No.7332774

I love it when autists are out of work and can't even work at a desk job because they don't know how to behave like a human being.
> but muh nobel prize
no one gives a shit

>> No.7332778


that's also a thing I love tbh

>equal opportunity schadenfreude

>> No.7332779

>even though you can compare jews to whites just like you can compare whites to blacks

Remember guys we should really spend more time discussing a 5ish difference in one IQ focus and completely ignore a 10-15 difference across the board.

>Just modify people if they're born mentally handicapped.

Can't do that, /sci/ hates anything that doesn't already exist in practical commercial applications. I guess what I'm saying is nice pseudo science want to discuss AI next?

>> No.7332792

no it's too distractingly sexy

>> No.7332794

The question is why should we care about average IQ differences at all. If IQ is that important to you (and in most cases there's no reason it should be that important) just have run individual IQ tests.

>> No.7332811
File: 608 KB, 900x700, daily reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh still set for life
>his wife is a professor
>clearly a sexist

Who cares about the difference between second and third when you could look at first and second?

>> No.7332818

It correlates to current real world problems, ignoring information because you don't like it is stupid. How can we correct the problem if we won't even acknowledge it's contributing factors?

>society is a shitty nascar movie

>> No.7332826

>society is a shitty nascar movie
that's how white people want it, right?

>> No.7332831

That's why society will fall in the next few decades.

>> No.7332885

>It correlates to current real world problems

And what is that supposed to mean, exactly ? Everything correlates with nearly everything else. I understand the point of studying racial differences in, say, sensitivity to malaria or blood diseases, but what does IQ tells you besides "rich people are likely to have rich children", "smart people are likely to have smart children" and "parents who put an emphasis on studying tend to raise children who are most successful at school" ?

I have trouble not seeing it as a waste of time and money honestly.

>> No.7333011

I told my sister who is studying international relationships that I liked Richard Feynman, because he had a true pashion and love for science instead of just being a richard dawkings who feels he can defend it while not actually doing it.

I told he said in his lectures that psychology is witch craft and also that he said that philosphy is as useful to science, as ornitology to birds.

I was just joking and found that he was hilarious and not politically correct, well at least for todays standars, but that was all. That is was hard to find someone with a purley scientific persona withouth being a meme scientist.

Fuck me what happened next. He angrily said that science was a dogma and that scientific progress has brought all world´s problems because people don´t care about the human emotions. I just stated that science is a tool without other purpose than finding truth and humans choze what to do with the new technologies. That wars, hunger and dead ocurred since human civilisation rose with or without technological advantage and that fact that some people use technology to enhanse these acts is far from what science is.

She then just said that phyzer used people in india to test drugs and bullshit 1st year nuclear bombds are bad omg. She is not dumb and very knowledgable so it was quite surpirsing that she came with that. Then just said that she thinks that humanity will colapse because women get boobjobs because we are changing ourselfs bla bla deus ex crap.

I flipped out when she told me that medicine has done noting but arm to humanity and said she was just using a dumb defnition of science and crap argumetns. At the end I just told her "you telling me science is the root of all evil because people can then use technology for evil, is like saying philosophy is the root of all evil cause then all political policies and ethical laws that have shat al over the world come from philosophy".

>> No.7333017


After that she was speechless and came to herself. But heck she was triggerd like I never seen it because of a comment Richard Feynman said back in the 60s. Fuck me /sci/ I get now why /lit/ gets so buttfrustrated with us.

I mean at least my sister understands that quantum mysticism is bullshit, but people don´t like science very much.

>> No.7333039

What are you even saying? I don't understand you at all. Did you have a seizure? Are you alright in the head?

>> No.7333042

I´m a bit sleepy,and some parts sound odd, but it is readble you autists.

>> No.7333044

I couldn't follows your writing at all. Have you considered seeing a doctor? You know they have treatment for this sort of thing, right?

>> No.7333055

I told my sister, who is studying international relationships, that I liked Richard Feynman, because he had a true pashion and love for science instead of just being a richard dawkings who feels he can defend it while not actually doing it.

I told her that he wrote in his lectures that psychology is witch-craft and also that philosphy is as useful to science, as ornitology to birds.

I was just joking but I though that is was hard to find someone with a purley scientific persona withouth being a meme scientist.

Fuck me what happened next. She angrily said that science was a dogma and that scientific progress has brought all world´s problems because people don´t care about the human emotions bla bla bla. I just stated that science is a tool without other purpose than finding truth and humans chose what to do with this new truth. That wars, hunger and dead ocurred since human civilisation rose with or without technological advantage and that the fact that some people use technology to enhanse these acts is far from what science is.

She then just said that phyzer used people in india to test drugs and bullshit 1st year nuclear bombds are bad omg. She is not dumb and very knowledgable so it was quite surpirsing that she came with that. Then just said that she thinks that humanity will colapse because women get boobjobs because we are changing ourselfs bla bla deus ex crap.

I flipped out when she told me that medicine has done noting but arm to humanity and then I said she was just using a dumb defnition of science and crap argumetns. At the end I just told her "you telling me science is the root of all evil because people can then use technology for evil, is like saying philosophy is the root of all evil cause then all political policies and ethical laws that have shat al over the world come from philosophy"

Better faggot?

>> No.7333057

To spoon-feed you, she was mad because feynman said some things that she found ofensive and went to hell and back to shit and shit on just like the reactions to the nobel laurette idiot.

>> No.7333059
File: 186 KB, 320x320, 3346568-ryukomatoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must dream bigger
>become mathematician
>your thesis takes the scientific world by storm
>solve greatest problems of the age
>pioneer a new field
>win several Nobels
>at a ripe, old age, as you're giving a major speech at a major conference
>start ranting about your waifu

>> No.7333064

Its a dream few can achieve.

>> No.7333067
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, 1333875816523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Still sounds pretty retarded but hey, at least you got dubs. Now check mine

>> No.7333076

is that Christian bait, man?

>> No.7333080

>cuck meme
why isn't this banned yet
this isn't free speech, this is straight up shitposting

>> No.7333081

>hasn't ascended to the upper tiers of fetishes yet

Castrated, or asperger's. Which one is it

>> No.7333083
File: 1.50 MB, 448x252, klk05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if we don't try, who will?

>> No.7333109
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>tfw this is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a diarrhea of political correctness

>> No.7333125

What the fuck I was talking about my sister in that post?

Shit, it doesn´t make sense does it? Welp that is my sign to fuck off to sleep.


>> No.7333139
File: 419 KB, 548x330, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you guys are missing the real issue here
Take a look at that nose hair
Holy shit

>> No.7333146

A true genius is one wo can solve the mysteries of the universe while still able to debate red vs blue. Saddly we all have low IQ compared to them.

>> No.7333156

What do you mean no one gives a shit, here we are arguing. Equally as many people are pissed off that retarded SJW cry about superficial shit and complain about some guys trivial joke as the aforementioned, just the latter are so much more vocal and immature and fucking annoying. Anyone can do and say whatever the hell they want without giving a fuck about stupid normies tantrums.

>> No.7333157
File: 736 KB, 500x250, tumblr_n6ljdg8feR1rjwa86o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red vs blue
>requiring debate

Get outta town

>> No.7333158

He's a fool, the university he worked at is super proud of being the first in the country to admit women, he just shat all over that.

>> No.7333160
File: 118 KB, 400x400, Untitled_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333165

Nothing to be proud about
And nothing wrong with his joke

>> No.7333179

This quote was suppose to be a joke?
So socially unaware and unfunny.
sounds like autism

>> No.7333190

It wasn't a haha joke it was just a lighthearted jab, which is fine. I don't see what was wrong with it. If he's fallen in love with someone he's worked with and someone has fallen in love with him, and girls he criticises often cry. What's untrue or inappropriate about it? What's wrong with the truth? He never said it was universal, just in his experience. Sounds fine.

>> No.7333204

Do you not yet understand that the truth is not important anymore?
Do you not want to welcome the coming golden age where nothing is offensive anymore?
Do you not want to be in that world where no criticizes no one anymore?
Are you not ready for the prefect society?

>> No.7333214

Not sure if sarcasm, but, no I am not that sounds horrible
Truth is everything
Nothing being offensive requires everything being offensive
No, I like to criticise and be criticised, it's human nature. Plus, it's important for self improvement.
No, this perfect society sounds indiscernible from Neo-nazism, just the opposite end of the spectrum.

>> No.7333217

It's sarcasm

Just prepare to move out of country.

>> No.7333221


The reaction to this is just bewildering. And I think more worthy of debate than the words of Tim Hunt. I study STEM, like it matters, I would comment on this irrespective of what I'm studying. These furores seem to be entirely driven by boredom.

>> No.7333226
File: 73 KB, 500x389, 8048292654_76bd576fe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whines when feminists are too easily offended
>gets offended at feminists being too easily offended

You guys are as bad as feminists

>> No.7333232


The second one has unfair repercussions, like being pressured to resign from your position and causing an unnecessary shitstorm. Feminists have a right to be offended and express their disagreement, obviously.

But the rest is simply intimidation, not umbrage.

>> No.7333233

>gets offended by people getting offender by people getting offended

>> No.7333238

A man shouldn´t lose a job for that. It is ridiculous.

>> No.7333245

>University College London

Conclusion: Don't get employed at a shit school.

>> No.7333246

>I get offended, nothing happens
>feminists get offended, your career is over


>> No.7333249

Holy fuck!
I do not understand if it is sarcasm anymore and that is what creeping me out

>> No.7333252

First off he didn't get sacked he left (the probably of him getting sacked after the apology is debatable considering the UK's tenure policy).

Also the joke was made to a female audience on a topic about women in science. It was a bad and distasteful joke which was irresponsible and indicative of wider views in science.

However the internet and social-media justice was overdone.

>> No.7333258

if a guy can create an entire field through his (shared) discovery.. and get shunned.. no-one is safe


I met watson, crazy as fuck but mostly still there.. he also did not like women.

But then they come from a time when women were mothers and typists.. not treated as equals.

It's like throwing grandpa out of the nursing home because he starts yelling about 'Them Japs!'

Chill, just because you don't like what is said and feel threatened because they know more..

>> No.7333263


That is fucking horrible. It almost makes me sick.

>> No.7333265

>Also the joke was made to a female audience on a topic about women in science. It was a bad and distasteful joke which was irresponsible and indicative of wider views in science.
>Telling the truth is now being irresponsible

>> No.7333266

> making a dumb comment that loses a company money and reputation
> not getting fired
guess you never got the talk from the coach on how you're always representing the school and you should be on your best behavior

>> No.7333268


At least there us fucking hope. Something good that comes from Russias tecnocracy

>> No.7333272

This is STEM you stupid twat. One of the few places on earth were personal views and public image doesn´t mean shit. A fucking guy was made to apologize because he had an ugly tshirt.

Are you so fucking uber edgelord that actually thinks this is OK?

>> No.7333276

Tbf, the guy is over 70. Kicking him out for having a controversial opinion seems a bit unfair.

>> No.7333278
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>Telling the truth is now being irresponsible
What was "the truth" and what do you have to back up the statement? Or are we just assuming anything that has to do with feminism in untrue because that would be agreeing with the other-side?

>> No.7333280

>personal views and public image doesn´t mean shit
Confirmed non-scientist, personal views influence what research you do and public image can determine whether or not people take you seriously/hire you, they may not be as crucial as in other professions but they are still important.

>> No.7333286

Are you autistic? Retarded? Or fucking bating me?

>> No.7333287

Do you even have a brain
Everything you've said this thread is wrong

>> No.7333289

You're not answering his points by acting like a idiot or getting into personal attacks over the internet.
You're the retard here.

>> No.7333292

>What was the truth
He's fallen in love with colleagues
College's have fallen in love with him
Girls he's criticised have cried
What's fucking untrue about that?
Sounds perfectly reasonable thing to say if that's what has happened, he didn't say it was universal, just in his experience.
We don't dignify stupid people here, they respond to facts with nonsensical dribble like above. You just have to ridicule them into non-existence.

>> No.7333294
File: 16 KB, 255x352, How silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this impotent fedora-rage
Care to explain why you think I'm wrong?
>Everything you've said this thread is wrong
Literally my first post :/

>> No.7333296
File: 194 KB, 853x964, 1430270489419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds perfectly reasonable thing to say if that's what has happened, he didn't say it was universal, just in his experience.

“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls … three things happen when they are in the lab … You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry.”

Sure if that were the case I would be fine with it and I'm sure most people would be too. The problem was that is was a generalization and he was advocating for same sex labs. It wasn't a personal experience rather it was a negative generalization of women in labs.

If I say "this once time a black guy stole from me" that is my experience, if I say "black people only steal from people" it would be a unfair generalization.

>> No.7333297

>We don't dignify stupid people here, they respond to facts with nonsensical dribble like above. You just have to ridicule them into non-existence.

Well his statement was true to a degree, it depends on how you define public image or his idea of importance. You say it places no role in science, he it is important to a degree.
Although science is one of the (few) places where it plays a very small role professionally, I wouldn't go as far as to say it play no role.

>> No.7333301

>You say it places no role in science, he says it is important to a degree.*
>I wouldn't go as far as to say it plays no role.*

>> No.7333304

>personal views influence what research
Yea and so? I was talking about fucking political views and shit not what you like in STEM.
>and public image can determine whether or not people take you seriously/hire you
Yes, motivation, previous work, recomandations from proffesors. This is earned through studying, involment and pasion. Yes, some charisma could be swell to get better notice but a good teacher shouldn´t be triggered for some stupid joke.

However the key element is knowing how to talk science and math. If you know your shit and someone notices you know your shit you are fucking in. And if you know your shit you will know ow to explain it in a non autistic matter.

If you are too much of an asspie that you cannot talk to someone withouth saying nigger or heil hitler or whatever I don´t think you will do well in any job.

Heck it wasn´t in bad taste it wasn´t fucking anything. It isn´t even funny or unfunny it is just a goddam joke.

>> No.7333308

Everyone gets that., but fuck me if you actually think that is a gross generalization. I´ve heard bitches in "STEM" that cry how woman are more inteligent than men go girl empowering.

Quick note, they usually suck dick to pass a tesst.

>> No.7333309

Two different people you tagged, I'm one
And yes sure thing, because you're cancer and just wrong, science is one of the few fields where you're employed entirely on merit. Or at least used to be until this event. There's no morals or ethics in science, only the applications of science have ethical issues. But if you're a researcher, fuck people's feelings and perception, you're trying to work out what's true, and that's of more significance than superficial bullshit like values. Other scientists who employ know this.
I don't see how you interpret that as advocating for same sex labs. If he was advocating for that, he'd say something like "I think there should be same sex labs". Also he said MY trouble with girls, I don't agree that's generalising. Should a guys life really be ruined based on a misinterpretation?

>> No.7333315

Well the combination of him:
1: Being a highly esteemed scientist,
2: Being at a conference for women in science.
3: The perceived disadvantage women have in science.
Is what made this case go viral.

I mean if random bitches or random guys cry about the other gender being dumber no one cares.
>I don't see how you interpret that as advocating for same sex labs.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear in the post, but he is a advocate for it which helps to bring some context to the comments.
> I don't agree that's generalising. Should a guys life really be ruined based on a misinterpretation?
I do think it was clearly generalizing if he says: This happens when they are in the lab.
On the other hand I do see your point and it could have just been a personal experience but it was a dumb mistake.
And no I don't think internet-mob justice is the right course of action and I hate the current system which it operates under. However making a example out of him might have possessive benefits.

>> No.7333321
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>implying I even mentioned ethics in science
>being so desperate that you ignored what I said and made up your own argument
I think you need a new hobby, m8.

>> No.7333339

>Being highly esteemed scientist
Yea he shamed all those scientists who never made controversial remarks
>Being at a conference for women in science.
It was most certainly not http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/11/europe/hunt-women-scientists/
> The perceived disadvantage women have in science.
Science and math pioneerd in equality of oportunities for gender. It is a halmark for the advancement of society because in STEM we don´t care what the fuck you look like, we just care if you can do it.

It sounds too romantic to be completely true and I admit that, there are cases were it doesn´t happen by the rules. But I think this is a particular case of things not being done for the better.

>> No.7333345

Are you trying to sound dumb
>Confirmed non-scientist
>Personal views influence what research you do and public image can determine whether or not people take you seriously/hire you
>Ethics has nothing to do with it
We're talking about a guy that got fired for offending women by saying something unethical, what the hell thread do you think you're in? Personal views and ethics are essentially the same bloody thing do you not realise that. How the hell did I ignore what you said I explained specifically why personal views would not influence someones decision to hire you.
>I think you need a new hobby
Wut? Is this meant to be some kind of smooth condescending wit? Sorry but you're horrible at that.

>> No.7333354

>The question is why should we care about average IQ differences at all.
this. its not like having a lower IQ makes you less of a person.

>> No.7333355

Yes it does. You are not a special snowflake.

>> No.7333357

>le ebin trole

>> No.7333358


>> No.7333359


>> No.7333372

>But then they come from a time when women were mothers and typists.. not treated as equals.
better stop typing

>> No.7333375

He didn't quit, he was forced to resign.

>I'm actually more curious if it was faculty or students he was bagging.
He is married, he's talking about back when he was an undergrad. Literally no undergrad girl would have a problem about it and we make jokes like this all the time. It's obvious clickbait journalism of people who don't understand STEM isn't actually some patriarchal boys club and never has been.

>> No.7333377

>/sci/ puts its hands up to its ears whenever the topics of racial and sexual genetics comes up.
No we don't, in all those threads we try to explain the actual science behind and then /pol/tards keep trying to politicize it.

We don't care about the politicization of science, we care about actual science.

>> No.7333392

Educational restructuring.

But of course no one is going to touch that because muh no retards left behind.

>> No.7333395

>He angrily said
Do you mean she? Is your sister a tranny?

I don't understand your post. Learn to type properly, jesus you're autistic.

>> No.7333401

It's Pfizer you cunt, how the fuck did you misspell it twice? Anyway tell her no one cares about filthy third worlders.

>> No.7333405

No anon, you are the autist

>> No.7333415

Trying to hard.

>> No.7333425
File: 130 KB, 231x246, Learning curves are for pussies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the rest is simply intimidation, not umbrage.
This isn't the first time something like this has happened, people shouldn't be able to destroy the lives of others just because they disagree with them on something and yet they are. The tactics used against Tim Hunt are typical.

It's like in Sweden where the first reaction against people who speak out against immigration or media censorship of racial crimes -while emphasizing everything evil done by native Swedes- is to do everything possible to destroy him/her by making him lose his job, quoting him out of context and smearing him/her in general.

Sound familiar? The Nazis used the same tactics against people who spoke out against antisemitism. Obviously we learned nothing from the 20th century, because hey it's the popular side of things and it's always right? Learning curves are for pussies.

>> No.7333428

Poor communication is a clear sign of autism.

>> No.7333444

>guess you never got the talk from the coach on how you're always representing the school and you should be on your best behavior
Our school was infamous for our boys' disproportionate cussing and aggressive behaviour. Yet that didn't harm our image of being the best academic and sport school in the state, which we were by all objective measure.

If our school tried to suspend us every time some parent complained that their precious little bitch/boy was crying because of something we said at a sporting event there would be no good students left.

So maybe minor comments unrelated to the bigger picture aren't as important after all.

>> No.7333448

Right, and he didn't generalize, they quoted him out of context because that makes for better bait.

>> No.7333461

AWESOME DEBATE about it here, dude owns it

>> No.7333513

Milo is so fucking based.

But to be honest, they are eveding the core prbolem per se to pursue agenda which I don't find so useful to tom. I mean that bitch agreed that the quote wasn't a big deal and then said it was a big deal and milo didn't caught on that bitch.

>> No.7333637


>> No.7333648
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>so, even in science merits don't matter anymore if gender and social justice warrior get offended. brave new world /sci/
I'm fucking off to Mars pretty soon with the wagon train. Then I can prospect on my own.,.only contactable by e-mail or indirect radio contact with a 13 minute 48 second delay.
New frontier. New 49'ers.

>> No.7333650

people who get this talk are usually from schools that don't have any other merits

The big institutions that do this do it because they're in the spotlight and don't want to get in trouble, but the point is that they shouldn't be getting in trouble in the first place. If someone says "this shouldn't be troublesome, therefore, I shouldn't get in trouble for it!" and your response is "well you shouldn't do it because you'll get in trouble for it, therefore, it's troublesome!" as though it were justification for taking tenure from a 70 year old, you're just begging the question.

>> No.7333777

>this world has yet to see the profundity of my autism.


>> No.7333780

Actually, bu the time you're old, it will cause greater outrage to speak against anime.

>> No.7333794
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Let me explain this since not a single person seems to be getting it. For 2000 or however many fucking years half of this species has been confined to a sheltered domestic sphere. They did not go to war, they did not hunt, they rarely ventured far from that constrained and relatively safe domestic sphere. This protective arrangement between the sexes was selected for because the limiting resource for population growth (especially in a k selected species) is the number of fertile females. Societies which did not treat their women like china dolls were outbred and outcompeted. Japan is a good example of this evolution where women became completely isolated, referred to as 'honorable hidden ones'. Other cultures here in the West and in the Middle East coevolved analogous norms.

One of the main roles of women during this time was to make the domestic sphere a place where men could relax and defuse from their often stressful even violent behaviors outside the village. They did this by suppressing anything negative and enhancing anything positive. Reason and facts are not relevant in this situation. Feelings are primary if you want to create this calming, nurturing atmosphere. Women who could not do this, who were inferior homemakers due to attitude or excessive rationality, were selected out because they either fostered stressful and malproductive homes or were selected by inferior males due to mate competition for the best homemakers. Before feminism's balls dropped off in the 3rd wave, they were aware of this dynamic and called it the Cult of Domesticity.

Fast forward millennia and we suddenly have released the 'honorable hidden ones' into society at large. Fast forward to everyone's surprise that the 'honorable hidden ones' would treat the objective world like a great big house which they had to make warm and comforting at all costs. MFW everyone surprised by this.

>> No.7333817

>3rd wave
Toffler reference.
Didn't know people read him anymore.

>> No.7333838

Pardon me, you were referring to 3rd wave feminism. I thought futurism.

>> No.7333870

Intriguing post.

>> No.7333897

The surprise comes from the fact that the female workforce the feminists were advocating in the 20th century was supposed to be trained to be professional, masculine and objective. That is the entire reason we gave them suffrage and a job in the place.

Now not only are they proving they aren't able to handle rationality, they are, like you said, instead trying to transform society as a whole. A society not based on rationality is inherently dysfunctional. The domestic home of old could not survive if the man wasn't there to keep raiders and rapists at bay and to bring in food to the house. Modern society cannot survive if it behaves like a naive housewife.

So obviously there is surprise at new wave absurdity and it needs to be stopped.

>> No.7333906

>So obviously there is surprise at new wave absurdity and it needs to be stopped.
Good luck with that.
>be Nobel laureate
>make a joke about strong womyn
>“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls … three things happen when they are in the lab … You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry.”
>get sacked the next day from everything
Fall of the Roman empire all over again and I was just getting comfy.

>> No.7333913

I'd say it's a problem, but it's a stretch to call it a suprising one.

>> No.7333937


You fail to grasp your position in this world.

The sciences - and the arts - only exist out of institutional good will. Research is funded by GRANTS from governments and institutions.

If you want science to exist, if you want entire cultures to spend billions of dollars on research with NO IMMEDIATE MATERIAL BENEFIT to them, you cannot ALSO demand to be allowed to insult them.

You're fucking idiotic.

>> No.7333969

Nice condescension, faggot.
Have you ever considered the fact that 'good will' had nothing to do with some of our greatest advancements in science (namely weaponry, nuclear research, and aerospace technology)?

>> No.7333975



you have no idea how those projects were funded or how selectively the government weeded out unsuitable people from participating

underage b& go back to studying for next year's AP exams

>> No.7333987



You clearly have no clue what it means to insult a culture if you think that a single person having a chuckle about female inability to receive criticism qualifies as such.

Go back to studying for your Gender Studies final

>> No.7333990

>when you criticise them, they cry

Funny. They did as he said they would do.

>> No.7333994

Serious question.
Did you find what he said funny?
I mean I know it's true, had a couple girls break down in class, but the quote doesn't sound like a joke.
Just an observation that only someone seriously autistic would be caught saying in an interview.

>> No.7333996

>how selectively the government weeded out unsuitable people from participating
nigger, the fucking government let ANYONE participate in the manhattan project. they had farmers and fucking nobodies across the country doing little shit left and right to help with that shit. maybe understand what youre talking about before spout some nonsensical bullshit

>> No.7334005


Of course I found it funny, why wouldn't I?

>> No.7334253

High school evolution course, the post.

That only happened in powerful families, actually woman before worked their asses, but yes, not in the same area. Which yes creates different responses to workforce. But nontheless they were working fucking hard. It was not until late 19 centurey and 20 century where economies in 1st world countries were stable enough for the existance of a middle class where the man soley worked etc. Feminst actually rose as a fact that women wanted to aid in WWI and since then it got chewd and spit out by the "intelectual" postmodern theory.

Stop with your weebo bullshit also. Japan is currently fucked up socially more than you think so.

So no, standars should be the same for both

>> No.7334259

Well depends on the research actually you moron. But I have to agree that a lot of universities live with fundraisers and governments tit. But he didn't insult any of them. It is like saying you should be allowed to insult you chief of deparment withouth getting sacked. The point here is that he didn't say anything controvertial enough to be forced to resign.

Obviously if you yell nigger, nigger I want to kill niggers and openly say that women are whores who should suck dick, you will get fired. It is not about freedom of speech, it is fucking about he said nothing than any normal human being should get triggerd on. The muh freedom autists are /pol/

>> No.7334281

feminist don't even realise why they are so fucking retarded

>> No.7334301

>you will get fired
is that so?

>> No.7334324

Well yes, I beleive thaat is bullshit just as much fireing that guy was bullshit. I was just stating that workplace SHOULD have standards which clearly were not achieved by that mudlsime´s comment.

Im just stating that I know you cannot say anything you want if you are part of a workforce, but that in this case and field, it should not matter as the comment was nothing to be triggerd for.

>> No.7334329

Sorry, I just didn't see it.

You found his comment funny or the reaction funny?

>> No.7334341

The joke is corky, the reaction is enraging and hilarious.

Not him though.

>> No.7334342

He is married to a female scientist he met in the lab. I would have probably laughed if I knew that and if I was there.

Besides everyone is missing the big point here: a quote in a vacuum is completely unrepresentative of the man that said it. Different people with different personalities act differently in certain environments, and trying to judge them all on the same standard (Which is what everyone did with his quote) is downright retarded and just shows how far we are of truly handling the internet without destroying ourselves.

>> No.7334360

To the people saying he wasn't joking because why would you say that in a room of women.

Imagine if he was giving a talk in a room full of British scientists and started out with

>Let me tell you about my problem with Brits. You can never find them in the lab, or they stop in the middle of experiments, because they're always on a teabreak in the tea-room, and when you give them a measurement in imperial units they cry!

Everyone would have laughed at the joke and his speech would continue.

>> No.7334362

Maybe becaue they are actual scientists who can take a joke?

>> No.7334366

But to be acurate, if you say that to a minority, maybe even those brits will get starttles.

>> No.7334368

> To the people saying he wasn't joking because why would you say that in a room of women.
I was saying he wasn't joking because it wasn't funny and doesn't sound like a joke.

> Everyone would have laughed at the joke and his speech would continue.
That's not very funny either, but at least it sounds like a joke.

>> No.7334369

>But then they come from a time when women were mothers and typists.. not treated as equals.

Watson owes his Nobel Prize to a technology designed by a woman. The guy is obviously a fucktard, and muh Nobel Prize in biology isn't going to change that.

That said, I agree about your comment on the gramps. Fucktards gonna fucktard, oldfag gonna old, as long as they're not harming anyone we should let them do.

So you're agreeing with him ? What was the point of calling him a retard ?

> I was talking about fucking political views

You're naive if you think research funded by governments and corporate funding is indifferent to internal or external politics.

> science is one of the few fields where you're employed entirely on merit.

You should read more on science history, or actually spend time with professional scientists.

>Or at least used to be until this event.

Stop with the drama. Opportunism and careerism have plagued the scientific meritocratic ideal for decades and more, this event is a blip on the radar compared to it.

> But if you're a researcher, fuck people's feelings and perception

Good luck getting a grant, or coworkers, or amassing credibility in that case. Research is a social practice, researchers getting shit for going against dogma is nothing new, and in many case the greatest obstruction comes from the scientific community itself, because you can't get rid of all your biases no matter how hard ou try.

> and that's of more significance than superficial bullshit like values
>truth is more important than values

Looks like you just made truth into a value. But good luck explaining people why they should spend billions on your project instead of spending them on cancer or Ebola research without appealing to their values. You sound not only naive but a bit simpleminded frankly. You should try actual scientific research, to see how much of it is actually a "search for truth, fuck people's feeling and perceptions".

>> No.7334372
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So have you guys wrote to the dickheads?

>> No.7334374

>Obviously we learned nothing from the 20th century

Actually, we learned to make our propaganda much less obvious and just as efficient.

>> No.7334382


Institutional good will=/= institutions fund weapons out of good will

In this context it means research survives because institutions allow it.

Very interesting example of /sci debating: two people arguing over two simple readings of a same sentence without even bothering to notice it.

>> No.7334383

>they had farmers and fucking nobodies

Doesn't mean much here. If the farmer are nobodies they're not threatening, and if they're doing "little shit left and right" they're not touching the sensitive part of the project.

The point here is people with skill and expertise can be weeded out because the government doesn't want them in, and you'd be delusional to think this couldn't have happen at the Manhattan project, or elsewhere.

>> No.7334389

>Quotes can be analyzed in a vacuum
>There's a standard metric that can and should be used to measure all social interactions
>I will prove this by asking about your hypothetical, subjective views on the matter

Christ you guys are retards

>> No.7334392

lel you're retarded

>> No.7334394
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>> No.7334395

Funny answer m8, 8/8

>> No.7334399

>So you're agreeing with him ? What was the point of calling him a retard?

I differ with him with what type of image someone from STEM should take. And what are the core things, personality-wise, to survive in academia. And I think little jokes should not be part of this.

>You're naive if you think research funded by governments and corporate funding is indifferent to internal or external politics.

Anyone needs to comply, I know, Im not that autistic, but he was talking to scientists alike, not to the feminist fundraser for science. This is just bullshit given that female scientists can say how men are more stupid than them and everone would be woooo go girlll

>> No.7334401

Yes, a fucking joke shouldn´t be taken that seriously.

>> No.7334402
File: 20 KB, 220x275, Richard_Dawkins_Cooper_Union_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism=liberalism=richard dawkins=jew

>> No.7334404

Are you even remotely implying people don't get grants because of his personal image, despite the professional career of that person? It's so painfully obvious you are undergrad, or probably not even in a STEM field.

Obviously Tim Hunt wouldn't talk about his opinion on women in science when trying to convince a tribunal to give him a grant, and obviously no one would ask him about that (beyond obvious legal issues like treating everyone equal regardless of gender). Tim Hunt comments would have been completely inocuous if it wasn't because of the internet's lynch mob and the (perceived) pressure that comes with it.

Don't get me wrong though, the comment you were responding to (>>7333309) was quite stupid.

>> No.7334432

>This is just bullshit given that female scientists can say how men are more stupid than them and everone would be woooo go girlll

The problem is mostly that administrative and politics overseer are being complete pussies nowadays. People ranting on twitter is simply the 21st century version of people ranting on newspaper or in the town market, it's annoying but people who appoint researchers should know better than cave in. Though I admit media backlash is harder to deal with nowadays, there are probably alternate solutions.

>Are you even remotely implying people don't get grants because of his personal image

No, I'm not only talking only about personal image, but about communication and diplomacy as a whole. Obviously your chances of getting grants are lowered if you don't care to write your grant proposal in a way that sounds appealing. This is part of "caring about people's feelings and perception". And before that you better get a phD, which requires getting an advisor, which requires, again, caring about "people's feeling or perceptions".

The main difference between STEM and other fields is perhaps that overall image is less impacted by strictly personal image, but you still can't completely get around it. Consider that you often have several interviews over the course of your hgher studies, some of them can hurt or benefit your career, or event prevent you from getting one in some cases. My professors were pretty fond of telling us how most interviewers have put you in a category ("good applicant", "excellent applicant", "mediocre applicant", "bad applicant") within the 5 first minutes.

>> No.7334433

>Tim Hunt comments would have been completely inocuous if it wasn't because of the internet's lynch mob

The whole thing is rather embarrassing for everyone, but I think it's a matter of getting used to social media. In he early nineteenth century there were little laws against diffamation and the like, and whole carrers could be destroyed with a forceful enough libel campaign in newspapers. Nowadays that'd be harder to do in print. We must learn to do the same with virtual media, which will take time. If we don't do this, we'll probably have bigger problems than feminist overreaction.

>> No.7334460

Well, libs will just get to another contradiction where they defend freedom of speech even they don't and we will just go up a noch in the orwelean scale. I think scientists need to man up, not complain.

>> No.7334500
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>High school evolution course, the post.

When did I say the changes were based on allelic change. It's you who reveal your lack of understanding by assuming such meaningful change could happen in a scant 2000 years.

>That only happened in powerful families, actually woman before worked their asses, but yes, not in the same area.

Yeah because a village surrounded by fucking walls or a field is just as dangerous as a mine, a far off wilderness or the village of an enemy tribe with arrows flying round your head. Take your false equality and sick it up your ass.

>But nontheless they were working fucking hard.

I never claimed domestic work was not hard, merely safer. It's you who invented this point as a strawman which you could attack.

>It was not until late 19 centurey and 20 century where economies in 1st world countries were stable enough for the existance of a middle class where the man soley worked etc.

No one said women did not work so yet again strawman. They worked in different spheres, one dealing with the family and community, the other dealing with objective nature and other communities. One of these relationships is based on trust and shared emotional bonds, the other is a fair trade at best and a raw struggle at worst. One incentivizes emotional thinking, the other rational.

>Feminst actually rose as a fact that women wanted to aid in WWI and since then it got chewd and spit out by the "intelectual" postmodern theory.

LoL yeah so many strong womyn rushing into them trenches just like the multitude of feminists protesting draft sexism today.

>Stop with your weebo bullshit also. Japan is currently fucked up socially more than you think so.

Nice memes

>> No.7334510

>muh first-wave feminist was honorable
Read up on what they wanted to implement.
In some way, third-wave feminism in less intrusive, disruptive and straight-up evil.

>> No.7334521

>You exist because we let you!
>Give me nice words OR ELSE

Holy delusion.

Science is going to exist because if you don't let scientists progress, bad shit happens, like disease. If you "don't give people permission" to do science because they're not as kindhearted as you, you're cutting your own lifespan shorter alongside the lives of many others. Society doesn't give science permission to do it's thing; it's science gives society permission to reap the fruits of its labor in exchange for the resources to continue advancing more easily.

Thinking leads to solutions, emotions do not. It doesn't really matter if that sounds like edgefagging, because in the end, it's true. Noone cares if you "feel" like you've "cured cancer." To solve a problem you need to gain knowledge.

>> No.7334523

I've read my post and It fucking sucked but that weren't my points.

I was trying to state that today's women are a bunch of cry babies compared to the past. Thats all.

>> No.7334526

>I think scientists need to man up, not complain.

Yes, pretty much. If science is that important to society we should be able to get past a few twitter comments (honestly even 10,000 is not much by today standards) that will be forgotten in 3 months.

>> No.7334538


>Yeah because a village surrounded by fucking walls or a field is just as dangerous as a mine

You make it as if most men spent most of their adult lives dealing with mines (or enemy tribes, same problem). Most of the time the conditions were similar for both, it's not like 99% of men in the past were adventurers. And in case of war, the civilians were often the most vulnerable target. Do you think all wars were men against men and then everyone goes back home ? Do you know what happened every time a Roman army took a city ?
>They worked in different spheres, one dealing with the family and community, the other dealing with objective nature and other communities.

That's mostly easy generalization, though this is how the roles were ideally conceived. In practice poor women in industrial and pre-industrial cities did shitty jobs just like poor men. And do you really think that peasants would refuse to use women for harvest when they were short on arms ? You seem also to ignore that women in the marketplace was not an uncommon occurrence in the nineteenth century, there are saying that survive in various countries about the stereotypical female fish-seller.

Also, you seem to forget that one of the biggest reasons women got the right to vote was their role in the factories in WW1 (and in WW2 for some countries).

> the multitude of feminists protesting draft sexism today.

The US recently opened front line combat position to women. Do you think it came out of nowhere ?

>> No.7334546

>Society doesn't give science permission to do it's thing; it's science gives society permission

Strange phrasing, science is just something society does to satisfy perceived needs. Look at the history of science over the past 400 years, science is done according to how people who have leverage think it's interesting. It's always a matter of finding ends and designing means for them, there's no "permission" to ask.

Now if we're talking about contemporary science, yes, you need funding and expensive tools to do it, and to get funding you need the help of rich institutions. Simple as that. The idea that people are going to "let science progress" because else "bad shit happens" is simpleminded, because what is "progress", and when "bad shit happens" is for society to decide. People a century ago didn't care about string theory or the standard model, nowadays they're willing to fund expensive experiments for the sake of it. It is because else "bad shit happens", because we really need that "progress" as humans ? Or because for some reason the US, Europe and some powerful private companies have convinced themselves it was worth it ?

So yes, when you're funded by someone, you mind your own tongue. Doesn't mean you can't speak, but you have to know where the limit lies. Now Hunt didn't imagine the people who fund him could be such pussies, that's a shame, but it's not like he has many alternative. We (as citizen who vote) perhaps have.

>> No.7334553

Yeah, but do you seriously think if the vast majority of educated scientists decided to start giving lip, that they'd be the ones at disadvantage? When it's one guys job, of course society and his funders can take him out, we've got evidence of that and I'm not denying it, but to act like the scientific community as a whole is the worlds lapdog is ridiculous. If you were to hold back that community as a whole, they'd eventually just say "fuck off" and go help themselves without sharing their work with anyone who tried to screw them back in burgerland.

>> No.7334556

>that community
That's actually ambiguous, I should have said "the scientific community"

>> No.7334559
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>> No.7334566

The scientific community is already pretty much doing what they can to convince governments to keep giving them money. I have a friend who studies in a world-class unis, she tells me the bio and phys department are under constant pressure from the administration because they need funding and need to be in good terms with the dean's office.
On the other hand, the math department is a bit less complacent since they've almost at minimal funding anyway.

I guess the term lapdog is too much, but there's obviously power struggles at play. The government wants quality research to further industry (though a lot of it is also prestige, bragging rights essentially) so they need to accomodate scientists in some ways. However the government still holds the string of the purse, that's enough to tell you how powerful they are.

Something as simple as granting funds to one project research over another is a decision that is informed by a lot, including by what's popular in the field at the moment. Some of Fourier later works were ignored for nearly a century because he didn't align with his time's idea of mathematical rigor. It turns out those works contained some of the ideas that could have been precursor to linear algorithmics.

Scientific research is contingent on many things, those who forget that often end up ignored. I've known a ignored researcher, believe me you don't want to be that guy.

>> No.7334597

sure looks like the law should be changed.

>> No.7334611

>we make jokes like this all the time
What do you mean by "we", Autist?

>> No.7334641
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The far left has been batshit crazy for the past year or so thus joining the far right.

>> No.7334645
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>I loved it when niggers and faggots got lynched for failing to comply with the social norms of the past

:^) :^) :^)

>> No.7334648

the nazis weren't in power for anywhere near long enough to develop superior genetics

>> No.7334660

>The far left has been batshit crazy for the past year or so
Yes, the far left side has been too far out. The side of of the left wing which is defined by being the far side is, as defined, on the far side. Genius alert. I'm sure the far right is also far, but just to the right.

...I thought the whole point was that they believed aryan race already had them?

>> No.7334665

they got


>> No.7335683

Normal people who aren't betas.