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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7331245 No.7331245 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think they hold merit? Do you feel like your IQ has influenced your life?

>> No.7331272

I will never understand why people get IQ tests. I know somebody who claims to have an IQ of 155 or something, but he's one of the stupidest people I know, he's pretty good at maths but just common sense and problem solving wise he's a retard. Got a big ego though, so that's probably why he did the test.

>> No.7331276

They test what they test. Pattern recognition is relevant to raw intelligence - your ability to both absorb and process info - which isn't to be confused with being smart in general. People who claim a specific IQ score fail hard, because the world has a million different tests, with a million different score calibrations.

>> No.7331328

My IQ is 92 and I am a failure in every aspect of my life. I can't function socially because I am a fucking retard.

>> No.7331332

I tested at 156, but the judge subtracted a few points because he was jealous of my flaccid 9" penis.

>> No.7331352

i was diagnosed as gifted profesionally 3 diffrent times, and i do belive IQ tests hold alot of merit.

People have to realize it doesn't state your knowledge, but your ability to solve problems and think logically.

>> No.7331359
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>> No.7331361

I don't think something that is universally defined in science is something that can be definitively tested.

As far as merit, it means little in the real world, as it is possible for a person with an IQ of 100 to contribute more to society than someone with an IQ of 160. I do think it is beneficial in singling out a person for enrichment (read: milk the system).

>> No.7331363

I think IQ tests are alright but should be taken with a pinch of salt. I've done 3 tests, giving me a result of 116, 124 and 135 respectively with a couple years in between. Now I'm not a genius but a long shot but I learn very quickly, I have a very easy time understanding mathematical and linguistical concepts, and dont have to work as hard as other people (in my experience) to get good results at school for instance. So theres some truth to it, but intelligence is kinda hard to describe properly.

>> No.7331371
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>tfw low iq

>> No.7331375

>Do you think they hold merit?

Not a whole lot. Having a high IQ means you are good at taking IQ tests. It does not directly correlate to being smart, dumb, thoughtful, innovative, creative, etc. I know plenty of people who I would classify a genius in some areas and average in others who probably wouldn't get a high IQ score on a test.

Don't let an IQ score determine your feelings on how smart or successful you are/can be. It's like saying I can't succeed in life because I didn't do good in college. That's total nonsense. It's one datapoint out of thousands.

>> No.7331384

Apparently a question on an IQ test straight from MENSA is:
>Take number of legs on a spider, add the number of stars on the U.S. flag in 1935 divide by 2 and add the number of leaves that enable you to distinguish poison ivy.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiYqVnX22fw

That question doesn't measure intelligence

>> No.7331387

Addition takes intelligence.
8 + 35 / 2 + 3 =24.5

>> No.7331389

>35 states in 1935

That's why we need social studies classes in school

it's more like (8+48)/2+3=31

>> No.7331396

IQ tests are bullshit. My mother took one professionally years ago and scored in the 150's and she's retarded. She has no rational thinking skills, her understanding of English is nonexistent (she doesn't know the difference between there, their, and they're), and her math skills are sub-par; and you wanna tell me she's a few points away from Einstein? pffffffffff hahahahahahahaha

>> No.7331398

fuck you faggot niigers

>> No.7331407

That has nothing to do with intelligence. I don't even remember if spiders have 6 or 8 legs, that's for biology fags.

>> No.7331408

>Do you think they hold merit?
A fraction. It determines how well you are able to problem solve and grasp logical concepts. Other than that its basically useless. Intelligence so to speak is a large bubble that encompasses many factors. The IQ test just measures two of them. Having a large IQ has little to do with having lots of common sense, how lazy you are and depression as some people think. Logical thinkers are more likely to have common sense but, there are many other factors that effect this.

>Do you feel like your IQ has influenced your life?
It has allowed me to grasp abstract and logical concepts easier than others with say a IQ of 90. But that's not to say the latter could not perform as well as higher IQ persons. Rather they would require more time and effort on the concept to grasp it.

>> No.7331441

on average i score about 140-150 in these tests
i failed first year of mecha eng

>> No.7331454

Mr. Einstein never was tested through the test of IQ

>> No.7331510

nvm it's crazyaga, lel, back to searching for quality meming on reddit

>> No.7331528

I've scored in the 90s, 100s and 110s on three different IQ tests, all officially administered ones. I've taken this to mean that I'm more than likely average in most aspects of life, partially advanced in reading (I always score higher on that part of the test) and more than a little bit behind with my working memory (scored in the borderline retarded part for this one once). It factors into my life in that I feel confident in my abilities to perform most activities and use it to bring my ego down.

I've been told by articles I've found on /lit/ that, generally speaking, people on the higher or lower ends of the intelligence spectrum are more likely than "average" people to become depressed. Can /sci/ back this up, or is /lit/ just being full of shit again?

>> No.7331585

I know how to do addition and advance mathematics. I do not know how may stars were on the U.S. flag in 1935 without googling it and I don't know anything about the leaves of poison ivy. These sort of questions are flunk.

>> No.7331610

Not exactly. You can't say that this information is not uncommon, or that it is unlikely to come across it in your lifetime. You inability to solve it is akin to those "are you smarter than a 6th grader test" or "this is why your grandparents didn't finish school" tests. Your skill set is devoted to subjects not pertinent to this question thus your ability to solve advanced math problems and discern patterns is fantastic in tests that focus on those elements (modern IQ tests) but not a deciding factor in your overall IQ as deemed by the test creator (read: the prevailing argument against modern IQ tests).

Realistically I would assume that a high IQ would have been able to memorize these facts without repeated use and utilize them in an otherwise simple problem as such.

>> No.7331627

IQ is bullshit to increase the ego of /sci/tards

>> No.7331629

Only morons think there's no correlation between high IQ and success. It's not a perfect measurement at all, the deviation in an individual is high, you can practice specifically for it and get higher points, it can (and will) change over the course of your life, etc. but it's still a very decent indicator of what a person can and can not do.

>> No.7331635

>it means little in the real world
Yeah it's not like there are dozens of studies that correlate high IQ with success in life. I would expect people in /sci/ to understand that individual cases mean nothing, and that no statistical statement is ever absolute.

>> No.7331654

I'm sure there are plenty of studies, but it's hard to define success objectively. Besides, we're talking about the significance of a test, and I have never seen job apps requiring an IQ score, universities using it as admission criteria or signs saying "your IQ must be this high to ride".

Once again, fantastic for milking the system but irrelevant otherwise.

>> No.7331684

I still don't get your point. Most brilliant scientists have had at least above-average IQ. These are the people that bring progress and advance (or even create) scientific fields. If you put 1000 people with 150 IQ to solve a mathematical problem versus 1000 people with 100 IQ it's clear who will perform better on average. These are the kinds of things IQ tries to predict. Maybe it's not so important for an individual person, but when you take populations as a whole trends appear and it becomes important.

>> No.7331716

>I have never seen job apps requiring an IQ score, universities using it as admission criteria or signs saying "your IQ must be this high to ride".

The legality of doing this as straightforwardly as you say is ambiguous, and I think you're perfectly aware of what type of uproar and accusations are going to be made if this were to happen. (muh cultural bias, muh discrimination, etc)

However, what do you think the lateral thinking problems, logic puzzles, math problems in interviews are for? IQ is just one factor employers would like to use to consider when hiring, and insofar as they are willing to put their money were their mouth is, it suggests something about whether IQ is or isn't meaningless.

>> No.7331729

My rebuttle is to your statement that "there are dozens of studies that correlate high IQ with success in life". You seem to think that means that being able to advance science and understanding equals success. I was arguing that that metric doesn't do much for many of life's big accomplishments (getting a job, being accepted to college, etc). We're defining success in two different ways.

>> No.7331743

Companies also check your credit score and correlate it with your ability to be dependable. I'm sure James Watson's credit score is in the trash, but I wouldn't say he's unable to carry out a job.

>> No.7331745

Neither would I. If that's what you got from what I said, then I see no value in talking to you further.

>> No.7331765

Dude, those studies show correlation between IQ and job performance. Companies with average high IQ have more prestige. Both my definition of success and your definition of success put IQ as a decent indicator of it.

To get a job they will look at your curriculum, your past accomplishments, recommendation letters, etc. and being intelligent helps quite a lot getting those.

I thought you were defining success as being happy, treating people well or some other hippy shit, but you are not.

>> No.7331772

>Do you think they hold merit
A little.

But IQ tests are retarded because that's not how the brain works. You don't just have one "intelligence" that you can put a number on. A brain isn't a fucking motor.

The brain consists of many different "circuits" which together make up a brain. Intelligence isn't just one universal thing.

>> No.7331774

God damnit Im sick of seeing pictures of Einstein in every trivial pseudo science related shit. This shit is all over social media posted by non stems and psychology majors. The little shits.

>> No.7331779
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Doesn't measure short term memory, reading skills, verbal ability, creative intelligence, emotional and social intelligance, and specific skills in specialized knowledge.

What it apparently does measure is the probability of doing well in Western schools.

>> No.7331791

IQ claims to measure a very specific thing, and it succeeds at predicting it at a fairly decent rate. Nobody informed claims that IQ measures "universal intelligence", or "intelligence" in general.

>> No.7331793

Asia is part of the western world now?

>> No.7331797

Asia's location isn't relevant with IQ-test's correlation with doing well in Western schools

>> No.7331809

>ou inability to solve it is akin to those "are you smarter than a 6th grader test" or "this is why your grandparents didn't finish school" tests.

I would fail those as I don't tend to memorize trivia type of facts & despite being high IQ I would perform poorly on such a MENSA test because I don't know how many stars were on the U.S. flag in 1935, but had I known the variables I could have easily done the arithmetic. For those reasons I don't consider these sort of questions valid questions to assess intelligence. Even modern IQ test show the tester pictures and ask them to 'tell a story' or explain what is going on or some B.S. These aren't accurate indicators of intelligence. Those test are designed to find high IQ people and instead they are excluding a subset of them that don't memorize such trivial facts.

>> No.7331812

Source btw, including studies:

>> No.7331954

No one who cares about their IQ even understand probability distributions.

>> No.7331965

I had 99 IQ when I was about 12 and in Special ed. I ended high school with 4.2 GPA without ever doing homework and am currently working on my Master's in computer science (still don't do homework). I'm not sure about my intelligence but most people I meet have considered me above average. I'm just extremely lazy.

>> No.7331975

yes. the lower end of the curve is useful as a diagnostic tool for various types of retardation and assessing the ability to live independently

too smart to bond meaningfully with peer group until graduate university level, not smart enough to be a prodigy, almost smart enough to be a polyglot/polymath.

i'll never be poor or homeless unless i choose to be

it's all right, but it hasn't made me happy

>> No.7331981


Not that anon but if you did a little research you would know that the current model for western civil service exams and by proxy academic test/exams for college entrance in part is inspired by the long running national imperial examinations from china.

The fact asians do so well in academics and testing has a lot to do with that fact...that and you know they've been doing national testing for over a fucking thousand years.

>> No.7332006

IQ is a statistic that helps verify the competency of an individual in a specific environment. the conditions of the environment and the authority over the conditions of the test determine the likeness of an IQ to another.

a proper IQ test, like any statistic, requires the proper nurturing or removal of deviations. the proper removal of deviation would be to segregate thousands of brains and study all of them for learning patterns, but at this point we might as well just solve the neurological question.

IQ is popularized by two people, business majors and your ego.

>> No.7332011

>emotional and social intelligance
literally memes.

There's only one kind of intelligence, mathematical intelligence.

>> No.7332014

>What it apparently does measure is the probability of doing well in Western schools.
Why do you find disparities between different races in the USA? They all go to the same kind of schools.

>> No.7332033

There is none: "Western schools" include all schools thereof.

>Challenging a post with studies (posted in a reply), without studies

>> No.7332047


Not all populations have the same education attainment background and not all populations in the US represent the average from their original population stock.

It's like asking why nigerian immigrants have such high education attainment but african americans don't. The selection process between the two populations are not the same. At the time the U.S. wanted fit blacks to do physical labor, now they really only "want" smart people all around including blacks.

A similar process happen with asians and whites except the emphasis on physical labor wasn't as intense. Also recently most the asians coming into the U.S. come for just the education or from well off families.

>> No.7332057

>There is none: "Western schools" include all schools thereof.

Are you saying that there are no disparities between the average IQ of different races in the USA?

>Not all populations have the same education attainment background and not all populations in the US represent the average from their original population stock.
We're not talking about educational attainment, but about IQ.

>It's like asking why nigerian immigrants have such high education attainment but african americans don't
>The selection process between the two populations are not the same. At the time the U.S. wanted fit blacks to do physical labor, now they really only "want" smart people all around including blacks
So then you are in fact agreeing that american blacks are genetically more stupid.

>> No.7332077

No they don't, IQ tests claim to measure "human intelligence" or "logic ability".

>> No.7332079


>> No.7332082


IQ is in part influence by education attainment. People who are educated make better decisions for health, future partners and what/how their children learn.

I agree that on average african americans have lower IQ (or intelligence if you prefer) average than other populations in the US. But compared to the population stock they originated from they still have a higher IQ/intelligence average.

>> No.7332093


>> No.7332097


>> No.7332103

using an IQ test to measure intelligence is akin to a paranormal research expert using an EMF meter to check for ghosts. it's full retard.

>> No.7332108

Yes. Pattern recognition is a basic skill for science in general and specially mathematics. And that's the only kind of intelligence that sets us apart from animals, i.e. the only intelligence that matters.

>> No.7332111

Oh please stfu

>IQ is in part influence by education attainment
In part.

For the most part, it's genetic.

>People who are educated make better decisions for health, future partners and what/how their children learn.
And people who have high IQs tend to perform better academically hence get to be more educated.

>I agree that on average african americans have lower IQ (or intelligence if you prefer) average than other populations in the US. But compared to the population stock they originated from they still have a higher IQ/intelligence average.
That's for sure. Probably the white and indian admixture.

IQ tests are widely accepted by the academic community as a valid test to measure intelligence. Only social scientists and other assorted SJWs deny the validity of IQ tests.

>> No.7332112
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>IQ tests are widely accepted by the academic community as a valid test to measure intelligence

>> No.7332172


> That's for sure. Probably the white and indian admixture

Well it's not only that but they also have greater opportunities for better diets which is shown to increase IQ.

Also they seem to follow a common trend of populations who deviate from africa and have higher average IQ's.

The exceptions to this being Aboriginal Australians and the artic populations in northern Eurasia such as the Tungu and the Altai.

>> No.7332198

>short term memory,
IQ tests do measure your short term memory - or more specifically, your working memory - though.

>> No.7332200


>> No.7332511

Once again /pol/ please leave