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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7327905 No.7327905 [Reply] [Original]

A guy in my chemistry class wears a lab coat every day, even when we aren't working with dangerous chemicals. He's literally the only student who wears a lab coat, as our professor doesn't make them mandatory. Is he being a tryhard faggot?

>> No.7327907

>Is he being a tryhard faggot

>> No.7327908

Yes, labcoats should only be used inside the lab. He's probably some stupid faggot that would just as easily wear a fedora and cum on plastic ponies.

>> No.7327911

No, he's being someone who takes his career seriously.

Speaking as a bio major here: In every class I can always tell who's a science major, and who's a liberal arts loser who's just taking the course as a general ed. I wonder which category you fall into, OP?

>> No.7327914

>labcoats should only be used inside the lab
...It's a lab. Was that not clear? I did mention working with chemicals.

>> No.7327922

Does your professor wear a coat?

>> No.7327926
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Consider two random chemistry students:

Student A is slovenly and unkempt, doesn't wear a lab coat or gloves, and usually has to be reminded to wear goggles. His hair is uncombed, he wears band shirts and other kid stuff, and generally gives off an air of "I'd rather be in my dorm watching Game of Thrones right now." Don't be this guy.

Student B is sharp and alert, dresses professionally with her lab coat neatly pressed, and gives off an air of "let's get some fucking SCIENCE done."

Now, I wonder which student the professor likes better? I wonder which student will be given all the extra credit opportunities, job recommendations, etc.?

>> No.7327927


Oh. Well then it's perfectly understandable, even if it's not dangerous you don't want stinky shit over your nice clothes because some idiot doesn't know how to use a stirrer.

>> No.7327928


But I just figure he's the professor, it's part of the uniform.

>> No.7327934

When I worked in a lab wearing a lab coat and goggles was mandatory. What the fuck is wrong with you people not wearing a lab coat in a lab? It's so easy to get yourself dirty.

>> No.7327939
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>strawmen, strawmen everywhere

Consider the opposite:

Student A is sharp and alert, wears business casual, and is all "let's get some fucking science done."

Student B wears band shirts, has an anime ringtone on her phone, gives off an air of "I'd rather be in my dorm watching Doctor Who", and wears a lab coat in a desperate attempt at looking somewhat professional.

Wow, it's almost like your attitude is more important than how you're dressed or something!

>> No.7327940

Your school must be shit if the "professor" doesn't require labcoats in the lab.

>> No.7327941

>I don't wear a coat because nobody else wears a coat
>Someone wears a coat
>He only does it to impress us and not because it's handy and safe.

>> No.7327944

Why? It's a handy way of seeing who really enjoys science and likes the idea of being a scientist, and who's only taking the course to satisfy a requirement.

>> No.7327993

No, it's just a shitty way to run a lab. No one wants chemical stains on their clothes.

>> No.7328010

>No one wants chemical stains on their clothes
Then wear a coat.

It's your clothes, so it should be your choice.

>> No.7328016

>bio major
>making fun of liberal arts
Choose one

>> No.7328019

Bitch, I wear a labcoat all day every day

>Do you even science

>> No.7328026

>lol biologists aren't real ziendisds :DDDD ebin :DDD

Let's play "spot the undergrad!"

>> No.7328036
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>our professor doesn't make [lab coats] mandatory
wat the fuck?

>> No.7328060
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>all these fags arguing about whether they should wear a lab coat in first year chem incase they spill the fucking lemon juice and vinegar

For most of you it literally doesn't matter, they're not going to let you handle anything dangerous to begin with.

If you actually do work in a real chemistry lab, you'll quickly know if you should wear a lab-coat or not. And you sure as shit won't be walking around in public with it because it'll be fucking disgusting looking and smelly.

>> No.7328071

What kind of shit first year labs did you have?

>> No.7328098


Who the fuck wears business casual but not a lab coat? That's just asking to get stains on your shirt/slacks. If you're wearing a crappy tshirt and jeans then it's more acceptable to not have a coat, since if they get stained you'll just toss them anyways

>If you actually do work in a real chemistry lab, you'll quickly know if you should wear a lab-coat or not. And you sure as shit won't be walking around in public with it because it'll be fucking disgusting looking and smelly.

>not being issued multiple embroidered lab coats so you have an unstained one to wear in public

What kind of shitty institution do you work at?

>> No.7328099

I only wear coats to lab

But I always wear them in lab

Even if I'm not working with anything particularly dangerous, I like to make it a habit.
It's not about whether or not I can handle the materials safely, it's a precaution for idiots near me.

>> No.7328116

>Who the fuck wears business casual but not a lab coat?
Why don't you stop telling people what to wear in the lab you turbonerd?

>eeeeechhhhchxcuse me *takes puff on inhaler* why aren't you wearing a lab coat?!
This is why scientists have such a bad name, and are frequently stereotyped as socially awkward, autistic, etc.

>> No.7328129

im a plant biologist

i dont even have my own lab coat, i just find one of the lab ones floating around if i ever need to use one, which is maybe once a year

i usually dont even wear gloves unless i'm working in the gel room

the only time i ever got out the full protective kit was an ems mutagenesis i did a couple months ago

>> No.7328140

Yes, he is like that guy who wander around with a 'hard' book and reads it in public, just to show off

>> No.7328144
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>being so American that you get pissy when you see people reading in public

>> No.7328176
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, mad scientist so cooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the guy you're talking about?

>> No.7328250

It's actually a woman. I just said "guy" because I didn't want /sci/ bringing their beta sexist bullshit into it.

>> No.7328255

>imma gril btw
Sanchez pls

>> No.7328276


>> No.7328302

he's being #distractinglysexy

>> No.7328361
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Books make me feel safe.
The author and his creation are both physically close to me (to the desired extent atleast) when I can quickly commune with them.

>> No.7328386

Reminds me of that one guy in my class who always wears suit and ties. I study political science.

>> No.7328404

>this somehow wasn't the first reply

>> No.7328492

>science major
You tried.

>> No.7328638


Again, see >>7327926

Who do you think the professor is going to write recommendation letters for? The guy who works hard, studies hard, and looks like he wants to be there? Or the guy who looks like he'd rather be in his dorm watching The Walking Dead?

>> No.7328645

Maybe he just doesn't have time to do laundry, what with all the autism.

>> No.7328684

your skin your choice i guess, make sure you remember your coat on the important days.

>> No.7328691


Have you considered that he might have a lab directly after class, or might be coming from one?

>> No.7328695

>your skin your choice


>> No.7328708

Probably whoever puts the most effort into actively learning in the class. Something that really has nothing to do with appearance

>> No.7328739
File: 65 KB, 950x1200, labcoat-ophelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually a woman

>> No.7328740

>Studying chem
>People are saying he is useless for studying bio
Is this some new form of trolling?

>> No.7328741

I wear a lab coat when I go because I have no where to put it.

If we don't use it in class I just put it in my backpack or satchel.

>> No.7328764

You shouldn't be wearing a labcoat outside of the lab. The point is that the dangerous shit gets on the coat and not anything important. Wearing it around is like a badge saying you don't actually do anything because the coat doesn't have any crap on it.

Etiquette for when you are overdressed is to dress down to the occasion, which is easy for guys because he pretty much just needs to take off the jacket. You're almost always able to dress down from being dressed up, so it is a good strategy to overdress in most situation. On the other hand, he knows the nature of the classes after the first day, so if the professor isn't wearing a suit then he shouldn't be coming in a suit. Maybe he just got into a Costanza problem of deciding to double down on ridiculousness.

>> No.7328766
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>Probably whoever puts the most effort into actively learning in the class.

>> No.7328852
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He doesn't want to spill shit on his fancy clothes.

>> No.7329032


I'm always wearing a lab coat. I have separate ones a for inside/outside the actual lab to prevent contamination.

Why would you -not- wear a lab coat?

>> No.7329047

>mfw I'm literally that first dude
>mfw when I have no face

>> No.7329456
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>lab coats not being mandatory

>> No.7329493

feminist bullshit again, why is it a woman who is "sharp" and "ready to get some fucking science done" ?

>> No.7329574


>> No.7329699

This changes everything. I was imagining someone wearing it to class. no, if it's in a lab there is no limit to PPE and it sounds like he's actually a real alpha for going against the grain to be professional.

>> No.7329711

This is the only acceptable way to be a fedora lab coat wearer. always have both an indoor and outdoor lab coat, or you might as well be wearing your gloves to your next class.

>> No.7329717


which lab coat should i buy?

>> No.7329748

The one that gives protection.
If you consider it as some fashion statement, you're as terrible as the fags here who scream "stop telling me what to wear in the lab!!1!!" when asked for their lack of labcoats

>> No.7329754

> a danger to getting the lab shut down and making a lot of people lose their job
> unfashionable
one of these is unlike the other.

>> No.7329755

Just because you wear something for protection doesnt mean it has to look like ass.

>> No.7329767

tch. MRA bullshit again. Why does it have to matter?

>> No.7329777

safety must come first before looks

>> No.7329778

Honestly I'm more likely to assume the "slacker guy" knows his stuff and is confident enough to present himself merely on the merits of his ability and the overdressed one is a brown-nosing grade grubber who dresses sharp to compensate for a lack of ability.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.7329783

I feel like the slacker guy's skin is burning from the spilled acid

>> No.7329786

>business casual to a lab
i'd fail that fucking retard right there

>> No.7329813
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>all these chemistry cucks arguing about lab coats
>mfw superior math major who don't need no coat

>> No.7329836

Quentin, is that you?

>> No.7329893


>> No.7329919

safety and good looks aren't mutually exclusive though. i can get lab coat with material that is effective at blocking chemicals, fire retardant, and plaid/striped.

>> No.7329984

Yeah, you need to look for the guy with a cheetoh-stained Dragonforce tee shirt and cargo shorts. That's the mark of brilliance right there.

>> No.7329996
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It makes me feel like you watch too much TV.

The "eccentric genius" trope is something you see in fiction more than in real life. Characters like L, BBC's Sherlock, the prosecutors from Phoenix Wright, etc. are a nerd's fantasy; being able to wear whatever the hell you want and still be taken seriously.

Reality is not so forgiving. If you show up to the first day of lab looking like Abby from NCIS, you're immediately slotting yourself as "that guy" no one will want to work with. It doesn't matter how much you know about chemistry if you're a social retard.

>> No.7330005
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Okay, it's a guy now. Happy?

>> No.7330028

in my university everytime we get into the lab we always wear a coat
its he doing right and you are taking it easy
is it a college or what

>> No.7330029

>not wearing a lab coat inside the lab at all times
>not being mandatory
You and your teacher are fucking retarded.

>> No.7330089

Are you one of those people who think seatbelts should be mandatory for all drivers, too?

Fucking soccer moms.

>> No.7330259

You're just jealous you don't get to wear one.

>> No.7330265

What do you have against seatbelts? They aren't much of an inconvenience and I hardly think them being compulsory is a big issue.

>> No.7330275

>Are you one of those people who think seatbelts should be mandatory for all drivers, too?
Kek, all drivers but you.

>> No.7330284
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>Are you one of those people who think seatbelts should be mandatory for all drivers
Holy shit, what shit hole are you from?

>> No.7330300

To summarise OP is a fucking moron who works in a lab with shit standards.

>> No.7330327

Fascist bootlickers.

>> No.7330364

I hope you die in a car crash lel

>> No.7330376
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>> No.7330735
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>> No.7332354

Cool I'm aiming to be a plant biologist :)

>> No.7332368

>Ophelia Cummings

>> No.7332373

how to do latex here?
[latex]$2^2 = 4$[\latex]
[latex]2^2 = 4[\latex]
<div class="math">$2^2 = 4[\eqn]
<div class="math">2^2 = 4[\eqn]
$$2^2 = 4$$
$2^2 = 4$</div></div>

>> No.7332391

Go up to him, lift his shirt up, lick his bare nipple, nibble on it a little, put a stethoscope on the fresh saliva, tell him "I diagnose you with Faggiosis."

>> No.7332425

[ math ] TeX [ / math] - inline without the spaces
[ eqn ] TeX [ / eqn ] - block without the spaces

>> No.7332427

lol fucking shit, \ vs /

>> No.7333002
File: 59 KB, 800x597, fedoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this fag doesn't even wear a labcoat.

Maybe your fedora will protect you.

>> No.7333046


>> No.7334055

>lab coats not mandatory
do you do experiments with pop corn and shit?

>> No.7334067

Wearing a lab coat when you're not working with dangerous chemicals is like wearing a life jacket on land.

>> No.7334425
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Rebecca Miyamoto looks upscaled in that pic.

>> No.7334454

I had a job at my university where I had to wear a labcoat most of the time (le stockroom). Pretty early on in my job, I ruined a brand new pair of jeans with bleach and decided to just wear a labcoat whenever I worked in a lab. This included physics labs, etc. I didn't really give a shit what other people thought of me, I just didn't want to ruin my clothing. Eventually it just became habit and I didn't really give it any thought.
Unlike wearing a fedora, wearing a labcoat in lab conditions is a good habit. If one of your classmates is practicing that habit, then let them do it. It doesn't really matter why they're doing it, since no matter what, it should benefit them in the long run.

>> No.7334612

It's more like wearing a captain's hat while not piloting anything.